6 minute read
Editor-in-Chief addresses freshmen, urges readership
You picked up this Cats Guide and inevitably started reading through it — I like you already. Welcome to Northwest, you’re going to thrive here.
The Northwest Missourian is a student-run newspaper covering the news on campus and in the community of Maryville. Our mission is to be the best source of information for the community we serve.
We know that these are weird times for everyone and that there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the future. My staff and I work as a valuable aid in establishing and maintaining an atmosphere of free and responsible discussion. We are an outlet for bringing student concerns to the fore
front of attention and for holding the University accountable. We will continue to do so no matter what the semester entails because it’s important to us that you stay informed on the news surrounding Northwest and how it relates to you and your classmates.
The Northwest Missourian is distributed every Thursday throughout the fall and spring trimesters and daily online. This academic year, 30 issues will be published with an average length of 12 pages — 4,000 newspapers are printed each week.
We promise to keep you up to date with the latest news on campus and around Maryville and to report with accuracy and integrity. But, we need you to support us

too. Aside from picking up a newspaper every week, we want you to engage with us. Our main responsibility is to you, the student.
We encourage feedback from you in all forms. Comment on the posts we share to our website and on social media. Send us an email at northwestmissourian@gmail. com. Write a letter to the editor and the Missourian will try to publish every letter — just try to keep it at 250-300 words. Be a guest columnist; the opinion section of the Missourian is an open forum for the community and a place for readers to share their views.
If you take anything away from this letter, let it be this — pick up a newspaper; it’s important.

| Editor-inChief Rachel Adamson
4 welcome letters / northwest missourian President welcomes freshmen
You’re beginning a journey any of our more than 200 student me. I look forward to seeing all that places you among more than organizations. It’s an ideal way to that you and your classmates will 70,000 Northwest alumni and meet new friends, and research accomplish during your time at friends, and you’ll soon discover shows the more connected you Northwest – and beyond! why the phrase “Once a Bearcat, are, the better your chances are Please know your feedback always a Bearcat” has such deep for success. and stories about your Northwest meaning to all of us. Of course, you came to colexperiences are important to me.
Even while all of us are expelege to further your education. Our As you see me around campus, riencing a new normal resulting faculty and staff care immensely don’t hesitate to say hello and visfrom COVID-19, fall is still an about your success. Ask questions. it with me about how we can enexciting time at Northwest as we Be engaged. Heed our “Bearcats hance your Northwest experience. welcome new and returning stuConnect” mantra, and you’ll fi nd Send me an email, or send a tweet dents to our community and our our unique profession-based learnto @presidentjazz. beautiful campus, which also is ing experiences and small class At Northwest, we are commitdesignated the Missouri Arboresizes will help you master course ted to helping you succeed and livtum. You and your classmates are material while finding lifelong ing the values of “Being a Bearwhat make Northwest such a vibrant university, and we are commentors in your instructors. By selecting Northwest, cat.” We ask that you keep learning. Connect with each other, our | Northwest mitted to focusing on your success – every day. It can be intimidating to start you’ve also become an integral part of a culture of excellence. From nationally recognized acafaculty and staff, alumni and employers. Care for others and continue building personal relationPresident John Jasinski life at a new school, but one of the demic and athletic achievements ships. Practice and model civilimany great things Northwest ofto award-winning student orgaty, and show pride in Northwest. fers is a wide range of activities nizations and volunteer opportuTake hold, get involved and expejust for students. I encourage you nities, Northwest students, faculrience the many benefi ts of Northto get involved and connect with ty and staff never cease to amaze west offers! _ GRAY’S Truc�� Sto�� _

22979 US-71 Maryville, Mo 6446822979 US-71 Maryville, Mo 64468 (660) 582-2412(660) 582-2412 Al�� Da�� Breakfas��Al�� Da�� Breakfas��
Tuesday-Saturday: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.Tuesday-Saturday: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Monday & Sunday: 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.Monday & Sunday: 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.
10 tips from University Police
On behalf of the University Police Department, allow me to welcome you to Northwest Missouri State University. We look forward to working with you in creating a safe community to learn and live.
University Police is a state certifi ed police department and operates under the philosophies of prevention.
University Police deploys prevention strategies and tactics through an interactive community-policing model that encourages campus and community partnerships with all.
Although Northwest and Maryville both have low crime rates, we need your help in keeping our campus safe and secure. Please help us by choosing to refl ect on the following top 10 list: 1. Be Accountable: Be accountable to yourself and to Northwest – if you see something say something: we all need to keep our community safe. 2. Utilize Safe Rides Home: Safe Rides conducts more than 15,000 rides a year and has contributed to the decrease of driving while intoxicated arrests - 660.562.1245/ check the back of your Northwest ID. 3. Download the Crisis Manager App: Emergency procedures are located on the app for you to have on your smartphone. Please read them prior to an emergency occurring. 4. Lock Your Doors: Whether it is your room or your vehicle, always secure your doors. 5. Parking: If you park on campus you will need a permit. University Police is open 24/7 to assist with temporary permits. Please read the signage and the parking rules within the printed map and/or online. Bicycles need permits and they are available free of charge at UPD. 6. Self Defense: Please check out our website or social media for dates and times for free self-defense courses. 7. Weapons: All weapons can be stored at UPD and made available under the program requirements 24/7. 8. Be Aware: Pay attention to your surroundings. Your safety begins with you. 9. Emergency Number: Add the University Police phone number to your phone; 660.562.1254. 10. Fun: Have it. Please meet new people and take in some of the great programs that are offered on campus.
Lastly, while Northwest seeks to maintain a secure campus environment, it is important to remember that each of us must accept a level of individual responsibility for our own safety. University Police is proud to serve students.


For free estimates call (660) 582-BLUE(660) 582-BLUE
| University Police Chief Clarence Green
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