The Seasonal Circular - Pre-Purim (2)

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With the encouragement and Brochos of the Rabbonim from Manchester, London, and Gateshead, we are delighted to announce the establishment of a new Seminary:

will be opening Elul 2023 as a residential seminary in the Lancashire countryside.

AS THEIR DAUGHTERS approach 16, parents cast their minds to choosing a seminary. For some, current local options are a good fit, but not for all. Unfortunately, many parents realise that there’s just no suitable option for their daughter who needs something different to what is on offer. At this crucial juncture of their lives, some of our wonderful girls are searching for a seminary that values their personal strengths and understands them without judging them. They need a place where they can feel comfortable, accepted and at home.

So her parents look a little further afield but soon

discover that there are no suitable alternatives in Europe. Sending a young teenage girl abroad to an unknown American-style Seminary in Eretz Yisroel is often not a good option, particularly after Year 11. Frustrated parents are asking, “Where should my sixteen-year-old daughter go? How can we secure the best future for our precious daughter?”


The void in senior teenage girls’ chinuch pained Rabbi Yehudah Canter MSc as he grew increasingly concerned. Rabbi Canter, who has a many years experience in chinuch and Kehillah work, envisaged

תוריאמ םינפ רנימס

a new mosad that could offer an alternative for sincere girls who were searching for a different environment and made it his mission to remedy this gap, joined by a group of determined askanim from London and Manchester.

Together with Menachem Dovid Salzman and Yona Emanuel in Manchester; Danny Rosenberg; Bentzy Adler; Aryeh Melinek and Eli Seliger from London, the group have been collaborating to research, devise and now establish a new kind of seminary.

The Seminary is located in a stately English Manor with state-of-the-art facilities in the beautiful Calder Valley. Located in this semi-rural location, the girls can leave the distractions of their home city behind and allow themselves to relax and be inspired, surrounded by peaceful countryside. The extensive grounds are safely enclosed, making the Seminary both secure and secluded.

Conveniently, the Panim Meiros Seminary is located a short 20-minute drive from the Manchester Kehillah.


What are your aims in establishing Panim Meiros Seminary?

The Seminary will give each talmidah the strength and confidence to ground her future life. This includes a comprehensive Kodesh curriculum, including practical halachah and hashkafah lessons and informal discussions.

At the same time, girls can take vocational courses to gain qualifications, building on their successes, growing their confidence and providing them with useful and transferrable life skills.

The aim of the Seminary experience is to cultivate each girl as an individual and to see that she grows and realises her own potential whilst blossoming into a valuable member of Klal Yisroel.

Please tell us some of the features of the Seminary programme.

The Aim Habayis and her team will be available at all times, providing support and hadracha for all the needs of the girls.

The Kodesh courses will be delivered by myself and a team of top-class, hand-picked speakers. The programme is designed to empower the talmidos with strong Emunah and a practical knowledge of relevant mitzvos.

As part of our aim to build well-balanced, confident and accomplished girls, we have included creative outlets in the timetable. Courses include visual art, music, drama and dance. In addition, we will give them opportunities to expend their energy in aerobics, Zumba, hiking and outings. The evening programme combines a wide range of interesting and practical topics.

Another regular feature in our programme is the menucha v’simcha of Shabbos Kodesh in the Seminary. Our team of Madrichos will lead a lively programme of activities whilst visiting Rabbonim and their families will inspire and uplift the unique Shabbos atmosphere.

Our chinuch adviser is Rabbi Refoel Spitzer, Menahel of Bnos Yisroel Manchester, who is renowned for his expertise in chinuch habanos and will continue to guide us with his years of experience and sagacious advice.

What feedback have you received so far?

Senior Rabbonim recognise the dire need for a seminary like Panim Meiros and the project has the backing of Harav Yisroel Meir Greenberg of the Golders Green Beis Hamedrash; Harav Yisroel Chaim Horowitz of Kahal VaYoel Moshe d’Satmar and Harav Yaakov Wreshner of Beis Hamedrash Beis Mordechai, Manchester. They all see the vital need for this Seminary as do the parents and mechanchim who who have so eagerly urged this project to it’s completion.

This Summer, b’siyata dishmaya, the doors of Panim Meiros Seminary will open for Ellul z’man and we are accepting girls from around England.

Our first-year intake is limited to 15 girls. With significant interest from several girls, there are still a few places available.

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