Practical Recipes with Flour

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INDEX PASTRIES Ground Beef Pastry (Börek filled in ground beef)........................................................................5 Spinach Börek (Pastry filled in Spinach)......................................................................................6 Leek Börek (Pastry with Leek)......................................................................................................7 Puff Pastry with Cheese (Puf Böreği)...........................................................................................8 Çiğ Börek (Pastry filled in ground beef & onion).........................................................................9 Vegetable Börek.........................................................................................................................10 Gözleme (Turkish Pancakes)......................................................................................................11 Ground Beef/Eggplant Pastry...................................................................................................12 Bun with Walnut (Cevizli Çörek)...............................................................................................13 Potato Moon Çörek....................................................................................................................14 Pizza...........................................................................................................................................15 Manti (Turkish Dumplings with Ground Beef, Onion and Spices) ..........................................16 Piruhi (Turkish Ravioli with Cheese).........................................................................................17 Lasagna......................................................................................................................................18 Cheese Poğaça...........................................................................................................................19 Ground Beef Poğaça..................................................................................................................20 Coiled Poğaça............................................................................................................................21 Mahaleb Poğaça.........................................................................................................................22 Savory Cookie............................................................................................................................23

DESSERTS...........................................................................................24 Baklava with Clotted Cream......................................................................................................25 Lokma Dessert (Sweet Fried Dough)..........................................................................................26 Flat Kadayıf ...............................................................................................................................27 Cherry Revani............................................................................................................................28 Hanımgöbeği (Lady’s Navel)......................................................................................................29 Kalburabastı (Riddled Cookies in Syrup)..................................................................................30 Revani (Turkish Smolina Sponge Cake in Syrup)......................................................................31 Laz Börek...................................................................................................................................32 Milky Nuriye (A special Baklava with milk)...............................................................................33 Flour Halva................................................................................................................................34 Apple Poğaça.............................................................................................................................35 Starch Cookie.............................................................................................................................36 Cherry & Hazelnut Poğaça........................................................................................................37 Cinnamon &Walnut Cookie .....................................................................................................38 Fruit Custard..............................................................................................................................39 Water Custard............................................................................................................................40



(BĂ–REK FILLED IN GROUND BEEF) Ingredients: 3 cups flour, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, salt, water, 3 tablespoons melted butter/vegetable oil mixture, 1 egg yolk, black cumin, sesame seed For the Filling: 300 gr ground beef, 2 onions , bunch of parsley, salt, pepper Preheat your oven to 180ÂşC. Put the flour in a bowl. Add vegetable oil, salt and warm water. Knead the dough until it doesn't stick on your hands. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside. Chop the onions and saute them with some vegetable oil. Add the ground beef when the onions are soft and translucent. Continue to saute until all juice evaporates. Add salt and pepper and set aside to cool. When cold, sprinkle finely chopped parsley and mix. Roll out the dough to a very thin layer, similar to a phyllo pastry. Oil the layer thoroughly with your butter/vegetable oil mixture. Cut the layer in two from the middle. Spread half of the beef mixture along the long side of the dough layer and roll into a log. Repeat the steps for the other half of both the beef mixture and dough layer. Coil the rolls in a baking tray starting from the middle moving out. Brush the egg yolk over the rolls and sprinkle black cumin and sesame seed. Bake until golden brown.


(PASTRY FıLLED ıN SPıNACH) Ingredients: 500 gr + 1 cup flour, 1 cup Starch, 1 cup vegetable oil, ¾ cup olive and vegetable oil mix, 2 tablespoons yoghurt, 3 tablespoons grape vinegar, 1 leveled tablespoonful of salt, 1 cup of warm water, 2 egg yolks For the Filling: 750 gr spinach, 2 middle sized onions, ¼ cup olive oil, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon red pepper, Preheat your oven to 180ºC. Put ½ cup of vegetable oil, yoghurt, grape vinegar and salt in a bowl. Add flour and warm water slowly and gradually and knead until the dough is soft. Refrigerate for an hour. Chop the spinach and soak in boiling water for about a minute. Saute the onion and continue for another minute after adding the drained spinach. Add the spices and set aside to cool. Divide the dough into 16 pieces. Blend the starch and flour. Roll out each piece big and thin enough to fit your tray. Oil each thin layer of dough with the vegetable oil/olive oil mix. Fold in half and repeat the oiling. Spread the spinach/onion mix along the long edge of the dough layer. Roll the layers into a loose log. Place your rolls in the greased tray. Brush with whipped vegetable oil and egg yolk. Divide each roll into 4. Bake until golden brown.


(PASTRY WıTH LEEK) Ingredients: 3 cups flour, 1½ cup warm water , ½ teaspoon dry yeast, ½ teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 cup Starch, 1 cup vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons melted butter, 1 egg yolk black cumin For the Filling: 4-5 stems of leek, 1 ½ water-cup feta cheese, 4-5 tablespoons vegetable oil Salt, Preheat your oven to 180ºC. Blend flour, dry yeast, salt and sugar in a bowl. Make a well in the middle and start adding water and knead until you get a rubbery dough. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside for 30 minutes to prove. Chop the leeks. Saute until soft in vegetable oil. Remove from the stove. Add salt and cheese and mix. Mix a cup of vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons of butter in a pan until it melts. Divide the dough into 12 pieces and roll each out to a size of dinner plate on top of a floured surface. Oil each layer and put 6 on top of each other. Prepare the remaining 6 in the same manner and refrigerate for an hour. Take out the 6 layers of dough and roll out once again after sprinkling starch on top of it. Set the first large layer in the greased oven tray and spread the leek mixture over it. Place the second large rolled out layer on top of the mixture. Brush the top with the vegetable oil, melted butter and egg yolk mixture and let it rest for 10 minutes. Cut into squares and bake until golden brown.


Ingredients: 6 cups flour, 1 tablespoon dry yeast, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon salt, Vegetable oil (for deep-frying) For the Filling: 3 cup crumbled feta cheese, ½ bundle fresh parsley Soak the dry yeast in a cup of warm water. Put flour, salt, vegetable oil and the yeast in a bowl. Knead into a soft dough. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside for 20 minutes to prove. Mix minced parsley with crumbled cheese to prepare the filling. Cut dough into walnut sized balls and roll each out to the size of a dessert plate. Put the filling mix in each and fold in half and pinch together at the top. Deep fry in vegetable oil. Serve while hot.


(PASTRY FıLLED ıN GROUND BEEF & ONıON) Ingredients: 500 gr flour, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon yoghurt, 2 tablespoons grape vinegar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup warm water, Vegetable oil (for deep-frying) For the Filling: 250-300 gr ground beef, 1 onion, ½ bundle parsley, ¼ cup water Salt, pepper Put flour, egg, vinegar, yoghurt and salt in a bowl. Knead while slowly adding water. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside for 20-25 minutes. Blend ground beef, grated onion, minced parsley, salt and pepper thoroughly. Add ¼ cup of water to soften the beef. Cut the dough into 16 pieces. Roll out each piece to the size of a dessert plate. Put the filling mix on, fold in half and pinch together at the top. Deep fry in vegetable oil. Serve while hot.

VEGETABLE BÖREK Ingredients: 2-2½ cups flour, 1 cup vegetable oil, 2 cups milk, 1 teaspoon sugar, 5 eggs 5 cups powdered bread crumbs + 1½ cup flour Mix, vegetable oil (for deep-frying) For the Filling: 3 carrots, 3 zucchinis, 3 onions, ½ bunch of parsley, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 200 gr soya bean sprouts, 1/3 cup soya sauce, 350 gr chicken breast, 1 tablespoon butter salt, pepper Whip flour, eggs, milk, ½ of vegetable oil and sugar in a bowl with a hand mixer into a crepe batter. Heat a medium size pan. Oil slightly. Pour one scoop into the pan and fry both sides. Keep between paper towels to maintain is softness. Continue until batter is finished. Bring the chicken to a boil and drain. Pick the chicken to shreds. Slice the onions, chop the vegetables, add the chicken shreds and saute with a couple of tablespoons of oil and set aside to cool. Put some chicken mixture in the middle of crepe layers and make a roll. Beat 2 eggs in a separate bowl, dip the crepes in the egg mixture and cover with powdered bread crumbs. Deep fry in vegetable oil. Serve while hot.


(TURKıSH PANCAKES) Ingredients: 3 cups flour, ½ teaspoon Turkish dry yeast, 1 cup warm water, 1 tablespoon yoghurt, 2 tablespoons olive oil For the Filling: 2 boiled potatoes, ½ onion, 200 gr feta cheese

Knead flour, dry yeast, yoghurt, olive oil and salt into a soft dough. Set the bowl aside for 10-15 minutes to prove. Mash the potatoes, add the cheese and grated onion and seasoning of your choice and mix. Cut the dough in 6-7 pieces and roll out to the size of a dinner plate. Spread the filling mix on one side of each piece and fold in half and pinch together at the top. Fry both sides with vegetable oil in a pan. Serve while hot.

GROUND BEEF/EGGPLANT PASTRY Ingredients: 4 cups flour, 1 cup water, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of vinegar ¾ cups of vegetable oil, salt For the Filling: 1 small bowl of ground beef, 4 eggplants, 2 large onions, salt, pepper ½ bunch of parsley, 1 teaspoon tomato paste, 1 small bowl of vegetable oil Preheat your oven to 180ºC. Chop the onions into cubes and saute with vegetable oil. Add the ground beef and let the juice evaporate. Add the striped peeled and chopped cubes of eggplant. Add tomato paste, salt and pepper after the eggplants are sauted for a few minutes. Let it chill, add minced parsley and mix. Put the flour in a bowl, add 1 egg, salt, vinegar and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and knead while slowly adding water. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside for 15-20 minutes. Divide the dough into 8-10 pieces. Roll them out on a floured surface into a thin square and oil each layer. Spread the filling mix on the square and roll into a loose log. Place the rolls in the oven tray. Brush whisked egg yolk and vegetable oil mix on top of the rolls. Bake until golden brown.


Ingredients: 1 kg flour, 40 gr yeast, 1 cup warm milk, 1 sugar cube, 1 cup vegetable oil 1 cup melted butter, 2 eggs, ½ teaspoon of salt, sesame seed For the Filling: 4 tablespoons melted butter, ½ kg chopped walnuts, ½ cup sugar Preheat your oven to 190ºC. Soak the sugar and yeast in warm milk. Put the flour in a bowl and make a well in the middle. Add the sugar/yeast/milk mixture, vegetable oil, melter butter, 1 egg and salt. Knead into a soft dough. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside for 15-20 minutes to prove. Divide the dough into 4 equal parts. Roll out each part until 3-4 mm thick on a floured surface. Spread melted butter over it and sprinkle the walnuts and sugar. Roll into a log and it coil around itself. Cut each roll into parts 4 fingers wide and place in the greased tray. Brush egg yolk over and sprinkle sesame seeds. Bake until golden brown.

POTATO MOON ÇÖREK Ingredients: 1 pack margarine (250 gr), 2 eggs, 1 cup warm milk, ½ cup vegetable oil ½ cup sugar, 1 pack of dry yeast, ½ teaspoon salt, Flour as much as needed, Sesame seed For the Filling: 1 kg potatoes, 200 gr grated yellow (kashkaval) cheese, 1 teaspoon salt pepper, Preheat your oven to 190ºC. Blend softened margarine, 2 eggs (set 1 yolk aside for later), milk, vegetable oil, sugar, dry yeast and salt in a bowl. Knead slowly, adding flour until the dough is soft. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside for 15-20 minutes to prove. Divide the dough into 4 equal parts. Roll out each part until 1 cm thick on a floured surface. Divide each part in half creating 8 triangles. Mix boiled and grated potatoes with grated yellow cheese, salt and pepper. Put a tablespoonful of potato mix on the longer side of the triangle. Roll into a log. Pinch the ends and shape it into a crescent. Place each one in the greased tray. Brush whipped egg yolk and vegetable oil over and sprinkle sesame seeds. Bake until golden brown.

PIZZA Ingredients: ½ kg flour (approx. 5 cups), 30 gr. yeast, ½ cup warm milk, ½ cup warm water, 1 cup olive oil, 1 heaping teaspoon powdered sugar, ½ teaspoon salt For the Filling: 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2-3 tablespoons tomato paste, ½ cup water 1 tomato, 2-3 green (Italian) peppers, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 cup sweet corn, 1 cup thin sliced salami, ½ cup sliced olives, 2 cups of mozzarella cheese, salt, pepper, dried oregano

Preheat your oven to 220ºC. Soak the yeast in warm milk. Put the flour in a bowl, make a well in the middle. Pour the yeast/milk mixture in the middle and cover with flour. When the flour starts to crack open the well and add sugar, salt and ½ cup olive oil. Knead into a soft dough while adding warm water as necessary. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside for 15-20 minutes to prove. Knead for another 10 minutes. Spread the dough and pat it with your fingers until it stretches over the oven tray ½ cm thick. Rub olive oil over the surface. Mix tomato paste, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, ½ cup water, 2 cloves minced garlic, salt, pepper, dried oregano for the sauce. Spread over the dough. Add your toppings of sliced tomatoes, green peppers, salami, olives, corn. Cover with mozzarella cheese. Bake until the toppings are sizzling.


(TURKıSH DUMPLıNGS WıTH GROUND BEEF, ONıON AND SPıCES) Ingredients: 5 cups of flour, 1 tablespoon salt, 2 eggs, 2/3 cup water, 2 tomatoes 5-6 tablespoons butter, ½ teaspoon chili pepper flakes, 5-6 cloves garlic, 3-4 cup yoghurt For the Filling: 2 small onions, 250 gr ground beef, ½ bunch parsley, salt, pepper

Sift the flour into a bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of salt and mix. Make a well in the middle and add the eggs. Knead for 10 minutes while adding water. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside for 10-15 minutes. Divide the dough in three parts. Chop the onions and mince the parsley. Add the onions, parsley, ½ tablespoon salt and pepper to the ground beef and mix. Roll out the dough on the floured surface 1mm thick. Cut each rolled out dough into small squares like a checker board. Place ½ teaspoonful of filling mix and either pinch into a triangle or a bundle. Add ½ tablespoon of salt to a pot full of water and boil. Add the dumplings one by one and stir until all are floating. Cook for 15 minutes. Remove with a strainer spoon to a serving plate. Grate the tomatoes in a pan, add butter and cook for 5-6 minutes. Add the chili pepper flakes and remove the pan from the stove. Mince the garlic and mix with yoghurt. First, pour garlic yoghurt over the dumplings and second the tomato sauce. Serve while hot.


(TURKıSH RAVıOLı WıTH CHEESE) Ingredients: 5 cups flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, 2/3 cup water, 1 tablespoon butter 2 onions, 1 tablespoon sweet pepper paste, 1 tablespoon tomato paste, 3 cups chicken/beef stock, ½ bunch parsley, vegetable oil (for deep-frying) For the Filling: 300 gr semi-hard feta cheese (or Turkish Tulum Cheese) Sift the flour into a bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of salt and mix. Make a well in the middle and add the eggs. Knead for 10 minutes while adding water. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside for 10-15 minutes. Divide the dough in three parts. Roll out the dough on the floured surface 1mm thick. Cut each rolled out dough into small squares like a checker board. Place ½ teaspoonful of cheese filling and pinch into a triangle. Deep-fry dumplings until golden brown. Chop the onions and saute with vegetable oil. Add tomato and pepper paste and continue for 2-3 minutes. Finally add chicken/beef stock and simmer for 5-6 more minutes. Pour the tomato sauce over the dumplings, sprinkle with minced parsley and serve while hot.

LASAGNA Ingredients: 5 cups flour, 5 eggs, 1 teaspoon salt, ½ cup water For the Filling: 350 gr ground beef, 2 onions, 5-6 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 cup grated carrot, 2 cloves garlic, 2 fresh basil leaves, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon sugar, salt, pepper, chili pepper flakes Béchamel Sauce: 4 cups milk, 3 heaped tablespoons Turkish Flour , 2 tablespoons butter ½ teaspoon grated nutmeg, salt, pepper, 3 cups grated yellow (kashkaval) cheese Preheat your oven to 200ºC. Saute finely chopped onions in olive oil. When onions are soft and translucent add ground beef and cook until the juice evaporates. Add grated carrot, crushed garlic and fresh basil and cook for another 5 minutes. Add the peeled and cubed tomatoes, sugar, tomato paste and salt. Cook at a low heat until tomato juice evaporates completely. Put the flour in a bowl and make a well in the middle. Crack the eggs into the middle and knead until you get a hard dough. Let the dough rest for 10 min. then divide into 2 pieces. Roll out each piece to 1mm thickness. Cut the dough in a rectangle that fits in your rectangular pyrex, don't discard the left overs. Flour the rectangles on a clean cloth and let them dry for 15-20 min. Béchamel sauce: Place the butter in a saucepan and let it melt (not brown) and dump the flour and stir quickly into the butter. Cook and stir the flour-butter mixture over medium heat and add milk to loosen up the thick mixture to a semi-heavy custard look. Add salt, pepper and grated nutmeg, stir and remove from the stove. Boil a pot full of water with 2 tablespoon of salt. Prepare another pot with cold water. Cook the rectangle pieces of doughs in the boiling water for 2-3 minutes and transfer it to cold water with the help of a strainer spoon. Leave in cold water for a minute. Remove and drain each piece place on the side. Place one layer of dough on your buttered pyrex. Spread the ground beef mix. Add béchamel sauce and another layer. Continue layering until you finish all your ingredients. The leftover dough can be used for the last layer. Cover the entire dish with béchamel sauce, slice into squares and bake until golden brown. Remove the pyrex when the lasagna is golden brown, top with grated cheese and put it back in the oven. When the cheese is melted remove it and set it aside for 10-15 minutes before serving.

CHEESE POGAÇA Ingredients: 5 cups flour, 1 teaspoon salt, ½ cup yoghurt, ¼ cup vegetable oil 1 pack baking powder, 125 gr margarine, 1 egg, white for the dough, yolk for glazing black cumin seeds For the Filling: crumbled feta cheese, parsley, Preheat your oven to 180ºC. Mix finely chopped parsley and crumbled cheese in a bowl. Mix flour, salt and baking powder in another bowl. Make a well in the middle, add the egg white, yoghurt, margarine and vegetable oil and knead. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside for 15-20 minutes. Divide the dough into balls the size of oranges. Roll it out with your hands, place the cheese mix in the middle and pinch on the side to make a half-moon shape. Place the half-moons in the tray separately. Brush egg yolk on each and sprinkle black cumin seeds. Bake until golden brown.

GROUND BEEF POGAÇA Ingredients: 4 cups flour, ½ pack yeast, 2 tablespoons melted margarine 2 eggs, ½ cup milk, ½ cup yoghurt, ½ cup vegetable oil, ½ teaspoon salt, water black cumin or sesame seeds For the Filling: 250 gr ground beef, 2 onions, vegetable oil, salt, pepper Preheat your oven to 180ºC. Put the flour in a bowl, make a well in the middle. Add the yeast, eggs (set one yolk aside for later), yoghurt, vegetable oil, margarine and salt. Knead while slowly adding warm water. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside for 15-20 minutes to prove. Saute the chopped onion with vegetable oil. When onions are soft and translucent add ground beef and cook until the juice evaporates. Add salt and pepper, stir and remove. Divide the dough into balls the size of tangerines. Roll out with your hand to the size of your palm. Place the meat mix in the middle and pinch on the side to make a half-moon shape. Place the half-moons in the greased tray separately. Brush egg yolk on each half-moon and sprinkle black cumin seeds. Bake until golden brown.

COILED POGAÇA Ingredients: 5-6 cups flour, 1 cup milk, 4 tablespoons yoghurt, ½ cup vegetable oil 1 pack yeast, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, black cumin or sesame seed For the Filling: 1 cup crumbled feta cheese

Preheat your oven to 170ºC. Soak the yeast in a cup of warm milk. Pour this mix in a bowl, add yoghurt, vegetable oil, sugar, 1 egg, salt and as much flour as it needs and knead. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside for 15-20 minutes to prove. Divide the dough into two pieces. Roll out the first piece as big as your tray. Spread the cheese on top of it and roll it into a log. Cut the log into 2-3 finger wide pieces. Place the pieces in the tray and repeat for the second dough. Brush egg yolk on each and sprinkle black cumin seeds. Bake until golden brown.

MAHALEB POGAÇA Ingredients: 2½-3 cup flour, 1 cup warm milk, 1 pack dry yeast, 1 egg -white for the dough, yolk for glazing, ½ cup vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon mahaleb, 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar, black cumin or sesame seeds For the Filling: 2 cups grated yellow (kashkaval) cheese, 2 cups grated boiled potatoes Preheat your oven to 180ºC. Soak the yeast in a cup of warm milk. Pour this mix in a bowl, add flour, milk, vegetable oil, sugar, egg white, salt and knead. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside for 45-60 minutes to prove. Divide the dough into balls the size of tangerines. Roll out with your hand to the size of your palm. Mix the grated cheese and potato. Place the mix on one half, score a few lines on the other half and roll into a log. Pinch on the ends of the roll and form a crescent. Brush egg yolk on each crescent and sprinkle black cumin seeds. Bake until golden brown.

SAVORY COOKIE Ingredients: 2 cups flour, 125 gr margarine, ½ cup milk, ½ cup vegetable oil 1 pack baking powder, grated yellow (kashkaval) cheese, 1 egg

Preheat your oven to 160ºC. Melt the margarine and place it in a bowl. Add milk, vegetable oil, baking powder and flour and knead. Roll out the dough to a thick layer. Cut out circles with a cookie cutter and place on the tray apart from each other. Brush whisked egg on each circle and put grated cheese over each one. Bake for 20-25 minutes.


BAKLAVA WITH CLOTTED CREAM Ingredients: 3 eggs, 1 cup milk, 1 cup vegetable oil, 1 pack baking powder, 1 teaspoon vinegar, Pinch of salt, Flour as much as needed, 150 gr butter, Clotted cream Starch For the Syrup: 4 cups sugar, 5 cups water, 1 teaspoon lemon juice Preheat your oven to 170ยบC. Add the eggs, milk, vegetable oil, baking powder and a pinch of salt in a bowl and start kneading by slowly adding flour. Divide the dough in 30 equal pieces. Roll out each piece to the size of a dinner plate. Group the pieces in tens, sprinkling starch between each layer. Roll out 3 wafer-thin pieces to the size of a tray. Place the first layer in the tray. Spread half of the clotted cream over and repeat the remaining layers. Grease the top layer with butter. Cut the baklava diagonally. Bake until golden brown. Remove and let it cool for a while. Mix sugar and water and bring to a boil. Simmer on medium for 15 minutes more, add the lemon juice. Pour hot syrup with a scoop over cool baklava and let it soak. Serve at room temperature.


(SWEET FRIED DOUGH) Ingredients: 2 cups flour, ¾ cup water, 1 tablespoon dry yeast, 1 egg 1 cup vegetable oil, 2 sugar cubes, pinch of salt, ground cinnamon For the Syrup: 2 ½ cup sugar, 2 ½ cup water, ½ lemon juice

Mix sugar and water and bring to a boil. Simmer on medium for 15 minutes more, add the lemon juice, and set aside to cool. Soak the dry yeast and sugar cubes in a cup of warm water. Sift the flour in a bowl and make a well in the middle. Add the yeast water, salt and egg in the middle and knead until it's a heavy batter. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside for 20 minutes to prove. Scoop walnut sized balls from the batter and fry in vegetable oil. Soak in syrup after frying and serve with a sprinkle of ground cinnamon.

FLAT KADAYIF Ingredients: 1 ½ cup flour, 1 teaspoon dry yeast, 1 cup milk, 1 cup water, 1 teaspoon sugar, pinch of salt, 1 ½ cup chopped walnuts, 1 egg, vegetable oil (for deep-frying) For the Syrup: 2 cups water, 2 cups sugar, 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Mix sugar and water and bring to a boil. Simmer on medium for 15 minutes more, add the lemon juice, and set aside to cool. Mix milk, water, flour, dry yeast, sugar and salt in a bowl until you get a semi-heavy crepe batter. Set it aside for 15-20 minutes to prove. Pour a scoop of batter in a greased pan, spread evenly. Brown only one side and remove to place in a tray. When cooled, add chopped walnuts in the middle of each piece, fold in half and pinch the edges. Beat the eggs. Coat the half-moons with egg and fry in vegetable oil. Drain with a strainer spoon and dip in syrup. Serve at room temperature when the kadayifs are soaked in syrup.

CHERRY REVANI Ingredients: 4 cups flour, 4 cups semolina, 4 cups sugar, 4 cups yoghurt, 4 eggs 250 gr cherry, 2 cups vegetable oil, 2 cups cherry juice, 1 lemon zest, 1 pack baking powder Coconut flakes For the Syrup: 2 ½ cup sugar, 1 cup water, 1 cup cherry juice, 1 teaspoon lemon juice Preheat your oven to 175ºC. Beat the eggs and sugar in a bowl with a hand mixer. Add flour, semolina, yoghurt and vegetable oil and continue mixing. Lastly add cherry juice, lemon zest and baking powder. With the help of a spatula pour the batter into a greased tray. Bake until golden brown (stick a skewer in the middle, if it comes out clean cake is ready). Mix sugar, water and cherry juice in a pot and bring to a boil. Simmer on medium for 15 minutes more, add the lemon juice, and set aside to cool. Pour the syrup on top of the cake slowly with a scoop, allowing the cake to soak it in. Slice in squares or diamonds and serve with a sprinkle of coconut flake and cherries.


Ingredients: 1½ cup flour, 1 cup semolina, 1 egg, ½ cup yoghurt, ½ cup vegetable oil 1 pack vanilla powder, 1 pack baking powder, 25-30 hazelnuts For the Syrup: 3 cup sugar, 2½ water

Preheat your oven to 175ºC. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and knead into a dough. Break walnut sized pieces off the dough and roll into a ball. Place all in a greased tray. Stick one hazelnut on top each ball. Bake until golden brown. Boil water and dissolve the sugar for the syrup and let it cool. Soak the dough balls with cold syrup while they are hot. Serve at room temperature.


(RıDDLED COOKıES ıN SYRUP) Ingredients: 4 cups flour, 200 gr butter, ¼ cup olive oil, 1 cup powdered sugar 2 tablespoons yoghurt, 1 egg, 1 pack baking powder, 1 bowl walnuts For the Syrup: 4 cups water, 1 kg sugar, 1 slice of lemon

Preheat your oven to 180ºC. Put the flour, butter, olive oil, powdered sugar, yoghurt and baking powder in a bowl and knead into a dough. Break walnut sized pieces off the dough and roll out. Place one walnut in the middle and fold into a half-moon. Pinch the ends and decorate the top like a grid with a fork. Put all in a greased tray. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Bring the water to a boil, dissolve sugar and add the lemon for the syrup. Let it cool. Soak the dough balls with cold syrup while they are hot. Serve at room temperature.


(TURKıSH SEMOLıNA SPONGE CAKE ıN SYRUP) Ingredients: 2½ cup flour, ¾ cup semolina , 4 eggs, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 cup sugar, 1 cup yoghurt, 2 packs baking powder, 1 pack vanilla powder, coconut flakes For the Syrup: 3 cups sugar, 3 cups water, 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Preheat your oven to 175ºC. Beat the sugar and eggs in a bowl with a hand mixer. Add the remaining ingredients one by one while stirring with a spatula. Pour the batter in a tray and make sure it is evenly spread. Bake until golden brown (stick a skewer in the middle, if it comes out clean cake is ready). Mix sugar and water in a pot and bring to a boil. Simmer on medium for 15 minutes more, add the lemon juice, boil for another 3 minutes and set aside to cool. When the cake is ready and out of the oven pour ½ cup cold water allover. Pour the syrup on top with a scoop slowly, allowing the cake to soak it in. Slice in squares or diamonds and serve with a sprinkle of coconut flakes.

LAZ BÖREK Ingredients: 1 egg, ½ cup vegetable oil, 125 gr butter, 1 cup milk, ½ pack baking powder 1 pinch of salt, flour as much as needed. For the Cream: 7 cups milk, 4 egg yolks, 4 tablespoons Starch, 3 tablespoons rice flour 1 tablespoon Flour, 2 cups sugar For the Syrup: 1 ½ cup sugar, 1 ½ cup water Preheat your oven to 180ºC. Boil 5 cups milk and 2 cups sugar in a pan. Mix 4 egg yolks, flour, starch and rice flour in a bowl. Add 2 cups of milk and beat and a hand mixer. Add the mixture to the boiling milk and beat. Remove from the stove when it thickens. Prepare the syrup by boiling the sugar and water. Let it cool. Mix 1 egg, 1 cup milk and ½ cup vegetable oil in another bowl. Add flour as much as needed, a pinch of salt and baking powder. Knead into a soft dough. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set it aside for 15-20 minutes to prove. Divide the dough into 30 pieces. Roll out each piece to the size of a dinner plate and sprinkle starch between each layer. Put 15 layers on top of each other. Sprinkle starch between each layer and roll out to the size of the oven tray. Spread the cooled cream mix on the dough. Place the other rolled out 15 layers on top. Slice in squares and butter it. Bake until golden brown, let it rest for 10 minutes. Pour the syrup over the börek and let it soak. Serve at room temperature.


(A SPECıAL BAKLAVA WıTH MıLK) Ingredients: 4 cups flour, 2 eggs, 1 cup milk, ½ cup vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon vinegar a pinch of salt, Starch, 30 gr chopped hazelnuts, 200 gr butter For the Syrup: 5 cups sugar, 2 ½ cups water, 1 ½ cup milk

Preheat your oven to 170ºC. Sift the flour in a bowl and make a well in the center. Crack the eggs, add the milk, vegetable oil, vinegar and salt. Incorporate flour and knead in to a dough. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and refrigerate for 20 minutes. First divide the dough in 3 parts. Divide each of the three to 14 pieces. Roll them out to the size of a dinner plate, sprinkle starch between layers and place on top of each other. Roll out each piece to the size of a tray. Place the first layer in the tray. Spread half of the chopped hazelnuts over it and repeat with the remaining layers. Grease the top layer with melted butter. Cut the dessert into squares. Bake until golden brown, remove to let it cool for a while. Mix sugar and water and bring to a boil. Add the milk and bring to a boil for 2 more minutes. Pour hot syrup with a scoop over cool dessert and let it soak. Serve at room temperature.

FLOUR HALVA Ingredients: 4 cups flour, 250 gr butter, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons pine nut, 2 ½ cups milk, 1 ½ cup granulated sugar, 1 pack vanilla powder

Put the pine nuts and butter in a pan and stir until butter melts. To make a roux add the flour and stir continuously. When butter and flour are well mixed add the vegetable oil and keep stirring. Stir for 30-35 minutes until the flour is fluid, and stir for another 20-25 minutes over a low heat. Put milk, vanilla powder and granulated sugar in another pot and stir. When the flour starts turning brown pour the milk-sugar mix in and turn up the heat. Stir vigorously until the flour soaks the milk. Remove from stove when smooth and let it rest for 15-20 minutes. Shape the mix into a spoon, serve while warm.

APPLE POGAÇA Ingredients: 3-3½ cups flour, 1 cup starch, 125 gr butter (room temperature) ½ cup vegetable oil, ½ cup yoghurt, 1 egg, ¾ cup sugar, ½ pack baking powder 1 pack vanilla powder For the Filling: 4 apples, 5 tablespoon powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon ½ cup ground walnut Preheat your oven to 170ºC. Peel the apples and grate them. Cook until apples its juice evaporates. Add walnut and cinnamon, stir and remove from the stove. Put the starch, yoghurt, egg, sugar, baking powder and vanilla in a bowl, adding flour slowly. Knead until the dough is soft. Divide the dough into balls the size of tangerines. Roll it out with your hand to the size of your palm. Place the fruit mix on one half and score the other half 2-3 lines with a knife and fold on top of the mix. Press the outer sides with a fork. Place the half-moons in the greased tray separately Bake for 25-30 minutes and serve when cooled down and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

STARCH COOKIE Ingredients: 2 cups flour, 2 cups wheat starch, 250 gr butter, 1 cup powdered sugar 1 egg, 1 pack vanilla powder, ½ pack baking powder 1 cup hazelnut

Preheat your oven to 170ÂşC. Mix butter and sugar with a hand mixer in a bowl. Add the egg, vanilla and baking powder and mix some more. Add the starch and mix with your hand. Knead slowly by adding flour. Break walnut sized balls from the dough and roll in your hand. Place each ball separately on the greased tray. Stick one hazelnut on top of each cookie. Bake until golden brown, or just before they crack.

CHEERY& HAZELNUT POGAÇA Ingredients: 3 cups of flour, powdered sugar, 120 gr butter, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons yoghurt 1 pack vanilla powder, 1 pack baking powder For the Filling: 1 apple, 1 bowl of cherries, 3 tablespoons sugar, ½ cup hazelnut 1 teaspoon starch

Preheat your oven to 180ºC. Remove the seeds of the cherries and put in a pot. Add ground hazelnut, starch and sugar in it and begin cooking. Peel the apple and grate. Add the grated apple in the pot and stir. Remove from the stove to cool down when the fruits are soft. Place the flour in a bowl, sift powdered sugar into the bowl, add vanilla and baking powder and mix. Make a well in the middle of the bowl and add butter, egg white and yoghurt. Knead into a soft dough. Divide the dough into 12 pieces and roll out each to the size of your palm. Place the fruit mix in the middle and pinch on the side to make a half-moon shape. Place the half-moons in the greased tray separately Score the top of each shape 2-3 times with a knife. Bake for 25-30 minutes, serve when cooled down and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

CINNAMON& WALNUT COOKIE Ingredients: 4 cups of flour, ½ cup powdered sugar, 1 egg white, 1/3 cup vegetable oil 250 gr soft margarine, ½ cup ground walnut, 1 pack vanilla powder, 1 pack baking powder powdered sugar-ground cinnamon to decorate,

Preheat your oven to 160ºC. Put the flour in a bowl and add powdered sugar, egg white, vegetable oil, margarine, ground walnuts, vanilla and baking powder. Knead into a soft dough. Break walnut sized balls from the dough and roll in your hand. Place each ball separately on the greased tray. Bake for 20-25 minutes, sprinkle powdered sugar or ground cinnamon to decorate.

FRUIT CUSTARD Ingredients: 12 tangerines, 2 tablespoons wheat starch, 4 tablespoons Flour 11 tablespoons sugar, 1 Lt milk, 1 stick vanilla, 2 eggs, coconut flakes

Mix milk, 5 tablespoons sugar and vanilla in a pot and bring to a boil. Remove the vanilla stick afterwards. Beat the flour and eggs with a hand mixer in a bowl. Add a scoop of the milk mixture to the beaten eggs and stir. Put milk pot back on the stove on a low heat and pour the egg mixture slowly in the pot. Stir and cook until thick. Remove the custard from the stove and pour in a pyrex, spread equally. Refrigerate for 4-5 hours. Meanwhile squeeze the tangerines, add 6 tablespoons sugar and starch cook until thick. (you can prepare the fruit jelly with oranges, cherries or pomegranates) Pour the jelly over the frozen custard and refrigerate once again. Cut into squares and serve with sprinkled coconut flakes.

WATER CUSTARD Ingredients: 1 cup starch, 2 cups milk, 4 cups warm water, 1 ½ cup sugar 1 pack vanilla powder, Rose water (optional)

Mix cold milk and water in a pot. Add starch and stir thoroughly and cook until it thickens. Add sugar and vanilla powder when thick. Remove the custard from the stove and pour in a pyrex, spread equally. Refrigerate over night. Cut into squares and serve with sprinkled powdered sugar (and rose water).

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