I SSUE 1 0 M ONDAY 4 TH MAY 2009 Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
Lauren Proctor Campus Affairs Officer
arch`s Union General Meeting hosted a controversial emergency motion to No Confidenc e a member of the Constit utional Affairs Committee (CAC), General Secretary Richard Blake. Chairing this UGM, newly elected Head of St ude nt Coun cil, Ste ven Kew rece ived the motion on the afternoon of the UGM and it was therefore p lac ed as `emergency b u s in e s s `.
Richard stepped down from the UGM steering committee as the motion to remove him from his post was read out and debated. Brought forward by Nikki Cooper (former Chair of Student Council) and seconded by Rich Hill, Vice-President (Democracy & Communications); Nikki spoke of her frustration and despair whilst sitting on CAC because of Richard`s lack of
ability to produce minutes for previous UGMs, Student Council and Union Committee meetings. She admitted that the breakdown in communication and Richard`s behaviour had been the catalyst for her decision to resign from her post on CAC. Vice-President (Education and Welfare) and President-elect Adam Mason emailed a statement (his absence due to being at NUS Conference), read out by Rich Hill, adding his voice to the ensuing No Confidence debate. He drew the UGM audience`s attention to Richard`s refusal of `all help offered to him`, but encouraged voters to make up their own minds through the course of the debate. The roles of all Union Committee members are vital for the successful running of the Students Union, a lot of the decisions and discussions take place `behind the scenes`. Those who are duly elected to fulfil a role on Union Committee, as Richard was in the October by-election, are required to perform within the team. Those calling for the vote of No Confidence said that they recognised the seriousness of the actions being taken and that they were in no way a personal attack on Richard`s character but rather a regretful course of action that needed to be taken as Richard had unsuccessfully filled his remit as General Secretary. Richard was given the opportunity to
rebuff any accusations made about him after the motion had been proposed and seconded. He admitted that a series of personal events beyond his control had, at times, led to his inability to complete his role as General Secretary to a level that others would class as `satisfactory`. He apologised for this and pledged that he would promise to improve his performance if he were to be given a second chance should the No Confidence motion fall. Richard`s performance as General Secretary was defended by Oli Cotterill and Carrie Martin. Oli, a `veteran` of KUSU politics felt it necessary to remind the UGM of the severity of bringing a vote of No Confidence. He claimed to have only witnessed one previous `No Confidence` motion in his time at Keele. He also questioned the Union Committee`s decision not to bring a motion of censure against Richard, the usual first course of action when questioning a Union Committee member`s performance. As the KUSU Constitution states, the passing of `a motion of censureship against an officer or representative shall result in the official reprimand of that officer or representative`. However, the passing of `a motion of no-confidence in an officer or representative shall result in the immediate dismissal of that officer or representative`. Continues over the page.
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
E NTS - P A GE 1 0 / 1 1 R . A . G . - P AGE 1 4 / 1 5
Continued from front page.
It was Oli`s belief that it would have been fairer had Richard been officially reprimanded and given the opportunity to improve his performance on Union Committee rather that skipping straight to dismissal. Carrie Martin added to the debate, believing that the UGM was being too harsh on Richard and that in difficult circumstances she had helped Richard out – including driving him to get his laptop replaced. Further calls for Richard`s dismissal were brought by Mark Holland who recalled a passage from a leaked email – in which Richard claimed `90% of students don't give a s**t whether they can get the minutes from Rich Hill or me because they don't want them...`(Verbatim). Finally, guillotine was called on the topic of Richard`s No Confidence and there were moves towards a vote. However, the dreaded `Q` word was call...quorum! The steering committee was obliged to check whether enough people were in the room to make the result of the vote count and, if necessary, passable. The UGM was approximately 20 people short, prompting the Chair of Student Council, Steven Kew, to put the UGM on hold until sufficient numbers of people could be found to make up the audience. Approximately 10 minutes later, with over 97 people in the room, the UGM was able to be resumed. In order for the `No Confidence` motion to be passed, the constitution requires over two-thirds of the votes to be `For` the motion. The vote itself was very close with 68 `For` the motion, 32 `Against` the motion and 8 `Abstentions` and 6 spoilt ballots. After some consultation with resident KUSU constitutional experts, it was decided that there were sufficient votes `For` the motion and that Richard was to be dismissed from his role. Simon Chandler, the current Non-Portfolio Officer will be taking over the General Secretary duties until a replacement is elected at the next Union Committee by-election. In a disappointing turn of events, Carrie Martin decided to step down from her role as Off-Campus Affairs officer for the rest of the year to demonstrate her support for Richard. Once again, the UGM garnered a low turnout – an issue that we hope next year`s Sabbatical team will hopefully be concentrating on. Our UGM was observed by Jack Matthews, a representative from Oxford University Students Union, who was touring the country examining other Union's democratic functions and structures. If you want to take part in the debate, or just hear more about your Union, come to the next UGM on June 2nd in the Ballroom.
4th M ay 20 0 9
Glen Watson CAC Secretary
t was disheartening but not at all surprising to read Helen Miller`s criticisms of KUSU politics in the last issue of Concourse. It has long been an unc omfortable fact that we are suffering from a clear democratic de ficit here in Keele, and many of the reasons for this provided in Helen`s article are sad ly accurate. However, it is my belief that many of these problems can be overcome . It is true that the UGM all too often becomes a talking shop for a small clique of KUSU veterans to dominate the discussion with constitutional points of clarity. One of the reasons for this is that UGMs are currently the only body which can pass constitutional amendments, which ironically are the issues least likely to interest the average student. If such (admittedly important) trivialities are to be avoided, there needs to be a greater emphasis on relevant, concrete policy being brought to UGMs. Students want to know what their union is doing for them in the form of campaigns and lobbying, not the intimate details of whatever framework allows them to do so. With a full constitutional review taking place at the end of the year and an experienced sabbatical team taking the reins in July, there has never been a better opportunity to place the emphasis of UGMs back on the needs of students and away from soporific paper-pushing. Another issue which must be confronted is the excess of party political sniping which so often dominates official KUSU events. As a co-ordi-
nator for a political society on campus, I understand and value the presence of such organisations within the Students Union. However, it is important to understand that in UGMs and Student Councils, affiliation to a political party is of little relevance. We are here to represent students, not to score points for our respective personal politics. I also agree with some of the issues expressed regarding this year`s sabbatical Hustings. As a candidate (albeit a forgettable one) I would have relished the opportunity to answer more individualised questions. That said I appreciate that allowing direct questions to individual candidates could have impacted on all candidates getting an equal amount of talking time. I must also add that while `the guy on stage` is indeed a member of CAC, it is not the responsibility of that committee as a whole to determine how questions are selected. There is no doubt that the Hustings, like most other elements of KUSU, is in need of tweaking, and I second the call for such changes to take place. It is easy to see why many people are turned off by KUSU politics, and ultimately the poor turnout at UGMs is not the fault of the student body but of their representatives and the framework in which they are forced to work. If this problem is to be overcome, we need more effective advertising for UGMs, as well as a greater emphasis on the issues that concern students, of which there are many. I urge any new students who wish to get involved not to be disheartened by the way things are, but to join in to help us make the changes this Union so desperately needs, and our students deserve.
W H E R E A R E A L L T HE W O M E N ? Carrie Martin
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
et another Keele University Students' Un ion election has passed. Once again in our union, a union which has more females than males , our sabbatical team is wholly male. In the past three years of ele ction cycles we have had a grand total of one female sabbatical officer. This raises a serious question, why? Our constitution states that our union stands for equality yet our main representative body is all male. It seems that our union is saying one thing but looks completely different.
4th May 2009 Why isn`t our union empowering women and encouraging more females to stand for sabbatical positions? Our union needs to address this issue, otherwise I can see no alternative but to have a Women`s Officer on the sabbatical team or to have a quota on how many sabbaticals must be of each gender. I seriously hope that it does not come to this as it is patronising to women, but at the moment I can not see any other way forward. Our union needs to reflect its aims and at the moment it doesn`t. On a national scale it can not look good that our union, a union which has just added a sabbatical officer, has an all male sabbatical team. Our union seriously needs to address this issue to make sure that this is the last year that Keele University Students' Union has an all male sabbatical team.
it around in a positive spin and say that in the last 3 years whereby women have been underrepresented on the sabbatical team, minorities as a whole have been well represented; e.g. KUSU seeing 3 Presidents and another sabbatical position taken up by non-white students and sabbaticals who are gay and have a disability. I find it most displeasing to read that you don`t think we are empowering and encouraging women to stand in our elections just because of the recent election result. May I ask why you have never raised this during your now ex-role on Union Committee? When it comes to elections, nobody should ever vote for the `female` candidate or the `male` candidate; they should just vote for the best candidate for the job.
W HERE ARE ALL THE W OMEN? . . . T HE F ACTS Rich Hill Vice-President (Communications & Democracy) & Vice-President (Education & Welfare) Elect
am quite surprised to see an article endorsin g positive discrimination. The very idea of `quotas` th at discriminate against one gender, race, age or any other cate gory is one of the ideals that our Union should stand steadfast against! You would be up in arms if I started suggesting we have a quota for guaranteed males – we should treat people as people, regardless of gender or any other label you want to give them. You quite rightly point out that Keele has more females than males – that also reflects on our election turnout. This year more females voted than males (if you choose to use such crude gender groupings) and yes they did elect an all-male Sabbatical team, but they also elected a set of part time officers where females outnumber males 8 to 1! Bringing the total to 8 females to 6 males, where each member is equal regardless of full/part time status. Further to this, if you had looked beyond 3 years you would have noted that the last 3 years are more of an anomaly. Working backwards from 2006 to 2001 you will find that a total of eleven females were elected as sabbatical officers with 3 being elected in 2003/2004 as opposed to a total of 9 male officers. Using these crude groupings, you could also turn
is shining outside and your friends have little to do. Over the last few weeks, I have noted that the 10 o`clock start for some Sabbatical Officers has drifted nearer towards midday than mid-morning. This actually seems to have been a problem all year, visits to the Sabbs Offices have almost always been met by the open door of VP Comms and VP Education & Welfare but a solid wooden blockade between the President and the rest of the Students` Union, but also confident in the knowledge that somewhere the VP Finance is charging around the building sorting something out. The President ought to be the first in the building and the last one out, Sabbaticals need to be aware that being a Sabbatical officer is not a job, it is not punch in at 10 and leave at 4. Students don`t develop problems only between office hours, Monday-Friday. If you stand for election on a platform of openness and wanting to be there for the students, then that`s what you have to do. Rolling in late and spending all day hidden in your office does not make you approachable, accountable or even useful. I would urge our incoming Sabbaticals to take a leave from our institutions, where those Sabbaticals don`t treat it like a job, but a lifestyle, which demands more than 6 hours a day, 5 days a week and realise that the Union is only as good as the people who are elected to run it and if you`re only putting in minimal effort, that`s all those students who voted for you are getting back.
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
K Uo fS U eml eacdtei ohniss,t o rrye -we il tehc ttihneg l astth rseeet
Sabbatic als to serve a second term in the Students` Union in varying positions. KUSU has been blessed and curse d by Sabbatical officers in the past, and this year has seen some excellent work and some weak links and knowing where the burden of work has fallen this year would suggest that KUSU is in a strong position to carry forward the excellent work next year. Sadly, it is this time in the calendar when outgoing officers start to slack and realise that if you are leaving in June, why spend the remainder of your time in Keele cooped up in an office `dealing with students` when the sun
irstly I must say I am surprised to have read your article submitted to the Concourse and I think, as it is very obviously directed at me, t hat I should reply to you in this way.
As inflammatory and misguided as your piece is, it does have one true fact, this year has seen some excellent work done by KUSU, what you fail to address however is my role in this. If you for one second imagine me to be a weak link, then you are entitled to that opinion, but I assure you that the work that has been accomplished this year speaks for itself. If you think that things have been done without a strong President at the helm, then your information is incorrect. Continues over the page.
Features/Opinion Continued from Page 3.
One of the best aspects of being a Students' Union Sabbatical is the sense of solidarity and sharing joint accomplishments as a team. I can say honestly that as well as our highs this year, we have had our lows. We have encountered these issues as a team and dealt with them as a team. We work as a team and appreciate each other's achievements, I am extremely proud of the many great things you have described of the VicePresidents. If I am frank with you, I am shocked to hear that you have never seen me in my office! Funnily enough most people can hear me from the 2nd floor corridor! However, if you really have come up and I am not there, it is most probably because I am working out of the office or am in there but with a student. Just to clarify 'dealing with students' is the reason I ran for this position. As the President I am privy to a lot of confidential information and so do not always have the luxury of keeping a steady breeze flowing through my open door. The role of President includes a lot of liaising with different entities, predominantly the University. Meetings, believe it or not, are not always conducted within the four walls of my office. Some of my meetings are not even confined to the walls of Keele, I hope this gives you some perspective of why I am not always in. If you, or any other student need to contact me, I do have an e-mail account: p r e s i d e n t @ k u s u . k e e l e . a c . u k , or I can be contacted on my land line: 0 1 7 8 2 7 3 3 7 0 1 or even on my mobile phone: 0 7 9 3 9 0 9 1 5 5 6 . Many students have used these methods and I am a little surprised to think that you do not know how to tap into these modes of communication.
As you are aware, there is more than one sabbatical on our team and in case you're not, you may not also be aware that we even have an extra one coming in next year. One of the advantages of having a team is that in case one sabbatical is not available then you can relay queries, questions, or issues to another. In the case that it needs to
specifically be dealt with by me, the other sabbs will relay that information on, as has been done throughout the year. You are correct in saying that being a Sabbatical is not a punch-in at 10, punch out at 4 job. The reality of being a Sabbatical Officer is that your working hours can range from 40-60 hour in a week and that is NOT including the weekends. If I am to do my job effectively in liaising with the University, this is essential. The majoirty of negotiations from the Students' Union are conducted by the President, and so as you can see your perception of me just being available from Monday to Friday during my office hours is entirely wrong. To continue along that line I was voted in by 707 students I would like to think that most of them found me approachable and useful on some level, not to mention the numerous students that have approached me for help this year. Please do not insult their judgements. These facts lead sweetly onto morning starts. I won't lie to you Keelites, I'm not the best morning person all the time. On the other hand when my job expects of me to be awake at 6 am to go to a conference which enhances our Students' Union, then you can bet your arses I get up and do it! Oh and just to add I do it to the best of my BIG ARSE ability. You might have noticed my colloquial language in writing this response. I do this as I view your article to be an unfounded attack directed towards me. If, however, you have real concerns with my abilities there are ways in which you can make an official complaint and I can assure you it will be dealt with in the most professional of manners. These procedures are what uphold our democracy and allow the students to have ownership of our Students' Union. They without a doubt enable and empower students to hold their elected officers to account and I for one champion this. I am deeply upset that you were unable to raise your fears and concerns in an appropriate manner that does not deface my professional position. Additionally I am most disturbed that you do not appear to have relied upon any actual facts. However, on a chirpier note it makes great reading! I do wonder though as to why your 'constructive' criticism was not made earlier on in the year and why it has only been left until the near end? This article has highlighted some very important messages. I would like to thank Anonymous for voicing his or her opinions, as it brings to light the options of how one can hold elected officers to account. It also shows how hard ALL of us Sabbs work, but believe me we still have a lot more to do. The year is not over just yet! If you do have any problems please do come and talk to us, call, or even write!
Keele University University Students’ Union Newspaper Newspaper Keele Students’ Union
4th M ay 2009
I fdienndt ibte lriaetvheesr wi nhseunl tTi nagl athh`as tdao osrt ui s-
closed, she must not be doing any work. This is nothing other than defamation and a personal attack based entirely on nothing!
The President`s remit differs from the other sabbaticals to allow more flexibility to carry out their job. Let`s not forget the President is usually the first person to contact when dealing with the sabbaticals. The University deal with the President continually throughout the academic year. As some of you may know the relationship between the University and the Students` Union differs from year to year. Talah plays a vital role in maintaining this fragile and good relationship. Like most jobs, this one is not shy of meetings. Collectively we attend hundreds of meetings throughout the year and the President attends the most by far. These meetings can include various KUSU meetings, CFM meetings, academic meetings and meetings with external parties. Please don`t assume when a door is closed, that particular Sabbatical is doing nothing. We are student representatives, one thing we pride ourselves in doing. Talah often sits on conduct panels to represent students during difficult times of their university career. The issue with hours; again an area where assumptions have resulted in misinformed speculation! This job can result in anything between 40-60 hour weeks. We have all worked weekends, especially for Open Days and generally don`t include weekend work in our time sheets. Some periods are quieter than others but most jobs are subject to this.
www.kusu.net www.kusu.net
4th May 2009 I haven`t even come to her successes yet. While it was a KUSU achievement, Talah spent a lot of time and effort in getting the library to open for 24 hours. To go from a (library) budget decrease to 5 weeks, covering ALL exams, of 24 hour access is an enormous success. That is by far one of the best success stories this year and will hopefully pave the way for possible future 24 hour access. Talah has taken a particular interest with the ICE (International Cultural Experience) events this year too. Not only has she been involved in the planning but especially in the setting up of the events on the day and making the students feel more welcome during the events. ICE has done wonders in making international students` feel more engaged with the Students` Union. The new Vice-President (Sports & Fitness) will be coming in soon, a great achievement after months of hard work by KUSU, the AU and the University. Talah played a pivotal role throughout these months at a mixture of platforms including Student Council, UGMs, KUSU and CFM/University committees. These are just some of her achievements based on fact and not conjecture! What I find most puzzling about the article is how they have come to the conclusion that when a door is closed, it must mean they are slacking. The Bubble is rife with rumours, conjecture and assumptions. There has been a rumour circulating around the internet that I allowed the BNP onto campus – completely and utterly preposterous but yet some people choose to believe it! It genuinely upsets me when someone thinks the best way to deal with this is to write an article based on no fact. I have complete faith Talah will respond to it well and quash any potential concerns but if you have a problem with any element of KUSU (even the Sabbaticals), there are procedures to follow. I hope the author of the article will have a long hard think about what they have written and never again fall into the trap of using nothing but rumour and conjecture to fuel their dissatisfaction at KUSU. As stated there are complaints procedures, I suggest IF your case is valid to use them next time.
Features/Opinions/KUSU News
all, and ensures that students from all nationalities who cook a range of cuisines are well catered for. The stall can be found outside the main doors to the Students` Union every Tuesday during term time between 10am and 5pm, and if trade is good we hope that our trusty grocers will continue to trade throughout the vacations to campus staff and remaining students. So, show your support and make them a permanent fixture. Roger Weston, KUSU`s Vice-President (Sports & Fitness) Elect has this to say: ‘My manifesto for next year promises that I`ll help students stay active and healthy during their time at university, so KUSU`s fresh fruit and veg initiative is absolutely fantastic and is helping to achieve a healthy campus for all.` KUSU is keen to promote a healthy campus and healthy students, especially during the brain hungry exam period. So, top up your brain power, shun the sugary study snacks and replace them instead with delicious strawberries or grapes and hey presto you`re one step closer to your 5 a day goal! Go to w w w . 5 a d a y . n h s . u k for full details on eating the recommended daily amount of fresh fruit and veg, and remember that Harvey`s is KUSU`s healthy eating option if you need a quick and nutritional lunch or snack.
F IVE A D A Y T HE K U S U e e l e U n i v e r s i t y S t u d e n t s ` U n i o n i s w o r k i n g t o w a r d s r e c y c l i n g 1 0 0 % o f i t s K waste and the recent installation of the hugely successful Ecoverter reverse v ending machine for cans and plastic bottles, is helping us achieve this goal. WAY KUSU Marketing
Y of ruu imt aayn dh avveeg sspt aoltlt eodu ttshied ef atnhteaSs ttiucdfernetssh`
Union the last few Tuesdays of term, well the good news is it`s here to stay!
From oranges to okra, plums to plantain and bananas to bean sprouts, `Think Fresh` supplies it
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
The Students` Union`s Ecoverter launched the start of the university`s Green Week on the 9th February and since then, has remarkably recycled a whopping 10,000 plastic cans and bottles, mostly from KUSU`s shop and catering outlets! Whilst Keele students certainly recognise the worth of recycling for its own sake, we have incentivised usage of the Ecoverter to encourage students and staff alike to dispose of their cans and bottles responsibly. Each one placed in the machine generates a point, which collectively add up to prizes, with 500 points earning the star prize of a Graduation Ball ticket! Joan Hope, KUSU`s Premises and Facilities Manager explains how the machine works via this short film on YouTube: h t t p : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = a Q f L P X V j 8 0 E & f e a ture =channel_page
4th May 2009
Rich Hill Vice-President (Communications & Democracy) & Vice-President (Education & Welfare) Elect
eele University Students` Union has picked up an award in a scheme designed to encourage and celebrate environmental best-practic e in Students' Unions.
Jason Davies, Keele University Students` Union`s Environmental Officer sees the Ecoverter as a key initiative within Keele University`s overarching environmental strategy: `We must keep enthusiastic and innovative in how we inspire the whole community at Keele, including students, to not only recycle but believe that they can and must, individually and collectively, do more to reduce society`s damage to the environment and produce a more sustainable future for everyone.`
KUSU has been named among the best performing Students` Unions in the country by gaining a Silver Standard in this year`s Sound Environmental Impact Award scheme. To reach this standard KUSU had to meet 22 Bronze essential and eleven Silver essential criteria as well as gain an overall score of 400 points. In recognition of their achievement they receive a certificate and an exclusive Silver Standard award made out of recycled wellington boots. The Sound Environmental Impact Awards is an accreditation scheme to help Students` Unions do their bit for the environment. Now in its third year, more than a million students have seen environmental initiatives put in place in their Unions through the awards. This year, seventy-nine Students` Unions took part from across the UK. Joan Hope of KUSU`s Premises and Facilities department said, `We are thrilled to have been accredited with a fantastically high overall score of 545! This is testament to all the hard work that we have put in over the last twelve months to progress from a Bronze award over the last two years to such a high Silver accreditation this year. Innovative recycling initiatives such as the Ecoverter have definitely helped us achieve this raised standard.`
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
4th May 2009 Picked up by your fellow sabbatical officers Talah Omran, Rich Hill and elect Oli Cotterill all were very pleased with the progress made. Rich Hill said `it`s fantastic to see the progress we are making year after year but focus should most definately be to maintain these high standards for next year and to learn from the fantastic original intiatives of other Unions from the Gold category.` Anna Heywood, Project Founder and Sound Environmental Impact Awards judge, said: `The Unions have really stepped up a significant level this year and have surpassed themselves`. Anna added `It`s great to see how enthusiastically Unions have taken on board environmental improvements and I feel really proud of how far they`ve come.` Writer, comedian, actor, broadcaster and director, Hardeep Singh Kohli - probably best known for presenting The One Show on BBC1 - hosted the event.
KUSU News/Feature E LE CT IO N S - S TO P T H E B N P
A Keele Labour Student
T hc oeuBnrciitli s hs eNatast i oinnalt hPear tUyKh,a v9e 5o6f
which are in Stoke-on-Trent, plus one seat on the London Assembly.
If you are gay, the BNP think you are `a repulsive creature` (Nick Griffin). If you are Jewish, the BNP think the Holocaust was `a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria` (Nick Griffin). If you are non-White, the BNP want you to leave the UK because you `don't belong here` (BNP promotional material). If you, like me, find all of the above sickening... Sign up to vote by visiting w w w . a b o u t m y v o t e . c o . u k and help us stop the BNP from getting its filthy rotten hands on our campus. We need to stand up against racist, fascist groups like the BNP. Remember to vote on J U N E 4 t h 2 0 0 9 in the European Elections (you can vote in CHANCELLORS BUILDING or KEELE
VILLAGE HALL). If you are on-campus, you are already registered to vote. So all you have to do is pick up your voting card from the post room on campus and go vote. If you live off campus, make sure you register to vote: w w w . a b o u t m y v o t e . c o . u k . You can even do it via postal vote. (Don't worry if you lose your polling card, you can still vote, just take ID) I don't care which party you vote for, every vote for every other party is a vote against the BNP. Labour, Tory or Lib Dem (or even Monster Raving Loony Party if politics gets you down!)... make sure you vote so the BNP get a smaller proportion of the overall votes cast and keep them OUT of the EU!
T H E U NK N O WN R E B E L / remembered; that of the Unknown Rebel. He from such an individual is that even as students is depictured in the famous picture that you have the potential to influence and change T A N K M AN ; 2 0 YE A R S O N shows a man single-handedly preventing the the whole world. Students appear unwilling to Matt Bedding
T ht hi se iJnufnaem mouasr kTsi atnhaen m2 0etnh Saqnunairvee rpsraortye sot sf
by Chinese students.
For those of you not familiar with the events, amongst the chaos ensued by the collapse of communism in Europe Chinese students set up camp in Tiananmen Square promoting power to the people with pro-democracy protests and hunger strikes. As the protest grew it reached a head on the 3rd of June 1989 when the Chinese People`s Liberation Army rolled in to the square killing hundreds of unarmed civilians, the exact number was never released and estimates range from in the hundreds to in the thousands. The atrocities that happened 20 years ago provoked world wide condemnation. Arguably, and especially in my mindset, this protest remains one of the most memorable and influential student protest of all time but what does this got to do with the student today I hear you cry? And I believe that the inspiration of one man should be
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
advance of Chinese Type 59 Tanks, and film from the event shows him move in accordance with the tanks to stop their advance. He was never formally identified and his fate never officially confirmed. It illustrates that the power of the individual should never be underestimated. Yes, you may stand for something smaller (like reduced library fines, or reduced student fees?) and yes, you may never achieve the influence that this unknown individual did but one thing every student should take
stand up for what they believe in as they see it will achieve nothing but Tank Man clearly negates. 20 years on The Unknown Rebel/Tank Man remains to me an inspiration and he should be remembered with respect as an unknown hero. I believe he will continue to encourage generations never to underestimate the power of the individual (and especially should remind us of the power we hold as students as the future of the World).
8 Feature T H E I N T E R NA T IO N AL P AL AN T IR Michael Pickels
oughly a month ago variou s groups in their own wa y s m ar k e d t h e on e y e ar an n i v e rs a ry o f t h e Tibetan unrest and crackdown that occurred in 2008. Th e Chinese government gave their position and the Tibetan government-in-exile did likewise.
Tibet as some of us know is a complicated issue. The region is perhaps the most politically manipulated and abused by all sides concerned. This commentary might be a rude awakening for some however, it pries away the debate from the dominating forces of both the Chinese government and the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama recently remarked that Tibet was `hell on earth`. It is curious that such a term should be coined now at this time for this `hell on earth` existed in Tibet long before 2008 and long before 1950. According to Li Ao who is a prominent writer, activist, and former independent lawmaker in Taiwan R.O.C, he argues that the Dalai Lama and his cohort should not be allowed back to Tibet. This commentary shares his stance. Li Ao`s reason for making such a case is based on his research into Tibetan history under the Dalai Lamas. He revealed (with photographic evidence) that ordinary Tibetans under the Dalai Lamas suffered an existence where their material and spiritual wellbeing were dictated and exploited by the lamas and the nobility which accounted for 5% of the population (prior to 1950). Forms of punishment as Li Ao revealed for ordinary Tibetans that failed to pay their taxes (plus interests) to the lamas and the nobles included methods like skinning, dismemberment, and withering of hands. It was also revealed how there were instances when religious ceremonies required human skin as parchment, it was readily provided (from men, women, or children). This is just scratching the surface of Tibet prior to 1950. Tibet was a dark medieval place before (even up to) 1950. Tibet prior to 1950 was under the oppressive and exploitative thumb of the theocratic governance of the Dalai Lama system. Some newspapers like the Guardian and The Daily Telegraph label the current Dalai Lama as a `spiritual leader`, that is not very accurate. The position of the Dalai Lama is a throne. The Dalai Lama is a religious autocrat. The Dalai Lama is on the same level more or less with the Grand Ayatollah or the Pope. The Dalai Lama is chosen not by elections, but by the readings of astrological
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
4th M ay 20 0 9 signs and omens. The person that is the current Dalai Lama is not representing himself nor the collective will of ordinary Tibetans in Tibet when he negotiates with the Chinese government. The current Dalai Lama represents an entire system of governance – a theocracy. For anyone who wants to take issue of Tibet seriously in any debate one must do some research, read some history, and keep an open mind. What strikes this commentary as being absolutely spectacular is how the current Dalai Lama is so effective in mesmerizing more or less the Western World with its PR campaign. Debate on the history of the Dalai Lama system and the atrocities with it is effectively smothered or ignored. It is amazing how newspapers like the Guardian in particular could run a report/critique on the abhorrent nature of Bible thumping Jesus Camps in America as being socially and democratically regressive and yet when it comes to children of the same age in tattered rags, shaved heads, laying prostrate in Tibetan monasteries they are...cultural heritage sites worth preserving? Please. People who promote democratic ideals or even socialist ones cannot support the Dalai Lama and his theocratic system. There is a lot of sin to go around. What the Chinese government is doing in Tibet in terms of crackdowns is not limited to Tibet. The whole of China is subjected to the same brute force of `public security` and the police. What this commentary finds unacceptable is how the Tibet issue is being superimposed over the more general human rights violations, oppression, and a host of other problems in China which accounts for more or less 1 billion people. What this commentary also finds unacceptable is how the same issue is being peddled by the Free Tibet Movement and unqualified imbeciles like that Richard Gere and Steven Spielberg (who are these people?). Whenever the Tibet issue was played up by the Dalai Lama or Richard Gere and other celebrities the Chinese Government intensified its crackdown on Chinese activists. Various parties abuse and manipulate Tibet for political and PR
gains. It is advisable and more productive that Western governments actively approach Beijing rather than the Dalai Lama when it comes to Tibet. In addition, any discussions with China on human rights or (if one chooses to be bold) democratization, it should not be limited to or dominated by Tibet.
THE CHAPEL A ND TH E CH AP E L LO OK ING AFTER ME Jason Davies Environmental Officer
thought I`d writ e this as a viewpoint into the world of Keele chapel. I was asked to look after Keele chapel for a few days to keep the chaplaincy assistants office open, tea and coffee available and a point of human call for anyone who needs help. So who came during my stay during the quiet first Easter week? A variety of people pass through the chapel in just my first day. Families from Keele eager to explore the inner beauty of the building, adults making `shhh` noises to children as they enter. Students who want to take out loans from the chapel to help them through perhaps less easy financial times. Security staff sometimes walk through, sit and relax. Students and staff come through to see chaplains, have tea or just relax for a while. That`s the best thing about the chapel, viewing it from the library, concourse, the pavement or the student union. It`s a place to relax and forget about the many worries you have, solve some, or remember the important things in life. It`s a place to meet someone face to face and chat in a friendly manner, leaving you with the confidence to get on with your
4th May 2009
next task. Or ask in your mind spiritual questions or have a quiet think about people who you know you should think of, but hardly have the chance to do in our usually hectic lives. I think its worth adding I`m no evangelical christian, in fact I have long held the view that there`s probably not a God, that it doesn`t matter and that all the matters to me is that I believe there is good in all humans and that I can be good and help others myself. I`ve still however found a warm reception though and made being part of this small community part of my life at Keele. So why should I bother writing this? It`s basically to say the chapel is a place for all, whilst many students will see this beautiful blue building every day, few will venture in to purely see what happens inside. It`s not a prison, fortress or space ship, instead it`s a building, home to a unique community that is warm and welcoming. I`d encourage all students during their time at Keele, especially for finalist students, not just to take pictures of the building on the outside but have a real look at what the building really is on the inside, come in relax, pour a free hot beverage and let your mind wander. Maybe even talk to the people inside who make the chapel the small community it is.
had to suffer through. Whilst the Radio One ace argues that it is `making a case for the the super spy's best movie ever`. We`ll ignore the fact that he published his review without even bothering to hit spell check and get rid of that extra `the`, instead let`s focus on what he says. How on earth can anyone think this? If you read my review of Quantum of Solace, you`ll know how much I hated it, but it wasn`t just me. Hit the internet and you`ll find Bond fanatics slamming this film at how bad it is. To be fair, I may be going off on a tangent, this article is not to explain how James Bond has been ruined, it`s about Radio One. I thought I`d test my theory that they have hired someone who is completely useless by hitting the streets. I mean, how can anyone with a Film and Literature from the University of Warwick and who has been nominated for the Sony Radio Academy Awards get reviews so painfully wrong? I asked one hundred and twelve people what they thought of the radio movie-buff and S U IN I NG HE although having to explain a few times who he INDS F O VI E O E R S was and gave a sample of his reviews, a nice chunk of the sample had exactly the same views Mike Fryatt as I did. Seventy eight people, a good 70% agreed that although he seemed to have a good technical knowledge of films, his grasp of what makes a good film, is shall we say, lacking. h e n i t c o m e s t o r e v i e w i n g f i l m s , I ` v e Now come on Radio One, sort this out. I will n o t i c e d , q u i t e p l a i n l y t h a t B B C R a d i o make a promise to readers; I will send a copy of O n e h a v e e m p l o y e d s o m e o n e w h o c l e a r l y this review as soon as it goes to print to the BBC and will continue to do so until something knows nothing about films. is done about it. I don`t mean to cause offence to James King but plainly he is unable to pick important features of films. For example, the recent release of James Bond`s latest outing, The Quantum of Solace, is one the worst shameless advertising films with one of the poorest and uninteresting scripts that I have ever
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
P LE AS E D ON ` T S TO P T HE M U SI C . . . B E CA US E K EELE` S G OT T AL E NT ! Roxy Rudzik
(Musicians' Society President & RAG Week 2009 Music Co-ordinator)
H aj uvdi ngge s biene nN oovne mtbheer ` sp aKneeel l eo` sf
Got Talent 2008 and personally performed alongside some of the greatest, talented musicians, dan cers, models and entertainers, in this year`s ShowCase ShowDown, I believe it`s time to take on the next big pro ject...RAG ( Raisi ng And Giving) Week 2009.
With your help, Dauda and the RAG Team have so far put together some great event and entertainment ideas. However, it is the joint role of Hannah Bayley and myself, as RAG music co-ordinators, to put together a programme of live music for this year`s RAG event.
Continues on Page 14.
What`s On
Mon 4th May - Manic Mondays
Weds 6th - Wicked
Thurs 7th - Quiz Night
Fri 8th - Finalist Friday + WoodStoke Launch Party
Sat 9th - Rugby 7s Afterparty Sun 10th - Live Lounge
Mon 11th - Massive Monday
Tues 12th - Battle of the Bands Weds 13th - Flirt Night
Thurs 14th - KRAP & Quiz Night
Fri 15th - Get Funked
Sat 16th - Eurovision Party Night
Sun 17th - Karaoke
A big welcome back to you all we have missed you lots while you have been away. We hope you are ready to make the most of your final weeks at Keele before you leave us all again for the summer vacation. So over the vacation we have been busy preparing the end of year summer party `WoodStoke 2` and its going to be a big one! We are doing loads more stuff outside this year and the details of the event will be revealed on Finalist Friday on the 8th May. We hope to have, weather permitting, the WoodStoke 2 launch party in the outback with Djs & a BBQ outside and you will be able to find out exactly what going on and who is coming. Tickets go on sale on the 4th May and this years party is set to be the biggest yet, we are kicking off the event at 4pm and it will run through till 4am. For those of you that have never been to the Summer Party before you are in for a treat. We get to take over the car park and move the party outside! There will be a free fairground which is starting earlier this year and running for longer so you will have lots of time to get on the rides. We have also got a huge marquee outside, in the daytime we will have bands & artists performing but you will have to wait till Friday to see what else is going on in there but I know you are going to love it. The Ballroom will be transformed into the ʻGlastonBudgetʼ stage were more bands & DJs will perform. K2 will become ʻT in the Darkʼ were you can expect to see some world class DJs gracing our stage. The out back will become ʻThe Not so Secret Garden Partyʼ with DJs, magicians and lots more. The Lounge is playing host to a very special competition in which the winner could go on to compete at Glastonbury……all will be revealed very soon!!! The new wallplanners are ready for you to pick up, you can find them in the foyer of the SU, Lounge & the Ents Office.
We have an action-packed calendar of events still to come, here is an insight to just a few of them: Thatʼs right, Karaoke is going to be bigger and better than ever this semester as Ninja and myself take over. We will be running weekly competitions with fabulous prizes each week including cash. Karaoke – Sundays, 9pm, Lounge, Free Entry (except when Live Lounge is on)
Get ready for the launch of K2 Lockdown, Keele's newest Monday night experience. Look out for the amazing drinks officers and the return of DJ Jayne and special guests, providing an anthemic blend of Funk, Soul, House, Indie and Pop. Look out of the launch of Lockdown on the 25th May. K2 Lockdown – Monday 25th May and 1st June, 9pm-2am, K2, £3.
After 11 years of hurt, led by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Britain attempts to reclaim a title that was once ours, Eurovision Winners. To celebrate this occasion, we will be showing it on a big screen and running a post event Eurotrash Disco. Incase you
have not written the date of Eurovision into most popular club nights are: Beach your diary yet, it is Saturday 16th of May. Party, Murder Mystery, 118 118 and Plain White Tease. Eurovision Eurotrash – Saturday 16th May from 7pm, Lounge, The Beach party will feature a surf simulator Free Entry and summer cocktails, but don't forget your grass skirt (gentlemen). The final heat for battle of the bands will be The Cluedo Murder Mystery Special, is in on Tuesday 12th of May. You get top music association with the VE project, who will be from some of the best student and local running this special night with wonderful bands, you get to vote and itʼs completely prizes. free to come along. The winners of the In celebration of RAG Weekʼs Sports Day, a competition will get a place on the Summer 118 118 night will see 'Who wears short Party Bill, so please come down to have shorts' (hopefully) and don't forget your afro your say. We have an eclectic mix of Indie, wig and if you can grow one, a handle bar Rock and Alternative bands, so whatever moustache. your taste in live music thereʼs something for you. Finally, Plain White Tease is a twist on the tradition of signing your school shirt on the Battle of The Bands – Tuesday last day before the summer holidays. Simply 12th and Thursday 28th May, 8pm, K2, come with a plain white t-shirt and write, Free Entry scribble and draw your farewell messages to your Keele companions before you all head In celebration of both summer and Rag your separate ways for the summer, or perWeek for the first time ever at Keele, we haps for life! have decided to put the Live Lounge outside in the Outback. This will feature exclu- Flirt Murder Mystery Cluedo – Wednesday sive performances from the musician soci13th May ety, as well as our regular favorites and of Flirt Beach Party – Wednesday 27th May course free nibbles! 118 118 Party – Friday 5th June Flirt Plain White Tease – Wednesday 10th Live Lounge – Sunday 10th June (Lounge) and 31st (Outback) May, 9pm, Free Entry All 9pm-2am, Whole Building, Free Entry After a hugely successful year of full-on flirt before 9pm, £2 until 10:30pm, £4 thereafter themes, the final themes for one of Keeleʼs
Entertainmentʼs Department - j.winstanley@keele.ac.uk
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
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4th May 2009
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
R.A.G. Continued from Page 9.
We are looking for enthusiastic, reliable and musically talented individuals. So, are you interested in performing live in front of a receptive crowd all those cover songs you perform in your bedroom? Want a chance to showcase your ability to Beat-Box or sing acapella? Want to dance on stage? (All dance styles welcome, hip hop, salsa, tap, etc..). Get your band together for a live music set? Or perform an instrumental piece on a saxophone, trumpet, violin, or harmonica, etc? If your answer is YES to any of the above, or you have a different musically-related idea, then this is the event for you! Want more details or want to get involved? Email m s p r e s i d e n t @ h o t m a i l . c o . u k and check out the Facebook (re Musicians` Society group, then search under events listing): http:/ /www.facebo ok.com/home.php?#/ event.php?eid=60846258740 Look forward to hearing from you!
R A G W EEK - M AY 30TH - JUNE 5TH Dauda Bappa Vice-President (Finance & Activities)
J uI shteua nr dyeorus iaxs kw? e eSkisx t ow egeok! s Tu inltli lwohnaet
of the best weeks on the Keele calendar, RAG (Raising & Giving) Week!
The week officially kicks off on Saturday May 30th with a series of events throughout the week to raise money and awareness for some superb charities. Last year saw the return of RAG Week after a long break, headed by your wonderful VP Finance elect (Oli Cotterill) – just over £4,500 was raised for Arch (a local charity combating domestic violence) and Village by Village (a charity who help builds wells, improves schooling, trade links and sanitation in West Africa). University RAG societies are widespread in the UK and across the world. It is not exactly known where the term `RAG` originated, but it is believed to be from the Victorian Era when students took time out of their studies to collect rags to clothe the poor. To `RAG` someone means to pester them, thus early RAG collectors may have `ragged` passers-by until they made a donation. These days though, RAG has
4th M ay 20 0 9 come to stand for Raise and Give or Raising and Giving. Traditionally RAG Weeks have a `RAG Mag`. This is a small booklet usually filled with dirty jokes sold to the local community during RAG Week. Some university RAGs with a strong local tradition still sell their RAG Mags dirty jokes included, whilst others use theirs more as information-tools for new students wanting to know more about RAG. Expect some rip roaring jokes in this year’s mag. Another essential part of a RAG Week are RAG raids. Groups of people descend into a town square, often in costume, and collect money in buckets for the charities. You may have seen our rugby team do a similar venture for Children in Need last year. This year we have chosen to support one local and one international charity, although individuals will be raising money for a whole host of other charities. The local charity we have chosen to support is New Life which is based in Cannock. New Life cares for disabled and terminally ill children. It gives practical support for disabled children throughout the UK, funds medical research, creates awareness and campaigns for change. They keep their costs low and are one of the few charities who openly give donors the chance to ensure 100% of their donation or fundraising reaches what they want to fund, with no admin costs taken out. New Life are a very practical charity, much of the work they do really affects the daily life experiences of families and children. Our international charity is Invisible Children, who work in Northern Uganda with former child soldiers and those displaced by conflict in the region. In the spring of 2003, three young American film makers arrived in Africa searching for a story. What they found in Uganda was a tragedy where children are both the weapons and victims. On their return to the States they made a documentary `Invisible Children` which has developed into a global student movement. Across the States, Australia, South Africa, Mexico and Europe they have spread a message of hope and activism amongst students and young people who have responded with enthusiasm and the desire to help others. Now for the events; we have around 10 major events during the week with many smaller events occurring too. The first weekend will be dedicated for the RAG Raids. Sunday night will kick off with collaboration between the Musicians’ Society and KUSU for Live Outback! Essentially a Live Lounge but the venue will be a (hopefully) sunny Outback. Personally, the idea of live music with the sun rays beating down on me and a cool drink truly excites me! During the day on May 31st, we will be holding a 6 - a - s i d e f o o t b a l l t o u r n a m e n t over at the Astroturf which is always a popular event.
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
A p p r e n t i c e – Adam Mason ran this event last year and I thought it was fantastic as a customer. The idea is simple – different groups of people pit against each other with their business ideas. The business that generates the most money during the day will win. Last year this event housed events such as human table football, Guitar Hero competition, plate smashing, cake sales etc. This year we will aim to replicate and hopefully not have the rain against us! S o c i e t y A w a r d s – An annual event, while this isn`t a traditional money raising event, I thought it would be nice to host it during RAG Week. I will be running a raffle during the night for a chance to win some lovely prizes. Society Awards is a night to celebrate one of the most important aspects of KUSU. We have over 60 societies with well over 1,000 members! A lot of new societies have started this year and some of the existing ones have done some wonderful things which deserve praise. D e - s t r e s s E v e n t – You may remember Adam Mason`s de-stress event a few months back for students that finished their exams to relax, kick back and have a work out on the bouncy castle. Exam finish Tuesday June 2nd and to celebrate this we will be holding a carnival on the Concourse. The Concourse will be laden with bouncy castles, sumo wrestling suits, a BBQ, music and large doses of fun! D J B a t t l e – This event will be on the Tuesday evening. You have all heard of `Battle of the Bands`, now it is the DJs turn to battle it out for the crown of number 1 DJ at Keele. This University is littered with student DJ’s, some of which play at the Union and other halls bars. Expect to see and hear some crazy beats! D o u g h n u t S a l e – If you haven`t seen myself or Talah sell a Krispy Kreme doughnut this year, you must have been in hiding. During this calendar year we have sold over 1,500 doughnuts to raise money for our RAG budget. We will have another sale before RAG week to reach our budget target and during the week itself, we are holding a SUPER MASSIVE doughnut sale. For anyone that doesn`t know, Krispy Kremes are the best doughnuts in the world - FACT! I had my first one only a few months ago and have rued at the fact that it took me 24 bloody years to do so!
4th May 2009 D o d g e b a l l – There hasn`t been a tournament at Keele for a while now so what better time to bring it back. Previous events have been hosted by the netball and men`s ruby team; it is very fun to play and watch. The winning teams will win prizes; alcohol last time I believe. Expect some tough competition; my team has got to the last three finals! Remember the five d`s of dodge ball: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge! B i n g o / Q u i z – Disco Dave returns for an action packed Bingo followed by a super quiz. We gave away lots of prizes at the last bingo so expect more of the same. The quiz will feature play your cards right – no guesses who will be doing that section. S p o r t s D a y – The day I am most looking forward to. We are going to recreate a traditional school sports day. The event will be a similar sized event to Rugby Sevens and feature some fun filled sports including egg & spoon race, tug of war, three legged race, wheel barrow race plus
much more. You can enter either as a team or individual. That is the crux of it for the main events. More details will follow closer to the date. The theme of the whole week is competition – we would like to get competition throughout all of the different groups at Keele. Whether it be Tories v Labour, Football v Rugby, Keele v Staff`s, Horwood v Barnes – there are plenty of rivalries to choose from. Expect to see a lot of prizes throughout the week, some of which have been signed by a well known Premiership footballer. Hope this article has informed you well about what RAG Week is for and has got you excited. We need volunteers to help out during the week, especially with the RAG Raids. If you would like to help out in any way or have an idea you would like to see as a RAG event please feel free to contact me v p . f i n a n c e @ k u s u . k e e l e . a c . u k ). Good (v luck with the exams and hope to hear from lots of you soon!
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
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4th MaY 2009
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
ometimes unexpected things happen which affect n 31st March 2009, the UK Border Agency introduced some big how well we can study or how we perform in changes to immigration for students who need to extend their exams or mean we need extra time to meet a dead- visa. If you are here on a visa, please make sure you are fully aware line. of t he new rules.
If something has happened at home, or you are ill or some The new Tier 4 points based system (PBS) will require students to show: other unforeseen circumstance has occurred and you feel that · a detailed `visa letter` from the university this will affect your studies you need to let your school know · a specified amount of money in their own bank account for 28 days before there is a problem as soon as it occurs or as soon afterwards they make their application. as possible. You need to do this formally, having a chat with your tutor or with the office staff does not mean that this will If you need to extend your visa for more than 9 months, you will need to show be noted formally and it will not be taken into account. £1200 as well as the first year of course fees in your own bank account (or a joint You need to fill in a form to report your extenuating circum- bank account as long as your name is on it) for 28 days immediately before you stances officially. Forms can be downloaded from make the application. This money needs to be in cash, therefore cannot be shares, w w w . k e e l e . a c . u k / d e p t s / a a / n e w a c a d r e g p a g e s / f o r m s / e x bonds or pension funds. For some students, this could mean needing to show over t e n u a t i n g c i r c u m s t n a c e s . d o c You should fill the form in £10000 which is why it is very important that you are aware of this change now. clearly, making sure that you give clear and concise details of The account balance cannot drop below the required amount at any point during what the circumstances are and how they have been affecting the 28 days before you make your application. your academic performance, you should state how long these If you need to extend your visa for less than 9 months, you need to show £600 issues have been going on and if you can provide evidence (for per month up to a maximum of £1200 as well as your course fees. example a letter or note form your Doctor). The completed If you have dependants, you will also need to show funds for them. This is curform should be handed in to the designated member of staff in rently £400 per month per dependant (including babies) for a maximum of 2 your Schools. The Independent Advice Unit can help you to fill months, if they extend their visa at the same time as you. For more information please look at the various sections of the IAU pages out the forms. http://www.kusu.net/instudents.html Always check with the IAU for the most recent information before making your application. The rules about working will stay the same: 20 hours MAXIMUM during term time and full time during vacations. Independent Advice Unit, Top Floor, Keele University Students' Union, Keele, Newcastle, Staffordshire, ST5 5BJ Tel: 01782 7 34800 Fax: 01782 7 34814 Email: independent.advice.unit@keele.ac.uk www.kusu.net/iau
REGISTRATION ASSISTANTS NEEDED FOR WELCOME WEEKEND! Hours: Saturday 26th Sept 09 Extra shifts may be available: Sunday 27th, Monday 28th & Tuesday 29th September These are not guaranteed and to be eligible for extra shifts you MUST be able to work Saturday 27th. Pay: Above National Minimum Wage Applicants must have excellent communication skills!
Full job description inside application pack To apply: Complete and return an application pack available from the Jobshop
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
4th May 2009
riday 13th March was Red Nose Day and Keele staff and students rose to the challenge to raise a w h o p p i n g £1 , 2 3 1 . 9 6 i n c a s h a n d pledges! Coming out in force for Comic Relief, the Students` Union sold 300 red noses on behalf of Sainsbury`s in Hanley and held a `slave auction` which received pledges totalling £437.50. The slave auction was made up of 24 students and staff ranging from bar staff, front door stewards and entertainments crew, to university sports team members and student officers. Everyone who took part raised significant amounts of money by selling a talent or service, or simply an hour of their time for whatever their buyer wanted them to do! Some of these services included live performances on stage, but the least said about
those the better! As the night went on, the bids got larger and larger, with the current Students` Union President, Talah Omran, and next year's elected president Adam Mason, making a massive £65 each, both bought by the same group of Tory students! Incredibly, this amount was surpassed by the final auction sale, involving a two man team of Keele Rugby legend Brendan Nicholls and recently elected Athletic Union President Roger Weston, raising a massive £110 between them. Other events held by Keele students for Red Nose Day included a quiz, jumble sale and a raffle. Students` Union staff also rose to the challenge with a sweepstake and a special red nose menu which was the delight of the day at union catering outlets. Keele Volunteer Experience Project Leader Becky Wardell said: `Thanks to everyone who took part in helping us to raise money for Comic Relief. Whether it was volunteering to organise an event, making a donation or wearing a red nose, everyone has had a great time and it is really satisfying to know that the money we have raised will help vulnerable and disadvantaged people to change their lives for the better!`
Beth Redfern A.U. Co-Ordinator
Roger Weston A.U. President
ancy a challenge? Why not challenge eth, Roger and Paula are joining 200 other peop le in a 6 day cycle from members of Staf f to be at you in any one Edinburgh to London this August 17th-23rd. of our competitions being organ ised between May 11t h and 15th. They will leave Edinburgh during the Fringe Festival and finish on The Mall outside Buckingham Palace, stopping at Berwick-Upon-Tweed, Newcastle, Leeds, Nottingham and The Leisure Centre are hosting a series of battles to Oxford en route. For the last leg the group will be led by Mark Cavendish from Team be crowned The Best! We are looking for students Columbia, fresh from his Tour De France ride. It promises to be a fantastic challenge for and staff alike to take part. The event line up is as people of all levels. We are doing this in aid of `Right to Play` follows:Right To Play (RTP) uses sport and play as low cost high impact way to reach children Monday 5:30 pm- Football (11 a side) and youths in the most disadvantaged areas in the world. Sport serves as an unrivalled Tuesday 5:30 pm- Badminton (8 a side) medium to educate the young on sensitive issues such as HIV/AIDS; promote healthy livWednesday 12 pm- Golf ( 4 a side) ing; and encourage the positive elements inherent in sport- tolerance, fair play, fitness, and Thursday 5:30 pm- Netball (10 a side) cooperation. In societies affected by conflict, instilling these qualities is crucial if youths are Friday 5:30 pm- Water Fight (as many as you like!) to grow up with faith in the virtues of social inclusivity and collaboration above violence and retribution. At only £2 for each activity this makes not only At present Right To Play works with 720,000 youths and children per week. Given this a fabulous competition but also great value for large number, and in order to maximize the impact of our sport for development programs money! and ensure policy coherence, they work in association with national governments, the United Nations, other international NGOs, and our athlete ambassadors. Are you interested? If so contact either Beth or Mike at the Leisure Centre for more information and Between the three of us we aim to raise in excess of £4000. We would like to ask you to secure your place on the teams! to donate to use either on campus if you see us around, pledge to our `just Giving` account. a u @ k u s u . k e e l e . a c . u k or 0 1 7 8 2 7 3 3 3 6 8 We hope to bring you blogs of our training and our progress on the actual cycle.
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper
4th M ay 20 0 9
Roger Weston Athletic Union President
arch 11th saw Keele go head to head wi t h S t a f f o rd s h i re Un i v e rs i t y i n 13 sports. Th is year it was hosted over at Staffs grounds.
for the grande finale of Men`s Football. Newcastle Town filled up as kick off approached and expectation was in the air. The Varsity Cup`s home for the next year rested on the shoulders of both Keele and Staffs players alike. It was tense from the start but tensions were relieved when the first half saw a wondrous goal from Otty which put Keele 1-0 up. There was also a shocking decision to yellow card our Captain Peter Hill. During half time the winners of the other matches were awarded their shiny silverware. As the second half got underway we saw an awful tackle by Staffs for which there should have been a sending off but unfortunately the luck did not go our way. Staffs then went onto scoring two lucky and uninteresting goals. This left the score at 6-7 to Staffs and the trophy was regretfully handed back; however, it was made clear that it was only on loan for the year and their purpose built cabinet will stand empty in future!
For this year there was a change to the line up with cricket making their first appearance. In addition the competition was spread over two days- with cricket being played on the Saturday before and the rest of the events on the Wednesday. Unfortunately, Cricket didn`t go our Q U EST RI AN A TIONAL OMPETITION way and Keele went into the day one nil down. Fencing was first on the list and the men and Amy Parker women played at the same time. This was an incredible match, and by the end of it the bale a r r i v e d o n t h e T u e s d a y a t athough the test did not go as smooth as I would cony was full of supporters for both sides. The A r e n a U K w h e r e w e w o u l d b e have liked I qualifyed for the third round with women took an early lead and managed to retain it until the end. The men`s match was nail bit- s p e n d i n g m o s t o f o u r t i m e f o r t h e only 6 people and this took place on the thursing. It came down the last 5 points and due to n e x t 4 d a y s f o r r e g i s t r a t i o n a n d t o d o day. sheer bad luck the men lost by a mere two t h e d r a w t o p i c k o u t t h e o r d e r w e An even earlier start on Thursday as we had to points. The edge of your seat action continued w o u l d r i d e i n a n d w h a t h o r s e s w e be at the competition venue for 8.30am to draw with the next matches of the day with the results w o u l d r i d e . horses and watch the demo. Unfortunatly I drew all coming down to the last few minutes. the first to go! Having warmed up my horse I Women`s Rugby played an incredible match did my test but unfortunalty I did not progress drawing 20-20 at full time. The match then went to the final. I did however finish fourth so I was into extra time and Keele were ahead until the still pleased. last few minutes when Staffs managed to claw Friday was the last day of competition and back some points. jumping day. The format was very similar to the Men`s Hockey meanwhile took full advantage dressage where 45 riders were cut down to 15 and easily outplayed Staffs. with the best on each horse going through. I Mixed Lacrosse were let down by a supposeddrew a very nice horse and was due to go 35th ly biased referee who played rules that didn`t so I had a lot of time to watch and see how the exist. This led to much confusion in the Keele course was riding. I had a very nice clear round side leading to an unfortunate loss. and as it was judged on style, as well as faults, Women`s Hockey wiped the floor with Staffs I managed to qualify for the next round and securing another point for Keele. again drew first to go. This round was judged On the Wednesday we had to be at the firsty on faults and unfortuanltly I was a pole Women`s Basketball finished their match battered and bruised and despite their match being venue by 9am to watch the other horses down. continually neck and neck they were unable to being demoed and to view some tests. We After watching the rest of the competition we had drawn 11th so we were the last to ride then had to wait for the overall results which was secure the final points needed. Women`s Football had an eventful pre-match ours horses to the crowd. We were give 7 a little nerve racking! However, I came fourth start due to kit clashes but the rule book came mins to warm up and get to know the hors- overall and was delighted. I finished overall on out in favour of Keele which left Staffs playing es. The test went well considering none of 15 penalties with third place having 10 so I was us had done the test before with each other not too far behind. I had a great time at the in their men`s old kit. Netball saw Keele outplay the opposition from in the arena; we normally ride one at a time. Nationals and I would like to thank those who Once all the tests were finished we waited for came to watch and support, especially Lucy and the start. The final score ended 36-19. Men`s Rugby was as ever, passion driven. the results. Only the top rider on all the Harriet as they did a great job keeping me With a point to prove, Keele were out in force. horses would go though to the second round focused and making sure I had a good time. Despite a scrap or two on the pitch and some reducing 45 riders to just 15. I managed to confusion over points, Keele reigned high with a qualify for the next round and the process of drawing the horses came again. This time I 9-7 win. Men’s Basketball fell to the same fate as the drew 9th and second on my horses. This Women`s Basketball. This left the overall score meant again I could watch some tests and as 6-6 as everyone headed to Newcastle Town FC see what hapened. It was again my turn and
Keele University Students’ Union Newspaper