Hadley Sixth Form Prospectus 2012-13

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. . . e m o lc e W Hi... Hello... m r o F h t ix S y to Hadle

Oasis Academy Hadley Bell Lane, Enfield EN3 5PA www.oasisacademyhadley.org

Oasis Community Learning Building Community – Developing People When I was a teenager I used to attend a local church-based youth club at the weekends. There I learnt two important lessons in life. The first was that the 15year old girl that I started going there in an attempt to woo into becoming my girlfriend wasn’t the least bit interested. To her I was a non-entity – a mere 14-yearold! But the second was that I am made in the image of God and that as a result, my life, just like each life, has purpose and meaning. In short, I learnt that every person matters. So it was that I became inspired to create ways to help build communities where everyone – both young and old – had hope, felt they mattered and were given the opportunity to achieve to their full potential. As a result, in 1985 I set up Oasis; a charity which now provides education, housing and healthcare around the world. Oasis Community Learning, part of what was by then a family of Oasis charities, began its life in 2004 with the goal of developing a number of Academies across the UK. And, just like the rest of Oasis’ work around the world, right at its heart are the same values. Inspired by Christ, we are committed to valuing all, protecting rights to freedom and choice, working against discrimination and exclusion, respecting the beliefs of others and nurturing confident and competent young people. That’s why Oasis Academy Hadley will provide a rich and balanced educational environment – academically, vocationally, socially, morally, spiritually, emotionally and environmentally for all our students. That’s why we will aim to develop informed and active learners who can explore questions, seek answers and solve problems – students who will care passionately about their neighbour, their community and their planet. That’s why, through high-quality facilities, outstanding staff and clear leadership, we will work to create a positive and affirming environment, encouraging partnerships between students, parents/carers and the wider local community. That’s why Oasis Academy Hadley will provide a welcoming environment for students of all faiths and none, as well as for their parents and carers. Oasis believes that every person matters. Steve Chalke MBE - CEO, Oasis Community Learning

Oasis Academy Hadley Learning and Living in Harmony Welcome to Oasis Academy Hadley. We are an all-through Academy for children from 3 years to 18 years. We have been very successful in the three years since we opened. In March 2012 the Ofsted Inspection judged the Academy to be good in all areas. ‘This is a good academy. The sixth form is also good. The academy has improved rapidly in the two and a half years since it opened. Staff and students all agree that it is a very different place from the predecessor school.’ ‘Students across the academy now achieve well. GCSE examination results have improved dramatically.’ ‘Children in Reception make particularly rapid progress.’ ‘These improvements in achievement are mainly the result of better teaching: across the academy it is now typically good and sometimes outstanding.’ ‘Students behave well around the site and in lessons. They are courteous, friendly and confident.’ The percentage of students achieving the best grades at both GCSE and A Level has risen significantly when compared to the results of the predecessor school. This year 54% of students achieved 5+ A*- C grades including English and maths a 27% increase on the predecessor school. 88% of our Year 11 students achieved 5 good GCSE passes (A*-C) an increase of 48%. At A level we saw big improvements with the percentage of A*-B grades increasing to 30% giving the Academy an ALPS rating of excellent. Over 59% of our students have progressed to university with 23% at Russell Group universities following a wide range of courses including medicine, engineering, psychology and law. Oasis Academy Hadley is currently situated on Bell Lane in North East Enfield and at the end of this year we will move to a new state-of-the-art building in Ponders End. We work closely with the Local Authority, local schools and other organisations for the good of all within the community. Academies are new, publicly funded, all ability independent schools, introduced by the Government in 2000. As an Academy we have the freedom to deliver a learning experience which is innovative, challenging and responsive to the needs

Oasis Academy Hadley Learning and Living in Harmony of individuals. Students experience a curriculum which enables them to develop the skills and competences they need to support learning in different contexts, to build confidence and to secure qualifications at a suitable level. As a member of the global organisation, Oasis, the Academy provides unique opportunities for our young people and our wider community. We benefit from working in partnership with, and learning from, schools across different continents as well as those locally and nationally. At Oasis Academy Hadley we aim to treat all our students as individuals. We personalise learning to meet the needs of the individual. We make learning engaging and fun so that our students want to learn rather than have to learn. We have high expectations and want our students to have high aspirations. We want our students to be the best they can be. Oasis Academy Hadley is an Academy for the whole community and a school for the 21st Century, preparing our young people for their future. We are guided by our mission - Learning and Living in Harmony - our values and our vision. If you wish to be part of this journey, we look forward to working with you. Lynne Dawes - Principal, Oasis Academy Hadley

Our Values Every child matters We identify and develop the gifts, talents and interests of all our students. Our curriculum and extended opportunities enable all students to engage in their education. They enjoy learning and achieve success. We help them learn how to be healthy and stay safe. They make positive contributions to their Academy, their community and the wider world. They develop spiritual, social, physical, emotional and economic well-being. We value the achievements of all our students.

Education for all All members of our community are learners. Our students are educated for life. Our staff are developed through teamwork, training and the opportunities that an innovative environment brings. The educational facilities are shared with local schools and local people. We provide lifelong education for the whole community.

It takes a whole village to educate a child This African saying reflects the importance of the whole community in educating our children. We employ first-class staff. Support goes beyond the classroom and beyond the Academy gate. Parents, carers and families of our students are expected to be involved in their education. Through our Mathematics with ICT and Music specialisms we engage local, national and international partners in the education of our students.

Love your neighbour Our work is motivated and inspired by the life, message and example of Christ. We recognise the richness that spiritual and cultural diversity brings to our community. We respect the beliefs and practices of other faiths and provide a welcoming environment for students of all faiths and those with none. We recognise that we are stronger together and value collaboration. We develop an understanding and tolerance of each other through knowledge, mutual respect, believing the best of each other and forgiveness. Individual rights are respected and choice is exercised within a culture of self-discipline

The Hadley Way – Learning and Living in Harmony

Our Values

Aspire We will have the highest expectations of ourselves and others for both learning and behaviour

Achieve We will be the best we can be

Care We will consider others and make positive contributions to the Academy, and the local and global communities in which we live

Endeavour We will be resilient, enjoy a challenge and not give up easily

Community Living and Learning Togther Community Vision The vision of the Academy is to create both an outstanding school and a community hub. The aim is for the local community to be able to access adult learning programmes, healthy living advice and activities, sports facilities and out-of-hours youth activities. Oasis believes that it has a duty to respect the environment through a commitment to sustainability and bio-diversity. Resources entrusted to Oasis Academy Hadley will be used with integrity and responsibility.

Our Specialism We aim to provide community activities through our specialisms of Mathematics with ICT and Music. These opportunities are developed gradually so they are of good quality and complement current opportunities.

Healthy Living There is an ethos of balanced and healthy lifestyles, demonstrated through policies regarding Academy meals. We support healthy living and health activities from the Academy and offer links to community activities such as nutrition and fitness clubs and social clubs.

The Extended Academy All Oasis Academies offer opportunities for extended learning beyond the core Academy day. Extended community use is part of the Oasis vision for the Academy. We aim to provide integrated care for all students. These services will be developed gradually as Oasis teams begin to develop programmes between the Academy and the local community.

Learning Pastoral Organisation All students and staff belong to one of six Learning Communities. Each Community is divided into 14 Learning Groups of no more than 18, supported by a Learning Guide. The Learning Guide gets to know the young person’s interests, skills and needs. They then work with the student and their parents/carers to personalise their learning, helping them choose the right courses and ensuring they develop the skills needed for effective learning. The members of a Learning Group support and guide each other, sharing experiences and knowledge. We believe that students encouraging one another and offering peer support further motivates students to succeed. In addition, the Learning Communities are used to develop student leadership, competitions, performances and enterprise activities.

Curriculum Pathways Based on a your GCSE grades there are 3 main routes, each organised to give you good choices to progress to the next level of study or work.

Pathway 1

If you achieve 5 A*-C GCSE grades (including at least one of English and Maths) or BTEC pass or above at level 2 this is the most appropriate route to access higher education. You will study for 3-4 AS levels or you may choose to mix A levels with a Level 3 BTEC if this matches your career ambitions.

Pathway 2

If you are expected to achieve 3-5 A*-C GCSE grades at GCSE or BTEC pass or above at level 2 this would be your best route into higher education or employment. You will study BTEC level 3 Diploma (equivalent to 2 A levels), with the option of adding an A level subject and GCSE Maths or English if you have not already gained them at C or above.

Pathway 3

If you are expected to achieve 2-5 D-G grades at GCSE or BTEC pass or above at level 2 this would be the appropriate path for you. There are level 2 options that you can take to prepare you to move to level 3 at a later stage.

Whatever your chosen pathway, you will find the details of the courses available in the application pack. To apply fill out our application form and return it to the Academy reception. Additional forms are available from our web site.

Admissions Oasis Academy Hadley is a non-selective Academy open to students of all religious faiths and those of no faith. If you are a parent/carer of a student currently in Year 6 and wish to apply for a place at Oasis Academy Hadley in Year 7 for September, you will need to complete the Common Application Form and return it to Enfield Council.

How places are allocated at Oasis Academy Hadley Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admission number, applications are considered against the criteria set out below. After the admission of students with statements of Special Educational Needs where Oasis Academy Hadley is named on the statement, the criteria are applied in the order in which they are set out on the following page: 1. Children in Year 6 of Oasis Academy Hadley. 2. Children in public care; (looked after children) and children who were adopted (or subject to residence orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after. 3. Children for whom the Academy is appropriate on exceptional medical grounds. Such applications will be considered under this criterion if they are supported by an attached written statement from a doctor. This must demonstrate that there is a very specific connection between the child’s medical or social need and the Academy. The OCL Board will make the decision related to such applications. 4. Children with a brother or sister (sibling), living at the same address, who will attend the Academy when the applicant would be admitted. The term “sibling” means a full, step, half, adopted or fostered brother or sister but not cousins. The Academy reserves the right to ask for proof of relationship. 5. Children whose parent is a member of staff who has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application and/or children of a member of staff who has been recruited to fill a vacancy for which there is demonstrable skill shortage.

Admissions 6. Children living nearest to the Academy. The distance used to determine how close the child lives to the Academy will be the direct line measurement from the front door of the permanent home address to the main entrance (South Street) to the Academy site. The child’s permanent home address is where he or she normally lives and sleeps and goes to school from. Proof of residence – such as a council tax bill or utility bill – can be requested at any time throughout the admissions process. If false or misleading information is used to gain entry to the Academy, the offer of a place will be withdrawn and the application cancelled. If there are more applicants then there are places remaining within a particular category and where there is no difference in distance from home to Academy for two or more children, random allocation, carried out by a person or persons unconnected with the Academy, will be used to allocated the final available place(s) and to establish priority on the waiting list.

Post-16 admission criteria The Academy publishes specific criteria in relation to minimum academic entrance requirements for admission to the post-16 provision. These criteria are the same for internal and external transfers. Where the number of applications exceeds the number of post-16 places available applications will be considered against the criteria set out above. Please note: There is an appeals process and all Oasis Academies follow the nationally agreed guidance for admissions appeals.

Dress Code Dress Code for boys • • • • •

Formal shirt with a collar Tie Smart trousers Formal leather type shoes in a plain colour Suits and blazers are optional

Dress Code for girls • • • • • •

Formal shirt or blouse (suitable for office wear) Smart trousers OR Smart skirt OR Smart dress Formal leather type shoes (with appropriate height heels) Suits and blazers are optional

Please note that for both boys and girls, jackets, blazers or suits are optional items.

Special Educational Needs The Academy’s aim is to ensure that all its students achieve their full potential, according to their needs. If a student has special educational needs (SEN), the Academy will take every reasonable step to identify and meet them. Further information on the policy and provision for SEN can be obtained from the Academy. Students with SEN who do not have statements of special educational needs will be admitted on an equal basis with others in accordance with the Academy’s admissions policy. Where a student has a statement and the Local Authority is proposing to name the Academy in the statement, the Academy will agree to the student’s admission. The only reason for not doing so is if the inclusion of that student would be incompatible with the education of other children and there are no reasonable steps the Academy could take to resolve this. If there is a disagreement between the Academy and the Local Authority on the placement of a student, there is a voluntary dispute resolution service backed up by the Secretary of State’s power to intervene. In the last resort parents/carers can appeal to the SEN and Disability Tribunal.

Arrangements for students with disabilities For information on arrangements for students with disabilities, please refer to our inclusion and SEN policies which can be obtained from the Academy office. For information about specific facilities at the Academy please contact the Principal.

Complaints policy If a parent/carer wishes to make a complaint about their child’s welfare or education at the Academy, they should do so by following the procedure given in the Academy’s Parental Complaints Policy. A copy of this can be obtained by contacting the Academy office or looking on the website: www.oasisacademyhadley.org

Year 13 Level 3 (A Level or equivalent Results The number of students gaining A*-B grades increased to 30%. Our achievements at A Level are reflected by the increase in students gaining a place at university, with 59% going onto to study a wide range of courses at university. Furthermore, there was a significant increase in the number of students gaining a place at Russell Group universities, with 23% of students going to these top universities. Year 13 Level 3 (A Level or equivalent) Summary

% A*-B Grades

% A*-E Grades

UCAS Point Score

Oasis Academy Hadley : 2012




Oasis Academy Hadley : 2011












Applied Business Double Award grade 1 of 2




Applied Business Double Award grade 2 of 2








Business Studies




















English Language




English Literature




Film Studies




Financial Literacy (Diploma)




















Further Mathematics




Media Studies












Year 13 A2 (A-Level) Results 2012

Continued - Year 13 A2 (A-Level) Results 2012 Subject




















Year 13 BTEC National (Level 3 Results) Subject


%Pass +

Pass (E)

Merit (C)

Distinction (A)

A Level Equivalent

ICT Subsidiary Diploma



















Media Subsidiary Diploma







Media 1/2 Diploma







Media 2/2 Diploma







ICT Diploma Double Award grade 1 of 2 ICT Diploma Double Award grade 2 of 2

Year 13 Destinations Destinations




Attending Russell Group Universities








Seeking Employment


Year 13 University Destinations University Destination

Course Details

Aberystwyth University

English Literature

Birmingham City University

Goldsmiths University

Psychology Biomedical Sciences Business Economics Medicine Architecture Early Childhood Studies Sociology

Greenwich School of Management


Greenwich University

Nottingham University

Economics Accounting and Finance Mathematics Aerospace Engineering Medical Science Law Biomedical Science International Business studies Engineering Civil Engineering Mathematics Psychology Architecture Applied Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Law Business Economics Early Years Educational Studies Business Management Bio-medical Science Mechanical Engineering

Queens Mary University

Medical Materials Engineering

QMU Edinburgh University

Diagnostic Radiotherapy

Royal Holloway University of London


Southbank University


St Mary’s University


UEL University


Westminster University

Computer Science

Coventry University East Anglia University East London University

Hertfordshire University Kings University Kingston University

Leeds University

Leicester University

Middlesex University

Nottingham Trent University

Pathway 1 Subject Name

AS Art and Design

Exam Body

Edexcel Unit 1: Mirror Image (60% of final grade). Students produce work around the theme of identity, reflections, distortion and abstraction. The course includes critical engagement with artists to develop skills with visual language. Unit 2: Externally set assignment (40% of final grade). Students have an 8 week period to complete work around a theme set by the exam board. Previous themes have included ‘Mystery & Imagination’ and ‘Rhythms and Cycles’. Students complete a final piece in a timed test. Successful completion of this course can lead to further education at foundation and degree level. Students can also consider employments that necessitate elements of creativity and imagination.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

A2 Art and Design

Exam Body

Edexcel Unit 3: Problem solving (60% of final grade). Students produce work around the themes and ideas of their own selection. In previous years students have explored ideas including ‘Realism’ and ‘Movement’. The course includes critical engagement with artists to develop skills with visual language. Unit 4: Externally set assignment (40% of final grade). Students have an 8 week period to complete work around a theme set by the exam board. Students complete a final piece in a timed test. Previous themes have been ‘Sanctuary’ and ‘Exploration & Discovery’. Successful completion of this course can lead to further education at foundation and degree level. Students can also consider employments that necessitate elements of creativity and imagination.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

AS Biology

Exam Body

Edexcel Unit 1: Lifestyle, transport, genes and health (Exam 40%) Structure and function of biological molecules, transport in cells, structure and role of DNA and RNA, and inheritance. Unit 2: Development, Plants and environment (Exam 40%) Structure of cell and specialisation, meiosis and variation, natural selection. Unit 3: Practical biology and research skills (Coursework 20%) Students research and produce a report on a site of biological interest or biological topic. Successful completion of this course can lead to the A2 course and into further education at degree level or into employment.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

A2 Biology

Exam Body

Edexcel Unit 4: The Natural environment and species survival (Exam 40%) Photosynthesis and energy transfers, global warming, evolution & natural selection, structure of bacteria and viruses. Unit 5: Energy, exercise & co-ordination (Exam 40%) Respiration, homeostasis, exercise, hormones brain structure and chemical imbalances. Unit 6: Practical biology and investigative skills (Coursework 20%) Planning an experiment, carrying out an experiment and analysing experimental results. Successful completion of this course can lead into further education at degree level or into employment.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes


Subject Name

AS Business Studies

Exam Body

Progression routes

AQA Unit 1: Planning and Financing a Business (Examination 40%) Unit 2: Managing a Business (Examination 60%) The aim of AS Business Studies is to provide pupils with the knowledge to setting up small and medium businesses, exploring enterprise ideas, market research, running and financing a business. Successful candidates can progress onto the A2 course or enter into employment.

Subject Name

A2 Business Studies

Exam Body

AQA Unit 3: Strategies for Success (Examination 50%) Unit 4: The Business Environment and Managing Change (Examination 50%) The aim of A2 Business Studies is to provide pupils with the knowledge to run and manage a global multinational business, exploring analysing accounts, Marketing, Operations and Human Resources strategies to effectively run a large business. Successful candidates can continue to study Business Studies at degree level or enter into employment.

Content of Course with brief description

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

AS Chemistry

Exam Body

Edexcel Unit 1: The core principles of Chemistry (Exam 40%) Unit 2: Applications of core principles of Chemistry (Exam 40%) Unit 3: Chemistry Laboratory Skills I (Coursework 20%) The AS Course studies the core principles of chemistry and their applications. The practical work is continually assessed and develops many of the skills experienced at GCSE. Specific topics are also studied such as atomic structure, reaction rates, equilibria and an introduction to organic chemistry. There are also practical assessments to assess students’ laboratory skills. Successful completion of this course can lead to the A2 course and into Further education at degree level or into employment.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

A2 Chemistry

Exam Body

Edexcel Unit 4: General principles of Chemistry I (Exam 40%) Unit 5: General principles of Chemistry II (Exam 40%) Unit 3: Chemistry Laboratory Skills II (Coursework 20%) The A2 Course involves quantitative study of chemical kinetics, transition metals and the study of wider aspects of organic chemistry and their mechanisms. There are also practical assessments to assess students’ laboratory skills. The chemistry course prepares students to progress into further or higher education or pursues a career in scientific research, medicine, dentistry, law, teaching and the pharmaceutical industry.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

AS Drama and Theatre Studies

Exam Body

Edexcel Unit 1: Exploring two plays (coursework and practical sessions 40%) A written theatre review included in Unit 2: Acting in a directed play and performance of monologues/duologues (60%) Successful completion of this course can lead to the A2 course and into further education at degree level or into employment. Students might also consider Drama schools and a job in the entertainment business.

Content of Course with brief description Progression routes


Subject Name

A2 Drama and Theatre Studies

Exam Body Content of Course with brief description

Edexcel Unit 3: Devising a play (coursework and performance exam 40%) Unit 4: Written exam on two plays (60%) Successful completion of this course can lead to further education at degree level or into employment. Students might also consider Drama schools and a job in the entertainment business.

Progression routes

Subject Name

AS Economics

Exam Body

AQA Unit 1: Markets & Market Failure (Exam 50%) An introduction and examination of how individuals and firms make decisions and the way this leads to market competition through supply and demand forces. Unit 2: The National Economy (Exam 50%) An introduction and examination of how markets come together to form a national economic picture. How does a country manage the economic forces of inflation, economic growth and employment levels to keep individuals, households, firms and other countries happy? Successful completion of the AS course can lead onto studying on the A2 course. Higher education at degree level is a highly attractive route for many students, whether it be a pure Economics degree or joint honours degree of Economics and Business, Maths, Politics or Philosophy.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

A2 Economics

Exam Body

AQA Unit 3: Business Economics and the distribution of income (Exam 50%) An in-depth analysis of the structure of markets and competition, the labour market and the distribution of income and wealth in government decision making. Unit 4: The National and International Economy (Exam 50%) An in-depth analysis of the major macroeconomic forces affecting at a national and international level. Including a study of globalisation, exchange rates, the European Union and world financial crises. Successful completion of the A2 course can lead onto studying in higher education at degree level, whether it be a pure Economics degree or joint honours degree of Economics and Business, Maths, Politics or Philosophy.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

AS English Language

Exam Body

AQA ENGB1 Categorising texts. (Exam 60%) Introducing students to methods of understanding and exploring written texts. ENGB2 Creating texts. (Coursework 40%) Allowing students to develop and reflect upon their own written work through the creating and analysis of two original pieces of writing. Successful completion of this course can lead to the A2 course and into Further education at degree level or into employment.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

A2 English Language

Exam Body

AQA ENGB3 Developing Language (Exam 30% of A level) Focusing on the areas of Language Change and Child Language Acquisition. ENGB4 Investigating Language (Coursework 20% of A level) Candidates choose an area of language to investigate and reproduce a text in the same style. Successful completion leads to opportunities for further education at degree level or into employment.

Content of Course with brief description Progression routes


Subject Name

AS English Literature

Exam Body

AQA Theme: Struggle for identity in modern literature Coursework- involves two texts, one novel, one play - 40% Written examination-set text, poetry anthology - 60% Wider reading plays an important part in the course Successful completion of this course can lead to A2 English Literature and eventually degree courses.

Content of Course with brief description Progression routes

Subject Name

A2 English Literature

Exam Body

AQA Content: Unit 3 (30% of total A-level marks) Reading for Meaning. Written paper with four unseen texts to analyse Unit 4 (coursework - 20% of total A-level mark) An extended essay exploring 3 texts, one of which must be a Shakespeare play. The theme for the course is ‘Love through the Ages, from Chaucer to the present’. Wider reading plays an important part in this course. Successful completion of this course can lead degree level courses or into employment.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

AS Film Studies

Exam Body

WJEC FM1: Exploring Film Form (Coursework 40%) A written analysis of a film, creation of a film storyboard, written evaluation. FM2: British & American Film (Exam 60%) A study of American and British cinema looking at the history, style and industry Successful completion of this course can lead to the A2 course and into Further education at degree level or into employment.

Content of Course with brief description Progression routes

Subject Name

A2 Film Studies

Exam Body

WJEC FM3: Film Research and Creative Projects (25% coursework) Independent research into the film industry and the creation of a screen play for your own film. FM 4: Varieties of Film Experience – Issues and Debates (25% exam) Three questions, one from each section: Section A: World Cinema topics (35) Section B: Spectatorship topics (35) Section C: Single Film - Critical Study (30) Successful completion of this course can lead into Further education at degree level or into employment.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

Certificate In Financial Studies

Exam Body

Institute of Financial Studies Unit 1: Why money matters (Examination 30%) Unit 2: Risk and Reward in personal finance (Examination 30%) Unit 3: Making personal financial judgements (Examination 40%) Successful candidates can progress onto the Diploma course or enter into employment.

Content of Course with brief description Progression routes

Subject Name

Diploma in Financial Studies

Exam Body

Institute of Financial Studies Unit 1: Financing the future (Examination 30%) Unit 2: Financial Services – the provider’s perspective (Examination 30%) Unit 3: Enhancing Financial capability (Examination 40%) Successful candidates can continue to study Finance/Accountancy or Business Studies programmes at degree level or enter into employment.

Content of Course with brief description Progression routes


Subject Name

AS Geography

Exam Body

AQA Unit 1: Physical and Human Geography (70% of AS, 35% of A Level) The study of core geographical concepts along with contrasting themes of contemporary or environmental impact, management and sustainability. Students must study the core and one of the physical options and one of the human options. Core physical section: Rivers, floods and management. Core human section: population change Optional physical topics: Cold environments, Coastal environments, Hot desert environments and their margins. Optional human topics: Food supply issues, Energy issues, Health issues. Unit 2: Geographical Skills (30% of AS, 15% of A Level) A geographical skills paper based on the content of Unit 1. Skills include: investigate, cartographic, graphical, ICT and statistical skills. Successful completion of this course can lead to the A2 course and into further education at degree level or into employment. Geography is an Oxbridge and Russell Group ‘Facilitating’ subject and viewed extremely highly by top universities.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

A2 Geography

Exam Body

AQA Unit 3: Contemporary Geographical Issues (30% of A Level) An issues-based approach to contemporary geographical themes. Students must select three topics: at least one from the physical options and at least one from the human options. Optional physical topics: Plate tectonics and associated hazards, Weather and climate and associated hazards, Ecosystems: change and challenge. Optional Human topics: World cities, Development and globalisation, Contemporary conflicts and challenges. Unit 4: either A Geography Fieldwork Investigation (20% of A Level) An opportunity to extend an area of the subject content into a more detailed fieldwork study. Students analyse and evaluate their fieldwork in response to the questions set. or Geographical Issue Evaluation An opportunity to use skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. An advance information booklet is pre-released two months prior to the exam to facilitate students research into an area which extends from the specification content. Successful completion of this course can lead to the A2 course and into further education at degree level or into employment. Geography is an Oxbridge and Russell Group ‘Facilitating’ subject and viewed extremely highly by top universities.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

AS History

Exam Body

AQA Unit 1 – Britain 1906-1951 Unit 2 – The USA and Vietnam 1961-1975 Students will make the transition from GCSE History to AS Level History through an in depth study in on the political decisions made by the British Government in the inter-war period on social mobility and changes in education. Students will have the opportunity to analyse the Vietnam War in detail including the role played by key advisors in the decision to escalate the war. Students will also work with historical interpretations and historiography which will be a key component of degree level study. Successful completion of this course can lead onto the A2 History course and into further education at degree level or into employment. History is an Oxbridge and Russell Group ‘Facilitating’ subject and viewed extremely highly by top universities.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes


Subject Name

A2 History

Exam Body

AQA Unit 3 – The Triumph and Collapse of the Soviet Union Unit 4 – Historical Enquiry A2 History sets students up with the necessary tool kit for university study thanks to the 4000 word Historical Enquiry. Students are expected to complete this 100 focus in history Successful completion of this course can lead onto the A2 History course and into further education at degree level or into employment. History is an Oxbridge and Russell Group ‘Facilitating’ subject and viewed extremely highly by top universities.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

AS Law

Exam Body

AQA Unit 1: Law Making and the Legal System: 50% of AS, 25% of A Level Externally-assessed examination, 1 hour 30 minutes (96 marks) Candidates answer questions on three topics. Unit 2: The Concept of Liability: 50% of AS, 25% of A Level Externally-assessed examination, 1 hour 30 minutes (94 marks) Candidates answer questions on two scenarios. Successful completion of this course can lead onto the A2 Law course and onto Degree courses. Law would be a good supplementary course to Oxbridge and Russell Group ‘facilitating’ subjects such as AS History, Geography and Government and Politics.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

AS Mathematics

Exam Body

Progression routes

Edexcel Three units: Core 1, Core 2 and Statistics 1 Core 1: Functions, Sequences, Simultaneous Equations, Geometry, Graphs, Differentiation and Integration. Core 2: Factor Theorem, Trigonometry, Exponentials, Geometry, Binomial Expansion, Circles, Differentiation and Integration. Statistics 1: Dispersion, Representing Data, Probability, Correlation, Regression and Distribution. A2 Mathematics, Further Education or into Employment

Subject Name

A2 Mathematics

Exam Body

Edexcel Three units: Core 3, Core 4 and Decision Mathematics 1 Core 3: Algebraic Fractions, Functions, Exponentials, Transformations of Graphs, Geometry, Trigonometry and Differentiation. Core 4: Partial Fractions, Geometry, Binomial Expansion, Differentiation and Integration. Decision Mathematics 1: Algorithms, Networks, Route Inspection, Critical Path Analysis, Linear Programming and Matching. Further Education or into Employment

Content of Course with brief description

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes


Subject Name

AS Further Mathematics

Exam Body

Progression routes

Edexcel Three units: Further Pure 1, Mechanics 1 and either, Statistics 2 Further Pure 1: Complex Numbers, Numerical Methods, Coordinate Geometry, Matrix Algebra, Series and Proof by Mathematical Induction. Mechanics 1: Kinematics, Dynamics, Statics, Moments and Vectors Statistics 2: Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Continuous Random Variables, Continuous Uniform Distribution, Normal Approximations, Hypothesis Testing, Population and Sampling. Further Education or into Employment

Subject Name

A2 Further Mathematics

Exam Body

Progression routes

Edexcel Three units: Further Pure 2, Further Pure 3 and Mechanics 2 Further Pure 2: Inequalities, Series, Complex Numbers, Differential Equations, Series and Polar Coordinates Further Pure 3: Hyperbolic Functions, Coordinate Systems, Differentiation, Integration, Vectors and Matrix algebra Mechanics 2: Kinematics, Centre of Mass, Collisions, Statics and Work, Energy & Power Further Education or into Employment

Subject Name

AS Media Studies

Exam Body

OCR G321: Foundation Portfolio in Media (50% Coursework) Practical project to create an extract from a Thriller film G322: Key Media Concepts (TV Drama) (50% Exam) An in-depth analytical study of television drama Successful completion of this course can lead to the A2 course and into Further education at degree level or into employment.

Content of Course with brief description

Content of Course with brief description

Content of Course with brief description Progression routes

Subject Name

A2 Media Studies

Exam Body

OCR G324: Advanced Portfolio in Media (50% coursework) Practical project to create a music video, CD cover and promotional poster G325: Critical Perspectives in Media (50% exam) This paper covers the two areas of Theoretical Evaluation of Production longside a study of Contemporary Media Issues. In Section A, candidates describe and evaluate their skills development in their production work and then select one production to evaluate in relation to a media concept. In Section B, candidates choose one topic and then demonstrate their understanding of a contemporary issue through a range of texts, institutions, audiences and debates. Successful completion of this course can lead into Further education at degree level or into employment.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes


Subject Name

AS Music

Exam Body

Edexcel The new Edexcel Advanced GCE Music course — simple in design but comprehensive — is intended to be stimulating and enriching for students and teachers alike. Unit 1 Performing (30%): Perform a short recital by the end of the course, of a minimum grade 5 standard of length 5 to 6 minutes. Unit 2 Composition (30%): This unit encourages students to develop their composition skills leading to the creation of a three-minute piece in response to a chosen brief. Students also write a CD sleeve note to describe aspects of their final composition and explain how other pieces of music have influenced it. This is worth 30% of the total AS marks. Unit 3 Developing Musical Understanding (40%): This unit focuses on listening to familiar music and understanding how it works. In the third section, students use a score to identify harmonic and tonal features and then apply this knowledge in the completion of a short and simple passage for SATB. The full GCE course (AS plus A2) is excellent preparation for higher education courses in music, but is equally valuable for non- specialists as a second or third area of study. The AS units alone can offer a broad and satisfying experience for those who want to conclude their musical studies at this point.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

A2 Music

Exam Body

Edexcel Unit 1 Performing (30%): Perform a more developed recital by the end of the course, of a minimum grade 6+ standard of length 12 to 15 minutes. Unit 2 Composition (30%): This unit has two sections: composition and technical study. Students must complete two tasks in this unit choosing from either one composition and one technical study or two compositions or two technical studies. Unit 3 Developing Musical Understanding (40%): This unit focuses on listening to music, familiar and unfamiliar, and understanding how it works. Assessment is through a 2 hour examination paper set and marked by Edexcel. There are three sections: Section A: Aural analysis, Section B: Music in context and Section C: Continuity and change in instrumental music. Section A requires students to listen to extracts of music. The full GCE course (AS plus A2) is excellent preparation for higher education courses in music, but is equally valuable for non- specialists as a second or third area of study. The AS units alone can offer a broad and satisfying experience for those who want to conclude their musical studies at this point.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

AS Photography

Exam Body

Edexcel Unit 1: Students explore the digital camera, photographic techniques and digital editing programs. Ideas are developed through various themes enhanced by contextual research. A previous theme was ‘Rain.’ Final outcomes are produced for each project (60% of the final grade). Unit 2: Students explore and develop ideas connected to a theme title set by Edexcel. Previous themes have been. Previous themes have included ‘Mystery & Imagination’ and ‘Rhythms and Cycles’. Students create a body of work informed by contextual studies. A final outcome is produced during a timed test (40% of the final grade). Successful completion of this course can lead to further education at foundation and degree level. Students can also consider employments that necessitate elements of creativity and imagination.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes


Subject Name

A2 Photography

Exam Body

Edexcel Unit 3: Students explore photography, experimenting with photographic techniques and digital editing programs. Ideas are developed through various themes enhanced by contextual research. Final outcomes are produced for each project (60% of the final grade). Unit 4: Students explore and develop ideas connected to a theme title set by Edexcel. Previous themes have been ‘Exploration & Discovery’ and ‘Discord.’ Students create a body of work informed by contextual studies. A final outcome is produced during a timed test (40% of the final grade). Successful completion of this course can lead to further education at foundation and degree level. Students can also consider employments that necessitate elements of creativity and imagination.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

AS Physics

Exam Body

Edexcel Unit 1: Physics on the go (Exam 40%) Mechanics and materials. Unit 2: Physics at work (Exam 40%) Waves, electricity, and the wave-particle duality of light. Unit 3: Exploring physics (Coursework 20%) An experiment designed and carried out by the student that is based on a physicsbased visit or a case study of an application of physics. A2 physics and employment. Physics is a rare AS-level qualification, and therefore students are in demand in any job involving mathematical and problem-solving skills.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

A2 Physics

Exam Body

Edexcel Unit 4: Physics on the move (Exam 40%) Further mechanics, electric and magnetic fields, and particle physics. Unit 5: Physics from creation to collapse (Exam 40%) Thermal energy, nuclear decay, oscillations, astrophysics and cosmology. Unit 6: Experimental physics (Coursework 20%) Planning an experiment, carrying out an experiment and analysing experimental results. University study, and employment. Physics is a rare degree and A-level qualification, and therefore students are in demand in any job involving mathematical and problem-solving skills. Physics graduates go into many fields, mainly academic research, engineering, finance, and accounting.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

AS Politics

Exam Body

Edexcel Unit 1: People and Politics Students will learn about how democracy works within the United Kingdom. The arguments for electoral reform and how and why referendums have been used. Students will analyse the voting behaviour of the British public and make judgements as to the validity of pressure groups and whether they have a positive or negative impact on the electoral system. Unit 2: Governing the UK: Students will examine the role played by the Prime Minister in the UK and whether the role has gained too much power and influence. Students will also be able to examine in detail the Judiciary and civil liberties and how these have either been eroded or protected over the last three parliaments. Successful completion of this course can lead onto the A2 Politics course and into further education at degree level or employment. Government and Politics is highly rated by Oxbridge and Russell Group universities and should be take in coordination with ‘Facilitating’ subject such as History and Geography.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes


Subject Name

A2 Politics

Exam Body

Edexcel Unit 3: Representative Processes in the USA Students will examine the key areas of American politics; focusing on the role of campaign finance and the role of the media in the election of a president. Students will have the opportunity to investigate the importance of Primaries, Caucuses and the National Conferences and the importance of campaign management and control of the media. Unit 4: Governing the USA Students will examine the ways in which the USA is governed and the checks and balances between the president, congress and the Supreme Court. Students will gain an insight and understanding of the US constitution, its creation and how it can be interpreted in a modern society. Students will also gain an insight into concepts such as Federalism and key Supreme Court cases such as Roe vs. Wade and Gore vs. Bush which have shaped American Society.

Content of Course with brief description

Subject Name

AS Psychology

Exam Body

AQA Spec B Approaches to psychology – different views on human behaviour • Biopsychology – how the brain works • Anxiety – the cause and treatment of phobias • Memory – theories on how we make, store and retrieve memories • Gender – looking at what makes us male and female • Social influence – the effects of others on our behaviour • Research methods Successful completion of this course can lead to the A2 course and into Further education at degree level or into employment.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

A2 Psychology

Exam Body

AQA Spec B Cognitive and social child development – how children develop in thinking and in their relationships • Forensic psychology – application of psychology to understanding crime • Schizophrenia – the cause and treatment of schizophrenia • Perspectives in psychology – more in-depth look at different views in psychology • Debates – different debates in psychology • Methods Successful completion can lead to university to study psychology or another subject, or employment. Successful completion of this course can lead into further education at degree level or employment. Government and Politics is highly rated by Oxbridge and Russell Group universities and should be taken in coordination with ‘Facilitating’ subject such as History and Geography.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Progression routes


Subject Name

AS Religious Studies: Philosophy of Religion

Exam Body

OCR 1hr 30mins, 50% of AS/25% • Ancient Greek Philosophy, Nature of God, The problem of evil, The origins of the world, 1hr 30mins, 50% of AS/25% • Ethical theories: Kant, Natural Law, Christian Ethics, and Utilitarianism • Abortion, Fertility Treatment, Euthanasia, Genetic, Engineering and war Philosophy allows the development of skills of enquiry. It asks and looks at answers to life’s big questions. There will be opportunity to study philosophy from Ancient Greece to modern Britain and questions that have challenged human understanding for thousands of years. Ethics allows you to consider the challenges of modern living and to weigh up courses of action. It develops skills of debate and investigation and looks at modern topical issues such as abortion and euthanasia, while studying reactions to these from a historical perspective. The skills developed are an excellent aid to careers in law, education, politics, social work, the media and more. Religious Studies is valued highly by Oxbridge and Russell Group universities and should be taken in conjunction with another Humanity course such as History, Geography, Government and Politics and Sociology’.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

A2 Religious Studies: Philosophy of Religion

Exam Body

OCR 1hr 30mins, 25% A2 • Religious language, Religious experience, Miracles, The character of God, Life after death 1hr 30mins, 25% • Ethical theories: Virtue, Ethics, Conscience, Free Will, and Determinism and Meta Ethics • Environmental Ethics, Sex, Ethics and Business Ethics Philosophy allows the development of skills of enquiry. It asks and looks at answers to life’s big questions. There will be opportunity to study philosophy from Ancient Greece to modern Britain and questions that have challenged human understanding for thousands of years. Ethics allows you to consider the challenges of modern living and to weigh up courses of action. It develops skills of debate and investigation and looks at modern topical issues such as abortion and euthanasia, while studying reactions to these from a historical perspective. The skills developed are an excellent aid to careers in law, education, politics, social work, the media and more. Religious Studies is valued highly by Oxbridge and Russell Group universities and should be taken in conjunction with another Humanity course such as History, Geography, Government and Politics and Sociology’.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

AS Sociology

Exam Body

AQA Sociology is a complex subject requiring a high level of academic ability and application. Sociology at AS level encourages students to ask critical questions about British society such as ‘Why does educational attainment compared by ethnicity, gender or social class differ so dramatically?’ The units analyse the impact of social factors on individuals and groups in society and encourages students to develop a critical insight into how British society works. Sociology is a recognised as a rigorous academic discipline at university level and is relevant to numerous careers such as law, social work, the police, and teaching. Sociology informs all occupations linked to human interaction.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes


Subject Name

A2 Sociology

Exam Body

AQA Both units build upon the analytical skills developed at AS. Students will explore different critical perspectives on the Media and the Criminal Justice system in Britain today and consider the significance of both to modern British society. Sociology is a recognised as a rigorous academic discipline at university level and is relevant to numerous careers such as law, social work, the police, and teaching. Sociology informs all occupations linked to human interaction.

Content of Course with brief description Progression routes


Pathway 2 Subject Name

AS Applied Business Studies

Exam Body

Progression routes

AQA Unit 1: Investigating Business (Portfolio 15%) Unit 2: People in Business (Portfolio 15%) Unit 3: Financial Planning & Monitoring (Examination 15%) Unit 4: Meeting Customer Needs (Examination 15%) Unit 6: Developing a Product (Portfolio 15%) Unit 7: Career Planning (Portfolio 15%) The aim of AS Applied Business Studies is to provide pupils with a broad and indepth understanding of the internal workings of running a business with particular emphasis on Business Organisation and Human Resources. Successful candidates can progress onto the A2 course or enter into employment.

Subject Name

A2 Applied Business Studies

Exam Body

AQA Unit 8: Business Planning (Portfolio 15%) Unit 9: Marketing Strategy (Portfolio 15%) Unit 10: Promotional Activities (Portfolio 15%) Unit 11: The Marketing Environment (Examination 15%) Unit 12: Managing People (Examination 15%) Unit 14: Managing Change (Portfolio 15%) The aim of A2 Applied Business Studies is to provide pupils with a broad and indepth understanding of running large businesses focusing on Business planning, Marketing Strategy and the External Environment in which businesses operate. Successful candidates can continue to study Business Studies at degree level or enter into employment.

Content of Course with brief description

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

BTEC Level 3 Diploma Health and Social Care

Exam Body

Edexcel This course offers a wide range of Health & Social Care subjects for study, including: caring for older people, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, communication skills, public health issues, promoting health education, caring for children and young people, environmental health, psychological and sociological perspectives, equality, diversity and rights, working in the health sector, complementary therapies and many more. If you are unsure of where or how you would like to be employed in the Health and Social Care sector this course would provide you with a general health and social care qualification. Opportunities for higher education, degree and professional development programmes within the same or related areas of study, within universities and other institutions, as well as a route into employment in the Health and Care sector

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Information Technology

Exam Body

Edexcel A BTEC National Level 3 Diploma or Certificate are practical IT work-related courses. Students learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on real life workplace situations, activities and demands. The course introduces students to particular areas of employment and provides a good basis to go on to a more advanced IT work-related qualification. Students must successfully complete 12 units to achieve full qualification. A BTEC First Diploma is equivalent to four GCSEs grades A*– C. The BTEC First Certificate is equivalent to two GCSEs grades A*-C. Successful completion of this course can lead to higher education or into employment in the IT and Business industry.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes


Subject Name

BTEC Level 3 Diploma Performing Arts with Dance and Acting

Exam Body

Edexcel Performing Arts Core Unit Dance unit Drama unit This is excellent preparation for higher education courses in performing arts, drama and dance, but is equally valuable for non- specialists as a second or third area of study.

Content of Course with brief description Progression routes

Subject Name

BTEC Level 3 Diploma Applied Science

Exam Body

Edexcel Students will study the mandatory units covering the fundamentals of science, working in the science industry and scientific practical techniques. Pupils will be given the opportunity to study optional units including topics such as  Using Science in the Workplace  Physiology of Human Body Systems  Genetics and Genetic Engineering  Principles of Plant and Soil Science Successful completion of this course can lead to further education at degree level or into employment

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

BTEC Level 3 Diploma Sport

Exam Body

Edexcel Unit One – Principles of Anatomy and Physiology in Sport Unit Two – Physiology of Fitness Unit Three – Assessing risk in sport Unit Four – Fitness Testing for sport and exercise This is predominantly a theoretical course with only a small amount of practical. Successful completion of course can lead BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma further education in sports studies or employment within the sports and leisure industry

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes


Pathway 3 Subject Name

BTEC Level 2 Childcare

Exam Body

TBC; This is a new course being offered in the Academy. Modules will include The Early Childhood Educator, • The role of the early childhood educator, Interacting with other early childhood educators, Observing and recording child behaviours, Guiding child behaviour, Fostering self-esteem in children, Showing approval of children’s actions, Changes in children as they grow older, Children with special needs, Development in Children, The rights of children and their families, Principles of inclusivity, Observational and recording techniques, Methods of observation • Holistic child development, Theories of child development and learning, Cognitive development, Piaget, Vygotsky and Bruner, Theories of language development, Physical development , Activity and exercise, Emotional and social development, Managing children’s behaviour, Physical Care, Physical care of children 1-8, Basic health needs, The integrated care environment, Displaying children’s work, Safe management of trips and outings, Diet, nutrition and food, Multicultural, economic and social factors, Types of diets and dietary needs, Play, curriculum and early learning, Theories of play and types of play, Curriculum requirements in the UK, Caring for babies, Common neonatal problems and disorders, The nutritional needs of babies. Successful completion of this course can lead to the level 3 course and into further education or into employment. Completing of this course could lead to employment in schools, children’s centres, day nurseries or health industries.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes

Subject Name

BTEC Level 2 Catering and Hospitality

Exam Body

Edexcel You will have the opportunity to gain a broad knowledge and understanding of, and develop skills in, the hospitality industry, such as marketing and promotion, cooking, food and beverage service, accommodation service or finance, working in the hospitality industry, food safety, health and safety, front office services, promoting healthy lifestyles, processes involved in operating a hospitality business or running an event. This course also includes a significant amount of assessed practical cooking, which focuses on the planning, preparing cooking and presentation of high quality dishes. Wide range of job roles across the hospitality industry, for example waiters/waitresses, front-of-house staff, temporary events/match-day hospitality staff, concessions catering assistants, fast-food servers, bar person/manager or chef. You could also progress to a more specialised level 3 vocational or academic hospitality qualification or an apprenticeship. Further and Higher education courses in a wide range of related subjects.

Content of Course with brief description

Progression routes


Other Subject Name

GCSE English Language

Exam Body Content of Course with brief description Progression routes


Subject Name

GCSE Mathematics

Exam Body Content of Course with brief description Progression routes


An opportunity to repeat GCSE if you have not already gained a C or above. Further Education or into Employment

An opportunity to repeat GCSE if you have not already gained a C or above. Further Education or into Employment


Oasis Academy Hadley Sixth Form Application 2013/14 Please tick as appropriate

If currently at Oasis Academy Hadley can you give the following details

I am an external applicant from a school other than Oasis Academy Hadley I am a current student at this Academy

Community Learning Group

SECTION 1 Personal Details (All Applicants) Full Name




Home Number

Postcode Mobile

SECTION 2 Previous School/College (External Applicants Only)

Previous School/College



Referee From Previous School/College

Referee Position


SECTION 3 Course Choices (All Applicants) Please indicate below which courses you wish to study

Pathway 1 You are likely to achieve 5 A*-C GCSE grades (including at least one of English and Maths) or BTEC pass or above at level 2. Please indicate your choices 1 - 4 (1=priority) and a 'B' for a backup choice Art and Design AS

Film Studies AS

Music AS

Biology AS

Financial Studies IFS

Physics AS

Business Studies AS

Geography AS

Photography AS

Chemistry AS

History AS

Politics AS

Dance and Theatre Studies AS

Law AS

Psychology AS

Economics AS

Mathematics AS

Religious Studies AS

English Language AS

Further Mathematics AS

Sociology AS

English Literature AS

Media Studies AS Please note: refer to the separate entry requirements sheet for each subject.

Pathway 2 You are likely to achieve 3-5 A*-C GCSE grades at GCSE or BTEC pass or above at level 2. Please indicate your choice with a '1' and a 'B' for backup. You may also select an AS from Pathway 1, please indicate your 1st and 2nd choice with a 1 and 2. A2 Applied Business Studies

BTEC L3 Diploma Performing Arts - Dance & Acting

BTEC L3 Diploma Health and Social Care

BTEC L3 Diploma Applied Science

BTEC L3 Diploma in Information Technology

BTEC L3 Diploma Sport

Please note: refer to the separate entry requirements sheet for each subject.

Pathway 3 You are likely to achieve 2-5 D-G grades at GCSE or BTEC pass or above at level 2. Please indicate your choice with a '1' and a 'B' for backup. BTEC Level 2 Catering and Hospitality

BTEC Level 2 Childcare

Please note: refer to the separate entry requirements sheet for each subject.

SECTION 4 Future Plans Do you currently intend to go to university?



What career choice(s) are you considering after leaving Sixth Form?

SECTION 5 Signature The offer of a place in Oasis Academy Hadley Sixth Form is dependent on meeting the minimum grade requirements indicated above, including those for specific subjects. Student Signature


Parent Signature


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