Acorn News
News, views and more from Oak Tree
Spring/Summer 2024
Asthecostoflivinghitshouseholdsacrossourregion,ourservicesaremuch neededbyourcommunity.Wearecontinuingtoadaptourservicestoensurewe areabletohelpkeeppetsandownerstogetherwhereverpossible,andfindloving newhomesforanimalswhenneeded.Webelievepreventionisbetterthanacure. Thelaunchofournew‘ask@’serviceencouragesowners(orthosethinkingof gettingapet)togetintouchwiththeirpetquestionsbeforesituationsbecome problems.Ifyou,oranyoneyouknow,haveanypetquestions,pleasedogetin youfindtheanswers
Thiseditionispackedwithstoriesaboutourwork.Wehopeyouenjoyreading aboutjustafewofthelife-changingactivitiesyouhelpusachieve.Yoursupport reallymakesthedifference,allowingustoreachthosewhoneedusandtransform humanandanimallives.
Full Name Email Address (post) Subscribetoreceiveupdates,newsandmore-besuretogivethisformbacktous! We can achieve more together! Please tick each box to choose how you would like to hear from us... Communicationsinclude:monthlye-newsupdates,includingwaysyoucangetinvolvedandsupportus (emailoptinsonly),abiannualnewsletter,andveryoccasionallyweaskforalittleextrahelponbehalfof theanimalsbutyouareundernoobligationtorespond! You can update your preferences or opt out anytime by emailing or calling 01228 560082 PrivacyStatement:Toensuretheprivacyofourcontactsishighlyprotected,wekeepoursupporters' detailssecureand,followingtherecommendedFundraisingRegulatoryGuidelines,weneverselldata Title (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Other) 01228 560082 | | Oak Tree Animals' Charity, Oak Tree Farm, Wetheral Shields, Carlisle, CA4 8JA Open 7 days a week, 10.00am to 4.00pm OakTreeAnimals'CharityisaRegisteredCharity-Number1169511/SC048389 CopyrightOTAC2024 CompanyLimitedbyGuarantee 10404912RegisteredinEnglandandWales AllarticlesandphotographsremainthepropertyofOakTreeAnimals'Charityandmaynot bereproducedinanywaywithoutthewrittenpermissionoftheCharity CarolineJohnson-ChiefExecutiveOfficer Welcome to our Spring/Summer Newsletter 2024
Making a difference together!
In 2023, we had an amazing year helping 4,471 animals in need through our rehoming and community programmes!
Unwanted behaviour continues to be our top reason for dog relinquishment. Our welfare teams work hard to support pet owners at home through support, advice, 1-2-1 sessions, and training classes
Compulsory microchipping for pet cats will come in on 10th June 2024 We were pleased to see that owners are responding to this with 71% of cats coming into Oak Tree already chipped in 2023. Our Helping Paw programme had its busiest year, fostering 96 animals when their owners were fleeing domestic violence or facing homelessness.
What’s happening at Oak Tree?
2024 is already challenging for pet owners as household financial situations worsen and pet ownership costs increase Our own charity costs are also increasing with 20-40% increase in vet bills, energy bills rising and other inflationary costs However, we continue to adapt our services to provide support to pet owners, collaborating wherever possible, and diversifying our income streams to provide a secure and sustainable platform for our Charity
Our charity shop network throughout our region allows us to reach those who need us at the heart of our community, whilst generating much needed funds.
We look forward to welcoming you to Oak Tree Farm and our charity shops, where you can get involved with our activities and help us make a difference for animals across our region
From as little as £1 per week!
To find out more, please visit:
Scan this QR code or email
Sponsor our Donkey Den!
Dangerous Dogs - What’s Next?
The incidence of dog bites requiring hospital admissions has increased steadily across the UK since 1998. In 2022 there were 10 fatalities. In response, the Government brought in a ban on XL Bullies and it is now illegal to own an XL Bully without a valid exemption certificate.
While something needed to be done to address the issue and protect the public, Breed Specific Legislation is controversial The reasons for dog bites are very varied and include breeding, early socialisation, household environment, training, and human interactions. Therefore, given the complexity of the situation, there cannot be a quick legislative fix to this issue.
Our Patron, Baroness Fookes, originally brought the Dangerous Dogs Act to the House of Commons in 1991, and last year called for the Government to review the legislation considering the different factors causing dog bites We, like Baroness Fookes, animal welfare charities and vets, all consider that more needs to be done to solve the issue
For dog lovers, the issue is worrying; how do we protect both dogs and people? We will continue to advocate for a more effective review by the Government, but in the meantime, dog lovers can take action now by:
Thinking carefully before getting a dog Research breed type and only use licensed breeders or reputable rescue centres to source dogs. Providing socialisation opportunities and life-long training for your dog with a qualified trainer, using positive reinforcement techniques. Our Behaviour and Training team can help.
Keeping your dog under control and using leads appropriately Advocating for your to your dog’s body l
Keeping your dogs’ pain which may cau behaviour issues
If you are seeking further advice or support, please email
As a long-term dog and frequent poster boy, a lot of our supporters know and love Dougie’s face.
During his 3 years at Oak Tree he was adopted and then sadly ermined to make sure the third
Winston had been abandoned by his owners and lived life as a stray for some time before being brought to Oak Tree.
We soon found that he was suffering from a skin issue around h eyes which caused him to be so itc he would claw at them, causing co worked closely with our vets to try issues but it hasn’t been an easy fix didn’t stop him getting a new hom get overlooked, so we were thrilled his medical needs and give him the deserves! Winston is doing fantastically well with his new family and we are so grateful to his adopter for opening their home to a cat like Winston.
Kinder Bueno arrived at Oak Tree in 2022, following a cruelty case, unhandled and very nervous of people. After gaining confidence on the ground, Kinder was then trained to be a riding pony and soon found a home with Niamh and her family.
Kinder has made good friends with my other two horses and has completely mothered my foal! She loves a good fuss, brush and she is the best at giving and receiving cuddles. She has never put a foot wrong when the kids ride. We've done aeroplane arms, round the world and pointed to different body parts. She will go out hacking like a snail and come back like a race horse.
Foals at Oak Tree
Last spring, we welcomed foals Toby, Calypso and Trigger to Oak Tree, since then they have come on in leaps and bounds!
All the foals have grown not only in size but also character! Despite being quite young, the foals are easily handled and have had their first vet visit, where they were microchipped and passported. As all 3 foals are confident around people, they are now starting to go out for walks to practice being away from the herd. All foals have now been weaned from their mothers (mares) and so will continue to be fed grass as they mature.
Just£2 perweek Scantosignupnow! Win up to £10,000 in our weekly Mobile Lottery draw! Simplyvisit:wwwoaktreeanimalsorguk/mobile-lottery Pleasenote:thelotteryisopentoadults18+inGreatBritainonly.
Tabby McTat A true street cat story!
In December we were searching for this gorgeous tabby’s owners. With no luck, we were able to rehome ‘Wild Bill’ to a lovely lady who lived on a small holding. Now named ‘Tabby McTat’, he has gone from living as a street cat to having the most amazing life in the countryside. Here’s what his adopter had to say about their experience…
Owning horses stabled at home and having the usual vermin problem, I decided I needed a yard cat. I contacted Oak Tree Animals’ Charity about the possibility of rehoming a feral cat. The lovely Sarah told me about a stray living in Carlisle who desperately needed an outdoor home. After settling into his new home, it soon became evident that he is a real character, very vocal, and a cat who loves company and attention, and lots of stroking, but on his terms! He has the loudest purr. My grandson wanted to call him ‘Tabby McTat’, so he became ‘Tabs’ for short. Since then, he has become my shadow, getting up out of bed as soon as he hears my voice, and supervising mucking out. He is hilarious. He has a fascination for plastic feed bags and enjoys mouthing them and climbing in them. I can tell he has never seen a field or walked through mud! He was completely overawed by all the space. We had our first taste of spring like weather, and after a stroll round the fields with me this morning he decided to explore his surroundings more and came back with his first present Clever boy!
We love happy endings like this and are always grateful when we can find homes for outdoor cats, if you think you would like to rehome an outdoor cat, please do get in touch!
Training at Oak Tree Animals' Charity
Puppy Classes
We will cover all the basic exercises you need to develop your puppy's basic training, such as sit, down, stay, loose lead walking and recall, and a range of other exercises designed to help develop your bond and enhance your puppy's love of training Puppy classes are suitable for puppies up to 6 months of age.
Next Steps Dog Training
Suitable for dogs from 6 months of age that have a basic level of training or have attended puppy classes previously We will progress the foundation training already achieved and teach new skills to help develop a well-balanced, happy and engaged dog
on our website today or email
Scanto bookonline
Selecting the right equipment when walking your dog...
There are all kinds of dog equipment available, but how do you know what works best for your dog?
Choke Chain and Prong Collar
A choke collar is a chain that tightens up when th on the lead. A prong collar works on the same prin metal prongs or spikes These types of collars can injuries and behavioural problems Some dogs ca the increasing amount of pain and override it in th to go for a walk, but the pain and discomfort caus fear as well as frustration and can destroy the bon between the dog and owner
Head Collar
Slip Lead
These leads are used a lot for working dogs such as gundogs who are unable to wear collars due to the risk of becoming caught on branches and fences when working They are also great as an emergency lead/collar for dogs, but as they tighten around the dogs neck as they pull, they can lead to the same physical and behaviour issues as choke and prong collar if used without training
Headcollars for dogs are designed to work on the same principle as using a headcollar for a horse, however a dog’s face is sensitive so they can be uncomfortable and cause the dog to attempt to remove them Correct use and positive reinforcement training are essential for headcollars to work beneficially. Our team can offer advice and training
The best design is a harness with a Y front that leaves the shoulders free to move naturally without restriction Harnesses give greater control of a strong dog without putting pressure in the wrong areas of the body To ensure your dog is happy wearing a harness it is important to build up a positive association with the harness before putting it on the dog and using it on a walk A well-fitted harness is a great option when walking your dog.
A normal flat collar can be worn at all times and is perfect for displaying the legally required identity disc Positive reinforcement training helps your dog willingly walk with you, creating a positive bond with the owner and the equipment being used.
If you are seeking further advice, please email
Make your mark on the world... Claim your free Will today and give a gift in your Will to Oak Tree Animals’ Charity. Visit: Call: 020 4525 3605 and quote ‘Oak Tree Animals’ Charity’ We’ve been supporting animals like Rosie for over 114 years. Your legacy is their lifeline. We’ve partnered with expert Will writers, Octopus Legacy (was Guardian Angel) By using their quick and easy online service, writing your Will online is very easy and on average only takes 10 minutes! Notsureifyouneeda Will?Takethequiz!
The Railway Cats
OurCommunityTeamwascontactedbyStainmoreRailwayCompanyto helptrapandneuteraferalqueencatandkitten(whichtheyhadbeen unsuccessfulincatchingpreviously),andablacktomcatwhorecently appearedonsiteandwasfightingwiththeirtworesident,neuteredstation cats.
Ourteamsetupthreedummytrapsontheplatformtostartafeeding routine.Theywerelaterreplacedwithrealtrapsandanextratrapwas placedonthetrackneartothecats’pointofentry.Thesewereleftovernight andthefollowingmorningwereceivedacalltosaythethreecatshadall beentrapped,plusanadditionalblacktom!Allfourcats(twoblacktoms, onetabbyfemale,onetabbyfemalekitten)wenttoCoomaraVeterinary Practicetobeneuteredandwerereturnedtotherailwaythefollowingday
Iwouldliketothankyourexcellentteamfortheirdedicationtoferal catsStainmoreRailwayCompany(SRC)isavolunteerrunheritage railwaywithanofficialstationcat,Barras.
Yourteamwereamazingandcamewithdummytrapsandtaughtus howtousethemTheygottoknowtheSRCcatsandensuredthatthe chancesofthembeingcaughtwereminimised.
Thecommunicationwiththeteamwasamazingwithupdatesbytext andwewouldhighlyrecommendyourcharitytoothers.
Thomas’ recovery journey...
At the end of January 2024, Thomas, a 9 month old cockerpoo arrived at Oak Tree As he was still a young puppy, he was fostered by a lovely couple while he waited to find his forever home. During his stay with the fosterer, they noticed Thomas occasionally limping even after minimal exercise. He was taken to Paragon Vets and was booked in for x-rays and to be assessed by an orthopaedic specialist.
After the X-ray, the extent of his problem be dysplasia on both sides Hip dysplasia is a co socket of the hip joint develop abnormally. T properly within the socket. In the worst case osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease and be incredibly painful It is an inherited condition, so breeding must be carefully monitored to reduce the risk of it occurring. Due to Thomas being so young, early diagnosis and treatment were key to helping prevent long-term arthritis caused by the condition.
Treatment options vary and, initially, we thought Thomas may need a full hip replacement. After careful consultation, it was decided that Thomas would need a femoral head excision which costs approximately £900 per hip This surgery would enable Thomas to live a happy life without pain and discomfort and is likely to be a success.
Thomas’ story quickly grabbed the hearts of supporters across the region and donations flooded in to ensure he could get the help he deserved. Within the first 7 hours we had hit the £1,800 total, covering the cost of his surgery as well as his recovery journey.
Thomas had his first surgery and it went very well. He’s bounced back and even visited our Easter Dogs’ Day Out in March We are all thrilled with the outcome!
Alex The Cat Fosterer
eet Alex, one of our amazing fosterers. Alex as so far completed 1,080 hours of fostering and counting!) through our ‘A Helping Paw’ service. This foster service supports dividuals and families who are homeless or fleeing domestic abuse, by fostering their pets for up to 6 months to help them get back on their feet.
It’s clear to see that the cats who stay with Alex are always well looked after and given lots of fuss. The companionship he gets from the cats has been a great comfort to him, and we’re sure it is a benefit to the cats and their owners in need. Fostering is incredibly beneficial to individuals who are seeking companionship but are unable to rehome an animal full time
Alex’s family member said...
Alex has loved cats all his life, so he is no stranger to having them around and making sure they're well looked after. It shows by how well the cats he has cared for, so far, have taken to him We know the cats enjoy their stay with Alex, as he provides good company for them, but they also provide good company for him too He became a cat fosterer to help the community and lend a helping hand to someone who was going through a difficult time, but the companionship he has got from the cats has been a great comfort to him too, which has been a huge benefit to becoming a fosterer.
There are no bills involved with being a fosterer. We provide all the essentials including food, bedding, medical treatments and more. Fostering is one of the most rewarding volunteer roles at Oak Tree We are forever grateful to Alex and all our fosterers for the time and love they put into caring for the animals.
To find out more about fostering, please email
Upcoming Events
Park Run
Saturday 18th May 9.00am to 11.00am
Oak Tree takeover at Talkin Tarn, Carlisle!
Children’s Trail
25th May to 3rd June (Half Term)
Take part in our £2 onsite trail at Oak Tree Farm!
Gala Dinner
Monday 27th May
Find out more about our upcoming events on our website or social media!
An evening of fine dining, auction and inspiration at Oak Tree Farm!
Riding of the Marches
Saturday 6th July 1.30pm to 4.30pm
Find us at the Annan Academy playing fields at our fun and games stall!
Summer Fair
Saturday 13th July 10.00am to 3.00pm
A day of family fun for all ages at Oak Tree Farm, lots of games and activities!
Caledonia Park Takeover
Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th September
Celebrate International Dog Week at Caledonia Park with Oak Tree Animals’ Charity for lots of fun and games, including a Dog Show!
Volunteering: Sandra’s Story
Nearly4yearsagoIwas diagnosedwithStage3 Cancerandexperienceda majoroperationand chemo-treatment,thiswas verytraumaticformeand affectedmymentalhealth andconfidenceatthattime.
Followingthistemporarysetbackinmylifeandtakingtimefor recovery,IreturnedtomyregularadminjobandthenfeltIwantedto givesomeofmysparetimetohelpingvulnerableanimalsandthe community.
SincebecomingavolunteerandafostereratOakTreeinSeptember 2022,Ihavelovedeverymomentofmytimewithinthecattery.I recentlyspenttimewiththedogsinkennels,alsofosteringforthe CommunityTeam’s‘AHelpingPaw’programmeandlatterly supportingtheFundraisingTeamwithabitofmyadminexperience.I havefoundthestaffatOakTreetobebothprofessionaland supportiveandveryappreciativeforvolunteerhelp.
Ithashelpedimprovemymentalhealthandconfidencenoendand makesmefeellikemynormalselfagain.Ialsoenjoyraisingfundsfor specialcharitiesclosetomyheartandknowingthatIamdoingmybit tohelpmakethingsbetterforpeopleandanimalswhoareless fortunatethanmyself,givesmealotofsatisfaction. IwouldcertainlyrecommendbeingavolunteeratOakTree.
Join Sandra and over 200 more volunteers by signing up to become a volunteer on our website!
We now have charity shops across the North East and West They not only help fund the vital work we do for animals and our community, but make our services accessible to those with limited transport. Donate, volunteer or find a fantastic bargain, whatever you choose to do, a visit to our charity shops will not disappoint!
Contacts OakTreeFarm-01228560082 Keswick-01768772634 Cockermouth-01900829974 rlisleStNicholasStreet-01228401672 CarlisleEnglishStreet-01228521095 Penrith-01768864998 Hexham-01434604822 Blaydon-01914140735 Durham-01913805912 Ponteland-01915130142 Brampton-Comingsoon OpeningTimes OakTreeFarm-Daily1000amto400pm CharityShops-9.00amto5.00pm(Mon-Sat)10.00amto4.00pm(Sun) Openingtimescandiffersopleasecallaheadtoavoiddisappointment. Where to find us? Charity Shops
Blackburn Woods
Our beautiful woodland provides an idyllic space for dog walking. Visitors have the opportunity to experience the tranquillity of our native wildlife by exploring the pathways and our woodland viewpoint with outstanding views across the Pennines and the Eden Valley.
Hire our Facilities
We have different areas available to hire at Oak Tree Farm:
A one acre secure Dog Paddock
A secure woodland area Snuffle Run
A floodlit sand school arena
An education and meeting room
The Tearoom
Open 7 days a week 10.00am to 4.00pm Oak Tree Farm, Wetheral Shields, Carlisle, CA4 8JA
Enjoy a selection of tasty food and drink, while looking out over the Cumbrian Fells and watching our lovely ponies, donkeys and goats!
Did you know?
We sell Tearoom Gift Vouchers, including an indulgent Afternoon Tea for Two! Buy yours today in the Tearoom at Oak Tree Farm. GiftVoucher OAKTREETEAROOM
We’redog f r i e n dyl !
Mouse’s Success Story
Every horse here at Oak Tree has their own journey and character. In December, Mouse the Shetland pony began her own Oak Tree story. She was wary and unapproachable, so the Equine Team knew they had a lot of rehabilitation work to do Mouse had overgrown hooves which needed urgent care. The team worked closely with the vet and farrier to ensure they could get Mouse’s feet trimmed without causing her too much stress and discomfort.
The Equine Team have been using positive reinforcement techniques to train Mouse and help her get used to being around new people. Her Rehoming Caseworker has been focusing on growing her confidence around the vet and farrier. She has improved massively since arriving with us but she’s still not a fan of needles. Mouse’s sweet and very curious personality means that despite her initial uncertainty of new people, she loves attention once she knows you! She is now easy to catch, lead and be handled by staff, and has now found her forever home
Mouse shares a space with Chammy, one of our other Shetland ponies.
Community Support
Our aim is to keep pets and owners together.
Being proactive rather than reactive means we can spot potential problems before they arise. The team share advice on a range of pet topics, including neutering, flea and worm treatment, microchipping, and financial help They take a non-judgemental approach, supporting people who are overwhelmed with the care of their pets such as hoarding cases.
Pet Foodbanks
Our community volunteers collect and supply pet food donations to a variety of local food banks including Carlisle Foodbank, Affordable Hub and Brampton Foodbank, as well as locations in West Cumbria and the North East. We have Pet Foodbank Donation Bins in our Charity Shops as well as local businesses like Caledonia Park and Morrisons Carlisle
A Helping Paw
A confidential service helping families and individuals to keep their pets when they are facing homelessness or fleeing domestic abuse
We coordinate between agencies, housing officers and victim support, with help from our amazing fosterers
Trap Neuter Return (TNR)
A free service to help control the population of feral, community and farm cats to minimise the spread of diseases and reduce the amount of unwanted kittens across the region.
If you require support or know someone who does, please email
Book a holiday and help animals in need!
Easy Fundraising is a simple and easy way to donate to Oak Tree without costing you anything!
Hundreds of travel brands want to donate to our cause when you shop with them. Find the top picks for hotels, package holidays and travel extras by scanning the QR code below or visiting:
Thank you to... Pets at Home Foundation
ThePetsatHomeFoundationhavegranted£24,277toOakTreeAnimals' CharitytowardsouroutreachworkforthenextyearWeareabsolutely thrilledwiththisgenerousaward!
ThisprojectaddressestheCostofLivingcrisiswithaninitiativetoaverttragic situationswherepetownersmustmakeachoicebetweenprovidingfor themselvesortheirbelovedpets.Theoutreachworktakesaproactive approachtowardsanimalrehoming;strivingtounderstandpatternsand trendstopreventpetsurrenderswhilepromotingthewelfareofboth animalsandtheirowners.Weaimtolowerinstancesof petrelinquishmentsduetodomesticabuseand homelessness,andbehaviouralissuesin householdscontainingvulnerableadultsand children.Theseinitiativeshelpkeepfamilies togetherwiththeirmuch-lovedpets
The Pets at Home Foundation are incredibly supportive of our charity A few years ago, they matchfunded our electric community van and now they are funding such a critical service for us. This partnership will truly make a difference to the animals and pet owners in Cumbria who are in need of our help Thank you!
Kristina, Grant Fundraiser for Oak Tree
How Can You Help?
There are hundreds of ways you can help animals in need while having fun at the same time!
We can support you with your fundraising efforts by providing collection tins, t-shirts, posters, sponsor forms and anything else you may require We have places reserved for many running, walking, bungee jumping and swimming events around the UK throughout this year. Don’t worry if sports aren’t your thing! Maybe you’d enjoy a crochet challenge, or hosting an open garden event? Please give us a call or email us with your ideas and start fundraising!
Can your business change lives? It doesn’t matter how big or small your organisation or business is, if you like what we deliver as a charity, please consider working in partnership with us Many local and national businesses offer their time, products and skills to support the work we do at Oak Tree. We can offer a few things in return for your commitment, so if you would like to find out more please visit our website
Donate, Volunteer, Rehome or Foster!
Together we can help thousands of pets and their owners across the region!
Thank you for your support!
Donate by post, phone or in-person
If you would like to make a donation via a cheque, please make it payable to 'Oak Tree Animals' Charity'. You can also donate over the telephone, please call us on 01228 560082. You can also visit one of our Charity Shops or Oak Tree Farm, Wetheral Shields, Carlisle, CA4 8JA.
Donate via the bank
Tosetuparegularorone-offdonationviayourbankwhetheritbein-person, online,orviaamobilebankingapp,pleaseusethefollowinginformation.(There arenoextraadminchargesforusingthispaymentmethod).
AccountNumber:54102146 | SortCode:16-52-21
Donate online
Youcansetuparegularpaymentormakeaone-offdonationonourwebsitevia JustGiving(pleasenote,JGadminchargeswillapply)-simplyclick the'donate‘button.
Ifyouchoosetodonate,pleasenotifyOakTreeofyourkind contribution,alongwithyourcontactdetails,sowecanupdate ourrecordsandproperlyacknowledgeyourgenerousdonation!,call01228560082 orwritetoususingtheabovedetails
Add 25% to any donation you make!
Please complete our Gift Aid form to add 25% to your donations (monetary and goods). Forms can be downloaded from our website, or get in touch and we can pop one in the post for you!
Your support enables us to help thousands of animals every year!