a : e m o h w e e n m r o u c l o y We o t t a e c d i e u gu c res
Congratulations You may have already adopted your feline friend or be eagerly waiting to take him/her home. Here you will find some useful information for helping you and your new cat settle into your life together. The more prepared you are, the easier the transition will be for you and your cat, to help you both develop a strong relationship in the initial few weeks.
The team at Oak Tree
will have considered many factors to ensure your cat is as suitable for you as possible and that you are happy moving forward. Always ask any questions you may have..
New Arrival can be a little it t u b r e b m e a new family m g in v a h g in it c x enced a lot of e ri e ry p e x v e is e v a h l il t I your cat. They w r fo g in they know lm le e p h o e rw p e ove th g in ce of time, leav a p s rt o ur cats so h o s r a fo in g in lm e h change ges can be overw n a h c e s e h T ! e life with you. w e n ir e th behind, twic to m y introduce the ll a u d ra g to d e we ne ment is important to n o ir v n E
a a cat. Providing them with el quiet area in which they fe can safe and secure, that they ill retreat to when needed, w help them to settle in and ea relax more quickly. This ar ts, should be free of other pe erly until they have been prop introduced. Choice is also ey important so make sure th les, have options for hidey ho ss including if possible, acce to a high spot.
Scent makes sense.
Give the rescue/cattery an item of your clothing or a blanket to allow the cat to familiarise itself with you and then to have something familiar in its new home. Pheremone diffusers and sprays releasing soothing scents can also reduce stress in the first few days.
duce e r o t t a c ur ays for yo w t a leasing e r e n i h r p r G endo : gentle e stress are r u s s e r ith no p w s e i t i e mats, l v i f f t u ac n s , ) ey allow h t f i ( g n time. i t u o l strok l i h c eding, scatter fe
Settling in When your cat arrives there are many things to get used to: new home new family new routine other pets new/unfamiliar smells unsure if/when their needs will be met new relationships with people in the family they may not have spent much time with
Some cats may love having a lot of attention, however some may be more cautious. Try to let them make the choice to come to you and gently encourage their engagement. Atat any point your cat If turns away or chooses not to interact, let them make that decision and welcome their affection when they are ready.
take n a c t it n e lax v e r e l y l u l ressf to fu t t s a ke a c a r r m u e o o it, s for y Aft y e b of m d i y t e t s e n s e e l som sp s str a s h e l l l a ee arriv w and f e rn ax. l u e r o y o t sure time
New family member
of course, l, il w t e p e u c ew res Your n iends and fr r u o y th o b y be loved b excited e b t, b u o d o n l, family who wil However, l. a iv rr a w e n to meet the uple of o c a te ia c re p p your cat will a h just the it w e m ti d n e days to sp ousehold h te ia d e m im e members of th other people. g n ti e e m re fo be
, approaching s d n ie fr d n a y w eir new famil th s s e s Allo ion to tell s a is c to e d e e m ti th t e a k c a your You should m . to t n essed. If a tr w s y s e k o th lo n t e a h c r w them minute” if you a n “i r o ” h g u o fine, they o ls n a e s s t’ t’ a a h th “t le p le peop ract with peo te in to open for t o e c n a s p e s s o fe o a h s c a t a your c e. Always keep m ti re o m e m so helmed rw e v o l e fe may just need y e t to if th them to retrea er them v o g in h c people rea y b d e t a nd if they a id t a im t c r in u l o e y e r hand to Cats can f u o y n take r e e f h f t O s . d s n d o n c ha m for 3 se e h with their t more, e k t o n r a t s w , y n e io ent e back if th m o initiate att c l il w way. They a d n rocess. a p h e r h u t t yo a e then rep
Outdoor access e always recommend keeping W your new rescue cat indoors for a minimum of four weeks. This will give your cat time to settle in to their new surroundings and create a bond with you. Depending on the time of year, it may be necessary to keep your cat in for slightly longer. This would be times such as, Bonfire Night or New Year when there may be fireworks. You don't want the first time your cat goes outdoors to be scary! When you do let your cat out for the first time, it is best to do so just before a mealtime so the cat has a good reason to come back into the house.
If your cat goes missing you need to call your microchip
company (their details will be on the pet passport that you recieve at adoption). They will update their system to show that your cat is missing and make sure your details are up to date. You can post photos on social media & ask people to let you know if they see your cat. Also ask your local postman/woman to keep a look out as they tend to walk around the same area everyday. Place some of your cats belongings, such as bedding or litter tray, outside and this may help them find their way back.
Toileting ts from a rescue usually come litter trained but some may Ca need a little help to start with. Remember, your new cat won't necessarily know where their litter tray is in their new home. We strongly recommend keeping your new cat in one room to begin with. This means they have their very own safe space, with their food, water and litter trays (one cat should have at least two trays). Once your cat is feeling more settled, you can then let them explore the rest of the house. If you do move their litter trays, remember to put them in a quiet area of the house. Don't forget to show them where they are!
efer to r p s t a ec m o ferent S f i d e s u nces in substa ays. r t r e t t i their l ill try w f f a t s The st to their be your f o u o y inform ourite v a f s t a new c keep n a c u o so y me in a s e h t this me.. o h w e their n
Sleep In a new place your cat may struggle to adjust to their new sleeping In arrangements. Some may be fine left alone, others may struggle. Sleeping alone may be entirely new for them. Where you choose for your cat to sleep is up to you. Some people enjoy having them on their bed, others on the landing, some in the kitchen, this is completely your choice.
DID YOU ? W p e O e sl KN s n r u ca o s h C a t to 16 p ! u y r a o f ad
ver at likes to o c r u c o y e s r e i wh D d their n fi l il w s t a c sleep. Most the house, in t o p s e it favour e bed, h t n o e b ld this cou of the p o t n o r o d e under the b ortant to p im is It . e wardrob s lots of a h t a c r u o y make sure an go, with c y e h t s e c safe pla up high. g in e b e m o s
Veterinary/diet When you have a new rescue cat we strongly reccommend that you register with a vet within 24 hours if possible but as soon as practicable if not. Fleaand & worm Flea Worm Your cat will need regular flea and worm treatments throughout its life. The most effective treatments come from veterinarians and they can advise you on the best product depending on your cat's lifestyle.
Vaccinations Annual vaccinations are part of maintaining your cat’s health. You will also need to make sure these are up to date. A vaccination card will have been given to you by Oak Tree at the time of adoption, which can be used by your vet for annual updates.
Microchip The team at Oak Tree will make the initial changeover for your details to be registered on the microchip. After that, it is your responsibility to keep the details held for that chip up to date.
Changes to their environment can Changing sometimes cause a stomach upset. Oak Tree recommends you keep your cat on their usual diet for a couple of days and then slowly transition them over 7 days onto your food of choice (unless they are on a special diet)
Cat body language It is helpful to be able to read your cat's body language as this is the only way they can communicate with you. ting e e r g oll is a r cat r l u a o i y c e so eans m d Th n reak a b , r t u n o o i ase d e behav l d to e P t . p u o m y ing te trusts e b y my! st b u m r t u t t tha their e k o r st
will u o y , essed r t s s i ars t e a r i c e r h you ave t h y skers e i If h h t w e and notic e d i w , eyes rd down forwa
The cro uch wor mea ried ns y abo u t som our cat gett is ing read ething a y to nd run
When your ca t is relaxe d they will ha ve smalle r pupi ls, relaxe d ears and w hisker s
Please don't forget those left behind, visit: www.oaktreeanimals.org.uk or email: fundraising@oaktreeanimals.org.uk
t s u j s n o i t e s v e u o l q e y w n A s . p ! ! s k e s t a a d up Registered charity 1169511/SCO48389 Oak Tree Farm, Wetheral Shields, Carlisle CA4 8JA 01228 560082