National FFA Week 2018

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National FFA Organization 2018

The Northern Virginia Daily

Frederick, Shenandoah and Warren County Farm Bureaus are proud to support FFA activities in our communities-during National FFA Week, Feb. 17-24 and every day! FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of its members by developing their potential forpremier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Today’s members are tomorrow’s leaders of Virginia’s No. 1 industry, and we salute our FFA members, advisers, volunteers and alumni!

The Northern Virginia Daily

National FFA Organization 2018


National FFA Organization 2018



he National FFA Organization is an American youth organization known as a Career and Technical Student Organization, based on middle and high school classes that promote and support agricultural education. The organization was founded in 1928 as National FFA Organization, but in 1988 the name was changed to the National FFA Organization, now commonly referred to as simply FFA, to recognize that the organization is for those with diverse interests in the food, fiber and natural resource industries, encompassing science, business and technology in addition to production agriculture. Today FFA is one of the largest youth organizations in the United States. MOTTO Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. THE FFA CREED

The Northern Virginia Daily

FFA EMBLEM The cross section of the ear of corn provides the foundation of the emblem, just as corn has historically served as the foundation crop of American agriculture. It is also a symbol of unity, as corn is grown in every state of the nation. The rising sun signifies progress and holds a promise that tomorrow will bring a new day glowing with opportunity. The plow signifies labor and tillage of the soil, the backbone of agriculture and the historic foundation of our country’s strength. The eagle is a national symbol which serves as a reminder of our freedom and ability to explore new horizons for the future of agriculture. The owl, long recognized for its wisdom, symbolizes the knowledge required to be successful in the industry of agriculture. The words “Agricultural Education” and “FFA” are emblazoned in the center to signify the combination of learning and leadership necessary for progressive agriculture.

I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds : achievements won by the present and past generations of agriculturists; in the promise of better days through better ways, even WHAT DO THE LETTERS FFA STAND FOR? as the better things we now enjoy have come to us from the struggles of forThe official name of the organization is the National FFA mer years. Organization. I believe that to live and work on a good farm, or to be engaged in other agricultural pursuits, is pleasant as well as challenging; for I know the joys The letters “FFA” stand for Future Farmers of America. These letters are a part of our history and our heritage that will never change. But and discomforts of agricultural life and hold an inborn fondness for those FFA is not just for students who want to be production farmers; FFA associations which, even in hours of discouragement, I cannot deny. also welcomes members who aspire to careers as teachers, doctors, I believe in leadership from ourselves and respect from others. I believe in scientists, business owners and more. For this reason, the name of the my own ability to work efficiently and think clearly, with such knowledge organization was updated in 1988 after a vote of national convention and skill as I can secure, and in the ability of progressive agriculturists to delegates to reflect the growing diversity and new opportunities in the serve our own and the public interest in producing and marketing the prod- industry of agriculture. uct of our toil. Today, the National FFA Organization remains committed to the indiI believe in less dependence on begging and more power in bargaining; in vidual student, providing a path to achievement in premier leadership, the life abundant and enough honest wealth to help make it so—for others personal growth and career success through agricultural education. as well as myself; in less need for charity and more of it when needed; in FFA continues to help the next generation rise up to meet those chalbeing happy myself and playing square with those whose happiness lenges by helping its members to develop their own unique talents depends upon me. and explore their interests in a broad range of agricultural career I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best tra- pathways. So today, we are still the Future Farmers of America. But, ditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and we are the Future Biologists, Future Chemists, Future Veterinarians, community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task. Future Engineers and Future Entrepreneurs of America, too. MISSION OUR STRUCTURE FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing FFA is an organization made up of state associations; those state their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. associations are made up of local chapters.

The Northern Virginia Daily

National FFA Organization 2018

Admiral Byrd Middle School

Central High School

James Wood Middle School

James Wood High School

Millbrook High School


The Northern Virginia Daily

National FFA Organization 2018


For the last nine years, the FFA chapter has organized a school-wide club leadership workshop with approximately 40 students from three grade levels participating in a two hour club leadership workshop. Following the workshops, the Read “Sleep Tight Little Farm” to elementary students. The book was participants attended sponsored by Virginia Farm Bureau Agriculture in the Classroom. a motivating presentation. Students from four FFA sponsored middle schools motivational participated in the presentations Mobile Dairy about choices Classroom from and challenges Southwest Dairy students will face. Association visited to discuss aspects of the Mr. Lloyd Phillips dairy industry. Personal Trainer was the guest speaker.

Kyra Fieo, Jennifer Angel, Sarah Moreland, Erica Feuerstein, and Mattea Krejci participated in the State Small Animal Care CDE at State Convention, Blacksburg, Virginia. Foltz Division Edinburg, VA (540) 984-8138 Officer Team President: Sarah Blanton Vice President: Tim Gaul Secretary: Jennifer Angel Reporter: Kyra Fieo Treasurer: Aaron Hammond Sentinel: Zachary Wood Advisors: Mrs. Kathy Ritenour & Mrs. Susan Harrison

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The Northern Virginia Daily

National FFA Organization 2018


Aylor Middle FFA Chapter is located in Stephens City and has 94 FFA members this school year. Aylor has been very active in student and chapter events since the State FFA Convention last June at Va Tech. Twenty one members competed at FFA Convention and Aylor placed first in the state in Food and Fiber as well as Plant Science Career Development Events. The FFA Quiz Bowl Team was second in the state. Other highlights of the convention included placing first in the State FFA Creed Contest. Gabrielle Sakai represented Virginia at the National FFA Convention in October where she received a bronze rating. Aylor also had two members advance to the National FFA Agriscience Fair. Stella Wallin was 4th in the nation in the Food Science division and Isabel Hall was rated Silver in the Natural Resources Division. We have also been busy with chapter activities that offer members the chance to com-

pete in events, develop leadership skills and sponsor events in the school and community. Some of our chapter events have included visits from the Virginia State Officers, a Harvest Dinner, and watching Temple Grandin . We also sponsored a “Welcome Back” breakfast for our faculty.

and Greenhand Ceremony and our FFA Dinner and Auction in February. Sixth graders will receive their FFA Membership pins as well.

Our chapter has also been visited twice this year by State FFA Treasurer Justin Petrie who went to Aylor Middle and Sherando Members also participated in the State FFA High. Justin will be attending VA Tech next Leadership Conference at Va Tech as well as fall to major in agriculture. the Northern Area Leadership Event at Signal Knob Middle School.

Our eighth grade Ag Technology students traveled to Sherando in November for “Hands On Horticulture”, a program designed to introduce middle school students to the horticulture industry with activities on floral design, landscaping, outdoor gardening and greenhouses. Some upcoming events are the Discovery

Supporters of FFA (SOFFA) Salutes the over 700 agriculture students and over 200 FFA members in grades 6-8 at Aylor Middle School and Sherando High School

681 Aylor Road P.O. Box 1117 Stephens City, VA 22655

(540) 868-1001


Fax: (540) 868-1011

Hours By Appointment: Monday-Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm • Saturday: 8:00am - 2:00pm

The Northern Virginia Daily

National FFA Organization 2018


Chapter History and Awards the members have received:

since 1992

• Christmas Food Basket

• 24 State Officers

• Relay for Life

• Central FFA Chapter began in 1959 with the opening of the new high. Our chapter was a merger between Edinburg High School and Woodstock High School in 1959.

• 8 State Star Farmer Award Winners

• National FFA Courtesy Corp

• 3 State Star in Agricultural Placement

• 13 advisors

• 2 State Stars in Agriscience

• Pre-K Farm Day: Students visit a local farm, to see a real working farm. Students are introduced to farm animals, equipment, are able to see pigs, sheep, goats, cows, a horse and chickens and working dogs. Students are able to milk a cow, plant seeds and learn the grains that go into their food.

• 2 State Stars in Agribusiness

• 66 State Winning teams since • 93 American Degree recipients – 1978 the highest degree an FFA mem- • 4 State Agriscience Student of the Year ber can receive

• 3 National Officers

• 2 American Star Farmer Finalist • 1 Regional American Star in Agribusiness

• National Model of Innovation Finalist 4 Years

• #3 Star Chapter on National • 2 National Agriscience Student of Level Community Service Projects the Year Finalist • 12 National Proficiency Award Finalist • 3 National Proficiency Award Winners (2006 Adam Heishman – Sheep entrepreneurship, 2010 Aaron Heishman- Diversified Livestock Entrepreneurship, 2017 Samuel Rhodes – Forest Management Placement) • 62 State Proficiency Winners Central FFA Seniors Officers 2017-2018 President: Kaitlin Mantz Student Advisor: Jessica Myers Vice Presidents: Jacob Coffey, Jacob French, Isaac Rhodes Secretary: Megan Babcock Treasurer: Olivia Wightman Reporter: Darden Lear Sentinel: Olivia Gochenour Parliamentarian: Ezra Smith Central FFA Jr. Officers 2017-2018 President: Lillie Johnstone Vice President: Shyann Jordan Secretary: Marian French Treasurer: Sierra Miller Reporter: Ashley Bushong Sentinel: Trey French Parliamentarian: Tyler Bushong

• National FFA Day of Service: Program is to actively educate FFA members and their advisors on how various community needs can be addressed, how FFA members' skills can be utilized to effect community change, and how FFA members can take information learned at one community service site to provide a similar service in their own community.

Agricultural Literacy

• Kindergarten and first grade classes tour greenhouse: Students learn the parts of plants, how plants grow and are able to plant flower for Mother’s Day. • First and second grade Nature Trail Tours: Students visit the newly planted wide variety of trees behind the high school. Students learn how to identify trees, environmental impacts and wildlife conservation.

• Fourth Grade Food for America: Live animals, farm equipment, lawn/ turf equipment and wildlife habitat are a few of the stations students get to see. Students learn • National FFA Rally to Fight Hunger: Working with Kids Against not only about the livestock, and crops but where their food actually Hunger, a humanitarian food-aid comes from and what goes into organization, FFA members from across the nation assemble meals producing each product. and gather additional supplements • Farming Fun Day for first to provide relief from hunger and malnutrition. Half of the meals were distributed through Gleaners Food Bank in Indianapolis. The other half of the meals shipped Serving Breakfast overseas and distributed in Haiti.

graders: Students get to see live farm animals –cows, sheep, pigs, horses, goats, chickens and tractors. They plant a seeds to take home, learn about grains, eat ice cream, milk a cow and learn about small animal care. • Fish Clinic for sixth grade: Students visit a local pond and learn about fish habitat, water safety, environmental impacts and how to fish. Students also get to taste various types of fish. After learning how to fish students are giving hands on practice - they get to go fishing! • Leadership and team building workshop for 7th grade: Working with the home room class students are sent through a rotation of various activities to learn leadership and speaking skills as well as team building.


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• Adopt a Highway • Participate in Ole Time Festival • Operation Christmas Child • Woodstock Christmas Parade • Petting Zoos • Edinburg Christmas Parade

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The Northern Virginia Daily

National FFA Organization 2018

Advisors: Kaila Anglin and Tori Avvenire

JWMS FFA: 50 members

Membership Total: 65 FFA members

Attended: National FFA Convention & State FFA Convention

Chapter Activities: Operation Christmas Child, Plans to work with new school gardens, Fruit Fundraiser, Hunger Project, Bingo

Compete in many FFA contests: Food and Fiber, Small Animal Care, Quiz Bowl, Livestock Judging and Jr Stockmans, Plant and Seed, Crops

Competitions: State Fair Jr. Dairyman’s, Agricultural Mechanics, Food & Fiber, Quiz Bowl, Small Animal Care, Block and Bridle Stockman’s and Livestock Judging

Community Service: Participate in the School's recycling program, Send cards to soldiers


National FFA Organization 2018


James Wood High FFA was established in 1952 and has grown ever since. The FFA organization is not only a club but a way of life for those who make the most of it. The chapter currently has 92 members, 12 officers and 3 Advisors. The Ag Dept itself has 207 students enrolled in 10 different agriculture courses. James Wood FFA participates in a variety of events including: community service, monthly meetings, leadership workshops, conventions, chapter fundraisers, career development events, and much more. Through chapter activities, James Wood FFA members have a true understanding of leadership, community service, and agriculture awareness. They put on Greenhouse Tours and Farm on the Lawn for local third graders, a Blood drive, Citrus Sales, and continued the Strawberry Sale in the spring since it was a success last year. Throughout the year these students will compete in over 15 different Career Development Events. Students also earn the right to travel to our National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana to partake in events with over 60,000 other FFA members from all over the nation.

Career Development Events


Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems

Horticulture Demonstration

Agricultural Sales




Forestry Field Day

Milk Quality and Products



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Nursery Landscape

The Northern Virginia Daily

James Wood FFA 2017-2018 Officer Team President: Sierra Miller Vice President: Emily Newlin Secretary: Felicia Long Reporter: Cade Watts Treasurer: Dominic Cox Sentinel: Hayley Seabright Senior Advisor: Olivia Christian Head 2nd Vice President: Cyle Dehaven 2nd Vice President: Marquis Smith 2nd Vice President: Dalton Earhart Historian: Emmah Duvall Federation Representative: Blake Sandy Advisor: Crystal Duvall Advisor: Eric McLaughlin Advisor: Ginger Anderson

Public Speaking Vet Science

The Northern Virginia Daily

Community Service ● We care for a 2 mile stretch of road near our school through an Adopt - A Highway program. ● We hold a bake sale during our cancer awareness week to help raise funds for a cancer organization. This year we raised over 100 dollars!

National FFA Organization 2018

Left: Several of our students went to the National FFA Convention this year. They were enjoying a tour of a local museum. Right: Our members helped with a car show this fall that was raising money for a local community member with cancer.

● We host a blood drive each school year. ● We donate extra fruit from our fundraiser to a local food pantry. ● We host a Halloween Carnival in conjunction with other CTE organizations and raise money to donate to a local charity.

A group of our members at National Convention.

Career Development Events and Leadership Development Events ● Dairymen’s ● Envirothon ● Job Interview ● Horticulture Demonstration ● Public Speaking ● Stockman’s

● Floriculture

● Nursery Landscape

● Forestry

● Ag Mechanics Officers President: Cara George Vice President: Sarah Allder and Hannah Sampson Secretary: Emma Krise Treasurer: Michael Chase Reporter: Charles Shepley Sentinel: Salem Priet Historian: Amanda Saunders

This is one of our Adopt- A - Highway groups from this fall.


The Northern Virginia Daily

National FFA Organization 2018


Preparing Our Youth for the Future

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The Northern Virginia Daily

National FFA Organization 2018


The Northern Virginia Daily

National FFA Organization 2018


Throughout the year we have competed at the Federation Level in Tractor Driving (placing 2nd), Ag. Mechanics (placing 2nd) and Quiz Bowl (placing 5th). We are currently preparing to compete in Plant Science and the Food and Fiber Contests. Our chapter has successfully raised hats, socks and gloves for our local youth by starting a new community service project titled “Knock, Knock Give a Sock”. Our chapter is excited about FFA Week as they plan dress up days, staff appreciation events and games for students!

Auto and Trailer 540-984-4899

President: Garrett Custer Vice-Presidents: Madison Tusing and Stella Long Secretaries: Tiffany Lear and Houston Kibler Treasurers: Kaden Custer and Trey Heishman Reporters: Ethan Beckenstrater and Heather Hall Sentinels: Wyatt Fleming and Josh Glick Student Advisor: Braya Dysart FFA Ambassadors: Haley Tharp & Harry Foosnes


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The Northern Virginia Daily

We have had several chapter meetings where members have participated in team building activities, heard from two of our State Officers, joined Central FFA for their holiday meeting, and competed in STEM activities. Members have participated in three Career Development Events this year. We have had teams in the Federation Quiz Bowl, Ag Mechanics, and Food & Fiber contests and are currently preparing for the State Meats Evaluation CDE.

National FFA Organization 2018


President: Emma Eberly Vice President: Reagan Bowman Vice President: Lindsey Rigby Secretary: Madison Marston Treasurer: Samuel Steed Sentinel: Weston Copp

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The Northern Virginia Daily

National FFA Organization 2018


Career Development Events Agriculture Demo

Agricultural Sales

Agricultural Mechanics

Cattle Working

Conduct of Meetings

Creed Speaking


Dairy Cattle Evaluation


Environmental and Natural Resources



Forestry Evaluation

2016-2017 Officer Team President: Zack Morris Vice Presidents: Jonathan Ames, Erin Orgen Secretary: Grayson Moyer Treasurer: Hailey Catalano Reporters: Jeremy Petrie, Mason Beall Sentinel: Logan Hartley Historians: Mallory Painter, Hannah Burton Chaplain: Matt Hartley Parliamentarian: Tyler Hazelwood Student Advisors: Morgan Strickler, Brittany Driver Advisors: Chrissy Whitacre, Ashlee Edwards, Liz Borst, Jeff Stout

Job Interview

ice, monthly meetings, leadership workshops, conventions, chapter fundraisers, career development events, and much more.

Meats Evaluation

Community Service

Milk Quality and Products

Sherando FFA members know the importance of giving back to the community and participate in many community service events each year.

Horse Hippology

Horticulture Demonstration

Parliamentary Procedure

Poultry Evaluation

Public Speaking

Small Engine Repair

Soil Evaluation


Tractor Operators Tractor Troubleshooting Veterinary Science Sherando High School FFA Sherando FFA was established in 1993 and has been extremely active ever since. It was established for those with an interest in agriculture and continues to help students discover their unique talents and explore the growing diversity of agriculture. The chapter currently has 115 members, 14 officers and 4 Advisors. Sherando FFA participates in a variety of events including: community serv-

Local events include hosting a Senior Citizen's Prom, Amerisist holiday visit, Adopt a Family, Salvation Army Food Drive, and flowers for Special Needs Prom to name a few.

We are committed in supporting the local FFA chapters & wish them continued success! SUPPORT OUR

Hot dogs & drinks available for sale

On March 4th the FFA chapters from James Wood High School and Sherando High School will be selling emblems from 10 am - 12 noon. Southern States will match up to $500 from each store.

IN STEPHENS CITY 5784 Valley Pike (540) 869-3132

IN WINCHESTER 447 Amherst Street (540) 662-0375

The Northern Virginia Daily

National FFA Organization 2018

Summer of 2017 activities:

dents of Greenfield Assistance Living in Strasburg • Participated in numerous Career Development Event contests at • Competed in the Federation FFA the State FFA Convention Quiz Bowl and Agriscience • Attended the Virginia State FFA Mechanics Career Development Event contests Leadership Camp at Graves Mountain Lodge • Held a fruit, meat, and cheese Some of our Fall and Winter activ- fundraiser ities include: • Held an officer holiday social

• Held a three day officer retreat at • Sponsored a school Valentine’s Yogi Bear Park in Luray Dance for all students in our • Participated in a two day canoe school trip to study local waterways with • Sponsored a FFA Blood Drive the Chesapeake Bay Foundation with the American Red Cross (to • Assisted with the implementation be held February 19th) of the new Strasburg Community • Planning a chapter pubic speakGardens ing contest and then participate in

• Held a Veteran’s Day Breakfast Program to honor veterans in our community

the Federation Public Speaking Career Development Event contests

• Hosted the Northern Area FFA Leadership Workshop

Some of our Spring time activities include:

• Served a community meal at St. Paul Lutheran Church

• Holding an Ag. Day Tour for our FFA members to tour a variety of places in Shenandoah County

• Volunteered at the Sandy Hook PTO Fall Festival

• Attended the Collegiate FFA Leadership Workshop at Virginia Tech

• Attended National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana

• Held a holiday social with resi-

• Speaking to elementary school students to promote agriculture • Participating in the FFA State Conduct of Meetings Leadership Development Event • Participate in a variety of FFA Career Development Event contests

“Country Deli & Butcher Shoppe” We would like to thank the local FFA chapters for purchasing meat and cheese products for their annual fruit sale. We are proud to provide quality products for their fundraising program. We wish them continued success. Rt. 686 off 675 West of Edinburg, 984-8219 ext. 1 Mon. - Fri. 8am-5pm • Sat. 8am-1pm Always featuring quality, fresh poultry and meat products.

• Visit the residents of Greenfield Assisted Living



• Holding a social with Virginia • Participate in an Adopt-A-Stream State FFA Officers and a National FFA Officer Project • Visit the Veterans Affairs hospital • Dress-up Days for Students & Staff in Martinsburg, WV • Hold a chapter parent- member awards banquet

• Serving refreshments to faculty and staff

Summer 2018:

• Radio public service announcements recorded by officers and will be broadcasted on various radio stations

Attend the Virginia State FFA Convention at Virginia Tech and compete in several FFA Career Development Event contests Attend the Virginia State FFA Leadership Camp at Graves Mountain Lodge

• Speaking at the Strasburg Town Council meeting and having the FFA Week Proclamation signed by Strasburg Mayor, Rich Orndorff

Hold the FFA Back-to-School Blast-Off Leadership Workshop at the Strasburg Town Park

• Holding a social for FFA members

In celebration of National FFA Week, some of our activities

• FFA and Agriculture Trivia games will be played all week

• Giving faculty and staff gifts each day in their mailboxes


National FFA Organization 2018

three schools. We normally get Stonewall Jackson FFA has been about 100 bags of litter, and we are glad to do our part to help very active in helping our community for many years. Some of our area. the projects are: 4. Flowers in Mt. Jackson. We plant flowers from our green1. Bell Ringing for the Salvation house in the large whiskey barrel Army. The first Saturday in containers along the sidewalks in December, we ring the bell at Save-a-Lot in Mt. Jackson. Some Mt. years it is freezing cold, but we Jackson. The town purchases are warmed by seeing almost all other plants to help fill the conwho enter the store contribute tainers. Children from the Mount something to the kettle. Calvary Day Care Center water the plants all summer, and the 2. Outfield Signs at Rebel Park. To help the Rebels Boosters, we town is prettier because of the design, draw and paint the signs efforts of all. on the outfield fence at the 5. Donating Fruit to the Senior Rebels Baseball Park in New Center. For 38 years, our chapter Market. Some businesses share has donated citrus fruit to the logos, which we draw onto plyShenandoah County Senior wood sheets, then paint by hand. Center to go into their Christmas We are always pleased by how bags for homebound seniors. We professional the signs look. Signs usually give about ten boxes of are replaced about every five oranges, and we hope lives are years or when necessary. touched through this gift.

have bell-shaped leaves.

3. Adopt-A-Highway. Our chapter was one of the first groups in Shenandoah County to adopt roads to pick up litter in conjunction with VDOT. We have adopted 4 miles of roadway, including through the Meems Bottom Covered Bridge, through the industrial park, and around the

• James Eaton: In my basic Ag class freshman year, I learned about Robert’s Rules of Order and running a meeting. While this skill didn’t help me out much in school, it came into play outside of school. With the knowledge I learned in class, I was able to run my 4-H meetings very effectively

FFA and Community Service

Learning in Ag and FFA Students were asked to give an example of something they learned in Ag class or through the FFA: • Levi Zirkle: What I learned is how to identify trees. For instance, Southern Red Oaks

• Faith Dellinger: FFA has taught me a lot of things that I can apply to my future, but something I really love is meats judging. I get to find the final yield grade of carcasses and identify over one hundred cuts of meat. A lot of people can’t do that, and I think it’s unique that being in FFA taught me. • Robert Baker: I learned how to make cornhole boards and a bench. • Sarah Streett: I’ve learned how to comfortably speak in front of crowds and answer agriculture related questions on the spot through the FFA’s Creed Speaking CDE. • Ben Burch: I have learned how to correctly judge cattle for the Virginia FFA State Convention. We spent time figuring out the perfect look, size and breed.

The Northern Virginia Daily

SJ FFA Officers 2017-18 President: Dakota Baker Vice-Presidents: David Moomaw Ben Burch Lindsay Zirkle Sarah Streett Secretaries: James Eaton Josh Gordon Emily Rexrode Rhonnie Miller

as President. The members of my club have also picked up on meeting structure, which has shortened our meeting time. • Emily Rexrode: In FFA I have learned it is more important to work as a group, rather than try to do everything on your own. You don’t want just one person putting the banquet together and running it all. You need everyone to come together to make a big event like that happen. • Matt Dove: One thing I have improved on is my woodworking skills. After taking Ag classes, I feel comfortable working with the different machines and working on a variety of different projects.

The Mount Jackson Moose Lodge #979 An international organization of men and women, dedicated to caring for young and old, bringing communities closer together and celebrating life.


The Northern Virginia Daily

Strasburg FFA participates in a variety of Career Development Events (CDEs) and Leadership Development Events (LDEs) throughout the school year. CDEs/LDEs give students the opportunity to apply knowledge learned in the classroom in a competitive setting. Students can compete individually, or as a team, depending on the event. Students begin competition at the federation (local) level, and then can advance to compete at the area, state, and/or national levels.

National FFA Organization 2018


placed 7th @ state level

2017 – 1ST place @ state level, 2015 – Junior team placed 1st @ competed at National Convention state level, Senior team placed & received silver rating 1st @ state level and competed 2016 – Junior team placed 1st in at National Soils in Oklahoma May 2016 Conduct of Meetings, Senior team placed in top 4 @ state level & received a gold rating Soils

Environmental and Natural Resources

OVERVIEW: The purpose of the OVERVIEW: This event asks par- Environmental and Natural Resource CDE is to test stuticipants to evaluate the various dents’ knowledge of the environqualities of different soil types, and judge land areas, known as ment. Individually, students must complete the following: written soil pits. Soil characteristics, clitest, writing exercise, identificamate, and topography are used tion practicum, and four additionto determine the soil’s capabiliStrasburg FFA participates in a ties. Participants examine the soil al practicums. Students must variety of CDEs/LDEs throughout texture, structure, depth, perme- also complete a team activity, the school year, ranging between ability, reaction, degree of erowhich includes an oral presentation to a panel of judges. twelve and fifteen on any given sion, slope, drainage and floodyear. Below are some of ing potential to make land use Number of Participants: 4 Strasburg FFA members’ recommendations. Participants favorites. look for clues that tell how well the land can produce crops or be Parliamentary Procedure used for other purposes. OVERVIEW: During the Number of Participants: 4 Parliamentary Procedure LDE, CONTEST RESULTS: teams conduct a mock chapter meeting to demonstrate their 2017 – placed in top 5 teams in knowledge of basic parliamentary state, will compete at National law and the correct use of parlia- Soils Contest in Oklahoma in mentary procedures. Students May must also take a written test. 2016 – Junior team placed 2nd

Number of Participants: 6

@ state level, Senior team


Strasburg FFA Officer Team President: Tiffany Heishman Vice President: Makenzie Kline Secretary: Amber Gessner Treasurer: Anna Rankin Reporter: Aidan Keller Sentinel: Madison Estep Student Advisor: Shelby Smith Junior Officers:  Abigail Davis, Paris Sexton, Markell Williams

CONTEST RESULTS: 2016 – Team placed 1st @ state level, competed at National Convention and received a silver rating, Devon Eyring placed 12th high individual in the nation 2015 – Team placed 2nd @ state level, competed at Eastern States Exposition and placed 4th


National FFA Organization 2018

Skyline Middle FFA was established 2017-2018 FFA Officers in August 2017 and currently has 22 active members who love to learn President: Amber Good about what the FFA offers. We are Vice-President: Emily Ritchie excited for our upcoming spring activSecretary: Aidan Carter ities and growing our chapter in the Treasurer: Harley Dodds coming years. Reporter: Christina Keresztesi Activities Sentinel: Laney Phillips • Members traveled to the Virginia Historian: Natalie Oakes State Fair to learn about future FFA and Tabitha Potter opportunities and events. Parliamentarian: Storm Miller • Visited Virginia Tech for their annual Chaplain: Matthew Ritchie FFA leadership conference Advisor: Elizabeth Comstock • Donated items to the Humane Society of Warren County • Participated in a flower bulb and Country Meats fundraiser. • Monthly meetings • State officer visit in October • FFA creed speaking by Laney Phillips

Warren County Middle FFA is a brand new chapter that was established in January 2018. This chapter has not had much time to complete activities, however, students are eager to get out in the community and increase members. FFA week activities have been planned which include; Spirit dress up days, FFA/Agriculture facts on morning announcements, and a teacher luncheon. Warren County Middle FFA will also be selling fresh strawberries from February 1st-February 20th to the whole community. If you would like to support the WCMS FFA chapter, please purchase strawberries by emailing or calling (540) 635-2194 ext. 43158.

The Northern Virginia Daily

Warren County Middle FFA officers President: Grace Morningstar Vice-President: Hunter Martin Secretary: Sofia Kozhenevsky Treasurer: Cole Meres Reporter: Eric Rapp Advisor: Elizabeth Comstock

The Northern Virginia Daily

National FFA Organization 2018


The Warren County FFA Chapter was re-established in the fall of 2016 and the Skyline FFA Chapter was established in the spring of 2017. Both chapters are continuing to grow and flourish. We are currently preparing for 5 different Career Development Events: Creed Speaking, Extemporaneous Public Speaking, Job Interview, Livestock Judging, and Veterinary Science. Our plans for celebrating FFA week include: school wide spirit week, CDE contests for the faculty, faculty treats, chapter dinner, a presentation to the school board, special facts during morning announcements, a community service project, ag olympics and a “Kiss-A-Pig” contest.

Skyline Chapter Officers President: Cooper Lowe Vice President: Aden Smith Secretary: Chloe Phillips Treasurer: Kayla Andrews Reporter: Ryan Atkins Sentinel: Symantha Madden

Warren County Chapter Officers President: Callista Mayberry Vice President: Katie Doyle Secretary: Nicole Sayre Treasurer: Kaelyn Testa Reporter: Madison Mosser Sentinel: Edward Blankenship Historian: Rylee Broy Parliamentarian: Kelsey Bailey

FFA develops tomorrow's leaders in agriculture!

Spicewood Flats Boarding Kennels & Grooming Owners: Michael & Gina Moore 125 Spicewood Lane Front Royal, VA 22630 (540) 635-8979

FRONT ROYAL CO-OP Brands you trust. People who know. 50 Water Street, Front Royal

(540) 635-3118 Locally Owned and Operated

National FFA Organization 2018


• Seasonal Fruits & Vegetables • Peaks of Otter Fruit Wines • Our famous “Apple Cider Donuts”

Open JuneDecember Check website for hours

Pies • Cakes • Breads • Cookies Jams • Jellies • Syrups • Dressings Playground and Picnic Area

Pick Your Own

3035 Cedar Creek Grade, Winchester, VA

540 662-1391 Directions: I-81 to Exit 310. Take Route 37 North, 2 miles to Opequon exit, turn left on Route 622, 2 miles to Opequon. Left across bridge, 1 1»4 mile on left.

The Northern Virginia Daily

The Northern Virginia Daily

National FFA Organization 2018



National FFA Organization 2018

The Northern Virginia Daily

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