The Empire Key | May 2023-2024 | Issue 1

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CONTENTS TABLE OF 4 EDITORS NOTE Introduction and updates 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents 6 EXECUTIVE BOARD Meet the 2023-2024 Officers 8 OFFICER UPDATES Introduction and updates 14 LTC RECAP 18 Learn more about how Key Club works KEY CLUB FUNCTIONS A recap on our annual LTC
32 SERVICE SPOTLIGHTS Highlighted service events for May 24 DISTRICT RECAP Recent news on our district 40 NEWSLETTER FEATURES Check out some newsletters from various divisions 42 BOARD DIRECTORY Contact information for our Lieutenant Governors and District Administrators

I can't believe that I'm releasing my very FIRST newsletter


so honored to be serving as your upcoming bulletin editor an am sure that we will be able to do great things this year. This newsletter will highlight some of the new things coming year, as well as a recap of LTC, and all that has happened in M

A little about me: I joined key club as a freshman and I'm curre a junior at Bronx Science! I also served as the past scrapbook co-head at my home club. I am ecstatic to be able to highligh the great service you guys will do this year. With that, I hope be releasing newsletters each month, so look out for those! A please continue sending in service spotlights as we love to s off all the amazing work you guys do.

Yours in care and service,



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groupphoto awards


AMY WU AVA STAMATAKIS JOY ZHANG KYLE EARLE International Trustee External Assistant Internal Assistant Governor


TIFFANY ORTIZ RINA TAKAI JUNJIN TAN VACANT Treasurer Bulletin Editor Webmaster Secretary



MynameisAvaStamatakis,andIhavethehonorofservingasyourKeyClubInte Trustee! TheotherdistrictsIservearetheAlabamaDistrictandtheCaribbean-A District. Together,our“sister”districtsmakeuptheNewCariBamaSistrict!

MyjobasInternationalTrusteeistospreadawarenessofKeyClub’sglobalpres connectmemberstoresources,andtosupportdistrictleadershipinwhateverw thisregard,youwillseemeholdingmonthlyofficehours,hostingquarterlysistric sendingmonthlynewsletters,postingonInstagramfrequently(follow@newarib muchmore. Themajorityofmyjob,however,isdedicatedtocommitteeworka internationallevel,whichIwillupdateyouonthroughouttheyear.

Ouradventuretogetherstartsnow.Infact,Ihaveafewresourcesforyousothat stayintouch:


Attendmymonthlyofficehours(nextoneisMay23rd8pm-9pmESTonInstagr AccessourLinktree(!

NYDKC,Iamheretosupport,guide,andserveyou.Icannotwaitforallthefuture foryou,forus,andforoursistrict.Iknowthisisgoingtobeanincredibleyear,so continuetoserveourhomes,schools,andcommunities.



urs in Friendship and Service, AvaStamatakis


ternational Atlantic sence,to waysIcan. In ctevents, bama),and atthe atwecan ramLive)

ehasinstore let’s @ava.stamatakis|@newcaribama 443-561-8892 contactme!

What's up NYDKC!

I hope everyone is doing well whether it is pushing through the final weeks of school or while starting your summer vacation! It has been a wonderful 2 months since we all gathered up in Albany for our annual Leadership Training Conference and since the service year started. I am currently working through my last four weeks as a Junior at Midwood High School in Division 9.

Last year we absolutely crushed our service hour and fundraising goals, and I know with the hard work of our members, Club Officers, and the District Board we can reach new heights untouched before. With that, I am honored to have received the opportunity to serve the mighty New York District as District Governor for the 2023-2024 service term. Thank you for your trust NYDKC, I will not let you down.

As summer approaches, remember to continue serving your home, school, and community by participating or hosting those summer events Service doesn't stop in the summer but you can't forget about making time for you and your friends. If you are in the New York City area any time, you may be able to catch me at a summer fundraiser or service event. Remember I am only one direct message or email away no matter what you have to say. Whether it is talking about new opportunities or about what surprise songs Taylor Swift has already performed, I am more than happy to talk to you!

Take care NYDKC, until next time

Infinitely yours in service, AmyWu
m k s! r

Hello NYDKC!

We made it! It’s the end of the school year, which also concludes after school key club events. This does not mean we put service to a halt during the summer! If anything, we should all begin planning new events to host during the summer while the weather is comfortable and the piles of school work are gone.

Before I explain what this summer will look like, I would like to introduce myself for those who haven’t seen the NYDKC instagram or weren’t able to attend the Leadership Training Conference this past March. I’m from Ramapo High School in Division 12. I was a lieutenant governor for two years before running for district office. I am immensely appreciative for all the support and encouragement I received!

This summer, I look forward to training upcoming club secretaries for what to expect piece by piece. Periodically, I will send updates to all secretaries, listed on the election report forms submitted, on information related to the report forms, events I recommend for the summer, and the secretaries guide. I understand that the summer may be a busy time for upcoming seniors or those of you traveling, so by doing this I hope to avoid piling on too much information at once.

Most of all, I want to remind you all that I am here to help you and will keep an open mind this service year. If you have recommendations or comments about the report forms or have questions about what I release, feel free to email me! I will reply as soon as possible.

Yours inandfriendship service, TiffanyOrtiz


I hope you have had a wonderful, gratifying, and successful start to the 2023-2024 service year! My name is Rina Takai, and I am a junior at Hunter College High School in Division 11.

Last year we were able to exceed our fundraising goal by over 140%, for a total of around $260,000. Our new goal is $225,000, and so far we have raised $17,000! I am so excited to see the astonishing work you will do again this year, and I will be here with you every step of the way. Get ready for new fundraiser ideas, guides to creating club merchandise, monthly updates, and more!

If you need assistance with planning fundraisers, I am here to help.

For any club treasurer reading this, please fill out the Contact Info Form in order to receive important information about your duties. Make sure to consult the Treasurer’s Guide for instructions. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to me! Let’s work together to serve our community and have a successful year!

Yours in service, RinaTakai

This year, LTC took place in The Desmond Hotel in A celebrated Diamond Jubilee 75 years of service. Key over the state travelled to enjoy a weekend of leade and character building.

Albany as we y clubbers all

ership, service,

Members took part in a wide range of works from group karaokes, arts and crafts, and ev leadership.

Key clubbers cre into newfou

We celebrated our 75th year of service w awards. Our members and clubs gained distinguished levels of honor.

shops, ranging ven lessons of eated lasting bonds, transforming strangers und friends. We assembled, played games, networked, and had the time of our lives. with a plethora of outstanding and


Key Club International is the global governing body of Key Club, providing guidance, support, and resources to clubs worldwide. It promotes leadership, service, and community involvement among members, fostering the development of young leaders dedicated to making a positive impact.


Districts are regional divisions within Key Club International, bringing together multiple clubs in a specific geographical area. They facilitate collaboration, communication, and support among clubs, organizing district-wide events, conferences, and service projects for members to connect, learn, and serve together.


Divisions are subdivisions within a District, creating smaller, more localized groups of Key Clubs. They promote closer interaction among neighboring clubs, fostering a sense of community and coordination of efforts. Divisions often hold divisional meetings, events, and service projects to enhance collaboration and the local Key Club experience.


The Home Club is the individual Key Club chapter at the school level. It serves as the hub for members to actively engage in meetings, projects, and initiatives. Members elect officers, plan and execute service projects, and experience the direct impact of their service within their school and community.

Builders Club is a service leadership program sponsored by Kiwanis International for middle school and junior high students. Its goal is to empower young individuals aged 11 to 14 to become leaders and make positive contributions in their schools and communities.

Builders Club members participate in service projects and community activities, focusing on areas such as fundraising, volunteering, and promoting education and literacy programs. Through their involvement, students learn valuable life skills, teamwork, and the importance of giving back to others.

Circle K International (CKI) is the collegiate branch of Kiwanis International, a global service organization. CKI operates on campuses worldwide, offering college students opportunities for community service, leadership development, and fellowship. Members engage in various service projects, develop leadership skills through club involvement, and foster connections with like-minded individuals. CKI serves as a stepping stone for students to continue their service journey beyond college, potentially becoming involved in Kiwanis clubs and assuming leadership roles within the organization.

In the New York District Key Club, the Lieutenant Governors (LTGs) act as representatives and liaisons between the district board and Key Clubs within their assigned divisions. They facilitate divisional meetings, support club officers, and promote district initiatives. The LTGs play a vital role in communication, organization, and providing guidance to Key Clubs in their divisions.

The executive officers in the New York District Key Club are members of the district board who hold specific positions. The Governor leads the district, the Secretary handles documentation and correspondence, the Treasurer manages finances, Executive Assistants assist the Governor with various duties, the Editor handles publications, and the Webmaster oversees the district's online presence. These executive officers collaborate to provide leadership, support, and direction to Key Clubs in the district, organizing events and maintaining communication with members.

Governor, Secretary, and Treasurer are elected at the annual Leadership Training Conference (LTC). Internal and External Executive Assistants, Editor, and Webmaster are all appointed through applications.


On April 28-30, the district board had our first sp proposed district projects, gave updates, and


pring board meeting at Long Island University. We

d decided the district fundraising/service goal.


I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces that tend to undermine these institutions.

(chosen by governor)

Room to Read is a non-profit focused on literacy and gender equality in education in low-income countries. It promotes reading skills among primary school children and supports girls to complete secondary school. The organization works in Asia and Africa, significantly impacting millions of lives since its inception in 2000. mil

mil children benefited from literacy program books distributed to children everywhere

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, founded in 1962, is a renowned facility for pediatric disease treatment and research, notably cancers. Based in Memphis, it provides free care to patients while also conducting significant research to improve childhood cancer survival rates worldwide.


due to St. Judes, one child is saved every
% increased Leukemia survival rate by
(voted on by district)

Kamp Kiwanis is aimed at providing fun, physical exercise and adventure. It strives to afford opportunities to participate in a creative outdoor group experience in a democratic setting and develop characteristics of leadership and fair play. The program at Kamp Kiwanis is designed to mainstream all children, including up to 20 each session with special needs. It is noncompetitive with emphasis on group and team building. No activity is forced, but all are encouraged. We provide the same program for high-functioning adults with special needs with a higher ratio of care.

The Kiwanis Pediatric Traum is a program within the New that focuses on supporting p the Long Island, New York a with two Level 1 pediatric t Cohen Children's Medical Ce Stony Brook Children's Hos foundation's main goal is to children and enhance th emergency medical service achieve this by raising fun which are used to respond to community and child safety other injury prevention init operates with the backing o Kiwanis International and approximately 100 Kiwanis

ma Center Foundation, Inc.

w York District of Kiwanis pediatric trauma efforts in area. It specifically works trauma center hospitals: enter in New Hyde Park and spital in Stony Brook. The to improve the safety of he capabilities of local es response teams. They nds throughout the year, hospital requests, provide y education, and support tiatives. The foundation of the New York District of receives support from clubs in its service area.

The Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation focuses on assisting families and children affected by Lyme disease. The foundation's support is funded through donations from Kiwanis Clubs and individuals, which are directed to the Pediatric Lyme Disease Fund. Since its establishment in 2000-01, the foundation has aimed to cover the medical treatment expenses for children with Lyme disease, as most insurance companies do not cover the costs. Lyme disease is caused by bacteria transmitted through deer ticks and can have various effects on the brain, including disturbances in thinking, headaches, mood swings, irritability, depression, and fatigue. The disease can potentially invade the central nervous system, with early treatment being crucial for a positive outcome. The foundation had paid $269,000 for pediatric treatment as of May 2014.







Submit a service spotlight! Spotlight your club's service initiatives, and show your dedication! Share stories, photos, or screenshots from events you've attended or hosted, along with an article. Articles are usually paragraph-long recaps of a specific event, highlighting the author's own experience. Members can still write about virtual events as they are still events! You can also enter into the editor's choice award! Submit an article for the chance to be featured and earn a certificate.


The voluntee that based, familie they ho peo voluntee a fu kid every my co this ev ever d w mea heart. I is h

e Key Club of Patchogue-Medford High School had the pleasure of providing ers to Gigi’s Playhouse, an organization delivers free educational, therapeuticand career development programs for individuals with Down syndrome, their es, and the community. Every Thursday, ost a free yoga and karaoke session for ople of all ages to attend and enjoy! Our ers helped Gigi’s Playhouse in creating n environment, we sang along with the s, provided guidance in their yoga, and yone loved it! As an LTG, I love to serve ommunity the best I can, and attending vent was one of the most fun ways I’ve done that! In singing and dancing along with the kids, I saw how much this event ant to them all, and it really warmed my I loved every minute of it, and Pat-Med happy to continue providing volunteers every week to support this amazing organization!

This was our first fundraiser of the 2023-2024 term and when I tell you it was SUPER fun and SUPER successful... I MEAN IT WITH MY WHOLE HEART!! Especially since it was Eid and we had a day off, we had a lot of members attending, plus we also had members from other schools like Bxsci Key Club come and support! I love seeing clubs support clubs it's the best thing ever! We fundraised a total of $300 and members had the chance to paint tote bags and canvas and I can say, we have some crazy talented members! It was also one of our member’s birthday so our treasurer, Tammi bakes her a cake and everyone surprised her and sang her Happy Birthday! People enjoyed this event to the fullest, catching up with one another, singing, dancing, playing volleyball, etc! When I was going around to check on people's tote bags, my jaw literally DROPPED for some of them because of how crazy good at art they were! We also had a bake sale which was also pretty successful!! Almost everything got sold! If I had an event that I would want to relive, it’d be THIS ONE!


It filled me with pride walking down the road holding a banner representing Japanese/Asian organizations. The whole parade offered a variety of ways on how Japanese culture is preserved now, whether it be drumming, singing, dancing, or cosplaying.

Nicole Yau
Check out some of these awesom

me newsletters from various divisions!

Division1 KiaraChablaSarmiento KevinHidalgo CharlotteWagner Division2 Division3 Division4N Division8 Division8A Division15 Eric Cao Division23 Ava Snyder Kaitlin Buckley Division9 Division10 Division16 Division17 Division18 Division24 Division25 Alexis Dorf division4N@nydkc. Jocelyn Rafter Anastasia Ababiy Thomas Morgan Desiray Martinez Ava Eastman division18@nydkc. Alexandria VanMeter Connor Kramer Vacant
JohnGoldstein| JasonSteiner| MichaelBerthel| 4N Division4S Division5 Division6 Division7 10 Division11 Division12 Division13 Division14 18 Division19 Division20 Division21 Division22 .org WIllandie Presnard Aungel Schultz Sumaya Suma Andrew Hines Eliza Strum .org Katie Carbone Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Sofia Dong



The New York District of Key Club International has over 11,000 members in over 260 clubs. We're also home to the first Key Club.

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