Drying shrinkage dilemma

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The Drying Shrinkage Dilemma Some observations and questions about drying shrinkage and its consequences BY WILLIAM F. PERENCHIO

lthough many things can go wrong with plastic c o n c re t e, even more can go wrong with hardened c o n c re t e. A case in point: drying shrinkage problems, including failures at filled joints, slab curling, and excessive cracking. Many designers of concrete structural elements know that concrete shrinks when it dries, but they often fail to consider this in their designs. And even if they do, there are conflicting opinions about the best ways to counter the harmful effects of drying shrinkage. Unfortunately, test data aren’t always available to confirm or disprove these conflicting opinions, as the following examples illustrate.


Joint Failures The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation ran shrinkage tests on 4x4x40-inch beams that were dried for 38 months (Ref. 1). Their tests showed that 34% of the 38-month shrinkage occurred in the first month, and 90% occurred after 11 months of drying. However, unlike floors, these beams dried from four surfaces. A different picture emerges for slabs on grade. Based on formulas developed in Reference 2, Figure 1 shows how much time is re q u i re d for slabs on grade of different thicknesses to reach various percentages of ultimate drying shrinkage. A 6-inch-thick slab drying from one side reaches only 60% of its ultimate shrinkage after 12 months of drying in laboratory air at 50% relative humidity. This can have some

undesirable consequences. Anyone who reviews design specifications for slabs on grade often sees the following requirement: Joint fillers are not to be applied sooner than 90 days after concrete placement. But consider the same 6-inchthick slab in Figure Figure 1. Time required for slabs on grade of different 1. After being ex- thicknesses to reach various percentages of ultimate posed to air for drying shrinkage. Specimens were dried in laboratory air at three months, the 50% relative humidity. slab has undergone only 30% of its ultimate drying Probably the best approach is to shrinkage. require the caulking contractor to If filler is applied to the joints of fill the joints as late as possible, this slab at three months, failure then later refill areas where the will occur due to additional widenfiller has torn or separated fro m ing of the joint. Depending on the the concrete. nature of the filler, this failure can occur within the filler or the concrete, or at the filler-concrete interface. If the contractor waits, howe ve r, and applies the filler after the floor is placed in service, slab edges may spall due to traffic exposure. Figure 2. Top surface deflection of a 20x20-foot, 6-inchNo practical so- thick warped slab with free edges. Curling occurs in slabs lution to this on grade that are exposed to the atmosphere on the top p roblem has ye t surface. The top of the slab shrinks due to drying while the been pro p o s e d . bottom of the slab does not dry.

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