er snacks to offer Kosh We are proud
VISIT the UK’s Most Advanced Trampoline Arena, Trick Park and Ninja Skills Centre MUST SEE ninja warrior course and laser maze! @flipoutbrentcross | Staples Corner Retail Park, Geron Way, NW2 6LW | 020 8050 2391
6 north west CIRCULAR • 9th JUly 2017
8 north west CIRCULAR • 9th JUly 2017
SRULI DRESDNER: 0161 302 1589
10 north west CIRCULAR • 9th JUly 2017
£15 A DAY
for illustration purposes only
To arrange a personal appointment with Jonathan Eisenberg, our representative in London, please call:
A PRIVATE PARK THAT LEADS FROM THE HISTORIC SCHNELLER COMPOUND TO THE BUILDING LOBBIES The elite residences of Jerusalem Estates are part of an exclusive private estate in the heart of the historic Schneller Compound (Malchei Israel Street). The development is designed in a thematic configuration inspired by the ancient Jerusalem courtyards as part of the authentic architecture that has defined the holy city for generations.
JERUSALEM ESTATES The Private Historic Estate at Schneller Sales office: 16 King David St. Jerusalem WWW.JERUSALEMESTATES.COM
Limited availability Call now to reserve your dates 009722 625 7926 Or go to
12 north west CIRCULAR • 9th JUly 2017
14 north west CIRCULAR • 9th JUly 2017
-the mor a h p ro gram
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e ac h l l s t o m a k e e v e ry t m e t a s t e r e v e n t. p e r f e c t i n g y o u r s k i
t one. er a grea
J o i n u s F o r a n e xc lu s i v e t e ac h e r t r a i n i n g e v e n t to s a m p l e b o t h t h e fa m o u s e n r i c h m e n t p ro g r a m m e b y c h a z o n a n d t h e M o r a h P ro g r a m m e b y na j o s
o n t h e 2 7 t h o f J u ly f o r g i r l s g o i n g i n to t h e i r 1 s t & 2 n d y e a r a s t e ac h e r s a n d L S A s .
£5 entrance fee
Chazon's Tavlin Enrichment Programme for Teachers
d e s s e rt b u f f e t i n c lu d e d . FA M I LY G E R B E R , 2 6 WO O D L A N D S C L O S E , NW11 9QR
16 north west CIRCULAR • 9th JUly 2017
The Morah Support Network
18 north west CIRCULAR • 9th JUly 2017
20 north west CIRCULAR • 9th JUly 2017
22 north west CIRCULAR • 9th JUly 2017 23 25
Bespoke travel kosher expand your world
Going on holiday and keeping Kosher can be complicated Bespoke Kosher Travel have the solution to create your dream holiday...
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Step 4. ct kosher holiday.
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Start dreaming today! T: 020 3151 1660 | E: W: @bespokekoshertravel
28 north west CIRCULAR • 9th JUly 2017
TheBabyNurse Kitchen | Sleep Training | Night Nursing | Home Care | Collection
PREMIUM FRESH KOSHER BABY FOOD Made to order with Glatt Kosher meat & organic vegetables. Just heat and serve. Home Delivered at your convenience & also available from: B-Kosher Borehamwood, Haber’s World, Hadar, Halpern’s, Kosher Kingdom, Mendy’s, Tapuach & Chase Lodge Hospital, Mill Hill
Your baby will love it! For menu options and to order for home delivery visit Pantone 1795c
Pantone 362c
KOSHER Under the supervision of Rabbi E. Shneebalg Edgware, UK
32 north west CIRCULAR • 9th JUly 2017
36 north west CIRCULAR • 9th JUly 2017
Transform your kitchen this summer
n e h w e ac l p e r y Wh e? c a f e r n y o u ca
Trusted reputation
Large choice of doors, worktops, appliances and accessories
The whole process managed from design to completion
Senior citizens discount
38 north west CIRCULAR • 9th JUly 2017
Summer Day Camp at
Who For:
Infants: Boys & Girls 3-6 years old (Pre-school - Year 1)
Juniors: Girls only 7-11 years old (Years 2-6)
1 Week: 31st July - 4th August
How Much:
£80 per child including a milky/pareve hot lunch* *(menu can be given on request)
Sibling Discount: 5% discount for 3 or more siblings (siblings do not have to be part of the same section of camp)
To Book:
(or for more info) Mon, Wed & Thurs: 9.30am - 3.30pm Email: Tues: (9th Av) afternoon only 1pm - 3.30pm Call: 020 8209 1117 Bursaries MAY be available if applied for Fri: 9.30am - 1pm *(There will be no lunch on Tuesday & Friday)
before 1st June (Shavuos).
Training in Hornsey, North London, N8
Women Only Counselling Training 1-Year Part-Time Certificate in Humanistic Integrative Counselling Beginning 12 November 2017, completing in July 2018 running on Mondays 10:00am – 3:30pm This foundation training will enable students to continue onto the 2-year Advanced Diploma practitioner training, after this you will qualify as a counsellor and be eligible for BACP accreditation
2-Year Part-Time BACP accredited Advanced Diploma in Humanistic Integrative Counselling Beginning 12 November 2017 running on Mondays 10:00am – 3:30pm This 2-year Advanced Diploma will enable you to work as a counsellor and eligible for BACP accreditation. The Diploma is the first year of the two-year BACP Accredited Training and is open to students who have gained a Certificate in Counselling from CPPD or other training institutions
CPPD Counselling School offer the only BACP accredited counselling training exclusively for Jewish orthodox students in the UK Deadline for applications for the Certificate course: Friday 6th October 2017 Deadline for applications for the Diploma course: Friday 6th October 2017 To apply for either course, please go online to or call 020 8341 4843 to receive an application pack in the post
44 north west CIRCULAR • 9th JUly 2017
46 north west CIRCULAR • 9th JUly 2017
Change Lives Today. teach Do something life changing today and start a career in teaching. Under the guidance of NAJOS, we will train and support you in your first year of teaching. Start a rewarding and dynamic career today. Teach.
Are you in your 1st or 2nd year of teaching? Join The Morah Programme. now available for LSA’s!
The Morah Support Network
Don’t just teach.
Change Lives Are you thinking of a career change? Become a teacher with J TEACH Are you already a new teacher, looking to be an even better teacher? Join THE MORAH PROGRAMME
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