Essence of Style Magazine SL Issue 5

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Editor’s letter EOS Flight or Fight Reporting Copybots and stolen contents.. good or bad? By Ohren Beck

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ON THE COVER Dahlia Joubert wearing Gracelynn bridal gown by V-Fashion

DETAILS INSIDE Front section Model Icon The Face of V-Fashion The Line Up Prim toes at all cost. Trend Introducing Anne Balut Travel Summer destinations in SL

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FEATURES The LookBook by Josef Roffo New Revolution online shopping created by Vasgez McMillan.


JC Designs by Savannah Ducatillon The truth behind JC Designs.


Urban Legend by DarkStar Gothly An insight into the place that used to be formerly known as Freesoul.


DRESSER Men’s Style Urban City Guy.

Style Shrink 102 Tempest Temptable Top Ten.


EDITOR IN CHIEF Ohren Beck PA to the Editor: Christine Duran CREATIVE FASHION DIRECTOR Gemini Hennesy MARKETING Darkstar Gothly PR & PRESS Josef Roffo ART DIRECTION AND COPY Ohren Beck COO HoneyBear Lilliehook CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Savannah Ducatillon, Jhao Oh, Laila Schuman, Josef Roffo, Tempest Hennesy, Darkstar Gothly CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS LBD Photography, Darkstar Gothly, Darcy Foxtrot, Ohren Beck, Carabella Babi, Cherie Parker

EDITORIAL ADMINISTRATION AND RIGHTS Ohren Beck EDITORIAL BUSINESS COORDINATOR Christine Duran INTERNATIONAL PERMISSIONS COORDINATOR Bradd Ashbourne ©2009 UVOGUE FASHION & MODELING AGENCY Essence of Style is published every two months by UVogue Publications in SL. Printed by Ohren Beck using the Intellibook system and published 8 times a year. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited.


The sun comes rst


Welcome to UVogue, welcome

to Essence of Style’s summer edition. I nally found some quality time to create this months issue of EOS for the rst time, and seriously hoping i won’t be jumping off a cliff by the time i get to the last page by myself. This month’s issue comes lled with juicy tidbits and serious inside talks. You’ll nd the new face of V-Fashion, Dahlia Joubert; you’ll nd Stef Villota, one of the best urban fashion designers in SL; you’ll get to discover Vasgez McMillan’s new shopping tool that makes shopping from home childs play in SL; you’ll also nd rather a lot of the very nest journalism. It’s summer, the moment of fun, inspiration, fashion and the need to share. And just like a party, we’re all getting ready. With styling tips and a full guide on whats trend or not in SL, you’re ready to go on a self awareness trip. So do like me readers, start packing your suitcases in both worlds and start picking out the trendiest summer locations to visit. Let your fashion concious minds run free! Ohren Beck Editor in Chief/Publisher

T H G I L F R FIGHT O WHERE THE STRONGEST OPINIONS COUNTS FOR EVERYTHING Reporting stolen contents in SL sometimes leaves you on the Edge....

Residents in SL haven’t seen anything like this since... well.... never. Freshly copied products illegally ooding the grid without repression has become an almost daily thing in SL. A few days ago I was running through my inventory and came across a folder I did not recognise; probably one I accepted accidentally when I logged in or one that went directly into my inventory when my messages got capped. Curiosity got the best of me so I opened this folder in question. Low and behold, this folder tagged «sculpties» was lled with copied items. Items I recognised after rezzing them on the oor one by one, since I own almost 90% of them from previous purchases. What surprised me the most were the names mentioned as creators in each of those objects, especially since I knew the original creators of these objects. Heavy realisation but yet, I couldn’t ignore the fact these items were exact copies of the originals bearing different names with parts all mixed and matched. Of course, reex took over reasoning and I decided to inform the original creators of these objects after a good friend of mine adviced

me to. Copied the names of the copy bots into a notecard with a short note in them and sent copies to the designers involved. The designers I contacted, save one, did get back to me and expressed thier gratitude and encouraged me to continue reporting copy thefts. Perhaps, only one of the designers made me question my action at the end. She ended up making me feel as if I was wrong to have contacted anyone in the rst place informing them about this, and mind you, I even sent her a copy of the items in question before deleting them from my inventory. I was surprised by her reaction and almost regretted having said anything in the rst place, but then, how would I have reacted if it was a question of my own products being distributed illegally in SL? Now let’s look at this from another angle; How many other people in SL have had issues of this sort happen to them and never report it... why would they report copy bot theft if they have to be scolded eventually for doing so (especially when they have all evidences). For facts, we all know it is totally ILLEGAL to steal and use other content creator’s products in the name of making quick cash in SL. Some

forget that content creators in SL actually invest thier time, efforts of RL cash in thier creations. This is not something given to everyone in SL, so why break down thier efforts just to get rich in a place that is supposed to be enlightening and educative for all?! To me, it makes no sense.... and never will. If you were in my shoes, would you have opted for silence, or actually inform the original creators of the stolen products so they report the issue to LL and le a DMCA. My message is loud and clear on this one: NO to copy bots, NO to theft! If you happen to have issues like this please report them. Let’s

all work together and ght against content theft in SL, cause no one is going to do that for us. It might be your products being misused someday. There are a few good organisations in SL that you can forward your reports to. But then it is no reason to bear false accusations on anyone, so be sure you have evidence of your accusations before reporting.



On June 4th, 2009 a fashion show was held on the VFashion Runway on house, the nervous energy was palpable and all the attendees watched the runway clad in some of SL’s most elegant designs, creations of Victo At the end, alone in the center of the circular terminus of the runway st stood Miss Dahlia Joubert, the ofcial Face of VFashion 2009.

Essence of Style sat down in an exclusive interview with Dahlia less tha that were resonating through the hall just hours earlier.

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The new face of V-Fashion Interview by Darkstar Gothly

n Victoria Island. 15 models walked that long runway before a packed and waited with baited breathe. One after the other the models strode oriaV McMillan, head designer and co-owner of VFashion. tood the ÂŤThe Face.Âť With grace and aplomb, nearly 3 AM in Italy,

an 24 hours after this momentous event and asked her the questions

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DETAILS INSIDE MODEL ICON waiting the arrival of Dahlia Joubert seemed worthwhile as she gracefully strolls into the V-Fashion’s CEO’s ofce, where our interview begins: EOS: So it’s now less than 24 hours since you won this title, how are you feeling today? DJ: I still feel like the very rst minute after they announced that I was the winner. I really could not believe it at all, I didn’t even want to join at rst seeing how many beautiful girls did so. I think the rst thing that I felt was to be honoured to be chosen for such an amazing result by some of the nest designers and most important fashion personalities in SL.. then of course I felt happy and excited for all the work I would have done together with the lovely and professional McMillan couple and their great staff (working with their Director, Payton Heron, was already a very positive experience). Also being congratulated by all the other models and people on my friend list, and agencies I work with, was amazing because I really felt for the rst time a lot of support all together... I am just delighted. When did you start modeling?

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I started last December, after having attended a Modeling Academy. I was really scared by lag and runway at rst, but after that school (experience suggested by a friend of mine), I luckily became more condent and started to have all the fun I was imagining I would have had.

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DETAILS INSIDE MODEL ICON past, and the fact that every time someone sees me wearing one of Other prizes, contests awards you’ve done. the McMillans outts compares me to one of them, speaks for itself. I Actually, this is my very rst one. am really happy about this, because Well, honestly I really joined few I am a classic cults lover in real life too (my Louboutins could conrm contests, as most of them in Second Life are voting ones (which that!), and in Second Life I had I don’t like much, I prefer much still found nothing that could make more judged ones); then, as for the me feel «as beautiful as Garbo, as rest of them, I didn’t always feel brilliant as Doris Day and as elegant that it could have been a real chal- as Audrey Hepburn» all together. lenge. I wanted to measure myself with something I could feel «mine» How would you describe V-Fashion? in a certain sense, meaning that could reect my style and persona- I think their motto is perfect for that. Beside what I already said, I lity. must say that what makes it really What drew you to this contest? amazing, and what I love, is that it has really simple and elegant outI already knew V-Fashion and its ts, but gorgeous at the same time, amazing designs, and my inventory because of a great attention on too (smiles). I joined their Update details and a really unique taste Group, and came to know about for cuts and style. Don’t misundersthe contest when they rst sent tand me, I sometimes love to be out their notice about it. When I eccentric too, but I think that this rst read that notice was excited, word can have a lot of shades, and then as I said I became a little especially in the modeling world bit skeptic when I saw some really it must be adopted very carefully stunning pictures of the contesnot to end up being ridicolous. I tants. But then, thanks to two grew up in my grandmother’s atefriends of mine who always support lier, and she has been stressing me and who pushed me to try, and to me the importance of being thanks to the fact that really I felt classy and simple since I was born, it like a real challenge to see how when it comes to clothes. I know much the designers of this ne and she would have loved all V-Fashion classy brand would have appreciacreations (especially mermaid-alike ted my style, I decided to join. My skirts, she was really a pro of best decision ever! them!), and this awareness makes me even prouder of having joined What is your vision of V-Fashion? the contest. I think that V-Fashion is a very iconic brand. In RL its designs would have perfectly tted the styles of the great actresses of the 22 JULY 2009 EOS

What’s your favorite thing about V-Fashion? It is that every single outt of

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V-Fashion doesn’t need a thousand attached prims or exis to be noticed in a room full of people. It can be outstanding and unique even if is worn with «only» shirt and a skirt layer, and really is not something you nd everywhere. I like the MacMillans creativity and their ability to make one of my favourite quotes, «less is more», being real. What do you see as your role as the new face of V-Fashion? I just really want to embody the best as I can their fashion vision and style, and not to disappoint their expectations since I am really happy about the opportunity I was given. I think the role of the new face of V-Fashion is to represent them all the time, everywhere, and not only during a fashion show, an event or a photo shooting. At the same time this must be something really natural, and not a forced or a fake thing. I can say with no doubts that this is what is for me. What are you most proud of in your modeling career? There is not a particular event I am proud of, I am just happy that people recognise the efforts and the hard work I put in everything I do concerning fashion and modeling. Every fashion show I take part in, every casting I pass, is a very little success for me. After winning the V-Fashion Face Contest, I received a lot of IMs by people I appreciate and admire a lot, congratulating with me and telling me how good was the choice of the judges. I was very grateful and happy, and this so far has been the most important achievement of my career. Tell me about the contest? I think that it was really well organised, and as I already said, the Director, Payton Heron, who organised communications, reharsals, meetings, is really a professional and nice person always

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DETAILS INSIDE MODEL ICON ready to help. I enjoyed really a lot to work with her! I know that saying this now that I won might sound stupid, but I knew, by reading names of the judges and the PR releases, that I would have been working with pros and that the contest would have not been a farce, whatever the result: otherwise I guarantee that I would have never joined. God bless the fact that I did! How you prepared? I am a maniac when it comes to details, because I think they do the difference: before even reharsaling, I had to make sure to be perfectly tted from my lashes to my shoes, and that poses were right for the outts I was given to model. I spent hours trying on every single hair and skin I have to make sure not to rethink about it and maybe change it. I also became quite paranoid because I hoped so bad not to result as a «clone» of someone else, maybe because of the choice of those. What my friends helped with, instead, was the choice of the locations for my entry pictures: they kept dropping on my prole landmarks and interesting places that could match the style of the outts I was wearing, and that was really good. Feeling their support so much is so great! And tell me, what was it like on that stage waiting for a decision? That part was very nice but full of tension, you could almost touch it! There was this beautiful rose of women in black and white at the end of the runway, each one looking 26 JULY 2009 EOS

really stunning, and this was such a lovely vision that you almost forgot the reason why you were there. But then the tension and a feeling of restlessness to know the name of the winner were there anyway. I lately organised a contest in SL myself for the BeStar sim, so I knew that the decision would have taken a bit, especially considering how difcult it must have been. Plus, the comments of the people among the public were being really funny, and that helped not to make the waiting too bad. And what was the sensation, when they anounced you’re name as the winner? I was in a sort of confusional state, because even if I was hoping to win like everyone there, I didn’t expect it! I took like two minutes before gaining my lucidity back, and was barely able to move myself in the middle of the runway and type something. I suddenly felt so honoured that such judges, surely some of the best personalities in the SL fashion world, chose me to represent them, and really could not nd the words to tell them «thank you», until a bit later. When I nally took back control, I felt so happy that I even told all my friends in Real Life!

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THE LINE UP PRIM TOED DELIGHTS An insight into the latest trend on the grid, prim toes and shoes. Interview by Savannah Ducatillon

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These prim toed delights are certainly cutting edge and have set the standard for our expectations. I’ve heard angst among some friends, with regards to how overinated the new price tag will be; but is it really? Let’s consider all the options that come with the Moody’s and examine some of the other prim toed shoes available in the SL market place. We rst saw «Audrey» from the Bare line, a single strap sandal, priced at $1899L per pair or $6999L for a 6 color, color change fat pack. «Greta,» soon followed at $2199L per pair or $7999L for the fat pack. She was an ankle-tie wrap around sandal, very sexy. «Ingrid,» the curved platform shoes were soon the rage and priced similarly to Greta. Somewhere along the line, came 32 JULY 2009 EOS

«Vixen.» She is the peep-toe pump, wh of the foot. These beauties are $1499L come with a feature rich menu with adj entails. First and foremost is the Skin m

Yes, YOU can save your 9 favourite skin lucky enough for your tones to match u values. Thirteen nail polish options help gloss, to black. The ankle can be easily simply by the press of a button.The hee Raising or lowering the volume and spe

hich rather resembles the Moody pin up with the decorative chain across the top per pair or $5499L for the color change fat pack. The entire Bare line shoes justment options. Let’s look a little deeper in to what each sub category menu. There are 9 slots dedicated to User Presets.

n tones within the menu for easy changing. There are 6 basic options, if you’re up. I prefer the «Control Freak» option where I can directly input the RGB p you to coordinate your toes with your make up & wardrobe ranging from adjusted by the click of a button, to align with the size of your legs, el click can be adjusted to emanate that you’re walking on stone or wood. eed of the click to suit your preference is available at the click of a button. JULY 2009 EOS 33

DETAILS INSIDE LINE UP Under the accessories menu, you have the choice of changing both the left and right toe rings to gold or silver, wearing one on either foot or not wearing any at all. If bling is still you thing, wear it loud and proud. For the more modest type, you can turn it off, simply and easily at the click of a button. The shoes also have a built in AO, as well as adjustable brightness control, and moveable invisi-prims to t your shape. At rst look the price tag does seem hefty, but with all of these features and options, is it really? SLink is another popular brand of prim toed shoes, and has nearly a dozen styles to choose from. Each style of shoe has sixteen nail art options, on top of 48 nail polish colors and 12-toe ring options makes for an innite amount of combinations for the perfect pedicure. They have several customization options on their hud, so you don’t have to get frustrated with the re-menu issues that we sometimes experience due to lag. At the top of the hud, there are six metal options, which change the metal on the buckle, and decorative accents on the shoe. There are two options to change the heel texture as well. Shoe styles embellished with decorative gem choices, have color changing options for the jewels. A feature that the SLink shoes have that the Moody’s do not have is a stocking option over the toes. It’s all about personal choices, and preferences with this brand of shoes. The price tag on these shoes is $500L per pair or $3250L for the fat pack. SLink Group members receive 10% off. There are several style options to choose from ranging from the Eve Sandal, which is a basic at summer sandal to the L’amour Platforms which have sexy leather wraps around the ankles and a charm and buckle adorning them. 34 JULY 2009 EOS

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B&G has recently released a line of shoes that are fabulous, and affordable. I had a pair of these on the other night, and actually received a message, from a complete stranger, lled with awe and wonderment asking for a landmark to the location where I purchased those «seriously hot» shoes from. You are not able to directly input your RGB values, but there are 15 presets in the hud, 36 JULY 2009 EOS

and a sliding scale to choose a skin color. I was fortunate enough to nd a suitable match for my skin, in a preset. If you’re not so lucky, I can foresee this being a frustrating issue. Volume adjustments are possible, on the heel clicks, and resize adjustments are easily made from the hud as well. Fifteen toe nail presets, as well as the entire color spectrum are available for nail

polish options. There is no jewellery on these toes, as the shoes themselves are decorated with fabric owers, bows, or sculpted prims which look like a cross between roses, and rivets. I love them. Prices are very reasonable at 350L; buying the 6 pair fat pack earns you a 15% discount for a total of $2380L.

Aoharu released prim feet shoes back in April. They are gorgeous shoes. I purchased a pair of the lace up sandals, and I love them. Since you can’t directly input the RGB value of the skin, you pick one of the 24 preset options, and then play with the ne tuning buttons +/- each of the RGB values. Once you match your skin tone, there are 3 buttons where you can then SAVE this value for future use. I love that! Who wants to spend hours adjusting to only to be able to wear it with 1 particular skin, without having to endure the same painful process again? These shoes are copiable, and it is as always, highly recommended to copy the originals, and keep them safe, in a separate folder, just in case something goes terribly wrong with your adjusting. There are 16 nail polish choices for your pretty toes, ranging from white to black, with a couple of metallic options, and a French manicure as well. J’s has 8 styles of prim toed shoes, priced as low as $350L a pair, for

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DETAILS INSIDE LINE UP the older style of prim toe shoes. Newer styles are going for $380L or $1600L for the fat pack. The three-way cross belt sandals were their rst line of prim toed shoes I believe. They have 2 shoes nishes, the summery package being the pearl nish, 6 colors ranging from pearl white to wisteria and a Dark Pack, which contains the rich jewel tone colors. I have great difculty re-coloring these prim feet however, and generally steer away from wearing this brand of shoes that need more than just the toes re-colored. The style choices are fantastic, the prices are VERY reasonable, the quality and craftsmanship is detailed and desirable; but ease of skin tinting is a very important option for me as I wear different skin tones. J’s present menu system for making skin tone adjustments unfortunately does not get rave reviews from me. *Coco* has recently released two styles of prim feet shoes as well. There is the «studded sandal, and the pair which I immediately fell in love with, the Spangles style. I rushed over to purchase them, and found that in the pack, there were 2 sizes of shoes in the box, regular, and large. These shoes are not re-sizable. The toes are perfectly pretty with the natural French manicure.

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Sadly, I was soon frustrated with the re-coloring menu however. The current edition of these shoes gives us no way to directly input the RGB values, only a «+» or «-»to each value. You have no idea with each

click of the button how drastic the change will be. I took the RGB value of the shoes as they come out of the box. I initially assumed that each click of the plus or minus it would adjust the value by one. For 20 minutes, I clicked and adjusted, to what the RGB value of the skin was and my newly adjusted tone was nowhere near what they should have been. I don’t mind spending 5 or 10 minutes adjusting and perfecting but when it becomes more than that, I get very agitated, and cranky. I’d like to be able to wear my shoes out of the house, not spend my time in SL adjusting them. I did take the time to send *Coco* creator and designer, cocoro Lemon a note, asking for some assistance with the re-coloring. Here is her reply. «I’m trying to make the Footsystem HUD now. I will release new shoes with the HUD that can change the wearing. color easier in the future.» I for one will be quite anxious for its release, and I’d like to thank Ms. Lemon for taking the time to reply to my query. I understand that prims reect light differently than the skin, and that is the reason for not being able to perfectly match up skin tones and shading on the prim feet. What’s the offset? I have come to the conclusion that skin designers, and shoe makers should come together to release prim feet, or prim toe shoes based on the name of the skin you are

Wouldn’t that be fantastic? Think about being able to walk in to your favourite skin store, and pick out a pair of, fashionable prim feet shoes that would instantly match your skin color, with perfect highlights and shading.

Who’s with me on this?

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Interview by Laila Schuman

Romantic. What does that word mean to you? Lord Byron? Medieval chivalry? Adventure? Exotic places? Heroes like Heathcliffe? Kisses in the moonlight? There are a myriad of ways to express romanticism and Balut’s work IS romantic. Strolling around the shop and sim of AnaLee Balut, words like romantic,

exotic, free, strong, independent, extraordinary and beautiful, tumble through t hippie look to haute couture, this unique collection includes casual and formal w more than just one avatar. «Let your dream come true», she says.

When asked about her designing «vision», Balut replied, «I like extravaganza. S all over the world; for example, Africa, which I will soon visit again.

Second Life has watched Balut’s store develop during the past 1 1⁄2 years. Expe a sensual style full of grace and harmony. Gorgeous textures, colors and patter and intuition of their creator as well as her love of style and air for the excepti

Because Balut’s approach is so unique, she has created accessories that reect hats, handbags, belts, skin and hair that blend seamlessly with the air of her c 42 JULY 2009 EOS

the mind as one encounters one exciting fashion design after another. From wear, lingerie, costumes, skins and accessories. The shop offers items to style

Since SL is virtual, I can shift my imagination into full gear. I nd my inspiration

erience has inuenced the directions of the evolution of her work. She presents rns are strong components in her fashions. The designs reect the taste, mood ional.

the whimsy and originality found in her clothing designs. Shoes, jewelry, colors, whimsy and panache. The tattoos deserve special mention. They JULY 2009 EOS 43


are not the typical tattoo and many of them are visual extensions of an outt that they come with. Balut needed skins for her own use and tends to put picturesque makeup or tattoos on the faces and bodies. ALB NURISHA hair is new and, again, goes well with her creations. Because of the diversity of style approaches available to choose from, it is overwhelming to try to present them all. So, instead, we present a selection of gowns. Notice the owing, semi-transparent fabrics, stunning colors and the «romance» in each of them. Oh, and when you visit AnaLee Balut’s store, be sure to explore the sim (palace, grounds and club). It is as exotic as her clothing and a perfect setting for it.

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Gown one Gown ALB LOTTA honeydew Skin. [Rockberry] Megan A natural Hair, ALB FIRST HAIR Jewelry, ALB SANSI Shoes ALB LENA HEELS red Gown two Gown, ALB LU Skin, *AD* skin, Virgo-natural-dark Tattoo, ALB MATA TATOO sliver diamond Hair, Bewitched, Carter-natural black Jewelry, ALB SANSI Gown, ALB SUMMER set Skin, LionSkins-Suzana-sunkissed7 Hair, Bewitched, Carter-natural red Jewelry Earrings, ALB NINA neon Shoes, ALB AUDREY sling pumps

46 JULY 2009 EOS

orange, simple version Gown ALB ANNA Skin, Serenity dark (hair) (POE 2008) Hair, +Irollic+<Mew>black_st01 Earrings, ALB NINA neon Hand jewelry, ALB SANSI Gown ď€ ve Gown, ALB MATA Skin, Redgrave 01 Scarlet skin *natural Hair, DarkstarDesigns> ::Syd-blonde Jewelry, Twin Dragon crystal necklace Shoes, Lemania, Deep silver high heeled pump

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A day at the beach with Jhao Oh Photos by LBD Photography

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DETAILS INSIDE TRAVEL «Why stay at home when you might as well spend some time outdoors....»

People come to SL for a variety of reasons, but whatever your reasons, we all need to take some time and relax. In a place made up of islands, some provide more relaxation than others, and SL provides us with some incredible places to grab these precious moments. That’s right, the beach! I have found a few places that delight, and in this article I will try to spread a little sunshine on some of my favorite beaches. Some of these islands 50 JULY 2009 EOS

may be familiar to you, but if not they are beautiful creations and certainly worth the cost of the airfare to get here. I hope you enjoy the tips.

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A beautiful tropical paradise, created by Naiman Broome, the bay of Las Rocas beauty to think, to love, and to simply un-wind, this is a truly inspiring SIM. It h life on a desert island. Las Rocas is a magical place that will tug at your heartst I was delighted with the place, very well built, the textures of the palm trees ar paradise. I will show some photos taken by our talented photographs, Cat Bocc beach called Las Rocas. 52 JULY 2009 EOS

is a wonderful place, created for tourists of Second Life. A place of stunning has a few houses and shops with an incredible style, giving visitors a glimpse of trings and one you will want to visit again and again. re amazing, the waves, the landscapes are the very essence of a tropical caccio, so you can see and make your own conclusions about this incredible JULY 2009 EOS 53


Another beautiful paradise created by the incredible Naiman Broome. This islan mangroves and a large intact area of native vegetation, beautiful waterfalls, the SIM. The strip of sand is clean and spacious, ensuring a place in the sun, ideal dunes in the middle of the sea, Las Lagunas is the perfect place to escape from Incredible is the talent and vision of beauty of Naiman Broome, this SIM is incre 54 JULY 2009 EOS

nd, next to Las Rocas, reminds me of a resort. Natural pools, warm water, e extensive beach and beautiful views attract many people to this wonderful for rest and relaxation. Among the villages with houses of cob walls and m the rush of the city, walk barefoot in the sand and forget the problems of life. edible. JULY 2009 EOS 55


This is the last SIM visited for this article; it is an island that I wanted to disc time at NanoGunk, heck; I practically lived on that island. It has a beautiful s created all of the objects on NanoGunk and most are available for sale. So be you can do so in this glorious tropical setting. Once again Cat Boccaccio show 56 JULY 2009 EOS

close in this work. Before I was able to afford my own place, I spent a lot of star shape, a real tropical paradise of Second Life. Owner, Robin Lobo, has esides being a great place to relax if your leisure activities include shopping, ws beautiful images taken around the island. JULY 2009 EOS 57


THE LOOK BOOK Interview by Josef Roffo

SHOPPING on Second Life is about to undergo a revol shopping catalogue, has been launched. Essence of S chance to grill the designer on what will be the future

First to go public is the Look-Book V-Fashion edition, VictoriaV McMillan. The Look-Book can be rezzed or w to a designer’s catalogue with the option to browse, b high-lag stores for vendors to rezz. 60 JULY 2009 EOS

lution. The Look-Book, an innovative in-world Style was there to get a sneak-peek preview and a e of covenience buying and selling in the meta-verse.

packed with the must-have designs by Vasgez and worn as a hud, which gives the owner direct access buy direct or gift. Imagine, no more waiting in

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Wear the hud wherever, whenever you want, ick through the pages selecting items for purchase and then hit the «buy» button. Selecting Look-BooK allows a simple, comfortable and LAG Free method of shopping at home and absolutely any place you can shop online. With the Look-BooK , you can nd items with just one click in a split-second. The Look-Book is the brainchild of Vasgez McMillan, and has been developed in 62 JULY 2009 EOS

conjunction with help from his friends. The idea was sown in mid 2008, in response to the hassle of trying to keep satellite vendors at malls across SL updated.

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FEATURES Vasgez said, «We were always updating and the mall owners were rebuilding the sims. We’d start the rst satellite, work our way round, nish with the last and need to start at the beginning again,» explained Vasgez. «We were having to deal with different vendor systems and had no time to do what we wanted to do, which is create clothes.»

designer offerings.

Home shopping is conceived to reduce creator costs. No vendors or mall spaces needed, just one central facility. The orginal concept was to promote, sell and make available for free objects; ultimately, the Look-Book will go beyond

Linden dollars go direct from the buyer’s in-world account to the designer. If the shopper still wants to see the merchandise inworld before buying, landmarks to mainstores are only a button away in the Look-Book.

Vasgez continued, «Imagine, a designer releases new items. The sim is full. You can’t enter, you’re standing on the border and the parcel is full. Now you can shop at home. The customer doesn’t need to wait to get into the parcel, and they won’t miss a special or a freebie as a newsletter is included. Also, you can buy Vasgez hit on the idea of a gift from the Look-Book creating a book from which with a nice message to your it was possible to shop friend. You don’t need an direct, like a catalogue. account, you don’t have to For the shopper it means load a website, you don’t convenience and immediate need to leave SL.» updates, for the designer it removes the need to rely Currently, you can plan an on a market generated from entire wedding party from malls. the comfort of your SL sofa.

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Costs are covered by taking a percentage split on each transaction made through the Look-Book. Ten per cent from each sale goes to Look-BooK Virtual Home Shopping®.

«Although free to copy and pass on, account information will be retained for the avatar holding the LookBook and it’s auto-updating. It will be up to designers to make sure they get their books out «As more designers join the to their customers,» said system, we’ll reduce the Vasgez. rate to eight percent and then to six percent,» said Months of hard work, funVasgez. ding and testing have nally resulted in a product ready Designers and creators to go live. Several obstacles wanting to use the Lookthe project overcame involBook can purchase the ved the SL payment cycle, system for L$20,000. And, but the issues were resolthere is a 7-day trial period ved through consultation available. Customers can with Linden Labs. The last obtain a copy from the desi- glitch in the system, will gner’s store for free. The ensure each holder of Lookclient buys a server, the Book, no matter which desiend-user gets a Look-Book, gner, is instantly updated which is transfer and copia- upon opening. ble, so you can even hand them out to friends. Vasgez is naturally excited about his creation, and is Now, when Someone asks, condent SL shoppers will «Do you know a good place be equally as enthusiastic. to buy Men’s shoes? Simply «It’s our baby, I’m excited, hand them a copy of your I love it,» he said. « Now, I Look-Book! can shop for my wife while JULY 2009 EOS 65


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working buying her new items or lingerie without leaving my skybox -- and I’m always up to date.» Vasgez envisages every avatar having a set of LookBooks for their favorite designers in their inventories, with the ability to ick from one to another and buy without having to teleport anywhere. «We also love to shop at other designers and it’s easy to do just by switiching books. You can load the book with funds, gift an item, or pay directly, « said Vasgez. Customers can pay at a terminal, through the overhead HUD, or load the account with funds in advance. The next development will be the inclusion of a redelivery function (ideal for the dreaded lost inventory nightmares) and a transaction history just a click away in the hud interface. JULY 2009 EOS 67


All the terminals will be located on the V-Fashion sim, which a V-Fashion and pick up your copy of Look-Book V-Fashion, and tight-lipped on who current clients include, but needless to sa

Vasgez wishes to thank Doc Falworth , Goody, Dany81 McMah Alienbear Gupte, Sabine Joubert, Aradhana Voight, Moxie Pola Avedon , Barbie Cannned, Ironhand Dailey, Payton Heron and 68 JULY 2009 EOS

also houses the main showcase for Look-Book . Visit d have the whole of the mainstore in your hand. Vasgez was ay expect to see some big names in fashion involved.

hon, Balthier McMillan, Raven Pennyfeather , Ohren Beck, ano , Luriel Jewell, Lemania Indigo, Indyra Seigo, Liliya d Candy Starsider for all their help and hard work. JULY 2009 EOS 69


JC DESIGNS The secret behind the success of Babe & Eyeing Daligdig

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Interview by Savannah Ducatillon

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FEATURES some time to wander around the sims checking out the marvellous creations, and sipping on pineapple cocktails to get familiar with their designs and creations. It was easy to see that there is no shortage on creativity, motivation or imagination in these creators. In my exploration, I found everything you need for beach home, from the surf boards and accessories like camp ď€ res, tiki torches, and

Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with Babe & Eyeing Daligdig of JC Designs. Soon after the introduction, it was clear that the two were very close, always complimenting each other, often completing each other’s sentences and sometimes answering simultaneously. I later found out that they have known each other for eight years, and their store expands through 8 sims! Prior to the interview, Anje (my photographer for the day) & I took

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through built in sh tanks or waterfalls.

stepping stones, to the landscaping goodies, palm trees, owers, stepping stones as well as the necessities like the furniture, and home itself. The theme is primarily tropical and tiki homes, with the house sizes range from small huts to larger multi-level abodes with hot tubs, even a sauna - yes, a sauna in a tiki house! You can also purchase a tiki dog kennel! As I explored these endless sims, I found they also had other homes, in a very modern style, although the underlying theme always reverts back to tropical, whether it be

Babe was kind enough to teleport Anje & I to their gorgeous home, on their private sim. As we rezzed in, the lovely couple was standing there waiting to greet us. Eyeing was proudly wearing his tool belt. We exchanged pleasantries and Babe immediately invited us to sit on the patio set overlooking the lush landscaped estate. Such a gracious host! The interview was very relaxed, we quickly became friends and enjoyed many laughs together. I hope that it was as enjoyable for the Babe & Eyeing as it was for me. Q: Savannah Ducatillon: What brought you to Second Life, initially? A: Eyeing Daligdig: «well, we met in another chat 2D game where we used to play games etc, that was getting a little boring a lot of people from there were making the move to SL being 3D was new and exciting once here we started to see understand the economy and how it all worked, started building.» Q: Savannah Ducatillon: Was building something you dabbled in, or how did you get started with that? A: Babe Daligdig: Eyeing had come home, logged on to nd me building a table for our patio and he was like. «You know, you can sell that.» I’m like, nah so we started to build our home also and got interest from someone to sell them the house. So we did ...... and we thought ok that was kinda easy let’s try a shop. So we rented a 7k land and lled it up with our

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FEATURES products. One day we got a lady asking for a custom job - a full sim and she wanted a tiki hut. Eyeing was «yea sure we can do it» I’m like a tiki hut what that is?? lol so believe it or not we started tiki and tropical range from that day, doing the research on tropical woods designs, how they lived etc and we tried to bring that to life in SL. Q: Savannah Ducatillon: how is it working together? Babe Daligdig: Eyeing and I have a very unique relationship, we’ve known each for 8 years and everyday is like the rst day with him. We have a very heavy work load but we seem to shine thru the hard work at the end of the day. SL is demanding, we also do Ohanaland, a 130-sim estate along with JC and Blooming Solutions. I don’t think anyone could take the pressure we do and still stay sane. Eyeing Daligdig: I certainly couldn’t work the way we do with anyone else Q: Savannah Ducatillon: Where do the ideas for the furniture come from? Babe Daligdig: my inspiration is eyeing, our time together, tiki and tropical is you really look at it is all romance, warmth, re. Ideas pop in our heads I guess or driving in RL I see sumpin and think hmmm what if I made this and added this etc lol; we both have a building background in RL. I’m an Interior Designer, Eyeing is an Architect. Q: Savannah Ducatillon: I noticed very rich textures in the fabrics, do 76 JULY 2009 EOS

you do them yourself? A: Babe Daligdig: yes we make most of our textures or edit some we have bought off the net depends what we are building at the time; but we source the best textures we can Q: Savannah Ducatillon: now, I have to ask, why are you still using pose balls? Babe Daligdig: hmmm, I think just a habit, plus we think of «noobs» also buying our items; not everyone knows how to handle a menu or reset them - it’s easier to modify a prim then a scripted item. Q: Savannah Ducatillon: what does the future hold for JC Designs? Babe Daligdig: The sky is the limit - we hope to add a few more sims - the demand of landscaping is high for us Eyeing Daligdig: some new ranges, maybe

Babe Daligdig: yes a few more ranges coming in - nothing to do with building - we just opened a club at JC Designs sim, for people to come relax and feel the tropical feel. It’s called Club Ohana Q: How’s that going? Babe Daligdig: so far it’s been good it’s a week old Eyeing Daligdig: it’s been opened a week on Monday lol Q: Savannah Ducatillon: do you host events, and have DJ’s and that type of thing Babe Daligdig: one of our in house tenants runs it and DJ’s there Eyeing Daligdig: UncleSlappy Wylie is the DJ, he runs the club and events - very good dj’er Babe Daligdig: yes a lot of passion to what he does Q: Savannah Ducatillon: what genre of music does the club cater to?

Babe Daligdig: all sorts Eyeing Daligdig: everything - wide range of muic - from the slow romantic to alternative, dance music he runs event to suit themes Q: Savannah Ducatillon: now you mentioned that the demand for landscaping is high for you both, can you elaborate? Eyeing Daligdig: we have one sim dedicated to mostly landscaping/ plants/owers - everything you see here, is example of what we do, Babe Daligdig: I think the right landscaping set off a land and we have been doing up readymade props - easy for people to do it without us helping - sets you can rez out of a box, auto rezzer it’s just one click and your build is up - instead of going to JC and buying the rocks - buying the swing - plants etc - it’s already made up for you to display - and it’s full modify and copiable Eyeing Daligdig: place on your land, and it looks complete in itself Savannah Ducatillon: how much time do you spend working in SL compared with RL? Babe Daligdig: this is my RL job. I spend 12 hours a day here now; I use to spend 16 hrs. Savannah Ducatillon: and Eyeing? Eyeing Daligdig: I am here most nights and weekends - I have a job rw Babe Daligdig: eyeing he is here nights (5hrs) then weekends full time Savannah Ducatillon: and your RL spouses, or signicant others ... how do they react to all the time spent in SL?

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Babe Daligdig: I think they have adapted lol - we don’t put SL before RL - if our kids need us, they come rst; although some people in SL think we are not human at times and don’t have a RL. Eyeing Daligdig: do they have a choice? Lol Its all prioritised - we do and they do come rst above anything here - we love our clients we appreciate them more then they know - they make who we are and we are blessed to have their patience Savannah Ducatillon: Do you have any advice for someone who wants to start building? Eyeing Daligdig: invest a lot in Nurofen Babe Daligdig: the truth? Lol Nurofen is an Australian headache tablet. Savannah Ducatillon: What about tips, tricks, or tools? Babe Daligdig: follow your dreams hard..... Whatever you do don’t copy anyone work..Be original and build your business on a rock - there is no tools in building - it has to come within you - that’s your tool your passion - don’t start out to make money - it’s not about the lindens - it’s nice to have them - but the biggest reward, is the smile on your clients face - and you 78 JULY 2009 EOS

knowing you put that smile on their face Eyeing Daligdig: seriously, yes just practise and keep practising - put in the effort - it will be rewarding - we were all shit builders in the beginning. lol Savannah Ducatillon: is there ever a time when you can turn off the «SL brain» and just relax? Babe Daligdig: never - lol Eyeing Daligdig: no - lol - as a designer - wherever you are in RW (Real World), you always wonder if you could build or create that in SL Babe Daligdig: lol yes - be it a chair in a shop, or a vase. It’s like hmm wonder if I can nd that texture or make it lol - it’s on going. Savannah Ducatillon: have you ever met each other in RL? It’s ok if you don’t want to answer that, I am just nosey. Babe Daligdig: lol - No we haven’t Savannah Ducatillon: any plans to? Babe Daligdig: who knows what tomorrow brings :) Savannah Ducatillon: Is there anything you’d like our readers to know about you that I haven’t covered? Babe Daligdig: we love bringing dreams alive if they don’t see it we’ll try to make it for them. If they see a build there and want modication we are happy to help

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anytime - basically JC is there for the people not for us. Savannah Ducatillon: Not many designers are like that today. Babe Daligdig: All of our builds are modify - 90% of the designers leave them no modify - we believe everyone is different and want different needs in a build - be it a pillow texture - or a pose ball position lol - which are all easy to change Savannah Ducatillon: I have read proles that clearly state «Do not message me any time for any reason», and it’s so refreshing, and such a pleasure to meet 2 designers that still believe in true customer service. Babe Daligdig: our customers make us - we are the for them anytime - be it a small job or a big job - no job is to small - we take pride 80 JULY 2009 EOS

in customer service Eyeing Daligdig: without customers, you ain’t got nothing Babe Daligdig: I’ll tell you a story after eyeing is done Eyeing Daligdig: I nd it funny, how some people in SL seem to think they are above people. They are obnoxious and I cannot imagine if that was their attitude in RW they wouldn’t be in business - I don’t know how they continue in here, or why customers put up with it. Babe Daligdig: in November I was holding a surprise party for Eyeing and I didn’t have the time to make everything - I bought balloons off one lady - and im’d her to please make me another colour if possible - she imd me back with «this is all we have» - I’m like ok but can you please make me this colour I’m happy to pay - she’s like who you JULY 2009 EOS 81


think you are - I was like ummm ok no worries - ill try to make them myself lol - was only then i realised how bad sl had gotten in customer service - I was totally shocked - if my client imd me - id tint them and send it free - and thank them for their custom - I had bought like 20 sets off her that night but anyways just shows you how important it is to treat your customer with kindliness - and appreciate their custom Eyeing Daligdig: big effort to tint a prim lol Savannah Ducatillon: would you show us your favourite, or one of your most favourite builds and tell us why it’s so special Babe Daligdig: you’re in it now, lol the Destiny Home - its homey - it’s hard to pin point a fav Eyeing Daligdig: my favourite would be the Tropical Lovers Paradise Babe Daligdig: I mean every build 82 JULY 2009 EOS

is our baby Savannah Ducatillon: Where do you get your poses from? Babe Daligdig: all over SL. We sometimes take some apart- and mix and match. lol Savannah Ducatillon: You’ve been in SL a long time, what are your favourite advancements? Babe Daligdig: to me I think a translator - a good one - has been helpful Eyeing Daligdig: sculpture prims has been good Babe Daligdig: voice is good - when

it works lol Eyeing Daligdig: yes voice - you can get a better understanding of clients needs - it’s sometimes clearer than written words Babe Daligdig: the way to set land Babe Daligdig: I think the most powerful and handiest tool in SL is a good translator lol Savannah Ducatillon: how have you survived being on of SL’s power couples, all this time? Babe Daligdig: We don’t see ourselves that way to be honest - so I guess being level headed and being us. Eyeing Daligdig: We are just us. lol Savannah Ducatillon: which is? Babe Daligdig: Down to earth, easy going Aussie. lol - Money doesn’t make who you are, everyone is equal. Eyeing Daligdig: just us having fun - enjoying the challenges Babe Daligdig: give me a tent to live in I’ll be happy as long as I have Eyeing. Savannah Ducatillon: I’d like to thank you very much for taking the time to sit with us today, it’s truly been a delight. Babe Daligdig: it’s been a pleasure ladies, thank you for joining us today :)

Eyeing Daligdig: yw anytime - if you ever need anything just give us a yell. Be sure to visit JC Designs, for all your exterior decorating needs. Words are not enough to describe the contents of these expansive sims. The prices are reasonable; the builds are fun, and functional. The blinds in the houses are extraordinary; so many different homes with different features, that I couldn’t possibly describe them all to my satisfaction. Set aside some time, and explore these sims. I can assure you, you will nd something that you can’t live without! Thank you again to Babe & Eyeing for meeting with us!

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Stef Vilotta: Painting the Canvas of the Naked Avatar Interview by Darkstar Gothly

Essence of Style sits down with the «Leonardo da Vinci of Avatars,» Stef Vilo shops. But if you are expecting a little shop with a few reworked patterns, do some of SL’s most unique designs since 2007. And the new DeeTaleZ «shop» for both women, and men.

The individual shops are arranged by genre, not gender, so there are men’s a special someone, and be close enough to ask each other’s opinions on speci the shops have a mix of both men’s and women’s designs, or even many unis rooms for privacy while you try on your new clothes or adjust the size-scripte 86 JULY 2009 EOS

otta, owner and head designer of DeeTaleZ©, one of SL’s newest on’t; DeeTaleZ occupies an entire sim! Stef Vilotta has been creating » is actually an entire city block lled with a range of specialty shops

and women’s designs in most shops. It’s fun because you can shop with your c items. There can be some segregation, like men’s upstairs, but most of sex items like in the Accessories Store. The clothing stores do have dressing ed prims. JULY 2009 EOS 87


The main «landing spot» at DeeTaleZ plunks you down outside the Body Shop where you’ll nd the basic underlying canvas upon which this artist’s masterworks are created. The body shop is full of a variety of men’s and women’s skins, shapes, eyes, and even unique «smilers,» some with braces for those of us born onto Orientation Island with crooked teeth. A quick look at the street signs pointing you to the various shops and you quickly get the sense that you have found a destination to adorn your avatar. For the past couple of years Stef’s designs were sold under the FreeSoul brand, known for its urban/ hip-hop vibe, but in May, Stef closed FreeSoul to launch DeeTaleZ - Digital Avatar Artistry. When asked about the name change, Stef replied quickly, it was a logical move as she sought to create a real-world company, «to better protect our creations,» she needed 88 JULY 2009 EOS

a name that she could trademark, and so, with the suggestion of a friend, the DeeTaleZ label and company were born. As a patron of Stef’s former shop, stepping into the «Outts Shop» was a familiar experience. The racks were lled with fun, funky and wonderfully unique urban styles, but a quick look also told me that Stef, has not yet reached her creative apogee. There is a range of styles and designs from signature baggy «camo» pants to sleek and sophisticated business and evening wear. Drawn into the open spacious shop, I found some fabulous ensembles (including clothes, shoes, and accessories in a single package) that will be adorning my avatar for some time to come. Perhaps one shop in DeeTaleZ that seems to be getting a lot of attention by the fashion cognoscenti in SL is the shoe shop. Stef has always had a great shoe department; styles that went beyond the 5-inch stiletto heels we all seem to

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FEATURES have. You’ll nd stilettos, but you’ll also nd great basketball shoes, ats, wedges and sandals. And the latest buzz? She just introduced «sculpted toe» versions of many of them! The new «sculpties» have menu-driven skin & toenail colorchange and resize, with RGB customization capability for the perfect color matching and customization. The name DeeTaleZ is an appropriate one for this label, because there is great attention to the details in every creation, but they also sell all of the details that go into enabling anyone to «paint» their individual vision of who and what their avatar is. Stef is the head designer, and the creator of nearly everything you nd at DeeTaleZ, (which is staggering, when you see not only the quantity, but the quality in everything she sells) but she does have some help. Ines Craft and Maerok Westland are the tattoo artist and jewelry designers, respectively. I spoke with both to try and glean some insights into not just their individual contributions (see sidebar), but into the entire DeeTaleZ brand.

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How can a label that created such great urban / hip-hop / street-wear create such elegant and sophisticated designs too? In short Ines and Maerok both responded in the same way, Stef! and a close culture among the various designers and staff members associated with DeeTaleZ. I heard things like «we’re a family,» and at least in the case of the sim builder and head

of customer service, Dark Hennesy, that is about as close to true as there is. Dark is Stef’s RL boyfriend and an integral part of the DeeTaleZ business operations. DeeTaleZ wasn’t even opened the rst time I visited and was a beehive of activity with buildings going up, new designs being created and the myriad of things that go into opening a store the size and scope of DeeTaleZ, but underlying that hard-working, serious business ethic was a lot of happy people, laughing, smiling and having fun. Stef is so prolic, and her designs are both inspired and of the very highest quality, I had to ask how she ever developed not just so many skills, but so many great skills. Her reply was, as she has always been, gracious and a bit humble for one so talented: «Thank you for the compliments :). I started creating clothes back in 2007. Skins, eyes and shapes followed in the summer of 2008. I don’t create any complete hairstyles right now, just made a few caps and hats that come with some hair. I never had any teacher or course, I have taught myself with a lot of patience, and lots of tutorials and practice.» Asked where this digital artist nds her inspiration (and her tireless work ethic), Stef replied, «Most of them just come out of my head, but many customers leave suggestions which I often follow too. Of course you might nd similar styles of my creations in RL but I’m not trying to mimic a certain one. There are some different ways to go....

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FEATURES impressions from RL, meaning getting inspired by the styles of RL Avatars (there are plenty around in the real world you know :p ), surng the Web, suggestions, or just spontaneous inspirations.» I asked Stef about the DeeTaleZ tagline «Digital Avatar Artistry.» It seems a tting description for what this amazing digital artist creates in SL. «Well for us it means exactly what it says - to create Artistry for Second Life Avatars. We are trying to convey to people that, for us, designing clothing, skins, or whatever, is not just painting on pixels, it’s a labor of love, an artistic expression, and one that allows people to express their artistic style in SL. It’s more like a da Vinci. :D» As many content creators in SL know, it’s not without its troubles and aggravations. Asked about her least favorite thing about designing in SL, Stef was quick to respond that content theft thru the use of copybots is disturbing and one reason for the creation of a realworld company to help protect her hard work. Stef describes her artistry as «maybe not perfect, but denitely high quality, there is a piece of me in everything we sell.» Her advice to aspiring digital artists? «Be patient - don’t let others fool with your vision, your artistry - and to Hell with the haters and thieves! Just always stay true to yourself.» Sage advice from one of SL’s most astounding designers, Stef has remained true to herself, and true 92 JULY 2009 EOS

to her vision, and in the process created an unique brand, style and fashion sense that is painted across the canvas of thousands of oncenaked avatars.

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FEATURES Q: When did you start designing in SL? Ines Craft: Well I started in August, I worked on an island as staff, helping beginner players, but I wanted to do something more. So I started to use Photoshop, watch tutorials, talked to friends who gave me some hints, and tried to learn how to create in SL. That was how I started. Maerok Westland: Well I’m not really sure about ‘designing’. I started creating things the day I got here (nearly 18 months now), but it was really simple prim stuff at rst. Then I decided I wanted to try and sell something and started with eyes. Jewelry only came recently after I couldn’t nd anything nice in SL for men, so I decided to make some of my own. Q: What are the inspirations for your creations? IC: Second Life is the inspiration. In SL we can be nekos, vampires, anything we want, with lots of different styles. I nd the whole environment around SL to be inspiring. And of course always trying to create designs that work in a variety of the lifestyles I see in SL. MW: Honestly sometimes I’m not sure; things just pop into my head, usually just something small. Seeing something unusual in SL or RL can trigger it, but a lot of the time I have no idea where it comes from. Then I sit and play with prims and try to make it come to life. Sometimes it does, sometimes not.

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10 Ques with DeeTaleZ codesigners Ines Craft & Maerok Westland.



Please describe you style?

IC: I have my own style, something maybe half grunge, half neko. I’ll change things a lot from one design to the next but the essence is always the same. My tattoos describe what I feel, what I like, and what I think others might like too. MW: I’m not really sure I have a style. I have an afnity for detail and am compulsive about symmetry, a lot of the time I nd it takes over but I’m always trying to escape, from the symmetry at least. What I really love though is creating things that SL hasn’t already seen. I guess would describe my creations as innovative. Q: Do you make other creations in SL besides those you make for DeeTaleZ? IC: At the moment I am learning the art of building, sculpting, that stuff, but most of my time here inworld is dedicated to my work as the DeeTaleZ tattoo artist. MW: I love everything about creating in SL. I am pretty good with texturing building, sculpties and scripting, and love using all of them! I created a range of teeth for DeeTaleZ that are in the body shop, but my other stuff includes a diverse range of stuff, eyes, sculptures, weapons, vehicles, buildings, and lots of childish toys :) Q: When did you start working with Dark & Stef?

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FEATURES Q: What attracted you to DeeTaleZ? Where you a customer before you started working with DeeTaleZ? IC: The variety of the styles that we nd in the store and the quality of the work everyone does. And yes, I was a big customer before I started working with them. MW: Dark and Stef attracted me to DeeTaleZ. They are good friends to me; I know they always will be. Truth is I didn’t really wear clothes before Dark insisted I stop walking around their sim half naked with no shoes. I was always so busy creating stuff that I never really paid much attention to my avatar. I am pleased to say though that I have been DeeTaleZ-styled and am very happy with how I look now, and I even wear shoes... IC: I have been working with the Dark and Stef since October, and it has been a great pleasure working with them and with everyone involved. It’s like a big family. MW: I’m not sure honestly, Dark asked me if I wanted to work with them a while back. I was attered because I admire what they have managed to achieve, so of course I jumped at the chance, At this point Maerok IM’s Dark Hennesy to conrm his start date, and this is the answer he receives: [14:01] Maerok Westland: when did I start working with you? [14:01] Dark Hennesy: you didn’t work yet 96 JULY 2009 EOS

Q: Anything in your RL background that you’d like to tell us that has inuenced your designs in SL? IC: In real life I am a painter in my leisure time; I love art and music and I think that has a positive inuence my work in SL. MW: I sculpt and photograph in RL, and a lot of elements move both ways, although lately I nd most of my creative stuff starts in SL. Q: Any new things coming out you could tell us about? IC: Secrecy is the soul of business

(laughs). You’ll just have to come and see for yourself what I make next.. :)

ful team that is DeeTaleZ. Live one day at a time and be happy!! Kisses :)

MW: I have a number of things I’m working on, but likely to hit rst is a range of ‘charm’ jewelry. The rst item available will be a charm bracelet; a bracelet, which you can wear simply on its own, or buy separate charms to customize it. There will be numerous charms available and you will be able to attach or detach them from anywhere around the bracelet, so you can create your own unique piece.

MW: Critique is always welcome! I want to hear good and bad, if you have something you think will help me to create better, more beautiful things let me know (and suggestions for new stuff is always welcome)!

Q: Of the things you’ve created is there anything in particular of which you are especially proud?

Oh yes, and come and buy lots of stunning jewelry (and lots of other beautiful things) at DeeTaleZ :)). Thanks for your time Ines and Maerok, this has been enlightening and fun.

IC: I am proud of all my work, but the «Wood Eye» is my favorite. Go check it out ^^ . MW: I’m proud every time I see someone wearing something I have made. If we are talking about jewelry, then I love the encrusted ball range at DeeTaleZ, its really simple but beautiful. My proudest creation though is a room I made for a design competition that transports an avatar from a peaceful beach house into a mesmerizing universe. Q: Anything else you think Essence readers should know about you? Anything you’d like to tell us? IC: I think that humility is the path to success and is something that I am proud to have. I’m excited to continue working with the wonder-

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Styling tips by Jhao Oh

Fashion has always represented particular cultures and lifestyles. It has similarly represented a «counter-culture.» Perhaps going all the way back to the days of apper-girls and «speakeasies» of the roaring 20’s, a fashion counter culture has always existed and evolved. In the 80’s with the advent of rap and hip-hop music, that fashion counter culture became «urban.» Since then each generation is adding to, and evolving, a new style in the development of urban fashion. The «urban» styles of today are inuencing much of the fashion world. Many of the «urban» styles have originated in, been dened by, 98 JULY 2009 EOS

and associated with specic genres of music, such as rap, hip-hop, grunge, metal, thrash, punk, etc. But those on the cutting edge, devoid of some «genre» afnity, are blending some of the old, with their own visions, attitudes and interpretations. The counter-culture of yesterday is nding its way into mainstream fashion. While the female silhouette joined the ever-lowering waist, it has, in recent fashions, been rescued by a higher and many would say more attering waist. Similarly, we have seen men’s waists follow this same slippery slide, perhaps lowered too much, over the years (a discussion of that trend I leave to you)? To participate in today’s urban fashion trends requires some essential elements such as hooded sweatshirts, hats in neutral colors like black, gray, brown. Baggy jeans ranging between blue and gray, shirts with logos or graphics especially in heavy camouage fabric, leather or other styles typical of the summer. Choosing types of clothes for some can be an easy task. But, do you know how to match the colors?? JULY 2009 EOS 99

DRESSER MEN’S STYLE Often what we see on the streets isn’t a hit, because many men have no idea of how to mix and match color. They could dress better, if they knew how to handle colors. We share some tips on how to mix and match your colors so when you hit the streets in your urban gear you are dressed to impress. But how to combine the colors in a look when you wear urban fashion? * Season: In winter, choose lighter colors such as blue and white, and of course the basic black and gray of winter. Stay away from yellow and red colors. In spring you can choose colors more intense. * Use the color wheel ( colortheory.html): opposites attract, and nothing is more certain then when we are talking about colors. Check which colors are opposite on the wheel and combine, for example white with black and purple with green, etc. * What colors to use: Pay attention to what is what is popular on the streets. For those who want to always be in fashion, look at fashion magazines and the combinations show and remember contrasting colors are always great choices. * Skin tone, eye colors, your «coloring» as the ladies say, is always an important consideration in the clothing colors you choose.

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Must Haves Tempest Hennesy share’s her Top 10 «Must have» for all working models in SL

Every working class model in SL needs to be prepared and ready to confront any situation with style and class.This does not mean acquiring every single outt on the grid; It simply means making sure you, as a model are equiped with tools to make your runway experience pleasant, fun and most of all, a success.

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Huddles Quickpose & Animator A tool every aspiring model needs ESSENCIALS

1. A kick @ss support network of friends 2. A good, photorealistic skin (mine are L 3. AnaLu Presets for Windlight (gets rid o great for pictures) 4. An Inventory Box Organizer by ThinC

A good photorealistic set of eyes (Mine are Styles, Redgrave & KMADesigns)

Bare by Stiletto Moody Sold at the Stiletto Moody main boutique inworld

Zhao II is perfect for all AO Available at any animations store inworld

Mysti-Tool Can be purchased inworld or

and associates LAQ and Redgrave) of the need for a constant facelight, SLink bare feet Can be purchased inworld JULY 2009 EOS 103

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