NW Circular - Issue 008

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ISSUE No. 008

16th Feb - 8th March 2014

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ORDER YOUR MISHLOACH MANOS!! Family, Friends, Neighbours, Machatonim, Teachers and Colleagues Exclusive Discounts for Large Orders Order before 7th March for an extra 10% Discount*! Limited delivery available ON Purim *T’s and C’s apply


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MAKE YOURSELF HEALTHIER AND EXCUSE FREE! At the Laboratory we are committed to getting you healthier in 2014. There is no excuse. Join today and receive a personal training session. We will create your programme, follow your progress and give you a follow up session to make sure you are on the right track.

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Expiry Date 28th Feb 2014

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UK consumers have been spending millions buying online this year, which is perceived to be an easier, more convenient, cost effective and safer way to shop. However, you need to surf with caution, as despite having greater rights when shopping online many consumers are still being fobbed off when trying to return goods. What’s more, a number of household brands are amongst the worst offenders! Here’s a round-up of some of the stories that I have been hearing and my advice: I ordered a sports top online. When it arrived I tried it on but didn’t like the colour. They say that they now can’t re-sell it as ‘new’ so can’t give me a refund. Is this right? In short, NO, unless you have damaged, soiled or removed the tags from the garment. The simple fact of the matter is that the Distance Selling Regulations give you the right to return goods within 7 days of delivery, no questions asked. I have returned goods to an online retailer but they won’t give me a refund until they have inspected the item, which they say may take up to 45 days. Do I really have to wait this long for a refund? Under the Distance Selling Regulations retailers must give full refunds as soon as possible and in any event within 30 days. I have ordered a tracksuit for my son online. When it arrived the trousers were missing even though they are clearly on the picture and the item was described as a tracksuit. They have now told me that the item only included the tracksuit top? It is a straight forward law under the Sale of Goods Act (section 14) that all goods must fit the description given by the retailer. In this case I agree with your interpretation, if something is described as a ‘tracksuit’ you would expect it to include the top and trousers. Otherwise it would be called a ‘tracksuit top’. You can either demand that they give you the full tracksuit or demand a refund. In any event, the fact that you purchased online means that you can return the goods and get a full refund within 7 days, as explained in my response above.

I purchased a laptop from an online shop. When it arrived I realized that I had ordered the wrong laptop as I had wanted a touch screen. I have asked if they will replace it but they say that they will not. What can I do? You do not have automatic right to ‘exchange’ the laptop but under the Distance Selling Regulations you do have an automatic right to return it for a full refund within 7 days. I purchased a Monitor online. When it arrived I found that it had a white line going through the middle of the screen. The shop said that they do not give refunds but they will exchange it. Are they right? No. Under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (s:14) goods must be i) fit for purpose ii) as described and iii) of satisfactory quality. If goods do not meet up to these standards you have the automatic right to a refund. In your case the TV is clearly not of satisfactory quality so you are entitled to a refund. I’m purchasing a present for a Wedding What happens if it does not arrive on time for the Wedding? This is a very popular question, usually asked ‘after’ the event when it’s too late. If no delivery date is specified the law says that the retailer should deliver within a reasonable period of time and in any event within 30 days. I would advise that you ‘specify’ the date that you want the present by. If you do this and it does not arrive — the retailer is in breach of contract. I purchased a pair of trainers online. When they arrived one of the trainers had a scratch down the front. The shop has accepted this and offered a full refund but have said that the trainers are now in the sale so they will only refund me the new sale price. Can they do this? Again, no. The retailer has an obligation to refund you the FULL purchase price, that’s the full price that you paid for the goods, not the price that they are currently being sold for.

The Hendon S & P Minyan Invite you to a Melave Malka With Rabbi Joe Dweck, Senior Rabbi of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews’ Congregation who will speak on The Philosophical Meaning of Melacha on Shabbat and its influence on the Responsa of HaRav Ovadia Yosef ‫זצ״ל‬

To book visit www.hendon.sandp.org or call 020 7289 2573

There will also be music from the Spanish & Portuguese tradition and supper Motzei Shabbat Vaykhel 22 February 2014 Doors open at 7:45pm. Supper served at 8:00pm. At The Aish Centre 379 Hendon Way Hendon Central NW4 3LP

Tickets £15 Concessions £12 per person

The Hendon S & P Minyan started in 2013 and currently meets fortnightly for Kabalat Shabbat and monthly on Shabbat mornings. To join us please contact Arnold de Vries on 07811 488 701 or see us on Facebook

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Peace of Mind With Michael Neill

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Applications must be submitted by

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3rd March & 4th March

Registration will be closed after the deadline.



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Mental Health Day A One Day Seminar Examining Mental Health Support and Intervention “Innate Health” or “The Three Principles” refers to an understanding of the creation and potential of human emotional and perceptual experience. Professionals in a whole host of fields including education, criminal justice, social work, community development, business and organisational development all report consistently surprising results when approaching their work from this foundation. This event is bringing together: • Some of the leading professionals and practitioners approaching mental health issues from this basis including pioneers in clinical psychiatry, clinical psychology, marriage and family therapy with a combined professional experience of over 50 years using this approach in the field of mental health. • A range of ex-clients and patients who have had a range of clinical diagnosis and backgrounds and who all have in common surprising and relatively unusual mental health stories related to their experience of Innate Health/Three Principles interventions. The goal of this unique one day event is to give mental health professionals a chance to hear about this work and results so they can explore for themselves if there may be a new potential from this perspective on mental health.

Sunday 9th March 9.00am - 5.00pm Price: £45* *Concessions on request. No one will be turned away due to lack of funding.

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PURIM ISSUE - 9TH MARCH The Deadline for advert submissions is THURSDAY 6TH MARCH The Deadline for artwork design requests is TUESDAY 4TH MARCH Place an Advert via www.northwestcircular.com Before 20th February and Receive a 15% Discount using Promotional Code ‘PURIM15’!



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Web: www.northwestcircular.com Email: info@northwestcircular.com Tel:


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What is Legadel?

What are Legadel’s core values?

‘Legadel’ is a local organisation in North West London that has been set up to help young children who have mild or moderate learning difficulties, by providing professional support in Schools.


Why was Legadel created? In June 2012 a group of parents and professionals created Legadel in order to identify young children who are not thriving in the school system. The focus is on children who are having difficulties mastering key learning skills including fine motor coordination, adequate speech and language development, and reading. Any of these problems can lead to behavioural, social or emotional issues, and make the child’s experience of school an unhappy one. Legadel will support parents who are aware their child has a problem and can spend many years trying to find the appropriate help. We understand that even where help is available the system is extremely complex, lengthy and frustrating. In addition, the financial strain of privately financing many of these vital services can add extra pressure to an already difficult situation. Each one of the founders and trustees of Legadel has experience with children facing difficulties at school, either in a personal or in a professional capacity.

What is Legadel’s mission statement? To provide an early intervention plan which meets the developmental & educational needs of children failing to thrive and succeed at school. Through the formulation of a personal plan for each child which includes the necessary input of relevant professionals as well as the support of specially trained Learning Support Assistants, these precious children will have bs’d the support they require to help them achieve their maximum potential and enjoy their years at school.

• Every child can succeed if the right support is put in place at school. • Early intervention is vital to enable a child to be successful at school and later in life. • Collaboration between professionals, parents and school staff ensures the optimal success of any intervention and is key to maintaining a child’s educational progress over time. • Having Learning Support Assistance who liaise with the relevant professionals ensures a holistic and effective intervention plan. • Children, from families with limited financial means, deserve equal access to all forms of specialist support. • Confidentiality will be preserved for every child receiving Legadel services.

What support does Legadel offer? Legadel offers schools a pool of resources to support children’s learning development. This includes therapy to promote appropriate levels of language, motor, social and emotional development. Legadel can facilitate access to both the Kodesh and Chol curricula.

In what way does Legadel differ from established organisations? There are other wonderful and professional organisations which, for many years, have supported, and continue to support, children and adolescents presenting with a wide range of needs across the community. However, Legadel is unique because: • The focus of Legadel is solely on children who are not eligible for a statement of special educational needs but have mild to moderate educational needs, often children on School Action or School Action Plus. (However if a child is identified as qualifying for an SEN statement we will also offer assistance.)

• Legadel does not accept direct referrals from parents or carers of children. All referrals to the Legadel manager have to come from the school SENCo. • Legadel is training a team of Learning Support Assistants to incorporate recommendations of professionals and therapists into learning sessions.

• Parents are not required to ferry their children to and from sessions as all the input is provided on the school premises. • A single and cohesive intervention plan will address both Kodesh and Chol requirements of the child.

How is Legadel financed?

What are a participating school’s • Parents are asked to pay 40% of the costs responsibilities towards Legadel? (although no child will be refused support due • The Menahel or Head Teacher will promote Legadel’s involvement and ensure full cooperation of all the staff.

to lack of funds).

• The school SENCo will identify the children in need of Legadel’s assistance and monitor their progress as they access the mainstream curriculum. The school will provide adequate physical space for Legadel staff to operate.

• We have already begun to seek assistance from the government, the local authority and grant-awarding bodies.

What are Legadel’s strengths?

The vision is that by 2016 there will be evidence of a marked improvement in the outcomes for children in North-West London. Through our unified approach, these children and their families will be helped to access all the available facilities within the school environment. The aim is that children will be in a better position to integrate into school life, socially, emotionally and behaviourally.

• Legadel identifies and manages special educational needs quickly and avoids becoming caught up in bureaucracy. The prime focus is on providing the required assistance to impact on the child’s achievement levels within the classroom. • As a school-based programme, the SENCo at participating schools will be able to liaise more frequently and effectively with Legadel staff.

• Fund-raising and pledges from philanthropists.

What is Legadel’s Vision?

• There will be multi-professional meetings regularly scheduled. This ensures that the child’s educational needs are being addressed and are under constant review. • Legadel’s training and support of Learning Support Assistants (who observe the professionals and implement their strategies) reduces the cost to parents and creates a wider base of available assistance. If you would like your Organisation to be featured in the North West Circular please contact us at


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