Acorn News
News, views and more from Oak Tree Autumn/Winter 2022
2 Goat Pen Sponsor the For as little as £1 per month To find out more, or for other ways to donate, please visit...
Asweprogressthrough2022,weareseeingtheemergenceofaUKanimal welfarecrisis.Withrisesininflationandhouseholdbudgetssqueezed,people arefindingthemselvesunabletoaffordtheirpets.Combinedwithhuge increasesinpetownershipseenduringlockdown,itislittlesurprisethatthis hasledtoincreasedcallsforourhelp. RescuecentresthroughouttheUKarefull.Morepeoplearerelinquishingpets andfewerpeopleareadopting.AtOakTreewenowreceivecallsfromasfar afieldasBristolandLondonaspeopledesperatelyseekhelp.Ourdedicated RehomingTeamworktirelesslytohelpanimalsfindnewhomes,andour CommunityandTrainingTeamsworkwiththoseseekingsupport,helpingto preventrelinquishments. Weareneedednow,perhapsmorethaneverbefore,bypetownersand animals.Yoursupportenablesustohelp.Asweareallaware,pricesare increasing.AtOakTreeweareseeinghugerisesinourbillsforfuel,energy, materials,animalcareetc.Wearedeterminedtoensurethatwecansupport thosewhosodesperatelyneedourhelp. Ourcharityshops,fundraisingactivities,eventsandTearoomhelpfundour work.Yourgenerosityreallydoesmakeadifference.Please,ifyoucan,visitOak TreeFarm,ourcharityshopsandenjoyacuppaorlunchintheTearoom–your lunchcouldhelpusfeedoneofourhorses!Everydaywereceiveamazing messagesandkindgifts.Thankyou,theymeansomuchinthesechallenging times–withoutyou,wesimplycouldn’tdowhatwedo. Caroline 3 Welcome to our Autumn/Winter Newsletter 2022!
Remember to Gift Aid! If you would like to Gift Aid your donation, please complete our Gift Aid form. This can be downloaded from our website, or get in touch and we can pop one in the post for you! Gift Aid 4 Make a difference to thousands of vulnerable animals in need... Donate Online Donate by Post, Phone or In-person Donate via the Bank You can set up a regular payment or make a one-off donation on our website via JustGiving (please note, JG admin charges will apply) - simply click the 'donate' button. There are also lots of other ways you can donate on our website, head over to our 'Get Involved' section and find out how you can help! If you would like to make donation via a cheque, please make it payable to 'Oak Tree Animals' Charity'. You can also donate over the telephone, please call us on 01228 560082. Or you can visit one of our Charity Shops or Oak Tree Farm, Wetheral Shields, Carlisle, CA4 8JA. Tosetuparegularorone offdonationviayourbankwhetheritbeinperson,online,or viaamobilebankingapp,pleaseusethefollowinginformation.(Therearenoextra adminchargesforusingthispaymentmethod). OakTreeAnimals'Charity,OakTreeFarm,WetheralShields,CarlisleCA48JA C/OTheCumberland,CumberlandHouse,CooperWay,Carlisle,CA30JF AccountNumber:54102146 SortCode:16-52-21 Ifyoudochoosetodonate,pleasenotifyOakTreeofyourkindcontribution,along withyourcontactdetailssothatwecanupdateourrecordsandproperly acknowledgeyourgenerousdonation!,callorwritetoususingtheabovedetails. Thank you for your support!
Floppy Ears
Likemanyanimalwelfarecharities,theTeamatOakTreewere dismayedtoseethepostersfortheanimatedmovie“DCLeagueof SuperPets”byWarnerBrothersthissummer.Oneofthemain characters,Acethe bathound,isfeaturedwithearsthatlookcropped. Earcroppingisapurelycosmeticprocedure,whichinvolvescutting piecesofapuppy’searsoff,sometimesremovingalmostallofthem completely.Thisisnotonlypainfulbutcanalsobedetrimentaltotheir health,welfareandbehaviour.Recently,ourTeamhaveseenarisein thenumberofdogsinourregionwithcroppedears. WhileillegaltocarryoutintheUK,thedesireforthecroppedearlook hasresultedincroppedpuppiesbeingbroughtfromabroad,puppies fromtheUKbeingtakenabroadfortheprocedureandevenpeople buyinginternetkitsanddoingDIYsurgeryathome. Followingthe#FlopDon’tCropcampaign,thegovernmenthaspledged tobantheimportofcroppeddogsinupcominglegislation.However, thisBillhasbeendelayed. Moviesandpopularculturehavealwaysinfluencedanimalpurchasing
andhusbandry.Itisvitalthatourmediacorporationsandinfluencers makeresponsibledecisionstohelppreventunnecessaryanimal suffering.Wecontinuetora thisissueinourregionandlo todrivethenecessarylegisla timelyfashio 5
Are Ace! FindoutmoreonourPetPodpodcast“FlopDon’t Crop”,whereourteamtalkwithvetJamesBrockett aboutdogearcropping,onourwebsite: Naturalears Cropped ears
When Alfie arrived at Oak Tree, we quickly realised that he wasn’t able to cope in a kennel environment. Due to high levels of stress, Alfie started to lose weight and his health and behaviour deteriorated. Most dogs adapt well to the kennels but unfortunately, there are dogs like Alfie that can’t, no matter how much we try.
We were extremely lucky to have a foster family available who were willing to work with Alfie’s specific needs and provide him with comfort and security. Alfie quickly settled into his foster home and, though he did prove challenging at times, his foster family didn’t give up and he is now flourishing!
Alfie's Volunteer Fosterer said... Ilovefostering,seeingthosesad eyessparkleandthattailwag issucharewardingfeeling.Alfie isnolongeranxiousandfretful, heishappyandrelaxedand veryloving.Fosteringhasenriched mylifeandOakTreeisalways theretosupportmeifIneedhelp. Where are Would you like to become a fosterer? Check out page 11 to find out more or visit our website!
Riley they now?
Little Riley had a really rough start in life - he was found abandoned at only a few weeks old and in extremely poor condition. Underweight, suffering badly with cat flu and covered in bite wounds and abscesses, we weren't sure if he would pull through.
On the day of his arrival Riley couldn’t even hold his head up. He received emergency veterinary care and was placed in one of our wonderful foster homes. Having been through so much at such a young age his foster family had to work hard to keep a close eye on his health, cleaning his wounds daily, encouraging him to eat and creating a safe space where he could learn to trust.
It took some time, but due to the dedication of his foster family Riley is now a healthy, playful, cheeky chappie, just as a kitten should be!
Imissedhimimmediately becauseforsuchalittlecat,he hasabigpresence,andyethe askedforsolittle. When
Riley was returned to Oak
ready for rehoming, his foster parent told us...
Crystal's Success
CrystaloriginallycametoOakTreefromthe SussexHorseRescueTrustduringtheCovid-19 pandemic,whentheysadlyhadtoclosetheir doors.Shewentontoberehomedtoariding school,however,beingayounghorse,this wasnotasuitablematch.Shereturnedto usearlierthisyearandsoonfoundanew homewithEllieJo. Ellie-Johasputalotoftimeandeffort intobuildingtheirpartnership, improvingCrystal’sfitnessand continuinghereducationwithregular lessonsinjumpinganddressage.They havecompetedinanonlinedressage competitionwheretheycamein2nd place.CrystalandEllie-Joarealso trainingtojoinsomeendurancerides, withtheirfirstridebeing20km!It’sbeen apleasureforustohearaboutCrystal’s progress,andwearegladshehas managedtofindsuchalovinghome.
Haveyouconsidered adoptingananimal? Pleasevisitourwebsitewhere youcanviewallouravailable animalsandfindlotsof resources,supportandadvice...
Thissummertheyardhasbeenfairlyquietasmanyofourhorseshavefoundnew homesorareoutinourfields,enjoyingtheglorioussummerweather.Thisdoes not,however,meanthattheTeamhavenotbeenbusy! TheEquineTeamhasbeenholdingEquineCareandEnrichmentExperienceDays allthroughoutthesummerholidays.Thedonkeyshavebeengettingoutand aboutinthecommunity,participatingintheDonkeyDawdlethroughWetheral andWorldDonkeyDay.TheSummerFairgaveourhorsesachancetobeinvolved indemonstrations,showcasingtrainingtechniques. Wehavealsohostedexpertswhohavenotonlyofferedworkshopsforthegeneral publicbuthavegenerouslysharedtheirknowledgewiththeteam.Thankyouto JennifromSafeSpaceEquineBodyWorkandEricafromEquineT-Touch. Thequieterdaysalsomeanttherewastimetoworkwithourlockdownfoalsand preparethemfornewlivesawayfromtheCharity.DaisyandCosmowereborn hereonsiteduringthefirstlockdownin2020andhavenowfoundsuper,new, knowledgeablehomeswheretheywillcontinuetheirtraininganddevelopment. Wecan’twaittoseewhatthefutureholdsforthem.... 9 Equinesummertime! Cosmo Daisy
Commercial Participator Spotlight!
The Happy Herdwick continues to contribute generously to our cause. Raising over £250 since deciding to donate a very kind percentage of the proceeds from sales of felted models of resident goat Matilda and donkeys Charlie and Pringle! Come along and visit this lovely shop in Orchard Yard here at Oak Tree! Enormous thanks to Karen and Scott for their ongoing support.
Jenny G Artistry kindly chose to help us through donating 10% of every sale of artwork between 1st July and 31st August. Huge thanks to Jenny G Artistry for supporting Oak Tree.
HSBC UK very generously funded a new outdoor community Tearoom space at our main site. This facility, which officially opened in July, not only provides a space where we can help pets and owners who need our support, but is for anyone visiting Oak Tree to enjoy a cuppa and cake, even if it’s raining! Thank you so much HSBC UK!
Spotty Dog Days, Syd & Co, OSCAR Pet Foods Carlisle and Burns Pet Nutrition are also all continuing to help us in a variety of amazing ways. Find out more about these companies and how they have chosen to support us by visiting the corporate page on our website. Thanks, as ever, to all our Commercial Participators and Corporate Partners for your support – however you choose to help us we are immensely grateful. PleasecontactourFundraisingTeamifyouwouldliketolearnmoreaboutpartneringwith OakTreeAnimals'Charity. Our Commercial Participators have committed to helping us over and above the course of their everyday business - either by donating a percentage of profits or sponsoring us for a specified amount of time. In this issue of Acorn News we turn the spotlight onto the following...
11 Volunteers Join our dedicated team of Do something pawsome! TakepartinoneofourCorporateVolunteerDays! Current Vacancies... FosterCarers VanMaintenance BucketCollectors MuralArtist WindowCleaners Gardeners OfficeHelpers TearoomAssistants Andmanymore! Thank you! Wewouldbecompletelylostwithoutourfantasticvolunteers,andweare incrediblygratefulforeverythingtheycontributetoOakTree! Sign up online today, simply visit
Pets in Rentals
We never want to see families separated from their pets simply because they can’t find suitable housing. For several years Oak Tree has been working with letting agents to increase the number of pet-friendly rental properties in our area. We have a fantastic free pack we can provide letting agents with to support landlords in becoming pet-friendly. Now, we are delighted to see the Renters Reform Bill is changing legislation to make it easier for tenants to keep pets. Tenants will be able to request permission to keep a pet and challenge a decision if the landlord says no. Landlords need to be able to protect their property from irresponsible pet owners, so there are pet insurance products which cover any damage caused by the pet.
We’d love to hear what you think or if you’re likely to be affected by this change.
Please get in touch via to let us know.
Training at Oak Tree
Our team is expanding!
We recently welcomed Tara to the Training Team after making the switch from Small Animal Rehoming. Tara has a great level of canine knowledge and has been busy assisting with classes to practise teaching her knowledge to owners. Soon, there will be even more training options available...
It’s 'all systems go' in our Training Department between our adorable Puppy Class graduates and our Life Skills classes. Helping dogs focus around distractions gives owners different options to suit their needs.
For more information about our Dog Behaviour and Training Classes, please visit our website!
Walter came to us for some 1:1 sessions and, after some sessions to prepare him and his owner, we then applied the skills with some trips out and about...
I can’t recommend Gemma enough. My dog is so much more able to manage situations with other dogs and, importantly, I now have a good understanding of his behaviour and how to manage it.
Christmas Cards
and Snowman
14 Round
in a Santa Hat
A Christmas
You can also order your Christmas Cards from our online shop, just visit our website! 15 Dachshund Through The Snow Bought Myself A FHat our Candles Reindeer Trio Allcardscomeinpacksof10andare£2.99each P&P:£3.50forallordersupto£10.00or£5.50forallordersover£10.00. Weaimtodeliveryourcardswithin1-2weeks,dependingonavailability.Please orderyourcardsby09/12/22toreceiveyourcardsbeforeChristmas.
Order Form... Please complete this order form and return it to... Autumn/Winter Catalogue 2022 Oak Tree Farm, Wetheral Shields, Carlisle, CA4 8JA Price £ Running Total £ Ifyouwishtopaybycreditordebitcard,pleasecompletethissection: 16 Title:Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Other FullName: Address: PostCode: Tel: Email: Item Quantity Goods Total Donation P&P Total £ £ £ £ All cards come in packs of 10 and are £2.99 each. P&P:£3.50forallordersupto£10.00or £5.50forallordersover£10.00. Weaimtodeliveryourcardswithin12 weeks,dependingonavailability.Please orderyourcardsby09/12/22toreceiveyour cardsbeforeChristmas. Ifyouarepayingusingacredit/debitcardusingtheformbelow,pleaseenterherethenam addressthecardisregisteredto thankyou. Ifyouarepayingbycheque,pleasemakepayableto'OakTreeAnimals'Charity'. Longcardnumber ExpiryDate SecurityCode StartDate IssueNo. BelowneededifMaestrocard Signature: Date: Your details - please complete in block letters. PrivacyStatement:Toensuretheprivacyofourcontactsishighlyprotected,wekeepoursupporters'detailssecure and,followingtherecommendedFundraisingRegulatoryGuidelines,weneverselldata
Thank You
Your continued contributions are the difference between us surviving as a Charity or not. Without you, we would not be able to help the vulnerable animals and owners who desperately need our support. All the topics we touch on in this newsletter from animals finding their perfect ‘Forever Home’ to the vast range of services we provide – would not be possible without your vital support.
Facebook Fundraisers
Over £3,000 has been raised by schools, playgroups, colleges, gymnasiums, coffee shops and individual adults and children!
Local Businesses
For their constant support and donations throughout the year!
Partnered Vets
For the year-round work they do with our animals and teams!
Our Volunteers
For giving up 762 hours of their time since May and raising over £3,300 on fun quizzes!
Thank you to all of you!
Who kindly donate your time, money and items to help animals in need!
Nearly £1,000 has been raised by our supporters for birthdays and other activities!
Corporate Volunteer Days
To all the businesses and organisations who have given their time to support animals in need!
Our Regular Givers
Over £10,000 has been raised by regular donors, Lottery players, Animal Sponsors and Club Card members!
The Trusts
Who have chosen to award us grants, enabling us to continue helping animals most at need in the community!
Events 2022/23
Halloweek Trail
22nd to 31st October
Granny Haggard's spooky Children’s Trail, just £2 per person, no booking necessary and collect a treat on completion A spook tastic activity for all the family, including your canine companion!
Fright Night
Friday 28th October
Enter the woods, if you dare On the Friday before Halloween, Blackburn Woods is turning into Horrorland where there will be terrifying interactive group tours Just £10 per person, tours last around 20 30 minutes, and booking is essential, so please visit our website (see below).
Coming Soon: Steps For Pets
January 2023
Help make life MILES better for animals by completing 55,000 steps in a month that’s 262 miles! You can complete the steps however you like hop, walk, jog, cycle, it's up to you! Sign up is coming soon, so keep updated on our social media or website!
Don't miss out!
Keep an eye on our website and social media pages to find out more about upcoming events and activities!
We also send out monthly E updates which tell you more about the goings on at Oak Tree, check out page 3 to sign up!
Christmas Fair Christmas Grand Draw Virtual Christmas Market WindermereLakeCruisesFamilyFreedomVoucher KeswickCinemaVoucherticketsfortwoforany AlternativeAfternoonTeaforfourpeopleattheWildBoarInn,Windermere RickerbyRetreatProseccoAfternoonTeaforTwoVoucher DalemainMansionandGardens2023Membership AfternoonTeaforTwoattheCrownandMitreHotel AJohnWatt&SonHamper 1stOctoberto18thDecember TakepartinourfantasticGrandDraw,just£1perticket! Allprizeskindlydonatedbylocalbusinesses,including: standardfilmscreeningattheKeswickAlhambraCinema Closingdateis18thDecember(anyticketsboughtafterthisdatewillnotbecounted) Drawdatewillbe9thJanuary2023 19
2022/23 9th September to 31st January Shop local this Christmas! Find craft makers and small businesses on our new Virtual Christmas Market on Facebook £10 per stallholder Saturday
November Come along to Oak Tree Farm from 1000am to 300pm for a day of festive fun! Craft Fair, Fun Dog Show, children’s games, equine activities, meet Father Oakley and more! Visit our website:
Night Thursday 8th December Join us for the Ultimutt Christmas Quiz Night at BrewDog, Carlisle! The quiz starts at 7.00pm, just £2 person and you could win a fabulous BrewDog prize!
Help animals in one click! 20 Check out our Ebay page and shop for all sorts of quirky and unique items;including games, clothes, accessories and collectables! ShopviaAmazonSmile aandhelp Snimalsinneedatnoextracost. ignupandchooseOakTreeas Ayourcharityofchoiceand mazonwilldonatetoOakTree everyquarter! Easy Fundraisingallowsyou dto onatetousevery stimeyou hoponlineywithoutcosting ou Yanythingextra. ou canalsouse Easy Searchwhodonatetousevery timeyou searchonline! & OurAmazonWishlistallowsus toidentifyitemsouranimalsare currentlyinneedofthemost, andprovidesyou,thesupporter, withanotherwaytohelpthe animalsinourcare. Remembertotellusaboutyour generousgiftbyaddinganotethatwaywecanthankyou! Raise money for Oak Tree while you do your everyday shopping. just sign up to Give As You Live. There are over 6,000 shops to choose from and it doesn't cost you anything extra!
Carlisle, English Street Carlisle, St Nicholas Street Washington, Tyne and Wear Penrith Keswick Cockermouth Maryport Hexham Current locations: VolunteerOpening Times 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Saturday 10.00am to 4.00pm Sunday 21 Charity Shops Donate All of our shops are dog friendly! Become a Volunteer Wearealwayslookingforgood qualitydonationstosellinour shops-alloftheprofitssupport vulnerableanimalsinneed! IfyouGiftAidyourgoodsdonations, wecanget£2.50extraforevery£10 worthofgoodswesell-signupon ourwebsiteorinstore. Support our shop team and make a real difference to animals in our care and the community! Find out more on page 11 Help local pet owners in need! Donate unopened pet food to our donation bins in store and we will deliver it to local foodbanks to ensure it gets to where it is needed most!
Over 40 cats helped
Lowry Hill Road
Our Community Team have been hard at work in the Lowry Hill Road area of Carlisle helping unowned cats with our Trap, Neuter and Return (TNR) programme. Altogether, they helped 43 cats, along with rehoming seven kittens!
TNR is an essential and free service helping to prevent unwanted pregnancies, fighting and reduces the spread of diseases, not only in feral but domestic cats too. The vet bills for helping the Lowry Hill Road cats and kittens has totalled about £4,000, but that won’t stop us from continuing to get each cat the help they deserve.
Did you know?
One female cat can be responsible for up to 20,000 offspring in just 5 years!
£80 It costs us approximately... neuter and vaccinate one cat! Plus an extra £10 or sometimes more if parasite treatment is needed. on
Contact our Community Team for more information... Call 01228 560082 ext. 228 or Email
Exotic Animals
During this year’s Summer Fair, the Community Department opted for a different approach. Mike Collins (Community Engagement Officer) has been keeping reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates for about 20 years. With the rising costs of living, and the continual growth in popularity and relinquishment of these animals, he decided to bring in a selection of his own exotic animals. These were used to talk about the high welfare needs and requirements of different species, focusing on the importance of researching any animal before getting them, considering costs and not impulse buying animals for novelty.
It was very rewarding to see people enjoy engaging and learning about animals not usual to our site! Some of the characters they met included Ripley, the Brazilian salmon-pink Bird Eating Tarantula, who shocked everybody with her size (and the fact she was a real living animal!); the matt black Millipedes with their specific care requirements and lifespan of up to 10 years were also very popular. Gordan, the Malaysian Forest Scorpion, who glows under UV light had people talking and Coco, the Horse Field Tortoise, who can live for 80 100 years and loves a bath, proved very popular with the crowds!
Get in touch with our Community Team to find out more... Call 01228 560082 ext. 228 or Email
The Tearoom
ALL NEW MENU A splendid rural retreat and a lovely way to spend anytime of day! The café, food and cake are excellent. Everyone makes you feel very welcome and that includes all animals! 24
Open 10.00am to 4.00pm daily! Huge thank you to HSBC UK who generously funded our new outdoor community seating area... Check out our fantastic new menu with all sorts of delicious choicesincluding vegan, vegetarian and gluten free options! We are dog friendly! Enjoy a selection of tasty food and drink, whilst looking out over the Cumbrian Fells. You can sit inside
outside and watch the ponies, donkeys and goats grazing.
is also a wonderful playground, Kids' Meal Deals and Tearoom vouchers available too!
Orchard Yard and Gift Shops
Wehostregularsaleswithlotsof fantasticprices,socomeandjoinus foragreatdayofbargainhunting! Checkoutourwebsitefor thelatestdetails. 25 Get Involved Tack Sales, Car Boots and Table-top Sales
During your visit to Oak Tree Farm, be sure to take a look in all our shops! We've got everything from secondhand pet equipment to homewareall at reasonable prices! Our shops are open 10.00am to 4.00pm daily and we host our Saturday Sales every week too. Birthday Parties Celebrateyourbirthdaywithus,and meetsomeofouranimals!Yougetto chooseadogorponythemeandtakean OakTreegoodiebaghome. Tobookorformoredetails,pleaseemail
Donate (one-off or a regular donation) Volunteer with us Sponsor an animal Set up a fundraiser Foster an animal Follow us on social media Host a collection tin Shop in our Charity Shops Leave a legacy - find out how to leave a gift in your will Join our team Visit us Take part in our events Shop online (see page 20) Become a corporate partner 26 We have teamed up with Pet Blood Bank UK! Find out more on their website about what they do... Get Involved You could... Oak Tree Farm, Wetheral Shields, Carlisle, CA4 8JA Email: Call: 01228 560082
Full Name Email Address (post) T: 01228 560082 E: Wouldyouliketokeephearingfromus?Subscribetoreceiveupdates,newsand moreabouttheanimalswesupport(besuretogivethisformbacktous)! We can achieve more together! Please tick each box to choose how you would like to hear from us... 27 About Us Communicationsinclude:monthlye newsupdatesincludingwaysyoucangetinvolvedandsupportus(emailopt insonly),abiannualnewsletter,andveryoccasionallyweaskforalittleextrahelponbehalfoftheanimalsbutyou areundernoobligationtorespond! You can update your preferences or opt out anytime by emailing or calling 01228 560082 PrivacyStatement:Toensuretheprivacyofourcontactsishighlyprotected,wekeepoursupporters'details secureand,followingtherecommendedFundraisingRegulatoryGuidelines,weneverselldata Working for our community; caring for animals; making a difference. Oak Tree has been helping animals for 113 years. We are passionate about animal welfare and believe that every animal matters, helping hundreds of animals every year. In 2021 we were able to assist 2615 animals and their owners. to help companion animals in need. Finding them safe and comfortable homes and helping the community to understand their needs, through support and education. We work alongside our partners at foodbanks, social services, housing associations and other local organisations to help vulnerable pet owners who desperately need our help. Our ‘A Helping Paw’ programme provides vital short term fostering for those who are homeless or fleeing domestic violence, helping them rebuild lives while knowing their pet is safe and well cared for. We run community clinics and training classes to offer welfare advice and support and work with schools and community groups to educate the next generation of pet owners. Our Mission... We find dogs, cats and horses loving new homes, rescuing and rehabilitating them to give them the best chance of a bright future. Rehoming is intrinsically reactive: something has gone wrong. Our proactive community approach finds solutions for pet owners, keeping pets in loving homes and avoiding unnecessary stress and heartache. OakTreeAnimals'Charity,OakTreeFarm,WetheralShields,Carlisle,CA48JA Open7daysaweek,10.00amto4.00pm OakTreeAnimals'CharityisaRegisteredCharity Number1169511/SC048389 CopyrightOTAC2022 Allarticles andphotographsremainthepropertyofOakTreeAnimals'Charityandmaynotbereproducedinanywaywithout thewrittenpermissionoftheCharity CompanyLimitedbyGuarantee10404912RegisteredinEnglandandWales GeneralManger:CarolineJohnson FundraisingandCommunicationsManager:DawnCox Title (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Other
Leave a gift in your will Let your love of animals live on… Please email Your legacy their lifeline.