35th Anniversary Appeal

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NYOS 35th Anniversary Appeal

35 Years OF Nurturing Talent

NYOS 35th Anniversary Appeal What part can

y ou play?

Each year, the costs involved in providing top-quality musical experiences for Scotland’s young musicians continue to rise. Help safeguard the next 35 years of NYOS by donating to our Anniversary Appeal. Even a small donation can make a difference to one of our projects.

Here’s what your money can do...



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buys a set of strings on tour


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Donations of £100 and over will receive 2 VIP tickets for the NYOS 35th Anniversary Gala Concert on Saturday 2nd August at the Usher Hall, Edinburgh.


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£500 provides a NYJOS community jazz workshop in a rural area

You can also give online at: www.btplc.com/mydonate


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£5,000 hires the venue for the NYOS 35th Anniversary Gala concert

NYOS’ 35th Anniversary Appeal Donation Form Title

Full Name


Postcode Email Telephone


Giving Levels I wish to support NYOS’ 35th Anniversary Appeal with: £10








Or other amount:


Ways to Pay I enclose a cheque made payble to “NYOS” I have paid by BACS transfer using the sort code 83-21-08, account no. 00662401 and Reference: NYOS35

Acknowledgement Please write in BLOCK CAPITALS your name(s) if you wish to be credited in relevant NYOS publicity: Or I wish to remain anonymous I would like NYOS to treat all donations as Gift Aid. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. Please insert today’s date Please return completed forms to The National Youth Orchestras of Scotland, 13 Somerset Place, Glasgow, G3 7JT

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