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Oasis Academy Immingham Pelham Road, Immingham NE Lincs, DN40 1JU www.oasisacademyimmingham.org
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If you have a query regarding Oasis Academy Immingham please contact Kevin Rowlands through his PA, Veronica Fox, on 01469 576599 or email veronica.fox@oasisimmingham.org You can keep up-to-date with developments at Oasis Academy Immingham via our website www.oasisacademyimmingham.org.
If you wish to know more about Oasis Community Learning – part of the Oasis group of charities please contact: 75 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7HS www.oasisuk.org/education Registered number: 5398529. Charity Number: 1109288 Certified as a FSC mixed sources product, produced with recycled fibre from both pre- and post-consumer sources, together with FSC certified virgin fibre from well managed forests.
Oasis Community Learning Building Community - Developing People When I was young I went to a local church based youth club. There I learnt two important lessons in life. The first was that the 15-year-old girl I liked was not interested in me, a 14-year-old lad! The second was that God loves and includes everyone. I became inspired to create ways to develop people and build communities where everyone had hope and all were included and treated fairly. In 1985 we started the charity Oasis Trust which provides education, housing and healthcare around the world.
Oasis Community Learning was set up in 2004 to develop a number of Oasis Academies in the UK. At the heart of what we do is a Christian ethos of inclusion – valuing all, protecting rights to freedom and choice, working against discrimination and exclusion and respecting the beliefs of others. Oasis Academy Immingham will provide a rich and balanced educational environment – academically, vocationally, socially, morally, spiritually, emotionally and environmentally. We will aim to develop informed and active learners who
can explore questions, seek answers and solve problems – students who will care passionately about their neighbour, their community and their planet. Through high quality facilities, outstanding staff and clear leadership we will achieve a positive and affirming environment, encouraging partnerships between students, parents and the local community. Oasis Academy Immingham will provide a welcoming environment for students of all faiths and none, working out our vision ‘Building Community – Developing People’. Steve Chalke MBE - CEO, Oasis Community Learning
Principal’s Welcome Kevin Rowlands The success of Oasis Academy Immingham continues. With an OFSTED monitoring visit in March 2011 acknowledging that the Academy has made good progress since the last inspection and demonstrates a good capacity to continue improving even further. Alongside this, the Academy has demonstrated a rapid improvement through our GCSE results where more than 80% of our students achieve 5 or more GCSEs at the highest grades. Through the introduction of our Vertical Tutor System we are able to work in close partnership with you, the parents and carers of our children and believe that through strong relationships every child who attends Oasis Academy Immingham can make good progress and fulfil their Godgiven potential. The Academy thrives on its position in the heart of the Immingham community and through placing a strong value on inclusion, doing whatever it takes to offer every child the opportunity to succeed.
We offer a stimulating curriculum aimed to develop the skills, knowledge and experience necessary for our students to progress on to successful careers and higher educational opportunities. It is a curriculum that requires real commitment from your son or daughter, but I guarantee that with your help and their hard work and perseverance we can ensure success at the end of their time with us. We expect the highest standards at all times in terms of behaviour and appearance with high expectations in everything that we do. We do, as a result, support our students to become confident, self-disciplined, independent young people. I am excited by the opportunities ahead and I look forward to working successfully together over the next seven years to secure your child’s future.
Community – Living and learning together Community Vision
Healthy Living
Full Extended School
The vision of the Academy is to create both an outstanding school and a community hub. State of the art buildings are providing an opportunity to engage with the local community facilities. The aim is for local residents to be able to access adult learning programmes, as well as community sports provision through our fitness suite, sports hall and multi-use games area.
The Academy has Healthy Schools status and there is an ethos of balanced healthy lifestyles, demonstrated through policies regarding school meals and ecological building design. To promote our healthy living ethos we ensure that local people have access to, and are involved in, the design and delivery of services that improve health and well-being. This is achieved through the concept of the Academy site as a centre for healthy living, involving a network of activities and outreach work which promote good health through health information, physical exercise and education from the site.
Extended community use is part of the Oasis vision for the Academy. We aim to provide integrated care for all students. These services will be developed gradually as the Oasis Community teams begin to develop programmes between the Academy and the local community.
Oasis believes that it has a duty to respect the environment through a commitment to sustainability and biodiversity. Resources entrusted to Oasis Academy Immingham will be used with integrity and responsibility.
Our Vision Oasis Academy Immingham will: • Develop confident, independent, lifelong learners • Prepare students to lead a good and successful life • Deliver personalised learning programmes for all
• Be a focus for positive community action • Provide 21st century learning opportunities
Our Values Our mission: Every child will make good progress
Love your neighbour
Every child matters
Our work is motivated and inspired by the life, message and example of Christ. We recognise the richness that spiritual and cultural diversity brings to our community. We respect the beliefs and practices of other faiths and will provide a welcoming environment for students of all faiths and those with none. We recognise that we are stronger together and value collaboration. We aim to develop an understanding and tolerance of each other through knowledge, mutual respect, believing the best and forgiveness. Individual rights will be respected and choice will be exercised within a culture of self-discipline.
We identify and develop the gifts, talents and interests of all our students. Our curriculum and extended opportunities enable all students to engage in their education, enjoy learning, achieve success and experience accelerated learning by having the opportunity to take qualifications at an earlier stage. We also help them learn how to be healthy and stay safe. They make positive contributions to their school, their community and the wider world, developing spiritual, social, physical, emotional and economic well-being. The achievements of all our students are always valued.
It takes a whole community to educate a child This statement lies at the centre of all the Academy wants to achieve. We aim to employ first-class staff. Support goes far beyond the classroom into the local community. Parents, carers and families of our students are expected to be involved in the partnership that is the education of the whole child. Through our specialisms of Engineering & Commerce with Business & Enterprise we engage with local, national and international partners using the Oasis links to facilitate the education of our students.
Education for all There is an expectation that all members of our community will become excellent life-long learners. Staff have opportunities for professional development through teamwork, training within the innovative environment of the Academy. Our educational facilities are shared with local organisations and local people.
We expect all students to follow our REACH values: Respect: I will Respect my classmates, teachers, my school property, and myself. Enthusiam: I will approach learning with Enthusiasm. I will do things with a positive attitude. Achievement: I will aim for Achievement in every subject by producing top quality work. I will complete my homework every night, including my required reading. Community: I will be a positive member of the Oasis Community. I will look for opportunities to help my classmates, my school, and my town. Hard Work: I will always practise Hard Work when I approach a task. I will come to class prepared, focused, and ready to learn. I will give every task my very best.
Learning – Curriculum Key Stage 3 Students will all follow learning programmes leading to National Curriculum assessments in English, Maths and Science. All students follow the Learning 21 approach to the curriculum. This will focus on the development of students’ skills and talents. They will have access to the humanities, arts, technology, sports, languages and ICT. Options are available within certain subject areas, for example Technology. In addition many areas start their GCSE programmes of study at the end of Year 8.
Key Stage 4, 13-16 phase We place an emphasis on securing the best possible outcomes for all of our students and encourage the majority of students to study a GCSE programme in line with the English Baccalaureate. This is further complimented with a range of BTEC certificates and vocational opportunities. As a specialised Engineering Academy we will develop experience in a variety of Engineering-focussed activities, we believe in promoting equality in all that we do and place an emphasis on removing gender stereotypes as we promote opportunities for all of our students through work-related learning. With a diverse range of opportunities in our Sixth Form we are focussed on ensuring all of our students achieve and have the opportunity to continue with their education through further and higher education.
Key Stage 5, 16-19 phase Since opening in September 2008, the Oasis Academy Immingham Sixth Form has continued to flourish. Currently over two sites, our Sixth Form offers level 2 and 3 courses, both academic and applied learning. Level 3 courses include AS and A2 levels, Btec National Awards, Btec National Certificates, OCR and CACHE. Our
inclusive policy is second to none and we value every post-16 student regardless of ability and background. Students who have attended our Sixth Form have progressed to Higher Education, apprenticeships and fulltime employment.
Organisation of Learning Oasis Academy Immingham prides itself on the quality of our transition arrangements from primary to secondary school. We continue to develop close partnerships with the local primary schools to ensure we have a strong understanding of the needs of every child and are able to make them feel safe, comfortable and welcome. Likewise, the same philosophy applies to any student joining the Academy at any time. During tutorial time students are organised in to Vertical Tutor Groups, where they can form strong relationships with students across all ranges. This approach allows for strong relationships to develop, a strong network of support for all students and fantastic opportunities to learn from and mentor one another. With two adults present in every tutor group the opportunity for working closely with parents is apparent. For the majority of the time, students are organised into teaching groups according to their level and need. This ensures that every child is making progress at a rate that is appropriate to them, ensuring they receive the right support to fulfil their potential. Students play a huge part in their own learning. We have many opportunities for students to become involved in the Student Council which looks at the quality of learning, the classroom environment, and the way the Academy links with the local community as well as our Oasis partners in Bangladesh and the U.S.A. We encourage our students to take responsibility for improving the community in which they live, whether that be the Academy, the town of Immingham or the wider global community.
Communication with parents is one of the keystones for ensuring that students make excellent progress in their learning. Parents will receive a termly update on their child’s academic progress in the Academy, and there is a Parents’ Evening every term open to all year groups so that teachers and parents can talk regularly about the progress the student is making in every subject. Parents are encouraged to contact the Academy at any point if they feel there are concerns with their child’s learning that need to be addressed. As students move up the Academy, they are faced with choices over which subjects to take. The Academy has achieved the Gold Standard in Information, Advice and Guidance which means we provide excellent support and advice that ensures students choose the subjects best suited to their needs. The wide range of courses available, particularly when the students reach the Sixth Form, means that most learners prefer to stay at the Academy until they are 18 or 19 and ready for the world of University, college, apprenticeships or employment. We firmly believe that the quality and organisation of learning in the Academy provides our students with the best possible start to their lives.
Admissions Oasis Academy Immingham is a non-selective school open to students of all religious faiths and those of no faith. If you are a parent/carer of a student currently in Year 6 and wish to apply for a place at Oasis Academy Immingham in Year 7 for the following September you will need to complete the Common Application Form and return it to the admissions section NE Lincs. If you are seeking a place in any other year group, or for a Year 7 place other than September, you must contact the admissions section NE Lincs.
How places will be allocated at Oasis Academy Immingham If there are more applications than places available, priority will be given to applicants in the following order: 1. Children with Statements of Special Educational Needs where the Academy is named on the Statement (under Section 324 of the 1996 Education Act). 2. Children in public care (looked after children) at the time of application. 3. Children who have specific medical needs, social needs or special needs where the application is supported by written specific professional advice as to why admission to the Academy is necessary. The OCL Board will make the decisions related to such applications. 4. Siblings of students who will be attending the Academy and living at the same address on the date when the applicant would be admitted. The term “sibling” means a full, step, half, adopted or fostered brother or sister, but not cousins. The Academy reserves the right to ask for proof of relationship.
5. Children who live the nearest distance from the Academy. The distance, which determines how close the child lives to the Academy, is the shortest walking distance along public highways and footpaths between the door to the child’s permanent address and the main entrance to the Academy. The child’s permanent address is where he or she normally lives and sleeps and from where they go to school. Proof of residence can be requested at any time throughout the admissions process. If false or misleading information is used to gain entry to the Academy, the offer of a place will be withdrawn and the application cancelled. Please note Should there be more applicants from criterion 4 than places available, then criterion 5 will be used to determine who will be allocated a place.
Outstanding Opportunities Facilities As a new school we have excellent facilities in a building designed for 21st century education. The centrepiece of our school is the Agora, a market place where students’ work and achievements are showcased. The school also has many ecofriendly features: solar panels and wind turbines, an eco-construction site and garden area for growing our own food. We are an ICT-rich environment with easy access to the Academy network, both in and out of school. Parents/carers are be able to access information on their child’s attainment, progress and attendance at any time. We have excellent links with other Oasis Academies, developing as more Oasis Academies come on stream. We also have excellent links with other Oasis schools from around the world providing a rounded educational experience. The fitness suite, sports hall and multi-use games area provide excellent sporting facilities. We also access off-site facilities for other sports such as sailing and rock climbing. The catering facilities are first-class both for students to use and for students to learn. We are developing an expertise in hospitality and catering and will encourage business development in these areas. Arts and Technology is well-supported with the recording studio, indoor and outdoor performance space, engineering workshops and high specification design equipment. The Academy also have two independent fully functioning educational businesses in Hair & Beauty and Engineering which benefit the whole learning community.
If you have a query regarding Oasis Academy Immingham please contact Kevin Rowlands through his PA, Veronica Fox, on 01469 576599 or email veronica.fox@oasisimmingham.org You can keep up-to-date with developments at Oasis Academy Immingham via our website www.oasisacademyimmingham.org.
If you wish to know more about Oasis Community Learning – part of the Oasis group of charities please contact: 75 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7HS www.oasisuk.org/education Registered number: 5398529. Charity Number: 1109288 Certified as a FSC mixed sources product, produced with recycled fibre from both pre- and post-consumer sources, together with FSC certified virgin fibre from well managed forests.
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m e d 012 a Ac 011 - 2 2
Oasis Academy Immingham Pelham Road, Immingham NE Lincs, DN40 1JU www.oasisacademyimmingham.org
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