Reinventing Tech

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NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY “In a world of exponential change, we need solutions. It is not enough for colleges to rest on their laurels. Institutions must embrace innovation and empower daring individuals who see a better tomorrow and reach forward to make that tomorrow happen. This is where challenges are confronted, where opportunities are taken, and where the future is determined. It is the reason why New York Tech is reinventing technology to address both the realities of today and the unknowns of tomorrow.” Henry C. “Hank” Foley, Ph.D. President, New York Institute of Technology


global warming transitioning to 5G Parkinson’s disease cultivate healthy life skills


overcoming inertia

digital fiscal management

mental health

Reinventing dependence on fossil fuels

aging infrastructure lower rate of infant mortality synthetic biology desalinize drinking water

urban sprawl to plant-based diet data ownership 02 // NEW YORK TECH

de-escalate societal confrontation

systemic environmental degradation


environment resilience

machine learning

combat malnutrition

reclaim ecosystems

life expectancy

cybersecurity robotics


The world is calling. We have answers.

artificial intelligence

fuel options changing weather patterns low-cost sheltering

training exceptional leaders

the Internet of the future identity theft sustainable building REINVENTING TECH // 03

Do. Make. Innovate. Reinvent the Future. Welcome to the future of New York Institute of Technology.

For more than 60 years, New York Tech has prepared students to

make signifi ant contributions in architecture, engineering, computer

and data science, business, digital design, health care, medicine, and more.


In this changing world, New York Tech is uniquely positioned to educate and inspire the next generation to drive technology forward and further the understanding of how to humanize it. This vision is what guides us as we look to reinvent technology in ways that will help improve how we live, think, work, connect, and heal. REINVENTING TECH // 05





1955: Provisional charter granted by the New York State Board of Regents. First campus opens in New York City. Alexander Schure, Ph.D., Ed.D., is fi st president.

1965: Long Island campus opens on the former Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney estate.

1959: Legacy of pioneering technology begins. “Teaching machines” introduced in classrooms.

1968: New York Tech uses mainframes as a teaching tool; federal government awards $3 million in grants for computer research.

1970s 1976: Ed Catmull and Alvy Ray Smith pioneer the eight-bit paint system at New York Tech’s Computer Graphics Lab.

1977: New York Tech’s College of Osteopathic Medicine is founded, resulting in one of the only polytechnic universities that is home to a medical school.

Four Four campus campus locations: locations:

New NewYork YorkCity City

Long LongIsland, Island,NY NY

Vancouver, Vancouver,Canada Canada

Jonesboro, Jonesboro,AR AR

Continue Continue the the journey journey online. online. »»





1981: 1981:Robotics Roboticsresearch research lab labopens, opens,where wherestudents students study studythe theimpact impactof of automation automationand andits itsimpact impact on onthe themodern modernworkforce. workforce.

1992: 1992:College Collegeof ofOsteopathic Osteopathic Medicine Medicineestablishes establishes first firstclinical clinicalcampus campusat at St. St.Barnabas BarnabasHospital. Hospital.

2002: 2002:New NewYork YorkTech Tech installs installsEast EastCoast’s Coast’sfastest fastest broadband broadbandconnection; connection;federal federal government governmentawards awards$300,000 $300,000 for fornew newcybersecurity cybersecuritylab. lab.

2010:New NewYork YorkTech Techholds holdsits itsfirst first 2010: cybersecurityconference; conference;Google Google cybersecurity Appsand andNew NewYork YorkTech Techteam team Apps upon onK-12 K-12educational educationalinitiative; initiative; up CommunityService ServiceCenters Centersopen open Community atNew NewYork Yorkcampuses. campuses. at

1984: 1984:New NewYork YorkTech’s Tech’s American AmericanOpen OpenUniversity University launches—one launches—oneof ofthe thefirst first online onlineuniversities universitiesin in the thecountry. country.

1998: 1998:College Collegeof ofOsteopathic Osteopathic Medicine Medicineopens opensthe theAdele Adele Smithers SmithersParkinson’s Parkinson’s Disease DiseaseCenter. Center.

2006: 2006:AApartnership partnershipwith with tech techgiants giantsIntel, Intel,Dell, Dell, Microsoft, Microsoft,and andAdobe Adobe develops developstechnology technology training trainingprograms programsfor for educators. educators.

2015: 2015:Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurshipand and TechnologyŁInno TechnologyŁInno vation vationCenter Center(ETIC) (ETIC) established establishedwith with$3.2 $3.2million millionin in funding, funding,including includinggifts giftsfrom fromNew New York YorkState StateEmpire EmpireState StateDevelopment Development Corporation Corporationand andthe theU.S. U.S.Economic Economic Development DevelopmentAdministration. Administration.



2019: 2019:New NewYork YorkTech Tech oŸers oŸers50 50percent percent undergraduate undergraduatetuition tuition discount discountto tothe thechildren children of offirst firstresponders respondersand and public publicschool schoolteachers. teachers.

“ Our faculty and programs integrate critical thinking and creative making—a true differentiator that pushes students to learn to think, solve 21st-century challenges, and reinvent the future.” President Hank Foley, Ph.D.

Polytechnic The Plus-Plus Sets Us Apart

Nearly 100% of our students are employed or continuing their education within six months of graduation.

Ranked #1 among four-year colleges with the most diverse student body. Students learn to approach real-world problems working alongside classmates from different cultures, making the educational experience deeper and improving their critical thinking skills.

Nearly 98% of first-time, full-time degree-seeking New York Tech students receive some form of financial aid.

The College of Osteopathic Medicine’s recent class had a 99% match/placement rate for residencies.


Consistently recognized by U.S. News & World Report, The Wall Street Journal, and others as a top private not-for-profit university.

++ More than 9,000 students representing nearly all 50 states and 100 countries.

In the top echelon for the highest student mobility rates among fouryear private, nonprofits. The Chronicle of Higher Education

Our innovative and well-rounded education puts technology at the center but goes so much further. It allows students to pursue their passion as architects, health care professionals, engineers, business leaders, digital artists, and entrepreneurs —all while immersing themselves in the ways technology will transform these fields

Recognized for leading-edge cybersecurity, engineering, and computer science programs. U.S. News and World Report

New York Tech alumni comprise the largest network of licensed architects in New York State, providing an incomparable source of guidance and employment opportunities.

New York Tech ranks among the top national colleges based on the salary potential of its graduates. PayScale College Salary Report



A Founder’s Vision

From Steel to Philanthropy, an Entrepreneur Who Is Changing the World

“ I am excited to be part of the university’s legacy of educational innovation and to be an active partner in reinventing the world’s future!”

[ Downtown Hong Kong ]


“ I am profoundly grateful for the educational programs at New York Tech that sharpened my analytical skills and enabled and elevated my professional success. As I continue to make high-value deals in the Asian and American financial markets, I rely on the economics, statistics, finance, and information technology expertise acquired in my undergraduate and M.B.A. studies. More importantly, the university instilled in me the importance of living a well-rounded life and made me eager to do the high-impact charitable work that I perform today.”

Diana Chen earned two degrees from New York Tech before returning to Hong Kong at 25 to found Pioneer Iron and Steel Group (PISG) with her mother. PISG has grown to become one of China’s leading mineral traders. At one point, the company accounted for 10% of all iron ore imported into the country. Today, she is widely recognized as a global steel and minerals entrepreneur.


protect digital information

blockchain solutions

data security training refine artificial intelligence food, energy, water drinking water standards UX/UI digital positioning human locomotion deploy robotics in various fields


share research to empower better research

improve teaching machines

combat infections manage and expand brands

vertical living in urban environments

expand use of social impact design

societal and policy barriers mobile computing expand the artificial intelligence quotient understand management styles

imaging techniques deploy big data solutions mental health 12 // NEW YORK TECH

At New York Tech, we believe technology means more than just machinery and gadgets. It means putting knowledge into action. We are a place driven to do—where solutions developed by students, faculty, and alumni continue to shape what’s to come.


We’ve been advancing the fields of engineering, computer science, and cybersecurity for decades, fostering technological innovation and promoting partnerships among industry leaders, academia, and government.

The Nat˘onal Secur˘ty Agency and Department of Homeland Secur˘ty have des˘gnated New York Tech a Center of Academ˘c Excellence ˘n Cyber Defense Educat˘on and have funded a state-of-the-art cybersecur˘ty lab (shown on the left) on the Long Island campus. Br˘dget Susk˘, a graduate eng˘neer˘ng student from M˘ch˘gan,works ˘n the cyber sphere lab. She came to New York Tech “to study cybersecur˘ty at a topranked ˘nst˘tut˘on”and to pursue her goal to become a

Graduate student Michael Campisi (above) worked in investments at the New York State Insurance Fund before enrolling in the M.S. in Computer Science program at New York Tech. In his pursuit to become a software engineer, he is conducting robotics research with Professor Michael Nizich in the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences’ Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Center (ETIC).

secur˘ty analyst.

Here, our focus on opportunities such as hands-on learning, one-on-one faculty interactions, and creating networking connections gives our students a leg up when applying for graduate schools, as well as a jump-start on their own professional research ambitions. It is the reason we continually produce graduates who become leaders in their respective fields



Insight From 30 Years at IBM “ I’m convinced that New York Tech graduates are best prepared to embrace technology and transform the workforce.”

“ In three decades at IBM, I had the opportunity to engage with university faculty around the globe. My big question was always the same—Are we really preparing students for this transformation? My work with New York Tech, where faculty are focused on preparing students by integrating technology across the curriculum, has been extremely satisfying. The faculty is well connected to the New York metro area’s leading technology firms and is using those connections to reshape and integrate new technologies such as business analytics, blockchain, cybersecurity, and enterprise computing into the curriculum.”


Tech-Driven Curriculum Prepares Students for Transformation

Since retiring from IBM, Hanny has been on the advisory board of New York Tech’s College of Engineering and Computing Sciences and is also a strategic advisor with Apptimize, a Silicon Valley company that empowers product teams to efficiently run A/B test roll out and manage new features, and deliver personalized

“ As the Global Chief Information Security Officer for IBM, I invited interns from New York Tech to join my team for summer engagements. The school serves students from under-represented communities, many of whom face social, economic, and numerous other challenges. In spite of these obstacles, through their dedication, they have demonstrated academic success. They have enriched IBM’s workplace with their diverse perspectives, sharing their creative ideas, enhancing existing skills, and developing new capabilities. Schools like New York Tech are an important part of the solution as businesses face an increasing technology and cybersecurity talent shortage.” Shamla Naidoo // Vice President and Managing Partner, IBM Global Security Services, Austin, TX

user experiences.

New York Tech has a long history of working with top-flight technology companies like IBM. Recently, our faculty and students have formed a working relationship with IBM Global Securities Services, allowing students to participate in summer work programs and giving them an opportunity to work with top-of-the-line technology tools, such as those that prepare businesses for potential cyberthreats.



Leading a Global Superbrand The CEO of Univision “ As I finished my M.B.A. at New York Tech, I would never have imagined I would be heading up Univision, America’s leading Hispanic media ‘superbrand.’”

“ In the M.B.A. program, I had some great teachers and role models who were not only academics in their own right, but were already leaders in the business community, right there in one of the nation’s leading media markets. They saw in me the potential to do things, to broaden my leadership vision, to seek out and work collaboratively with partners, and to approach challenges with an open mind and a global mindset—skills that have served me well. There were some great instructors who were working professionals with great credentials and so the interaction was genuine and meaningful. Years later, I would go on to hold CFO and CEO roles in public media companies, including my latest at Univision, where I have continually drawn upon what I learned at New York Tech.”



What New York Tech is Doing to Make an Impact

At the Forefront of Cybersecurity Our undergraduate students work with faculty conducting cutting-edge research in the dynamic and fast-growing field of cybersecurity.

Monetary Policy Strategies Our business students are developing and presenting monetary policy strategies to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, consulting with local businesses, attending international workshops and programs from Europe to Asia, and networking with business executives in New York City and Long Island.

Blockchain and AI in the Defense Industry Michael Nizich, director of the Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Center, works with students as they apply machine learning algorithms, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology to enhance the performance of defense systems.


Hurricane Maria and Social Impact Design More than 70 students studying social impact design traveled to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria hit the island. Farzana Gandhi, associate professor of architecture, and her students are focused on rethinking the relationship among architecture and its environmental, cultural, and socioeconomic frameworks. The team helped build homes for displaced families and participated in an international workshop to design solutions to help local communities.

Crowdsourcing Basic Biological Research Bryan Gibb, assistant professor of biological and chemical sciences, has organized a group of nearly 100 universities across the United States aggregating and sharing basic biological research. This type of researchsharing allows New York Tech students to learn from peers, synthesize what is going on across the nation, and then focus their undergraduate research in meaningful ways.



Award-winning Anchor and Journalism Pioneer “ I am forever grateful that New York Tech believed we could all ‘do’ equally. I gratefully pay it forward by mentoring new journalists.”


“ For more than four decades, I have been in front of microphones and cameras sharing the stories of the people in the New York Metro area—their joys, challenges, and strengths. Mine is a career marked by more than 40 journalism awards, including Emmys, and entrance into the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences’ elite Silver Circle. That’s quite a record considering there were far fewer opportunities for women when I started in radio and television. Looking back, I thank my Communications Professor Neal Martin. He was also a disc jockey and took my tape to the radio station where he worked. He explained he had found their ‘new’ news anchor!”

Grads Transforming Our World At New York Tech, our more than 104,000 alumni bring their intellectual, artistic, and creative gifts into the workplace, infusing a rich array of talents and perspectives into industries around the world. Their desire for doing, combined with their passion to continually learn and look ahead, is the reason so many become rising stars in newsrooms, corporations, architecture, research, and beyond.

Dr. Mikhail (Doctor Mike) Varshavski, D.O. ’14 Board Certified Family Medicine Physician & Content Creator

Patricia McMahon, B.S. ’86 Vice President, Corporate Supply Chain, Northrop Grumman

“I started my first internship while I was a student at New York Tech. Looking back, I am able to realize the value that came from that fact as I sought my first job and moved up the ranks at H2M to CEO. We are partnering with the university to be successful in today’s competitive marketplace and keep a steady flow of interns at a dynamic growing company like H2M. This partnership has allowed us to learn from and mentor students who, in my mind, are real rising stars. These students have the potential to become top talent with any firm they choose. The proof? We currently employ more than 60 New York Tech alumni, five of whom are top executives. Part of why we seek out New York Tech interns specifically is because we know that they will succeed.”

Richard Humann, B.S. ’91 (Shown above left) CEO and President of H2M architects + engineers Melville, NY

Brian Silva, M.S. ’89 Chief Human Resources Officer, Fresenius Medical Care REINVENTING RAISING THETECH BAR //// 23 19

climate-resilient urban design understand business value thinking

post-disaster relief facilities

infrastructure development expand functional design

architectural innovation


sustainable building practices build with an eye toward business outcomes

prototype development the future of 5G increase productivity real-time coordination across platforms improve design through apps and media 24 // NEW YORK TECH

machine learning

This is a university for people who would rather make the future than just talk about it. This is education in action, where students take critical thinking above and beyond, to creative transformation.


Our students work on real solutions that impact the world. They are designing skyscrapers and airport terminals, creating infrastructure to better run the world, working on robotics and autism research through a National Institutes of Health grant, collaborating across medical specialties at The Adele Smithers Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Center, and performing dissections in our anatomy lab to better understand the interconnected vastness that is the human body.

New York Tech’s School of Architecture and Design has graduated more licensed architects in New York State than any other architecture school and continues to be recognized in the Design Intelligence rankings of top architecture and design schools. Architecture and design operate in a dynamic environment. Rapid changes in building construction fueled by technology impose tremendous pressures on design pedagogy. The School of Architecture and Design, in response, empowers students to develop their own approach, based upon the sound, shared intellectual and technical foundations offered at New York Tech.

New York Tech is an incubator for change, empowering individuals to find answe s to complex challenges and make paths that others follow. Where others see obstacles, we find opportunity to make a better future and a brighter world. REINVENTING TECH // 27


Managing a Multi-Billion-Dollar Health System with 18,000 Employees “ At New York Tech, I built my personal framework for leadership and change management that ultimately led me to clinically lead a $3 billion health system.” 28 // NEW YORK TECH

“ Health care is broken and in need of dynamic change. Now, more than ever, we must rely on leaders to raise the bar for how care is delivered. If we are to be successful and reshape the health care landscape, we need to focus on care redesign and empower our leaders and frontline staff to innovate, adapt, overcome, and frame care delivered in the right locale, by the right people, and at the right price. This is my passion—a passion inspired by New York Tech faculty mentors during my student days that now helps me to address the future of health care and how care is delivered.”

Now is the Time for Innovative Leadership Cathol˘c Health Serv˘ces ˘s an ˘ntegrated system encompass˘ng some of the Long Island reg˘on’s finest health and human serv˘ces agenc˘es. It has 18,000 employees, s˘x acute care hosp˘tals, three nurs˘ng homes, a home nurs˘ng serv˘ce, hosp˘ce, a commun˘ty-based agency for persons w˘th spec˘al needs, and a network of phys˘c˘anpract˘ces.

From coursework to clinical practice Pass rates for New York Tech nursing students who take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) are among the highest in the United States (almost 100%).

New York Inst˘tute of Technology’s College of Osteopath˘c Med˘c˘ne has campuses located ˘n Long Island and Jonesboro, Arkansas.

NYITCOM’s Jonesboro, Arkansas Campus

Our faculty and student research is tackling society’s greatest challenges in areas such as health care detection and delivery, cognitive therapies, biological pathways, medicinal chemistry, and more. New York Tech College of Osteopathic Medicine is committed to helping people in the Arkansas and Mississippi Delta regions learn more about their health so they can live healthier lives. That’s why the United States Department of Agriculture committed funds for the Jonesboro medical campus to reach out to vulnerable and in-need communities in the Delta region. At the same time, this service provides clinical training to an “army” of future physicians and health care professionals, and exposes them to the joys, opportunities, and challenges of rural practice.



Constructing Transportation Lifelines From the Port Authority to AECOM

“ There has never been a better time to be a woman in architecture. As I look back on the trajectory of my career, I give thanks and praise to my beginnings.”

“ New York Institute of Technology provided me with a steadfast foundation, an environment where I felt inspired and empowered. I have had the good fortune to design some of the world’s busiest and most innovative transportation facilities in the world, which serve as vital gateways to the New York region for hundreds of millions of people. When I was a young architect pursuing the innovative architectural curriculum, my professors were instrumental in providing me with encouragement, guidance, and fortitude. As I look to my past and to my present, New York Tech has shaped the person I have become.”

[ The Oculus, Manhattan transportation hub in the new World Trade Center ]


Berger recently jo˘ned AECOM, where she ˘s respons˘ble for dr˘v˘nggrowth, strategy, and execut˘on of the bus˘ness as Ch˘ef Operat˘ng O‚cer for the Northeast Reg˘on, w˘th emphas˘s on the Metro New York. As the former Ch˘ef of Operat˘ons for the Port Author˘ty of New York and New Jersey, Berger was respons˘ble for the operat˘ons of an eng˘neer˘ng department of 570 arch˘tects and eng˘neers and a $1.3 b˘ll˘onannual budget. She has led many large-scale cap˘tal projects for av˘at˘on,tunnels, br˘dges, ports, term˘nals, the Port Author˘ty Trans-Hudson (PATH) ra˘l system, and the World Trade Center.


From eSports Health and Well-Being, to Crowdsourcing Biological Research, to Virtual Reality for Studying Kidneys— New York Tech is Making an Impact

Business-Ready Professionals The AACSB-accredited School of Management prepares students to interact with global markets. Malk Asad, an undergraduate finance major from Richmond Hill, NY, researches global investment portfolio options in the simulated trading floor lab with Professor Steve Shapiro. An intern for the Office of Comptroller of New York City, Asad aspires to complete an M.B.A. and become an investment banker at Goldman Sachs.


eSports at New York Tech New York Tech’s eSports arena and Center for eSports Medicine reflects its multdimensional commitment to this rapidly growing field.

Getting to the Heart of New Drug Therapies Beta-blockers have been a staple prescription drug for recovering heart attack patients; however, these blood pressure-reducing medications cannot be tolerated by many high-risk patients. College of Osteopathic Medicine researchers led by Martin Gerdes, Ph.D., professor and chair of biomedical sciences, are using thyroid hormone therapy as a new way to treat such patients.

Using Virtual Reality and Gaming Technologies Aleksandr Vasilyev, assistant professor of biomedical sciences, in collaboration with students Ivan Bandovic and Dylan Carmichael, developed Nephro360, a teaching tool that uses VR and gaming technologies to help students study the kidney. The software is the brainchild of Vasilyev, who has been working on the idea as a way to teach students about the inner workings of the kidneys as well as a way for educators to track the progress of their students.



Tech Teaching Legend “ I embraced providing access to education for all and the concept that the future first begins by envisioning it.”

“ I learned many things from Alexander Schure, New York Tech’s first president. As he shared his vision of the fledgling university, he inspired me to elevate my own commitment to a life of service. These values included: preparing students for dealing with and living in an information-age society; providing access to education for all; embracing diversity; being student sensitive; and aspiring to excellence in all we do. These values have informed my life as a writer and educator and, I am happy to say, continue to inform the life of this great university.”


Legacy of Providing Access and Scholarships That Change Lives A critical component of reinventing the future is ensuring access to the university. Since our founding, we have been committed to providing scholarships for students who are seeking a high-value, professional education at a fair price. We have also continued to make it our decades-long mission to manage costs and to provide students with financial assistance to ensure a college degree is affo dable.

Bill Zerella, B.S. ’78 Chief Financial Officer, Luminar Technologies

Ryan MacCrea, B. Arch ’16 Project Architect, Kimmerle Group

“In the ’80s, I received a phone call from New York Tech informing me, based on my potential, I was getting a full scholarship. Until that call, I had no idea how I would pay for college or if college was in my future. I graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering, and landed a position at General Motors. Thirty-six years later, I have a wealth of executive-level experience in automotive manufacturing, product development, cybersecurity, and globalization, including overseas assignments in India and Canada. Today, I am responsible for a company that is a global leader in automotive cybersecurity. New York Tech saw my potential and I am glad I answered the phone that day—best phone call ever!”

LaVern Sula, B.S. ’88 President, North American Division of Argus Cybersecurity Bloomfield Hills, MI

Eric Cole, B.S. ’93 Founder & CEO, Secure Anchor Consulting


relieve Parkinson’s symptoms green energy

waste water management

eSports health and well-being

reinvent health care delivery virtual reality

product development

global supply chain management

critical thinking


recruit and train college access STEM teachers transportation making water safe to drink lifelong learning urban living analyze productivity and culture data management complex thinking

discovering new treatments for disease

concussive-resistant helmets 36 // NEW YORK TECH


women in engineering

New York Tech is reinventing the student experience through research and technology—building what many haven’t even dreamed of yet. It’s a place where thinking, creating, and innovating are requirements.


Our faculty scholars and students are finding solutions to today’s most pressing problems through groundbreaking scholarship and research. Together, they are bridging programs and fields of study to develop new ideas and approaches.

At New York Tech, students work together to achieve success. Collaboration enhances individual ability, increases interpersonal skills, and promotes interdependence. We provide a structure where students foster each other’s academic growth and close connections with expert faculty in a tech-centered environment. Communication, collaboration, and teamwork are recognized hallmarks of a solid medical school education. Giving students and faculty the opportunity and the physical space to informally share experiences and learn from one another helps our doctors be informed colleagues and accomplished practitioners.

At New York Tech, faculty and students draw on interdisciplinary and entrepreneurial approaches to tackle the world’s biggest challenges in technology, medicine, design, management, and health care—it is how we make the world a better place. From undergraduate research opportunities in engineering and life sciences to advanced research by our medical students, New York Tech is a leader in sustainability, findin new energy alternatives, improving therapies for patients, and developing designs for a safer future.


ALVY RAY SMITH // CO-FOUNDER OF PIXAR Photograph by Kathleen King, Seattle


The Man Who Co-Founded Pixar “The founding of computer-generated animation began at New York Tech and in my mind illustrates that innovation is an integral part of the university’s DNA.”

“ I have always looked at New York Tech’s first president, Alex Schure, as a visionary for innovating animation technology. Schure, who had roots in animation himself, brought Ed Catmull and me to the Long Island campus in 1975, where, with his encouragement, we founded the Computer Graphics Lab. It was here that we, and a handful of colleagues, conceived a vision that would drive us from that point on: Be the first to make a completely computer-animated film.”

“Alex Schure not only bought into our goal but took a major risk on us and our new ideas. That placed him right up there alongside our two other patrons—George Lucas and Steve Jobs—in supporting innovative, new technologies.”


[ LaGuardia’s $4 billion, 1.3-million-square-foot Terminal B expansion ]


From LaGuardia to O’Hare Redesigning the World’s Busiest Airports

“ I have to say it was New York Tech that enlarged my world, engaged my curiosity, and ignited a love of what is not known and is not yet visible.”

“ Even as a young man I was fascinated and inspired watching the construction of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. Over a decade later, my inspiration was born out as I began my education at New York Tech’s School of Architecture and Design. I remember two things the most: my exposure to a faculty of both seasoned professionals and recent graduates full of curiosity, and the city as a daily reminder of my passion for architecture. My undergraduate studies led me to Harvard, where I felt well-equipped to study with the finest students from around the world.”

Peter Rugg˘ero ˘s the Des˘gn Pr˘nc˘palfor the Ch˘cago Stud˘o of HOK, one of the largest arch˘tecture-eng˘neer˘ngfirms ˘n the Un˘ted States. W˘th a pass˘on for c˘v˘cspaces, Rugg˘ero helped lead the redes˘gn of New York’s LaGuard˘a A˘rport Term˘nal B and Ch˘cago’s O’Hare Internat˘onal A˘rport Term˘nal 5. H˘s other projects ˘nclude 7 World Trade Center, Un˘vers˘ty of North Carol˘na Genom˘cs Research Lab, BP Center for H˘gh Performance Comput˘ng, NATO’s Headquarters ˘n Brussels, and h˘gh-r˘sem˘xed-use bu˘ld˘ngs˘n England, Ch˘na, Russ˘a, and the Un˘ted Arab Em˘rates.


From Developing Tools to Study Rising Sea Levels to Researching Concussions to Developing Biosensors for Water Testing: How New York Tech is Innovating for the Future

Heading Off Concussions New York Tech concussion experts are researching the ways helmets used by professional horse jockeys could better protect them from head injuries. “Jockeys have to beat the odds to win the Triple Crown, but unfortunately, concussions are commonplace,” says Hallie Zwibel, D.O., director of New York Tech’s Center for Sports Medicine. While much of the press on these injuries has been focused on football, the development of protocols and better headgear for jockeys will contribute to concussion research that benefits athletes in every sport.

40 // NEW YORK TECH 44

Innovation and Exploration Our faculty work alongside students in the Entrepreneurial and Technology Innovation Center, conducting research in areas of cybersecurity, bioengineering, nanotechnology, biodegradability, and more.

Testing the Waters Military members are often deployed in remote locales without the ability to quickly test whether water is safe to drink. This can be the difference between life, abject dehydration, or even death. Fang Li, assistant professor of engineering, is using cell-based biosensors that can detect water toxicity. That means a user can test for a broad range of toxins in water—even unanticipated ones.

Sea-Level Simulation Tools Reseachers are designing new simulation tools to show the potential impact of short- and long-term environmental events, such as those resulting from extreme weather like Superstorm Sandy. For example, a simulation can show how rising sea levels, salt water intrusions, and different decision scenarios could impact a city’s infrastructure systems.


New York Tech is Reinventing Tech. 46 // NEW YORK TECH

We are redefining and reinventing technology-driven education in a way that is already reshaping the future. Our 104,000+ alumni worldwide have created a powerful network for change across a wide range of organizations, from start-ups and Fortune 500 companies to hospitals and beyond.


bus˘ness execut˘ve and the former Pres˘dent and Ch˘ef Execut˘ve O‚cer of Broadr˘dge F˘nanc˘alSolut˘ons, a mult˘b˘ll˘on-dollarcompany. In 2003, he won the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

Reinventing the Role of Tech in Finance “ New York Tech... the place where I learned to be the kind of leader who understands technology is a key driver in today’s society.”

“ Reinventing tech really resonates with me. From the age of nine, I always had a job, whether it was delivering paper, mowing lawns, washing cars, or shoveling snow. That strong work ethic, combined with hitting the books, helped me earn a scholarship to New York Tech, where I majored in accounting. Although I was already having a successful career with the skills I learned at New York Tech, I decided it was time to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams and to rethink technology as it relates to finance. Looking back, much of my self-confidence comes from my time at the university, the place where I learned to be the kind of leader who understands technology is a key driver in today’s society. For me, it meant providing investors with communication and tech-driven solutions. My New York Tech experience gave me the foundation to be an innovator—reinventing the role of technology in finance.”



R˘chard J. Daly ˘s a global

Meet the Future You will find New York Tech graduates working at companies like: Amazon Apple AT&T Bank of America/Merrill Lynch Boeing Citi Deloitte Disney Estee Lauder General Motors Goldman Sachs Google H2M Architects Harvard Medical School IBM JP Morgan Chase KPF Marriott International Morgan Stanley Mount Sinai Hospital NetEase Games New York City Department of Education New York City Police Department Northwell Health Raytheon United Nations Verizon [ And hundreds more ] 50 // NEW YORK TECH


“We live in a time of exponential change. We face challenge with an unyielding determination. Where others find obstacles, we see opportunity. We are New York Institute of Technology— the doers, makers, innovators, daring minds who reach forward to reinvent the future of tech.” Henry C. “Hank” Foley, Ph.D. President, New York Institute of Technology

NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Office of the President Northern Blvd., P.O. Box 8000 Old Westbury, NY 11568-8000 516.686.7650 //

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