Oasis Academy Coulsdon 6th Form

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... o t e m n o d Welco s l u o C y m e d a c A s i Oas m r o F h Sixt

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” W.B. Yeats CEO, MBE - ning e k l Cha Lear Steve ommunity C s i s Oa

ing rn a e L y it n u m m o C is s a O n matters Every perso

don’s purpose is to y Oasis Academy Couls wh at’s Th al educational environment I used to attend a loc vide a rich and balanced pro When I was a teenager I ere Th s. nd nally, socially, morally, b at the weeke – academically, vocatio church-based youth clu t tha s wa t firs ntally for all our e Th . sons in life otionally and environme em , ally ritu spi learnt two important les an I started going there in students. the 15-year-old girl that ing my girlfriend wasn’t com be informed and active attempt to woo into a non-entity why we aim to develop s wa at’s I Th her To rs . ted res the least bit inte questions, seek answe rners who can explore second was that I am lea the t Bu ! old e arcar l -ye wil 14 o – a mere dents wh and solve problems – stu d and that as a result, my ghbour, their community made in the image of Go nei ir In the . t ng ou ani ab ly me ate and on se ssi pa rpo pu has , life h life, just like eac and their planet. person matters. short, I learnt that every ity facilities, outstanding why, through high-qual to create ways to at’s d Th pire ins e cam be I t So it was tha ip, we work to create a everyone – both young staff and clear leadersh ere wh es niti mu com ild help bu ironment, encouraging positive and affirming env they mattered and were parents/carers and and old – had hope, felt hips between students, their full potential. ers to rtn e pa iev ach to nity rtu given the oppo . the wider local community up Oasis, a charity which As a result, in 1985 I set to are lthc , housing and hea emy Coulsdon’s goal is now provides education That’s why Oasis Acad of nts de stu ironment for around the world. provide a welcoming env and ts ren pa ir the for ll as all faiths and none, as we g, part of what was by Oasis Community Learnin 04 20 in life its . gan ers be car rities, then a family of Oasis cha number of Academies a ing op vel ry person matters. de of al go with the Oasis believes that eve sis’ work Oa of t res the like t jus across the UK. And, e at its heart are the sam around the world, right to ted mit com are , we values. Inspired by Christ , ts to freedom and choice righ ting tec pro all, g uin val , ion lus exc ination and working against discrim others and nurturing of s lief be the g respectin t young people. confident and competen



Oasis Academy Coulsdon Outstanding - Everyone, every time “Preparing for a life of limitless potential” I am delighted that you are considering joining our Sixth Form and becoming part of our Academy Family. Our Sixth Form Centre is located in the heart of our brand new building which opened in September 2011 and our students benefit from first class facilities, specifically designed to maximise learning. We have put together an exciting programme of study which caters for all ability levels. If you choose to continue your studies at Oasis Academy Coulsdon Sixth Form you will have access to unprecedented levels of support which will ensure you obtain the qualifications and life-skills you need for a successful life and independent living. Our Sixth Form provides a wealth of opportunities to help you decide which career path is right for you. We recognise that this can be a daunting prospect but our team of dedicated staff are always on hand to provide support and advice. We have high aspirations for all of you and fully expect that the majority of you will want to progress to Universities (including Oxbridge) or colleges across the country.


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Sixth Form life at Oasis Academy Coulsdon offers a combination of structured school security coupled with more flexibility and freedom within a carefully planned and personalised timetable. You are expected to be role models, ambassadors and leaders of our Academy community. As you mature into young men and women, we look forward to responding to your needs and stimulating your minds. You are taught in small groups by subject specialists who are able to share their enthusiasm and passion for their subject. Our commitment to developing ‘the whole person’ also means we equip you with essential life-skills such as managing personal finances, cookery, health and wellbeing. You also have access to an extensive range of enrichment and extra-curricular activities to enhance university and job applications. Helping you achieve your dream is our number one priority and I do hope you will decide to place your future in our guiding and caring hands. David Millar, Principal

t n e m e t a t S n o i s i V d n a n o i Miss We are a loving family who has the highest expectations and aspirations for all, working together to overcome barriers to success and fulfilment.

We strive for excellence through a holistic educational journey that will transform the lives of every learner and the communities that we serve.

As an Oasis Academy we will be an outstanding, vibrant learning community that develops the skills required for an ever-changing world and a hunger for life-long learning.

We celebrate every person as a unique individual. Through our passion, commitment and innovation we nurture, challenge and guide learners to excel in a life of limitless potential.



Academy also offers an subjects are available and the A wide variety of AS and A2 the opportunity to also is re The . Vocational courses extensive range of BTEC and Lower Sixth. re-take some GCSEs in the ates an exciting Sixth Form Coulsdon College which cre We have developed links with for Parents and Carers. and is an attractive proposition experience for our students the Academy whilst at in with security of remaining the ing hav from efit ben ts Studen at the local College, just 10 to some specialised courses the same time having access minutes walk away.

y work relationship with teachers, the “I really enjoy the rapport and ”. Daniel us hard but we have a laugh too

Pastoral Care

GCSEs to Sixth Form significant ‘jump’ from studying We recognise that there is a them academically as t por personal Mentors to sup d igne ass are ts den Stu . courses tuition in life-skills such as toral needs. Students receive well as take care of their pas kery, to help them prepare ent, health, wellbeing and coo personal financial managem for independent living. their families through a tre can support students and Our Academy WellBeing Cen ncies. Students who are age l rna l consultants and exte iona fess pro , ses nur of k wor net ess confidential support at school or at home can acc experiencing difficulties either it. and advice when they need

n, ts receive personalised attentio “Provision ensures that studen sonal g, and their academic and per supporting both their well-bein development” Ofsted 2011


Enrichment As part of our commitment to develop the whole person, all Oasis Academy Coulsdon students are expected to complete four ‘Arcs of Achievement’: Academic, Service, Enrichment and Professional. Students are encouraged to excel at their academic studies; play a full part and serve the Academy community – “be a host, not a guest”; take part in the many enrichment opportunities provided, and develop their professional skills by taking advantage of leadership, enterprise and work experience opportunities. In the Sixth Form there are many opportunities to complete each of the different ‘Arcs’. Students enrol on The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, take part in voluntary work at ‘kids’ camps’ either at home or overseas. Some students may decide to take advantage of our extensive International links within the wider Oasis community with trips to Bangalore, India or the USA. Closer to home, we expect our Sixth Formers to contribute to the life of the Academy and community we serve by organising charity events.

“I’ve had so many opportunities in the Sixth Form; I’m a much more confident person now and feel able to take control of situations” Joanne


Enterprise All Sixth Form students have the opportunity to take part in The Young Enterprise Scheme. This gives them the chance to work with other Sixth Formers in Croydon where they learn to set up and run a real business. The Academy runs social enterprise projects on behalf of ‘Stop theTraffik’ and has global links with Bangalore and Zimbabwe and we expect Sixth Formers to take leadership for these ventures. There are many opportunities for taking part in enterprise competitions. Members of the Sixth Form will be able to compete as well as training younger students to take part.

Career Guidance and Mentoring We have a very strong programme of careers education and guidance which is delivered through the Sixth Form Mentors. In addition, we have as external Careers Adviser who regularly consults and advises students on higher education and career choices. Students visit University Open Days and UCAS Fairs and we arrange mentoring for those who wish to take Oxbridge entrance exams. Through our extensive business and industry connections students will be able to undertake work experience placements in an area related to their career interests.

Leadership Sixth Form students will be ambassadors, role models and leaders of the Academy. The Sixth Form Student Leadership Team meets regularly with the Academy Leadership Team. They are expected to contribute to the development of the Academy, help make policy decisions and perform daily duties to ensure the Academy runs smoothly.

“You have an outstanding Academy, and it is obvious that staff and pupils alike are proud of what you have all achieved. I particularly valued the opportunity to talk to the student leaders about their perspective on the Academy and their ambitions…” Andrew McCully, OBE, Director General (Acting) Department for Education, March 2012.

How to Apply for a Sixth Form place at Oasis Academy Coulsdon Oasis Academy Coulsdon operates a Sixth Form for a total of 250 students. 125 places overall will be available in Year 12 To determine eligibility for admission, please see our website for specific criteria in relation to minimum entrance requirements for Year 12 based on GCSE grades or other measures of prior attainment. The criteria will be the same for internal and external applicants. Students failing to meet the grades for their preferred course option will be offered alternative courses if available. Students already on the Academy roll are entitled to transfer to Year 12 if they meet the published standards of entry. If Year 12 is oversubscribed then, after the admission of students with Special Educational Needs where Oasis Academy Coulsdon is named on the statement, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below: 1. Looked after children and previously looked after children (see below) Note 1

Looked after children are defined as children in public care at the date on which the application is made

Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order, immediately after being looked after.

If an application is made under the ‘looked after’ criterion, it must be supported by a letter from the relevant Local Authority Children’s Services Department. (If applying under the previously looked after criterion a copy of the adoption or special guardianship order must also be supplied.)

2. Children who have specific medical needs, social needs or special needs where the application is supported by written specific health professional advice as to why admission to the Academy is necessary. 3. Children for whom Oasis Academy Coulsdon is the nearest school, with priority being given to those living nearest. The distance which determines how close the child lives to the Academy is the direct line measurement from the centre of the child’s main home to the designated main entrance, nominated by the Academy. For shared properties, e.g. flats, the centre will be taken from the centre of the building. The child’s permanent home address is where he or she normally lives and sleeps and from where they go to school. Proof of residence can be requested at any time throughout the admissions process. If false or misleading information is used to gain entry to the Academy, the offer of a place will be withdrawn and the application cancelled. 4. Siblings of students who will be attending the Academy and living at the same address on the date when the applicant would be admitted. The term ‘sibling’ means a full, step, half, adopted or fostered brother or sister, but not cousins. The Academy reserves the right to ask for proof of relationship. In the event that the number of applications exceeds the places available within any of the above categories, distance will be used to decide between applications. Where there is space within Year 13 (i.e. where there are fewer than 125 students in the year group) the Academy will admit additional students up to this number using the oversubscription criteria above. There will be a right of appeal to the Independent Appeals Panel for unsuccessful applicants. Children over the age of 16 have the right to appeal.



Facilities In September 2011 the completion of the £18.7m investment programme transformed the Academy into a world-class teaching and learning centre. Our dedicated Sixth Form Centre is at the heart of the building, overlooking the stunning new Agora which is used for lectures, performances and exhibitions. It includes private study areas as well as social spaces. There are new science laboratories, complete with science garden and exhibition area; music and production studios, a food technology suite with professional-standard catering equipment and our sports complex includes a dance studio, gym and fitness suite. Sixth Form students enjoy exclusive access to these facilities at allocated times. Our Commitment to Equality Equality and inclusion are at the heart of Oasis. We have a passion to include everyone and a deep desire to treat everyone equally. We accept others for who they are and respect differences.

If you have a query regarding Oasis Academy Coulsdon please contact the Principal, David Millar through his PA, Marion Jones, on 01737 551 161 or email marion.jones@oasiscoulsdon.org. You can keep up-to-date with developments at Oasis Academy Coulsdon via our website www.oasisacademycoulsdon.org

Our aim is to provide an excellent education for all our students. Our way of doing this is to work hard to improve students’ attainment and the standards of teaching and learning continually. At the same time, we also aim to meet the needs of the whole person and the whole community because we understand that the whole of life is education and that everyone who is part of a student’s life affects that student’s understanding of life and, therefore, his or her education. In this sense, every person matters.

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Sixth Form students are required to dress in a businessstyle manner with clothes suitable for an office/workplace environment. Boys are required to wear smart trousers and shirt. Girls wear smart skirt/trousers with blouse and jacket. It is expected that students will choose to wear sensible colours. Trainers, jeans, and leisurewear are not permitted. However, sportswear may be worn by PE students, as appropriate, during their timetabled lessons or activity days. The Academy reserves the right to issue guidance on matters such as make up, jewellery and piercings as necessary.


If you wish to know more about Oasis Community Learning – part of the Oasis group of charities please contact: The Oasis Centre, 75 Westminster Bridge Road London SE1 7HS www.oasisuk.org/education Registered number: 5398529.

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