Fundraising Ideas: Fundraising is generally viewed as difficult- especially in the COVID era when unemployment has wrecked people’s finances and you can’t host in-person events. As we’ve seen with Charity Miles though, it doesn’t have to be. You can now fundraise for a charity by doing something we all do every day: browsing the internet. Numerous organizations have created search engines that benefit charities. One example is E cosia. This functions similarly to Google, and it can even be added to Chrome. However, the company will plant a tree after fulfilling search requests allowing you to help the environment. This is an extremely easy way to have a positive impact on the world, and it tracks the number of trees you’ve helped plant in the top right (
Another similar search engine is SearchScene. The company behind the engine donates 95% of its ad revenue to charities fighting climate change, and you can select the recipient while searching. As with ecosia, this lets you fundraise while progressing through daily life (