Bushwick CLT NWB workshop by Joshua Barndt

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VISUALIZING A BUSHWICK CLT CLT WORKSHOP 1 WORKSHOP INTENTION Through a series of group workshops NWB will create a 2 page infornmational and graphic document to publicize the idea of a Community Land Trust in Bushwick. We will frame the model around the current housing needs in Bushwick, and how the CLT could play a role allowing residents to meet these needs.

WORKSHOP 1: BUSHWICK AS A FRAME In workshop 1, we will use Bushwick as a frame to begin to brainstorm how CLT’s could benefit residents in Bushwick. We asked 1. Who is our audience? Why would they be interested? What questions or concerns might they have? 2. Benefits? What might the benefits of a CLT be for Bushwick 3. Why Bushwick, Why now? 4. Opperations? How do we think a CLT could opperate?

VISUALIZING A BUSHWICK CLT CLT WORKSHOP 2 WORKSHOP 2: PEOPLE / SPACE / In workshop 1, we began to spatially visualize Bushwick, starting with people and their relationship to space. Working out from the “i” we identified common issues shared between us that constitutes the “we”. 1. PEOPLE Select a demographic that we identified as a key audience fo CLT’s in Bushwick. Cut our a piece of paper in a person shape that might represent this group. Write on the paper characteristics of this person. If we were to represent them what might that look like? 2. HOUSING What type of building does this person live in. Cut the shape out of paper. On the back write: Who owns the building? What charaterizes the owner? 3. OTHER SPACES What are three important buildings and or spaces in the community other than housing? 4. BUILD COMMUNITY Place all the pieces spatially 5. WORD ON THE STREET In 5 words or less What would your character tell a freind about: a) the challenges they face in ralation to housing / land / neighbourhood chang? (White this

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