Word of Mouth VOLUME 9, ISSUE 5
Homecoming INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Homecoming Spirit Days
A Speaker for Passion 2 3
Character Stage 8 Ski Trips
Warrior Weekend #2
College Lab
By Tamsin Smith On January 31st, 2015 Oak Hill Academy had an alumna return to speak to the student body. After a heartwarming introduction by Mr. Finklea, Karen Covington came up to the stage. She began with her high school experience at Oak Hill Academy. She explained that she was in the same position as many of the students were today. She was upset and angry with her life and she just did not have a good overall attitude about school. The one thing she loved was soccer. She had been playing it almost her whole life and she had developed a passion for it. She then went on to explain how passion is a very important part of life. After raising their hands expressing that they had a passion to rap, students Franklin Diala and Jay Vega went to the stage to perform an on the spot rap for the students. Before Ms. Covington started speaking, every student got an envelope with a few items in it for them to keep. They received a
wooden heart, circle, rectangle, star and a mirror. Each object represented something different. The heart represented what was in your heart what was your motivation; the circle represented what makes you complete; the rectangle represented your first goal; the star represented what lets you shine; and, last but not least, the mirror represented the fact that you are the only one that can make things happen for yourself and that you are the creator of your own destiny. Soon after Ms. Covington explained what each object meant, she revealed a framed picture of an eagle. She went on to say that the eagle represents freedom and that with freedom you can create a life for yourself. She then had around ten Oak Hill students come up and stand behind a piece of string that stretched over an estimated 15 ft. representing an eagle’s wingspan. Natalie Leach said that the comparison was astonishing to her. Overall, the message that Ms. Covington shared with the student body was extremely inspiring.