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“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” W.B. Yeats
Welcome from Oasis Founder I began Oasis in 1985 with a vision to build inclusive communities, where everyone has hope, feels they matter and is given the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Oasis’ first project, No. 3, which I set up with my wife Cornelia, was a hostel for young homeless people in Peckham, South London. However, it was always my aim that one day Oasis would not only run housing projects but other services including youth programmes, schools and hospitals. I grew up in South London and, as a teenager got involved in a local youth club where I learnt many life lessons, which inspired and equipped me to establish Oasis; including one about overcoming unrequited love! At the youth club – held in a church hall – I met a girl who I fell madly in love with, sadly, I quickly realised that at the age of 15 she wasn’t interested in a 14 year old boy like me. Despite this setback I came to realise that my life still had purpose. The greatest lesson I had learnt from the youth club was, that every person matters; everyone is made in the image of God and should be valued and included. And so, Oasis’ mission was born: to ensure that people and whole communities are offered the support, education and spectrum of opportunity that they deserve in order to reach their God-given potential. More than that, we know that individuals can only truly thrive when their community flourishes around them, so we work in ‘community hubs’ to provide a range of integrated and high quality services that support people holistically; educationally, physically, socially, spiritually, emotionally, economically and environmentally. Oasis has developed into a movement of many thousands of people, working in ten countries around the world, who are all committed to this goal.
Our first three Oasis Academies opened in 2007, the beginnings of a national network which has now developed into a substantial family of primary, secondary and all-through schools. Each Oasis Academy aims to serve the needs of its local community in a unique way, whilst sharing our ethos and holistic approach to education. That’s why Oasis Academy Shirley Park seeks to provide a welcoming environment for students of all faiths and none and for their parents and carers. Education is never just about what happens during the formal school day. We seek to provide a rich and balanced environment for all our students to develop into informed and active learners who can explore questions, seek answers and solve problems. Our hope is that Oasis students will become people who care passionately about their learning, their neighbours, their communities and their planet. Here in the UK, Oasis also provides higher education at undergraduate and post-graduate levels through Oasis College in central London. We also run a global anti-human trafficking campaign, Stop the Traffik, which partners with the UN and others worldwide, to raise awareness of human trafficking. We at Oasis are passionate about the potential of each and every person and look forward to the joy of journeying with you and your child over the coming years. Steve Chalke MBE – Executive Chair, Oasis Community Learning and Oasis Founder
Oasis Academy Shirley Park Every Person Matters The opening of the Sixth Form in September 2011 has provided the opportunity for students to enter the Academy Nursery at 3 years old, progress through primary, secondary and Post-16 education and leave at 19. We also welcome students at each of these stages. Our team of dedicated staff develop and build close relationships with all our students and know exactly how to support, guide, motivate and inspire you to achieve your goals. Our Sixth Form provides a wealth of opportunities to help you decide which career path is right for you. We recognise that this can be a daunting prospect but our staff are always on hand to provide support and advice. We have high aspirations for all of you and fully expect that the majority of you will want to progress to University or other Further Education. Sixth Form life at Oasis Academy Shirley Park offers a combination of structured school security coupled with more flexibility and freedom within a carefully planned and personalised timetable. You will be role models, ambassadors and leaders of our Academy community.
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As you mature into young men and women, we look forward to responding to your needs and stimulating your minds. You will be taught in small groups by subject specialists who are looking forward to sharing their enthusiasm and passion for their subject. Our commitment to developing ‘the whole person’ means we will equip you with essential life-skills. You will also have access to an extensive range of enrichment and extra-curricular activities to enhance university and job applications. Helping you achieve your dream is our number one priority. Glen Denham – Principal, Oasis Academy Shirley Park
Vision and Values Our Values Every child matters We will identify and develop the gifts, talents and interests of all our students. Our curriculum and extended opportunities will enable all students to engage in their education. They will enjoy learning and achieve success. We will help them learn how to be healthy and stay safe. They will make positive contributions to their Academy, their community and the wider world. They will develop spiritual, social, physical, emotional and economic well-being. The achievements of all our students will be valued and celebrated. Education for all All members of our community will be learners. Our students will be educated for life. Our staff will develop through teamwork and training and they will enjoy opportunities that an innovative environment brings. Our educational facilities will be shared with local schools and local people. We will provide lifelong education. It takes a whole village to educate a child This African saying reflects the importance of the whole community in educating our children. We will employ first-class staff. Support will go beyond the classroom and beyond the Academy gate. Parents/carers and families of our students will be expected to be involved in their education. Love your neighbour Our work is motivated and inspired by the life, message and example of Christ. We respect the beliefs and practices of other faiths and will provide a welcoming environment for students of all faiths and those with none. We recognise that we are stronger together and value collaboration. We
will develop an understanding and tolerance of each other through knowledge and mutual respect, believing the best of each other and forgiveness. Individual rights will be respected and choice exercised within a culture of self-discipline. Our Core Principles Here at Oasis Academy Shirley Park we are committed to the following core principles: • Inclusion- We will work together to create a welcoming and safe environment that acknowledges all individuals for their human qualities and champions respect for individuals’/our differences. • Personalisation- We aim to celebrate the individual talents and abilities of each student by delivering personalised learning programmes that develop confident, independent and lifelong learners. • High Quality Pastoral Care- We place a high value on establishing close links between home and school so that we can effectively work together to achieve the best for each student. • Expert Advice- The Academy is committed to offering support and guidance which will be tailored to your individual needs. You will receive education, careers and financial advice which will help to prepare you for adult and working life.
Curriculum Pathways ve curriculum “The outstanding and innovati meets students’ offers a range of courses that l. The curriculum wel very ons irati needs and asp sfully brings ces has excellent breadth and suc al skills and son per elop dev to s together activitie ted 2010 Ofs ls.” academic knowledge and skil variety of AS, A2 and The Academy offers a wide the provision for also is re BTEC courses. The English GCSEs. and hs Mat ke re-ta to ents stud ns of your GCSE Using the most recent predictio to reveal which w belo ws grades, follow the arro . you to t van rele t mos is pathway be allowed to take level Please note that you will only e or above in English 3 courses if you have a C grad already have these, not do you If s. and Mathematic . them you will be required to re-sit
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Pastoral Care We are here to help you succeed. At Oasis Academy Shirley Park you will be guided and supported by the Sixth Form team which consists of the Director of Sixth Form, the Pastoral Head of Sixth Form, an Academic Head of Year for both Year 12 and 13 and a Future Pathways Coordinator who will be able to give you advice on careers. We recognise that there is a significant ‘jump’ from studying GCSE to Sixth Form courses but we are dedicated to ensuring that you achieve your personal best whilst at the Academy. You will have the security of being part of a tutor group and will be supported in a secure, enthusiastic and forward-thinking environment. All Sixth Form students are expected to provide peer support and encouragement to one another. We would expect our Sixth Formers to contribute to the life of the Academy by mentoring and working with younger students.
“Students and parents rightly see Oasis Shirley Park as a ‘big family’ where everyone respects each other, ‘work together and succeed together’.” Ofsted 2010 “The ‘hub’ of support around students is outstanding with all staff working tirelessly to eliminate barriers to learning and promoting equality of opportunity.” Ofsted 2010
Social Care, , BTEC Sport
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In 2013, we celebrated a fantastic set of results with a 96% pass rate and 75% of our students have chosen to pursue higher education at Universities up and down the country. All other students are in further education, employment or training. We have many exceptional departments including Maths and Science whose results are in the top 10% of sixth forms nationally.
Frequently asked questions Will I get a bursary for going to Sixth Form? Sixth Form bursaries are available for students facing financial hardship and are distributed according to individual circumstances.
Will I be able to go off-site for lunch? Yes. However, this privilege will be revoked if you do not maintain the required standards of attendance and punctuality.
What will be expected from me? You will need to ensure that you maintain excellent punctuality and attendance to lessons. Students will be expected to maintain 100% attendance and punctuality. Whilst most full-time courses are, on average, 18 hours per week, you will be expected to remain in the Academy during supervised study periods in order to complete coursework and private study. You will be able to access the Academy’s library and ICT facilities when you are not in lessons.
What will I have to wear? In order to maintain the appropriate environment for study, students will be expected to dress in a professional manner with clothes suitable for an office/workplace environment. The specific requirements are as follows:
You will be expected to follow the guidelines for conduct expected from an adult in the workplace. Your place at the Academy Sixth Form may be at risk if you fail to comply with the standards for attendance, punctuality and behaviour. Will we have a Sixth Form study area? Yes, you will be provided with designated areas where you will be able to work in a calm and purposeful environment.
For Boys: A formal, collared shirt with a tie, smart trousers (not jeans) and shoes (not trainers). For Girls: A formal shirt, blouse or jumper, smart trousers, skirt or a dress and shoes (not trainers). Make-up and jewellery must be discrete. Leisurewear or clothing with logos is not permitted.
Course offer AS & A2 Courses Art & Design: Fine Art
Government & Politics
Art & Design: Photography
Health & Social Care
Business Studies
Media Studies
Drama & Theatre Studies
English Literature
Religious Studies
Further Maths
Physical Education
BTEC Level 3 Diploma Courses Courses Applied Science Business Performing Arts Sport Travel & Tourism
Admissions Step 1 Consult with your parents/carers, teachers and friends in order to decide upon the correct programme of study for you. Remember to check your predicted grades against the entry requirements for the level of course/subjects that you wish to study. Step 2 You can apply online at: www.oasisacademyshirleypark.org or you can complete the paper application form in the back of the prospectus and post it to: Oasis Academy Shirley Park Shirley Road Croydon CR9 7AL The latest date for applications is 1st March 2014.
Step 3 Once applications have been received, you will then be invited to attend a one-to-one meeting to discuss the choices that you have made, after which you will be made an offer subject to your GCSE examination results. This is to ensure that we offer you the right level of course. Successful candidates will attend an enrolment day where they will be expected to bring their results sheets. Students will also take part in induction activities at the beginning of the academic year. Additional information on the sixth form, courses available and entry requirements is available on the website at www.oasisacademyshirleypark.org. If you have any further questions please email: sixthformenquiries@oasisshirleypark.org
If you have a query regarding Oasis Academy Shirley Park, please contact the Academy office on 020 8656 0222 or admin@oasisshirleypark.org You can keep up-to-date with developments at Oasis Academy Shirley Park via our website www.oasisacademyshirleypark.org.
If you wish to know more about Oasis Community Learning – part of the Oasis group of charities please contact: 75 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7HS www.oasiscommunitylearning.org Registered number: 5398529. Charity Number: 1109288
Oasis Academy Shirley Park Sixth Form Shirley Road, Croydon, CR9 7AL www.oasisacademyshirleypark.org