Watermead prospectus online

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Oasis Academy Watermead Prospectus 2016/17


A message from our CEO A very warm welcome to Oasis Community Learning! I am delighted that you and your daughter or son are interested in becoming part of Oasis Academy Watermead. Oasis Community Learning was established as a MultiAcademy Trust in 2004 with the vision to create: “Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community”. We now run Academies in four main regions throughout the UK, providing either primary, secondary or allthrough education. All our Academies are committed to providing a rich educational experience and ensuring that every child and young person has the opportunity to achieve at the highest level. Our ethos is integral to that provision: it is an expression of our character, a statement of who we are and therefore the lens through which we assess all we do. We are committed to a model of inclusion, equality, healthy relationships, hope, and perseverance throughout all the aspects of the life and culture of each academy community.

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We passionately embrace learning and are committed to every child within our care reaching their full potential and developing holistically across every area of their lives, both now and in the future. All of this is underpinned by our philosophy of education which highlights our focus on inspirational leadership, deep learning and healthy communities and aspires to develop the character and competence of every child within every community that we are part of. At Oasis Community Learning therefore, we believe we are all ‘the architects of our students’ lives’ and as such we are committed to laying the right foundations for every one of our young people. So we look forward to your daughter or son potentially becoming part of Oasis, in the knowledge that we will work in partnership with you to ensure they become confident learners ready to fulfil their aspirations in life Best wishes, John Murphy

“Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community”.

John Murphy Chief Executive Officer, Oasis Community Learning


Welcome to Oasis Academy Watermead This prospectus is designed to give you an overview of Oasis Academy Watermead. Our website www.oasisacademywatermead.org will also provide you with additional information. Please do come and visit us and enjoy a tour of our fantastic Academy. You can arrange this through our Academy office 0114 201 6800. We understand that the relationship we have with you as parents and carers of our children is extremely important. It is only by us working together as a team that our children will achieve well, become good citizens and lead happy and rewarding lives when they leave school. Ensuring that your child is happy, safe and motivated to learn are very important to us.

Oasis Academy Watermead is and very much wants to be, part of your community. An outstanding school is one where everybody associated with it works together as an effective team with the aim of helping our children achieve their academic and social potential. Through this, they will be able to turn their dreams into realities and enjoy a better future. You will often see me around the Academy, particularly at the start of the school day, so please do come and say hello so we can get to know each other. We are all part of our Academy family. We all look forward to meeting you in person.

“A very warm welcome to Oasis Academy Watermead�.

Mrs Lynne Goodhand Lead Principal



Our Values At Oasis Academy Watermead we are committed to the Oasis values

We are community, we are relationships We are learning, we are achievement We are unique, we are inclusive We are enjoyment, we are perseverance We are hope, we are future

Our aims are: To provide a safe, stimulating, and enriching environment for our children to be able to thrive emotionally, socially and educationally. To develop independent learners who increasingly play a part in directing their own learning and developing their own interests. To ensure that our children are happy, enjoy coming to school, and actively contribute towards making the school sparkle and shine with purposeful learning.



About our Academy Oasis Academy Watermead is a brand new, two form entry, Primary Academy, situated in the Southey Green/Shirecliffe area of Sheffield. Opening in September 2014 with Nursery and Reception places, it now offers additional places for pupils in years 1-6. Our numbers will increase year on year to create a 420 place Primary Academy. Every child is welcome regardless of need, background or ability. Our Academy is a happy place where learning is fun and exciting. Our curriculum is rich and vibrant, taught through cross curricular themes and projects whilst providing a full range of academic and creative skills. Developing a love of reading is central to our curriculum design. ‘Stunning Starts’ and ‘Fabulous Finishes’ for each of our curricular themes means our community can be a part of everything we do and learn. Working alongside artists, musicians and actors helps us

develop confidence, learn to sing, visit theatres and follow our dreams. Our children will be prepared for a lifetime of learning where everyone’s contribution is genuinely treasured and valued. Our team is passionate about achieving the very best for every child. A commitment to being an outstanding Academy with inspirational teaching and learning is our expectation. Children, their families and our community will be part of celebrating each moment of our

journey alongside us, so we can together feel proud of all that can be achieved. Extra curricular activities provide additional experiences outside the school day including breakfast / after school club, cookery, sports, music and many other activities. A wider sense of community is established through people of all cultures and ages joining in and learning alongside each other.


Admissions Statement Students admitted to the Academy are allocated places in accordance with the local authority’s Admissions Policy. For further information on this please go to the following website: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/education/information-for-parentscarers/pupil-admissions.html




The Academy Day





Breakfast Club Breakfast Club 8.00am – 8.40am.








Breakfast 25p per breakfast item – family members welcome Free to any child on free school meals.

Nursery sessions 8.30am – 11.30am 12.30pm – 3.30pm

Reception and Key Stage 1 8.40am 8.50am 10.30am – 10.45am 12.00pm – 12.45pm 15 minutes 3.15pm 3.15pm onwards

Doors open to welcome children and family members Registration Break Lunch and learning enhancements Afternoon break if required End of school day After school activities/provision

Key Stage 2 8.40am 8.50am 10.30am – 10.45am 12.30pm – 1.15pm 15 minutes 3.15pm 3.15pm onwards

Doors open to welcome children and family members Registration Break Lunch and learning enhancements Afternoon break if required End of school day After school activities/provision


Attendance and Late Arrival The Academy is committed to encouraging children to attend school regularly and we will work with children and parents to achieve this. Pupils are required to attend school for 190 days per year. Our whole school target for attendance is to be at least in line with the national figure of 96%. Academy doors open each day at 8.40am and registration takes place promptly at 8.50am. Anyone arriving after 9am must bring their child to the office to sign in late. Children arriving after 9.15am will receive an authorised absence for the morning session. If your child is going to be absent from school, parents/carers must telephone the Academy before 9.15am on the first day of absence to tell us why your child is not in. Failure to report illness by this time on each day of absence will result in you being contacted by the school on the morning of the absence to find out why your child is not in school. Unauthorised absence will be reported. Five days unauthorised absence or more could result in a fine.


Anyone wishing to take their child out of school during school term time MUST complete a leave request form which are available from the school office. The academy day finishes at 3.15pm – medical, dental and any other appointments wherever possible should be arranged for after this time. We reward our children in a variety of ways for good attendance and punctuality. All children work towards achieving their 100% attendance certificate each term and the class with the best attendance is rewarded via our weekly ‘Sparkle and Shine’ celebration assembly.

Holidays in Term Time The law states that parents/carers do not have the right to take their child out of the Academy for holidays during term time. In exceptional circumstances however, the Principal may authorise a period of leave. On considering any request, the Principal will take previous attendance into account. Any extra days would be recorded as unauthorised absence. As stated above, a holiday request form must be submitted for any leave during term time. Where holiday leave is not granted and still taken penalty notices will be issued. 11

Illness During the Academy DayDay If a child becomes ill during the Academy day we may need to contact you to come and collect them. Please ensure that we have your up-to-date contact details. The decision to send a child home will be taken by a member of the Academy Leadership Team. Children leaving the Academy other than at official times must be signed out at the main office. Should a child be injured at the Academy and need hospital attention, they will be taken to hospital by car or an ambulance will be called, which ever is considered appropriate. The child’s parents/carers would be contacted immediately but should it be necessary, a member of staff will act in loco parentis. Serious accidents will be recorded in the official accident book. Parents/carers will be informed of any less serious injuries or incidents during the Academy day when they collect their child or by phone. 12

Uniform Children are expected to wear full Academy uniform every day.

The uniform consists of: • White polo shirt (with Academy logo)

• White t-shirt for PE (with academy logo)

• Navy blue sweatshirt (with Academy logo)

• Navy shorts for PE

• Black shorts, trousers or skirts (jogging bottoms/leggings are not permitted)

• Black pumps

• Black or white socks • Smart black shoes

• PE Kit bag (with Academy logo) • School book bag (with Academy logo)

• Navy blue gingham dresses – girls (can be worn in the summer) • Black indoor pumps

Sweatshirts, polo shirts, shorts and bags with the Academy logo can be ordered via the Academy office. Trainers must not be worn as part of school uniform. Children are expected to change into black PE pumps when working indoors.


Jewellery Jewellery is not permitted, except for children with pierced ears, who may wear small stud ear rings on those days when they do not have PE or swimming. In the interests of health and safety earrings must be removed for all PE lessons. Ear piercing should be avoided until the beginning of the summer break. A small watch may be worn but must be removed for PE lessons. Children with long hair should tie it up (this is essential for PE lessons).

Personal Property Items of personal property should not be brought into the Academy unless specifically requested by the class teacher. Mobile phones are not permitted. The Academy accepts no liability for the loss of personal possessions. All belongings, including all items of Academy uniform should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.


Healthy Meals and Snacks The Academy operates a healthy eating policy. At lunchtime we encourage children to have an Academy meal. These are cooked on site and are nutritionally balanced and always offer a good choice. Menus are available via the Academy office and on our website. For children in Reception and KS1 a cooked meal is provided free of charge so children should therefore not bring a packed lunch from home. For children in KS2 the option of a cooked meal or a packed lunch is available. School meals are charged at £2.10 per day or £10.50 per week. Please note that in line with our healthy eating policy children are not allowed to bring crisps, sweets or chocolate into the Academy at any time.

At break times children have fruit, vegetables and milk. Fruit is provided for Reception and Key Stage 1 children. Milk is provided free for children under 5, any children wishing to have milk over the age of 5 can pay via the academy office. Milk is charged at 17p per day per child and is paid termly. Water and a named water bottle for each child is provided. Replacement bottles must be purchased from the Academy at a cost of £2.00. No other drinks or other types of water bottles are permitted.

Birthdays Every birthday in our Academy will be celebrated, staff and children alike. Children will receive a personalised birthday book mark and a special mention in ‘Sparkle and Shine’ assembly. Instead of bringing sweets or cake to share, children are invited to donate a book to the school library in celebration of their birthday. A special label will be placed in the front of the book so we can refer to it in school. Birthday children and their family guests will also enjoy tea and cakes with the Principal on the Friday after their birthday. 15

Charging We charge towards the cost of coach and entrance fees for trips out of the Academy. Parents/carers cannot be required to pay for activities that take place during the Academy day but trips may not be able to take place without sufficient voluntary contributions.

We ask for contributions for: • Extra instrumental lessons • Some extra-curricular clubs (to cover the cost of materials and equipment) • Trips • Residential visits • Visits to the Academy by theatre companies, performers or special visitors



The Curriculum at Oasis Academy Watermead At Oasis Academy Watermead we believe that our children learn best: • If we give them a wide experience of different subjects and activities including learning in and out of school • If we focus on teaching them skills and how to do things • If they are actively involved, interested and enjoy their learning

Whenever possible, we try to make links across subjects, so that learning in one area enhances learning in another subject. Some subjects such as Maths and English are taught daily. Others are planned for over the year through themes and topics. These themes have been chosen because they exemplify some of the values we believe are important for children’s future well-being and success. Developing a love of reading is central to what we do at Oasis Academy Watermead. Children and their families will be invited to become involved in a variety of reading activities both during the Academy day and at home. Children will be encouraged to bring books home from school on a regular basis to share with a grown up or older sibling. We ask that families support us in encouraging this daily routine.


In all subjects we encourage children to ask and try to answer their own questions and explain their thinking. Trips and real experiences are included within our curriculum whenever we can. We also place a strong emphasis on developing children’s understanding of their own and others’ needs and feelings through a programme of PSHEC (personal, social, health, education and citizenship). This may be taught as discrete lessons, integrated into others subjects, and also promoted through assemblies and day-to-day events in our Academy life. Different teaching methods are used at different times in the Academy. During a week, a mixture of whole class, group and individual teaching and learning will be used, depending on which is most appropriate.

Skills Based Curriculum At Oasis Academy Watermead we believe that it is important to teach children the skills to be able to find out and use the knowledge that they need, when they need it. Our teaching is focused on developing children’s generic learning and thinking skills as well as subject specific skills.

We prioritise developing key skills as follows: • Communication This includes the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing and using them across the curriculum and in everyday situations.

• Learning to Learn This is a process of discovery about learning. It involves a set of principles and skills which, if understood and used, helps learners learn more effectively and become learners for life. • Application of Number This includes developing mental and written • Problem Solving calculation skills, using data, interpreting We embed problem solving in all areas of the measurements and being able to use these curriculum to help children develop skills and skills in different subjects and everyday strategies linked to them. situations. • Information & Communication Technology As computers become increasingly more important in all aspect of life, learners need to be able to choose ICT tools to find, analyse, interpret, evaluate and present information. They need to be able to decide when and how to use ICT. The Academy has excellent ICT facilities.


Philosophy for Children (P4C) Children of all ages will take part in P4C sessions which will help them practice and consolidate many of the above skills. They will learn to formulate questions, reflect on their responses and those of others, and manage their own feelings and emotions.

Health and Personal Fitness All children will have the opportunity to work on their own personal fitness plan. This has been carefully tailored to their needs by sport / fitness professionals working with them every six weeks. Every child has a fitness target and works towards exceeding their personal best. Medals are awarded for achieving each goal.

Enterprise Education At Oasis Academy Watermead we believe that we have an important role to play in equipping children with the skills they will need to have successful and rewarding futures. We place a high priority on developing enterprise in its widest sense through developing enterprise projects in all year groups.



Sex and Relationships Education Sex education forms part of the health and science curriculum. Children learn about relationships within a moral, family-orientated framework. They learn about themselves and other living organisms as part of the life and living processes elements of the science curriculum. In Year 6, the Academy nurse talks to the children about puberty. Parents/carers are informed of this and given the opportunity to discuss the resources and content of these sessions. Parents/carers have a right to withdraw their child from sex education and may discuss this with the child’s class teacher.

Home Learning We expect children to reinforce and extend the learning they are doing in the Academy, at home. To this end, we set regular home learning tasks. The amount of time children are expected to spend on formal learning at home increases as they go through the Academy. Children are expected to read and tolearn spellings and times tables daily. In addition, they are given tasks to reinforce current topics at the Academy, focused primarily on tasks in maths and English.These may be extended tasks over a period of time. When children reach Year 2 – Year 6 they will have a homework book which can be used to promote communication between home and the Academy. Please write down in your child’s homework diary, anything you wish the teacher to be aware of relating to the home learning tasks.



Contact with Parents/Carers Children achieve more when both home and the Academy work together. To this end, the Academy aims to work in close partnership with parents/carers. You are welcome to raise any questions or concerns that arise, with staff. Teaching staff can be consulted at the end of the day when they escort children to the playground or by appointment. The Academy Pastoral Team are normally available at the start of the Academy day, to clarify information or respond to any issues. This is a very busy time for class teachers so unfortunately they will be unable to respond to concerns at this time. If you have any concerns at any time during the academic year please contact your child’s teacher by letter or through the office to arrange an appointment with them at a mutually convenient time so that you will be free from interruption. We will also contact you if we have any concerns about your child. Each term teachers send home a curriculum overview which gives details of the range of skills their children will be learning. Learning targets are also sent home termly. Parents’ evenings are held termly to discuss your child’s progress. Full reports are issued at the end of each academic year. Additionally, interim progress reports are issued at the end of the autumn and spring terms for students in Year 2 onwards. Story time at the end of every Academy day is compulsory from 2.45pm.


Every Friday we hold a whole Academy ‘Sparkle and Shine’ celebration assembly, led by the Principal, to celebrate the week’s achievements. Parents and family members are welcome to attend these assemblies. You will get a personal invitation if you child is receiving an award. We also hold an annual presentation assembly in July to celebrate achievements and excellence during the year. Family members are warmly invited to attend these assemblies to celebrate with us. In addition to parents’ evenings, if you have concerns please do make an appointment at any time during the year to discuss anything connected with your child’s education or wellbeing.

Collective Worship Awe, wonder and worship take place daily from Monday to Thursday. These are broadly Christian in tone but explore other cultures and beliefs as well as providing a chance to discuss moral issues. Parents/carers and friends of the Academy may be invited to attend these from time to time. Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their children from acts of collective worship. If you wish to do this, you should discuss this with your child’s class teacher.

Extra-Curricular Activities To further enrich their lives at the Academy, children are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities. Such activities vary from year to year but may include football, tag rugby, hockey, netball, gymnastics and athletics, gardening, film making, art, dance, drama, chess and choir. The Academy provides access to peripatetic music teachers if parents/carers wish to buy extra music lessons. Most activities take place after the Academy day. Children may be asked to contribute a small fee towards the cost of providing materials for these activities.


Sporting Aims Children at Oasis Academy Watermead are encouraged to participate in a variety of sporting activities ranging from gymnastics, dance, and small ball games to team games such as netball, football and rounders. When children are in Year 4 they will attend swimming lessons funded by the Academy. Whilst urging the children to do their best at all times, we also believe that children should learn to enjoy taking part and that winning is not the only mark of achievement. The Academy is a member of the local schools sport partnership and benefits from participating in a range of organised competitions and sports festivals. 26

Our Commitment to Equality Equality and inclusion are at the heart of Oasis. We have a passion to include everyone and a deep desire to treat everyone equally. We accept others for who they are and respect differences. Our aim is to provide an exceptional education for all of our students.

Our way of doing this is to work hard to improve students’ attainment and the standards of teaching and learning continually. At the same time, we also aim to meet the needs of the whole person and the whole community because we understand that the whole of life is education and that everyone who is part of a student’s life affects that student’s understanding of life and, therefore, his or her education. In this sense, every person matters. The Equality Act 2010 gathers together various different pieces of equality legislation which have been developed over a number of recent years. It sets out some key equality provisions for the delivery of education and a requirement for public bodies to eliminate discrimination,

advance equality of opportunity and foster good relationships between different groups. Against the background of the UK’s increasingly diverse communities, Oasis recognises that this Act plays a major role in recognising the UK’s historic commitment to tolerance. The Equality Act 2010 is, therefore, an important and significant piece of legislation for Oasis because its key provisions underpin the aim of Oasis itself: an equal and inclusive society in which difference is understood and respected. This Academy is committed to meeting its obligations within the law and being a good expression of Oasis’ own commitment to equality.


Special Educational Needs We aim to meet the needs of all individuals within our Academy. Occasionally some children experience greater difficulties in aspects of their learning than others. These children are offered extra support within their class. They may be identified as having Special Educational Needs. In line with the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice their progress is closely monitored and reviewed at regular intervals. If necessary the Academy is able to access many support agencies in order to help meet their needs. More detail is available on our website should you require it.

Gifted and Talented The Academy keeps a register of children who have specific talents or gifts in order to better meet their learning needs. If your child is involved with an activity outside school please do let us know.



1 2

3 4 5

We expect high standards of behaviour at all times. We encourage children to develop selfdiscipline and to care about themselves and others, respecting their rights and feelings.

We expect all children to take pride in our Academy by following a few simple rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

We do things the first time we are asked We keep our hands and feet to ourselves We move calmly around the Academy We look after our Academy and all the people in it We always do our best learning

Each child in school is a member of a ‘house’. When children demonstrate excellent behaviour (in class, the playground or around the school), they will be rewarded with ‘house points’. These translate into coloured discs which are deposited into their designated ‘house’ collection point. The house with the most points receive a reward. These rewards support children with developing a collective responsibility and belonging to a team. Individual rewards will also be given; achievement certificates are awarded to individuals during our ‘Sparkle & Shine’ celebration assemblies which take place every Friday morning. Good news is always celebrated. For example, winning sports teams will be congratulated in assemblies and notable achievements whether gained in or out of school may be published in the school newsletter.


Rainbows Rainbows are earned when pupils “go the extra mile” and finish the day on the rainbow. The adult must reinforce why it has been given, and refer to the behaviour for learning rules. 20 rainbows convert to a bronze award and certificate. • 50 rainbows convert to a silver award and certificate. • 100 rainbows convert to a gold award and certificate. •

Pupils will then be able to spend their rainbow currency in the rainbow shop. The shop will be open all year round and pupils can spend as they earn.

The foundation stage will have an ‘in class’ system which mirrors that of the whole school but they will have an immediate reward of a rainbow sticker and smaller targets for a prize. Golden Tickets are awarded for good behaviour and manners during less structured times such as break times or lunchtime. Tickets are placed in our golden box and drawn out during ‘Sparkle and Shine’ assembly. Each winner can choose a small prize by visiting and having a positive conversation with the inclusion leader. Watermead Postcards will be sent home in the post to parents, celebrating a particular achievement or success. Verbal praise and ‘Ask Me Why’ stickers are used as an ongoing part of our behaviour policy. 30

The ‘Watermead Way’ provides a very visual representation in terms of encouraging pupils not to “cross the line” in terms of their behaviour. For children who do not follow the rules the following sanctions apply: • 3 warnings in any session • Our photograph or name to move off the sunshine • Time out away from others in our classroom • Time out in another classroom • Missing time from our break • Staff to speak to our parents informally

For more serious matters or where behaviour does not improve the, following phases are followed: Warnings - names recorded on sheet. 3 warnings same day result in the following:

Step 1 Green Card

Step 2 Yellow Card Step 3 Blue Card

Step 4 Red Card

Miss all breaks, letter home and no after school clubs

As above plus discussion with parent

As above plus one day internal exclusion

As above followed by 1 day exclusion Parent and Academy Council informed in writing

Yellow, Blue and Red cards are given for repeated misbehaviour patterns of disobedience, bad language, aggressive behaviour, wilful damage or theft. 31

Oasis Academy Watermead and the Community The Academy enjoys close links with the local community and works closely with several local agencies. The Academy aims to help children understand their own identity and to appreciate and value the diversity of people’s different backgrounds and circumstances. We are also delighted to have an Oasis international link through our global partnership with Oasis Mozambique. 32

Complaints Procedure If a parent/carer is unhappy about something or has any concerns about anything to do with the Academy, they should communicate this as soon as possible. In the first instance parents should discuss any concerns with the class teacher. Most concerns or issues can be addressed informally at this stage. Teachers are available for informal discussions at the end of the Academy day or by appointment.

If all the above stages fail to resolve the issue, parents should make a formal complaint in writing addressed to the chair of the Academy Council. The Academy Council is responsible for acknowledging, investigating and responding to such formal complaints about the Academy. Further details are available in the Academy’s Complaint Procedure available by request from the academy office.

Availability of Documentation


If any issue remains unresolved, parents should arrange an appointment with the Phase Leader or Inclusion Leader. They will investigate any concerns raised and inform the parent of their findings. In most cases, the issue will have been resolved by this stage. However, if parents are still unhappy, they should make a formal complaint in writing addressed to the Principal.


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Parents/carers should note that the Academy has a great deal of documentation. Essential policies and information are available by request from the main office or through the Academy’s website: www.oasisacademywatermead.org.


A message from our Founder When I started Oasis, back in 1985, I had no idea it would grow into the wonderful family of charities that it has become today. We have not only become the country’s second largest provider of academy schools, educating around 25,000 children and young people, we also provide housing for vulnerable young people, and run everything from community farms to coffee houses and churches to children’s centres, and much more besides, in communities from Gateshead in the North East to Bristol in the South West. So, the question is…why? Not only do we believe your child should receive the very best formal education, but also that there is more to a healthy life and future than simply the knowledge they hold. Every one of us is a product of the community we live in. That’s why Oasis is passionate that every community one of our Academies is part of should be a happy, healthy place where every person is included, valued, and is able to achieve their full God given potential and thrive. That’s why Oasis’ vision not only aims to deliver outstanding education, but also to help build great local neighbourhoods.

Steve Chalke, MBE Oasis Founder


We’re motivated by our core Christian ethos which means that we believe every person – those of all faiths or none – are equally valuable and have a part to contribute in helping this vision become a reality. Helping a young person realise who they are meant to be is about more than simply the qualifications they get or the job they want; it’s about how they see themselves and those around them. That’s why Oasis’ goal is to play its part in helping to create great communities where every young person achieves their best, respects themselves, values those around them and contributes to the good of all. We look forward to welcoming you and your child to an Oasis Academy in order to experience this for yourself.

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Principal: Mrs L P Goodhand (BEd/MSc/PQSI) Telephone: 0114 201 6800 www.oasiswatermead.org

If you wish to know more about Oasis Community Learning - part of the Oasis group of charities please contact: The Oasis Centre 75 Westminster Bridge Road London SE1 7HS www.oasiscommunitylearning.org Registered number: 5398529.


Oasis Academy Watermead Barrie Crescent Sheffield S5 8RN t: 0114 201 6800 f: 0114 2342752 info@oasiswatermead.org

www.oasisacademywatermead.org 36

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