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Early Bird Summer Camp Discounts
Are you getting a jump on summer camp plans?
Check out our roundup of early registration discounts and cross one thing off your list! Remember to save the date for our annual Summer Camp Expo (Saturday, 4/22 at OMSI), too!
Art World School
Full or half-day options which include drawing/ painting, arts & crafts, clay, mixed media, yoga, sculpture, architecture, and outdoor play time. Flexible enrollment options, early bird special, and discounts available for enrolling in multiple days. Lower level and higher level class available for students ages 4 and up. Small classes, teachers with skill-based curriculum and professional instruction.
Discount: 5% off for Enrollment by 4/15/23 artworldschool.com
EdenAcres Environmental Education

Adventure. Play. Nature. Outdoor, nature-based summer camps for kids 3-15. Day camp and overnight camp options. Camps located in Hillsboro and Gales Creek.
Discount: Super early bird special! 15% off all camps until February 20th with coupon code ‘NWKids’ edenacres.org/summer-camps-2023
Fashion Design Camp
Portland based Fashion Design Camp teaches sewing and design. Campers create portfolios, name and layout their first fashion line!
Discount: Register by February 28th for 20% off! nwfashioncamp.com

Fine Art Starts
Join Fine Art Starts for fun, top-notch fine art camps in their new, magically treed indoor/outdoor camp location! Drawing, painting, printmaking and clay! Small groups, quality materials and professional staff. Stepby-step lessons (and then self-directed exploration). Campers learn art skills to balance with their own ideas to make unique artwork (not crafty-schmafty stuff). New projects every day/week. Full and half-day camps.
Discount Code: NW23 artcampspdx.com
MJCC Summer Day Camp

MJCC Day Camp is imbued with a sense of joy, community, spirit and fun. Health + safety is their top priority. Enjoy quality, fun, age-appropriate programs including sports, cooking, Jewish culture, drama, nature, and more! Campers create crafts, play games, and do activities that revolve around each week’s theme. Flexible options 8:00 am – 5:30 pm. Open to everyone.
Discount: 5% off in March oregonjcc.org/daycamp
NW Children’s Theater & School
Northwest Children’s Theater’s award-winning summer camps are coming to a neighborhood near you! Campers ages 4-14 will learn theater skills in a safe and welcoming environment, while gaining confidence, building social skills, and having fun! The Judy (NWCT’s new home in downtown Portland): June 19 - August 25; SE Portland: June 19 - July 14; NE Portland: July 17 - August 11; The Reser (Beaverton): August 7 - 25
Discount: Scholarships and payment plans are available. nwcts.org/2023-summer-camp
New Era Outdoor & Farm School

Outdoor and farm school on 80 acres between Oregon City and Canby! Campers will learn basics of farming and plant trees and gardens. Fun and important lessons on selfsustainability!
Discount: Register by February 28th to receive 20% off neweraor.com
Willowbrook Arts Camp
Willowbrook is an arts camp that operates in Brown’s Ferry Park, Tualatin. We welcome campers from 3-18 years old and offer unique space for 3-4 year olds (The Squirrel’s Nest), 5-7 year olds (The Village) and 8-18 year olds (The Artisans). This allows us to create a physical space that is appropriate for their age group and has enough variety to allow campers to choose and explore.
Discount: Tualatin Resident Discount, financial aid and scholarships are available. willowbrookartscamp.org

Portland Jewish Academy (pjaproud.org) provides a rich academic and cultural learning experience for kids from early childhood through 8th grade. We’ve invited budding writers from the middle school Humanities classes and writing exploratory to join our team for a series that gives you a glimpse into thoughts and life - from their perspective.