Fy16 Q3 progress highlights on GICG

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FY16 Q3 Progress on the Gender Internal Change Goal

February 2015

FY16 Q3 Progress on

Highlights from FY16 Q3

The Gender Internal Change Goal Key Themes of the GICG

Theme 1 Appropriate planning and MEL to facilitate learning and strategic decision making including increased rigor in research

Theme 2

Higher bar for partners on women’s leadership including strengthened capacity that ultimately protect women’s rights

Theme 3

Investment in staff capacity for gender analysis and gender integration

“Integrating and highlighting gender in all our work” is the clearly stated commitment in the OASP to advance the gender justice agenda. This update provides key organizational, programmatic, and policy and campaigning highlights on quarterly progress against the OA Gender Internal Change Goal (GICG). The previous update of FY16 Q2 can be found here. are speaking up and are more documentaries on women’s involved in decision-making. success stories on projects Appropriate implemented by Oxfam across In our GROW work in HARO, planning and MEL to the country. the Gender Disaggregated facilitate learning Agricultural Expenditure and strategic incident analysis research report is finalized and the team decision making is currently networking with including increased relevant stakeholders on the The Fueling investment Team rigor in research implementation of the key policy plans to release a major recommendations. research report with the Beyond providing grants to 4 Institute for Women’s Policy In Q3, efforts were put around partners for their gender work Research analyzing the impact research and evaluation of the on poultry, the USRO team and on women and working families gender agenda. USRO research fellow began a given the growth of the womenresearch project on the gender An external evaluation dominated low wage impacts of poultry processing, conducted in 2015 found that occupations in the US. Oxfam, including literature review and Haiti’s programs in the IWPR, and allies will work to interviews with partners and key Artibonite Valley significantly publicize the report over earned experts. The final product to be strengthened women’s and social media with a DC (likely completed in Q4. leadership and socio-economic Capitol Hill) launch event, roles. Various trainings, on highlighting the relevance with As part of the WARO Gender topics including SRI, credit the continuing Presidential race. Action Learning initiative and management, and gender In EARO, the SEMIL-SRI-LMB other gender-related improved women’s skills and project seeks to commission interventions, a consultant has confidence. At the organizational regional research on how been identified to start video and community levels, women macroeconomic growth has


FY16 Q3 Progress on the Gender Internal Change Goal significant implication to smallholder farmers, women farmers and landless producer (and women in particular) in the Lower Mekong Basin countries looking at the impact of key macroeconomic policy development and supporting the farmers to equally benefit from the country and regional growth.

partners of Fundacion Tierra and CEJIS, the team will facilitate the participation of indigenous women in trainings on the impacts of agribusinesses and systematization of FPIC experiences.

Higher bar for partners on women’s leadership including strengthened Capacity that ultimately protect women’s rights Women’s leadership, advocacy, and awareness were the themes of this quarter’s work. The HARO GROW team created an art exhibition entitled “Women, Food, and Climate” and is meant to promote the contribution and resilience building of women small scale producers to the impact of climate change. During World Food Day, digital campaigning materials on women farmers and climate change were produced in collaboration with the global team featuring Birtukan Degnachew’s life story. In Bolivia’s Extractives/Territory work with the School of Public Management, women’s participation was prioritized for the formulation of projects for the Indigenous Fund. With the

In EARO’s SfC project, there will be 326 women trained on Leadership and supported to take on leadership role in the groups and community in the next one year and half. The success stories of women members are featured in Saving for Change in Cambodia FB page. USRO Oxfam partner Moore Community House has trained 45 low-income women for their Women in Construction Program for careers in coastal restoration that are transferable to the construction field. Seventy percent of women have been placed into employment in the shipbuilding, residential and commercial construction, offshore, agriculture, welding, carpentry and stage production industries, with average starting wages of $10- $20. In our USRO work, Oxfam cosponsored the Mississippi Women’s Economic Security Statewide Policy Summit in Jackson, MS, attended by 500 state female elected officials, advocates and community members. The discussion will be distilled into policy recommendations that will be introduced by women legislators

February 2015

in the upcoming legislative session. In October, Organizing and Alliances and GROW jointly organized the World Food Day/Female Food Hero advocacy tour which highlighted Tanzanian Female Food Hero Bahati Muriga whom traveled to the U.S. for a speaking and advocacy tour. During the tour Bahati participated in lobby visits focused on the Global Food Security Act of 2015 as well as met with met with gender experts at the Bureau of Food Security and Foreign Service. Sisters on the Planet (SOP) ambassadors also participated in the World Food Day/Female Food Hero advocacy tour and more. SOP and former Lieutenant Governor of Iowa Patty Judge spoke alongside Ray Offenheiser as a keynote at the Oxfam-hosted Growing a WellFed World Luncheon: Women Farmers Lead the Way at the World Food Prize. SOP and First Lady of Virginia Dorothy McAuliffe traveled to India which included learning about Oxfam’s work regarding agriculture and food security. Following a successful multistakeholder event on emerging good practice in Ghana, CARE invited the GROW team to attend a strategy session with their Cocoa Life partners in Cote d’Ivoire in December. The team in discussions with Oxfam Nigeria and Indonesia about conducting parallel COBHRA studies with a women’s rights focus alongside where BtB companies are implementing their own impact assessments.


FY16 Q3 Progress on the Gender Internal Change Goal Additionally in our GROW work, Oxfam published and released a report on best practices on gender in cocoa, which is being used for changes across the industry. Oxfam also completed a gender budget analysis for the agriculture budget in Ethiopia, which is now being used as a policy brief for presentation to policymakers and by our female food heroes in their public presentations. In under a week, the Pan-African Women.Food.Climate campaign’s campaign video reached nearly 7 million people. As a policy win for the Humanitarian Advocacy & Campaigning work, the UN Special Envoy for Yemen delayed peace talks to insist that parties increase representation of women on their delegations. The parties then committed to a higher level of representation of women at the following round of peace talks, following sustained pressure from the UN, US, and other foreign officials. This immediately followed the dissemination of a briefing note on women in Yemen’s peace process, drafted by OA, to UN and US targets – some of whom confirmed that they found it useful and shaped their engagement in the process. The Aid Effectiveness, Government Affairs, and Humanitarian Advocacy teams drafted the STRIDE Act this fall and the current bill text includes provisions related to gender. OA’s Bank De-risking report had a substantial discussion of

gendered impacts, and HAT developed a link to the OI violence against women/gender based violence knowledge hub. The team has also begun work in the OI World Humanitarian Summit Working Group’s Gender Sub-group. The WARO R4 team supported the Celebration of International Rural Women’s Day by organizing a national TV broadcast on the roles of rural women in building households’ resilience. Additionally, 23 field agents from partner La Lumiere conducted 64 learning conversations with women and men on the sexual division of labor and the daily calendar of women's; practical needs vs. strategic interests, and gender issues related to access and control over resources. Through its Active Citizenship Module in Mali, the SfC program builds women’s understanding of their rights, specifically their civic rights such as the right of vote, the right to be elected, and the right to participate in local decision making processes. In the areas where our partner GRAADECOM works, fifty women from SfC groups were registered for the communal election planned in October 2015. More than 25,000 women are trained in Citizenship including 100+ whom are benefiting from close support to become strong leaders to play more active role in the decision-making spheres of their communities. Under the leadership of AIM program, Oxfam, local partners and, the Cambodia Ministry of

February 2015

Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery initiated a new approach to encourage women’s participation in the multi-dialogues around agriculture by implementing a project “Transform Women Farmer Through Institutional Strengthening (TWIS)”. 200 women farmers assembled to discuss the prioritized challenges and opportunities related to their agriculture businesses. 100 Women Champions were selected as sub-national level and will gather at national level in March 2016.

A FB page for women champions was created where the public is able to informed about the work that women farmers are doing, and where famers can share and learn each other.

An tele-center for women called Cambodia Innovation Center – CCIC was also set up to provide affordable means to women and men farmers to access to vital business skills and market information relevant to women’s income-generating activity. The Facebook page is here. Saving for Change and Women Farmer Forum were put as two of the priorities in two national policies of Cambodia Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, 1) Gender Mainstreaming in Agriculture, 2) Childhood Development and Protection in Agriculture Sector


FY16 Q3 Progress on the Gender Internal Change Goal which were endorsed in this quarter. An innovative water saving irrigation technology group for women has been established in HARO. The technology is “women friendly” and saves on time and labor linking government, private sector, and research centers. Additionally, an Agronomic and irrigation water management training was provided for women irrigators. In CAMEXCA’s Program to Prevent Gender-Based Violence, the Core-WISE Cohort 2 participated in the 2nd workshop, which was given by gender experts allied to GJ Program in Guatemala. These Cohort 2 women identified the necessity of associating themselves together. The EI team had solid influencing gains and policy wins. Last quarter’s BG Group Human Rights Policy win was followed by ICMM referencing Oxfam’s Gender Impact Assessment in their guidelines. The World Bank invited Oxfam to present the Community Consent Index 2015 as well as to comment on its draft Guidance Note: Integrating Social Accountability Approaches into EI Projects. As a direct follow-up to Oxfam’s session on gender at the 2015 PDAC conference, the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) will be holding a Deliberative Dialogue on gender and EI at their forthcoming conference and requested Oxfam’s input on the agenda for the session.

Ethiopian Female Food Hero Birtukan Dagnachew addressed the African Rural Women Assembly meeting. She also traveled to Milan, participated in several high levels meeting including meeting with EU parliamentarians. Birtukan also participated in Gates Foundation reception as part of World Food Day Celebration and spoke on three issues at this event: climate change, capacity building and research to improve agriculture. The 2015 winners of the Female Food Heroes Award received a three days training on entrepreneurship, market linkage, and basic life skills. The training is provided by (Organization for Women in Self Employment) WISE, and it covered a wide range of subjects including how to manage agricultural products and create a market linkage, adaptation of climate change, family planning, self-awareness, and basic financial literacy. Coordinated with the OUS Global Gender Program, judge interviews were conducted during the Latin American Conference to determine the impact of justice in the economic situation of

February 2015

women (poverty) and how to generate mechanisms to improve access to justice. Results were: 1) Approval of the declaration of strategic guidelines for the interpretation and application of legal science to prevent the feminization of poverty 2) Good practices of access to justice for women 3) Creation of reporting and monitoring mechanisms and implementation of economic rights of women grounded in human rights was created via social networks. In celebration of the International Rural Women Day (IRWD), the Alliance of Rural Women in El Salvador presented the Rural Women Platform to top representative of the Government and Congress, with the participation of 400 women leaders around the country. The Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Labor pledged the rural women agenda and signed a letter of commitment to follow specific demands related to improve access to land, credit, and participation in the spaces of decision making. During the COP21, delegates of The Alliance of Rural Women also participated in the public presentation of the Agenda of Climate Change in a side event with a great participation of rural women from Latin America. Along with a digital campaign supported by OI, the rural women from Latin America positioned the importance of involving the gender perspective in the global negotiation.


FY16 Q3 Progress on the Gender Internal Change Goal In CAMEXCA’s EI program, local young people and women from Casillas and Santo Rosa communities took legal action to the Constitutional Court in relation to the right to water and a healthy environment for Tahoe Licence “las lajistas” in Santa Rosa Department. El Salvadorian partner MUFRAS 32 finished the videodocumentary “Building Hope out of resilience” in which they show the economic alternatives and livelihoods that will be at risk if Oceana Gold operates in Cabañas. Local women were mainly the speakers and the video can be seen here. In Ethiopia’s agriculture extension project, women empowerment activities (through engagement of women groups in IGAs) have been done in all project regions. Previously dominated by male participants, the Kebele Farmers Training Centers (FTCs) level agricultural trainings have now changed to involve women participants in groups attending dissemination sessions at their villages. Oxfam’s EI team was key in establishing an “EI and Gender” thematic track within the Alternative Mining Indaba that will be held in Cape Town this coming February. Of the 4 sessions in this track, Oxfam will be taking the lead on two of the sessions focusing on the topic of “How can EI work for women’s rights?” and current tools to help governments, companies and communities prevent the gendered impacts of EI

operations that often result in women’s rights violations.

Investment in staff capacity for gender analysis

February 2015

ensuring a strong gender justice focus in for the OI EI Strategic Plan, including support for key research on the gender dimensions of citizen-led accountability efforts related to EI programming.

and gender integration Teams focused on improving their capacity and prioritizing gender.

This quarter AE team members continued to work on securing opportunities for job specific gender training which is to be completed in Q4. Completed trainings include: empowerment evaluation, inclusive evaluation, and gender and feminist MEL. The EI team has created new inroads in promoting thought leadership on women’s rights in EI within the organization, active corporate engagement, influencing work and seizing opportunities to further Oxfam’s reach and partnerships. The EI Gender Advisor conducted inventory of past OA EI/gender work, contributed gender review to OISP and fundraising proposals; attended and presented Oxfam’s work on the gendered impacts of EIrelated resettlement in Mozambique at the UN Women Regional Sharefair on Gender Equality conference in Nairobi on EI and gender; and secured an EI focused issue of Gender & Development Journal for 2017. Additionally, the EI team increased the number of gender focused blogs. From within the Knowledge Hub, substantial investment was made to in

On Dec 23-25, 2015, OA in Ethiopia provided training on gender equality and women right’s in emergencies with particular focus on WASH program to its implementing partners. The workshop was attended by 15 participants representing 7 organizations. In view of the current El Nino humanitarian crisis and that most of the organizations are currently engaged in emergency response, the training was deemed timely and valuable to ensure emergency responses are implemented taking due consideration to gender. The South American Management team has been active around gender mainstreaming as demonstrated with the COM affirming commitment to gender mainstreaming. The CMT approved the work plan proposed by the gender committee and blocked 1.5 days for all staff to attend gender training. Attendees evaluated that they had indeed learned new insights and skills/tools that they can apply in their programs and campaigns.


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