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Amazing Spring Break Camps! 8
Aim High
Aim High is hosting an Art Camp for Spring Break! Campers will discover their inner artists through various crafts, finger painting and more! Ages 5+; $375 for non members (full week), $325 for members (full week), $75/day aimhighma.org/camps
Art World School

Full Day or Half Day Camps with Drawing/ Painting, Arts & Crafts, Clay, Mixed Media, Yoga, architecture, 3D art, and outside play time daily. Ages 4-14, $65+/day artworldschool.com
Audubon Portland
Join Portland Audubon over Spring Break for day camp adventures to explore the world of birds and mammals, find native plants and cool amphibians, and create springtime art!
Grades 1-5, sliding scale audubonportland.org/our-work/learn/youthprograms/camps-for-kids/spring-break-camp

Fashion Design School
This Portland based camp teaches both sewing and design. Students create portfolios of their fashion line. Designers from the community support their amazing students! Ages 8-14, $350/wk nwfashioncamp.com

Mittleman Jewish Community Center
Keep them busy and having fun at the MJCC with sports, swimming, gymnastics, arts and crafts, games, and more! Kids must be pottytrained. Ages 3-12, $70/day (non-member) or $56/day (member) oregonjcc.org/vacationcamps
Northwest Children’s Theater

Join NWCT’s award-winning camps! Spring Break Camp will be the first programming to happen at NWCT’s new downtown home: The Judy. Camps will also be offered in Beaverton, NE Portland and SE Portland. Ages 4-14; $210 - $420/wk, Scholarships available nwcts.org/2023-spring-break-camps

New Era Outdoor Camp

Fun Spring Break & Summer Camp program on 80 acres between Oregon City & Canby. Campers will learn some farming basics, including planting trees and gardens and fun selfsustainable practices! Ages 8-14, $350/wk neweraor.com
Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
Combine all the fun of LEGO with a week at OMSI! Explore physics and engineering ideas as you bring your creativity to life with more LEGO bricks than you have ever seen. Grades 2-5, $413/wk omsi.edu/camps-classes