August Newsletter

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New York District​ Division 7

Newsletter July 2020


Table of Contents 1



Table of Contents


Lieutenant Governor's Greeting


Governor’s Bulletin


Service Spotlights


MRF Competition Winner


Fundraising Goals


Charity Miles


Fundraising Ideas


Service Ideas


District Events


Division Events


NYDKC Projects


New York Kiwanis


International Partners


Social Media


Paperwork Tracker


Contact Information


Lieutenant Governor’s Greeting: Hey Division 7, Welcome to August! I hope you are all enjoying your summer while staying safe and healthy at the same time. Personally, I’ve been going to the beach about once or twice a week. I’ve also gone golfing with friends a few times. My Common App essay and a bunch of supplements are basically finished now which I’m happy about. What have all of you been doing recently? While I have definitely been enjoying my summer so far, I am excited to return to school in September, however that may be. I hope we can get to an in-person every day schedule soon because I don’t really want to teach myself BC Calc (let’s be honest, distanced learning is nowhere near the level of in-person learning), but we’ll see what’s safe to do. Key Club work will begin picking up again towards the end of August as we all prepare for a return to school. Be ready for virtual meetings (as well as virtual member recruitment and service projects) as schools may restrict in-person club meetings at the start of the year. I’ve visited a few virtual club meetings and officer meetings so far, and it has been a great experience. If you are having a virtual meeting, feel free to send me the time and date and I will try to attend. I’d love it if every club got off to a quick start in September with strong recruitment, plans for service projects, and timely MRF submissions. Part of that relies on having elections and submitting an ERF; make sure to have virtual elections early in September if you have not yet held them. We will be having a mandatory officer training divisional on zoom in mid-September, and I would like it if all the new officers could attend. Let’s get into the newsletter now, hope you enjoy it! Yours in service, Matt Friedman


Service Spotlight:

Lynbrook Key Club Due to the unprecedented circumstances that COVID-19 brought forth, it left many people with uncertainty. This means not knowing how they will get their constant sources of food and basic necessities. To help alleviate the stress and worry, Lynbrook Key Club helped donate a constant source of food to the high school. This allows the people in need to anonymously get what they need during this pandemic. As a key club, we are always there to lend a helping hand. All the other stressors in the world, our key club family did not want to add to that. Students donated a various array of snacks and easy meals and safety measures were put in action: sanitation and distancing. Our Lynbrook Key club will never turn down an opportunity to help our community especially ones in our own school. No matter the difficulty we are able to come together and help others even if it is 6 ft apart. - Marti Candel, Lynbrook Key Club Co-President


MRF Competition Winner: Last month’s winner of the MRF Service Hour Competition, for both total and per-capita hours is…

Lynbrook Key Club

Keep up the great work!


Fundraising Goals: This is our progress as of August 7th, 2020. Let’s keep working on those goals by filling out MRFs and FRFs!


Want to fundraise for a Key Club International endorsed charity like UNICEF or March of Dimes? Download the​ Charity Miles app​ from the app store or use the link​ below, make sure that you are a part of the Division 7 Team, and share the app with your clubs! The app allows you to e ​ asily raise money for a charity just by going for a walk, run, or bike ride​. You can even exercise in-doors with your phone in your pocket if you prefer, and the app will estimate the total distance traveled based on your movement. We have currently logged over 600 miles as a division! Each mile walked/ran raises $0.25 and each mile biked raises $0.10 Remember to record which charity members select (I’d recommend either UNICEF or March of Dimes as both are KCI endorsed) and fill out an FRF for each charity that receives donations from your club’s members.


Fundraising Ideas: ​

Fundraising is generally viewed as difficult- especially in the COVID era when unemployment has wrecked people’s finances and you can’t host in-person events. As we’ve seen with Charity Miles though, it doesn’t have to be. You can now fundraise for a charity by doing something we all do every day: browsing the internet. Numerous organizations have created search engines that benefit charities. One example is E ​ cosia​. This functions similarly to Google, and it can even be added to Chrome. However, the company will plant a tree after fulfilling search requests allowing you to help the environment. This is an extremely easy way to have a positive impact on the world, and it tracks the number of trees you’ve helped plant in the top right (​​).

Another similar search engine is ​SearchScene​. The company behind the engine donates 95% of its ad revenue to charities fighting climate change, and you can select the recipient while searching. As with ecosia, this lets you fundraise while progressing through daily life (​​).


Another set of fundraiser ideas that I’d like to share with you allow you to raise money for charity through your knowledge. The first is ​UNICEF’s Math for Good​. While we begin to return to school in September, millions of impoverished children across the world are unable to. You can help these children obtain an education by raising money for UNICEF through math practice. Each correct answer on the quiz raises $0.25 (​​).

The second is ​Free Rice​. This is a fundraising platform that acts in a similar manner as UNICEF Math For Good. It allows you to raise money for the World Food Program simply by answering trivia questions in the topic of your choice (world capitals, english vocab, atomic symbols, etc.). Visit to start fundraising.


Service Ideas:

While fundraisers are extremely important for the charities they support, it is also great to be able to directly help with service projects. Here are two great virtual service project opportunities:

7 Cups


As lockdowns and stay at home orders have led to increased feelings of isolation and depression, this platform was created to help people get through everything. It is a free 24/7 chat platform that people can use if they need to talk to someone. You can help 7 Cups aid people by volunteering as a listener and easing the feelings of isolation experienced by others.

This organization seeks to bring smiles to people’s faces through artwork. People of all talent abilities can help by drawing free-art pictures or coloring in designed pages. Once the art is complete, you can send it to Color-A-Smile and it will be distributed to seniors in assisted living facilities or military personnel abroad. Full instructions and submission info are located on the organization’s website:


District Events:

The 1 ​ 0th Annual New York District Kiwanis Family Picnic was held virtually on Saturday, August 8th from 12:00-5:00 through zoom.

Who enjoyed our previous ​Swift Kick Webinar​ on member engagement? We have another webinar coming up with the company on A ​ ugust 30​th​ at 7 pm​.

It was entirely free and there were team activities, service projects, a “pie the district board” auction, and more. All donations (including the proceeds from the auction) benefited the Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation.

The webinar will focus on virtual membership recruitment, so I would love it if many of you were able to join. Recruitment is an extremely important topic for Key Club because members are our true strength. Many presidents also stated that they want to discuss Hopefully, you all enjoyed the more ways to recruit members in a event! More information on the virtual environment during our Pediatric Lyme Disease is upcoming PCM (which we will), so it located in the NY Kiwanis section would be a great idea for you to of the newsletter also hear the ideas presented in the webinar. I’m looking forward to seeing you all on the webinar! Here's the link to register: haqmw1j/index.html


Division Events: Who's ready for division wide events to pick up? As schools and club activities begin to restart, I have a few events planned for our division. They should help your club adapt to the continuing effects of Covid-19 and ensure a successful year ahead. First, I will be hosting a P ​ residential Council Meeting​ this month on ​Thursday, August 20 at 6:00 pm​ with zoom, so make sure to mark your calendars for it. Only presidents (or VPs if presidents can't make it) need to attend this meeting. We will discuss v​ irtual member recruitment/engagement, service project ideas, and reopening plans​. Feel free to reach out if there's anything else you would like to go over in the PCM. I will release the minutes following the meeting so everyone is aware of what was discussed. We will also be having a d ​ ivision wide officer training​ event in September (​date TBA​). This virtual meeting will take place on zoom and is​ mandatory for ​all​ officers​. Each position will be broken off into a separate breakout room run by a member of my divisional board. More info will follow in email updates and the September newsletter.


NYDKC Projects: District Project:​ ​We selected​ Project Hope​ to be our District Project this year. This organization “addresses the world’s greatest public health challenges, transform[s] lives and uplift[s] communities.” In the recent months, Project Hope has worked to help combat the Covid-19 pandemic. It also provides general medical aid to resolve health challenges around the world caused by a lack of access to care. By partnering with local healthcare practices and local officials, Project Hope ensures that adequate care is provided, and it also respects national sovereignty along with local customs and culture. If you are thinking of an organization to support with a service project, consider Project Hope. It’s a great organization that helps people both in the US and around the world. You can help by holding fundraisers or holding a service event with a member of the Project Hope Speakers Bureau to raise awareness. You can find more info ​here​:

Governor’s Project: C ​ anines for Disabled Kids (CDK)​ is this service year’s Governor’s Project, meaning it is endorsed by the New York District. This organization’s mission is to increase “independence for children with disabilities and their families by promoting service dog partnerships, understanding and awareness throughout the community.” It provides service dogs to disabled children- at no cost to families- in order to boost their quality of life Supporting CDK through fundraisers or service projects will help provide a priceless gift to a disabled child: his or her own service dog. Find out more​ ​here​:​ h ​ ttps://


New York Kiwanis: In addition to the Governor’s Project and District Project, numerous other groups are endorsed for Key Clubs in New York by Kiwanis.. The New York District of Kiwanis runs three charities: ​Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation​, ​Kamp Kiwanis​, and ​Pediatric Trauma Center​. ● Unfortunately, Kamp Kiwanis is not holding sessions this summer due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, but you can still help the organization prepare for the 2020-2021 summer to make it extra special for those who missed out on camp this year. ● Insurance does not generally cover Lyme Disease, so the Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation was created to help families pay for the treatment of children with it. ● Kiwanis also sponsors multiple trauma centers to help provide medical care for children throughout New York State.

These are all amazing organizations for your club to help. Some ideas to help ​support t​ hese charities are ​holding fundraisers​, raising awareness​ of their cause, v​ olunteering​ at their events, or anything else you can think of.


International Partners:

The Thirst Project seeks to address the growing water crisis by helping construct freshwater wells in areas facing water shortages. ​Safe drinking water is able to reduce child mortality by about 90%​, and easy access to this vital resource frees up time for women and children to gain education and good jobs​.

Key Club International designates the Children’s Miracle Network as an international partner. This organization works to ensure that children across North America who need to visit hospitals receive quality care at affordable prices​.

Over 10,000 children are treated each day by the 170 hospitals partnered with this organization. In one year, over 10 million kids (or To date, 3,018 projects across 13 countries have been conducted by 10% of the child population of North Thirst Project. The Thirst Project is America) receive treatment. The Children’s Miracle Network is truly one of Key Club International’s Partners, and our two organizations an amazing organization that have worked together on the Thirsty improves the lives of countless children. ​Without this charity’s 30 campaign for over four years. help, many parents would be left This service campaign s ​ eeks to struggling to pay for their child’s educate people about the healthcare​. importance of solving the water crisis while raising funds for Thirst Project’s efforts​ at the same time.


Social Media​:

District: @NYDKC Division: @NYDivision7 International: @kci2021

District: @NYDKC Division: @NYDivision7 International: @KeyClub


Paperwork Tracker:


Contact Information: Division 7 Lieutenant Governor Matthew Friedman, ​

Division 7 Internal Executive Assistant Alex Eckstein, ​

Division 7 External Executive Assistant Katrina Tronco, ​

Division 7 Secretary

Chloe Moskowitz, ​

Division 7 Editor Wren Allegra, ​

Circle-K Lieutenant Governor

Omar Gabr, ​ Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor Ralph DeSena, ​

Kiwanis Committee Representative Rebecca Ovadia, ​

District Governor

Mariam Makar, ​

District Secretary

Jason Xiong, ​

District Treasurer Winnie Huang, ​

District Editor Rachel Joh, ​

District Webmaster 19

Kristen Lew, ​

District External Executive Assistant Anthony Lim, ​

District Internal Executive Assistant Tatiana Solodova, ​

District Administrator Mr. Goldstein, ​

Assistant Administrators Michael Berthel, ​ Jason Stenier, ​



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