The Empire Key | June 2023-2024 | Issue 2

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JUNE 2023

table of contents 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-17 editors note executive board updates & farewell
18-21 district projects 22-27 key club functions 28-35 service spotlights 36-40 closing & directory

ft: bayside key club!note

I also wanted to highlight Bayside Key Club's annual celebratory dinner. It was honestly such a great experience being able to see them celebrate their amazing service year. The awards, speeches, and food was all great. Their campus is also super pretty!

How are y'all feeling? I can't believe the school

boa amy gove Treasurer international trustee secretary rina takai tiffany ortiz ava


external assistant

joy zhang

internal assistant editor junjin tan

kyle earle

oard y ernor

trustee's f


Thisisit.Theendofmytermisonlydaysaway.It’sbeenawholeyearsinceIfirst becameyourInternationalTrustee,andItrulycannotbelieveallthatwehave accomplishedtogether.Throughoutthelastyear,Ihaveseenyouallaccomplish fantastictriumphsandovercometremendousobstacles.Iamatalossofwords todescribehowincrediblyproudIamofyouall.

WhenIfirstbecameanInternationalTrusteelastJuly,Iwaitedeagerlytobe assignedtoservethreedistricts.InearlyAugust,thewaitwasover.Iremember gatheringtogetherwithmyfellowInternationalTrusteesinanticipation.Theone questioneveryonewasaskingwas,“whichdistrictsdoyouwanttobe assigned?”Andtherewasalwaysauniversalanswer:NewYork.

That’sbecause,NewYork,youhaveareputationthatisrecognizedacrossKey ClubInternational.Oneofrelentlesscompassion,bubblyenergy,andfierce determination.Yourengagementisinspirational,andyourpassionspeaks volumes.Ihaveproudlywatchedyouallpouryourheartsandsoulsintoour organization,KeyClubInternational.Becauseofyourdedication,passion,and perseverance,KeyClubhasflourishedthispastyear.

Ithasbeenmyhonorandprivilegetoserveyou,andIamincrediblygratefulfor theopportunity.Iknowyouallwillcontinuetoshineintheserviceandleadership realmwellbeyondmyterm.Pleasedonothesitatetostayintouch!Thisisa bittersweetmoment,butstill“IFEELGOOD.OHIFEELSOGOODOH!”

Ava Stamatakis

Yours forever in Friendship and Service,



is e will miss taste As I a Anaheim mee canno As I sa commun NOT stop catc

everyone? I hope everyone had a successful end of the school year. I definitely Junior year but I am so excited for Senior year. Happy summer! I've had a good e of summer events already and I can honestly say that this summer will be very memorable.

am writing this we are just under a week away from International Convention in m, California! Whether you are going or not, I hope you are as excited as I am to et the new International Board and see the possible proposals that get passed. I ot wait to meet Key Clubbers from around the world (and trade pins with them).

aid in the last newsletter, remember to continue serving your home, school, and nity by participating or hosting those summer events! Remember, service does p in the summer. If you are in the New York City area any time, you will definitely ch me at a summer fundraiser or service event. Remember I am only one direct message or email away and I'd love to talk to you! See you next time!

Infinitely yours in service,
Amy Wu



Ihopeyou’veallstartedyoursummerswell!Ialways enjoyatriptothebeachandhangingoutwithfriendsand family,butrememberthatyou’reabletocontinuethe serviceyearallthroughoutthesummer.Iencourageyou to!Anyonewhodoeswillreceiverecognition!

Whenallyouwanttodoisrelaxafterabusyschoolyear, it’sunderstandabletodriftyourfocusoffofKeyClub! However,servicecanbeledanywhere!Getagroupof friendstogether,gotothebeach,andleadabeachclean up!

Notetosecretaries:Lookoutforemailsfrommethis summer!Iamgoingtoperiodicallysendoutemailson everythingyoushouldknowassecretarysothatyoucan preparefortheupcomingserviceyear!Thiswillinclude tipsonmeetingminutes,helpingatevents,monthly forms,etc.Idecidednottosendonelengthyemailwith everythingsoyoudon’tfallasleepreadingmyemail. Don’tworry-Iwillbecompilingalloftheinformationso youcanrefertoitwithouthavingtoscramblethrough youremails.Ifyourclubpresidenthasn’tfilledoutthe ElectionReportForm,encouragethemtodoso.Theonly waytoreceivetheseemailsisbyfillingouttheformso thatIcanaddyouremailtotheemailinglist!

Towrapthisup-pleaseenjoythesummeranddon’ttake itforgranted!Beproductivebutalsorelaxsothatyoucan startthenextschoolyearenergized!

Yours inandfriendship service, Tiffany Ortiz



Aswewelcomesummerbreak, rememberthatKeyClubisstillactive. Youhavemoretimeandfreedomtoplan yourfundraiserstohelpthoseinneed— sotakethisopportunity!Frombeach themedevents,topicnicsattheparkand icecreamsales,reallyletyourcreativity run.Youcanevenworkwithotherschool KeyClubstoplanagreatjointfundraiser. Ifyouhaveanynewideas,pleaseshare themwithmethroughthefundraiser ideasubmissionformoremailme.Ifyou can’tthinkofanything,that’sokaytoo!I havealonglistofideasthatare organizedbyseasonandholiday.Ifyou needanyadditionalassistancein planningafundraiser,Iamheretohelp!

Foranyclubtreasurerreadingthis, pleasefillouttheContactInfoFormin ordertoreceiveimportantinformation aboutyourduties.Makesuretoconsult theTreasurer’sGuideforinstructions.If youhaveanyquestionsorconcernsfeel freetoreachouttome!


Yours in service, Rina Takai nydkc .org n


I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces that tend to undermine these institutions.

service hours 9%


DISTRIC upd fundraising


% %

keep it up NYDKC! lets continue fundraising and volunteering over the summer to reach our goals!


(chosen by governor)


Room to Read is a non-profit focused on literacy and gender equality in education in low-income countries. It promotes reading skills among primary school children and supports girls to complete secondary school. The organization works in Asia and Africa, significantly impacting millions of lives since its inception in 2000. mil

children benefited from literacy program

books distributed to children everywhere

(voted on by district) project

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, founded in 1962, is a renowned facility for pediatric disease treatment and research, notably cancers. Based in Memphis, it provides free care to patients while also conducting significant research to improve childhood cancer survival rates worldwide. %

due to St. Judes, one child is saved every increased Leukemia survival rate by

Kamp Kiwanis is aimed at providing fun, physical exercise and adventure. It strives to afford opportunities to participate in a creative outdoor group experience in a democratic setting and develop characteristics of leadership and fair play.

The program at Kamp Kiwanis is designed to mainstream all children, including up to 20 each session with special needs. It is noncompetitive with emphasis on group and team building. No activity is forced, but all are encouraged. We provide the same program for high-functioning adults with special needs with a higher ratio of care.

The Kiwanis Pediatric Traum is a program within the New that focuses on supporting the Long Island, New York with two Level 1 pediatric Cohen Children's Medical Ce Stony Brook Children's Hos foundation's main goal is children and enhance th emergency medical servic achieve this by raising fun which are used to respond to community and child safet other injury prevention in operates with the backing o Kiwanis International and approximately 100 Kiwanis

ma Center Foundation, Inc.

w York District of Kiwanis pediatric trauma efforts in area. It specifically works trauma center hospitals: enter in New Hyde Park and ospital in Stony Brook. The to improve the safety of he capabilities of local ces response teams. They nds throughout the year, o hospital requests, provide ty education, and support nitiatives. The foundation of the New York District of d receives support from s clubs in its service area.

The Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation focuses on assisting families and children affected by Lyme disease. The foundation's support is funded through donations from Kiwanis Clubs and individuals, which are directed to the Pediatric Lyme Disease Fund. Since its establishment in 2000-01, the foundation has aimed to cover the medical treatment expenses for children with Lyme disease, as most insurance companies do not cover the costs. Lyme disease is caused by bacteria transmitted through deer ticks and can have various effects on the brain, including disturbances in thinking, headaches, mood swings, irritability, depression, and fatigue. The disease can potentially invade the central nervous system, with early treatment being crucial for a positive outcome. The foundation had paid $269,000 for pediatric treatment as of May 2014.

Key Club International governs and supports Key Clubs worldwide, promoting leadership, service, and community involvement.

Districts are regional divisions that facilitate collaboration and support among clubs in a specific area, organizing events and projects for members to connect and serve together.

Divisions are subdivisions within a District, promoting interaction and coordination among neighboring clubs through meetings, events, and service projects.

International District Division Home Club

The Home Club is the individual Key Club chapter at the school level, where members actively engage in meetings, projects, and initiatives, experiencing the direct impact of their service within their school and community.

Builders Club is a service leadership program sponsored by Kiwanis International for middle school and junior high students. Its goal is to empower young individuals aged 11 to 14 to become leaders and make positive contributions in their schools and communities.

Builders Club members participate in service projects and community activities, focusing on areas such as fundraising, volunteering, and promoting education and literacy programs. Through their involvement, students learn valuable life skills, teamwork, and the importance of giving back to others.

Circle K International (CKI) is the collegiate branch of Kiwanis International, a global service organization. CKI operates on campuses worldwide, offering college students opportunities for community service, leadership development, and fellowship. Members engage in various service projects, develop leadership skills through club involvement, and foster connections with like-minded individuals. CKI serves as a stepping stone for students to continue their service journey beyond college, potentially becoming involved in Kiwanis clubs and assuming leadership roles within the organization.

In the New York District Key Club, the Lieutenant Governors (LTGs) act as representatives and liaisons between the district board and Key Clubs within their assigned divisions. They facilitate divisional meetings, support club officers, and promote district initiatives. The LTGs play a vital role in communication, organization, and providing guidance to Key Clubs in their divisions.

The executive officers in the New York District Key Club are members of the district board who hold specific positions. The Governor leads the district, the Secretary handles documentation and correspondence, the Treasurer manages finances, Executive Assistants assist the Governor with various duties, the Editor handles publications, and the Webmaster oversees the district's online presence. These executive officers collaborate to provide leadership, support, and direction to Key Clubs in the district, organizing events and maintaining communication with members.


her office

Governor, Secretary, and Treasurer are elected at the annual Leadership Training Conference (LTC). Internal and External Executive Assistants, Editor, and Webmaster are all appointed through applications.








Submit a service spotlight! Spotlight your club's service initiatives, and show your dedication! Share stories, photos, or screenshots from events you've attended or hosted, along with an article. Articles are usually paragraph-long recaps of a specific event, highlighting the author's own experience. Members can still write about virtual events as they are still events! You can also enter into the editor's choice award! Submit an article for the chance to be featured and earn a certificate.


Wesst Seneca East Senior

division 25

"So basically throughout the week we collected books from all age groups, and in exchange you got tickets to pick a book on a separate day. So three children’s books = 1 adult book and 1 adult or mature book = 1 adult book or mature book. On the day of the book swap we laid them all out in the library by age group, and everyone got to pick a book they wanted. Most people however caught on to the fact that it was a donation so we had a lot of people donating a lot of books, not expecting so many in return. We did this event to promote summer reading and the idea of getting books used instead of brand new. With the rest of our books left over after the day of the book swap, we had teachers come collect them for their students or kids, our special Ed teachers collect the early readers that would be useful in their classrooms, and put the rest in little libraries around town and neighboring towns."

Northport High School division

During the months of May and June, members of the Northport community created teams and raised money for Relay for life, a grassroots fundraising organization that helps fund groundbreaking cancer research and patient care programs. This work culminated in a Relay for Life event held at Northport HS. Advisors and student volunteers helped prepare the school for the event held on June 11th. During the event, cancer survivors and fundraising teams joined to spread awareness for cancer and fundraise.


Liverpool High School division 21

"On Friday, June 16, three Key Club members were chaperones at the Soule Road Middle School 8th Grade Semi-Formal Dance for two hours. When there are not enough parents to chaperone, Key Club is asked to help. We gladly serve our school community and serve it in various ways. We (Saber Hassan, Jenna Hayes and Riley Moyer) were all able to have some fun while chaperoning for the local middle school. It was so fun being able to serve our community with people we know, and looking back at semi-formal, it was a great experience that all 8th graders should be able to enjoy-at least one dance during their middle school years before they enter high school. Key Club is all about helping out, and we are very glad to have the opportunity to step up and assist in making their semi-formal dance possible, as there weren't enough parents to chaperone. It was a fun volunteer opportunity and we can’t wait to do more with Key Club for our community! The two hours were for a great cause-the middle school semi-formal dance!"

Saber Hassan, Jenna Hayes, Riley Moyer

Check out some of these awesome

newsletters from various divisions!

Division1 KiaraChablaSarmiento KevinHidalgo CharlotteWagner Division2 Division3 Division4N Division8 Division8A Division15 Eric Cao Division23 Ava Snyder Kaitlin Buckley Division9 Division10 Division16 Division17 Division18 Division24 Division25 Alexis Dorf Jocelyn Rafter Anastasia Ababiy Thomas Morgan Desiray Martinez Ava Eastman Alexandria VanMeter Connor Kramer Vacant
JohnGoldstein| JasonSteiner| MichaelBerthel| Division4S Division5 Division6 Division7 Division11 Division12 Division13 Division14 Division19 Division20 Division21 Division22 g WIllandie Presnard Aungel Schultz Sumaya Suma Andrew Eliza g Katie Carbone Vacant Vacant Katherine Molina Vacant Vacant Sofia Dong

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