NW MAMA MAGAZINE September 2012 Issue

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september 2012



SERVICES: Contraceptive care Preconception counseling Family Planning Menopausal management Management of common health illness Infection screening and treatment Well woman and annual gynecological exams Prenatal, labor, delivery and postpartum care Presence throughout labor Breastfeeding education Breast and Cervical Program

SERVICES: Routine pelvic exams and annual check-ups Low-risk and high-risk pregnancies Total pre/post-natal care Vaginal hysterectomies, abdominal hysterectomies, tubal ligations, and other laparoscopic surgeries Gardasil vaccinations In-office Adiana and endometrial ablations (performed by Scott Schade, M.D. at the Rockwood Gynecology Center; 801 W. 5th Avenue, Suite 515)


table of contents

school lunches, pg. 24

features 20 mindi the magnificent

inspiring, hopeful and healing...three powers local superhero Mindi the Magnificent embodies and shares with those struggling with pediatric cancer

24 healthy lunch

we all remember mystery meat from the hot lunches when we were in school...see how things have changed for the better

26 tongue ties

from common knowledge to barely discussed check out the story on tongue ties


table of contents

local hero pg. 20

departments 06 Publisher’s note


11 momentum

26 medical MAma




30 Food & Wine

mamas in business - superstars ot celebrating green bluff’s glory message from margaret september events you shouldn’t miss

we make your local kiddos famous



school hot lunch

who knew...tongue ties

way to transition back into fall

culinary herbs local restaurant dining guide




The fight against cancer isn’t up2 somebody else. It’s up2 me. It’s up2 you. It’s up2 every single one of us. Every time you give, you have the power to accelerate collaborative cancer research to save lives now. We can’t waste another minute. We can’t lose another life. This is where the end of cancer begins. DONATE NOW. Call 888-90-STAND or visit STANDUP2CANCER.ORG. 100% OF YOUR DONATION GOES TO COLLABORATIVE CANCER RESEARCH.



publisher’s note

What does September mean to you? Is it the beginning of school, the beginning of autumn, the end of summer, the marker of a tragic event in our history, or is September simply the ninth month of the year and nothing more? Whatever September means to you, I hope that as the leaves turn colors, the pencils get sharpened and the kiddos are forced inside once again we all take time to enjoy family, friends and another fabulous fall.



Are you jumping for joy at school’s fast return? Parents that express enthusiasm for school, learning, education as a principle, and intellectual curiousity offer children an advantage. Even if you reluctantly embraced school as a child, here is your chance to hone your acting skills and present an excited outlook to encourage your kids to be excited too.






inspiring & empowering today’s mamas

publisher emily olson managing editor tammy marshall tammy@nwmama.com creative director emily olson emily@nwmama.com advertising SALES emily olson emily@nwmama.com



september 2012

contributing writers tammy marshall, emily olson julia ditto, kristy mylroie MAGAZINE INTERNS sara fugelseth, zachary olson Northwest Mama Magazine 2600A E. Seltice Way #306 Post Falls, ID 83854 509.979.2028

nwmama.com All rights reserved. No part of this publ ication may be reproduced without written permission from publisher. Photographs, graphics,and artwork are the property of Northwest Mama Magazine © 2012 Printed in the USA


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mama momentum

IDeas & Opinions interviews in the news local trends


/self-‘sooth-ing/ noun: self soothing has to do with comforting, nurturing and being kind to yourself. Some of us may recognize self-soothing techniques that we already use but many of us have never learned how to self-soothe, how to do those often simple things that makes us feel better. One way to think of this is to think of ways of soothing each of your five senses: vision, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. Finding a single, sure-fire way of pleasing one or all of our senses creates a pleasurable awareness which often replaces anxiety, distress or displeasure in a situation. This is why bubble baths, the smell of cookies baking, the sound of a babbling brook or the flavor of a favorite tea can often calm the senses and bring a state of peace. With all of the schedule demands and disgruntled school children we are about to engage with now is the perfect time to master the art of self-soothing. Take some time for yourself to get grounded and find your happy place! nwmama.com








Green bluff

It’s All in the Sauce... Green Bluff is a Must for Fall by Tammy Marshall


here’s something in the soil at Siemers Farm. Located at the northeast corner of Green Bluff in Colbert, Wash., this local farm grows some seriously sweet apples. Number wise, their apples test a quarter sweeter than average. During the week in October they offer educational tours which explain the math behind the brag. Basically its bees+blossoms=apples. We all know what the bees make. Honey. Sweet nectar that tastes better than sugar and comes straight from their combs. Gotta love those bees. Sweet bees that with a little love will pollinate the heck out of Siemers’ apple blossoms, thus creating an apple that’s both perfectly crisp and sweetened with the nectar of the Earth. After the Red Haven peaches are done for the season, a few short weeks later at the end of September, the apples are ready for the picking all the way through October. In addition to delicious fruit at Siemers, during the Apple Festival, U-pick pumpkins sugar carrots and squash are available. Don’t miss out on the Fort

Siemers Playhouse or even the pumpkin cannon that operates on the weekends. A sinful comparison to the apples at Siemers are the fresh made pumpkin doughnuts at Beck’s Harvest House. The Fall Harvest Festival at Beck’s features pony rides, multiple food vendors and of course U-pick apples. A wagon ride through their backcountry during the crisping season lets you and your family indulge in a thermos of apple cider, a bag of delicious kettle corn and a tour through the hay maze. People travel to Green Bluff from miles away to take in the scenery and feed their need for delicious produce grown from the ground up. Taste test a squash stir-fry made from Green Bluff produce vs. store bought and it’s no comparison. Green Bluff always wins. They’re delicious, they’re fun and they’re a must-visit this fall. Visit: GreenBluffGrowers.com to find out more.







from margaret Exploring the highs, lows, troubles and triumphs of motherhood through the sage advice of one of our region’s most notable mamas, Margaret.


s we said last month, it is important that parents do their own research and listen to their instincts when it comes to deciding how they will approach the care of their baby. Are they going keep their baby close, or follow many of the teachings that suggest not to “spoil” them by holding or touching too much? Dr Tiffany Field, a developmental psychologist and professor of pediatrics at the University of Miami has done much research on the effects of touch through massage on babies. One project that they have repeated many times with similar results involves touch with premature infants. They do very specific massage on these babies for 15 minutes 3 times a day. The results are a consistent 47% increase in weight gain and the babies leave the hospital an average of 6 days earlier than the control group babies, with a cost savings of thousands of dollars per baby. What we learn from projects such as this is that babies thrive and grow through touch. In addition to weight gain, massaged babies tend to be more alert, more easily calmed and less fussy, get better sleep and have lower cortisol levels, therefore less stress. It can be confusing. The old teachings told us that if we held babies too much, we would spoil them and they would be needy and dependent. The new research suggests directly the opposite. The more we hold them and keep them close, the more independent they will be. Having babies is a great teaching for all of us. They help us grow and learn on a day to day basis. Enjoy the ride!!

Margaret Hildahl is a local advocate for new parents. She is a certified infant massage therapist of 25 years, the owner and operator of Mother’s Haven for 10 years, and a teacher and guest speaker at many child birth classes offered at area hospitals.




{mamas in business}

kelly johnson founder of superstars ot

Define “mama”: Having awareness of how much you impact those little hearts and lives through the big or everyday experiences you can provide; realizing you never get back moments with your children and remembering to love and cherish them wholeheartedly! The simple definition of an occupational therapist is a health professional who helps his or her patient participate in the daily activities (or occupations) that the majority of us take for granted. The OT or occupational therapist goes through a sometimes rigorous evaluation of his or her patient to find just the right way to practice using a skill set that a patient may be lacking-tasks could be sucking through a straw, balancing on one foot or the use of scissors. Kelly Johnson uses her OT knowledge to develop the occupations of youth suffering from a number of these types of difficulties. For more than a decade, Johnson has dedicated her life to enhancing the development and well-being of children with developmental delay, injury or illness. “As pediatric occupational therapists, we specialize in the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and management of infants, children, and adolescents with a variety of congenital, developmental, neuromuscular, skeletal, or acquired disorders and or disabilities that

may cause barriers to participating in their and their families’ everyday lives,” Johnson says. One instance that Johnson recalls for us is working with a 3-year-old autistic child whose parents were very concerned about his nutrition as he would refuse to eat nearly everything but certain foods like Chex and smooth baby foods. With her help she was able to gradually progress the young child and adapt his palate to eat a number of nutritious foods. The boy’s parents would have been lost without Johnson’s aide and might have never been able to get him to eat a vegetable or any of the variety of foods a young boy needs to grow. “Through the use of sheer family determination, patience, and hard work, therapeutic guidance with sensory processing techniques, feeding therapy techniques, behavioral strategies, and creativity, we now have a boy who can readily eat at least 10 different proteins (amongst a few: cheese, turkey lunch meat, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, etc.), a few vegetables including carrots, several types of fruits including dehydrated kinds, numerous items such as pizza, buttered bread, Nuttella, and readily asks for raisin toast!” Johnson says. The occupational therapist and small business owner says parents should seek her

out if they are concerned about their child’s development and ability to participate in daily activities. She also says that consulting the child’s pediatrician is an important step in determining if a child requires occupational therapy. Depending on the family’s insurance plan, the out-of-pocket expense of OT should be minimal. But what are some things all of us parents can do to develop our child’s fine motor and other occupational skills? “I believe the most important things a parent can do is give opportunities for their children to play using their bodies! Give babies tummy time and opportunities to move/ play on the floor...Get your kids moving, be involved with them in thinking and creative moments when they can use their hands to play, and make things. Let them explore to get dirt on their hands and roll around in the grass,” Johnson says. We can all benefit from a little educational playtime. And if you think your child may need some personal training in daily occupation, Kelly Johnson is here to help. www.SuperStarsOT.com. 208.819.9363. by Tammy Marshall



family friendly must see & do local events fun activities


p i p e l i n e


DIRT Discover the amazing world of soils with images and information from the Dig It! The Secrets of Soil exhibit from the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History. For generations upon generations, we have lived on and learned to use soils. Soils sustain our world. We size up soils every day. Why? Because we care about clean water and clean air, fresh tomatoes and fine wine, dams and dry basements, subway tunnels and superhighways, fields and forests, wildlife and weather. Every soil’s life story is written in its structure, color, and patterns. You can read it by taking a closer look from the ground down. Now through September 22nd at the MAC visit www.northwestmuseum.org for more information. 16

September 1-2: Coaster classic car show Nostalgic cars

line up at Silverwood for one of the largest car shows in the region. Hosted by the Inland Empire Late Great Chevy Club ’55-’72. For more information call 208-683-3400- ext 167 or register your car online.

September 8: Celebrating Cultures at the Bowl & Pitcher This free event will feature

artists and dancers from Japanese culture, cultural dances from Mexico and Mayan art.

September 21: Festival of the Arts in West Central

Celebrate art at The Book Parlor in Spokane’s West Central neighborhood. 509.328.6527 www.TheBookParlor.com

September 22: MAC Harvest Gathering Catch Dig It! The Secrets of

September 3: green bluff peach festival

Soil! on its last day or partake in the many sustainability inspired activities including pressing cider, native and heritage plant tastings, organic and whole food vendors, and much more. NorthwestMuseum.org. 509.363.5324

Celebrate the final day of one of our great treasures - big, juicy, treeripened peaches during the Peach Festival. Peach ice-cream, cobbler, cakes, or pies - no matter how you slice them, our peaches are delicious. Plus lots of other great food, live music, and family entertainment!

September 22-October 28: Green Bluff Apple Festival Pick your own

delicious apples or your personal pumpkin. Partake in the many activities including hayrides, corn mazes and fresh apple cider. The popular Apple Festival is held over several weekends offering a large variety of the best cooking apples, plus fresh pressed cider and other produce. There’s live music, craft booths, corn and straw mazes, and great food for the whole family to enjoy. www.GreenBluffGrowers.com

September 7-16: Spokane County Interstate Fair Each

year, citizens of the Greater Spokane Area and beyond are invited to participate in the Interstate Fair by entering items such as: arts, crafts, food preservatives and livestock, horticulture, floriculture and photography to name a few. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center

September 8-9: grandparents weekend at silverwood Celebrate

Grandparents Weekend with FREE admission for grandma OR grandpa when a grandchild purchases an admission ticket. For each grandchild that buys a ticket they will be given one (1) FREE ticket for grandma OR grandpa.

September 8: Girl Scouts Women’s Weekend Take some time for

yourselves mamas by spending the weekend at beautiful Four Echos camp on Lake Coeur d’Alene. La Rive Spa from Northern Quest Casino will be there to pamper you. $210. GSWNI.org. 800.827.9478 ext 204

September 8: Mobius Science Center Grand Opening All things science, engineering

and math will be presented with fun at the grand opening of this center across the street from the fab Mobius Kids Museum at RPS. MobiusSpokane.org. 509.443.5669

September 21-23: valleyfest Spokane Valley’s

helicopter rides Enjoy amazing helicopter rides at the Incredible Corn Maze! View by air the many attractions this field of fancy has to offer. Touch down and run to visit the maze with all of its complicated and twisted paths or rush to consume delicious funnel cakes at the food stands. September 29-October 28 for more information visit www.IncredibleCornMaze.com

exciting annual event is back! Take part in the excitement including: 5K/10K run, BabyFest, Hot Air Balloons, Car Show, the Hearts of Gold Parade, Pancake Breakfast and so much more. For more information visit www.valleyfest.org

September 28: Bedtime Stories Spokane 2012: Red Eye Food, wine and words will be a part of this adult event featuring local writers Jess Walter, Kim Barnes, Jim Lynch, Shann Ray and Nance Van Winckel. $75. Humanities.org. 206.682.1770 ext. 103

September 29: Home Depot Fire Safety Day

September 17: Family Night at HREI Families are invited to partake

in the activities at the Human Rights Institute of Coeur d’Alene from 4-5 pm. Designed for middle and high school students. 208.292.2359

Games, including a bicycle rodeo, will be a part of this day. Meet local workers at the fire department and law enforcement at the Home Depot in the Spokane Valley. 509.534.8588 If you have an event that you’d like included in the pipeline email emily@nwmama.com




apple of my eye



apple of my eye

OPPOSITE PAGE: Ari THIS PAGE (clockwise from top left): Milan, Madison, Sloane, Brannon, Ariana, Will

submit your favorite photos for consideration in future issues. we love making local kids famous so visit nwmama.com to enter the apple of your eye nwmama.com



feature story

Gazing at adorable 7-year-old Gregory Bibb’s smiling face one might think him your average adorable precocious little boy. With a smile that stretches from both sides of his cheeks, young Gregory has eyes that glimmer and appears to carry an easy lightness and joy which makes him absolutely “squeezable” as some say. If you happen to see Gregory without his shirt on though all the ordinariness of him falls away. Scars cover his body from his hip to his torso. Scars from bone marrow aspirates and multiple biopsies. Raised lines written across his midsection are now all that remain from three and a half years of fear, chemotherapy and hospital stays. Scars that say things like “This is where one of the central lines was.” or “This is where the G-tube was.” Because one day Gregory was no longer an ordinary boy. Barely out of diapers, little Gregory was diagnosed with cancer. Thinking her son had a simple lingering cold, his mother Mindi Finch, took him to his doctor because he just kept getting sicker instead of recovering. That was when Mindi got smacked in the face. Smacked with the diagnosis that every parent dreads. Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia. A cancer of the blood that came with a prognosis described One Mom Fought and Beat as horrible and an invasive treatment that came with a Her Child’s Cancer mortality rate of 50 percent. by Tammy Marshall

surviving breathing healing How


Every weekday in America, 46 children receive the news that they have cancer. Every week, the parents of more than 200 children are faced with the worst news a parent will ever hear. “When he had the official diagnosis of JMML, that is when my blood really started to run cold...I decided early on to ignore the statistics. There has only been one Gregory with this disease. Gregory is a statistic of one,” Finch says.


For the next three years ordinary life consisted of hospital rooms surrounded by doctors and nurses. Long hallways that ended in procedure rooms where mother Mindi would watch as anesthesiologists put her young boy under and other doctors would then cut small parts from her baby to find out if they were cancerous. Treatments that included the insertion of a tube called a “port” that aided in the injection of meds designed to rid his body of the fierce disease that was doing everything it could to kill him. Despite his deadly prognosis, Gregory’s attitude at this point was that of your average preschooler. Even now at age seven he doesn’t remember not having cancer and thankfully doesn’t remember the really bad stuff at the beginning. Finch says, “While looking through pictures from the transplant recently, he had a big sigh and said, ‘Those were great times, Mommy’.” His take on the events of his life and experience thus far, according to Finch, is that of fun and love. Thankfully, the life-saving procedure that was available to them was an option because of an unknown person’s decision to donate bone marrow. “Kids do not enter this world with the fears that you and I have learned over our lives. They do not know that the word ‘cancer’ strikes fear in our hearts. That is a learned response. Yes, cancer is to be feared. Yet the word, in and of itself, has no power. We should feel free to speak these words and not let them rule our lives,” Finch says. At the 2012 DKMS Fight Blood Cancer Gala, stars like Nate Berkus, Heidi Klum, Dakota Fanning and Ashanti came to support the fight against cancer and the national bone marrow donor center’s outreach to find volunteers who will then get swabbed and maybe even find a match that will save a person’s life. At the gala, those stars and the hundreds of attendees got the chance to see Mindi “The Magnificent” Finch and her much-recovered son Gregory’s meeting of the donor who ultimately saved the young boy’s life. Wearing a beautiful multi-colored gown with an elegant right shoulder strap from local business, Finders Keepers, Mindi Finch and her son, in a black tux with bright red sneakers met Kate. They sat on stage together and shared their story of courage, fear and the joy that comes with the words, “We found you a match.” The 25-year-old donor changed both their lives for the better by undergoing a simple mouth swab. When it was determined that Katie and Gregory were a perfect match, she underwent an abstraction of some of her bone marrow cells that would then be placed in Gregory. Before the young boy could get the cells, however, his remaining bone marrow cells had to be destroyed.


feature story





feature story

That meant seven days of heavy duty chemotherapy which for many would not be survivable. Described by Finch as horrific and barbaric to watch, she stood by while chemo was injected in her baby’s body and flushed his system with the intent on destroying his bone marrow.


Today, with the procedure succeeding, Gregory is busy getting ready to start the first grade and become one of the millions of children who attend school each day. He still requires regular check ups to make sure the cancer hasn’t returned and that his chemotherapy didn’t leave the gate open for other cancers. His immune system hasn’t completely recovered from the many treatments of the past years and his mother worries that his exposure to the many diseases that children pass to each other in classrooms and lunch rooms all the time will overrun his weakened immune system but whatever happens in the future their and their entire family’s life will never be the same after the “Odyssey” they endured when baby Gregory received the news he had cancer. Finch wakes each morning thankful that everyone in her family is still breathing. When she says that life

is precious it comes with the understanding that life can and does come crashing down at any moment. “We do not ‘get over’ this experience. We can’t put it in a box and pretend it didn’t happen.” It did happen. And it does happen to families every day. Cancer is the number one killer of children; more than asthma, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and pediatric AIDS combined. In Mindi’s words, childhood cancer research is really underfunded. Now an advocate, a momcologist and a mom who fought and beat cancer, Mindi “The Magnificent” is ever vigilant against the illness that tried to take her son away from her. September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. The color Gold is the official awareness color. Volunteers are always needed to donate time, money and even to get swabbed. For more information or to donate visit: MindiTheMagnificent.com

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hot lunch



f it’s been a while since you’ve been in a Spokane Public Schools lunchroom, you might be surprised by what’s getting dished up these days. Fresh fruits and vegetables daily, made-to-order salads and deli sandwiches, whole grains and limited desserts make up the menus that focus more than ever on good nutrition and providing students healthy meal choices. “If kids choose things themselves, they are more likely to eat them,” said Doug Wordell, director of Nutrition Services for Spokane Public Schools (SPS). “Foods aren’t nutritious until they are eaten. We are trying to slowly expose students to new food items and increase the nutrient density in their foods.” At North Central High School, for example, students are offered fresh fruits and vegetables daily, in addition to an entrée choice of low-fat pizza, lean burger or madeto-order tacos, burritos or deli sandwiches. French fries are offered occasionally, and are baked, not fried. Whole grains abound. Milk choices now include soy and lactosefree. The SPS Nutrition Services department also is reaching out beyond the lunchroom. A $275,000 federal fresh fruits and vegetables grant this year is providing the 10 highest need elementary schools nutritious classroom snacks in the form of kiwi, pea pods, jicama, carrots, apples and oranges for students to nibble on throughout the day.


“This is a fabulous program for modeling healthy eating,” Wordell said. “Much of the produce we purchase is from American Produce, a local Omak farmer who teams to bring good nutrition to our students.” Use of local produce is an increasing focus for SPS. The state’s Fresh Foods Campaign is helping to maximize the number of locally grown products in Spokane schools. In addition, several schools, like Grant Elementary, are planting gardens on site with the intent of adding the harvest to their lunch trays. These efforts are not going unnoticed. Championed by Michelle Obama, the HealthierUS School Challenge asks schools to commit to excellence in nutrition, nutrition education and physical fitness activities. Though only a handful of Washington state schools have achieved this mark, all 34 SPS elementary schools are poised to receive this recognition. Kristy Mylroie is a Communications Specialist for Spokane Public Schools.

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who knew? t o n g u e t i e s What exactly is a tongue tie and is it a big deal? Usually used as a cliché referencing someone too shy to speak, a tongue tie is an actual medical condition or congenital mouth anomaly called Ankyloglossia that has been known to affect speech patterns, causes oral health problems and interfere with a newborn’s ability to nurse effectively. In a recent survey collected by online authors, they found that nearly 70 percent of lactation consultants believe that tongue ties lead to feeding difficulties, while pediatricians who agree are in the minority. An infant’s ability to move their tongue with a full range of movement is a vital component for successful breastfeeding. Nursing from a bottle however does not require the same range of motion and therefore a tongue tie does not necessary interfere with bottle feeding ability. According to the experts at TongueTie.net, “When a tongue tie is causing problems with breastfeeding, the baby often does not open his mouth widely, thus not latching on to the breast at the correct angle. Instead he may latch onto the nipple, and ‘gum’ or chew it, causing severe pain and eventually, nipple damage. There can be cracking, distortion, blanching or bleeding from the nipple, sometimes followed by infection or mastitis.” While it is considered today to be only a small portion of the population born



feature story

with this congenital anomaly, historically, tongue ties were so common that it is reported that midwives would grow one of their pinky nails long and when a tongue tie was discovered at birth the midwife would sweep their nail under the tongue to sever the tie, or lingual frenulum, which was inhibiting the tongue movement. In this way, the mother could begin nursing with ease and prevent frustration for both mother and baby. While some argue that the extended frenulum will eventually stretch on its own, experts have found tongue ties to inhibit speech if not corrected, specifically a person’s ability to enunciate the letters ‘N’, ‘D’, ‘T’ and ‘L’. It can also affect a person’s ability to do things like kiss and even lick an ice cream cone properly. These can lead to social problems for the person as teasing or misunderstanding can cause humiliation or withdrawal from activities. What can a parent do? People, at any age, can elect to have a procedure called a frenotomy performed to lessen the restrictiveness of the frenulum. Parents with newborns who have tight or “tied” frenulums can have this surgery done in minutes at an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists office. An ENT can ascertain the condition of the tongue tie and will likely complete a frenotomy surgery during the same visit with the infant awake during the procedure. A frenotomy surgery for newborns is speculated to be less painful than a circumcision when performed during the first week or two after birth. Many pediatricians and oral disease experts feel that intervention on children should be done with a wait-and-see approach yet many lactaction consultants and ENTs would recommend a more proactive approach so as to mitigate the long term effects of a tied tongue. Regardless of whether a parent chooses surgery or the tincture of time, parents determined to breastfeed who are having difficulties should know they have options available to them. Contact a lactation consultant or pediatrician to determine if your child has a tongue tie and if it is something that should be resolved medically. By Tammy Marshall




piggy bank


ways to transition smoothly into autumn

Eat Fall Veggies

Put the green leaves and cucumbers on hold for a bit. Although healthy, these plants which season in the summer may not be as conducive to cooler temperatures. Explore the cold temp crops such as: acorn squash, butternut squash or carrots. Many herbalists say that our diet should reflect the season we are in and a warm hearty squash soup suits our current needs better than a cool salad. That said, keep eating all of the veggies available to you but don’t forget to integrate the ones ripening during the colder season too.


Get in the Shwing of Things

Nothing will excite your child more than getting to show off the new decals on their kicks. These decorative wings for shoes add just the right touch to get your kid moving and transitioning into the learning zone. Fashion is not just a flight of fancy but also a means of exciting our kids in their social circle.

Love Notes in Their Lunch Box

Let them know that you value them above all the rubies or diamonds in the world. A note placed with their lunch reminds them how important they are. We would caution that you use this tactic for your younger aged children however since most teenagers will find a love note from mom a tad embarrassing as they enter Junior year.

Nature Walk

Watching the leaves transition from hearty and green to delicate and golden orange is one of the pleasures of fall. Take your kids out into nature and let them use their senses to take in the smell of falling leaves and the crunching they make when they tromp over them. If you feel really risky you can even let them dive into a giant pile of fall leaves and swim around. They’ll laugh, you’ll smile and if you bring your camera you’ll lock in the memory for a lifetime. Take with you a clip board, some wax paper and crayons to make leaf rubbings too.

Start a Book Club for kids

If you don’t want to host the monthly meetings see if your child’s school or church already has a book club for youth. If they don’t, start a Facebook page and have your child gather interest before setting a title and date. Then when the day comes, order pizza, cut some carrots and pour the punch. You will be surprised at how intelligently they discuss the book they chose to read.


piggy bank


hen our kids are back at their desks, feigning interest in math or history, we know they are having a rough time transitioning back to school. Why, oh why, does going back to school always feel heartwrenching? Memories of lemonade and sunshine linger but here are a few ideas to keep autumn light.

A Weekend Visit to Silverwood Just because the school doors opened it doesn’t mean this amusement park closed. They stay open as much as they can in the fall. Later in the season before Halloween they even open for Scarywood.

Host a Harvest Party

Heat up apple cider on the stove, designate a craft and set it up on a table, gather some pumpkins for carving and invite your friends over to celebrate the changing of the season.

Volunteer At an Animal Shelter

Many animal facilities like the Spokane Humane Society are always in need of volunteers to help keep the place up or even take the dogs on a jaunt. Many have age requirements and many require adult supervision, but making the day for an animal is a great way to activate your child’s empathy cells.

Scrapbook Summer

Help your child set up a scrapbooking station and develop photos for them is the perfect way to help them sift through this past season and really remember what they learned and what happy memories they can take away from their recent experience.

Sport Zone

Here’s a chance for parents to sit down with their child and discuss with them their interests and find out if there’s a sport they want to try. Either visit the parks department or local sports complex to see if they can sign up for a class.




food & wine

Local products food Review what’s in season restaurant guide

Herbal Remedies... Discover the everyday healing power of flavorful culinary herbs. Add herbs and let your diet do double duty by eating well to feed your appetite and your health. Culinary aficionados describe those “little green things” as they would a fine wine or an intoxicating perfume. Aromatic, flavor-rich herbs truly are intoxicating—not just in a culinary sense, but medicinally, too. Their flavors and aromas are rich in medicinal import. Herbs help us digest our food, detoxify our bodies, and keep our hearts and minds active. Even in smidgens, they make their presence felt.


1710 W. Riverstone Drive

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For some it’s because we’re the nation’s first restaurant distillery. For others it’s our handcrafted cocktails. Perhaps it’s our innovative menu featuring delicious Northwest cuisine. At Bardenay, it all comes together in a uniquely Idaho atmosphere, creating an experience worth coming back for.

We are a 1920’s Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Pub Family owned and operated. We have put together a great staff. And with the help of an amazing chef, Brad Case, we have created a menu truly worth exploring! 1726 W Kathleen, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815 http://fedorapubandgrille.com

Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 www.bardenay.com


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