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National Services Serving our family of Academies People Directorate IT
Communications & Development
Oasis IT Services
People Directorate
Property, Estates and New Business
23 35
Finance Communications and Development
51 57
Introduction Oasis Community Learning (OCL) is wholly committed to delivering, “Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community.”
Vision for Services Joined up, high performing national services meeting the needs of OCL, delivered by people who are quality focussed, passionate about our mission and proud to serve the communities we work with.
The National Service Teams are here to serve our local hub teams which include our Academies. National teams are responsible for governance, strategy, leadership, policy development, representation, development/growth and overall financial sustainability. National Services should reduce the burden on Academies to be a ‘Jack of all trades’, and through a range of specialist services and advice, provide enhanced freedoms for Academies to focus on the core business of improving outcomes for children and young people, and serving the community. Therefore this document aims to:
In order to support and serve our family of Academies, strategic leadership, policy and audit are led nationally and form part of our governance. National Services perform two important functions: (i) F orm Governance Policy and the policy framework, including audit (ii) P rovide services into Academies, these services fall into three categories:
• D efine the scope and the cost of the services Oasis Academies will receive from the national teams • C ommunicate the expected performance/quality of national services to enable accountability • P rovide key contact information and clarify the escalation path for new requests or issues • P rovide a bottom up view of the organisation’s cluster, regional and national structures
a. Mandatory for Governance. Mandatory services across all Academies integral to OCL’s governance. b. Mandatory services across all Academies which are vital for OCL to maximise Economies of Scale. c. Optional (pay as you go) The DfE direct that multi-Academy Trusts utilise their group purchasing power, to deliver combined services and reduce duplication through a local school to school approach. Within OCL this is achieved using our regional structure and sub structures (clusters). We hope you find this document useful as a single reference for services.
John Barneby Chief Operating Officer
National Services Introduction
Serving our family of Academies Introduction
National Services How we are structured Education
National Services
Group Infrastructure Manager
PM: Health and Safety; Catering Procurement
Head of Leadership Development
Head of Data
Academy Principals
Head of Development
National Service Delivery Manager
Head of Development and New Business
Head of Academy Finance
Monitoring and Standards Team
Executive Principals
Head of Communications
Head of IT
Head of Property Operations
Head of Recruitment
Head of National Finance
National National Director of Director of Academy Academy Improvement Improvement Primary Secondary
Deputy Regional Directors
Director of Services
Director of People and Organisational Development
Director of Finance
Regional Directors
Head of Payroll, Pensions and Information Services
Head of Governance
Head of Compliance
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Executive Officer Oasis Community Learning
Executive Team: Education
Accounting Officer OCL (Group CEO Oasis Trust)
Executive Team: Operations
National Costs and Recharges The national levy to Academies is charged at 4.5% of GAG, levied to fund our National Governance and mandatory National Services. In addition to the 4.5%, recharges for IT Refresh, Property Estates and New Business, together with Building Sinking Funds are levied. This document moves towards a greater transparency of the breakdown of expenditure of these national charges, which can be illustrated below.
Education 25%
One Off Costs 2% Community Services 4% Rent, irrecoverable VAT and Other 5% Communications and Development 5% Infrastructure, Compliance & Governance 8%
Finance and Audit 9% IT Services 16%
Building Sinking Funds The AFH recommends a % of GAG is allocated to building funds. Within Oasis this is currently set at 1.25%. The DfE have recommended our Academies annually accrue 2% of GAG into an Oasis wide sinking funds pot. These funds should not be seen as reserves for any other purpose. These funds are pooled nationally to address physical capital needs of our built assets on either life expiry of components or to extend life. These funds will be deployed nationally in order of highest priority and worst condition by the Property, Estates and New Business Department aligned to the policy framework and administered via the Capital Policy and Procurement group. IT Refresh Costs
All National Recharges
Property, Estates and New Business 12%
Other National Costs (beyond the 4.5%)
People Directorate 14%
The above excludes the salary cost of all site based staff.
Significant National IT infrastructure and local equipment is in use across the Oasis family of Academies to support teaching and learning. This ranges from major data centres, switches and servers, together with user level equipment such as PCs/laptops and printers. This equipment has a limited life span for efficient use, and a capital life-cycle plan is maintained for renewal in priority order. The national refresh plan to update and renew this equipment ensures systems and equipment remain operational and suitable to support effective teaching and learning. This approach is administered by the IT department, aligned to the OCL policy framework. A national percentage of GAG is levied to meet our refresh needs, including moving to a more efficient pupil: device ratio.
National Service Teams are here to serve our family of Oasis Academies. Therefore, they must be accountable for the quality of service they offer. Where appropriate, services have performance standards (KPIs) set out within this document. Regional service leads meetings take place each term. There are 6 per region in any academic year. They exist to ensure that the standard of services are challenged and reviewed by the Regional Director.
National Services Introduction
Accountable Service Standards
Serving our family of Academies Introduction
Accountability of National Services Serving our Academies resolution staircase below illustrates the preferred route to reach a satisfactory conclusion of service delivery issues, avoiding unnecessary or early escalations. Annual Business Cycle National Services function within the annual business cycle for aligned reporting and accountability. Avoid escalating issues early or before an appropriate opportunity to resolve at the lowest level has been sought
Formal Satisfaction Surveys Each academic year, a formal satisfaction survey will be hosted online. The outcomes of this survey will be the stimulus of an annual continuous improvement cycle for National Services.
National services which are project based (and therefore not provided to Academies) will be subject to a separate satisfaction survey process. The outcomes of this will again be the stimulus of continuous improvement for project based services.
Email to confirm what is agreed or if you have been unable to communicate at all in person
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From time to time service concerns may emerge regarding a particular issue. The most effective resolution of any issues are those promptly resolved at the lowest possible level. The issue
Always aim to resolve any issues by talking them through
elivery M
ervice D egional S
Issue Resolution Process
ice Leads
Se Heads of
Bring it up at Regional Services meetings
very Staff
Local Deli
Appropriate level escalations where unsatisfied with the response
Scheme of Delegation OCL operates within a mandatory Governance policy framework summarised in the Scheme of Delegation. Please refer to this key document and the policy framework within which the whole organisation operates.
This document can be found here.
Oasis IT Services
Service Provision 1
What’s the Need? We believe that IT plays a key role in the successful delivery of Education, by supporting students in fulfilling their potential, teachers in delivering engaging and innovative lessons and by ensuring Academies can operate and communicate effectively and efficiently.
Unlocking the potential of technology to support education and community transformation
The Oasis Wide Area Network spans all Oasis locations and provides key family wide strategic services including email, telephone, backups and internet access. The IT Group Infrastructure team maintains an estate of around 30,000 devices/250 servers located around the country, providing a platform to underpin the operations of the organisation. Data needs to be protected and managed to ensure compliance, specialist engineers manage and monitor Oasis firewalls to protect the organisation’s data from unauthorised access and to ensure that users are not exposed to inappropriate content. IT is a key strategic asset for both the organisation as a whole and for each individual Academy which needs to be developed, refreshed and upgraded in a managed and controlled way to ensure that the expected benefits are realised. Ensuring compatibility between different elements of the solution and between different individual Academies allows the Oasis family of Academies to share best practice, innovations and collaborate in the achievement of their goals.
Governance The use of IT Systems and the retention of personal information is governed by a range of regulations and legislation. In order to effectively and efficiently operate an organisation that is the size of the Oasis family, there are a number of mandatory requirements around how processes are undertaken and how information is collected, used and stored. In order to ensure that Academies understand these requirements, IT Services developed and manage a policy framework within which we operate to ensure compliance and regularise our approach, protecting and safeguarding sensitive data. The policy framework sets the scope within which services are managed and is detailed in the following policy documents: (i) Acceptable Use of Technologies Policy (AUP) (ii) Security Policy (iii) E-Safety Policy (iv) IT Asset Management Policy (v) Access to Services Our objectives are as follows: • To ensure that staff and students have access to the latest technology to support teaching and learning • To ensure that all staff and students receive a high quality, customer focused support service that helps them get the most out of the technology available • To ensure that data is stored securely and backed up • To provide a common set of communication and collaboration tools that allow staff and students to work effectively together on any device, from any location • To enable efficiency and economies of scale to be achieved by working as a group to procure IT related software, hardware and services
Oasis IT Services
Service Type
Who’s Who?
IT Services is an ‘end to end’ service led nationally, managed regionally and delivered locally.
Academies we serve North
Local Academy
Site Operational Staff
Site Based Teams and Mobile Techs
Site Based Teams and Mobile Techs
London and South East
South West Site Based Teams and Mobile Techs
Site Based Teams and Mobile Techs Jason Holyoake
Shahid Mahmood
Croydon (acting)
Operational Management and Delivery
William Ramagge
Ian Barwick
Cluster Managers
North East Links
Ijaz Khan East
John Willetts
Michael Lenton Central
National - IT Senior Leadership Team
Policy Governance and Strategic Leadership
Robert Caulfield
Marc Hundley
Simon Cleverley
National Leadership Rob Lamont Head of IT Services
Rowland Cordery
Adam Turner
Mark Thornton
National IT Programme Manager
Group Infrastructure Manager
National Service Delivery Manager
Nic Amsdell RSDM
Simon Smith
Michelle Essel
Service Desk Manager
Contracts Administrator
Scope of Services
Data Services
Communication Services
Telephone System Services
Group Infrastructure Services
Email Services
Cisco Phone System
IT Device Security
Group Network Infrastructure
Skype for Business Services
SIP Services – Telephony line rental
Mobile Device Management
Group Server Infrastructure
OasisZone Services
Mobile Phones
Remote Access Services (RDS)
Internet Filtering
Disaster Recovery Services
Internet Connections
Monitoring and Alerting Services
IT Data Security
Remote Password Reset
IT Perimeter Security (Firewalls)
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
Oasis IT Services
Scope of Services
Academy Infrastructure Services
IT Managed Services
Line of Business Applications
Professional Services
Server Infrastructure
Oasis Call Management System
National Service Desk
PSF Hosting
IT Project Management
IT Data Protection
Onsite IT Support
Cluster / Regional Management
Sims Core Software
Academy Council Systems
Educational ICT Consultancy
Microsoft Licensing
Change and Problem Management
National Management
Sims Enhanced Support
Network Infrastructure
Group Infrastructure Management
Managed Print Services
Sims Hosted Learning Gateway
Cashless Catering
Wireless Network Infrastructure
Local Wide Area Network Connectivity
Server and Network Hardware Warranty
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
National Annual Recharges Scope of Services
Overall National Totals
Charging Methodology
1. Data Services
Total cost of data services is divided equally across all Academies
2. Communication Services
Email and Skype for Business are a Proportion of the total Service Cost for the group based on the number of students in the Academy. OasisZone is a per Academy Charge
3. Telephone System Services
Cost of maintaing telephony infrastructure is divided across all Academies
4. Group Infrastructure Services
Proportion of the total Service Cost for the group based on the number of students in the Academy
5. Academy Infrastructure Services
Location specific
The cost to each Academy relates to the number of servers and network equipment specific to that Academy
6. IT Managed Services
Proportion of the total Service Cost for the group based on the number of students in the Academy
The Onsite Support Cost is calculated based on the Proportion of the total service cost for Primary and Secondary Onsite Support respectively not the group as a whole
7. Line of Business Applications
Recharge depends on specific software used at your Academy
8. Professional Services
Charged on a per project basis dependant on the scope of the project
Please note all call costs are Academy specific
IT Fusion Educational ICT Projects are provided Free of Charge to Academies who wish to participate
Each Academy is charged a different rate based on the methodology above
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
Oasis IT Services
Accountability and Key Performance Indicators Accountability
Monthly KPI and Performance Reports to Academy, COO, RD’s
Attend Regional Service Delivery Meetings
Deliverable within benchmarks
The Oasis IT Service is accountable to the COO
2016/17 Benchmark
Response and Fix time for service incidents (See table P17)
Not less than 90%
Availability of Core IT (email, Sims, Remote access, OasisZone, internet etc) services
Not less than 90%
Academy Satisfaction Survey
More than 75%
Resolution and Requests
Not less than 90%
Key Performance Indicators Target Incident Response Times for IT Support
5 minutes
10 minutes
10 minutes
30 minutes
2 hours
15 minutes
4 hours
8 hours
10 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
10 minutes
30 minutes
2 hours
8 hours
8 hours
12 hours
24 hours
48 hours
Degraded Fix
PRIMARY Response
10 minutes
10 minutes
2 hours
4 hours
4 hours
8 hours
24 hours
24 hours
10 minutes
10 minutes
2 hours
4 hours
8 hours
12 hours
48 hours
48 hours
Note: Hours stated are ‘Working Hours’ defined as 08:00 to 18:00 Mon - Fri. Table outlines the response and fix times that are associated with each of the Priority levels that we currently have in use.
KPIs: TEACHER RESPONSE (P1a) These incidents are defined by a Class Teacher needing an immediate response.
GROUP OR CLASSROOM (P3) These incidents are defined as a group of users such as a classroom or a department.
MULTIPLE SITES AFFECTED (P1) These incidents are defined by a high number of users spread across more than one Academy being affected by the same incident at the same time.
SINGLE USER AFFECTED (P4) These incidents are defined as a single user being affected by an incident.
SINGLE SITE AFFECTED (P2) These incidents are defined by users at a single site (including the Oasis Centre Central Building) being affected by the same incident at the same time.
All requests generally have a response time of 48 hours.
People Directorate
Service Provision 1
People Directorate
What’s the Need? With approaching 5,000 staff, our people are our most important ‘asset’ in delivering our vision. We aspire to cultivate exceptional people who work to support the delivery of exceptional education and positively transform communities. The People Directorate (PD) provides strategic direction, advice and services together with organisational development. This includes the delivery of the following People Services: • Recruitment • Operations • Learning and Leadership Development OCL has a statutory obligation to meet mandatory legislation with associated good practice guidance to ensure: • Only those who are suitable to work with children are employed and allowed to enter our Academies (Safer Recruitment practices) • Fair and equal treatment of our employees at work (e.g. Union negotiation, development of policies and practices)
Providing strategic direction and advice through Recruitment, Operations and People Development
• Employees understand their rights • In addition to our statutory obligations, we believe that all employees should have the opportunity to develop themselves as leaders of self, and if desired, as leaders of people within the framework of the Oasis Vision and Ethos. To that end, we recruit train, develop and retain our employees by ensuring that they are competent, well equipped and informed to perform in their roles.
Governance To comply with: • Statutory Duties (e.g. Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2016) • Statutory Provision for T&C’s (e.g. Green and Burgundy Book) • Academies Financial Handbook • Scheme of Delegation • Current Employment Legislation and Case Law (e.g. Equalities Act 2010) • OCL HR Policies (e.g. Absence, Recruitment etc.) The National PD team are responsible for policy development and updates in line with legislation, training on relevant areas and provision of advice. The Academy Principal remains responsible for compliance to these policies and ensuring best practice within their Academy at a local level. Principals work within the governance policy framework set by the National PD team, with oversight by Regional Directors.
People Directorate
Service Type The People Directorate Team delivers services at a National and
Who’s Who?
Regional level, with operational HR being delivered locally by Academy based staff who are line managed by their individual academies.
Academies we serve North
People function lead for the region Strategic Partnership with RD Operational oversight, audit, Advisory services, Training and Development
Regional HR Business Partners
Adam Coates
Julie Byme
Dr Becky McKenzieYoung
Gemma McPhail
South West
Ross Dickerson HRBP
London and South East
Neeta Shah HRBP
Policy Governance Strategic Direction and Leadership Senior Leadership and National Recruitment Organisational Development Learning and Leadership Development
Operational and Leadership Support
Leadership Team
Operational Team
Director of People and Organisational Development
Murray McKirdle PA to Director of People and Organisational Development
Abbe Barneby
Head of Recruitment
Head of Leadership Development
Shevelle CopelandKelly
Recruitment Manager
Recruitment Co-ordinator
Admin Assistant
Scope of Services
Employee Relations
Policy Framework - creating implementing and reviewing policies
HRBP Advisor Service - working with RD providing guidance and advice on full range of people management
Toolkits/Templates and Guidance
High risk case intervention and support
National Trade Union agreements, negotiations and consultations
TUPE advice and support
Appraisal and Performance management support
iTrent System Management
Training and facilitation in people management
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
People Directorate
Scope of Services
Leadership and Recruitment
National Recruitment Brand Building
Toolkits/Templates and Guidance
Employment Contract Administration
Academy Recruitment Support
Managing Stakeholder Relationships eg TES/TeachFirst
Advertisement Arrangements
Pre-employment Audit Checks
HR Recruitment Support
Managing ARK/IFT Partnership (Teaching Training)
Candidate Management and Logistics including ATS
Recruitment Outreach and Brand Building
Attendance of Recruitment Fairs
End to End Leadership Recruitment
OCL Brand Recruitment Marketing and Advertising
HR System Starter Process
Organising Recruitment Events
National Team End to End Recruitment
Recruitment Advice and Guidance
Policy Framework
Support for Trust Wide Initiatives
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
Scope of Services
People/Leadership Development
Apprenticeship Levy Programme Development and Delivery
Safer Recruitment Training
Creation and Implementation of Leadership Training
Creation and development of professional development for all roles
Comprehensive Leadership Development
OasisZone Training Zone Portal access to personalised induction, training and development resources
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
People Directorate
National Annual Recharges Scope of Services
Charging Methodology
1. Employee Relations
This is included in the 4.5% GAG recharge
2. Leadership and National Recruitment
This is included in the 4.5% GAG recharge
3. People Development
This is included in the 4.5% GAG recharge
Accountability Transparency, Accountability and Reporting
The People Directorate is accountable to the COO
OCL Casework Report and Risk Management
Monthly Recruitment Reports
Attend Regional Service Delivery Meetings
People Directorate Reports - Regional and National
Property, Estates and New Business
Service Provision 1
What’s the Need? Our built estate is leased on individual 125 year fully insuring and repairing leases, which includes the obligation ‘to keep in good repair and order’ our building fabric and services. Oasis Community Learning have a statutory duty to meet mandatory legislation with associated good practice guidance to ensure our buildings and services are safe, operational and not at risk of critical failure. The conditions of the environment within which our young people learn can considerably influence their progress. The temperature, light levels, air quality, acoustics, quality and comfort are all ‘enabling factors’ that can support exceptional education.
Supporting the best possible learning outcomes, whilst safeguarding and reducing the risk, through maintaining and improving the built assets, and developing the estate to meet future aspirations 24
Governance To comply with our leasehold obligations, statutory duties and the requirements of the Academies’ Handbook (DfE), the Property, Estates and New Business function works within the scope of the ‘Buildings Asset Management Policy’ (OasisZone) This policy directs the following: • All property operations and change will be led within the Property, Estates and New Business Department • National and regional procurement pre-selects a range of contractors/suppliers that must be used to ensure wider value for money from bulked procurement and a consistent quality • The Academy Principal remains responsible for all Health and Safety matters, with this service provision completing site and premises Health and Safety matters on their behalf • Cleaning teams/contractors will be directed on a day to day basis by the Property and Estates Team but will be line managed by Academy staff • The service works to a detailed operational handbook for a consistent quality in approach • The level and type of the planned maintenance is directed nationally • The frequency of life cycle renewal is directed nationally • PFI contracts are directly managed by individual Academies, with technical support and advice from the Property and Estates Team • The Sodexo catering contract is locally managed by individual Academies
Property, Estates and New Business
Service Type The repairs and maintenance service is an ‘end to end’ service led nationally,
Who’s Who?
managed regionally and delivered locally.
Academies we serve North
Local Academy
Site Lead FM and Site Teams
South West
Site Based Teams
Site Based Teams
Site Based Teams
Site Based Teams
Matt Donson
Andy Concannon
David Sanders
Peter Stone
Deputy RAM/ Regional Lead FM
Deputy RAM/ Regional Lead FM
Paul Boothman
Jules Curtin-Sewell
Deputy RAM/ Regional Lead FM
Operational Leadership and Delivery
London and South East
Deputy RAM/ Regional Lead FM
Regional Management Team Sharon Bingham
Giulio Gambardella
Regional Asset Manager
Regional Asset Manager
Regional Asset Manager
Regional Asset Manager
Policy Governance and Strategic Leadership
National Leadership Team
Andy Simpson Director of Service
Chris Hodgins Head of Property Operations
Gerald Williams Senior Surveyor Capital Projects
Bryan Goddard
Debbie Smith
PM: Health and Safety Catering Procurement
Head of Development and New Business
Scope of Services
Repairs and Maintenance Managed Service (Non PFI)
Primary £11,016 Secondary £16,231 All-Through or Multi-Site £20,142
Assisting Academies to plan and budget for repairs and maintenance
Asbestos management
Statutory record keeping
Management of security services
Statutory Compliance Activities
Planned servicing of plant/services (PPM)
Manage the assets policy
Compliance Audit
Manage latent defects matters (12years)
Reactive repairs and requests
Cyclical painting and repairs
120 courses of CPD to meet statutory obligation for all staff technical training
Energy monitoring and reduction
Premises emergencies
Grounds maintenance
Hygiene and cleaning consumables
Completing Handsam ‘site’ tasks
Leading cleaning operations and quality (Excluding line management)
National, regional, local procurement (site and premises)
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
Property, Estates and New Business
Scope of Services
Repairs and Maintenance Managed Service (PFI)
ÂŁ8,007 per Academy
Capital Planning and Projects Managed Services
These costs are included in Section 1
Attend regular PFI provider reviews
Support critical incidents
Capital Programme Management
30 year life cycle projections and planning
5 year estate plan
Paper statutory compliance Audit
Review site conditions to PFI output specifications
National condition surveys
Administration of pooled capital funds
Project Management of Capital Projects
Manage end of defects periods
National condition/assets data system
Community Use Agreement
Management of granting of lease, license, rental agreements
Applications for EFA significant changes
Design and build contract novation
Agreement of any term arrangement/contract
Leasehold consents
Review regular PFI provider reports
PFI contracts are led and managed by individual Academies with technical support from Property and Estates and New Business
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
Scope of Services
Health and Safety Audit, Governance, Support Service
£1,065 per Academy
Handsam Health and Safety Compliance System
Primary £514 Secondary £1029 All-Through or Multi-Site £1,543
Annual and regional training for Academy Health and Safety champions
Policy responsibility and leadership
Online training for Health and Safety champions
License costs
Health and Safety Q&A support service
Termly site and premises Audit
Bi-annual non premises Health and Safety Audit
National and regional reporting
Academy Health and Safety “challenge and review” where high risk
Procure and manage National Health and Safety Consultant
Governance reporting
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
Consultant and system management
Scope of Services
Handsam Critical Incident Module and Planning
ÂŁ191 per Academy
License Costs
National Catering Contract Support (Sodexo)
ÂŁ790 per Academy
National monitoring, challenge and review
Consultant and system management
Annual budget setting, support and determination
Transfer TUPE and mobilisation support
Catering policy responsibility
Intervention support where concerns
Bi-annual food quality Audit
National contract management and oversight
The Sodexo contract is a locally managed, Academy led contract
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
Scope of Services
National, Regional, Clustered and Local Procurement (Site and Premises)
These costs are included in 1
Other nationally lead procurement areas
Mechanical and electrical services (PPM)
Grounds maintenance
Hygiene services
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
Property, Estates and New Business
Scope of Services
Development and New Business
Strategic business development
Supporting growth strategies
Programme management: new Academies
Project management: new Academies
Governance reporting
Supporting free school bids and other new businesses
Project management and TBN new schools
Project management support on expansion of existing schools
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
National Annual Recharges Individual pricing from the previous pages are amalgamated to this table for totals. Service Areas
Primary (Non PFI) 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 (Without national catering)
With national catering
Primary (PFI) 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 (Without national catering)
With national catering
Secondary (Non PFI) 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 (Without national catering)
With national catering
Secondary (PFI) 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 (Without national catering)
With national catering
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 (Without national catering)
With national catering
Property, Estates and New Business
Accountability Transparency and Accountability
Monthly KPI performance report to Academy
Monthly regional KPI performance report to RDs
Termly budget reconciliation statement to Academy
Report and attend regional service delivery meetings
Joint termly ‘look and feel’ assessment
Monthly service reports to Chief Operating Officer
PSF access to all paid order values
Access to all committed order values
Regular review meetings
Monthly budget report actual vs budget
Property, Estates and New Business is accountable to the COO
Key Performance Indicators Deliverable
2016/17 Benchmark
Achieve statutory compliance benchmark for ‘site and premises’ (paper Audit)
Not less than 95%
Achieve compliance of Handsam tasks labelled ‘site’
Not less than 95%
Response to Academy site requests within deadlines (once service desk system in place):
Within 1 hour Within 4 hours Within 24 hours
95% 95% 95%
Academy satisfaction survey - overall % result
More than 75%
Loss of teaching time (from failure of service provision)
Zero days
Unjustified variance of repairs and maintenance annual budget to actual position @ year end
Within 5%
RIDDORS (related to a failure in service provision)
Service Provision 1
What’s the Need? The financial climate for schools and Academies over the coming years is set to be extremely challenging. Income per student will be static at best and many Academies who currently enjoy income from Minimum Funding Guarantee, Income Protection and Education Services Grant will actually see significant falls in income. Our overall strategy for the coming years focuses on how we can reduce cost through administrative efficiency, better procurement, improved forecasting, training, benchmarking and technological improvements. Organisational risk and sustainability are underpinned by careful financial planning, control and operations.
Secure, straightforward and supportive financial information in the hands of decision makers
Governance A policy framework is in place, together with our financial handbook to ensure our statutory obligations are adhered to and managed. Both the policy framework and Audit should ensure our financial processes are: • Secure – the numbers must be right, our money must be safe • Straightforward – financial processes should be easy to understand, financial reports should be clear to users • Supportive – financial information must answer the questions decision makers are asking, we must help users make the best decisions they can when deploying resources
With an income of over £170m, and purchasing of goods and services around £54m each year, finance is a significant foundation block serving our operation.
Outcomes from Governance Framework should ensure we are:
The process of putting together accounts, budgets and forecasts is an essential part of making sure scarce resources are deployed to best effect, with optimised efficiency.
• Consistent everywhere
• Cost effective at the Academy and National Office • Understood: training is a vital part of securing value • Make use of economies of scale (sharing skills and taking opportunities to work in clusters) The National Finance team are responsible to the Board for the provision of financial governance (strategy, policy, monitoring, reporting and Audit). Included within this governance remit are: • • • • •
Statutory accounts and returns Internal and external Audit Tax management and compliance Policy Treasury management
Service Type Finance is currently working through a transition towards an ‘end to end’ service
Who’s Who?
whereby regional/clustered groups of (2-8) Academies will be served by an experienced, professional accountant and support team.
Academies we serve North
Nick Hewitt
Louise Phillips
Elaine Miller
Oksana Flyud
North West
North Bristol
Sue Trill
South Bristol
Kent and Essex
Tahira Rasul
Ben Wythe
North Central
Central LSE
Simon Pinchbeck North East
Operational Leadership
South West
London and South East
Cluster Finance Leads (Academy led)
Herbie Spence Enfield
Policy Governance and Strategic Leadership
Mark Orrell Director of Finance
Sarah Howells Head of Academy Finance
Matthew Visick-Evans Head of National Finance
Scope of Services
Audit oversight and coordination
Companies House reporting
Monthly VAT returns
HMRC returns
HMRC PSA agreement administration
EFA Returns
DFE Returns
Monthly management account reporting
Quarterly and year end reporting
Cash flow projections
Governance and Reporting
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
External Audit function
Scope of Services
Financial Processing (Academies and National Office)
Contract/System Procurement and Management
Income processing (GAG, PP, UIFSM, Rates, Insurance)
Cash flow work
Academy query resolution and month-end support
Buildings insurance
Bank sweep and fund matching
Credit card management
Weekly payment runs
Transaction processing
PSF Administration and Support
Monthly reports and statements
Intercompany transactions
Expenses processing (payroll, suppliers, personal expenses/ benefits, intra-company expenses/invoices)
Administration of systems
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
Scope of Services
Financial Strategy - Governance
Business Support
Policy and Handbook Management
Reserves Management
Capital building projects monitoring and oversight
Capital IT projects monitoring and oversight
National and regional finance training/events
National Finance representation in Executive team and to board
Cluster and Regional leadership
New business capital project monitoring and oversight
Capital processing of income and expenditure
Coaching and mentoring support
Academy recruitment support
Academy budget efficiency planning and modelling
Interim capacity support
Stimulate and share best practice
5 year budget models and associated training
Training and Development Support
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
National Annual Recharges Scope of Services
Overall Totals
Charging Methodology
1. Governance and Reporting
This is included in the 4.5% GAG recharge
2. Audit and Assurance
This is included in the 4.5% GAG recharge
3. Financial Processing (Academies and National Office)
Equal fixed charge Proportion of GAG
4. Contract/System Procurement and Management
Staff numbers Equal fixed charge proportion of GAG
5. Financial Strategy - Governance
This is included in the 4.5% GAG recharge
6. Business Support
Proportion of GAG
7. Training and Development Support
Proportion of GAG
Accountability Accountability
Finance is accountable to the Accounting Officer for OCL, the COO, CEO and OCL Board via the Finance Committee
Monthly management accounting
Financial policy, strategy and handbook
Annual management accounting
Statutory returns and accounting (HMRC, EFA, DfE, Companies House)
Holding Academies to account for sustainable efficiency
Communications and Development
Service Provision 1
What’s the Need? An organisation’s ‘brand’ is more than just its logo or visual presence. It is the complete expression of ethos, values, personality and services.
Communications & Development
Providing services and developing tools for collaboration and communication which increase productivity together with ensuring brand consistency and engagement in order to help delivery of the very best educational offer 44
We need to ensure the OCL ‘brand’ is consistent - visually, verbally and digitally, and does justice to our ethos and the work we do. Communications and Development offer strategic advice and services facilitating the delivery, management and support of Visual Brand, Marketing, Design and Media, Editorial, Press and PR, Events, Web and SharePoint Development and Training Services. Some of the services we offer are mandatory, to ensure consistency and compliance, and some are optional. By developing tools for collaboration and communication, we are providing services to improve productivity for our thousands of staff and students and ensuring maximum engagement with both internal and external audiences. As a consequence, we are helping OCL to become a significant employer of choice and each Academy to become the school of choice, ensuring that every student receives the very best educational offer.
Governance Communications and Development are a National Team responsible for developing and delivering collaboration and communication tools which enable the National Office and Academies to produce marketing materials (e.g. website copy / prospectuses) which comply with: • DfE - What Academies, free schools and colleges should publish online (2016) • DfE - THE SCHOOL INFORMATION (ENGLAND) (AMENDMENT) REGULATIONS (2016) • DfE - Academies’ Financial Handbook (2016) • CC8 - “Internal Financial Controls for Charities” (2012) • Ofsted - School Inspection Handbook (2016) • Oasis Master Funding Agreement • The Data Protection Act (1998) • Freedom of Information Act (2000) • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 [WCAG20]. The team are also responsible for developing strategy and policy which provides guidance on all aspects of Brand to ensure all visual, verbal and digital representation follows requisite style and reflects the Oasis Ethos and Tone of Voice. Note that Academy Principals are responsible for ensuring that: • All statutory/mandatory information is present and accurate • The required sign-off process is followed regarding brand compliance (this includes any design undertaken by appointed 3rd parties) • The required sign-off process is followed regarding Press engagement
Service Type
National service
Who’s Who?
Communications and Development
Academies we serve National Policy, Governance, Strategic and Operational Leadership and Programme Management
National Head of Communication National Head of Development
Sue Robbins
Shelagh Russell
Web design, development, support and project management
Amine Touati
SharePoint development, support and project management
Abul Hassan
Marketing and project management
Design and Media
Jayraj Sangha
Tom Brooksbank
Hannah Skinner
Press and PR
Ben Cowdrey 45
Scope of Services
Design and Multi Media (Mandatory Services)
£ 1,600 per Academy
Digital Editing (Mandatory Services)
£ 1,200 per Academy
Brand Management
Brand Tool Kit/Guidelines
Brand Sign Off and Approval
Academy Website Content Audit
Tone of Voice Guidelines
OCL Website
Uniform Guidelines
Brand Consultation
Digital Display Design
OasisZone & SharePoint and National Platform Copy Writing
National Weekly Services Bulletin management and Production
OasisZone & SharePoint Content Management
Photography Shoots
Posters/Flyers/Banners etc online and Print
Specific Uniform design
Regional Social Media Consultancy
National Social media generation & Local Social Media Training
National Social media Policy/Guidelines
Photographic editing
Video production and project management
News Story generation for all platforms
Copy Writing and Proofing (not connected to other projects)
Academy Website edits
Specific Social Media Campaigns
Mandatory Services 46
Optional Services
All additional , optional services will be charged at £35.00 per hour plus travel where relevant. Estimates will be submitted for each enquiry.
Communications and Development
Scope of Services
(Mandatory Services)
£ 1,500 per Academy
(Mandatory Services)
OasisZone - Internal Marketing
National Student Awards project management and delivery
Prospectus Templates
Academy Websites
Local event planning and project management eg openings
Marketing Consultations for specific purpose
Marketing Plans and Campaigns
(Mandatory Services)
£ 1,600 per Academy
£700 per Academy
Marketing OCL as MAT
Press and PR
Event Consultations
Full prospectus generation and production
Press /MediaGuidelines
Local Press /Media Engagement
National Press/Media Engagement
Selling in Opportunities to National and Local Media outlets
Media Monitoring and data gathering
On call emergency press assistance
Weekly education media digest
Weekly education media digest
Specific local press campaigns
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
All additional , optional services will be charged at £35.00 per hour plus travel where relevant. Estimates will be submitted for each enquiry.
Scope of Services
OasisZone National Portal
£875 Primary £2,200 Secondary All Through and Multi Site
AcademyZone sites
£1,850 Primary £3,000 Secondary/ All Through and Multi Site (Optional) Bespoke SharePoint site for all Academy Staff to Staff and Staff to Student Communication
£ 2,090 per Academy
File storage
Policy Area
Access to SharePoint and Office 365
£95 Training
News Engine for local, regional & National News
Office 365 tools for Collaboration & Communication
£884 Support – including 3rd line support to IT
SharePoint troubleshoot
SharePoint Security (policy, compliance, backup, data protection)
£261 Consultancy/3rd Party Contract Management
Mandatory Services 48
Optional Services
£850 Development
All additional, optional services will be charged at £35.00 per hour plus travel where relevant. Estimates will be submitted for each enquiry.
Communications and Development
National Annual Recharges Priced Serviced Catalogue
Secondary/ All-Through & Multi Site
Charging Methodology
Design and Multi Media
Per Academy
Digital Editing
Per Academy
Per Academy
Per Academy
Press & PR
Per Academy
OasisZone National Portal
Per Academy
Per Academy
Per Academy
Accountability Accountability
Communications and Development is accountable to the COO
KPI Services Report
National Service Reports
Bulletin, Website, Social Media, Statistic Report
Attendance at Regional Service Delivery Meetings
Service Provision 1
What’s the Need? Oasis Community Learning seeks to ensure that the organisation’s business practices conform to applicable laws and regulations at all times as well as adopting ethical business principles, based on the Oasis Values and Habits. The compliance function monitors, audits and advises the organisation on meeting our regulatory requirements. It also overseas the creation and implementation of all aspects associated with payroll and pensions.
Governing Organisational Compliance
Governance Oasis Community Learning is one legal entity and is accountable for all Oasis Academies. The OCL Board has ultimate responsibility for the governance of our activities. The organisation has a statutory duty and obligations under the Master Funding Agreement to ensure compliance with a range of requirements, including the Academies’ Financial Handbook, Charities Legislation, and a raft of DfE guidance. This function manages and assesses risk in compliance across a number of regulatory areas.
Service Type Compliance is a national function only
Who’s Who?
Academies we serve Regional Regional
Midlands Cluster
Payroll Cluster Lead
Vicki Jones
National National
Strategic Leadership
Head of Compliance
Sarah Graham
Compliance Lead
Yaaba Eruzah
Internal Audit Lead
Michelle Nelson
Strategic and Operational
Head of Pensions and Payroll Information Services
Lee Tyler
Pensions and Payroll
Mobin Mohanan Deputy Payroll Manager
Sandra Lyttle HRIS Development and Support Officer
Piara Begum Payroll Specialist
Geoff Connal Pension Specialist
Iman Saad Payroll and Pension Helpdesk Officer
Scope of Services
Compliance Services
Advice to the OCL Executive Team
Monitoring of Statutory Change and Updates
Internal Audit
Review of relevant policies and procedures
Knowledge base
Mandatory Services
Optional Services
Scope of Services
Payroll and Pensions
Advice on teachers pay progression; settlements after pay matters
Employee advice service
ONS Returns
Year-end reconciliation
National office staff processing
Migrations and Implementation projects
iTrent Self service support
TASR Annual service returns
Pensions caseworks (ill health, death and retirement)
iTrent system management and change
Auto-pensions enrolment
HRIS returns and reports
PMI and Childcare vouchers management
TUPE support and advice
Pension fund management
Policy Framework
Union Relations Management
National Annual Recharges Scope of services
Overall National Totals
Charging Methodology
1. Compliance Services
Per Academy
2. Compliance and Audit (HR)
Students/Staff Numbers
3. Payroll and Pensions
Students/Staff Numbers
Compliance is accountable to the Group CEO
Annual Review of Academies Financial Handbook Requirements
Input into Audit and Risk Committee
Internal Audit Programme
Compliance against HMRC and other Statutory Requirements
Governance/ Academy Council Services
Service Provision 1
What’s the Need? Oasis’ Vision is for community – a place where everyone is included, making a contribution and reaching their God–given potential. Oasis’ Mission is to work in an inclusive, integrated, empowering and comprehensive way so that all people experience wholeness and fullness of life. Our way of doing this is by building Community Hubs of which Academies are a key part.
Supporting the effective formation, change and function of Academy Councils
The underlying principle of the OCL governance model is that local and national governance work together, each providing an element of governance that the other cannot. The National Board and National Staff cannot, because of their national roles, provide a local understanding; and the Academy Council, because it is a local body, cannot provide educational oversight and services that national governance brings. Working together however, both parties provide a very strong governance model. The Oasis Governance Service is here to support and advise, whilst ensuring that systems are in place to enable both national and local governance of Academies to operate seamlessly within a national, regional and local context.
Governance Professional Education governance is provided continually through our CEO and Regional Directors. However, OCL is one legal entity that is accountable for all Oasis Academies. As such, the OCL Board has ultimate responsibility for all of the Oasis Academies and is the Governing Body for all Oasis Academies.
Service Type
Oasis Governance service is a national service with regional support via regional coordinators. (PA’s to RDs)
Governance Services (Academy Council)
Who’s Who?
Academies we serve North
South West
London and South East
Support to Academy Councils
PA’s /EA’s to Regional Directors
Jonathan Ford
Esther Foster
Executive Assistant
Executive Assistant
Norma Downer-Powell
Norma Downer-Powell
Head of Governance Services
Head of Governance Services
Sam RusseJones Executive Assistant
Lara Fisher Executive Assistant
Policy Governance and Strategic Leadership
Head of Governance and PA Support
Head of Governance
Fran Wisniewska Personal Assistant
Luke Jackson Apprentice
Scope of Services
Establish ACs for conversions and new Academies / Support Change new positions
Establish new AC on conversion
Support new AC members on to established councils
Run AC recruitment events and work with external organisations to promote role
Mandatory Services
Produce and keep updated AC handbook
Recruit, train, support and develop Regional Co-ordinators
Attendance at AC meetings (ad hoc)
Review minutes and action logs RAG rating as oversight together with effective function
Support new AC members on to established councils
Suite of training opportunities
Specific support/ training for Chairs and Vice Chairs
Improve quality of minutes and records to a consistent standard
AC Support on parental complaints and exclusions
Termly ACs E-Briefing
General guidance and support (ACs, RDs, Principals)
Recruit and refresh AC membership
Deal with F.O.I requests
Optional Services
Audit of scheduled and actual meetings
Governance Services (Academy Council)
National Annual Recharges Priced Serviced Catalogue
Primary and Secondary
1. Establish and Maintain
This is included in the 4.5% GAG recharge
2. Support Services
This is included in the 4.5% GAG recharge
3. Audit Services
This is included in the 4.5% GAG recharge
Academy Councils and the Head of Governance are accountable to the Group CEO 61
Key Contacts
John Barneby Chief Operating Officer E: john.barneby@oasisuk.org T: 07827 291722
Mark Orrell Director of Finance E: mark.orrell@oasisuk.org T: 07887 687544
Gemma McPhail Head of Recruitment E: gemma.mcphail@oasisuk.org T: 07788 367166
Rachael Bhebhe EA to John Barneby E: rachael.bhebhe@oasisuk.org T: 020 7921 4370
Lyn Ransom Executive Assistant to Mark Orrell E: lyn.ransom@oasisuk.org T: 020 7921 4246
Sarah Graham Head of Compliance E: sarah.graham@oasisuk.org T: 07827 930668
Andy Simpson Director of Service E: andrew.simpson@oasisuk.org T: 07500 665593
Matthew Visick-Evans Head of National Finance E: matthew.visick-evans@oasisuk.org T: 07972 186280
Norma Downer-Powell Head of Governance E: norma.downer-powell@oasisuk.org T: 07824 567638
Claudia Hardy PA and Technical Administrator Property, Estates and New Business E: claudia.hardy@oasisuk.org T: 020 7921 4687
Sarah Howells Head of Academy Finance E: sarah.howells2@oasisuk.org T: 07920 846019
Fran Wisniewska PA to Norma Downer-Powell E: fran.wisniewska@oasisuk.org T: 07870 165303
Rob Lamont Head of IT Services E: rob.lamont@oasisuk.org T: 07500 124375
Shelagh Russel Head of Development E: shelagh.russell@oasisuk.org T: 07747 77677
Debbie Smith Head of Development & New Business E: deborah.smith@oasisuk.org T: 07738 360197
Dr Becky McKenzie-Young Director of People and Organisational Development E: becky.mackenzie@oasisuk.org T: 07867 521972
Sue Robbins Head of Communications E: sue.robbins@oasisuk.org T: 07876 031659
Bryan Goddard Project Manager: Health & Safety, Catering, Procurement E: bryan.goddard@oasisuk.org T: 07557 202891
Murray McKirdle PA to Dr Becky McKenzie-Young E: murray.mckirdle@oasisuk.org T: 07771 885446
Chris Hodgins Head of Property Operations E: chris.hodgins@oasisuk.org T: 07920 456442
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