July Newsletter, 2020

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New York District​ Division 7

Newsletter July 2020


Table of Contents 1



Table of Contents


Lieutenant Governor's Greeting


Governor’s Bulletin


Service Spotlights


Fundraising Goals


Service Ideas


NYDKC Projects


Key Club Partners


Thirst Project Legacy Summit


Divisional Recap


Quizlet Live Winners


MRF Competition Winners




International Updates


Social Media


Paperwork Tracker


Contact Information


Lieutenant Governor’s Greeting: Dear Division 7, First off, I'd like to wish you all a happy summer! I am definitely excited for the additional free time which I’ll be using to work on my college applications. Every one of you has done an incredible job pushing through the various global challenges we have been affronted by this year, and you all deserve the break. Even though school may officially be finished, Kiwanis and Key Club are still running. MRFs still need to be submitted every month, and you can still hold virtual service projects (send me the info if you do, I’d love to join and help out). If you have any problems or questions during the summer, feel free to send me a text or an email. I’ll be available pretty much all day every day because almost all my summer plans from research in NYC to volunteering at Northwell Hospital were cancelled. I am looking forward to gearing up the division for a strong start in September. Throughout the summer, I will be coordinating with each of your clubs individually to prepare for the myriad of ways in which we may be returning. Let’s make this coming school year our division’s best year of service so far! That being said, let’s get into the rest of the update. Hope you enjoy it! Best, Matt Friedman Division 7 Lieutenant Governor


Original link: h ​ ttps://issuu.com/nydistrictkeyclub/docs/june_governors_bulletin


Service Spotlights:

The S ​ unrise Day Camp​ organization is a cause that is very dear to numerous students, especially key clubbers, at Baldwin High School. ​This organization works to give summer back to children with cancer and their siblings for free.​ Every year, key As most people know, an unarmed black man clubbers love to volunteer at the annual was killed by a police officer, this man being SunriseWALKS fundraising event in Long George Floyd​. This incident along with Island to assist along the trail of the walk and at countless others have sparked protests all the carnival activities. Unfortunately, due to the across the world with one saying in mind, black current state of the world and the threat of lives matter. But, for those who can’t go out or COVID-19, the in-person fundraising walk was want to do a little more for this movement, cancelled and replaced with a virtual event. there have been petitions. Since this is an organization that is so close to One of these petitions has been created by our hearts, o ​ ur key club wanted to create a Baldwin High School’s co-president Nicolette fundraising page to contribute to the success of Carrion​. The petition has one goal and that is this year’s virtual event​. Together, we have to promote police reform. The petition was raised over $100 for Sunrise on our fundraising created through change.org and is receiving page. Even though we could not be at donations and has already received around SunriseWALKS in person, we still felt the lively $200, all money has and will be donated to the spirit of the event as we donated to make a George Floyd Memorial Fund. Also, the difference in the lives of children with cancer. petition has about 3,400 signatures and some Our key club members are looking forward to of those including the daughter of Malcolm X hopefully attending the walk next June! and Malala Shabazz. We encourage everyone - Ashley Ganesh, Baldwin Key Club to sign petitions and/or donate to help bring President justice to those that have been rendered silent. - Leana Solomon, Vice President of Baldwin Key Club Sign the petition h ​ ere​: https://www.change.org/p/u-s-federal-government-george-f loyd-policing-reform-justice?recruiter=1101852007&utm_s ource=share_petition&utm_medium=sms&utm_campaign= share_petition&recruited_by_id=0dac08c0-a43d-11ea-a13 5-85a87c8c8f1d


Fundraising Goals: Here’s our progress so far on the District’s service hours and fundraising goals. Let’s keep striving towards them!


Service Ideas:

Our virtual-focused world isn’t going to go away anytime soon, so here are some ideas for virtual service projects. A few in-person projects that can be done while socially distancing are also included.

Go Virtual


- Work with a local school to tutor students online

- Design thank you cards for healthcare workers

- Raise money while running with the Charity Miles app

- Write letters to seniors in nursing homes

- Host a virtual food drive for a local food bank

Act - Host a drive-by party for a senior center - Buy groceries for at-risk members of your community

- Make face masks to slow the spread of COVID-19

For more ideas, see a full list of on the f​ lyer​ created by our District Webmaster: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xi5rbkL-hBE_JuA4dj-uIJzwz4il4dOE/view?fbclid=I wAR0H6rzhVCTpdMAy6bHxI-3UEYzjlXy2_No-urZbSW9xyAabJP7O9XSGWQs


NYDKC Projects: District Project:​ ​We selected​ Project Hope​ to be our District Project this year. This organization “addresses the world’s greatest public health challenges, transform[s] lives and uplift[s] communities.” In the recent months, Project Hope has worked to help combat the Covid-19 pandemic. It also provides general medical aid to resolve health challenges around the world caused by a lack of access to care. By partnering with local healthcare practices and local officials, Project Hope ensures that adequate care is provided, and it also respects national sovereignty along with local customs and culture. If you are thinking of an organization to support with a service project, consider Project Hope. It’s a great organization that helps people both in the US and around the world. You can help by holding fundraisers or holding a service event with a member of the Project Hope Speakers Bureau to raise awareness. You can find more info ​here​: https://www.projecthope.org/ways-to-help/get-involved/

Governor’s Project: C ​ anines for Disabled Kids (CDK)​ is this service year’s Governor’s Project, meaning it is endorsed by the New York District. This organization’s mission is to increase “independence for children with disabilities and their families by promoting service dog partnerships, understanding and awareness throughout the community.” It provides service dogs to disabled children- at no cost to families- in order to boost their quality of life Supporting CDK through fundraisers or service projects will help provide a priceless gift to a disabled child: his or her own service dog. Find out more​ ​here​:​ h ​ ttps://caninesforkids.org/


Key Club Partners:

Endorsed Project:

Kiwanis District Endorsed: Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center

Nickelodeon is one Key Club’s international partners. Key club partnered with Nickelodeon because of its major campaigns this year. The first campaign is Worldwide Day of Play.​ This reinforces the idea that the world should be more active​. Nickelodeon hosts many playful events all over the country. Also, Nickelodeon created the ​Get Dirty Campaign​ this year. This campaign’s goal is t​ o educate kids, families, and teachers about ways to protect the planet​. Enforcing these projects in Key Club will help many people become more active and teach people the importance of caring for the earth.

The​ Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center (KPTC) i​ s a clinic here, on Long Island. The KPTC ​strives to treat children suffering from trauma while also providing their families with any resources they need​. The center has a diverse staff of medical professionals to help children suffering from trauma; and they need our help to continue saving lives. Fundraising helps the KPTC continue to provide children with healthcare, while also giving families adequate support and preventing accidents from happening through their S ​ afe Kids Training​ program.


Thirst Project Legacy Summit: What is Thirst Project? I​ t seeks to address the growing water crisis by helping construct freshwater wells in areas facing water shortages. Safe drinking water is able to reduce child mortality by about 90%, and easy access to this vital resource frees up time for women and children to gain education and good jobs. To date, 3,018 projects across 13 countries have been conducted by Thirst Project. The Thirst Project is one of Key Club International’s Partners, and our two organizations have worked together on the Thirsty 30 campaign for over four years. This service campaign seeks to educate people about the importance of solving the water crisis while raising funds for Thirst Project’s efforts at the same time. Now that we covered the organization itself… What is Legacy Summit?​ Each year, Thirst Project hosts Legacy Summit over the summer to celebrate the year and prepare for the next year with workshops and seminars (similar to LTC or ICON). All members of Key Club are invited to attend due to our commitment to their service projects and continued support of the Thirsty 30 campaign. This year’s Legacy Summit will be virtual due to COVID-19, but it will still be a fun-filled two days that are “one part summer camp, one part United Nations General Assembly and one part Music Festival!” It will run from 10:00-2:30 PST (1 PM EST to 5:30 PM EST). Breakout sessions, fun workshops, and music are all on the agenda. What are you waiting for? Register with this l​ ink​: https://www.thirstproject.org/about/events/legacy-summit/ Find out more about Thirst Project ​here​: ​https://www.thirstproject.org/


Divisional Recap:

We had our second divisional of the service year this month, on June 17​th​. I was happy that so many of you were able to attend. At the divisional, I discussed various great charities that are partnered with Key Club International and the New York District of Key Club. Specifically, we discussed KCI’s 7 international partners and 3 cause partners/preferred charities. We also went over the Governor’s Project, District Project, and New York Kiwanis organizations. If you were unable to attend or want to do more research into these charities for a service project, you can access the s​ lideshow​ with my sources below. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/13nE79V1ZamlwEsaZ2y N9NJwNyZNFxWosMHa1yLc-YXY/edit?usp=drivesdk We also held a Key Club Quizlet Live match at the start of the divisional. I found it to be a fun way to start the meeting and transition into the lesson part, and I hope you guys enjoyed it also.

And our Quizlet Live winners were... 11

Kaitlyn Gavin​, the President of Valley Stream Central Key Club,​ and Sofia Valdebenito​, the President of East Rockaway Key Club! (Pictured left to right)

Congratulations to both of you! To everyone else who played, great job! If anyone wants to use the quizlet for one of your club meetings, here’s the link: https://quizlet.com/_8gjt3t?x=1jqt&i=xv0fk


MRF Competition Winner: As I mentioned in weekly updates, we are starting a friendly competition within the division for service hours conducted. The clubs with the greatest amount of total service hours for the month and the greatest amount of per capita service hours will be recognized. This month’s winner, for both total and per-capita hours is…

Baldwin Key Club!

Keep up the great work!


ICON/SLC Recap: Key Club held its international Summer Leadership Conference (SLC, also known as ICON) from July 1 through July 3. ICON was held virtually for the first time ever this year, and although it would have been amazing to be able to have an in-person ICON in San Francisco, Key Club’s International Board truly did a wonderful job adapting to the circumstances. The workshops and keynote speakers were great, and the elections process for the 2020-2021 I-Board went smoothly. Four blocks of workshops were held over the first two days of the conference, and each block consisted of 5 different choices of workshop. These workshops covered a myriad of topics and were both informative and interesting. Some focused on officer training while others discussed important issues in the world like the water crisis and food insecurity. There was even a College 101 workshop and stress management workshop. A series of workshops was also conducted on developing a culture of care. People who attended each of the 4 workshops for this topic received a certificate. Starting after the last set of workshops on July 2 and running through July 3, the elections process for the new International Board was conducted. District Governors and the 2019-2020 I-Board voted to select our new International President, VP, and trustees. Traditionally, each club also gets two votes, but this could not happen due to the virtual nature of this year’s ICON.


International Updates Announcing our 2020-2021 International-Board Int. President : Alex Drahos Int. Vice President: Caroline Bushnell

Trustees: Emma Brainard Emma Chang Marissa Ding Salma Eldeeb Glory Kalu Melanie Kim Lena Oswald River Pease Jordan Reichhardt Andrew Watson Eddie Wei


Social Media​:

District: @NYDKC Division: @NYDivision7 International: @KeyClubINT

District: @NYDKC Division: @NYDivision7 International: @KeyClub


Paperwork Tracker:


Contact Information: Division 7 Lieutenant Governor Matthew Friedman, ​division7@nydkc.org

Division 7 Internal Executive Assistant Alex Eckstein, ​alexeckstein5100@gmail.com

Division 7 External Executive Assistant Katrina Tronco, ​katrinatroncooo@gmail.com

Division 7 Secretary

Chloe Moskowitz, ​chloe.moskowitz@lynbrookschools.org

Division 7 Editor Wren Allegra, ​wren.allegra123@gmail.com

Circle-K Lieutenant Governor

Omar Gabr, ​omar.gabr@nycirclek.org Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor Ralph DeSena, ​rdesena@aol.com

Kiwanis Committee Representative Rebecca Ovadia, ​woodsidekiwanis@gmail.com

District Governor

Mariam Makar, ​governor@nydkc.org

District Secretary

Jason Xiong, ​secretary.nydkc@gmail.com

District Treasurer Winnie Huang, ​nydkctreasurer@gmail.com

District Editor Rachel Joh, ​editor@nydkc.org

District Webmaster Kristen Lew, ​webmaster@nydkc.org


District External Executive Assistant Anthony Lim, ​anthonylim.ea@nydkc.org

District Internal Executive Assistant Tatiana Solodova, ​tatianasolodova.ea@nydkc.org

District Administrator Mr. Goldstein, ​nydkca@frontier.com

Assistant Administrators Michael Berthel, ​mjberthel@gmail.com Jason Stenier, ​ianjs@aol.com



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