AUG / SEPT 2019
ECMC Nurses Win New Contract! On August 30, ECMC nurses voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new, four-year contract! Not only did nurses give nothing back in this contract, we made many improvements over our last contract. From pay, to benefits, to safe staffing, we made significant gains that simply would not have been possible without the commitment and solidarity exhibited in our member-led contract campaign.
The CEO was friendly and responded positively to our visit. He said he was hopeful that we can understand each other’s challenges at the table.
More than 50 ECMC Nurses March on the Boss
Nurses who participated in the action felt incredibly excited that we built unity and delivered a clear and compelling message. Nurses who were not able to participate in the action texted pictures of themselves wearing red, and posted solidarity pictures on Facebook.
With bargaining well underway, ECMC nurses decided to send a loud and clear message of unity to ECMC management. On July 30, nurses marched to CEO Thomas J. Quatroche, Jr.’s office to present him with a petition signed by nearly 1,000 nurses—about 90% of our bargaining unit!
Kena emphasized, “We need to be more than hopeful. We need to start putting plans into action, and we need to start working together—not just at the [bargaining] table—but after the table.”
Kena concluded, “Sometimes the work can feel slow, but this action really raised our spririts and made everyone feel good and supported!”
NYSNA Western NY Regional Director and ECMC Delegate, Kena Collins, RN, presented the petition and spoke from the heart about nurses’ commitment to our patients, to ECMC, and to bargaining a fair contract that puts quality healthcare first. “If we’re not being treated right from an economic standpoint and when it comes to staffing and other issues, then we can’t make our patients our passion,” explained Kena.
Continued on next page >>
Why Are You Wearing a Safe Staffing Button?
Administration needs to take responsibility for safe staffing - it truly is the issue. Our patients and our community deserve it.” –Lisa Nowak, RN
Safe Staffing is the Issue NYSNA nurses made our voices heard throughout the contract campaign, participating in open bargaining sessions, “Wear Red” days, and more. At one of the last bargaining sessions on August 14, ECMC nurses came to the bargaining room and shared their stories about unsafe staffing. “Nurses from different departments all expressed how short-staffed they are,” explained Sherry Thomas, RN, from the Negotiations Committee. “So far, the conversation had been one-sided, with the Administration listening, but not really hearing us. Patient safety should be the priority.”
As patient advocates, nurses’ commitment to safe, quality care for our patients and our community comes first, and that commitment was on full display in our campaign. Nurses proudly wore Safe Staffing Is the Issue buttons as we were nearing the end of our negotiations. Never had ECMC and Terrace View nurses been so mobilized and united for a contract campaign—and it paid off. Sherry concluded, “The union is more than 20 people on the Negotiating Committee—it’s all of us. We have power in numbers. Information is power. This contract shows that when you get involved, you can take charge of your livelihood!”
A Newsletter for NYSNA RNs at Erie County Medical Center
Key Contract Improvements For a full list of our Tentative Agreements, consult your flyer. A summary of key contract improvements is below:
Safe Staffing
• If job appointment is held up over 45 days, the employer will then begin paying you at the promotional rate.
• Additional 45 positions up to $4.5 million • Allocation committee to determine placement and to establish minimum number of RN per unit and shift. Nursing Response Team (NRT). • Temporary relocation clause to ensure the employer will not use temp relocation to avoid or delay filling permanent vacancy • Created a new weekend position w/ $10 differential and same health insurance benefits as full-time employees
Salary • 3% each year for four years, $500 ratification bonus • Increased each clinical ladder step by $500 • Increased night shift differential • Per diem rate increased by $4 per hour, added 1/2 hour paid lunch, shift diff, straight time plus time and a half for 3 major holidays, full access to grievance process • Addition of a Capstone differential of $3.00 • Preceptor increased from $1.25 to $3.00
Job Posting and Promotions • Eliminated 12-month bidding restrictions for promotional opportunities
Kena’s Corner
Q: The NYSNA Convention is
right around the corner—October 29 and 30, in Albany. What should members know?
A: This is only the second year
that we have had a Delegate Convention, where elected delegates from facilities throughout the state come together to discuss and vote on resolutions. If you have an idea for a resolution, it must be submitted in writing 30 days in advance of the Conven-
• Additional $50k for ECMC tuition reimbursement • Improved lay off and recall language • Added ability to use sick leave for disaster relief medical missions • Increased sick leave conversion up to $25,000. • Ability to convert unused sick time into cash to help cover the cost of health insurance upon retirement. Set up a special account for this purpose to maximize the benefit. • Regular part-time will earn two paid leave days on anniversary date.
Health and Safety • Increased duration of light duty • Untied assault pay from penal law definition
Union Rights • Paid release time for committees, including off-shift and days off. • Added a release time representative for 24 hours a week • Per Diems will now have full access to the grievance process
tion—by September 29th. Feel free to reach out to me or another Delegate with your ideas (see the back page of this newsletter for the most up-to-date list of delegates).
Q: Can members who are not elected delegates participate in any other way?
A: Absolutely. We want members’ ideas to shape the
direction of our union, but we also want your participation in person. Convention is a great way to connect with other NYSNA members and advance your knowledge and skills as a union RN. We set up a fund to help cover some travel expenses, so talk to your rep, Jennifer, for more details and to register.
UPCOMING EVENTS (For more information or to register, ask your NYSNA Rep)
MEDICAL MISSION & DISASTER RELIEF September 22-30, Zimbabwe MEDICAL MISSION & DISASTER RELIEF October 17-22, Mexico NYSNA CONVENTION October 29 & 30, Albany
SEMINAR AT SEA May 2020, Italy
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Executive Committee Kevin Donovan, Vice Co-Chair, 7 Zone 4 Karen Green, Terrace View Vice Co-Chair, Supervisor Heather Scott, Secretary, Behavioral Health Clinics Cathy Bystrak, Grievance Chair, MLK & Cazenovia Lisa Nowak, Terrace View Grievance Chair, Canal Ray Rebmann, Membership Chair, 7 Zone 1 Rachel Larkin, Behavioral Health Specialty 1, 5 South Sarah Ott, Behavioral Health Specialty 2, 5 South Tamara Barr, Critical Care Specialty Rep , TICU Chiqkena “Kena” Collins, Critical Care Specialty Rep, MICU & Western NY Regional Director Loretta Palermo, Emergency Dept. Specialty, ED Dana Bellido-Clark, Med/Surg Specialty Shawntres Currin, Med/Surg Specialty, 7 Zone 2 Sherry Thomas, OR/Recovery Specialty, PACU Elizabeth McRae, TV Specialty 1, Naval Park Steve Bailey, Terrace View Specialty 2, Kensington Murnita Bennett, At-Large, Care Management
Floor Delegates
SAVE THE DATE! Holiday Party & Interregional Meeting
December 4 RSVP to Jennifer Valentín-Polanco at 716-445-6319
Stay connected: join our Facebook group! groups/eriecountynysna/
Dana Brown, Anesthesiology Dionna Vasquez, Care Management Deanna McCray, Outpatient Dialysis Shawn Mitchell, 5 North Alicia Geiss Shannon Mahar Matt Botticelli, 6 North Tara Hill, 9 Zone 3 Jennifer Greene, 9 Zone 4 Katrina Reynolds, 9 Zone 4 Cynthia Dwyer, 7 Zone 1 Mackenzie DeCarlo, CPEP Ykeeta Henderson, CPEP Amina Shaibi, CPEP Ben Stanford, Unit Manager Delegate Colleen Casali, ASU Valeta Dunn, 8 Zone 1 Alexandra Vasquez, 8 Zone 1 Christa Poteat, 8 Zone 2 Lee Barnett, OR Liam Morrissey, OR Jennifer Brinkworth, 4 Zone 4 Avneet Jacob, 12 Zone 2 Dylan Deabold, 12 Zone 2 Khadija Hatten, 12 Zone 3 If you’d like to join our leadership team, speak to a Delegate, or contact your Rep.
GET ANSWERS/STAY IN TOUCH Your NYSNA Representative: Jennifer Valentín-Polanco 716-445-6319 Dental benefit questions:, 877-238-6200 Prescription benefit questions:, 888-691-0130 For all other benefits:, 716-601-7980