2 minute read
"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships."
When people work together, they can combine their skills, strengths,and knowledge to produce better results than any individual could achieve alone. In a team, members can rely on each other and delegate tasks to the person with the right expertise, which can save time and increase productivity
Furthermore, teamwork promotes collaboration and communication. Team members can share ideas and opinions, and discuss different viewpoints to reach the best possible outcome By listening to each other, team members can identify potential issues, brainstorm solutions, and work towards a consensus. This helps to build trust and respect among team members, which are essential for effective collaboration
Teamwork also fosters a sense of accountability and responsibility When people work together, they are responsible not only for their own work but also for the work of the team as a whole Each member is accountable for their actions, and they must work towards the common goal This can create a sense of ownership, commitment, and motivation, which can lead to greater satisfaction and success
When joining a Toastmasters club, you not only join one club but gain access to the knowledge and resources of toastmasters around the world In addition, teamwork within Toastmasters provides an opportunity for personal growth and development By working in a team, individuals can develop leadership skills, learn to communicate effectively and hone their problem-solving abilities This can be applied not only within Toastmasters but also in other areas of their personal and professional life
In Toastmasters too, teamwork is an often emphasized aspect While an individual needs to strive and work harder towards achieving their goals, there will always be a team of other Toastmasters aiding them to achieve that goal
Joining a Toastmasters club automatically makes you a team member As a Club member, a toastmaster can work within their club to help achieve different objectives. In fact, many of the club awards are geared towards how well a Toastmaster club performs and for a club to perform well, it needs to have great teamwork
In conclusion, teamwork is essential for success in all aspects of life It allows us to achieve our goals more efficiently, promotes communication and collaboration, fosters a sense of accountability and responsibility, and provides an opportunity for personal and professional growth So, let's embrace the power of teamwork and work together toward a brighter dream
"Oasis Aurudu"- Sinhala and Tamil New year celebration
UNFOLD 2.0 - Division Conference of division F and K
Movie night with Oasis
Ovation 2023
"Oasis Padura" - A musical and fun night with Oasis
Annual Oasis Outing - Jaffna
"CAMP CHAMP -2" - Campaigning night with leadership training to Oasis Members
New Member Induction and Club Officer Installation
Ceremony 2023/24
"SPOOKY SPOOKY 2023" - Halloween night
With Oasis
"CAMP CHAMP-01" -Campaigning night with leadership training to Oasis Members (November)
"The Feast" - Foody day with Oasis (November)
UNFOLD - 01 - Mid year Division Conference (October)
Christmas Party (December)
"Cricket" Themed meeting (April)
Annual Outing - Kandy (November)
New Member Induction And Club Officer Installation
Ceremony -2022/23 (december)
Joint Meeting - Panadura TMC (February)
Mid year Club Officer training (March)
Club Contest - International Speech and Table Topics
Speech Contest (March)
Area Contest - International Speech and Table Topics
Speech Contest (April)
Interests To Interesting Future - Panel Discussion (February)
Spendsomequalitytimewithabunch ofpeoplewhoarenotonlylovely,but alsoenergeticandenthusiastic Itwas wonderfuldayandwehighly appreciatetheircommitmentfor visitingusallthewayfrom Nittambuwa
Jointmeeting withOasisTMCisoneof-kind,lively experience Asaclub officerfromarelativelynew communityclub,Iwasabletopickup many goodthingsfromthejoint meeting wehadthatweshould implementandkeepdoing Ireally enjoyedtheenergyyourentireclub broughttothemeeting Sawsucha greatturnoutfromyourclub
Iwantedtotakeamomenttoexpressmy gratitudeforthejointmeetingwehad recently Itwastrulyapleasuretomeetand engagewithmembersofbothclubsina collaborativeandsupportiveenvironment Iappreciatetheeffortandtimetakenbyeach andeveryoneofyoutomakethismeetinga success Itwasinspiringtohearfromsomany talentedspeakersandseethegrowthand progressmadebyeachindividual Ihopethatthisisjustthebeginningofmany morejointmeetingstocome Thankyoufor theopportunitytolearnandgrowalongside allofyou
Startuptmc Startuptmc
Panaduratmc Panaduratmc
Family Theloveisintheairwasour themeWehadafunandexcitingmeeting withthewonderfulOasisTMs TheOasis TMsareveryfriendlyyoungandenergetic Alltheroleplayersconductedthemeeting inafunandexcitingmannerand incorporatedthethemeverynicely Oasis andPanadurajointmeetingmeeting wouldbeoneofthebestmeetingsIhave everencountered
OnthedayweasPanaduraToastmasters,hadthegreat opportunitytoshareourValentinewithOasis ToastmastersasaValentineJoinmeeting TheExco membersofbothclubswereworkingontheplanningof thejoinmeetingpriortothemeetingday,tomakeita success Asplanned,everyonefrombothclubsarrivedon timetothelocation,totherightatthemiddle,whereit wasnearforthepeoplefrombothclubsfrombothends Andontheday,withtheleadershipofChampion Speaker,RavinduAmendraastheTMOD,bothclubshad agreatValentinewhichallofthemwerelovedandwould lovetoaddoneofthebestValentinememoriestheyhad.
Wediscoveredanewfamily100milesawayfromourvery own WakinguponaSundaymorningforajointmeeting wastotallyworthitduetothenewfriendshipswemade andespeciallythelittlethingswelearnedfromthemto addtoourmeetings Theroundrobinandtabletopic sessionswereonadifferentlevelthatwelaughedsohard andbecameonefamilyforamoment Fromplanningto themeetingformalitiestothelittlechitchatafterthe meeting-the experiencewasgolden!.
Thejointmeetingwehadon12thof February2023withOasisToastmastersClub wasareallygoodexperience Itwasthefirst timeImettheminperson Themeetingwas averyinterestingandfunmeetingwiththe contributionofalltheroleplayersadding differentcolourstothemeetingstartingfrom TMODtoallotherroleplayers Alsothrough thepaneldiscussionconductedbyTM ChamodithRanasingheonthetopichowour hobbiescanaddvalue&supportusinour career,Igainednewinsightsanditwasa veryfruitfulsession