Essence of Style Magazine January Issue 7

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JAN 2010



UK Couture Island, the fabulous multi element store with a decidedly London feel By Bliss Windlow DEETALEZ


Steffi Villota, Dark Hennesy and team still rawking the grid! Exclusive interview By Bliss Windlow MODEL ICON


Miaa Rebane - The new MVW 2010 shares her experience with EOS reporter. By Agatha Klees THE LINE UP


EOS sits with owner of CCD, Caithling Carter in an interview. By Brinks Lemmon






T.I takes us on a trip around the grid with her top 5 selections for January Details Inside POWER COUPLE


An insight into Takeshi Kiama and Tempest Hennesy’s new enterprise, T&T Designs & Consulting. By Agatha Klees SYRIANA PAINE


She is HOT with a SEXY voice. DJing in SL since 2007 Mlle S.P still knows how to shake the grid. Interview by Tyra Islay Sex & Relationships Healthy girlie tips


Style card - Tyranny A little bit of punk attitude



fits and skin by DeeTaLeZ

REDACTION EOS Magazine HQ Aredor 121, 56, 27 mail: PUBLISHER Ohren Beck PA to the Editor: Agatha Klees MARKETING MARKETING Mrohs Baxton PR & PRESS Tyra Islay ART DIRECTION AND COPY Ohren Beck CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Bliss Windlow, Agatha Klees, Devon Chaffe, Brinks Lemmon, Tyra Islay CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Cherie Parker, Agatha Klees, Bryson Caplini, Bliss Windlow, Tyra Islay ADVERTISEMENT For Ad space placements or enquiries contact Commercial Director Luthia Carter Ad Space Booking Ohren Beck


SUBSCRIBE TO THE EOS GROUP VIA ANY OF OUR KIOSK INWORLD Essence of Style is monthly read by INXX Publications in SL. Printed by Ohren Beck using the Intellibook system. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited.

EDITO 16 JAN 2010

New year new stride...


« hy fear the future? After all, it’s happening day by day...» This phrase filled with good meaning was not pronounced by any president. No, it was simply written on a sticker at my bakers shop. But after new year’s eve, he removed the sticker; i guess he got scared... but then, there is no need to be. Indeed, the year is starting off with rather troubling events, mainly at Haiti, my prayer and thoughts goes out to those who are directly affected by this tragedy. But if you are reading this page it means you just got a copy of EOS 2010 and getting ready to unwind to some entertaining news. UVogue Top models sublimated by DeeTaLeZ creations in an exclusive review, insight into the couture house of the much talked about UK Couture, and that is not all; this year for the launch of the new EOS Website we invite you to participate in the upcoming contest and win the whole Fall Collection outfits from INXX Fashion! You will assist in our upcoming fashion show as VIP and can afterwards mingle with known haute couture designers and elites of the SL Fashion industry. Participating is easy: simply join the EOS Magazine update group! If after all of this you are not having a good new year start, then you need to visit my baker’s shop! Ohren Beck Editor in Chief/Publisher


Where the strongest opinion counts for everything...

Morgana Hilra???....

What da...


After 3 years of intensive usage and a crazy workaholic lifestyle in Second Life, i still somehow end up being surprised whenever odd events takes place, or when i see how some of us react to certain problems. There is always something new, always something wrong, simply because some of us tend to forget this is SL, not RL. Personally i stick to one of my favorite slogans; ‘RL is already a bitch, why drag it into SL’. I admit 2009 was a rather crazy year for me in both worlds. Desperately trying to recover healthwise after the surgery i went through in june was not an easy task on it’s own, but having to log into SL only to confront more problems including rantings was an aweful thing to live through. Rantings in the style of: From M.H: ... after you messed up uvoque agency... (thats UVogue) Reason: Loving her photographic skills i called on her as photographer for a photo session that was rather important. For some reason

i still ignore it all went wrong after the photo session since the photographer accused me of not having informed her on details concerning the photo session (I wonder why i sent out a notecard with details to models + photographer in the first place..). She was convocated for a meeting, but sent her partners instead, partners who totally ignored the details of the assignment/ contract i arranged with her. So imagine the rest. Result: Did not get the pictures finally and had to get someone else to do the job. Not happy at all! From S.A:... I’m glad you are no longer CEO of uvogue (Rolls eyes) Reason: Being a part of the UVogue Fashion & Modeling Agency team, she was entitled to a weekly salary, as stipulated in the contract she signed and sent back to ??? (a contract i never received, not until august 2009, a month + after she joined the house). I’m no ‘rabajoie’ so i only started to pay her when i finally received her contract. The above statement was issued when i first decided to hand over the agency, since my original intention was keeping the Uvogue story and legend alive. Result: More drama and a non chalant attitude towards the issue from my succesor, and finaly, closure of Uvogue until further notice. From A.: ... i heard you don’t pay your staff Reason: I honestly have no idea. This IM came out of the blues just a few minutes after i sent out a general group notice to the BOSL group announcing my latest creations at JAN 2010 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | 17


Where the strongest opinion counts for everything...

INXX. Result: Question back: ‘Do you pay yours?’ At this point, the only thing left to do is just laugh, as in ROFL. I mean, what’s the fuss with some people about UVogue? I keep getting remarks of that sort when someone automatically thinks i’m being a pain in the neck, but they also seem to forget one thing; I do what I want, when I want, and how I want, especially when it concerns my business activities or creations. I worked my fingers to the bones to get anywhere near productivity over the past years, sacrificed part of my RL, had sleepless nights to the point of being unreasonable; just to make sure i kept my business on track in SL, and most of all, honor contracts with clients. This is my fun when i log in SL and it’s not purely about making L$$$, it’s also about being creative. Having to hear silly insinuations like this one makes me wonder what all the stress is for on the long run.

a healthy SL lifestyle and mega fun will for everyone, content creator or not. I won’t pretend to be the perfect virtual example «purely rational», on the contrary, I’m known to be mostly on fire, especially when i feel someone in my entourage is doing me wrong. I say things as they are, not to please the ears.

UVogue (former Instyle) was my pride and joy. I had a great team even if 10% of them turned out to be phoneys. I will never look down on them or insult them even if i parted on bad terms with that 10%, cause they did thier best. In other words, if you don’t know what you’re talking about, put a tape over those lips of yours and watch the grid evolve without you in it. If you have problems keeping your anger in check, go punch on RL punching bags, or grab a gun from breech and shoot test dummies on your parcel, or even better, create a new item, place it for sale and send the cash you earn to any charity organisation in SL or RL. If you think your life is a nightmare In Ms. M.H’s case, i did not get and you opte for the «rant and rage any bit of what the bitching was all my anger on others in SL», stop about, since she is mostly known on a moment and think of the most the grid for being emotionally uns- recent tragic event that happened table and neurotic. Be mad at me, a few days ago in Haiti... cause yes, but don’t say .bs when you that is a perfect example of pain have no idea what you are talking and despair. Please say a prayer about. RL illness is no excuse to for those who lost thier lives in this come into SL and throw your anger tragedy. or fraustration on your entourage or friends or worse, clients. But then, it all comes down to the bottom line... If you have to bitch, I believe SL is a place for people at least have some dignity and do it to meet, have fun, be creative, do in style; get your facts right beforebusiness and also realise/create hand because not only will you be fantasies. Keeping it real will assure considered “irrational”, but stupid 18 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

too. A lot of us in here are weary of the drama, jealousy and anger; it’s a new year, so people, make the best of it, otherwise just shut up and dance or listen to The Ohio’s “ Love Rollercoaster”! Ohren Beck Full article on this issue and link to Morgana Hilra’s flickr page can be visited by simply clicking the web tab beside this page to open the weblink.





Streets of London


Corbantis Priestman shares her background history with EOS Interview & Photography by Bliss Windlow JAN 2010 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | 21


DESIGNER DESIGNER SPOTLIGHT SPOTLIGHT in her designs and her store. With limited time to spend on SL, she makes the most of it and often finds it convenient to photograph herself for store displays and advertising although she does sometimes use models from her -UK- Couture Update Group. Entry to this group is free & simple. Touch the sign in the reception of her store to join! I found the designs at -UK- Couture to be interesting. There is no fuss in any of them really, no big drama. The designs are uncomplicated, clean silhouettes with just hints of bad girl, feminine, street, tomboy … I wondered how closely the clothes reflected


orbantis Priestman is the designer and owner of -UK - Couture Island, a fabulous multi element store with a decidedly London feel. The moment you walk in the store you know it is about all things British. It is no big surprise when you consider that she is a graduate from the London College of Fashion. Corbantis decided to join SL after a few of her friends told her about what a wonderful, creative environment it was. She credits her RL background with giving her a strong foundation to run a successful business. She had no difficulty jumping into fashion here and has loved every minute of it, as evidently, her talent garnered her immediate respect and acceptance among the fashion elite. There is little drama concerning this talented lady. Like many of the designers here, she focuses on her work with a dedication that shows 22 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

UK Couture main store Corbantis herself. She wasn’t giving anything away when she stated that she puts everything into her work so she is sure the real her, is reflected somewhere. Unlike some of the designers who state they begin the process of creating new designs in the real world and then translate that into digital, Corbantis has mastered the digital world. «I design strictly for the virtual world. My design process includes the parameters of what’s possible both in the system itself

Hair: Swept Soil Outfit: Faithless Couture Boots: Zipper Couture Black




Male Model: Jude Highfield Female Model: Bliss Windlow Bliss: Boots - Nam Couture Pants - McCouture Belt - Faithlesss Couture Jacket - Dalmon Couture Jude: Sweater - Reign Couture Pants - Massimo Couture Photo location: Hyde Park Community 24 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010



DESIGNER DESIGNER SPOTLIGHT SPOTLIGHT and my own ability.Âť Corbantis has also branched out beyond clothes into other venues, supporting friends in their efforts. Modesta Heying has done a number of the poses for sale in the store and Corbantis has tried her hand at them as well. Movement of clothing is something she considers in her designs which shows in the final product. There is a lot of attention to the details that matter, and certainly disappearing belts and jutting hemlines are

something all of us have struggled with and dislike.

Model: Jude Highfield Taken at: Hyde Park Wearing: Raw Couture, OMFG Jeans


In addition to poses, -UK- Couture offers some fantastic skins and shapes. I asked Corbantis about which of her skins were her favourites and why? She clearly claimed Megana II, her new series of Full Avatars available in her store (Skin, Shape, Hair, Boots, Full outfit & Accessories for just L$1337) as her finest skin work to date. I agree. They are really




great. One complaint levelled against the designs at UK Couture has been that they are too boring and safe comments that Corbantis dismisses saying, «Is that what some of my critics say? lol Everyone is entitled to an opinion but frankly, I ignore broad sweeping negative statements like that! I do however value and welcome specific constructive criticism :).» Like most designers she is wanting to grow and develop her talents and is open to input from customers. She is classy and maintains a positive attitude. She did state, «Sometimes it’s the simplest things that are the most dramatically beautiful.» I think that is a fair summation of her eye for design. Corbantis sees every aspect of creating in Second Life as a positive challenge and she is inspired to enjoy her work everyday. Translated for us it means lots of new ventures and new designs. She admits to having tonnes planned for -UK- Couture in 2010! Her one note to Linden Labs? It is the cry of most designers …. flexi sculpties!!! It only makes sense. By Bliss Windlow EOS Journalist


Hair: Swept Soil Outfit: Faithless Couture Boots - Zipper Couture Black




Not withstanding the name change from FreeSoul to DeeTaLeZ, Steffi and her team of designers are still rawking the grid like they never did. EOS takes you on an inside trip into the busy life of Steffi Villota and her partner in crime, Dark Hennesy.

UVogue Top Model: Poptart Lilliehook 32 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010


Interview by Bliss Windlow Cover page photo by Cherie Parker Review photography by Bryson Capallini & Bliss Windlow JAN 2010 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | 33



Dark Hennesy and Steffi Villota from DeeTaleZ are busy, busy people and I was grateful they were able to find a little time for me in their holiday schedules. Steffi used to work under the label of FreeSoul and worked on the same sim as her talented sister from Initmatably Design. I asked her if it was tough making that move away from such a strong connection, but she assured me the natural growth of the stores simply necessitate d a need for more space, and the timing of meeting Dark fit in beautifully. She and her sister are still each other’s biggest supporters and very close. Meeting Dark was easy, they shared the same friends and with that in common, they were probably destined to find one another. They talk of one another in terms of «Soulmates» and we, the lucky fashion hungry of SL, are grateful to benefit from their union. They are obviously partners both in and out of the store they share, both in and out of SL. You have to appreciate the connection they must 34 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

UVogue model: Gamp Lane




UVogue model: Salvo Waydelich 36 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

share when you realize they are together in every meaningful way. The fact they can work so closely speaks of something much deeper than just the usual partnership.

They both came to SL without any expectations, just a healthy curiosity driven by a report on a German TV show. They met in 2007 in SL, and got together in RL, a year later. Obviously Second Life has I really found their honesty and had a pretty significant impact on candor refreshing. Dark laughs that both their lives. They are private the credit for the décor of the store people, working hard when they goes totally to Steffi. His role was are on SL and saving their personal limited to one of bewliderment as lives for those that know and love he watched her efforts with the atti- them most … like a delightful puppy tude of «wtf is she doing there?» Simon, whose pic is the one persowhile they were building, but in the nal touch you have access to in the end he is very proud. The store research. looks nothing like the city it used to be. There are many interesting They stand firmly behind their and unique touches like the unexdesigns and the pricing. No apopected old fashion movie reels that logies are offered to critics who greet you in some of the rooms that charge that they ask too much. are filled with up to date and trendy Quality is what they offer. I think, clothes. It works somehow, and it in fairness, people have come to seems to flow. The store itself is expect the high prices for the big big and spacious and allows you to fancy gowns and are shocked to really enjoy and look at each item see higher amounts requested for without becoming frustrated with «regular wear.» If you really look camera angles and movement. This at their designs you will see that was done by someone who really the shoes are usually included in understands the medium in which the pricing and they are not just they are working. a quick matched shoe thrown in … they are quality shoes. While Their mannequins are bald, I found at the photo shoot for this article it quite amusing and captivating, the photographer could not wait to somehow appropriate. It made me head down to the store once she feel like they were inviting me to was done shooting, to pick up a wear the clothes and make them pair. The shoes are great. In addimine instead of presenting some tion to regularly priced items, there predisposed idea of what fashion is a huge area in the store for subsshould be about. I laughed when tantially reduced items - including Dark told me they made the move skins. These are not just a few because it helped reduce the lag lesser made items thrown around to from many heavy primmed and appease customers, it is all quality. scripted hairs. (I immediately took off my own hair and hid it in my The store contains just about evepurse …lol) rything an avatar might need to look fabulous, men and women’s. JAN 2010 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | 37



UVogue model: Tiffany Dragonash


Both models completely styled up with DeeTaLeZ gears...

UVogue model: Salvo Waydelich




UVogue model: Vera Canning 40 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

UVogue model: Gamp Lane



EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW I noted they had some of the «damaged skins» and inquired about the recent controversy that these skins glorified abused women. Both designers were quick to state they felt, to the contrary, these skins spoke to a woman’s strength … « look....i fought...i survived...and I’m still here.» Steffi freely admits it is easier to design for women, to come up with new ideas and even to try and set new trends. Still her men’s line is fresh and exciting and worth a good

look. Of all the things she designs Steffi is most proud of her skins, particularly April because it took so much of her time to create. The New Year will see them doing what they do in SL - designing great clothes, and in RL … a new house. I am waiting for my party invite to help them with the housewarming!! BW UVogue model: Tiffany Dragonash 42 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

UVogue International Premier models: Gamp Lane Salvo Waydelich Vera Canning Tiffany Dragonash




Outfits can be purchased at the main store or via the DeeTaLeZ Look Book inworld!

UVogue model: Gamp Lane


UVogue model: Salvo Waydelich





Review & photography by Agatha Klees Photography retouch by Bliss Windlow 48 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

ne I was surprised when I read her resume, jeeze! She has a long resume but she isn’t a year old avatar yet, impressive. “I am a quick learner” Miaa told me, no doubt! The first thing I noticed about this lady was her eyes. They express tranquility and serenity, and maybe a little of shyness and insecurity about her best attributes. That’s why I decided try to delve more deeply into Miaa in this interview. Of course, I started with the most obvious questions: about the MVW contest. She told me she picked Puerto Rico as the country she will represent for two reasons “Puerto Rico has had many RL international beauty pageant winners in the past and secondly Puerto Rico is a beautiful country made up of diverse cultures much like US. It was formed by immigrants from countries like Spain, Africa, France, etc. I myself am an American Indian so choosing Puerto Rico made lot of sense to me”. She says JAN 2010 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | 49



Puerto Ricans are friendly and approachable, like her, and yes, when I chatted with her she always was open and was responsive to me. During the contest she was very focused and planned every detail, “I often put too much thought and time into getting that right look. I am working on that problem “she says as if it was one of her defects, but that helped her to win. Also she asked for help from a lot of top designers and the former Miss Virtual World 2009, Mimmi Boa and some other top models. I wonder what they told her… Damn! I had to ask that! She didn’t keep only with the guidance she was given. She also put in a lot of dedication, consistency, and perseverance. The contest was 4 months of hard work, or “hardcore boot camp” as Miaa described the process. But she endured it and was firmly taking steps to get to the next challenge, because the fashion industry moves her and is her motivation “If I take fashion out of SL, I would probably quit it in a minute. It is the only thing that really keeps me going in this world”, she is very determined. Her enjoyment of fashion is expressed in her flickr page and blog. “My style is chic, 50 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010




young, and simplistic... It is like a beautiful canvas where all the different shapes and colors should strike a balance and have harmony. That’s fashion to me”. She takes time trying to define what she wants to express and she shows that in her photography “The idea, look, location, feel, pose, all that gives a picture it’s true character.” Another thing that got my attention was her adoration of Coco Chanel, you can see in her words a quote from Coco. “Coco Chanel is the epitome of style and timeless fashion. Her observations on the world of couture still hold true, they still hold relevance. Her creations were elegant and yet so very simple. Each and every quote by Coco Chanel is a fashion mantra. My fav quote by her is: The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. A loud.” If I can compare Miaa with Chanel I can see that both are perfectionists and with fashion as their only goal. I can say Chanel was helped a lot by men to show her talent, Can I say Miaa is helped by her partner (a very well known poses creator) to look spectacular in the pictures? Maybe… Now Miaa is feeling relaxed after all the craziness. “Honestly, I feel just the same 52 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

as I did before I entered the contest”, but she is working to create an agenda for next year, she is working on a project that will take the rest of December to complete. Let me tell you… I wasn’t so wrong about what I thought about her when I saw her in the final. I saw shyness and I was right, she still feels this achievement isn’t all about her “this is a contest of content creators...and of someone who puts it all together well. It’s in a way a test of creativity. I didn’t create this skin or outfit. I am just good at putting it all together and I did it very well”. She isn’t totally convinced of her skills and she was little embarrassed when I asked If I can take a picture standing next to her… A.K







Designer and owner of CCD, Caithlin Carter is not only known as one of SL’s most convoited jewelry designer,but is also mostly known for her famous CCD Prim Nails Interview by Brinks Lemon Article image provided by Caithlin Carter JAN 2010 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | 57



Classy, glamour, exclusive... these words describe the feel of CCD Jewelries or prim nails on one’s skin. Her passion reflects in each of her creations, making them stand out beautifuly in any room. In an exclusive interview with our reporter, Caithlin tells us about her creations, her inspirations, her lifestyle. 58 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

How did you first discover second life? A friend of mine told me about Second Life. My curiousity made join this community. SL appeared to be a community with endless possibilities. Why did you become a SL designer? Since the moment Caithlin came into Second Life, I started to explore how to build things; especially things which use tiny prims. I was making all kind of accessories for my own avatar so, when I started to receive compliments about my designs, I gave it a shot and started with CCD. I made multiple collections during the months before that and it was a real advantage to start with a variety of designs. When did you open your first store? I opened my store on the 1st of January 2008. Was there any big inspiration that made you want to become a SL designer? It wasn’t a goal at all. I tried to be self supporting at first. From the moment people started to ask where I purchased that jewelry, it crossed my mind to start my own jewellery shop. Do you have a design background in RL? Creativity has always been a part of me. But I don’t design in real life.




Do you have a business partner for your store? I don’t have a business partner. But I have great team that is working with me. I am a very lucky lady with the support I receive from them. What motivates you to keep creating new items for your store? I’m not sure there is a specific thing that motivates me. Out of nowhere ideas are popping up, and I get the urge feeling to create them inworld. And the challenge and the enthousiasm are the trigger why I continue creating. Do you consider your designing in second life a passion or more of a hobby? A true passion. Second Life is giving me the opportunity to give expression of my creativity. It’s more than a hobby for me. I can truely miss it during holidays. I feel really connected to the things I do in Second Life and the people I have around me. What type of items do you enjoy creating the most for your store and why? There isn’t one item I like to create the most. What I enjoy the most is the challenge. Creating is a challenge. I can be really excited if I created a new nail with really tiny nail art on them. The subtileness, the tinyness, the perfection, that probably nobody can see, but even that can excite me, 60 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

because I know it’s there, I know I succeeded on my challenge. Any piece of art is worth enjoying. Your store sells Necklaces, Bracelets, Rings, Earrings, Prim Nails, Eyelashes, Belly Piercings and even Braces! When you first opened your store did you sell all of this or did you start off with selling one product? If so what was that product? My first products were: Jewelry sets. I really disliked that I had to combine jewelry myself. There are so many different styles, different colours, different gems, different sizes, etc. Back then I felt lost combining different jewels from different designers. I preferred to get a set that matches the other jewels. That is why I started designing jewelry sets first. Unfortunately I can’t tell which item I created first. Before I started CCD I created approximately 10 jewelry sets. I don’t know for surewhich one was the first too be honest, my guess: Christina, a silver prim feather necklace and earrings. Some of the products in your store are made from some amazing sculpties, do you make those sculpties yourself? Thank you! Yes, over time I created more and more of my own sculpties. These days I try to create and design with exclusive sculpties you only find in CCD.

Earings: Halley Set Nails: Exclusive custom




The textures that are on your products at your store are really amazing, do you create those yourself? Yes, actually it’s quite the same as my previous answer. I think I improved myself and my creations over time. I learned a lot in these 2 years. My knowledge has grown, I learned more techniques. And I’m happy to say that I do create my own textures these days. Your Jewellery designs in my opinion are some of those most classy and elegant pieces I have seen in SL, do you design the pieces yourself? Yes absolutely. I get inspired my so many things and by so many people in real life and second life. I guess I’m creating in second life what I can’t afford in real life LOL. If anything you are known around the grid for your immaculate prim nails because of the shear quality. How long does it take to make one set of prim nails? Oh that’s a difficult question, honestly I don’t exactly meassure how long a design took me. Some of the most complicated designs I finished in a short period of time, instead one of the most simple looking designs took me ages. The appearance of the jewel can’t really tell you how many time I spent on creating that one. But a set of prim nails takes me around the 15 till 30 hours. But it all depends again on the complexity of the : 62 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

Emily Set


Agnes Neckla

nes earings


Emily Set - Bracelet


nail art; nail texture; the ring; script features.

Do you wear your own items from your store? Yes I do. I never leave my office without wearing prim nails, my hand animation hud to make sure my nails are always attached to my fingers and I often wear jewelry. Since my new «reflective jewels» I enjoy wearing accessories much more. It became realistic in my opinion. And I guess that’s what we all try to achieve with our skins, our sculpted clothing, our prim lashes, our bare feet shoes, etc. What is your favourite item that you have created? Oh this is such a difficult question, I really can’t choose. I try to achieve a lot of variety in my jewels, nails and accessories. Hopefully they all fit a specific occasion, purpose or style. Most have creations do have an elegant touch, some chunky, some delicate, some formal, some casual, some sophisticated, some outrageous. My best answser is the jewel or accessory that fits the occassion :) If you could describe your store in one word, what would that word be? «Home» the place where I find comfort, rest, company, inspiration, challenge, excitement and where you can find me all the time. Interview by Brinks Lemmon




Discovery Take a walk on the wild side...

Review & Photography by T.Islay Studio


TOP 5 DESTINATIONS Out here in the virtual jungle, it’s not always about shopping and clubbing, but it is also about discovery! EOS is starting off the year with a top 5 list of «Must See» sim locations.




Tall sky scrapers, alien lights in sur natura is most definately the sim to visit. Owned kind. The lush environment coupled with fashion mall occupies part of the sim feat Couture, Tres Beau, INXX and more. My f the heart of the sim, this under water ruin boards at the landing point makes it easy

Rating: Matured Location: Ciudad de Mexico 66, 112, 150 68 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

Ciudad de


al displays, uptempo music streaming throughout the sim, Ciudad de Mexico d by Thalia Heckrothn & Co, this CCS Combat Urban Roleplay sim is a one of a the futuristic look makes one feel immediately at ease and welcomed. A luxury tures designers like Nardcotix, !RFyre, D&D Furnitures, Jake Jewelries, Bliss favorite location is the Aztecas Ruins, it bears it’s name well. Located beneath n holds many hidden spots to discover. The tactful idea of placing teleport y for residents to visit different locations easily without walking too far.

0 JAN 2010 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | 69




...listen to the sounds

Once Africa touches your heart it stays with you forever! Surnamed Africa’s Ede the African nature and wildlife. Unlike most sims, Africa has some pretty fine re and parrots to lions, this high traffic sim has different entertainment areas arou Hot Air Balloon Tour. Music streaming in direct with Bongo Radio live from South chill sessions is at rendez-vous. Weather you want to explore, watch the sunset your destination. Rating: Matured Location: Africa 188, 117, 26


en, this sim captures the very essence of ealistic details. From giraffes to hyenas und, the closest being the famous Africa h Africa, magical, adventure, and long t or dance under the African stars, this is




Perfect for lovers or just to hang out and r Quests, art, beauty and hiding places! Disc paths, sun rays filtering through giant tree the souns of birds makes this sim the idea scripts and bushes in the main store locate Rating: Matured Location: Chakryn 154, 86, 45 72 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010


relax alone, this Secluded romantic forest covers an entire sim. cover nature in all it’s splendor as you walk through the winding es with hidden holes in them. The relaxing music coupled with al spot to unwind. You can also purchase Lowell creations trees, ed inside one of the giant trees, running through it’s roots.




The Nameless


Dreams and memories in pixels

There are days one does not feel up to replying IMs or running around the grid, alone and one with the body and soul. This sim represents the perfect theory of 4th destination is a sim called The Nameless Isle. Upon arrival, one is hit by wa making one feel totally at ease. Created by Baron Grayson, the long beach with a single cosy spot, a fireplace with a couple pose ball for those who prefers to t the black mountains covered with green forests and soft hues of colors and ligh tings, The Relic is the only retail, filled with furniture sets and other items to br visit. For lovers of virtual art, the Nameless isle is your destination. Location: The Nameless Isle 21, 229, 21 Rating: Matured 74 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

, or days when one just feels like being f Dreams and memories in pixels. Our aves of ambiant sounds from a distance, h smooth ocean waves and sounds has take thier time exploring. Not forgetting ht beams. Other than the romantic setrowse through or purchase during your




The Great Walls of China

Lovers of Asian art and lifestyle, we specially dedicate this one to you. In the pr Ohrikawa Japanese village. For your pleasure we have been searching the grid a China! Upon arrival on Mao Island, you find yourself in one of the guard building Hosoi’s creations. There are vendors for traditional Asian clothing, buildings, an on thispage you can see part of the Great Wall, seen from the bridge leading fro including its guard houses, was built originally as a commission from an RL frien Second Life. This sim not only tells it’s story, it also reveals a culture and lifesty LM: Mao (83,172,72) 76 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010


revious issue of EOS we discovered the and we discovered The Great Walls of g that houses a major part of Amiryu nd the Great Wall itself. From the pictures om the landing point. The entire wall nd, one that now graces the sim, Mao in yle.





Designs & Consulting

Takeshi Kiama


Tempest Hennesy

An explosively exciting couple, Ms and Mr Kiama decided put more spice in their lives. They started a new venture to express their eye for fashion and their years of experience in the industry. Interview by Agatha Klees Photos provided by T&T




Tempest and Takeshi… T&T… TnT… oh my god, TNT! I get the image of the coyote trying to catch the roadrunner with some TNT or dynamite. Are Tempest and Takeshi like the coyote and the roadrunner? I doubt it, but I’m sure they are like dynamite together, explosive and dynamic. Both are VIPs of the fashion industry in SL who have had long careers working in “la moda”. They are owners of the Atlantis Modeling Agency (AMA) and now they decided to create a new business, and that is my principal focus for this interview. T&T Designs and Consulting is the newest brand of male shapes and was the result of a funny story which Takeshi told to me: “Actually it came about 82 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

T&T Male shapes New releases JAN 2010 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | 83



when I logged on one day and Temp had made this hot male avatar. I made her stay in him the rest of the day. Then I asked her to modify my shape a bit. There were a few things that were bugging me. I told her what I felt, not so much longer torso or smaller nose. It was more personal, more about how I am and how I live. She just nailed it. LOL. So I said she should do more male shapes. Next thing I know I logon one day and she’s made like four of them”. I can see in that story how the encouragement of people can drive you into a creative process that can conclude with a new venture, an adventure. T&T is also a consulting brand because they help you to get the look you want. “To help them find the tools they need so their avatar truly reflects their personality, while still looking as realistic as possible” said Takeshi. Tempest adds “we’ve had the opportunity to make and remake shapes for people, as well as take our own shapes from where we were to where we are now. We felt it would be nice to be able to simply expand on that and make something that people can buy for themselves”. I went to take a look to their store and I was looking at the 84 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010





shapes they have there, I was amazed by the number of different kinds they have there. Takeshi explained that very well “I really wanted to do shapes and styles that reflected all types of male personalities. From rugged and masculine to the fine line of androgeny. There’s all types of guys out there. There’s no reason they should be limited to a certain look or feel.” But that is not all, they are very concerned about creating shapes with harmony, “we try to take real proportions into the equation; everything from head size to arm length” says Tempest, and she also says “We are of the philosophy that, compared to the standard building, Second Life metrics are a bit off, these shapes may appear exceedingly tall but when, for example, compared to the door frame of the average prefab home, they are perfectly ‘normal’ and we set out to show that it is possible to be beautiful and look ‘real’.” Going deeper into the T&T formula, the explosive one, it is a great mix of the creative mind of Takeshi and the feet on ground of Tempest, that creates different points of view and perspectives. They complement each other in how they work and how they

T&T Designs & Consulting HQ

make time for themselves as a couple. The key? Good communication. Tempest remarked on that very emphatically. Finally, they didn’t want to tell me what are their plans for the future “Plenty more. Some we can talk about, some we’ll keep under our hats” Tempest told me, when I tried to push for information… I hate it when I don’t know the premiers!! I will keep my eyes wide open to see what will come next from this couple. Location: Aredor Photography by Agatha Klees






«I actually take more of my inspiration from real life designers like Vivienne Westwood and Dolce & Gabbana I just think that their designs are crazy and unique and I find them inspiring.»... Kirsha Ivanova 90 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

Interview by Brinks Lemmon JAN 2010 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | 91


IN THE SPOTLIGHT brother was on the computer and he called me over and he wanted to show me something.. That something turned out to be second life and after that day I have been addicted ever since! 2.) Why did you become a SL designer? In real life I really love fashion and I’m a shopaholic and god gave me the skill to draw so I started studying graphic design and I told myself « why not create something here? «

In this issue we wanted to present you guys with a up and coming designer. This designer describes her store as « Urban, Chic, Sexy and Funky « The designer goes by Krisha Ivanova in Second life and her wonderful store is named « Dollita « If any of you girls out there are going out on a shopping trip you should check out Dollita, you won’t be disappointed! Krisha is also coming out with a brand new Men’s like so all you men can get your shopping fix from this french power house! Her store consists of hand bags, jeans, leggins, shirts, dresses, sunglasses & jewellery. She is always creating new items for her store so you should check back every week or so as there will probably be some new goodies! Her store is located at Trouble men ( 203, 202, 21 ) which she shares with her brothers and their stores. If you guys get a chance to check out Dollita you should do so because you surely won’t regret it! 1.) How did you discover second life? I was at my apartment and my 92 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

3.) When did you open your first store and were was it? I opened my first store about one year ago at the Sorgo City sim, it was very small and I had about two items

inside for sale. Now my mainstore is at the Trouble Men sim which I share with my brothers and their stores. 4.) Was there any big inspiration that made you want to become a SL designer? I actually take more of my inspiration from real life designers like Vivienne Westwood and Dolce & Gabbana I just think that their designs are crazy and unique and I find them inspiring. I try to




make different styles in SL because I don’t like sticking with one style. 5.) What motivates you to keep creating new items for your store? When my customers IM me and they tell me that they like what I have created or when I see bloggers posting my stuff on their blogs and of course because I love to design and create :) 6.) Do you consider your designing in Second Life a passion or more of a hobby? Well my real life is very busy to consider my designing in second life a passion but it is a very good hobby. When I have an idea in my head I like to create it in second life so I can see if people like it. 7.) Do you wear your own items from your store? Sometimes I happen to wear my stuff but I like to mix it with clothes from other stores aswell. It’s like real life, it’s very rare you will wear an entire outfit from H&M! 8.) What is your favourite item from your store and why? If I had to pick one item from my store as my favourite I think I would pick my « Initials BB Bag « I would pick this because a very good friend of mine inspired me to make it and was nagging me for months to create it! - Brinks Lemmon


Location: Trouble men 203, 202, 21




Miss Virtual World 20 Miss Virtual World final. A report about the hugest event of the year end


010 Review by Agatha Klees JAN 2010 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | 97



I must to admit I wasn’t planning to assist the MVW 2010. A laggy sim, difficulties sitting and grey people all the time. I thought the best thing was not to go at all and just wait for the Metaverse TV coverage and the magazine reviews. I got millions of group chats 1 hour before the show (11 am) requesting the landmark and I was so relaxed because I wasn’t going to be there. But… 10:20am: 40 minutes before the start of the event my boss IMed me: “hun, I have RL now and I can’t go to MVW, can you please go to represent the brand?”… jeeze!! 40 minutes to go! And I had to get dressed and reduce my avatar render cost or I could be banned! 10:30am: ready to go! Ok, where is the landmark… «Unable to complete your teleport request, please try again later» what!! Oh no, not now… «Unable to complete your teleport request, please try again later»… pfff!! 10:50am: «Unable to complete your teleport request, please try again later» ggrrrr 11:10am: I made it!!! I landed at the VIP sim, and like I thought it was laggy and full of people with an eternal rezzing time. I stood there without moving to try to see anything and I saw my name appear in the public chat. It was a friend of mine so I started to chat with her and when some stuff rezzed I saw myself standing on her head! Oh my god, I had to apologize, she must have spent hours at the hair dresser and I ruined it. The Patch Thibaud Auditorium is a huge place at the intersection of 4 sims, that helps to reduce the lag 98 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

and prevents it from filling up. I have attended other shows there, but I have never seen so many people as on that day. Finding a seat was impossible, so I just clicked on any place and I ended up sitting on someone’s legs, no one complained however and I apologized to he/she because at that point I still wasn’t all rezzed. Thankfully, the show didn’t start at 10am as planned, because I needed more time to rezz. I had rezzed almost all of the VIP sim people; I started to see more of them, but the stage… nothing! I could see just a beautiful sky with clouds, no stage, no sim rezzed. I got anxious at that point. The music started and with it the show. I could only listen to the stream and I was wanting to see the girls at the stage, and I hated to hear from the presenters about how gorgeous the girl in the spotlight’s outfit was. I thought it would be good try to move to another sim, I wanted to go to the sponsors one, but the lag was so insane I could not even stand up. Someone recommended that I log out and log back in. I was afraid to do it, but I did it anyway, because the stage was still invisible to me. When finally I got logged back in, the show was quiet. I saw in the public chat Frolic Mills saying that they have technical issues (well, that must be! The stage is invisible!) Finally the show started again and continued. I must say the stage didn’t show up and the last part had begun: the gown outfit. Thank goodness I could move out of sim, the sponsors one was less laggy and the scenery was showing for




me. I could see beautiful creations and I just fell in love with some of the dresses. I noticed the time was already passed 4PM! Oh my god! The girls were in the final round on stage. Frolic Mills entered the scene and Mimmi Boa, Miss Virtual World 2009 came too. The final was over. They started saying the names of the 5 finalists: 4th Miss United Kingdom Ella Quinsette; 3th Miss Switzerland Sabine Blackburn; 2nd Miss Bahamas Divine Hunt; 1st Miss China Sora Tatham. And Miaa Rebane was crowned the New Miss Virtual World 2010.

Frolic Mills BOSL | BOULEVARD CEO I looked at the time it was past 5PM and the biggest event of the year was ending. Frolic was shouting to people encouraging them to go to the party after the event‌ My feet were sore, so go to dance wasn’t a good idea for me. I was extremely happy that I had seen the final, the stage was gorgeous and the models too. The Auditorium was full of people and they still stayed there, like they want to keep the excitement alive forever. ~~ Agatha Klees 100 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010




She has been Djing since 2007! Syriana Paine loves bringing a smile to people’s faces, lightening their mood, and enriching their SL experience through her music style and sexy voice. Our reporter finally got the occasion to meet this talented lady in an exclusive interview.


SYRIANA Paine Interview by Tyra Islay



GROOVESTAR Job, what are the criterias you mostly look out for?

If it’s for a club, the first thing I want to know is the management team, then who the staff are. It’s important to me to be an asset to the system already in place. I don’t look to change the places I work, rather to fit in to a well oiled process. If it’s for a private party or event, I like to find out about what exactly is going on, and get a feel for the personality of the person I’ll be hired by. Anyone can You’ve been DJing regularly in Second Life for 3 years. How did step in and play ‘music’, I’d like to give them a whole experience that you go about working a solid reputation as a popular DJ, and will leave them happy with their choice in the end. keeping that title till date? I really give of myself when I DJ. I strive to stay engaged, play whatever requests are made, and really try to get to know the people I am entertaining. I don’t see it as just a job, it’s a way to share and experience some good positive energy. Your passion for music RL plays a major role in your career as a DJ. How do you create your musical playlist for your sets, knowing people’s music taste varies? Honestly, I rarely create an entire playlist for any set. I do alot of it on the fly, depending on the people and the energy of the room. To me a set playlist would be no different than switching on a radio for a few hours, and that is not at all how I’d ever want to be seen. When determining if to accept a 106 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

As a live DJ in SL, what standards or obligations do you impose when djing? I don’t play at places that require split tips or taking any sort of percentage. I put alot of effort into what I do. That said, I’m very good about tipping the support staff present at my sets and the venue. I am very big on supporting those that actually work and not just stand around playing gestures every now and then or hop on a pole and simply press animate, expecting to make lindens. I am «allergic» to DJ Booths. I much prefer to be out on the floor ‘with’ the crowd, not in some segregated off place from them. You are known as one of the DJ’s that knows how to keep her crowd captivated. How do you go about keeping people on thier feet and «In Tune»?




I strive to keep up with the local chat and interact with each person as the session goes on. I also, when I speak on the mic, will make comments directly relative. I’m careful to pay attention to song names mentioned, even if it’s just coincidence in a phrase and will often find a way to mix that in my set. Also, if I notice the energy going in a different direction, I will adapt my music to fit that, unless it seems to be negative, then I’ll redirect it into something more positive. Negative energy is a waste, I have no time for it, so I endeavor to keep it as positive as possible. Over the past months in SL we’ve seen aspiring DJ’s come and go. What is your advice to those wishing to become real DJs? Give of yourself, dont just ‘play music’. Anyone can do that. Take the time to really get to know your crowds. Think about what it is you want to do, where you want to take them, while you have their attention. If you walk in thinking, ‘Oh I can just set up a music list and nothing else, and this will be GREAT’, you are sadly mistaken. Don’t ask for tips. If people like what you’re doing, they will do that on their own. No one likes to be told to tip. Also, if you’re only in it for the money, that will become very evident, and again you will fail. People come out to have fun, make it that way for them. Ask for and play their requests. It gives a personal sense to their night, and they appreciate that. Appreciation 108 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

can come in many different forms, be grateful for them all, not just the lindens form. Behind every artist, there are fans! How do you relate with your fans gridwide? Many of mine are also on my friends list. I have two DJ groups that I maintain as well. I will say the best place I work for currently, I speak to and hang out with the staff on a regular basis outside the club. Again, it’s about making people feel important, but genuinely, not in a fake sense. I truly appreciate my ‘fans’ if that’s what you want to call them. To me, they are an integral part of my life, be it First or Second. I don’t look at them as ‘avatars’ in a game. They are real people, with real stresses and issues, just like anyone in my first life. You have been spotted at various fashion shows the past months. What do you think about the current SL Fashion Industry and it s progression? I’m always amazed by the continued advances in technology and creativity here in SL. Fashion is a big part of any life, so it’s important to keep up on what is current and out there. It’s also an area I’d like to expand more into, via narration and/or music abience during a show. I’ve had a little experience with it, but would definitely love to have more. Just a Chinese Portrait to give our readers an insight into your

zen self: - If you were a book? The Secret - by Amanda Byrne - If you were an animal? A Tigress, Warm and fuzzy, fiercely protective and loyal. - If you were a flower? A Stargazer Lilly, vibrantly colored and full of life, but delicate. A last word to fans and readers on the grid? We are Succeeders, it is what we were born to do.... the choice is yours to make, do you succeed negatively or positively? My hope is your answer is positively. T.Islay







Sex and Relationship 112 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010


Keeping a relationship going in SL is never an easy task. It is easy to fall « In love» and « Out » of love when compatibility becomes a major issue between two people. Most of the time the only solution seems to be a clean breakup, but then not every one is capable of accepting it when it comes from « her ». I guess this is where the « Male Ego » takes a bitter pill! Most couples stay in a Relationship even when it is obvious the love is dead and buried simply because they are afraid of hurting the other. The only question there is this: Is the pain worth it? This month i decided to share some girlie tips with you, because in all honesty, no one deserves to be sad, or alone! How can i dump him without being a bitch? As much as you are tempted to cut him out of your life so you can move on to the next dude… try to be a little bit sensitive about it before you place him on the shelve JAN 2010 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | 113



and run off find someone new:

Don’t wait for Karma catch up with you... first

- Use the old cliché, ‘Baby it’s not you that’s the problem, it’s me…’ Forget personal reasons. Blaming yourself will make him feel better and get it over more quickly. -Try to be as honest as possible without letting him know it’s something physical or an emotional problem with him. For instance: - ‘I care about you too much to lead you on.’ - or ‘You’re a great guy, but I’m not sure it’s a long-term thing.’ - or ‘It just does not feel right.’ - Do not give him false hopes that you might change your mind make a clean break and be clear with your message. If after this he still insists on continuing a relationship with you, it is probable obvious he’s a lover of pain. No one will hold you responsible if you decide to ignore his Ims and emails. The easiest way is to say you have to travel - next week - to sort out a family issue. One thing though, you’ll have to lay low and stay away from your usual haunts in SL for a while.

According to dating statistics in SL, fewer than half of first dates will lead to a second date. So here are some tips on how to get him to IM afterwards. Don’t - brag about your sexual conquests - talk about your problems, especially your ex-boyfriend! - have sex - save that Xcite gear until you’ve figured out if he’s Worth it or a waste of time.

Do If you are really feeling desperate to the point of being cruel, just stop - be a good listener and be interesreplying his Ims or mute him. It will ted in him slowly and painfully but smoothly - Try to leave some intrigue with sink in. little gests and words - relax and don’t pin all your hopes Help, he hasn’t replied my on it working out Ims…. 114 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

you’re only really having to lie to one of them. And the one who ‘know’ will feel you’d really like to be with him but… - Protect your secret: Don’t tell mates you cannot trust, they’ll be so jealous they’ll be ready to do just about anything to blow your cover and tell on you. Finally got caught? Want to keep your bf?

- avoid getting pissed aloneRL, you might just loose track during your conversation. If you have to, invite him to fix a drink since you do not want to drink alone *winks* Dating two men at once? Girl that is really risky business, but hey, the key is busyness - blame it on work, pressure from demanding clients, RL trips, but let them think you’re hardly ever free and they won’t expect you always to be available, leaving you free to see the other guy. This way you won’t be telling lies to both.

- If you want to keep going: brazen it out, never ever admit it and if you do break down and say it was only the once. - Say it made you realise how Lucky you are to have him in your SL life - he wasn’t half as nice or good in bed… Had enough of double lust? - If you eventually end up really feeling the effects of such a hectic love life, admit it, be situable apologetic and let him dump you. Super-selfish survival tip: Continue seeing your friends even when you fall in lust! You’ll need them to pick up the pièces when it all ends in tears. T.Islay

-Be fair: don’tv declare undying love to them, use the ‘I just want to have fun and not get heavy’ line. - Let one in on the secret - usually the one who came last. That way JAN 2010 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | 115




woman has to trade in wings, it should be for boots with beautifully detailed cut leather, gathered and draped in the front, laced up the back, high heels, and buckles and silver chains caught at the ankle.

The Skin Emo Sad by Tyranny Designs lends itself to bold statements. Whether you side with the damaged skin controversy with those who accuse these types of skins as depicting violence or with those to insist they celebrate strength, the fact is the skins make a statement. Whenever we throw back the covers and look at an issue - it is progress.

Her heart has not been compromised and she honours it with a greyed top embellished with gold … a plunging neckline of flowers. This beautiful detailed top is only part of an entire dress from Katrina Kreations. Malt supplies the Vintage necklace and earrings, speaking again of a depth beyond the here and now, the physical, the known. The contradiction of this beautifully detailed set edging a face bruised and stained, hair chopped and angled … is exquisite.

Her black tights celebrate her form, her body.... refusing to hide the fact she is all woman. Simple, functional, they are meant to serve as a link to all the other components, Emo Sad was my palette for this allowing the eye to travel to showlook. Her tears are dried but not case pieces like the coat ... like the hidden, her bruises visible. She will boots …. not be silenced. I chose a male hair from Exodi because I like the And finally the jacket … a toss angled irregularity of this style and between old and new, chic and the covering of the one eye .... shabby. This beautifully done suggesting we do not fully know piece by Manis Lane of Mix&Match everything about her, perhaps some sits on the outfit framing it with hidden darkness within …perhaps the indifference of the fashionable vulnerability … Without knowing conscious. Open, with a fantasyou will have to be more open… tic gold ribboned flower expolding on its lapel you do not know if she Her lashes are completely feminine is hot,cold, or fashionable. Evewith traces of feathers, all that is rything is unknown, contradicted, left of her wings, because now she and yet flows together to create walks firmly planted on the ground a look, a statement … and that is on her own two feet, shown here what fashion is all about. with Tania Boots by Diram. If a JAN 2010 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | 119



SKIN: Tyranny Designs - Emo Sad HAIR: Exile - Adam LASHES: Chaisuki : Lashes 25 TOP: Katrina Kreations - Gray short flexi dress TIGHTS: Mix&Match - leggings black COAT: Mix&Match - Earthtone boho BOOTS: DIRAM - TANIA Boots JEWELLERY: MALT - Vintage Necklace POSES: Akeyo LOCATION: Period 120 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010




ORDO AB CHAO Devon’s tips for a healthy inventory





«Ordo ab chao» is a latin expression to express «order from chaos” and that’s the tip that Devon wants to gives to men to keep the inventory organized. Men usually don’t care about this, but what happens when is time to change the hair or try to find that hat that match with your shoes? Scrabble in your inventory to find the item you want would be a pain. And when you are doing it, you find stuff you forgot you had it. So guys, is time to clean and organize! ------------------------Just a few days after you were born, you find your inventory a complete mess. You collect freebies everywhere you go and your Object folder grows fast. Soon it’s impossible to find out anything. Some are lucky to find a guardian angel that will help him with all the mysteries to arrange an inventory: creating new folders, opening 2nd inventory window, how to use filters. If you were not so lucky, learning by yourself is the only way, a hard way by the way. First you create 124 | ESSENCE OF STYLE | JAN 2010

folders using CREATE menu, and they appear under My Inventory, usually not close to the place you wanted it. Then you try to move your items into the new folder and you discover how dumb this interface is. Folders open and collapse before you can drop something in them and the items go who knows where. Second Life interface isn’t intuitive, that’s the only hic you discover fast. After a lot of try and error you learn all the basic tricks, and you’re now able to keep your inventory in a certain order, but … sometimes the rhythm of acquisition is so fast that is impossible to keep a minimum organization – Sales, hunts, spree fevers. The last weeks of the year are a good example of what I’m talking about. So many gifts from your favorite shops, greeting cards from friends, tones of note cards from every place in the grid, and your inventory is again a chaos. Season holidays ends and there is a lot of decoration items to take back, in the hope they can be useful

again someday. But where can you store all those things? If at least you could pack them, or even hide them all under the carpet. Trunks, wardrobe, or luggage: Any object you own and have modifiable permissions can be used to store those items you don’t want anymore, but would like to keep a back-up. There are some inventory organizer boxes in the market containing smart scripts to help you to arrange your items, but you can make your own organizer. All you need is a prim, and place your objects into its CONTENT tab. Even whole folders can be dragged into it. Give it a name; add a note card listing what is inside the box and pictures of the items (not mandatory, but very helpful when you’re looking for a specific item) and it’s done! Taxonomy is the practice and science of classification. Basically it’s arranging a huge amount of

things in a hierarchical and logical structure. Of course there isn’t a single magical formula to classify your inventory. Different criteria can be used to do it, but the most important is that it uses the same logic all the time. And more preferably that it is your own logic, which is the only guarantee you will find what you want later. No matter if by type, creator, or color; spend a time studying the structure you will apply to sort your inventory before starting. Starting your new year’s cleaning doesn’t sound really joyful, but the benefits you will harvest later worth the sacrifice. And after it’s all sorted, maintenance is simple. You’re already used to your system, you know where each stuff belongs, and you won’t want to start it all again in 2011. Will you? Happy 2010, Devon Chaffe


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