Northwest Mama Magazine June 2012

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june 2012



SERVICES: Contraceptive care Preconception counseling Family Planning Menopausal management Management of common health illness Infection screening and treatment Well woman and annual gynecological exams Prenatal, labor, delivery and postpartum care Presence throughout labor Breastfeeding education Breast and Cervical Program

SERVICES: Routine pelvic exams and annual check-ups Low-risk and high-risk pregnancies Total pre/post-natal care Vaginal hysterectomies, abdominal hysterectomies, tubal ligations, and other laparoscopic surgeries Gardasil vaccinations In-office Adiana and endometrial ablations (performed by Scott Schade, M.D. at the Rockwood Gynecology Center; 801 W. 5th Avenue, Suite 515)


table of contents

summer style, pg. 21

features 22 STAY IN TOWN

there is no need to book your flights and try to cram all you want to bring into a tiny carry-on bag this’s all about the northwest staycation

27 park playtime

check out this month’s recommendation for playing in the park - discovery playground


make the most of the delicious strawberry season and enjoy the fact that strawberries soak up all the noonday sun for us and warm our palates


table of contents

father’s day, pg. 28

departments 06 Publisher’s note

21 Trading Post

11 momentum





30 Food & Wine

mamas in business - the scoop father’s day around the world

june events you shouldn’t miss

we make local kiddos famous for a month


summer style guide

get thee to the park - discovery playground

great excursions for father’s day

what’s in season - strawberries local restaurant dining guide



June 15-19 vs. Vancouver Canadians June 25-27 vs. Boise Hawks July 4-6 vs. Yakima Bears July 11-15 vs. Eugene Emeralds July 16-18 vs. Tri-City Dust Devils July 27-29 vs. Yakima Bears August 3-5 vs. Boise Hawks August 11-15 vs. Everett AquaSox August 19-21 vs. Tri-City Dust Devils August 22-26 vs. Salem-Keizer Volcanoes

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publisher’s note

boys play house, men build homes boys shack up, men get married boys make babies, men raise children boys won’t raise their own children, a man will raise some one else’s boys invent excuses for failure, men produce strategies for success boys look for somebody to take care of them, men look for some one to take care of boys seek popularity, men demand respect and know how to give it happy father’s day to all the wonderful men we know!





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One of the most important things a father can do is to offer his time. It shows children they are loved and it also supports their healthy development. Playtime is a source of both fun and quality bonding. Fathers who tackle projects or chores with their kids teach responsibility that contributes to developing self-confidence.








inspiring & empowering today’s mamas

publisher emily olson


managing editor tammy marshall

contributing writers tammy marshall, julia ditto, oliver x. theobald

creative director emily olson marketing manager monica lang advertising monica lang karyna hamilton joyce robb


Northwest Mama Magazine 2600A E. Seltice Way #306 Post Falls, ID 83854 208.457.7211 All rights reserved. No part of this publ ication may be reproduced without written permission from publisher. Photographs, graphics,and artwork are the property of Northwest Mama Magazine © 2012 Printed in the U.S.A.


COVER IMAGE: Peay-Hershey Family Photo By Eternal Grace Photography of Spokane, Wa.

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The Membership Trading Community

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mama momentum

IDeas & Opinions interviews in the news local trends

b a l a n c e

/‘baləns/ noun: An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.

Each person has a significant role in the life of a child regardless of gender. It’s important to remember that parental styles should be fluid, and factors such as mood and fatigue -- on the part of both parent and child -- can play a role in shifting a parent’s approach. The key lies with being able to determine boundaries and limits to put on a child, based on the child and their environment. When it comes to parenting -- as with various other aspects of life and relationships -- partners each have various strengths and weaknesses. Being able to recognize where each person excels and fails helps us put the best foot forward when it comes to raising children. Try to advance or retreat depending upon the situation in order to step up for one another when each of you are at less than your best.







b ino spokane rn Spokane created Father’s Day but see how it has spread around the world


spark of thought which quickly becomes an idea. Then a vocalization. Then, with enough people on board, an idea can become something very big. That happened when the mother of Father’s Day, (originally punctuated as Fathers’ Day for all the grammar wizards out there), Sonora Smart Dodd, sat in church one morning and heard the pastor sermonizing about the importance of mothers and their special day. The only daughter of six kids, Dodd lived as the only female in her house after her mother died when Dodd was only sixteen. After her mother’s passing, her father raised all of the siblings into adulthood. When Dodd heard about the special recognition for mothers and on their special day, she thought fathers should enjoy this same recognition as well. Such a simple desire more than a century ago in the small mining town of Spokane has spread across the world. Since then, the small idea has evolved into the celebration of fathers not just in Spokane but all over the world. Father’s Day was officially declared a national holiday by President Richard Nixon in 1972. Many countries and cultures celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday in June but some also honor the holiday differently.

Argentina: In Argentina, the celebration is commemorated in conjunction with honoring the Father of the Nation, the great José de San Martín. In the 19th century the famous General aided in the liberation of South America from Spain. In the province of Mendoza most people celebrate fathers not on the third Sunday in June but on Aug. 24, the date when the great liberator himself became a father.

Brazil and Costa Rica: Both countries not only honor fathers on Father’s day but also specific saints. In Brazil it’s Saint Joachim, considered the patriarch of family and the father of Mary, mother of Jesus. In Costa Rica the celebration also honors Saint Joseph, or the human father of Jesus. Germany: In Germany the holiday is celebrated on Ascension day or forty days after Easter. On this day men and fathers are celebrated by the male members of a group or family obtaining a large wagon that is then pulled up a large hill by some of the younger men. During this trek beer is flowing like the sweat on the brows of the younger boys pulling the wagon weighted by the patriarchs of the family. Everyone gets drunk. Really drunk. Nepal: In this region of the world residents travel to nearby temples and pay respect to their deceased fathers on a date in late August or early September in a holiday called Gokama Aunsi. Thailand: Thai people celebrate fathers on the date of the current King’s birthday. They celebrate by wearing yellow and giving their father a Canna flower that is considered to be a masculine flower. One small idea from a woman in the early 20th century in the western part of the United States which became a worldwide celebration by the end of the century and honors the men in our lives referred to as dad. This year Father’s Day is celebrated on Sunday, June 17.

Bo’s First Puppy Cut!

... Bo Before Corner of Wall & Nebraska 14


Bo After!



{mamas in business}

jennifer davis owner of the scoop


t’s seven o’clock on a Saturday night, and Jennifer Davis has been working non-stop since she came in to The Scoop--her ice cream, sandwich, and coffee shop on Spokane’s South Hill--at ten that morning. First there was the unexpectedly large morning crowd, eager for a cup of coffee and a fresh bagel on one of the first gloriously warm days of the year. Then there was the afternoon group, reading newspapers and chatting while eating turkey pesto paninis and avocado sandwiches. And now, in the cool of the evening, Davis is feverishly making sandwiches in the back of the galley kitchen while her colleague dips up ice cream cones in the front of the shop. The crowd keeps trickling in: some teenage girls just drove up in a VW convertible, radio blasting; a family walked over from their house a few blocks away; and a husband and wife ordered regular cones for themselves and then a tiny cone--for their dog.

The day has been busy and there’s no end in sight, but Davis is all smiles. “It’s just so much fun,” she says. “As I’m washing dishes or making a sandwich, it’s still so much fun. I mean, it’s ice cream, you know.” The Scoop has been a South Hill fixture for years, but Davis has only been the owner since October 2011, when she decided to partner with her mother, Lyla Brekke, and purchase the business. It was one of those serendipitous opportunities that came out of nowhere and yet seemed completely meant to be.

Davis, who has her own accounting business, had been helping The Scoop’s owners with their QuickBooks when she learned that they were going to sell the shop and move to Japan. “I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, what’s going to happen to this place?’,” Davis says. “The whole time, I was thinking, ‘I would love to buy this.’” Soon, she realized that she was uniquely positioned to do just that. Not only did she have experience running her own business, but she had also managed restaurants in the past— and loved it. Add to that the fact that she lives in the same neighborhood as The Scoop, and it seemed like a no-brainer. Unwilling to see such a beloved piece of the community morph into something else--or be shut down entirelyDavis finally decided that she would purchase The Scoop. Nestled in the middle of a residential neighborhood The Scoop is across the street from Wilson Elementary and within walking distance to three parks. With Davis at the helm, it continues to be wildly popular, while maintaining its friendly, kitschy vibe. In fact, most patrons don’t even know that it’s changed hands, which is just how Davis wants it. “That was first and foremost, to honor the ice cream and leave everything that people loved about it,” she says. “So many people have been so grateful that we have kept it the same and have changed some things that maybe

needed to be changed.” One thing Davis feels strongly about is continuing to use local vendors like Brain Freeze Ice Cream, Roast House Coffee, and Sweetwater Bakery, among others. The Scoop is also committed to offering organic, vegetarian, and gluten-free options as part of their regular menu. And, of course, there’s the ice cream, and lots of it--16 flavors offered at any given time and about 70 flavors that Davis rotates in and out of the shop. Naturally, The Scoop is a magnet for the kids across the street at Wilson Elementary, many of whom will come in before or after school with a couple dollars to get a hot chocolate or a scoop of ice cream. Davis’s daughter, Bayli, a sixth grader at Wilson, often helps out with stocking drinks and taking pictures for their Facebook page. “From the beginning, she’s been super excited,” says Davis. “She’s a little bit of a rock star” at school. After all, aside from being the personal assistant to Justin Bieber, having your mom own the neighborhood hang-out is about the coolest gig around. And for this northwest mama, it truly is a sweet life. by Julia Ditto


family friendly must see & do local events fun activities


p i p e l i n e

time to

s wi m A ll Spokane pools and aquatic centers open June 18. Visit for a list of the six facilities run by the Spokane Parks Department.

Spokane Valley pools open June 16. To see or find the location of the pools go to Splash Down will be open every day beginning June 12. Their website, SplashDownWaterpark. net, will provide you with all their information, rates and location on Mission in the Spokane Valley. Boulder Beach at the Northwest’s largest theme park Silverwood is now open for the summer. See for further information and directions.


June 2: summer sellebration Hosted by Inland

NW Baby. Second annual event hosted by The Friends of Inland Northwest Baby and celebrating summer, shopping and family fun. Craft and retail vendors, artists, garage sales and more. Free. 10am-4pm. Eastpoint Church,15303 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley. 509.385.8732.

June 11-12: Family Fun Weekend Enjoy fun, laughter and share

amazing memories with your whole family in great heart of Silverwood theme park located in Athol, Idaho. Buy one ticket for 41.99 and get one free if purchased in advance. Silverwood Theme Park

June 2: Bridgewalk 2012 Enjoy this opportunity to

walk, talk and take in the views and bridges of the Spokane River. This 4.5 mile walk crosses 17 bridges in the heart of downtown Spokane. Registration is $9 for adult and youth, children 4 and under are free. Each paid participant receives a collector pin and a water bottle. Check in/Start at Veteran Court- NW corner of the Monroe Street Bridge between 9:30-10:30 AM.

Heron Farm Hangman Valley. Learn about useful weeds, native plants and cultivated herbs with medicinal properties. See wormwood, nettles, willow, hawthorne and even horseradish- not to mention a shining example of how nifty urban agriculture is. This will occur from 10-12pm. $15. Registered students will receive directions and more info. Email:

The 8th annual Elkfest is Spokane’s only true indie music festival, outdoors, free to the public and drawing over 10,000 fans every year. Spokane’s best and only real neighborhood party each summer on the streets of our historic Browne’s Addition neighborhood in Spokane. 1931 West Pacific Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 363-1973

June 15-16: Car D’Lane

The perfect event for car lovers! Come enjoy a fun day with your kids admiring the beauty of cars at Car D’Alene. Show up for free to watch and admire, register your car, and even get shirts.


your kids to enjoy. There are are four age groups: ages 10-12 (yellow) a 2 mile run starts at 10:10am. Ages 7-9(green) a 1 mile run and starts at 9:55am. Ages 5-6 (blue) a ½ mile run and starts at 9:45am. Ages 3-4 (red) a ¼ mile starts at 9:40am. Parents can run with their children if in the red group. Children may run up a level but not down. Registration is due by June 7 and costs $15 per child. Located at CDA City Park, 506 W. Appleway Avenue, Coeur d’Alene ID.

June 9: Liberty Lake Yard Sale A community yard sale for all to

enjoy. You can browse all the different yard sales throughout the neighborhood. Pavillion Park, 727 N. Molter Road, Liberty Lake Wash. from 8am to 4pm. 509.242.7752.

The Night Sky”, will consist of a guided tour of the beautiful night sky. It will demonstrate the location of stars and constellations visible throughout the year. This program will also cover astronomical concepts such as patterns of motion in the sky, moon phases, solar and lunar eclipses, and seasonal changes. There will be a question and answer period at the end of the show. $6. Spokane Falls Community College, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr. 509.533.3569

June 16: Plant Walk at Ornery Heron Farm Take a walk at the Ornery

June 8-10: elkfest

June 9: Coeur d’Alene Youth Run A small run for

June 15: The night Sky

June 30th-July 1st Hoopfest is the biggest 3-on-3 street basketball tournament on the planet. That means over 7,000 teams, 3,000 volunteers, 250,000 players and fans, 458 courts spanning 42 downtown city blocks, and that’s just on day one! Beyond basketball, though, Hoopfest is an outdoor festival chock full of shopping, food, interactive entertainment, and every year brings some thing new. 42 Downtown City Blocks 601 W Riverside Ave Spokane, WA

June 12-17: Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins is bringing its own brand of Broadway magic to theatres across the country and it is finally here in spokane. Mary Poppins is everything you could ever want in a hit Broadway show! So get swept up in the fun of this high-flying musical. It will be fun for the whole family. Tickets range from $33-$98.

June 18-August 24: Chill Day Camp

CHILL is an exciting summer day camp hosted by the City of Liberty Lake. The campers can enjoy various fun activities that include: arts and crafts, thrilling sports, swimming, fun games and more. The camp is located at Pavillion Park on 727 N. Molter Road Liberty Lake WA 99019 and runs daily Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm for ages 5-11.Contact Michelle Griffin at (509) 755-6726 or visit their website.

June 19: Spokane Indians Kids Night & Otto’s Birthday bash Northwest Mama Magazine is the proud sponsor of Otto, the mascot’s, birthday bash! Join us in the celebration and the kids get to run the bases after the game. A great night for the whole family. Avista Stadium 602 N. Havana Spokane, WA



apple of my eye



apple of my eye

OPPOSITE PAGE: Garret THIS PAGE (clockwise from top left): Emery, Makayla, James Jr., Baylee, Marissa, Anna

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trading post

local shopping for mamas for kiddos for home & garden

1 2 3


summer style guide with these local finds 1. Rhonda Shear Nightie

They have created a line that is always fresh, innovative and glamorous! Check out all of the styles of sleepwear at Silhouette Lingerie Boutique, which is proud to be the exclusive fine lingerie boutique of Coeur d’ alene

2. Hand Stamped

Mama Jewelry

Handstamped, personalized, sterling silver jewelry custom designed for you by two local moms. Perfect for baby showers, bridal gifts or just because! Use code NWMAMA for 10% off your order.


3. Doterra’s




Protect you & your babies skin this summer with doterra’s CPTG- certified, pure, therapeutic grade essential oils. Soothe a sunburn, bug bites, cuts & scrapes.

4. Unique


Tangerine boutique specializes in cute, interesting clothing, with funky accessories to match. Tangerine Boutique 1019 W First Ave Spokane, WA 509-413-2169

Rebecka Sando

5. Summer Apparel 6. Fashionable Lolo offers unique treasures for reasonable prices. Lolo carries contemporary women’s clothing, accessories and items for home and garden. Lolo Boutique

319 w Second Avenue Spokane, WA 509-747-2867


Calamity Jane’s Boutique is the newest kid on the block! Located in the SODO District. Calamity Jane’s proudly offers great priced clothing, jewelry and home decor. 303 W. 2nd Ave., Spokane 509-747-5077



feature story

a NORTHWEST sTAYCATION A down economy? Nah...we just like it up here! By Tammy Marshall


e live in possibly one of the most beautiful places in the world. Spokane has its bustle and Coeur d’Alene owns its own unique revolving door of tourists with happy personalities that bring a flavor to the northwest. What makes up here so spectacular is that after going to the city for awhile you have the option of traveling 20 minutes in any direction and end up surrounded by green and nature. Sure it’s a bit colder up here, but that’s what keeps the population at a level of sanity and deters those faint of heart who miss out on the fabulous summers full of bloom and warmth that we get to enjoy. The economy is improving, but most of us aren’t ready to plan a $10,000 vacation (the average price of an awayvacation for a family of four). So stick around. There’s so much going on and even more to do.

Daycation Ideas

Don’t want to pay camping or hotel fees? Then we’ve got the solution for you. Here’s the dish on some delicious ideas to dash away for the day.

Car d’Alene

Saturday-Sunday, June 15-16 The classic car show of classic car shows. In downtown Coeur d’Alene the beauty of the lake becomes secondary to the shiny speed machines taking up all the parking.

5K Foam Fest

Saturday, July 14 People who don’t like to get messy need not apply. For one day in Mead, Mount Spokane State Park will be converted into an obstacle zone. There you will jog through mud, foam and of course Slip ‘N’ Slides. Not just a run, but a messy challenge.


Dishman Hills

This beautiful natural area is home to many different bird species including the red-breasted nuthatch. Bring your binoculars and don’t expect to find any rock climbers, horses or mountain bikes. Only a few miles from downtown Spokane and a short distance east on Appleway off the Sprague Exit, people visit to experience nature, quiet and above all, animals of flight.

Hot Air Balloon Ride

The ground gently slips away as a giant inflated balloon lifts into the air carrying you and a passenger. The balloon then floats above the Spokane Valley and travels west with the wind.

Route of Hiawatha

Bikers of all levels will enjoy the Route of Hiawatha. You go for the scenery, not the challenge and the route leads at a slight downgrade making the commute easy on your calves. Bike in the dark through the old train tunnel and have a blast. Those who wish can catch a bus back so no pedaling uphill. Open every day during the summer.

Silverwood Theme Park

Sure Disneyland is Disneyland. It has Mickey, Minnie and all those dwarfs. But Silverwood has some mega rollercoasters, rides for all ages and a water park that’ll entertain you all day if you let it. Don’t forget the train ride and all those buffalo! 208.683.3400


feature story


Plan your staycation around these festivals and you’re sure to have plenty to entertain you. Elkfest Music Festival Friday-Sunday, June 8-10 The 8th annual Elkfest is Spokane’s only true indie music festival, outdoors free to the public and drawing over 10,000 fans every yearElkfest is a little different than many music festivals in the area, with a very grassroots approach, very little outside sponsorship, and a reputation for being Spokane’s best and only real neighborhood party each summer on the streets of our historic Browne’s Addition neighborhood in Spokane. 1931 West Pacific Spokane, WA (509) 363-1973

Moran Prairie Strawberry Festival

Saturday, July 7 Located 61 blocks south along the Palouse Hwy and the very south peak of Spokane, resides a tiny grange with a big dream. Benefitting the restoration of this somewhat unsightly but historic building, the Strawberry festival brings in all kinds of vendors and of course strawberry shortcake.www.facebook. com/events/124842580981100

Pend Oreille Valley Lavender Festival

Saturday-Sunday, July 7-8 This festival just smells dang good. With culinary delights, music, wine tastings and fun for the kids, up close to Newport is the place to be this weekend.

Walla Walla Sweet Onion Festival

Saturday-Sunday, July 14-15 If planning on entering the onion eating contest you may want to plan on bringing a breath mint or two. Your eyes will water with delight when tasting the fresh salsa or even engaging in the fun family activities.

Lamb Weston Columbia Cup and Water Follies

July 27-29 Join Us At The River for the 47th Running of the Columbia Cup. Air Shows, Hydroplane races, and so much more. The Unlimited Hydroplanes race for the Lamb-Weston Columbia Cup is the main attraction. Adult: $15 Children 6-12: $5 Children 5 and under: Free. Tri-Cities

Art on the Green

August 3-5 Enjoy the 44th Annual Art on the Green! A marketplace, performance space and a gathering place for friends and families, this yearly event is the highlight of the summer in Coeur d’Alene. This summer, 135-plus artists, a variety of performers and over 500 volunteers come together to

present Art on the Green for more than 50,000 people to enjoy.

Festival at Sandpoint

August 2-12 30th annual summer concert series. Eight nights of eclectic music under the stars, on the shores of Lake Pend Oreille, in Sandpoint, Idaho. The Festival is audience friendly. You can feast on fabulous food and beverages on “Festival Street,” or bring your own picnic basket and cooler from home. You can stretch out on a blanket, cruise in a lawn chair (bring your own or rent ours), sit in the grandstands or let loose in our dancing areas.

Huckleberry Festival

Saturday-Sunday, Aug.17-18 Wallace, Idaho has the party going for this tasty berry only the mountains can make.


September 21-23 Celebrating 23 years! Located at Mirabeau Point Park in Spokane Valley.


Nearby Getaways

It’s all in a day’s drive! Here are some great nearby getaways that get you out of town with little notice.

Glacier National Park Montana

On the northwest corner of Montana residing on the Rockies sits a beautiful place called Glacier National Park. You can easily spend a week here, but as this is a list for staycation we recommend traveling on the Going-to-the-Sun road, learn about the park’s plants wildlife in the Discovery Cabin or best of all you can use your cell phone to dial into audibles about the history of the park while taking a walking tour. htm 406.888.7800

Sapphire Mines, Montana

About 260 miles from Coeur d’Alene lies Helena, Mont. In Helena you’re guaranteed to strike gems. In the Spokane Bar Mine, guests are invited to dig for natural and beautiful sapphires. This place is literally embedded with the beautiful jewels. Grab the kids, grab your tools and tell them you’re going on a dig for treasure! They’ll have the car ready to go before you can say “It’s time to get up if we want to beat the traffic!” 1.877.DIGGEMS

Silver Mountain Resort

There’s just too much to list at this indoor and outdoor playground. Just focusing on the summer activities they have golf, horseshoeing games, biking, rafting, disc golf and special activities for the kids. Inside they have their mega water park. Plus food, drink and all things designed to delight and immerse you in fun. SilverMT.Com 866.344.2675


Can we say enough about this pleasant village? The buildings are fun and the places exciting. Since you’re saving some serious dough staying close we suggest to invest in taking your family on a seaplane ride. They’ll never forget their viewing of the northwest via sky. 208.290.3257

Grand Coulee Dam

The laser light show runs each day during the summer. When the water streams in gusts down the large structure and the beautiful lights dance across the manufactured waves of energy conduction the kids will be in awe. The best part is it’s actually a mixed-media learning center that uses light technology and river spouts to teach about the history of the area. They won’t ever forget this lesson. 1.800.COULEE2

The Roosevelt Inn

When embarking on a staycation adventure it’s important to note that there is no reason to stay in some sterile chain hotel. Especially when you can stay in a cozy B&B full of warmth, character and above all TEA TIME! You read it right. The day before you check in, get into your room and settle down for some games and relaxation. Engage in some serious shopping or hiking or both. Before afternoon go get into character and gather for some crustless sandwiches and fine-brewed tea. Be it on your birthday or unbirthday you’ll have a mad fun time at this tea. The Roosevelt Inn,, 208.765.5200

Wallace Idaho

A little over an hour east on I-90 off exit 61 sits the town of Wallace, Idaho-home to 784 souls. For each one of them there’s at least one tourist attraction. Come any day of the week or visit during one of their festivals for food, fun and that one-of-a kind historical ambiance. We recommend a visit to the Sixth Street Theater for a taste of their highly entertaining melodrama. 208.752.8871

Marshall Lake Resort

This lake near Newport, Wash. carved out on high elevation is peak viewing for star gazers. You can see the pink dustings of the Milky Way. They offer small trailers and boats for a small fee. In the evenings the small lake grows transparent and like you’re viewing through a polarizer you can see all the way to the bottom of this clean and beautiful water source. Watch out staycationers planning to stay here during peak camping days. It can get crowded and while it’s still fun, be prepared to watch the trash pit grow to a mountain and hear campers yelling at their children. 509.447.4158

Elkins Resort

You won’t miss a moment of fun at this beautiful resort on the much-beloved Priest Lake in Idaho. Play golf, hike the Selkirk Mountain range, play volleyball, watch outdoor movies and so much more. Even more you will love the beautiful and spacious cabins open all year round. Priced at above $130 a night, they are worth the rent and you get your money’s worth.





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get thee pa r k to the


Mirabeau Point in the Spokane Valley E. of Pines at the I-90 Exit Type: Neighborhood Park Size: 1.5 acres Amenities: Splash pad, Swings, slides, imagery that is educational and designed to support physical and social development. Artistry: The entire park is a work of art created by Design Concepts CLA, Inc., Lafayette, Co. and ecoPlan & Design from Wenatchee, WA.


f Michel Gondry every collaborated on a retelling of Alice in Wonderland with Tim Burton, set it in Spokane, Wash., it may look a lot like this park. That said if you haven’t been, go now. Open from late spring to fall each day from dawn to dusk this vivid park is packed full of artistic delicacies for the imagination. Just to the right of the main entrance sprouts a sculpture of a very colorful trout. Kids are invited to sit on it, talk to it or just delight in its beauty. Further in, a giant white chair is positioned adjacent to an enlarged pumpkin. The very same one Cinderella used you may ask? Watch your toddler giggle at the in-ground trampolines or gaze older kids climbing the wall. The water tables in the sand pit residing near a bear’s cave could probably entertain your youngster for the day. If it doesn’t, no worries, the swings and slides are sure to do the trick . This park is a must-see and do. The only warning is that there is limited shade. The pavement and all the sculptures are beautiful, but when it gets warm out there’s no freedom from the scorching heat. Our advice is in the heat of summer visit here either in the mornings or late evening. 27


piggy bank


father’s day excursions and treats

Narrate a video

Most computers nowadays come with movie editing software. If not it’s pretty easy to download online. Go to the Microsoft website to download Microsoft Movie Maker or Mac users can get iMovie. After the download it’s chair time. You know all those digital videos dad’s been taking with his camera so frequently it seems at times he’s pretending to be the cameraman with you as the Situation on Jersey Shore? Put your producer/editor hat on and sift through all that footage and make a movie all about the time in the past year or so you’ve spent with dad. Add in an opening with you and even some inspiring music (theme from Rocky?) and bam! Dad will be in tears by sundown on Father’s Day. Good tears. Happy tears.


Veg out!

It’s Father’s Day and that means it’s relax day. You know how dad just goes on and on about the great comedies of Mel Brooks, Monty Python and the film Airplane!? Not to mention his deep appreciation for the genius of the Three Stooges. Make dad happy by designing a marathon around those great classics. Top it off with plenty of notions and goodies that you provide and wait on dad hand and foot all day and dad will have laughed his way through his special day.

three letters B-b-q

That’s it. Get some meat and grill it. Add some chips and a few sides, invite friends over and have a party. It really can be that simple!

photojournalism picnic

Here’s something to do that takes a bit of planning. A few weeks before Father’s Day set up a picnic with kids and dad and hire a photographer to capture every moment. If your photographer has a quick turn-around time then you can frame and wrap the best photos and give them to dad as a gift on Father’s Day. He’ll love having those pictures to hang in his office or even his man cave.


Here you go kids! Write out a speech on why dad is so important to you. Then ceremoniously present him a handmade card after giving said speech. He will love it!


piggy bank


elebrating the people in our lives who created us ‘kids’ and love us above anything and do more for us than we can ever repay. That includes you dads and we at Northwest Mama appreciate and honor you. Hats off! Here are a few ideas to make the man known as dad feel special on his day.

make a scrapbook

All those pictures that Dad’s snapped in the last year...make something magical with them. Add in movie stubs, game tickets or any other small items to create a mixed-media album celebrating your year with dad.

go fish!

Dads love adventure. They also love to relax. Plan a trip to your family’s favorite lake, pack a lunch and just spend the day looking at the water and enjoying your time together. It does go by way too fast.

miniature golf

Nothing says I love you more than putters, faux grass and a miniature windmill. I’m only kidding of course, but make dad’s day a game and add in a little competitive spirit. Afterward, get pizza and make it a super dad’s day.

off to the races

With two different speedways at our fingertips and the cost so low there is no reason we can’t treat Dad to the thrills of watching the race. Bring Nascar to him this Father’s Day.

Anything he wants!

Men are typically great at telling us exactly what they want when we ask so let the inquisition begin! Ask Dad where he’d like to go or what he’d like to do for his special day...the answer may just surprise and delight you.



food & wine

Local products food Review what’s in season restaurant guide

Strawberries are widely appreciated for their characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy texture, and sweetness. Consumed in large quantities, either fresh or in prepared foods such as preserves, fruit juice, pies, ice creams, and milkshakes. Strawberries are a popular addition to dairy products, such as strawberry flavored milk, ice cream, milkshakes, smoothies, and yogurts. Strawberries and cream is a popular dessert, famously consumed at Wimbledon. Depending on the area, strawberry pie, strawberry rhubarb pie, or strawberry shortcake are also popular. In Greece, strawberries are usually sprinkled with sugar and then dipped in Metaxa, a famous brandy, and served as a dessert.


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We are a 1920’s Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Pub Family owned and operated. We have put together a great staff. And with the help of an amazing chef, Brad Case, we have created a menu truly worth exploring! 1726 W Kathleen,

restaurant listings

For some it’s because we’re the nation’s first restaurant distillery. For others it’s our handcrafted cocktails. Perhaps it’s our innovative menu featuring delicious Northwest cuisine. At Bardenay, it all comes together in a uniquely Idaho atmosphere, creating an experience worth coming back for.

Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815

Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814

We have a truly unique menu that offers more choices that more people know what to do with! The reason for this? You! Spokane has helped us create a menu that has something for everyone. Great starters, salads, pastas, pizzas, burgers, paninos, and specialty entrees. What we are most famous for is our Thai Peanut Sauce! We feature it on an item in every menu category and even sell it by the bottle! 808 W Main St, Spokane

For the most authentic Mexican food you can find anywhere we invite you to come to Casa de Oro at the top of the Division Street hill. From the moment you walk in you’ll be treated like family. Our knowledgeable staff will make sure you are completely satisfied with our quality food, drink and service 4111 North Division Street Spokane, WA

Come join us for great food at a great price! Mulligan’s Restaurant, featuring home-style comfort food, is open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Value never tasted so good! Mention Northwest Mama Magazine and receive a free appetizer with the purchase of an entrée! 506 Appleway in the Best Western Coeur d’Alene Inn, ID

Whether you chose to dine in our comfortable pub-style dining room or enjoy the view from our fantastic outdoor dining area you’ll feel comfortable with us. We offer the region’s finest cocktails, micro brews and wines to accompany your meal. You’ll find our doors open anytime as we open at 11am 7 days a week all year and keep our kitchen cooking up delicious food late every night. 1658 E Miles Ave Hayden, ID 83835


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