NWC 005

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ISSUE No. 005

5th JAN - 18th JAN 2014

Distributed door-to-door in NW London WEBSITE www.northwestcircular.com

EMAIL info@northwestcircular.com

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LEWIS Winter here. Don’t wait until you’re knee-deep If I told isyou I could give you £100s a year with no in the white stuff to sort your bills. Here, prevention debt and very little hassle – and all you need do truly beats cure – tackling your bills now meanstoyou is Ifchange your plastic – purse would If is the you’ve a family, your oryou? wallet probably can take the financial bite out of winter chills… answer’s yes, read on, as is the perfect time crying. Having Children is anow terrible investment. You Free loft and even boilers (for some). tofork grab ainsulation cashback credit card. Forper many, it’s out an estimated £200,000 child byan the easy lucrative way your income. timeand they reach age 21.toOfboost course, if you’re happy While loft insulation free-for-all’s ended, some to bethe repaid in hugs, it’s all more than worth it. Yet will still be entitled to some serious free energyNow’s the because topgodeals will a fewmeasures. tipsmoment to ease the burdenthe never amiss... saving boost cashback for the first three months you have So NOWofand that boost for Most of the bigapply six energy firms offer freelasts boilers, Are them. you missing £1,000’s childcare help? typically worth £2,000,highest-spending and free insulation, usually one people’s periods – of most worth about £300. Crucially, don’t need the January sales. There are two big ways you mayyou be able to get cashto be the energy provider to get it, but you do if with you pay for childcare. do £16,000, you work and overto16be generally need an incomeFirst, under This canabe serious cash. of mycredit. Twitter hours week (you andAs your partner if you’re a on income-related benefits orone pension I can’t followers (@martinslewis), NM,it£41,000 told me: couple) and earn around in“Our total? If definitely say you’llunder qualify, but is worth checking. cashback cards us eligable £250+ year.” This Alternatively, theearned well-meaning butlast stuttering Green that’s you, check if you’re for childcare tax Deal initiative is be designed to let pay for over things isn’t unusual, I’ve even heard of you some bigget credit. This can serious money - many like under-floor double glazing and solid wall spenders over theout £1,000 mark. Socall here’s £3,000 agoing year.heating, To find if you’re due, 0345 insulation, fromtothe ‘savings’ you make on energy what you need know: 300Deciding 3900. whether it’s right for you is complex, bills. for full help read www.moneysavingexpert.com/ so Never pay interest on aemployer cashbackoffers card childcare Alternativly, see if your greendeal Cashback only win you if you a direct vouchers,cards which allow toset payupfor childcare Save £100s and beat the hikes. debit toyour repay IN FULL every month. not, don’tis from pre-tax income. The way If this works goyou forgive a cashback card, go for the best 0% up, say, £2,000 a year of salary for for £2,000 Rather surprisingly, energy, where you spending dealsHowever, (see fixing of vouchers. as after tax you’d have lock in a set rate, is now cheaper thanonly a normal www.mse.me/spendingcards). got around £1,400 in your pay packet, it means switch. Five of the big six energy providers have you’re £600 better off. and their best new prices now announced hikes, Now you’ve got card thatfixed pays tariffs. you So are thana debit the cheapest costlier right now£3,000 you geteffectively the and verydad Your credit card can is now acheapest ‘I saved adding mum to car deals available, and debit it comes no-hike certainty. monthly-billing card, with provided you stick insurance”

within the limit. Use it for ALL spending instead only The exception to this is a variable (ie, subject ofAdded cash, to cheques debit Spark cards. If you’re inthe a thefrom fearand of seeing your teenager to hikes) tariff minnow Energy –on though relationship, add your spouse as acan second road, cost (yet?), of insuring one to drive be ittrusting hasn’tthe hiked needs paying upfront, and cardholder, sogreat, their earns feedback ain’t soif I’m ignoring terrifying. One trick,spending they’ve theirit.too. own car, is to The fix comes a year,(eg, but trycheapest adding extra driversfrom with E.on goodfor records slightly longer andwho only a touch more are deals from Huge cashback over the January sales mum5% and dad) may occasionally use the car. EDF or annual Npower.feeCrucially, these two have no exit The www.americanexpress.co.uk It’sno trail and error, can have the a bigPrime impact, as it penalties. So on thebut off-chance Minister Platinum Everyday card pays newbiesand 5% for did forthe oneprice of my followers (join methe at delivers cutsTwitter he’s promised, the even first three months until January, to a insurance maximum @martinlewis): “As a they’ll new driver more unlikely event that beup so my substantial that £100 back inelsewhere that time. Though if you fail be to fullyitto other tariffs cheaper, you’ll free wanted £5,000. Afterare adding mum and dad, leave. repay, it’s 19.9% rep APR. dropped to £1,900.” However, always numbers for your own After the 5% ends,do thethe rate’s up to 1.25%, circumstances. To check if you can save (you may depending on how much you spend. requires a be on an older, cheaper deal), and whoIt your winner decent score household is, you credit can use myand Cheap Energy earnings Club topoffixes £20,000+. at www.cheapenergyclub.com, or do a comparison

Tackle your bills

standard comparison on any Ofgem-approved comparison site – just search for ‘The Confidence Code’ at www.ofgem.gov.uk to see the full list. However, youonline, must never someone’swith the main If you’re not use asay comparison a phone service, suchthey’re as Energyhelpline on 0800 074 0745, driver when not. That’s called fronting and or uSwitch 0800 5493. costs for under-25s, it’s illegal.on Full info051 on slashing including special policies, at Paying energy bills by monthly direct debit’s up to www.mse.me/youngcar 6% cheaper.

Ensure paying power mean discounted If you you’re can, do, as less it’ll for usually bills of up to 6% less, so contact your provider to check. Thoughinalways do regular meter readings Lots of people the house means big energy bills - for accuracy, as your estimated. If it’s too more rooms, TVsbill onisfull blast, heating all high, that you have a right to ask for it to be lowered. water - it all adds up. Ensure you’re on the very cheapest deal. only? It onlyYou takes fewsave. minutes. Just Got electricity canastill plug in where you live to an www.ofgem.gov.uk With electricity only, you a cheap approved comparison site can andstill it’llgetfind your fix to save - just follow the info above. For those on cheapest. Economy 7, assessing is trickier. It’s only really a boon for those who use at least 40% of their energy Alternatively, freebother. Cheap CLub at at night. If not my – don’t FullEnergy help to decide www.moneysavingexpert.com/energyclub will do www.mse.me/eco7 a comparison for you, including top picks you Can you find your stopcock? might miss, and monitors your tariff afterwards to ensure you know when to move again. Winter frozen pipe bursts can create an average £7,000 of damage, often worsened as many scrabble Give money as pay - otherwise you’re roundpocket searching for their stopcock - the mains water ‘trust fund-teaching’ off switch for ages as their home floods. Take the time under-rated to find it now mine is under Pocket money’s as a–way to teach kids the kitchen sink.lessons, Othersprovided find theirs the bathroom core money youinreward a work or insideand a cupboard. If yours isn’t working, youtomay ethic, don’t just dole it out. It teaches how want to call a plumber now, before it’s a problem. manage an income - by having a regular amount of money you start toheating learn the Choosing between andconcept eating?of saving versus spending. If you’re seriously behind, or in general financial - as far too many are after hikes - you Ithardship also incorperates “opportunity cost”the - whether may bebeeligible help. the cash Home they’d betterfor offspecial spending theCall same onHeat Helpline on 0800 33 66 99 to check. Plus if anyone something else. For a young child this is perhaps in your home was born on or before 5 January “do you wantdue to buy sweeties your winter money fuel 1952, you’re up to £300 inwith tax-free every week,Payments or save upshould to get the youautomatically, want?” payments. be toy made but if you’ve never had it before then you may need to register - see www.gov.uk. Plus anyone on specific income support, jobseekers’ allowances or pension credit gets £25 in cold weather payments for every 7 days it’s sub-0 C.



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legal eagle Nine Retailer Myths

Deanyou Dunham You you and £100s Your Rights IfByI told I couldofgive a year with no

Idebt recognised longhassle time–ago theneed majority and veryalittle andthat all you to do of Brits do not knowwould what their consumer is Ifchange plastic If is the you’veyour a family, your– purse oryou? wallet probably rights areyes, and I set to change this, via my answer’s on,out as is the perfect time crying. Havingread Children is anow terrible investment. You site www.youandyourrights.co.uk. A recent tofork grabout a cashback credit card. Forper many, it’s an estimated £200,000 childreporting byan the consumer survey has confirmed this, easy and lucrative your income. timenearly they reach 21.topopulation Ofboost course, if you’re that half age ofway the do nothappy know to berights, repaid inwhilst hugs, it’s all more than worth it. Yet their 29% of Britons have lost Now’s the moment because will time through nottopunderstanding a fewor tipsmoney to ease the burdenthe never godeals amiss... boost cashback for the first three you their consumer rights. The months most common problems arise in relation tothat retailers so with have So apply NOWofand boost for Are them. you missing £1,000’s childcare help? lasts this case here are 9 retail myths one of mostthe people’s highest-spending periodsthat – being you need know: the January sales. There areto two big ways you may be able to get cash

1.if you pay forcontract? childcare. First, do you workthe overpaper 16 “Verbal It’s not worth This canabe serious cash. As one of mytrue. Twitter hours week (you andThis your if you’re a it’s written on”. ispartner not Verbal followers (@martinslewis), NM,£41,000 told me: couple) and earn around in“Our total? If contracts areunder legally binding. cashback cards earned us eligable £250+ last year.” This that’s you, check if you’re for childcare tax 2.credit. isn’t unusual, I’vebeeven heard of some bigget “No refunds on sale items”. This signover is so This can serious money - many common Whether they do this spenders theout £1,000 mark. here’s £3,000 agoing year.inover Toshops. find if you’re due,Socan call 0345 notneed depends on why the goods were on what to know: 300oryou 3900. sale. If they were reduced in price because of pay a fault that was pointed to you Never interest on aeither cashback card out Alternativly, see ifcould your employer offers childcare or that you have been ‘reasonably’ Cashback cards only win you if you a direct vouchers, which toset payup for childcare it, expected to allow notice before you bought debit toyour repay IN FULL every month. If not, don’t from pre-tax income. The way this works is if then you are not entitled to a refund. But, goyou for a cashback card, go for the best up, say,on£2,000 a year of or salary for for £2,000 itgive was just special offer in 0% the January spending (see of vouchers. However, as afterto taxget you’d only money have sales,deals you are entitled your www.mse.me/spendingcards). packet, if it£1,400 turns in out to pay have a fault, to have gotback around your it means you’re been inaccurately £600 better off. described, or not fit for purpose was sold for. you Now you’ve got athat debitit card that pays the Your credit card is now effectively a to car ‘I saved £3,000 adding mum and dad 3. “We don’tdebit offercard, refunds - youyou must monthly-billing provided stickaccept insurance” a credit note”. youALL buy goods instead that turn within Use itIffor spending outthetolimit. be faulty, thecards. law Ifsays that the ofAdded cash, to cheques and debit you’re a theyou fearmade of seeing youryou teenager oninthose the contract when bought trusting relationship, add your as acan second road, the costbeen of insuring one to drive goods has broken byspouse the seller. Youbeare cardholder, so their earns too. car, is to(as terrifying. One trick,spending if they’ve theirthe own therefore entitled to cancel contract trylong adding extrahave drivers withwithin good records (eg, as you acted a reasonable Huge 5% cashback the January sales amount of time) and get a full refund. mum and dad) whoover may occasionally use the car. The annual fee www.americanexpress.co.uk It’sno trail and error, but can have a big impact, as it 4.did“We can’t anything without a for receipt”. Platinum Everyday paysfollowers newbies 5% for one of do mycard Twitter (join methe at There is no“As legal obligation shops to first three months until January, up my tofor a insurance maximum @martinlewis): a new driver even give you a receipt, iflet for £100 back£5,000. in that time. youalone fail to fullyyou wanted After Though adding mum and dad, it toit’s keep it. rep Shops repay, 19.9% APR. should accept any proof dropped to £1,900.”

of purchase, like a bank statement or credit card bill (if you paid by credit or debit card). AfterIfthe ends,inthe rate’s to 1.25%, you5%paid cash anduphave not kept the depending on you how much It requires a receipt, may you havespend. difficulty proving decent and household thatcredit you score bought the item. earnings of


5. “It is not my fault if it doesn’t work. Make

a complaint to the manufacturer”. It is

However, you must never say someone’s the main the person who sold you the goods with driver when you they’re not.made That’sacalled fronting andare whom have contract. They it’s illegal. Full info on slashing costs for under-25s, therefore responsible for dealing with any including special policies, at problems, and not the manufacturer. www.mse.me/youngcar 6. “It was fine when I sold it to you. You must it!” If something Ensure you’rehave payingbroken less for power

breaks and you inform the trader within

months ofhouse purchase the trader’s Lots six of people in the means it bigisenergy bills to prove item had no moreduty rooms, TVs onthat fullthe blast, heating all fault that at the time it was sold to you. If you have had water - ititem all adds you’reitonisthe very the for up. overEnsure 6 months your duty cheapest deal. the It only takes few minutes. to prove fault wasa present at theJust time plug of in purchase. where you live to an www.ofgem.gov.uk approved comparison site and it’ll find your 7. cheapest. “If you have a complaint you will have to bring it back to the shop and we’ll discuss it”. the CLub size or Alternatively, my No freematter Cheapwhat Energy weight of the goods it is technically www.moneysavingexpert.com/energyclub willalways do the seller’s collect faulty items. a comparison forduty you,toincluding top picks youIf it is simply a case of you having changed your might miss, and monitors your tariff afterwards to mind, you do not have these automatic ensure you know move again. rights but when manyto traders will come and collect large or unwieldy items from you in Givethe pocket moneyofas pay - otherwise interests customer service. you’re ‘trust 8. fund teaching’ ‘If you shop online you have fewer consumer rights”. This is totally Pocket money’s under-rated as a way to teachwrong. kids fact iflessons, you shop online have greater core In money provided youyou reward a work rights youIthave thehow right ethic,consumer and don’t just doleas it out. teaches to to ‘change your- by mind’ and get aamount refundof for manage an income having a regular the goods. To take advantage of this you money you start to learn the concept of saving have to tell the retailer within 7 days versus ofspending. receiving the goods that you want a 9. refund. It also incorperates “opportunity cost” - whether they’d be better off rights spending the buying same cash on “You have no when secondhand else. or sale Unless retailer something For aitems”. young child this isthe perhaps has want highlighted a specific with “do you to buy sweeties with problem your money item before purchased it, items everythe week, or save up toyou get the toy you want?” purchased second hand or in a sale still have to be of satisfactory quality.

For more information on packaged accounts visit Dean’s FREE legal and consumer website www.youandyourrights. co.uk. @deandunham

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“Encouraging ourselves to grow. Working on Bein Odom Lechavero”

Why did you create Stretch and Stretch? If you’ve a family, your purse or wallet is probably

What plans do you have to take Stretch and Stretch forward?

However, you must never say someone’s the main driver not. That’s fronting and in We when have they’re expanded fromcalled a small group it’sGolders illegal. Full info on slashing costs for under-25s, Green to reaching people throughout including special policies,We hope at to London as well as Manchester. www.mse.me/youngcar include other Jewish communities in England

crying. Having Children is a terrible investment. You I started ‘Stretch and Stretch’ about 1 ½ years fork out an estimated £200,000 per child by the ago on a much smaller scale for a small group. timeseeing they reach age 21. Of course, ifto you’re After its success I wanted bringhappy it to be repaid in hugs, it’s all worth it. Yet theto wider community somore thatthan more women a few tips to ease the burden never go amiss... and girls could benefit.

shortly. As our membership is constantly Ensure you’re power growing wepaying hopeless tofor offer a wider selection

Are you missing £1,000’s of childcare help? Can you briefly describe how Stretch and Stretch works?

There are two big ways you may be able to get cash if you pay for childcare. First, do you work over 16 Stretch and Stretch is a project for women hours a week (you and your partner if you’re a and girls in the community (aged high school couple) and earn under around £41,000 in total? If and up), aimed at promoting personal growth that’s you, check if you’re eligable for childcare tax and development in bein odom lechavero credit. This can be serious money - many get over (interpersonal relationships). We have a £3,000 a year. To find out if you’re due, call 0345 website where a different ‘stretch’ is posted 300 3900. every week. A ‘stretch’ is a suggestion of a private undertaking that a woman or girl can Alternativly, see if your employer offers childcare take upon herself in the area of bein odom vouchers, which allow you to pay for childcare lechavero. If she keeps at least one stretch from your pre-tax income. The way this works is per month successfully, she will be eligible to you give up, say, £2,000 a year of salary for £2,000 enter that month’s raffle for the chance to win of vouchers. However, as after tax you’d only have a prize. Some examples of prizes are vouchers got around £1,400 in your pay packet, it means toyou’re restaurants, beauticians and exciting gift £600 better off. packages. ‘I saved £3,000 adding mum and dad to car Forinsurance” every additional stretch kept successfully she will be given another entry into the raffle (max 1 per month 4 your per week). Added to the fear ofand seeing teenagerPrivate on the undertakings/stretches canone betoperformed as road, the cost of insuring drive can be well the ‘stretch’ is only to give ideas. The terrifying. One trick, if they’ve their own car, is to stretches areextra taken fromwith thegood Ahavas Yisroel try adding drivers records (eg, Project’s website with their permission. mum and dad) who may occasionally use the car. (ayproject.com). a woman girl has kept It’s trail and error,Ifbut can have or a big impact, as it thedidstretch, she will let us know either for one of my Twitter followers (join me by at using a contact “As form on the website, or by @martinlewis): a new driver my insurance leaving message on adding the recorded message wanteda £5,000. After mum and dad, it hotline. will subsequently be entered droppedShe to £1,900.”

into the raffle. The recorded message hotline is updated weekly with all the relevant information including the new stretch and the prize for the month. This was especially created for those with no internet access.

of prizes. We obviously depend on generous

Lots of people in the house means big energy bills sponsors. more rooms, TVs on full blast, heating all that water - it all adds up. Ensure you’re on the very This organisation sounds fantastic. cheapest deal. It only takes a few minutes. Just What final message would you like plug in where you live to an www.ofgem.gov.uk to convey to your readers? approved comparison site and it’ll find your cheapest.

We believe this programme is so special because by joining you will be working on Alternatively, my free Cheap Energy CLub your bein odom lechavero together with www.moneysavingexpert.com/energyclub will do many other like-minded women and girls. a comparison for you, including top picks you The fact that so many women are working might miss, and monitors your tariff afterwards to towards the same goal brings an enormous ensure you know when to move again. sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Yes, there is a prize to act as an incentive, but Give pocket money as pay - otherwise you’re the main satisfaction you will feel will come ‘trust fund teaching’ from having worked on yourself.

Pocket money’s under-rated as a way to teach kids We look forward to you joining our core money lessons, provided you reward a work programme! ethic, and don’t just dole it out. It teaches how to manage an income - by having a regular amount of For more please ofcall money you startinformation, to learn the concept savingSara de spending. Lange on 07806635901, or email versus

saraaygg17@gmail.com. She can also be through the website. It contacted also incorperates “opportunity cost” - whether they’d be better off spending the same cash on RECORDED HOTLINE: something else.MESSAGE For a young child this07553601444 is perhaps “do you want to buy sweeties with your money WWW.STRETCHANDSTRETCH.WEEBLY.COM every week, or save up to get the toy you want?”

If you would like your Organisation to be featured in the North West Circular please contact us at: info@northwestcircular.com

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