Mayfield website prospectus

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Oasis Academy Mayfield Ashley Cresent, Southampton, SO19 9NA 023 8032 8128

Oasis Community Learning Every Person Matters When I was a teenager I used to attend a local church-based youth club at the weekends. There I learnt two important lessons in life. The first was that the 15-year-old girl, that I started going there in an attempt to woo into becoming my girlfriend, wasn’t the least bit interested. To her I was a non-entity – a mere 14-year-old! But the second was that I am made in the image of God and that as a result, my life, just like each life, has purpose and meaning. In short, I learnt that every person matters. So it was that I became inspired to create ways to help build communities where everyone – both young and old – had hope, felt they mattered and were given the opportunity to achieve to their full potential. As a result, in 1985 I set up Oasis; a charity which now provides education, housing and healthcare around the world. Oasis Community Learning, part of what was by then a family of Oasis charities, began its life in 2004 with the goal of developing a number of Academies across the UK. And, just like the rest of Oasis’ work around the world, right at its heart are the same values. Inspired by Christ, we are committed to valuing all, protecting rights to freedom and choice, working against discrimination and exclusion, respecting the beliefs of others and nurturing confident and competent young people.

That’s why Oasis Academy Mayfield’s purpose is to provide a rich and balanced educational environment – academically, vocationally, socially, morally, spiritually, emotionally and environmentally for all our students. That’s why we aim to develop informed and active learners who can explore questions, seek answers and solve problems – students who will care passionately about their neighbour, their community and their planet. That’s why, through high-quality facilities, outstanding staff and clear leadership, we work to create a positive and affirming environment, encouraging partnerships between students, parents/carers and the wider local community. That’s why Oasis Academy Mayfield’s goal is to provide a welcoming environment for students of all faiths and none, as well as for their parents and carers. The Oasis Educational Charter spells all this out in much more detail. You can download this from our website However, it is all summed up like this: We are community - we are relationships We are learning - we are achievement We are unique - we are inclusive We are enjoyment - we are perseverance We are hope - we are future We are Oasis. Steve Chalke MBE – CEO, Oasis Community Learning

Principal’s message

Our Values

At Oasis Academy Mayfield we are committed to the development of all students in every aspect of Academy life. We believe that students should be given the best possible opportunities and support to enable them to develop academically, socially and physically as well as emotionally and spiritually.

Every child matters

It takes a whole village to educate a child

We will identify and develop the gifts, talents and interests of all our students. Our curriculum and extended opportunities will enable all students to engage in their education. They will enjoy learning and achieve success. We will help them learn how to be healthy and stay safe. They will make positive contributions to their Academy, their community and the wider world. They will develop spiritual, social, physical, emotional and economic well being. The achievements of all our students will be valued.

This African saying reflects the importance of the whole community in educating our children. We employ first class staff. Support will go beyond the classroom and beyond the Academy gate. Parents, carers and families of our students are expected to be involved in their education. All Oasis Academies offer a broad and balanced curriculum, but they also have a specialism. Through our Global network we will engage local, national and international partners in the education of our students.

Education for all

Love your neighbour

All members of our community are learners. Our students will be educated for life. Our staff will be developed through teamwork; training and the opportunities that an innovative environment brings. The educational facilities will be shared with local schools and local people. We will provide life-long education.

Our work is motivated and inspired by the life, message and example of Jesus. We recognise the richness that spiritual and cultural diversity brings our community. We respect the practices of other faiths and will provide a welcoming environment for students of all faiths and beliefs. We recognise that we are stronger together and value collaboration. We will develop an understanding and acceptance of each other through knowledge, mutual respect, believing the best and forgiveness. Individual rights are respected and choice will be exercised within a culture of self-discipline.

Oasis Academy Mayfield is committed to working to ensure that traditional high standards of respect and behaviour are promoted to celebrate and develop the unique talents of the whole learning community. This is underpinned by committed staff and well developed systems of pastoral support and inclusion to ensure that all students, during their time at Mayfield, will develop as confident caring citizens prepared to fulfil their aspirations and achieve their potential.

Working in partnership with parents, carers and the wider community, the Academy will ensure that students are able to live life to the full in the present and become responsible adults who will contribute positively to shape our future world.

The Academy is an exciting place to work and learn and we take seriously the fact that our children and young people only get one chance at an excellent education. To this end we strive to ensure that everyone in the Academy community is able to take advantage of the best available facilities and opportunities during their time with us.

Oasis Academy Mayfield lies at the heart of the community. Please accept our invitation to come and visit.

Our broad and balanced curriculum with opportunities for personalised learning incorporates our Global vision, which contributes to students’ understanding of internationalism and their future role in an increasingly international and diverse community.

Mr John Toland – Principal, Oasis Academy Mayfield

Our Vision Oasis Academy Mayfield will: •• Equip students to successfully compete in an international workforce and thus become productive citizens of the global community •• Utilise resources to ensure that all students reach their full potential •• Provide students with heightened global awareness and an appreciation of culture and identity

•• Use creative approaches to the curriculum in order to facilitate new and innovative activities •• Embrace the talents and skills of all members of our community •• Value entrepreneurial and technological skills.

Learning – Curriculum Introduction: At Oasis Academy Mayfield, we provide a curriculum which will serve students as they prepare for life in the 21st Century. Our curriculum is innovatively grouped into faculties and designed to inspire and engage all students through excellent teaching and a rich extra-curricular provision. The learning faculties are: •• Communication, including Languages and English •• Science and Design Technology •• Mathematics and ICT •• Well Being •• Humanities •• Arts.

Year 9 During Year 9, the core of English, Maths, Science, RE and ICT is further enhanced by a broad range of studies including opportunities to select different languages from Spanish, French and German, Creative Arts and Technology subjects to study. Individual learning programmes enable students to enter public examinations when they are ready.

Key Stage 4: Years 10 and 11

Key Stage 3:

In Key Stage 4 students follow guided pathways that allow them to study a range of subjects at an appropriate level. We support students to make aspirational and informed decisions that will enable them to create opportunities as they move into post 16 education and employment.

Years 7 and 8

The programme falls into two sections:

Our Year 7 and 8 curriculum is designed to make the transition from Primary School to Secondary School as smooth as possible. Students follow the national curriculum which is delivered by specialist subject teachers. This is enhanced with additional literacy to ensure that all students reach their chronological reading and spelling age. Students also follow a programme called Learning to Learn to ensure they have the skills to engage in all aspects of the Academy curriculum as successful independent learners.

1. The compulsory core of English, Mathematics, Science, ICT, Physical Education and Religious Education. 2. A preferred selection of subjects to complete this ‘entitlement’ based on personal strengths and aspirations.

Learning – Curriculum continued Assessment:

House System:

The Academy is committed to making a difference in the lives of young people through raising standards. In our endeavour to develop students into independent learners and enable them to access all that the 21st Century has to offer, students will have access to Individual Learning Plans to support them in their learning. These will then be discussed with parents/carers at Parents/Carers Evenings, reinforcing the partnership between Academy and home, and personalising learning to support and engage each student in achieving their academic potential. Assessment is key to this and using bespoke tracking systems we ensure that all students make outstanding progress from KS2 to KS4.

The House System was established to further enhance the high quality pastoral care, welfare and guidance provided for all students. The primary aim of each house will be to give each student a stable environment, a sense of security and belonging from which they can: •• Develop their social, intellectual, physical and practical skills •• Participate in community life •• Become aware of the needs and feelings of other people •• Be prepared for their life after school.

Virtual Learning Environment: Students can now experience an exciting environment for learning called the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment), which is a web-based application that enables anywhere, anytime access to learning, collaboration, information and tools which can be used both inside and outside a classroom. Our VLE opens up a new world of possibilities. Students learning will no longer be limited to the classroom which will help to break down the barriers between home and the Academy and encourage every student to develop the skills they need to achieve their full potential. The VLE will support students to achieve their expected levels of progress and encourage them to take responsibility for their own learning, whilst providing a safe, secure and stimulating environment for teaching and learning, both in the classroom and at home 24/7.

Everybody, that includes staff as well as students are allocated to one of three houses, Kestrel, Merlin and Griffon. The House names are the engine types used in the Spitfire, closely associated with Southampton and its community. Each house is made up of one or two forms from each year group, has its own house badge, house colour and is led overall by a Head of House (who has an academic focus) and a Pastoral Leader (who has a care and welfare focus). The house system reflects the ethos of the Academy by maintaining high standards of behaviour and discipline. We aim to have a caring atmosphere within each House. Students are encouraged to care for themselves, work hard and consider each other, the community and the environment in which they live.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities: The Academy’s aim is to ensure that all its students achieve their full potential, according to their individual needs, through the delivery of an appropriate education that is both challenging and attainable. Students who are identified as having additional needs are given further support in accordance with the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2001), the SEN and Disability Act (2001) and the Disability Discrimination Act (2005). The Academy will take steps to find out what is not working for the student by carrying out the appropriate assessment and gathering information to make the situation as clear as possible. Once tailored support is in place, we will ensure that it is making a positive difference; if the support is not working well enough, we will gather more information and try a different approach. Whenever we start this process for any young person, we will always explain to them and to their parents or carers what our concerns are and what we will do to help. All teachers are teachers of students with special educational needs and, therefore, responsible for identifying and meeting their needs. Similarly, all curriculum areas and all aspects of learning and teaching in the Academy take account of students’ additional needs. However, the Academy also recognises the need for specialist support to address the often substantial additional learning needs of a significant minority of students. Oasis Academy Mayfield has the facility to cater for a wide range of additional requirements, supporting effective

learning and teaching across the curriculum. The SEN department will aim to meet those needs through a variety of strategies namely: differentiation of the curriculum, resources and teaching strategies; consultancy support and staff development for teachers and support staff; teamteaching; one-to-one and small-group work to support literacy development; anger management and emotional literacy sessions; flexible curriculum planning; target-setting and monitoring of student progress through the use of Individual Support Plans; involvement from appropriate partner agencies, and on-going communication with parents. These approaches are delivered both from within the Academy’s Learning Access Centre and in teaching areas across the school. In addition, the SEN department offers assisted access to students at the start of the school day and runs a break and lunch club in the Learning Access Centre for socially vulnerable students. The Academy is committed to ensuring that students with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive their full entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum and appropriate inclusion in all school activities, as well as being valued equally with all other students. Inclusion is at the heart of everything we do, as is ensuring that school life is a positive experience for our students where every small achievement is celebrated and every challenge is embraced as an opportunity for learning.

Oasis Mayfield Community Hub – Living and Learning Together Oasis is totally dedicated to raising educational standards and recognises that working with a focus on every child is further enhanced when there is an equal focus on people who are important in that child’s life. No one lives in isolation. Our lives are influenced and affected by the community we live in. Oasis works with the understanding that ‘Every Person Matters’. Oasis is therefore focussed on the task of creating a range of diverse services which cater for the wider context of our students’ lives as well as those of their families and wider communities. To deliver this commitment to every person, Oasis has developed the concept of the Oasis Hub, drawing on Christian values to serve people of all faiths and beliefs.

Aims of Oasis Mayfield Hub The overall aim of an Oasis Hub is to recognise that individual and community health flows from wholeness - that people and communities have a wide range of needs – including social, physical, educational, emotional, environmental, vocational and spiritual needs.

The aims of an Oasis Hub will therefore include •• Building a stronger sense of community, transforming it into an environment where people – including families – feel safe, happy and proud to live, learn and work alongside one another •• Creating opportunities for local people to get involved in shaping the work and buying into delivering the change itself •• Encouraging volunteering at every level of operation •• Stimulating a local culture of enterprise and self-help •• Raising aspirations including educational and employment opportunities •• Reducing crime and anti-social behaviour •• Encouraging an environment where the private and public sector work in deeper partnership.

Admissions Oasis Academy Mayfield is a non-selective Academy open to all students of all religious faiths and beliefs. Parents and carers of students currently in Year 6 can apply for a place at Oasis Academy Mayfield in Year 7 the following September by completing the Common Application Form and returning it to Southampton City Council. Parents and carers who wish to seek a place in any other year group or a Year 7 place post-September, would need to complete a mid-year transfer form (available from both Oasis Academy Mayfield or Southampton City Council). This must be returned back to Southampton City Council.

How places will be allocated at Oasis Academy Mayfield Applications received by the closing date will be dealt with first. If the number of applications received by the closing date is greater than the admission number, admissions will be decided according to the following priorities 1. Children in public care (looked after children). 2. Children subject to a Child Protection Plan or deemed vulnerable by the Head of Safeguarding at Southampton City Council. 3. Children who have a brother or sister already on the roll of the Academy who will continue to attend that Academy during the following year. (This includes children who live as siblings in the same family unit). 4. Children who live within the Academy’s designated catchment area: If the Academy is oversubscribed within these criteria, priorities (i) to (iii), as set out within point 5 will be used to determine which children will be offered places.

5. Children who live outside the Academy’s designated catchment area, in the following order: i. Children whose parents have named a particular Academy because the child has a significant medical or psychological condition which means they must attend the preferred Academy rather than any other. Applications must be supported by appropriate written evidence from a doctor or psychologist. ii. Children attending one of the following designated catchment junior or primary Schools: Ludlow Junior School, Heathfield Junior School, St Monica Junior School, St Mary’s CE Primary School. iii. Children who live closest to the Academy based on the shortest practicable walking distance using public roads and footpaths. Distances are measured from home to Academy for in-catchment children and from either home to Academy or home to the designated catchment area boundary for out-catchment children. Should an Academy be oversubscribed from within any of the criteria 5(i) to 5(ii) above, then distance, as given in 5(iii), will be used to prioritise applications within these categories. Should there be two identical distances requiring prioritisation, this will be done by casting lots.

Please note There is an appeals process and all Oasis Academies follow the nationally agreed guidance for admissions appeals.

Exciting Learning Facilities and Extra Curricular Activities During term-time students will have access to a wide range of innovative learning facilities and accessible open spaces including: •• A purpose-built Radio Station and Recording Studio •• Fully equipped Fitness Suite •• Dedicated Technology Barn •• Multi-function Mac Suite •• Interactive Cyber Café •• Indoor Theatre and outdoor Amphitheatre •• Modern Dance Studio •• Full size Sports Hall. The Academy is surrounded by beautiful landscaped gardens, with a large outdoor playing field and an outdoor floodlit multi-use games area. Students will also have access to two exciting outdoor classroom areas – glass Solar Domes - which will be used to maximise

cross-curricular activities, from maths and science to horticulture and art. As an extension to the Academy day, students can also benefit from a wide variety of extra-curricular activities that start before the core hours and are available into the early evening. In addition, learning resource areas are open to all for study, completion of coursework and homework and there is access to ICT and 24 hours a day web-based learning. Facilities will encourage student participation in activities outside of the core Academy hours. These activities will provide students with new skills and opportunities, promote healthy living, and stretch and develop their academic capabilities. Activities will be wide ranging, encompassing sport and health related opportunities, and entrepreneurial and language activities.

Community Resources As well as the provision of top class facilities for our students, the Academy offers a full community programme catering for all ages: •• Brand new leisure facilities including a Matrix Fitness Suite •• Outdoor multi-use floodlit Games Area with Tennis Courts •• Indoor Sports Hall available for Badminton, Football and Netball •• Sprung Floor Dance Studio

•• Friendly Cyber Café •• Drama Theatre with up to 200 seats, also perfect for Dance and Martial Arts •• Weekly toning and fitness classes with a personal trainer on site •• Adult Education Programme and Family Learning. For more information on the above or to discuss our hire terms, please contact the Community Hub Team on 023 8042 5340 or by sending an email to

Academy Day 8:30am Tutor 8:45am

Lesson 1


Lesson 2




Lesson 3


Lesson 4




Lesson 5


End of timetabled day

Start of after school activities

Uniform It is important that students wear clothing at the Academy which is suitable for their daily routine. We believe that it also shows both students and parents identify with Mayfield. All regulation items may be purchased through Skoolkit, 31 Leigh Road, Eastleigh S050 9FF, Tel: 023 8062 9095. Or on line: The Principal’s decision on uniform is final. Compulsory items: • Black blazer with Academy badge • Mid-grey or black trousers (girls must not wear leggings or tight trousers) • Academy Tie • Plain, short or long sleeved white shirt (not revered or tailored) • Black low heeled shoes (boots, trainers or canvas shoes are not allowed) • Plain black, grey or white socks (ankle or to the knee) • Plain black, dark grey or flesh coloured tights. Optional Items: • Academy sweatshirt • Regulation mid-grey or black skirt (this must be no shorter than 3cm above the knee) PE and Dance: • Academy polo shirt • Academy rugby shirt • Academy sport socks • Academy sport shorts.

General • No jewellery with the exception if necessary of small stud earrings and/or a watch • Hair styles must be neat and tidy. No shaven, extreme styles or obviously coloured hair will be allowed. Any hairbands must be plain blue or black. Bows or flowers are not permitted • No make-up/nail varnish or false nails may be worn at the Academy • Sensible school bag.

Mobile Phones Mobile phones are not allowed to be used in the Academy at any time. If mobiles are brought into school they may be kept in the student’s locker or school bag, switched off. If a student is caught using a phone it will be confiscated in the first instance and returned at the end of the day. Further instances will result in the mobile phone being confiscated and only returned to a parent.

Valuables Items of value must not be brought into school (e.g. jewellery, MP3s, significant amounts of money, etc.). The Academy cannot accept liability for loss of valuables brought into the Academy and such items, if used, will be confiscated during the school day.

If you have a query regarding Oasis Academy Mayfield please contact You can keep up-to-date with developments at Oasis Academy Mayfield via our website Parents and carers can also log on to the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) for more information and support.

If you wish to know more about Oasis Community Learning – part of the Oasis group of charities please contact: The Oasis Centre, 75 Westminster Bridge Road London SE1 7HS Registered number: 5398529.

Ashley Crescent, Southampton, SO19 9NA

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