august 2012
Rockwood Midwifery Center SERVICES:
Contraceptive care
Lauren Armstrong, CNM, ARNP
Preconception counseling
Tonia Baker, CNM, ARNP
Family Planning
Kathleen Bentley, CNM, ARNP
Menopausal management
Valerie Ewert, CNM, ARNP
Management of common health illness Infection screening and treatment Well woman and annual gynecological exams
Renata Gruber, CNM, ARNP Leanne Zilar, FNP, CNM
Prenatal, labor, delivery and postpartum care Presence throughout labor Breastfeeding education Breast and Cervical Program
Rockwood OB/GYN Center SERVICES:
Routine pelvic exams and annual check-ups
Miguel Bermeo, M.D.
Low-risk and high-risk pregnancies
Dustin Hall, D.O.
Total pre/post-natal care
Lewis Meline, M.D.
Vaginal hysterectomies, abdominal hysterectomies, tubal ligations, and other laparoscopic surgeries
Scott Schade, M.D.
Gardasil vaccinations In-office Adiana and endometrial ablations (performed by Scott Schade, M.D. at the Rockwood Gynecology Center; 801 W. 5th Avenue, Suite 515)
Pamela Silverstein, M.D. Benjamin Wood, D.O. Nita Kofchock, ARNP Janet Russell, ARNP
To schedule an appointment at the Rockwood Midwifery or OB/GYN Center, please call (509) 755-5205.
OB/GYN ANd MIdwIfeRY CeNteR 910 W. 5th Avenue, Suite 300 Spokane, WA 99204
KIDS: Our number one priority. The Rockwood Pediatrics department specializes in the care of infants, children and adolescents. Working as a team, our pediatric providers share their collective experience and knowledge to ensure that our young patients receive the latest diagnostic and treatment options available. They specialize in routine, acute and chronic care including immunizations and sports physicals. With a family-centered approach to keeping children healthy, we answer your questions, provide education, and give reassurance and encouragement to you as a parent. We have five convenient locations around Spokane area that offer pediatric care.
Rockwood Pediatrics Locations: MAIN CLINIC
400 E. 5th Avenue Spokane, WA 99202 509.342.3150
9001 N. Country Homes Blvd. Spokane, WA 99218 509.755.5340
NORthPOINte SPeCIALtY CeNteR 605 E. Holland Avenue, Suite 200 Spokane, WA 99218 509.342.3010
14408 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99216 509.755.5710
LIBeRtY LAKe CLINIC 1326 N. Stanford Lane Liberty Lake, WA 99019 509.755.6760
For Tickets:
Operate The Ballpark
-NightSunday August 19
vs. Tri-City Dust Devils
Young fans can sign-up at the game for the chance to help out as a Bat Boy, P.A. announcer, Radio Broadcaster, member of the Grounds Crew, and more!
-Also Sunday- Free PArKiNg -
SUPERCUTS CiRClE ThE baSES Kids are invited to circle the bases immediately following the game.
sponsored by:
table of contents
family camping pg. 25
features 22 Immunizations 101
with a new school year upon us we check out what the local health experts have to say in the vaccination debate
25 camping with kids
it may not be for the faint of heart but the rewards far outweigh the headache
27 caring for our parents
when it comes time to help our parents settle into a new way of life we need to be prepared and ready to step up to the challenge
table of contents
adult care pg. 27
departments 07 Publisher’s note
22 Feature
11 momentum
27 essay
30 Food & Wine
mamas in business - feel better fitness spark - local volunteer network for kids
august events you shouldn’t miss
we make local kiddos famous for a month
to vaccinate or not - what you need to know
camping with kids - pain or pleasure?
travel essentials for family getaways
wine tasting etiquette 101
Publisher’s note
biphasic parenting I heard this expression for the first time just last week and I can’t think of any better phrase to describe the way my life is unfolding. Almost sixteen years ago, I had a baby that made the whole world brighter and just four weeks ago I had another! What does it mean to reset your life clock and start from day one all over again? With the new school year approaching we all get ready to reset clocks and embrace the’s to what’s just around the corner ~ whatever that may be!
Grandparents play an important role in the lives of their grandchildren as “stress buffers,” family “watchdogs,” “roots,” “arbitrators,” and “supporters.” Research suggests that children find unique acceptance in their relationships with grandparents. As playmates, role models, mentors and historians, grandparents encourage emotional and mental growth when teaching values, instilling ethnic heritage, and passing on family traditions. 8
inspiring & empowering today’s mamas
publisher emily olson
august 2012
contributing writers tammy marshall, julia ditto, oliver x. theobald, don cutler
managing editor tammy marshall
MAGAZINE INTERNS sara fugelseth, zachary olson
creative director emily olson
Northwest Mama Magazine 2600A E. Seltice Way #306 Post Falls, ID 83854 509.979.2028
advertising SALES monica lang karyna hamilton joyce robb All rights reserved. No part of this publ ication may be reproduced without written permission from publisher. Photographs, graphics,and artwork are the property of Northwest Mama Magazine © 2012 Printed in the U.S.A.
Little Fingers, Little Toes, Capture them before they Grow!
Specializing in Custom Newborn, Baby and Children Portraiture 10
mama momentum
IDeas & Opinions interviews in the news local trends
/soh-shuhl-net-wur-king/ noun: The development of social contacts; the sharing of information and services among people with a common interest. It is amazing how quickly a phrase can take root in our networking for example. We have come to know this phrase intimately in our professional circles. A great social networker can, for example, move up the career ladder at a quicker pace because she can reduce the degree of separation from her boss, a future employer or even a big-wig name to be dropped during an interview. But how can social networking be applied to our family lives? The amount of time devoted to making “connections” was once dedicated to family in the form of playtime or facetime. Some parents are making a point of networking with their teenaged children by using the web to stay connected in a new way as “friends” or “fans” of their kids. Adapt or die is often the motto in business and when it comes to staying connected with our kids...the same must be true.
ev e r y CH I LD is a spark!
One mama’s mission to get children involved in their community. by Don Cutler
hat better way to light a candle than with the spark from a child? Nancy Schmidt figured that out at a young age, starting with participation in Camp Fire Girls and 4H. Her passion for volunteering really caught fire when she was in college in San Diego, where, among other things, she volunteered in a reading program and organized a dog walk for the Humane Society. Her volunteer activities continued when she moved north to attend graduate school at WSU. After finishing her PhD and having her first child, she didn’t slow down. If she went to the Food Bank or a shelter for women, she took along her infant daughter, Tanis. When Tanis was barely eighteen months old, Nancy would talk to her while she ran her charitable errands, explaining what she was doing, and why. After all, whether we’re aware of it or not, from the time of infancy, our children are observing, learning, and forming lifelong views of their parents, the world, and themselves. Nancy began to wonder if a passion for service work could be instilled in children, something that would benefit the child and the community. Thus, Spark Northwest was born. Spark NW is a non-profit organization with a simple mission: Provide growing minds with tools that will spark a lifelong dedication to helping others. Put simply, Spark’s purpose can be expressed in three words: Volunteer – Learn – Lead. Spark’s focus is on children as young as two years old, but the work they do and the lessons learned are geared toward children of all ages—including parents and grandparents, who are encouraged to participate with the kids. Considerable research indicates that children who are actively engaged in volunteering are less likely to engage in risky behavior, since they develop a strong sense of empathy. They develop strong self-confidence, moral reasoning, and a high sense of self-esteem. It’s also important that children are encouraged to reflect on their volunteering experiences; in fact, studies show that such personal reflection enhances the learning process and helps create leadership skills. To help kids do that, Spark teaches them how to keep a journal in which they can not only write of their efforts, but keep special mementoes, such as special badges and photos.
An important part of a child’s learning process is nurturing a sense of curiosity and helping the child develop positive ways of expressing it. Among other benefits, volunteer work has been shown to enhance a child’s ability to explore things that interest them in constructive ways. Spark gets involved in active events, such as the tree planting project they recently undertook in cooperation with the Lands Council. A group of over eighty kids and their parents planted two-hundred trees in the Saltese Uplands Conservation Futures site in the Spokane Valley. My four-year old granddaughter, Anna, loves Spark. Her mother, Sarah, reports that since participating in the tree planting, she has been asking questions about the environment. Anna colors a picture of each event and keeps them in her Spark folder along with the badges she collects at each event. A Tip Sheet is developed for each project undertaken by Spark. It gives adults and kids suggestions and ideas to enhance the event. For example, for the tree-planting project, tips included a summary of how trees benefit the environment and community. Suggestions included taking a walk with your child and collect pine cones and leaves. Spark’s projects also enhance a child’s sense of creativity. Care packages for kids in Sacred Heart Children’s Center included bookmarks and journals with artwork by the volunteers. In June, a Fish Lake Park trash cleanup event included an opportunity to make an arts and crafts gift for Father’s Day. Nancy has authored a children’s book that will be released later this year, with wonderful artwork by Connie Janney. This is the closing passage: That little spark we started with just grew and grew and grew from one person to the next and next - from me to you and you. So, stop and take a look at your own community and ignite a spark that will grow and reach across the sea. For more information, go to the Spark NW website: To see more of Connie Janney’s artwork, visit the Spark NW website or
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{mamas in business}
cyndi slizza owner of feel better fitness
Mama: a loving, involved mother who gives of herself to provide the best possible care for the well being of her child. Definition from Cyndi Slizza It’s like they were never pregnant. No stretch marks, no extra fat - celebrities bounce right back into their size two pants almost instantaneously after giving birth. We at NWMama say, “No fair!” Still, they are at an advantage. They have the incentive, (hello, going on television or movie screens where millions will stare at you), the money to eat the healthiest foods made by
personal chefs, workouts guided by personal trainers-and if those don’t work-the ability to pay for super-expensive plastic surgery. Yet, just because they have everything doesn’t mean us regular moms have nothing. We have the ability to work out (just maybe not always the availability). Healthy foods are becoming more affordable and readily available in grocery stores, farmers markets, the local co-op and public market. We also have each other. Mamas like Cyndi Slizza of Feel Better Fitness have figured out how to harness the power that a group of mamas competing towards the same goal can accomplish - and have fun while doing it. In her Mommies on the Move class, held three times a week, mamas gather to work out and participate in everything a mommy group can offer. “Group exercise is a proven way to avoid postpartum depression, lose weight gained during pregnancy and strengthen the core muscles that are the basis for healthy movement,” Slizza says. The certified personal trainer first discovered what was formerly Stroller Strides after moving up here from California with one daughter and pregnant with another child. Not knowing a soul outside her nuclear family, Slizza says,” didn’t have any family nearby and knew absolutely no one in Spokane. Stroller fitness was a social outlet and exercising helped me feel less insane from the lack of sleep. I made
friends, lost some baby weight, and my daughter still plays with the children she met as a baby. It helps create a sense of community for both Mommies and the kids”. When the weather is fair they meet in Mission Park and when it’s not so fair they meet at Northtown Mall. Now called Mommies on the Move, you can participate by purchasing an unlimited pass for $40 which equates to less than the price of a latte for each class. New participants are welcome to try the group for free. According to Slizza, Mommies on the Move provides support for mamas to get their bodies back, help new moms avoid postpartum depression, be a resource of information as the group discusses topics like lactation and getting babies to sleep, and a place for babies and young kids to meet and build social skills and get some of that energy out. Maybe famous people get their bodies back in shape, post-baby, with what appears to be little work, but we can do it too with Feel Better Fitness and a little determination. by Tammy Marshall
from margaret Exploring the highs, lows, troubles and triumphs of motherhood through the sage advice of one of our region’s most notable mamas, Margaret.
n the early 1900’s, with the invention of telephones and faster transportation, families were beginning to spread out and the extended family system began to be replaced by the nuclear family. Moms were often left taking care of the entire family while dad worked,. With no one nearby to step in and give her a break, moms were overwhelmed. In order to support this new family structure, experts began trying to figure out how we could create more independent and less demanding children. These experts decided that the answer to this dilemma would be to let babies cry it out rather than pick them up, feed them on strict 4 hour schedules rather than on demand, and encourage babies to not get too attached. The experts felt that independence would be the result because they would not be used to having their cries answered and their needs met. Intellectually this might make sense but does it make sense in our hearts? Babies are 100% dependent on us to meet their needs. Would a baby left crying in a crib because they are scared or hungry actually cultivate independence? It seems more likely that a feeling of horrible insecurity would result when there is minimal response to their needs.
There is more and more research coming out which indicates that the more a baby is kept close, is fed when hungry, and receives great amounts of love and attention, the more they grow into confident and “independent’ children. This is exactly the opposite of what was thought in the past. We are learning more than ever about that first year of life. It is so important that every parent do their own research, and listen to their own instincts, in order to decide how they are going to respond to the needs of their child.
Margaret Hildahl is a local advocate for new parents. She is a certified infant massage therapist of 25 years, the owner and operator of Mother’s Haven for 10 years, and a teacher and guest speaker at many child birth classes offered at area hospitals.
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family friendly must see & do local events fun activities
p i p e l i n e
OUT August 29 - September 3, 2012 Pig Out in the Park is an annual food and music event held in Spokane, Washington. Pig Out 2012 features more than 50 food vendors and over 100 free concerts. With over 255 Menu Items (none over $8.95) and Artists such as Fishbone and The Verve Pipe...this year’s Pig Out in the Park is sure to be a fun time! Gondola and Clock Tower Meadows at Riverfront Park in Spokane, WA FREE ADMISSION Open Daily 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. 100 FREE Concerts on 4 Stages 3 Adult Beverage Gardens
Dragon. Movie is free. Concession provided by Liberty Lake Kiwanis club.
August 3-5: Art on the Green Enjoy the 44th Annual Art on the
Green! A marketplace, performance space and a gathering place for friends and families, this yearly event is the highlight of the summer in Coeur d’Alene. This summer, 135-plus artists, a variety of performers and over 500 volunteers come together to present Art on the Green for more than 50,000 people to enjoy.
August 11: Kids Day It is time to celebrate the kids with our annual Kids Day. A fun filled day with a variety of activities, games, information booths and entertainment geared towards kids and their families. Various
August 3: Music Summer Series Come enjoy
August 18: Mutt Strutt
Something fun for the whole family and your pets, the annual Mutt Strutt is back to liberty lake. This 1.5-2.5 walk/run is to honor Chris, a long time liberty lake resident. This event is to contribute to Chris’s dream to, “Go an extra mile to practice true compassion for animals!” From 8-10am, proudly strutt your mutt down the streets of Liberty Lake (21950 E. Country Vista Drive.) If you have any questions call Mara Crowell at 509.927.8890.
August 18: Peach Festival Celebrate one of
Music Summer Series at Manito park in Spokane. Good music, yummy food (at additional costs), good weather and a fun time with the family. Admission is free, music is from 5:30-7:30p. Visit for more information
Green Bluff’s great treasures - big, juicy, tree-ripened peaches during the Peach Festival.Plus lots of other great food, live music, and family entertainment! This fun lasts through Labor Day. Don’t miss out! Admission is free. Call: 509.238.6970
August 4: Hispanic Heritage Festival. This
August 19: Kids operate the ballpark
is a family friendly celebration of the Hispanic culture featuring local and regional music, dance performances, art exhibits, crafts and food. At Gondola Meadow Riverfront Park in Spokane, 10am-8pm. For more info go to
Young fans can sign-up at the game for the chance to help out as a Bay Boy, P.A. announcer, Radio Broadcaster, member of the Grounds Crew and so much more! Plus... Sunday night kids can circle the bases immediately following the game! For more information visit www.
August 4: Liberty Lake Big Summer Concert Sign up for their
newsletter to learn who will be performing at this concert. A hint for you: this year’s concert will be a duel headliner. Bring the whole family and enjoy the fun. Admission is free at Pavilion Park in Liberty Lake, from 5-10pm.
Young fans can sign-up at the game for the chance to help out as a Bat Boy, P.A. announcer, Radio Broadcaster, member of the Grounds Crew, and more!
August 6: Hot August Nights is back this year, bigger
and better. Bring the family and a comfy blanket. Come enjoy opera, operettas, and musical theatre under the beautiful night stars. Also enjoy the vocal talents of tenor Marcus Shelton. Located at Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, admission is free and concert begins at 7:30.
August 10: Movie in the Park Bring your favorite blanket or chair,
August 29-September 3: Pig OUt In The Park
sit back and enjoy the show. Movie in the Park is in Pavilion Park, every friday of August starting at dusk. Different movie each week. First movie is Disney’s Remember the Titans, followed by Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and the last week is How to Train your
Kids are invited to circle the bases immediately following the game.
Sunday August 19th visit for tickets
Park Meadows in Spokane, 11am-5pm.For more info call 509.242.2400
August 17: Klutz Hands on Learning event in Barnes and Noble
is here to give your kids a day of fun and learning with games and crafts This is located at the East side location. The cost is free and starts at 3pm. For more information call 509.922.4104
Don’t miss this fun, Pig out in the Park is back. This time bigger and better. There will be 100 free concerts, 54 food booths, three adult beverage gardens, 255 menu items, and estimated number of over 2 million people. There will be lots more to enjoy and don’t forget the rides nearby. Located at Riverfront Park and admission is free. For more information go to http://
August 29-September 3: Labor Day Weekend in the Parks. Join the
Spokane Symphony and have a picnic in Pavilion Park in Liberty Lake and Comstock Park for a beautiful weekend of beautiful music in an outdoor setting. The Liberty Lake concert will be on Sept. 1 at 6 pm. Comstock Park will be on Sept. 3 at 6 pm. The concert is free. Visit: Call: 509.624.1200
apple of my eye
apple of my eye
OPPOSITE PAGE: Brynna THIS PAGE (clockwise from top left): Aven, Kenzie, Bella, Kylee, Nathaniel, Brody
submit your favorite photos for consideration in future issues. we love making local kids famous so visit to enter the apple of your eye
feature story
To vaccinate
or not? The Argument
Regardless of whether you choose to vaccinate or not, we can all agree that this is a hot-button issue which affects us all. Many health professionals agree that the recent epidemic of whooping cough can be linked to the number of families refusing to vaccinate their children due to personal convictions, religious reasons or fear. When the number of people who forgo vaccination grows, the ability of a disease to surface within the population also increases due to what is called herd immunity.
What is Herd Immunity?
Picture a large village. That village is surrounded by a tall rock wall circling and protecting everyone. Diseases are the attempted pillagers of that village. If the village didn’t have the wall around it it would be easy for them to become overtaken, but because they have a wall around them they are pretty-much safe from attack. With herd immunity the majority of the population is protected against a disease resulting in a metaphorical wall or even a bubble surrounding them. This makes it hard for many diseases to find a
Most parents these days are taking a closer look at vaccinations so we looked closer too. Here’s what our area experts have to say? host so it can spread and infect. Thus almost literally eliminating a disease, “The concept of herd immunity is most applicable to infections spread through airborne or respiratory droplet routes but is applicable to most vaccinations other than those for vector diseases such as yellow fever,” Mark Springer of the Spokane Regional Health District says. When a large portion of the group or village then decides not to vaccinate or not keep up their side of the wall, it allows the disease or pillagers a route into the population and a resurgence of the disease. “Poor vaccination rates for adults and adolescents with Tdap create a reservoir of pertussis in the community. Poor vaccination rates in young children leads to increases in hospitalization or deaths with the illness (referring to whooping cough),” Springer says.
Common Reasons To Immunize
It protects the most vulnerable: Diseases such as whooping cough can be virtually eliminated with the proper use of vaccines. Children
younger than two months cannot be immunized for pertussis and when there is an epidemic resulting in more people around who can expose people to an illness, that increases the chances that a young infant can become infected with that disease and die or require time in the ICU. Loss of money and time: A prolonged illness that is preventable can cost a lot of money. Lost wages and time away from school can send a family into financial and scholastic detriment. Vaccinations can eliminate diseases for future generations: We no longer have to get the smallpox vaccine because it has been virtually eliminated worldwide and is no longer a threat. With vaccines it is expected that diseases like pertussis and the chickenpox can also be eliminated. It can save your child’s life: When there’s a vaccine for a deadly disease, it’s hard to speculate how a family would handle their child’s infection from a preventable and deadly illness.
Common Reasons Not to Vaccinate
Side Effects: While it has been found that many vaccines in the past caused side effects, most of the major ones have been corrected. Still, it is important to be an informed parent and ask your pediatrician about side effects before you immunize. Then you can determine whether you feel the side effects outway the prevention of the disease the vaccine is for or vice versa. Why inject my child with something to prevent a disease that is not deadly?: Many parents feel that vaccines for the flu and chickenpox are simply unnecessary. Possible inhibition of fetal brain development: Many antivaccinists feel that the over-influx of dormant biological diseases is too much for an infant’s immune system to take. Links to Autism: Modern medicine has no answer for the cause of autism. Many people against vaccines look to Amish communities where no instances of autism are reported and draw a correlation between the absence of immunizations and autism within that community.
During an Outbreak
On the Spokane Public School’s website it states that during an outbreak more vaccinations may be required if determined by the local health district. This begs the question: Will children attending public schools in Washington be required to get another vaccine or Tdap booster? The answer is a simple “no” as the school already requires your child to be vaccinated for Tdap, “Young children are required to have the correct number of doses of the DTaP vaccine for their age; 5 doses are recommended at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, between 15-18 months of age, and the last one between 4-6 years of age. The Tdap whooping cough booster vaccine is required for kids in grade 6-11; children just need one dose of this vaccine, Washington State Department of Health’s Michele Roberts says.
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Feature Story
camping with kids (it’s not just survivable ~ it’s enjoyable)
y name is Julia, and I have a problem. I take my babies camping. Sounds like torture for all involved, right? It started when my oldest (now a sassy eightyear-old) was just nine months old. It rained. She woke up at four in the morning and spent the next two hours climbing on my husband’s and my heads as we tried to sleep. It was a long night, but shockingly, the trip was a blast. Camping with a baby (and with older children, too) is not for the faint of heart. The Herculean effort of getting everything ready and then cleaned up afterwards is exhausting. But in between, the fun comes almost effortlessly. Hike around the campground for a while, throw rocks in the lake for an hour or two, roast a hot dog on a stick and you’ve got yourself an A-plus day by child standards. So what can you do to make your camping trip with a baby or young children a success? I’m not going to win any awards for rocket science here, but below are some tips that have worked for us.
Pack with the worst case scenario in mind: the baby will have a blowout every two hours, the rain will soak her blankets, and she’ll spit up all over her onesies. You’ll be much less stressed if you pack about twice what you think you’ll need for your baby. Double layers of pajamas and a sleep sack are essential for those chilly summer nights. It goes without saying that campgrounds with flush toilets and running water will make the experience more enjoyable for everyone. One of the most important things to consider is location, location, location. As soon as you arrive, try to find a site that is relatively close to bathrooms and water faucets and further away from other campers, if possible. A little privacy will go a long way when you need some quiet so your baby can go to sleep, as well as to ensure that midnight wake-ups won’t disturb other campers.
First off, remember that you can survive anything for a couple nights. Poor sleep, food with a little dirt in it, kids with sticky faces—it’s only for X number of hours, and the memories will be worth it.
When you set up your tent, have a specific place for baby necessities you might need to reach in a hurry. I like to designate a corner of the tent for diapers, wipes, pacifiers, bottles, and a flashlight. In the daytime it’s not as crucial to know exactly where everything is, but when you need to grab something in the pitch black of the night, you’ll be glad that you have everything handy.
Once you’ve gotten the positive thinking taken care of, it’s time to move on to logistics.
When it comes time to put your baby to sleep, make sure you’ve created a safe sleep
environment for him or her. Our tent isn’t big enough to accommodate a portable crib, so we carve out a sleeping area for the baby by laying down a couple blankets for insulation and then surrounding the area with duffel bags or other sturdy-sided items. That way, we don’t have to worry about a shifting sleeping bag or wayward pillow sliding onto the baby while we’re asleep. Whatever you do, make sure the sleep area is safe. Just like in the baby’s crib at home, you don’t want them sleeping on bedding that is too soft or surrounded by anything dangerous. If your baby might need a bottle of formula at night or early in the morning, have some warm water ready to go. Use the camp stove to heat up some water before bed and keep it in a thermos near the bottle supplies in your “baby corner”. That way, when the five in the morning wakeup call comes, you won’t be trying to heat up a bottle under your armpit as your baby screams bloody murder and wakes up the whole camp. Once you get through the nights, the days are a piece of cake. Bring some baby-safe insect repellent, a big clean blanket for her to lay on, a baby carrier, and you’re set. Okay, you might need a few thousand more things, but really, it’s all worth it. And before long, I bet I’ll be seeing you at the Camping with Babies Anonymous meetings. by Julia Ditto
Feature Story
ome of us already went there. Many of us are in the throes of it. All of us at one point in our lives dread the day when it becomes our job to take care of the people who spent much of their lives caring for us-our parents. Still, it’s relatively unavoidable. It’s the other part of that speech about the inevitability of taxes. We at Northwest Mama understand that there are plenty of us out there getting ready to tackle big discussions about how we can best help the most important people in our life. By no means do these options cover the extent of possibilities available today but do raise awareness about options and what would be helpful to give our parents peace of mind. Adult Day Care and Social Activities
Advanced Directives & Wills
Whether it’s a weekly visit to the community center or senior center, or a daily activity, people of any age need the interaction that comes from social gatherings with activities like games or even karaoke. Many places offer daytime caregiving for the elderly that may live with a younger family member that wants them to stay in their home but maybe doesn’t have the means to care for them during the day. Providence Adult Day Care provides outpatient services for elderly members of the community with dementia and Alzheimer’s. There, patients will participate in activities and receive the physical therapy and socializing.
This may be a tough subject to approach but without grief at your side it allows for clearer heads to prevail. The fact is that money has the power to bring out the worst in us when it may appear to be up for the grabbing. A Last Will and Testament will list all of the assets and specify who gets what. No arguments. No sibling rivalry. There are many websites and software that will help make a Will. The use of a lawyer will make it even more binding. If it is of importance to your parents, it is advisable to draft an advanced directive with them too as a means of their wishes being the deciding factor in the event of hospitalization.
Picking a Retirement Community or Nursing Home When you can no longer take care of the elderly members in your family and it becomes necessary for them to receive 24-hour care, there are a few things you may want to keep in mind. It’s been recorded that approximately 60 percent of people referred to nursing facilities do so with the decision makers under duress, according to the people from the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging. Many people are thrust into a unresearched nursing facility after a hospital stay from a broken hip or stroke. Researching what facility will provide the best care and will work best for your family before a hospitalization is a good idea. Medicare.Gov provides information on nursing homes in your area and even ranks them from one to five stars. Whatever your family’s plan may be it is ideal to have your parent participate in the discussion and decision. by Tammy Marshall
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must have travel essentials for family trips
Baby Proofing Kit
You’ve finally reached your destination. You check into your hotel. Unload all your car’s contents. Walk into your room and BAM! All your mommy senses go off. Exposed outlets, long cords and blinds with long strands of string are everywhere. Plan ahead by purchasing a babyproofing kit to take with you. There’s just no relaxing when your baby or toddler gets into a pleasant room and you find it to be a danger zone. Bed, Bath & Beyond sells an essentials kit for $9.
Surprises For the Ride
Be it by plane or car, your tiny one’s attention span probably won’t last the entire ride. Every hour or so hand them a new toy you’ve packed. Special note: the more wrapped the better. Little tykes love to unwrap things. If you’re planning on using gift wrap plan on bringing a garbage bag because that stuff can start to take up space fast. $10-$20.
Playing Cards and Board Games
Not so much for during the trip, but for any down time in the hotel room or campground. There’s nothing more annoying then using a hefty chunk of your hard earned money to take your family on a trip then to have your kids whine about being bored. $40.
Bubbles and Balls
If you’re planning on traveling by car, that means you’ll be stopping frequently at rest stops. Blowing bubbles and bouncing balls will keep the kids entertained while everyone takes turns in the bathroom. $10.
Travel Games
Nothing shovels the boredom out the window faster than a few fun games. Whether it’s the classic license plate game or an in-car scavenger hunt, make the trip across state full of laughter. Visit: for more car games and tips. Free!
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tay sane mamas. And always expect the unexpected. Your kids might not remember the second grade or even the seventh, but they will definitely remember the trips they took with the family. Here are a few items we suggest bringing to ease a bit of the tension.
Crackers, chips, granola bars, nuts, fruit snacks...pack it. The same trick for making the toy interest also applies to snacks ~ wrap it thrice or more to buy more quiet time. $20.
Portable DVD Player
These have been around forever and require little explanation. Any big box store that sells electronics probably sells these. Get one and a set of headphones to engross your child in movie watching when you just need that break. $60.
Quiet Toys
A metal tray with magnets will keep them entertained. So will finger puppets and foam crafts. $10.
Garbage Bags
Once something becomes trash, trash it. It’s no fun trying to shovel trash with your feet just to get comfortable in the car. These also come in handy if for dirty diapers and the carsick child. $5.
Water Bottles
Keep them hydrated. This may seem counterproductive since it will make for more frequent restroom breaks but no one wants to get dehydrated and sick on a family vacation. $5.
food & wine
am someone that has the misfortune of following suggestions to the letter and when I attempt to try and do new things, always play it by the book which occasionally gets me in trouble. At my first tea party for instance, I followed the good manner’s book to the letter and appeared stiff and humorless to my fellow tea drinkers. You can drink tea and follow decorum without looking like a circa 1999 Al Gore. Same goes for wine. The novice follows a few simple guidelines just by habit. Us newbies can get so worried about looking green we instead paint ourselves red with embarrassment committing a major wine faux pas. On Spitting At many wine tastings for fear of getting too intoxicated to really taste the wine, guests sometimes spit out what they’ve tasted either into small gravel pathways on the floor or containers used for spitting called spittoons. This is not mandatory. At your first wine tasting we say go ahead and swallow. It’ll lighten your nerves a bit.
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You may not want to drink too much however as getting intoxicated may lead to aforementioned “embarrassing behavior”.
hands on the glass causing unnecessary warm up of the wine and therefore wrecking the taste. Hold the glass by the stem or bottom. Never by the cup part.
Smell-less It is considered rude behavior to don perfume or aftershave at a wine tasting. That is because it interrupts the tasting process coveted by most winos. Be considerate of connoisseurs and wash up but don’t spray yourself silly.
Whirling and Swirling Winos swirl their wine for multiple reasons. One reason is to see how sugary the wine is by how long the wine sticks to the side of the glass (the longer the swirl spikes of the wine stick to the sides the more sugar). Another reason is to increase oxygenation and change or improve the taste of the wine.
Casual Elegance You’re not going to the Kentucky Derby. I know you just got that Princess Kate hat back from the cleaners but this isn’t the place to wear it. Try a comfortable blouse with black or tan slacks. It’s important to look pleasant, but not a place to go over the top. Stem Important Red wine is supposed to be room temperature and white wine is generally chilled. The reason a wine glass has a stem is so that you don’t place your
Fun in the Winery Remember to have fun and don’t take yourself too seriously. People go to wine tastings to enjoy themselves. It’s okay to smile and it’s okay to casually engage in conversation. Just don’t disrupt the group with an air guitar solo. That may come across as a tad silly. By Tammy Marshall
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