JUNE 2018
Vol 247
has sounded and so this is the last issue of NZVN to go out in paper form but don’t despair for, with the continued support of our advertisers, we can still bring you industry news and offers on-line and every page in COLOUR. Sadly, the “advertising income versus cost” equation for paper has reached a non-sustainable level so continuing on-line is our only option. Going "on-line only" will allow improvements that we could not offer with paper such as hyperlinks to articles, websites and even video clips. Initially, we are not planning big changes in the format other than going to a larger font and one column ( like this ) because we want to get feedback on how YOU would like us to present industry news and offers in a way that suits your interests. You have two options to ensure that you can get NZVN in the on-line format from now on. You can either
Subscribe to us via the issuu site by becoming a “follower.” Go to: https://issuu.com/nzvnews
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