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The origin of the vinyl record can be traced to the 19th Century. In 1857, a french scientist named Leon Scott developed the phonoautograph, which used a vibrating diaphgram to record sound waves on paper. This laid the groundwork for what eventually became the gramophone, or LP.
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A Velvet Underground record sold for $25,000, making it one of the priciest records ever sold.
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There is a diference in sound between black and coloured vinyl’s. Coloured vinyls have a sonic difference betweeen them and normal black vinyl. Clear and coloured discs attain more pops and degrade faster when played.
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The largest record collection on file featured more than 1 million LPs: Paul Mawhinney is believed to possess the largest record collection, featuring over 1.5 million.
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When a record is player, the sound can be different on the outer edge than the inner edge.This is caused because the tracks on the inside are closer together than the outer track.
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The quality of the vinyl used when producing a vinyl record determines the sound that is recorded on it.
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Vinyl record albums were the main way that music was recorded until the latter part of the 1980's.
08 - Digital media took over the market in the late 1980's. 09 -
When dust sticks to vinyl records it is difficult to remove it. If it remains on the record, it will create a popping or cracking/scratching noise when the record is played.
Banks - Goddess, is not only an album I’ve grown extremely fond of, but I feel the subtetly of the album cover, and the tonal variatios of red create an extremely effective album/vinyl cover. What better way to advertise yourself as an artist but to have yourself on the front cover.
Despite how people may find my choice of this vinyl cover to be favourite, questionable, not only is the cover effective, but I support Banks as an independant artist, so why chose a vinyl cover of someone I don’t actually like, or support, or have any prior knowledge to.
- Monique Flemming
“I think vinyls are unecessary and inconvinient, why collect something so big when it can be convinently downloaded and put onto your phone.” - Tanzwi Jeyacheya
“I personally want to own a vinyl collection, not to listen to them but just to decorate an entire wall in my bedroom with them.” - Sorley mclean
“People have and probably always will consider vinyls as something to relate to as a collectible, not something to just be played like a CD.”
“I used to make it a priority of having a huge vinyl collection, but when you were born I had more important things to focus on.” - janet laville
“Vinyls are completely irrelevant to me ,I don’t care about them one bit.” - Alex laville
“I don’t see why they’re still around, who wants a huge black disc that you cant even play without having a huge ugly vinyl player.” - JONNO SIMMONS
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