Oasis Academy Coulsdon Homefield Road, Old Coulsdon, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 1ES www.oasisacademycoulsdon.org
Oasis Community Learning Every Person Matters When I was a teenager I used to attend a local church-based youth club at the weekends. There I learnt two important lessons in life. The first was that the 15-year-old girl, that I started going there in an attempt to woo into becoming my girlfriend, wasn’t the least bit interested. To her I was a non-entity – a mere 14-year-old! But the second was that I am made in the image of God and that as a result, my life, just like each life, has purpose and meaning. In short, I learnt that every person matters. So it was that I became inspired to create ways to help build communities where everyone – both young and old – had hope, felt they mattered and were given the opportunity to achieve to their full potential. As a result, in 1985 I set up Oasis; a charity which now provides education, housing and healthcare around the world. Oasis Community Learning, part of what was by then a family of Oasis charities, began its life in 2004 with the goal of developing a number of Academies across the UK. And, just like the rest of Oasis’ work around the world, right at its heart are the same values. Inspired by Christ, we are committed to valuing all, protecting rights to freedom and choice, working against discrimination and exclusion, respecting the beliefs of others and nurturing confident and competent young people. That’s why Oasis Academy Coulsdon’s purpose is to provide a rich and balanced educational environment – academically, vocationally, socially, morally, spiritually, emotionally and environmentally for all our students.
That’s why we aim to develop informed and active learners who can explore questions, seek answers and solve problems – students who will care passionately about their neighbour, their community and their planet. That’s why, through high-quality facilities, outstanding staff and clear leadership, we work to create a positive and affirming environment, encouraging partnerships between students, parents/carers and the wider local community. That’s why Oasis Academy Coulsdon’s goal is to provide a welcoming environment for students of all faiths and none, as well as for their parents and carers. The Oasis Educational Charter spells all this out in much more detail. You can download this from our website www.oasisacademycoulsdon.org. However, it is all summed up like this: We are community - we are relationships We are learning - we are achievement We are unique - we are inclusive We are enjoyment - we are perseverance We are hope - we are future `We are Oasis. Steve Chalke MBE – CEO, Oasis Community Learning
Oasis Academy Coulsdon
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Outstanding – Everyone, Every Time “A caring environment in which students develop a clear sense of values…“ I am extremely excited to be leading Oasis Academy Coulsdon at such an important point in its journey. I believe strongly that as we embrace and understand the Christian ethos on which our Academy culture, beliefs, values and vision are built, we will continue to grow and cement our place as the local school of choice for our community, offering an exceptional education experience for every student that attends. Since becoming an Academy in September 2008, staff, students, parents and carers have worked tirelessly together to bring about transformation in our drive to become an outstanding academy. We have transformed the reputation and standing of the school within the local and wider community. We have transformed standards of teaching and learning, attendance and punctuality, behaviour, attainment and achievement. Our most recent Ofsted Inspection judged us as ‘Good’ and our standards continue to improve year on year.
“Rising standards of attainment…and good opportunities for professional enrichment contribute to the academy’s good capacity to make and sustain improvement” We are a values-driven Academy, with a clear vision: we will be Outstanding. We live our vision and values, are committed to inclusion and ensuring that all students make at least good progress, and achieve their potential in all areas.
“Oasis Academy Coulsdon is providing its students with a good quality of education’ ‘All groups of students, including those with learning difficulties and or disabilities, make good progress” As well as securing academic success, it is equally important to me to help students become exceptionally grounded young men and women, of whom we can all be proud. We place a lot of emphasis on developing the essential character traits needed to be successful
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in life. Being part of the “Oasis Coulsdon Hub” offers a unique opportunity and experience where students can learn not only in the classroom environment but also in the wider community, developing skills that will stand them and society in good stead for the future. Our strong family ethos ensures that each child is treated as an individual, cared for and nurtured as they grow into young adults. Sometimes this means we have to exercise ‘tough love’ like a parent or sibling, sometimes praise, a guiding hand or a gentle prod is all that’s needed to guide students in the right direction. Students’ success and wellbeing is our number one priority. In fact, students are happy to tell you that “staff never give up on us”. This is because when you join our Academy, you join our ‘Family’ and families stick together and support each other.
“A strong community spirit is apparent in this inclusive, cohesive Academy” Our Academy will never stand still; we constantly review and improve our systems and structures and do whatever it takes to ensure our students achieve their potential and enjoy a ‘life of limitless potential’. We have high aspirations for all and expect everyone within the Academy to strive for excellence in all they do. Our £18.7m investment programme has transformed our facilities which has not only enhanced teaching and learning but also given us an Academy in which the whole community can be proud. Our promise to all who join our Family is that we will never give up, and we will be ‘Outstanding’ and a Centre of Excellence for all who choose to belong. I look forward to welcoming you. Andy Booth Principal
“You have an outstanding academy, and it is obvious that staff and pupils alike are proud of what you have achieved�. Andrew McCully OBE, Acting Director General , March 2012
“Stud ents e njoy b at the Acade eing m feel v y and ery sa fe”
Mission & Vision Statement We are a loving family who has the highest expectations and aspirations for all, working together to overcome barriers to success and fulfilment.
As an Oasis Academy we will be an outstanding, vibrant learning community that develops the skills required for an everchanging world and a hunger for lifelong learning.
We strive for excellence through a holistic educational journey that will transform the lives of every learner and the communities that we serve.
We celebrate every person as a unique individual. Through our passion, commitment and innovation we nurture, challenge and guide learners to excel in a life of limitless potential.
Family Ethos & Holistic Education
It takes a whole village to educate a child
Our strong ethos of inclusion and vertical Family system of pastoral care reinforces our commitment to looking after and developing the ‘whole’ child. Each year students are expected and encouraged to complete four Arcs of Achievement which comprise Academic, Service, Enrichment and Professional.
This African saying reflects the importance of the whole community in educating our children. We employ first-class staff. Support goes beyond the classroom and beyond the Academy gate. Parents, carers and families of our students are expected to be involved in their education. Through our contacts within the global Oasis family we engage local, national and international partners in the education of our students.
Academic means that we commit to excelling in our studies; Service encourages students to find their place in the world, serve each other, and contribute to the life of the Academy and the wider community, being a ‘host and not a guest’. We expect our students to participate in the many Enrichment opportunities provided and to enrich their own and the lives of others, and be Professional by committing to a life of learning, taking pride in their appearance, being present, punctual, prepared, and taking advantage of leadership and enterprise opportunities. We celebrate individual talents and abilities, developing confident, independent students who enjoy life-long learning.
Love your neighbour Our work is motivated and inspired by the life, message and example of Christ. We recognise the richness that spiritual and cultural diversity brings to our community. We respect the beliefs and practices of other faiths and provide a welcoming environment for students of all faiths and those with none. We recognise that we are stronger together and value collaboration. We develop an understanding and tolerance of each other through knowledge and mutual respect, believing the best of each other and forgiveness. Individual rights are respected and choice is exercised within a culture of self-discipline.
Learning – Curriculum “The Good curriculum is well-suited to the students’ needs and interests”
Key Stage 3, 11-12 phase At Oasis Academy Coulsdon, the Key Stage 3 curriculum, (usually a three year programme of study), is completed in Years 7 and 8. Students study all the National Curriculum core subjects and choose individual pathways to success at the end of Year 8. Our six-week assessment cycle ensures that students study at the right level based on their academic ability. Personalised pathways enable all students to make good progress and receive targeted support and intervention. With a focus on skill development as well as knowledge and understanding, the emphasis is on making learning fun and engaging, challenging and rewarding.
“Teachers’ subject knowledge is good and they have high expectations of the standards that students should reach” At the end of the summer term in Year 8 students ‘Graduate’ into Key Stage 4. A Graduation Ceremony celebrates their Key Stage 3 achievements and marks their progress to the next stage of their journey with us.
“The Academy has effective procedures and systems and teachers closely monitor students’ progress”
Key Stage 4, 13-16 phase Our three year ‘OAC’ Curriculum Pathways are carefully designed to cater for all abilities and interests. All subject areas have enriched their schemes of work and offer students a more interesting and challenging programme of study at GCSE than would be possible within the usual two-year course. We offer a full complement of GCSEs, including the English Baccalaureate to stretch the academically able. Some BTEC courses enhance our offer to ensure that all students are able to study at the most appropriate level.
“Students value the support they receive from their teachers, particularly the extra opportunities that are provided outside normal lessons”
Our students progress through KS4 at the most appropriate speed to ensure they are challenged and successful. Some accelerate through to higher level courses in preparation for Post 16 while others benefit from having an extra year of support and preparation for their examinations. All students are able to study essential qualifications to enjoy successful careers and enjoy fulfilling lives.
“One very positive feature of the teaching and learning is the good relationships that are apparent between teachers and students”
Honour Roll The Honour Roll programme is designed to support the highest attaining students achieve A and A* in their final GCSE exams. It also aims to inspire students to be lead learners, maintaining a positive work ethic and encourage those around them to strive for their absolute academic best. Students are chosen to be on Honour Roll if they have high KS2 results (end of primary school) or show the potential to achieve A/A* grades during their time at the Academy. Within each Family an Honour Roll Mentor Group will provide students with access to a number of opportunities to encourage them to succeed.
Key Stage 5, Sixth Form Our enhanced partnership with Coulsdon College means that at Post 16, all students who apply to Coulsdon College will be guaranteed a place, on any course that they are qualified to do. Oasis Academy Sixth Form students will be based and taught in Coulsdon College and be known as ‘Oasis 6@Coulsdon’. Staff from our Academy will continue to support students pastorally throughout their 6th Form studies and will continue to be involved with them to help support their university, apprenticeship or job applications. Oasis students say ‘Teachers never give up on us’ and we promise we never will.
Assessments and results The Specialist Schools and Academies Trust has presented us with an Outstanding Achievement Award for the past three years, in recognition of our rapid improvement in GCSE results Results are available from the Academy website www.oasisacademycoulsdon.org and are also published on the Department of Education website: www.education.gov.uk/performance tables.
Learning - Pastoral Organisation Our Family system of pastoral care is organised by Key Stages. At Key Stage 3, students in Years 7 & 8 are mixed together and are supported by a Family Mentor who helps them settle into secondary school life encouraging them to take part in the many opportunities available. At Key Stage 4, students move into different Family Groups where they receive specialist support during their important GCSE courses. The Mentor is able to get to know their young person’s interests, skills and needs. They work with the student and their parents/ carers to personalise their learning, helping them choose the right pathways, tracking their progress and ensuring they develop the skills needed for effective learning. This system, is very popular with students. The members of the Family Group support and guide each other, sharing experiences and knowledge. We see merit in students encouraging one another and believe this peer support further motivates students to succeed.
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Community - Living and learning together Community vision
“The needs of the community are well known”
We run a full programme of enrichment opportunities not only to enhance learning but also to enable students to pursue deeper learning in areas they are passionate about, to develop particular skills and interests, enjoy new and exciting opportunities and experiences.
The vision of the Academy is to create both an outstanding school and a community hub. The aim is for local residents to be able to access a range of services, adult learning programmes, healthy living advice and activities, sports facilities and out-of-hours youth activities. This is an Academy that serves the community, and the community is increasingly proud of us.
“Students make an outstanding contribution to the wider community” Oasis believes that it has a duty to respect the environment through a commitment to sustainability and bio-diversity. Resources entrusted to Oasis Academy Coulsdon are used with integrity and responsibility
Well-Being Centre Our Academy has a Well-Being Centre and provides support to students and their families through a network of healthcare professionals, including nurses, consultants and external agencies, Students who are experiencing difficulties either at school or at home can access confidential support and advice when they need it. We also offer a ‘drop in’ service to the community at certain times during the week.
A fully extended Academy Oasis Academy Coulsdon offers opportunities for extended learning and we encourage as many students as possible to take advantage of this provision. A Breakfast Club opens every day from 7.30am and there are many enrichment activities organised during break, lunchtime and the end of the Academy day. Students are encouraged to provide clubs and activities for each other and the Student Council helps to shape the provision on offer.
The Arts are extremely popular with regular visits to theatre and musical performances. Weekly Clubs in Drama, Music and Art are very popular with opportunities for students to showcase their talents in annual productions and performances. Competitive sport is encouraged with teams in all year groups for football, basketball, netball and cricket. Cheerleading Club, Dance, Mountain biking are just a few of a wide range of our other activity clubs. Students are also able to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme to develop life skills as well as enhance their c.v.
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Admissions Oasis Academy Coulsdon is a non-selective Academy open to students from Croydon, Surrey and surrounding boroughs, of all religious faiths and none. If you are a parent/carer of a student currently in Year 6 and wish to apply for a place at Oasis Academy Coulsdon in Year 7 for the following September, you will need to complete the Common Application Form and return it to your Local Authority. If you are seeking a place in any other year group or for a Year 7 place post-September, you must contact the Academy directly. How places will be allocated for Year 7 at Oasis Academy Coulsdon Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admissions number, applications will be considered against the criteria set out below. After the admission of ‘Looked After’ students the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below: 1. Looked after children and previously looked after children (see below)
Note 1 Looked after children are defined as children in public care at the date on which the application is made Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order, immediately after being looked after. If an application is made under the ‘looked after’ criterion, it must be supported by a letter from the relevant Local Authority Children’s Services Department. (If applying under the previously looked after criterion a copy of the adoption or special guardianship order must also be supplied.) 2. Children who have specific medical needs, social needs or special needs where the application is supported by written
specific health professional advice as to why admission to the Academy is necessary. 3. Children for whom Oasis Academy is the nearest school, with priority being given to those living nearest. The distance which determines how close the child lives to the Academy is the direct line measurement from the centre of the child’s main home to the designated main entrance, nominated by the Academy. For shared properties, e.g. flats, the centre will be taken from the centre of the building. The child’s permanent home address is where he or she normally lives and sleeps and from where they go to school. Proof of residence can be requested at any time throughout the admissions process. If false or misleading information is used to gain entry to the Academy, the offer of a place will be withdrawn and the application cancelled. 4. Siblings of students who will be attending the Academy and living at the same address on the date when the applicant would be admitted. The term ‘sibling’ means a full, step, half, adopted or fostered brother or sister, but not cousins. The Academy reserves the right to ask for proof of relationship. In the event that the number of applications exceeds the places available within any of the above categories, distance will be used to decide between applications.
Absence rates We collect and analyse absence data on a monthly basis and the results are available from the Academy. Both Attendance and Punctuality have improved markedly under the Academy. The links between attendance and achievement and attainment are irrefutable.
Equalities Our Commitment to Equality Equality and inclusion are at the heart of Oasis. We have a passion to include everyone and a deep desire to treat everyone equally. We accept others for who they are and respect differences. Our aim is to provide an excellent education for all our students. Our way of doing this is to work hard to improve students’ attainment and the standards of teaching and learning continually. At the same time, we also aim to meet the needs of the whole person and the whole community because we understand that the whole of life is education and that everyone who is part of a student’s life affects that student’s understanding of life and, therefore, his or her education. In this sense, every person matters.
“A strong community spirit is apparent in this inclusive, cohesive Academy”
“Students particularly value the extra opportunities that are provided outside normal lessons”
Facilities Our £18.7 million investment programme has transformed the Academy into a world-class teaching and learning centre. The new facilities include the wellbeing centre, internet café, a mixture of practical and theory science laboratories, complete with science garden and balcony, food technology suite with professional standard catering equipment, new sports complex including state of the art sports hall, dance studio, floodlit all-weather games areas, gymnasium and fitness suite, and a stunning new Agora at the very heart of the Academy for lectures, performances and exhibitions.
Cutting-edge ICT is used innovatively and creatively throughout the teaching and study areas to enhance the independent and personalised learning culture. Our building is available for use through extended community access to facilities such as ICT, music, exhibition areas, internet café, and sports facilities including our Fitness Suite. We also plan to develop a programme of community clubs for all ages. If you wish to receive further information on hiring our facilities email lettings@oasiscoulsdon.org
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Transforming Lives
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h “Preparing for a life of limitless potential...”
“The teachers are really supportive and kind; everyone treats you like it’s a big family” Katie, Year 7
“Being here has given me so much more confidence” Tilly, Year 7
“Great learning environment and great teachers; they really help you to learn” Tommy, Year 7
Year 7 Curriculum (2014/2015) Students have five one hour lessons each day, (25 hours of learning per week). They follow a two week timetable. Subject
Time (per week)
4 hours
4 hours
3.5 hours
Physical Education PE is compulsory for all and offers students the opportunity to keep fit, develop a love of sport, and foster teamwork, leadership and other competitive skills. Students will partake in a wide range of sports including Football, Basketball, Netball, Athletics, Cricket, Gym, Yoga and Dance. A number of teams will also take part in competitive fixtures over the year. The Academy also has a fitness suite which students can access before and after-school as well as during supervised PE lessons.
Humanities (History, Geography, RE and Citizenship)
5 hours
Skills-based Curriculum
Modern Foreign Languages
2 hours
We believe there are a number of key skills which are crucial for students development and are essential for success at Key Stage 4 and 5.
2 hours
1 hours
0.5 hour
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
Technology ICT
English, Mathematics, Science and ICT English, Mathematics, Science and ICT will follow the Key Stage 3 National Curriculum schemes of work
Modern Foreign Languages All Year 7 will study three languages; a term each of French, German and Spanish. This will give students an enriching and enjoyable experience of a range of languages. At the end of Year 7 they will have the opportunity to continue to study one of these languages in Years 8 and 9, developing the expertise needed if they wish to pursue the language at GCSE level and beyond. Gifted linguists will have the opportunity to study a second language alongside their chosen option. Conversely, students needing additional literacy support may receive this during MFL time
Different subject areas focus on specific skill sets: Maths and Science concentrate on problem solving and enquiry which includes planning, evaluating and decision making; Expressive Arts, DT and PE develop creativity and experimentation to include gross and fine motor skills, self confidence and taking risks; English and Humanities focus on communicating and independent learning which includes making verbal presentations researching and collaborative learning. Each of these skills is developed in lessons and activities across KS3. At the end of each term parents receive a report on each of the skills to encourage and support students development.
Extended Day To meet the needs of all young learners and adults in the community we extend the Academy day. A wide range of academic and enrichment activities such as Sport, Music, Drama and ICT are available. All students are expected to take part and their achievements will count towards their Enrichment Arc of Achievement. Students are expected to contribute fully to community life.
Uniform Years 7 – 11
Optional Uniform & Sports Kit items
We have very high standards and expect our students to be smartly dressed at all times and arrive each day with all necessary equipment, ready to learn. Appearance and equipment is checked by senior staff every morning as students arrive.
Compulsory Academy Uniform items Girls
Black blazer with *Academy badge
Black blazer with *Academy badge
White shirt with top button
White shirt with top button
*Academy tie: Years 7-8 Green, Years 9-10 Blue, Year 11 Black
*Academy tie: Years 7-8 Green, Years 9-10 Blue, Year 11 Black
Black skirt (knee length, pleated or plain) or Black tailored trousers
Black tailored trousers
Black shoes that can be polished (not trainer style)
Black socks
Black shoes that can be polished
Black or white socks, or neutral or black tights (no patterns) School bag, waterproof, large enough to hold text & exercise books and which can be securely fastened (no plastic, or drawstring bags)
Compulsory Sports Kit (Girls & Boys) *Academy Green Sports Shirt
Laced non-marking trainers
*Green Academy Polo Shirt
Football boots (boys)
*Academy Shorts
Shin pads (boys)
*Academy socks (long) and short, white sports socks
Gum shield (boys)
*Black, v-necked Academy jumper
Plain black or blue scarf or headscarf
*Black rain coat – worn over blazer
Football boots (girls)
*Academy Track Suit top or bottoms
White long sleeve base layer with Oasis Coulsdon logo on sleeve
Shin pads (girls)
*Items marked with an asterix are branded with the Academy logo and available from the Academy. No jewellery (with the exception of a wristwatch) is to be worn.
Inclusion and Access Oasis’ ethos is based on an overarching theme of inclusion; of welcoming, encouraging and enabling all to achieve their best whatever the challenges may be in doing so. The Academy’s aim is to ensure that all its students achieve their full potential, according to their needs. If a student has special educational needs (SEN), the Academy will take every reasonable step to identify and meet them. Further information on the policy and provision for SEND can be obtained from the Academy. Students with SEN who do not have statements of special educational needs will be admitted on an equal basis with others in accordance with the Academy’s admissions policy Where a student has a statement and the Local Authority is proposing to name the Academy in the statement, the Academy will agree to the student’s admission. The only reason for not doing so is if the inclusion of that student would be incompatible with the education of other children and there are no reasonable steps the Academy could take to resolve this. If there is a disagreement between the Academy and the Local Authority on the placement of a student, there is a voluntary dispute resolution service backed up by the Secretary of State’s power to intervene. In the last resort parents can appeal to the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SENDIST) Tribunal.
If you have a query regarding Oasis Academy Coulsdon please contact the Principal, David Millar through his PA, Marion Jones, on 01737 551 161 or email marion.jones@oasiscoulsdon.org.
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You can keep up-to-date with developments at Oasis Academy Coulsdon via our website www.oasisacademycoulsdon.org
If you wish to know more about Oasis Community Learning – part of the Oasis group of charities please contact: The Oasis Centre, 75 Westminster Bridge Road London SE1 7HS www.oasisuk.org/education Registered number: 5398529.
Oasis Academy Coulsdon Homefield Road, Old Coulsdon, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 1ES www.oasisacademycoulsdon.org