Sleeping with the enemy achieving collaborative success : this is how a collaborative person works:

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Sleeping with the Enemy - Achieving Collaborative Success : This i‌borative person works: 19. encourage your ambition to reverberate



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02/06/2017, 17)58

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Sleeping with the Enemy Achieving Collaborative Success Sharing collaborative and partnership working best practice.

Friday, 2 June 2017

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This is how a collaborative person works: 19. encourage your ambition to reverberate

Sleeping with the Enemy - Achieving Collaborative Success: 5th Edition Now Available at Amazon

(This post draws heavily upon the experiences of Paul Macalindin as described in his book Upbeat, which chronicles his inspiring work with the National Youth Orchestra of Iraq.)

'An excellent book that outlines the value and benefit of collaborative working...' This book is about collaborative and partner...

Ambitious visions and undertakings are powerful forces; they possess the ability to influence and change people. Their power is particularly important for collaborative undertakings, which tend towards influence and persuasion rather than command and control. The power of ambitious visions and undertakings derives from their ability to reverberate in three specific ways: 1. They reverberate 'in the moment' within people. They loosen people's existing perceptions. They encourage people to ask questions about how the world is, their place within it and what each person is capable of and can achieve. 2. They reverberate within people over time. People remember the experiences and learning gained from being involved in ambitious undertakings. The insights these memories provide and the questions they encourage people to ask about the world and their place within it eventually mature into strong personal beliefs and perceptions that hardwire ambitiousness into everyday lives and actions. 3. They reverberate out from people. They create ripples and sometimes waves of new possibilities which flow from one person to another, mixing with existing cultures and ways of doing things to create new ways of thinking and acting.

To ensure your collaboration benefits from the reverberation of ambitious visions and undertakings do the following four things: 1. Gather and tell people's individual stories of ambition and the changes it enabled

Charles M Lines

'NYOI made me dream bigger and all the experience that I collected during these four years led me to be granted a scholarship from DAAD to further study in Germany, which was very competitive.' Encapsulated in one sentence is the effect participating in the NYOI had on one individual player. The ambition of the NYOI reverberated within this person, loosening preexisting perceptions and ways of thinking and clearing the way for more positive and ambitious ones to take their place; it changed her perception of the world and what she could achieve within it. Capturing and sharing this process, as Paul has done by including it in his book, will encourage others to experience the same thing. It will increase the influence of the NYOI's ambitious mission within the wider world. 2. Create monumental memories 'The idea of a national youth orchestra for Iraq struck an enormously powerful chord in me and many others back in 2008. By unifying disparate groups of youngsters throughout Iraq and delivering music education where there was none, we had created the beginnings of a solution that we hoped could reverberate throughout the country. Moreover, the ambition to create a full symphony orchestra and perform in public shifted everyone's perceptions of what was possible in the name of Iraq.'

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Available at Amazon

Making the idea of the National Youth Orchestra of Iraq into a reality created memories that will

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