Oasis Academy New Oak Prospectus

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Welcome to Oasis Academy New Oak Primary We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Oasis Academy New Oak Primary: an Academy where everyone knows your child. We pride ourselves on valuing each child as an individual and making sure everyone has a happy and successful school experience. As an Academy we have high expectations and aspirations and we are committed to working with parents/carers to ensure each child reaches their potential. Our experienced staff team is committed to ensuring that children learn and to achieve this we believe that all children should have plenty of exciting and challenging lessons which inspire and enthuse.

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Oasis Academy New Oak Because all children should aim for the stars...



Our Values At Oasis Academy New Oak there are a number of core beliefs and values which arise from our mission statement. Our goal is that these permeate every aspect of the Academy's life. We will continuously measure and evaluate our performance using these beliefs and values as our guide. At Oasis Academy New Oak we identify, develop and celebrate the gifts, talents and interests of all our children. Our curriculum and extended opportunities enable all children to engage in their education. They enjoy learning and achieve success. We help them learn how to be healthy and stay safe. They make positive contributions to their Academy, their community and the wider world.

Oasis Aca demy New Oak Because s mall voice s importan t as big on are as es… They develop spiritual, social, physical, emotional and economic well-being. The achievements of all our pupils are valued and celebrated. Our school is a community and each member of it has an equally important part to play. Oasis Academy New Oak believes in valuing everyone's views and beliefs. We recognise the richness that spiritual and cultural diversity brings to our community. We respect the beliefs and practices of other faiths and provide a welcoming environment for pupils of all faiths and those with none. We recognise that we are stronger together and value collaboration. We develop an understanding and tolerance of each other through knowledge and mutual respect, believing the best of each other and forgiveness. We respect individual rights and choice is exercised within a culture of self-discipline.

Our Vision Our vision “Inspire to Aspire” guides our daily Academy life. All lessons should be stimulating and inspiring using up to date resources and IT. Every child is encouraged to aim for excellence and taught how to be focussed, determined and preserve. Every child can excel and at New Oak our vision means we celebrate strengths. No child should be told they can't achieve their dream from doctor to lawyer, footballer to singer, chef to games designer: everyone can aspire. Oasis Academy New Oak has a commitment to inclusive education and strive to maintain a high-quality teaching and learning environment for all our learners. We place a high value on establishing close links between home and school so that we can effectively work together to achieve the best for each child.


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We work together towards building a school community that: • is welcoming and safe • acknowledges all individuals for their human qualities • recognises and celebrates diversity and achievement • champions respect for individuals' differences • delivers a Foundation and National Curriculum that develops the learners' life skills that as well as being respectful human beings they are also responsible, reflective, resourceful, resilient and reasoning • promotes enthusiasm, enjoyment and fun through learning.


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Parents and Carers Reception Inductions Parents/carers are invited to an induction event in the term before your child starts school. Here all questions will be answered and most importantly you will get to know the staff who will be looking after your child and keeping them happy and safe as they start their school life.

Progress Evenings and Reports

Educational trips out of the Academy: Many trips outside the Academy are arranged each year and parents/ carers may be asked to contribute to the cost. In cases of hardship, parents/carers can contact the office in confidence to see whether support may be available. Parents/carers in the Academy: Parents/carers can help the Academy in a multitude of ways: sharing books with children, supporting lessons in craft or cooking and helping on Academy trips etc. If you have a talent and some time to share it please let us know.

We believe that parents/carers play a critical part in education and that it is really important you know how well your child is doing. There will be two progress evenings each year and two reports. If you have a particular enquiry then we ask you to arrange an appointment to see your child's teacher. You are always welcome to arrange a time to come in and look at your child's work. Website: There is an Academy website where information about the Academy is available www.oasisacademynewoak.org

Teaching and Learning Children begin Oasis Academy New Oak at four and stay until they are 11. During those 7 years we make sure that they learn to read, write and communicate effectively as well as making sure they develop good mathematical skills. Daily lessons in Maths and English develop these skills and there are many opportunities for them to practise their skills across the school day. Our school year is divided into three parts and the curriculum covers Past, Present and Future. Each year children undertake a historical topic, a historical theme, a geographical feature, a country study, an environmental topic and a futuristic study. There is room for variation to allow for children's interests and relevant local, national or global events. 6

For example: reception class (age 4-5) learn about African animals with a trip to the zoo. Year 3 (age 7-8) learn about Knights and Castles with a visit to Chepstow Castle. Whilst Year 5s (age 9-10) study cities and have an overnight stay in London. At Oasis Academy New Oak children have the opportunity to learn swim during year 3 and learn an instrument during year 4. We make good use of local facilities to develop PE and have strong links with our local Secondary Oasis Academy John Williams.

School Council: This is a chance for the Academy to hear the voice of the children. The group is made up of a girl and a boy representative from each class who have been voted by their peers. They meet with staff regularly to make suggestions about the day-to-day running of the Academy.

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Oasis Ac ademy N ew Oak Because happy ch ildren learn be tter…

Culture for Learning All members of the Academy community are expected to behave towards one another in a polite, caring and respectful manner, showing consideration for one another's feelings. This includes adults bringing children to and from school.

Pastoral Care Safety


Oasis Academy New Oak places a high emphasis on keeping children safe and teaching them to keep themselves safe. There are yearly AntiBullying, road safety and safety weeks. Which cover all types of safety including in the home, on the road, on the Internet, at the park etc...

The Golden Rules ensure that we continue to maintain high standard of behaviour.

Medicines There are occasions when children are prescribed medicines. The Academy has a clear medication policy. This includes asthma inhalers. Children with long term health issues are protected by DDA. As an inclusive school we are happy to accommodate children with long term medical needs such as diabetes, epilepsy. For these children individual care plans are drawn up. What happens if my child becomes ill during the day? If your child is ill during the school day we will call and ask you to collect your child. We do keep spare clothes in the Academy if necessary. 8

What happens if my child has an accident during the day? One of our first aiders will administer first aid. If necessary we will call you to come and collect your child. If hospital treatment is required, we need parental/carer consent. It is therefore essential that we have both your home and work telephone numbers, so that contact can be made in an emergency. If we cannot contact anyone we will act in loco parentis.

I will: • treat others and myself with respect at all times • always treat property with respect • play fair and friendly games at all times • walk quietly around the Academy • work hard and always try my best Our emphasis is on rewarding positive behaviour. However, an important aspect of our partnership with parents/carers is informing them if their child's behaviour is unacceptable and sharing responsibility for that behaviour. We also have a policy on bullying, so that any incidents are dealt with immediately.

Child Protection and Pupil Welfare Our child protection programme supports each child’s development in ways which foster security, confidence and independence. The Academy has a duty of care and the right to take reasonable action to ensure the welfare and safety of its pupils. If a member of staff has cause to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or any other form of abuse, the Academy will follow child protection procedures and inform social services of its concerns. We believe that children learn best when they are well and happy. If there are circumstances which are worrying you or affecting your child’s well-being please talk to us in confidence. If your child has had an injury or an emotional upset, please explain the situation to the School Family Link Worker or Principal in order for them to receive the appropriate form of support.


Attendance and Punctuality What if my child is absent from school? It is very important that all children attend school regularly, but if your child is unwell he/she should not be sent to the Academy. You are expected to inform the Academy of an absence as soon as possible on the first day of absence so that an authorised absence can be recorded. Children returning to the Academy after an absence should bring in a note explaining the absence (detailing their name, class, the dates they were absent and the reason). The Academy will contact the parents/carers if a reason – in writing – has not been given. Authorised absences are acceptable reasons for absence and cover things like sickness,emergency medical/dental appointments, religious holidays, attendance at court, funerals etc. However, all regular appointments should, where possible, be arranged for after the Academy day. Unauthorised absences are absences where no acceptable reason is given and includes things like shopping, going to the airport, a relative visiting, going for a haircut, parent/ carer unwell, holidays etc. Under no circumstances may children leave school by themselves during Academy hours. Parents/carers who collect children to go to the doctor, dentist etc, must first see the Principal/Office Manager and the child will be collected from the classroom.

What if my child is late for Academy learning? It is very important that all children are in the Academy on time. A child will be recorded in the ‘late book' if they arrive in school after registration this could count as an unauthorised absence. This book is available for the EWO to see. They will make home visits to follow up children who are regularly late. It is equally as important that children should be picked up from the Academy promptly. If for any reason you are going to be late, please contact the Academy so we know what is happening. It can be very distressing for the child if we do not know anything. All children who are picked up late will be brought to the front entrance hall. Please also inform us if someone different is to pick up your child. Parents/carers are reminded that all children up to year 3 must be brought to, and met from the Academy at all times by a responsible parent/carer.

Academy Lunches

ASD Inclusion Classes

Children can either have a school dinner, bring a packed lunch or go home for dinner. If you qualify for free school dinners please chat to the office about how to apply.

Oasis Academy New Oak has an inclusion class serving the needs of local children who have Autism. Children in these classes benefit from very small class sizes and expert teachers and LSAs. The classroom benefits from individual work bays, a sensory room and private toilet facilities. The children in the inclusion class take part fully in school life through playtimes, assemblies and opportunities for inclusion.

HIRB Oasis Academy New Oak is very proud of its Hearing Impaired Resource Base which offers a specialised and inclusive education for children who are deaf or have a hearing impairment. The HIRB is staffed by specialised teachers of the deaf and trained support workers. The children in the HIRB all of statements of SEN and Oasis Academy New Oak is named in their statement. The whole school benefits from the inclusion of this base and all children develop a strong understanding of hearing impairment. The school buildings are acoustically designed to minimise sound and this adds to the feeling of calm that envelopes the school.

All children in the school benefit from the inclusive nature of our school.

What happens if we have to go away in Academy time? The law requires that once a child is on the Academy's register, they should be sent to the Academy every day that it is open. There is no right to time off for holidays in some exceptional circumstances a planned leave of absence maybe authorised. A leave of absence form must be filled in and signed by the Principal or SFLW before the absence takes place.

The Academy monitors the attendance of each child. The SFLW contacts families where children are absent and the Academy has not been given a reason or where there is a pattern of absenteeism from the Academy. If your child has more than 9 unauthorised absences then a penalty notice will be issued. Sometimes the Academy will refer a family to the Education Welfare Officer.



Children's Views My bes t

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How to contact us: Head - Ms George Franks t: 0117 903 0203 e: info@oasisnewoak.org You can keep up-to-date with developments at Oasis Academy New Oak via our website www.oasisacademynewoak.org

If you wish to know more about Oasis Community Learning – part of the Oasis group of charities – please contact: The Oasis Centre, 75 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7HS www.oasisuk.org/education Registered number: 5398529. Certified as a FSC mixed sources product, produced with recycled fibre from both pre and post-consumer sources, together with FSC certified virgin fibre from well managed forests.

Oasis Academy New Oak Walsh Avenue, Hengrove, Bristol, BS14 9SN www.oasisacademynewoak.org

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