NYSNA 2021 Annual Report

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Anticipating the Future We Can Create Together By Nancy Hagans, RN It is no secret that COVID-19 has been an isolating experience. We have worked in silos and been forced to live outside the comfort of community. But what is most remarkable to me is not what we have been through (I have lamented the hard times more than I care to admit) but how we have emerged: more unified, more committed, more determined. Crisis can cause anyone to give up. But it has caused you to double down. As president of NYSNA and a frontline healthcare professional, I want you to

know that I do not take your work or contributions for granted. You have lost colleagues, loved ones, friends and family. You were expected to work as if your world wasn’t crumbling. You have dealt with, and many of you are still dealing with, real challenges, yet somehow you still show up for yourselves and your union siblings.

Every person who rubbed elbows with other attendees noted how wonderful it was to be with their union family.

Together Again Hundreds of you showed up for the 2021 Convention, with many people coming in person and others joining virtually. Every person who rubbed elbows with other attendees noted how wonderful

it was to be together with their union family. Being intentional about remaining in proximity will help us fight and ultimately win what we need to care for ourselves, our families, our patients and our communities. Now more than ever, the union must be a place of hope. We must provide bargaining and organizing support but also access to what is needed to help healthcare professionals feel and be safe. Maintaining our connection with one another will support us in individual workplace fights but also in our collective struggle. And COVID-19 has taught us that we are all connected.

We Will Prevail As we round out 2021, we find ourselves at a crossroads, remembering what has been lost and maintaining hope for what can be won. We can win improved working conditions, fair pay, better healthcare services for ourselves and our patients, and the implementation of the safe staffing law. What I want you to know is that the union is not an entity over there. It is not a group of random people who are disconnected from one another. You are the union. Our success or failure depends on all of us. If each of us commits to raise our voices, to show up for ourselves and one another, and to never give up or give in, we will prevail. I am anticipating the future. I hope you are too. NYSNA President Nancy Hagans, RN, being vaccinated 4

2021: We are one

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Articles inside

Agency Fee objection policy/Beck Notification

pages 30-32

In 2022, the legislature Must Address the Disparity in pay Between travel and Staff Nurses

page 29

last Year, NYSNA Members Continued their Fight to Address the Climate Crisis

page 26

NYC Health and Hospitals Nurses Win enhanced ot Rates and program in 2021

page 27

NYSNA Members Celebrate and Strategize at the 2021 toGetHeR We RISe! Convention

page 28

Downstate Highlights

pages 21-23

upstate Highlights

page 19

Brooklyn, Staten Island Highlights

page 24

School Nurses: on the Frontlines but Forgotten

page 20

Mount Sinai System: patients Cannot Heal When Nurses are Stretched So thin

page 18

Ratified Contracts in 2021

page 17

A Closer look at NYSNA: Communications

page 16

A Closer look at NYSNA: political and Community organizing

pages 14-15

Safe Staffing law a Key Milestone in 2021

page 7

A Closer look at NYSNA: technology and Membership Department

page 10

Anticipating the Future We Can Create together

page 4

In 2021, Nurses Continued to be Canaries in the Coal Mine

page 6

A Closer look at NYSNA: labor education

pages 11-12

lincoln Hospital takeover offers Important lessons for Healthcare Workers and the Community

page 5

A Closer look at NYSNA: Strategic Research Fueled our Campaigns in 2021

page 9
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