SKY Magazine Issue 10

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Re Sur e Ka


A W Y EA R 2 0 15 - N E S M O K IN G ILT STIV E G U P O ST- F E


! e d i insBIG ISSUE


What is

? Y SK

This is the SKY pledge: I pledge…

d o o h a t s i s a s SKY i girls across n of tee na! a w s t o B

To be true to myself and what I believe in. To be who I am, not who someone else thinks I should be. I will say Sure Ka Yone to the things that I am all about – like standing up for my friends and following my dreams. I will say Shapo Ka Yone to the things that I am good without – like smoking and backstabbing. I will make choices that are true to me. I will follow my skyline. I pledge to find my SKY.

SKY is proud to partner with Destined Arts Expo during their performance arts workshops 2nd - 13th December.



Mag •A• zine

editor ’s note

My sure is definelty staying true to myself, believing and conquering whatever means the most to me. I’m also sure about not changing who I am for others, especially for those who don’t value me and my worth. Over the holidays I'll definitely be working on myself, discovering new things, and working to be kinder to people- even those who may not seem to be kind to me. I’ll also work on achieving the things I wasn't able to do during the course of this year. The best advice I can give to girls starting form one next year is know who you are when you enter high school and know who you are when you leave! High school is a tough place, but never forget to keep your head high, believe in yourself and know that the troubles you experience are only temporary. Always remember to try to find a balance between school, friends/ social media, sports and family. I greatly encourage all girls to participate in any type of sport. It is an amazing way of relieving stress and also meeting new people :) Get your priorities straight when it comes to your school and your life in general. Choose your friends carefully and don't allocate too much time for partying and going out, ‘cause in the end you're just doing it for the sake of it and not gaining anything out of it. Never ever be afraid to show your true self, because those people who laugh at you sure as heck wish they had as much confidence as you ;). Shine girls, haha! I’m currently in form 3 and I moved to a new school at the beginning of this year. I think, the best way to

meet new people & make new friends is to join sport clubs and activities! Always be interactive in class, ask questions, show your personality, and that will make people notice you. My best self- confidence tip is: when you're walking, walk with pride. Keep your back straight, look up, and smile. This honestly makes you seem way more confident than you actually are, and once people believe it – you will too! For the SKY nation, I wish for all girls to empower others instead of bring them down. Give back to community in any way that you can- help others, and always look at the more positive side of life. Stay safe during the Christmas holidays, enjoy your family time! If you have any New Years resolutions, DON’T wait for January 1st to come, start making resolutions as soon as you can, even now! Because the worst feeling is when you're 2 months into the New Years, mess up a couple of your goals, and just decide to give up and have no motivation to continue again. Start now :) because if not now - when? Don't forget to remain positive even when life gets tough! Chin up & smile on! xoxo

Layla Mutoka

Dear Norah, You are at Junior School and right about now the world is your oyster. You are young and healthy with no commitments and can achieve anything you wish in life- or go anywhere, because you have the opportunity and ability to do so.

Norah Mc Aslin is Botswana’s very own cosmetics magnate ;) Norah and Black Secret have been beautifying women since she was inspired to distribute the cosmetics in 2010. Her pink Range Rover (so SKY :D) made newspaper headlines earlier this year- did Norah know that she would achieve so much? Read on, and see what she says to her younger self about pursuing her dreams <3

Dream BIG. If your dreams don’t scare you then they are not big enough! NEVER be afraid to pursue your dreams. At times, you will be the only one who believes in your dreams and ideas, but don’t be afraid to pursue them. Just have faith and believe God will help you. DO NOT copy what others do. Be innovative and unique in everything you do- run your own race and compete with nobody else but you. Set goals for yourself on the things you want to achieve in life, and work very hard to achieve each and every one of them. Surround yourself with people that will steer you in the right direction and help you achieve your goals. Life is like running a race. There are times when you will fall, there are times where things will be so tough that you just want to give up. Keep your head up! Get back up on your feet, dust yourself off and try again. Keep trying until you succeed with what you want to achieve :) It takes a lot of dedication, patience, hard work and discipline. Discipline is hard and painfulsometimes your

friends might even laugh at you for being a disciplined girl, but in the long run it will pay off! I know you nailed your yearend exams- good girl! Festive season is almost here and it is time to spend quality time with your family and friends. REMEMBER to always keep it real and stay away from people that influence you to do things that you don’t want to. When they try and influence you, just be confident when you tell them your sures and shapos: “Ke shapo ka smoking and alcohol, ke sure ka soft drinks and living a healthy lifestyle :)” You see, if you want the world to respect you, you have to respect yourself first <3 You are God’s beautiful creation, the apple of His eye. He made you for a divine purpose, let Him define who you are and help you achieve your purpose in life. Do not let anybody convince you otherwise. You are God’s masterpiece made to do good in this world, so go out there and be the best you could ever be! Have a very blessed Christmas and a Happy New year. Stay beautiful and true to yourself. I love you so much- but God loves you more :) Love,

Norah Mc Aslin



Mag •A• zine

r u o y r o f t if g a e s o o h c how do you SKYgirl friend?

Y Guys have and we know that SK , er rn co e th nd ou would do, Xmas is just ar to know what they d te an w e W . ar ye t l al theirs :) Here’s wha of been suppor ting us d en fri a r fo t en tting a pres when it came to ge they said:



Secretly ask her friend

Abel Sibanga Secretively ask her bestie!


her something because % Make you’re creative

Prince Mogomotsi be creative n give her something she never knew she liked

Lesego Actros Mokobamotho I never bought a Christmas gift 4 a gal mara u know what this Christmas ke tso mo surprisa ka something.



Know her taste and get her something of your choice?

Thipe Andrew Thipe

know her taste and find something for her that she will have for life long not forgettable

g n i h t y r e v E

g et a gan g e w ; r ily and e of yea m m i a t f l t i u s f i r v for the a wonde tever we liked s i o o e g v i t ’s a t Fes to do wh asked YOU wha w tips about e m i t e e of fre ds :) We ared a f n h e s i s r f e b h a it w SKY b ring Xmas :) hang w e f a d n s, a do du holiday what to

s ti m y Fe t Gi f

Festive reci pe

iiii! Mmmm Yum

Ziyanda MsJãsön Segokgo on making a Xmas gift for her mom <3 I usually do something decorative for my mum like drawing her, me and my dad… Then I colour with some bright colours!


d stew :) Segokgo pasta an n ö is s e ã k J a s M food to m Ziyanda e festive it r u o v a My f . it to boil wait for ok d o n : C a e . a p a t i t s s R ec u r pa the pa o r y o f d d r e a t n a • Boil w as boiled, you ca h it r e t f A of t. mix it until s ter, and a w il o b u mmh! Yo .umm m .. w e t S * • il ooking o about with c cook for it t le d n fa ome bee ou add s y n e h T • mins 10 - 2 0 into e veggies m o s t u C • pieces small p with elela sou ik J ix M • s and nd veggie a f e e b les spark h the mix it wit n e h T • .. meat..


**Making a gift is a lovely, intimate alternative to buying one- here’s a tip from SKY girl Tshidi Jean- Spears Lebopamo on how to make a SKY journalthe perfect gift for your bestie!


Festive se Game ’b y b a

b biico Chu Sebaga S odie e’K Muskate hide and game is e l v a f y M also woo igo, and s o b k e e s ouzy <3 with bo c

SKY Mag •A• zine

st i l y a l p e v i t s e F Y M Y Our Top 5 SK e festive tracks for th chosen season were enson :D by Martha H to listen Check what mber! to, this Dece

r me, this First of all, fo ct n is the perfe holiday seaso y m n to reflect o time for me s y a d seek out w blessings an se o better for th to make life around me :)

s t i ve my f e a n o e b ill le n h at w ’ by S e song t e Old Love year was t s r fi am h is T he uc h ause t st is ‘S pl a y l i T h i s i s b e c t I f e e l s o m h e s t a g h … u t z o Gome ly the year ough the t e a l ly l r r a h I t u t n t ac we n erso ed I p : e d n e o n n tu r n happe up with the that perso eally r ; break cherished This song d … rings n y t a s m d e d t t he l o ve f ren u a c e y l b i fe a n l o fina e on with l o me out to t e m v d t pushe person, mo important t . ’s a t .. h y a t p h h p wit e on w k e s m e h a r o m f o c u s d w h at m a an


h’ is a otograp h ‘P ’s n ra . I will Ed Shee otional song.. m playlist really e ut this on my p ly ok back definite it makes me lo my e e becaus reciate the lov t and p or p p a p d u s n a . The .. e m e v for me… mom ga g else she did <3 in y every th her to capacit I love



‘You Are Great’ Hillsong

This is actually funny, because most people celebrate this festive season with a lot of fun music (and that’s okay), but this song reminds me of all the years I have been on this earth, and I thank God for my wonderful family and friends...


lan’s Sara McLach ber You’ ‘I will Remem ea te st is on e of m y gr s of al l :) It th rowba ck song 1999, wh ic h was re le as ed in as born. It wil l is th e ye ar I w m y pl ayli st d efin it el y be on m y Gra nd m a, be ca u se I lost is a way of so I fe el li ke it good byes by sa yi ng m y la st so gi ve s m e si ngin g it. It al or ie s abou t m y so m an y m em l gr an ny, wh o love ly won d er fu t abou t li fe... ta u gh t m e a lo

y l be on m g that wil n y o s b ’ e 9 h 7 t , Finally e will be ‘6 his festiv his track is a playlist t ,t ause man ce, brings so Fetty bec an akes me d is amazing hit... It m ld ! The wor es a second much joy ser v ybody de , it’s not and ever nce in life pursuit a h c d ir h or t e in our just paus py... wrong to st be hap ju d n a s es of happin



e v o L s n e e u Q s a m t Chris

d ana an s Botsw Xmas s i M ! s qu e e n peci a l be a ut y ou t are a s h w s e n o t e v d h e re a b e t d n a e a R We ha w s a ti o n ☺ e aso n < 3 n c e s se h e r p ri w i t h t h e S K Y N ive s e he Fest t t u o b m e s sag a ey love w h at th

Seneo Mabenago Miss Botswana On being Miss BotswanMia:ssWell,

ing (giggles), winn given me a Botswan a has s given me good feeling, it’ an ho nour It’s . ce co nfid en of th e mo st e on d to be name men in wo g un be autiful yo use th ere are so Botswan a beca wo men many be autiful ! try un co e th in

uty? I think thatatyou What is bea is so meth ing th

be auty t it is mo re abou cann ot tou ch ; th an th e outer u yo r ne in e th about your you. It’s mo re w you carr y ho d an s ng feeli is also about ty au Be lf. your se care of ke ta to ty th e abili invest in wh o your self an d to you are <3

as wish?hoMymeXmwiasth What’s yotourcoXmme ba ck

wish is be crow n- it wi ll th e Miss Wo rld tio n an d na e th r fo t a special gif my fami ly!

the SKY Naagtioe nfo:DrMy Xmas S/O to as th e mess

special Xm be th e best you, SK Y Natio n is: at an d do n’t repe be an origina l from legen ds! rn lea ies ac leg


Ke sure ka success ssure Ke shapo ka peer pre

Nicole Gaelebale First Princess <3 ly humbled On Beauty: I am truess :) To me, a to be Fir st Princ is confid ent bea utifu l perso n d va lues an are y the o in wh . for nd sta y the wh at

e and famisilyon:) eThofe my On Festivho lid ay

festive the year. favourite tim es of on e of the is it se au bec Th is is to have my get I s on rare occ asi eth er. tog ds en fri fam ily an d dition to It has becom e a tra with my spen d the festive fri en ds fam ily an d clo se bre aking so I do n’t plan on r! ;) yea s thi ion dit tra

d! I honestly love And holidaWhy foo en ever I’m asked

food :D Xm as recipe, for my favourite to answer! rd ha lly rea I fin d it wh en I eat , ky pic lly Am not rea d, I eat , foo ked if it’s well coo lol :)

Ke sure ka education Ke shapo ka smoking



Mag •A• zine

Peggy Grynberg Second Princess :D ☺ is power and What is Beauty? Beaut. yTrue beaut y is

a smile is its sword reflected on a beautiful soul, it is the caring that you lovingly give and the passio n that you show. The beaut y of a perso n grows with the passing years.

:) My favourite Fave thing about Xmas being able to spend part of Xmas is time with my famil y, to share memo ries and to make new ones!

What are you excited about, this famil y in Festive? I’ll be visiting myChrist mas Windh oek, Namibia for and I’ll be seeing my new home for the first time. After Christ mas I’ll be coming back to Botswana to celebrate the New Year with my close friends!

is about Xmas message! Xmasappre ciating the

showing love and peopl e you love. It’s not only about receiv ing and giving gifts. It’s also about giving and sharing with the comm unity. It may be a small message or a small donation to the nearest center s. But it will make a big difference it someo ne else’s life :)

Ke sure ka sharing and caring Ke shapo ka bullying


1 ac . W s t h i ri t fr art eve e a c i e n s. b li m hick d, Wh y th st o ov e le e e f es n d arn the ti sim 2. , w is in r m e p re I f rit h, o g h it’s th le t ac me yo i n r o m e hi u h ru ie m ’r g le w e ne ng b e n it ar to et w s va e m w t do ni c in s yo e r w yo ek i ble - t ak w ng oo g u c h u u r . T ce . h e in o w n k I g y he som yo p w ol an g o ha a d n s 3. s N t lp e ur ith ter t t al t w ay ea ho e re C s , r d ul w :) m ad on a yo new au an m o y at of d Ye n m ake ba sid u b y o h a ou e pl e r ’ or y c er co da t’s ld r e s k p e o ’ n m r p k d o r e of u a n e e m ce m led gin siti eso it th hap d u pi o v g g l <3 re e to e ut e m p nd ng a i t li k o g n d o n ! ies e r a d s, e l ru o t < s t ia y n fo 3 a nd r y t t r o w ! th a c ic a en th It’s hi e a , y e t us ev ou hi n e f e u g ca s l t n th o do a t

e of to m i t est going part b e , e th friends it’s all re b n ’ s ca ly and hings – eel we y a i t f d w holi ng fam g new kes us he Ne g n t i a lo n yin m ee The ear. S ces, tr n that er whe y a s the rent pl e seaso nd wi with n a so diffe e festiv older sea e had, e t v h i i of t little b ;) fest fun w e h s t t e ch tha arriv k at w mu one c a r b ho as Yea look about year w e t w lly, inking whole men e a t i u c Us ile, th the f ex at o g m n s s i a time eans th wish ay! s d a an olid own . This m ringe, ling h n k g e o c e bi s ar ing’ to k and rible fe of y a r c d lg holi r-indu ook ba that ho r a list y! t u e l B ‘ov lida ethe we ikes and etimes body l put tog this ho , som ad! No we’ve et-free r o inste gret, s ing reg e of r on stay tips

1. Some of the most common shapos are smoking, backstabbing and fake friends. If these are your shapos too, try to recognize when you’re in a situation that could threaten your true-toyourselfness! Recognizing when you’re in a ‘tricky situation’ is the hard part, refusing is easier ;) 2. Decide on your favourite way of refusing things that just aren’t you! If you’re outspoken, you could tell someone firmly, ‘shapo ka yone!’ If you’re shy, don’t feel bad about walking away- you’ll feel great about yourself!;) 3. Team up with a friend; if either of you feels like you’re not being true to yourselves, you can help each other out :) you could come up with a ‘code look’ (like a side- eye, but bestie vibes!), to tell each other when you need help refusing something <3 That’s why friends are the best!

The holidays can affect your health and the way you look. Think about it – some people use the time to rest, relax and detox. Others party too much, eat unhealthy foods, and start the new year feeling like their bodies haven’t had a break!

Here are our top 5 SKY tips for feeling fabulous this festive: 1. Get as much rest as possible. This doesn’t mean staying in bed all day, it means getting fresh air, avoiding stress and trying to clear your mind of school! 2. Speaking of school, if you’re waiting for exam results and it’s worrying you, try meditating. Just sit quietly and try to clear your mind completely, for 20 minutes, every day. 3. Keep active! The best way to feel super-fresh is doing some dance, running or sports. Anything that gets you moving is good :) 4. Don’t worry about having nice treats over the holidays, but remember – food is all about balance, so eat a lot of healthy things too ;) 5. Look after your mind as well as your body; do things that make you happy, hang out with people you love. Inner happiness = outer beauty <3

Botho finishes her last day at junior school. She is really sad to say goodbye to some of her best friends.

Comic Relief

She can’t enjoy herself over the holidays, because she’s worrying

Her cousin Mary-Anne sees how worried she is, and asks what ’s on her mind.




Mag •A• zine

“Mary-Anne, I hear they have fights in high school, and they all drink and smoke. But I don’t want to do that stuff, it ’s just not me” “Yes…” “Is that why you’ve been so quiet?”

…And she lived happily ever after!

“Really? Mare won’t they think gore I’m lame, and the boys won’t tease me if I don’t do all that stuff?” “Listen, I just finished form 5 and I promise you, they’ll love you exactly as you are.”

“No, guys like girls who have a stand. Bona, I’ve realised that the coolest person to be, is exactly who you are. Don’t change for anyone!”

! p U n g O n i v o M Exciting times ahead, ladies! We’re almost at the end of the year, and we’re looking forward to 2016!

Many of us are moving to a new school- some of us might be a little nervous about it. Here is some advice about how to deal with a new environment- don’t be scared- we’re going to be faced with different challenges, but we’ll also have new opportunities to shine! <3 Chanda Ree (Form 1) When I was grade 7 I wanted to go to school at Pitikwe CJSS, and guess what?! I got admitted! Batho ba ne ba itse fa sekolo se se sena molao le gore bana ba teng ba ba utlwe. That wasn’t true at all! On the first day of school, I only knew 2 people from my hood in Form 1, and lot of Form 2s and 3s, so I was shy about getting to know the school, the teachers and their nicknames. When the day came to move to our base rooms, yoh! I was so scared and nervous ka gore ne ke tsena le batho ba eleng gore ke ba bonela mo sgela like ahh!

Kefilwe P. Paledi (Working!) Hello, SKY sisters... I’m a teen who has a job rather than going to school… I realised that I have experience in plaiting hair. When I was at senior school after my BGCSE results, I got 34 points and decided to look for a job while supplementing my symbols... I was encouraged by my mother, who was always there for me- with my studies as well as with finding a job at the salon. My advice to SKY Girls is: 1. Never give up in life... It’s a journey, and 2. In life, people talk no matter what you do… Just stay true to yourself and have faith and hope! ask for photo of her plaiting someone’s hair

And just to think that am not people person ne ke ipotsa gore ko dira jang. The girl I was sitting with was so noisy and bubbly! Bathong! ngwana ole ne a bua thata and she had a deep voicenyana so it was smexy! I started talking to her, even though I was scared of people and really shy. We became buddies and ne re nna ko corner’ng. My advice to all the girls starting Form 1 next year: Friends, we only go through junior & senior (high school) once so enjoy those 5years in high school! Be brave ☺ In high school we meet different people, mara hela choose good friends. Yes GOOD FRIENDS! Work hard and achieve anything. Aim higher. Dream bigger. Fear less. Love more. Look after yourself. Be grateful, stay blessed. Trust your struggle. It’s now or never. Stay true to yourself!

SKY Sesethu Mavuma (University) Hi #SKYNation ☺ I’m a 17 year old in varsity. At first I was scared about being at varsity because I wasn’t used to the work load and the environment. But as time continued, I was excited because I was meeting new people and my grades were still good. So far, my experience with varsity has been great! I’ve made new friends and got to learn a lot from them. Also, because I’m the youngest in my course, they are very protective of me ☺ one thing I learned is that you should study hard get good grades… Remember, when you get to varsity it’s not high school anymore. You’re going to meet with people of different cultures, ethical standards and beliefs. Don’t be afraid to interact with new people. Study hard and push to achieve your goals ☺ Temptation to fit in will be high but remember your #Sures and #Shapos and you’ll rise!

Mag •A• zine

Kuda Makabe (Form 5) Form 4 was great. It was scary at first; the thought of going to a new school and having to make new friends. But it’s nothing to worry about! I’m about to move on to form 5 and I must say, I really enjoyed my year. I still hang out with my old friends and I’ve managed to relate well with my new classmates. My advice to all the SKY girls who’ll be starting their Form 4 next year is that they should focus on school and choose friends wisely because this is where their future starts. To be honest, I never had any challenges in staying true to myself. This is mainly because I know my goals- why should I be fake to fit in?! My last word of advice to all SKY girls is simple: “Live your life the way you want to” I’m not saying you should be disrespectful, but don’t let people boss you around! Have principles and most importantly, work hard at school <3 :*

Moitse Kemelo Moatshe (FORM 4) Moving on up for me proved to be one of the most challenging steps that I have taken in my life. I had to learn the TRUE meaning of selfworth, self- confidence and accepting myself and my background against all odds. At the beginning of this year I received my Form 3 results and I had emerged top of the country with a Merit grade and I got a scholarship to attend a private school. The transition from moving from a government school to a private school proved to be a very challenging one. The first lesson I learned was that you are going to meet people who are as smart- or even smarter than you, and you should accept and embrace that ☺ In the midst of it all you should believe in YOUR own intelligence and use it. When I got to Form 4 I realised that I may not be smarter than everyone, but I am me and I try my best, and that’s all that matters. Another lesson is that NOT everyone will accept you for who you are. To be honest, people will judge you based on your looks, your size or whether you “slay” or not, and if you don’t fit into their criteria of being a “flame” then they will disregard you- some will simply not want to be friends with you because of that… Out of this I have learnt to accept myself, to love myself, and to know that I may be a size 38 or 36 but I am beautiful too, and that some people will appreciate me and love for who I am. I encourage you to develop a thick skin, to believe in your capabilities and talents, and don’t be afraid to show them to the world just because you think someone else maybe better than you. Be grounded, stay true to your vision and most importantly to yourself. That’s the best thing that you can do.


Just inbox us at skygirlsbw Facebook, start your message with ‘Festive Competition’ and send us your answers! One lucky winner will be chosen in January for a festive surprise! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Which celebrity is feeling festive on page 7? What is your star sign if you were born on Christmas? What are Miss Botswana’s sure and shapo? How many gifts are there on the ‘big issue’ page? Which secret ingredient did we add to the festive recipe?

celebrity horoscopes ARIES




Just like Mandy Moore, you are adventurous and energetic. You go all out to do what you most believe in. Your confidence and enthusiasm will carry the Christmas spirit like the lights on a Christmas tree!

You are patient and reliable. Your friends and family rely on you. We know you got the festive season spirit, girl, so spread the love! Your warm heart will fill the room like a hug from a baby ☺ Megan Fox is your spirit animal.

You fit in just everywhere. The year may be over and you are moving on up to a new level next year. As a Gemini, you are adaptable and versatile, just like Lucy Hale. This festive season for you is just another day- just with a lil’ oomph! Levels, girl, levels…

You are emotional and sympathetic. This is your chance to look back and let go of the year that lies behind you. Take time to cry if you have to, but great things are yet to come! Because you have a big imagination, Sophia Bush is your partner in crime ;) Go all out and spend time with your loved ones this festive season- you deserve to receive all the love you give ☺

January 20 - February 18

April 20 - May 20

May 21 - June 20

June 21-July22





Because you got those creative genes, this is the time to show them off by making those do-it-yourself festive gifts. Your generosity and broad mind make sure that your imagination will fill up your days. Just like Meagan Good, don’t hold back on anything. You represent the presents that bring joy on Christmas mornings <3

Break-ups suck! But as a Virgo that will not spoil your festive season. Do it the Taraji P. Henson way and don’t worry too much about it. As a perfectionist, you want your Christmas holidays to be on point. Take control of the festivities, and that will take your mind off of things that may have made you sad, this year ☺ Better times ahead!

Because you’re charming and sociable like Ashanti, you will find yourself making new friends and enjoying the festive season to the fullest, looking back on the past year and not regretting your choices, and knowing that you did your best! <3

You are determined and passionate about what you put your mind to, like Kendall Jenner. Don’t pay any attention to negative people who might try to bring you down. Believe in your passion and stay focused. You know what you want and will add more to your New Year’s resolutions <3

July 23 - August 22

August 23 - September 22

September 23 - October 22

October 23 - November 21





This the time to share your smile with everyone you’ll be seeing these holidays. Do it the Tyra Banks way with such good humour. Make sure to keep those around you laughing hysterically because you are a natural at that.

You know what Meaghan Trainor’s mama told her: “Don’t worry about a thing”. As an ambitious person, you are dedicated to getting your craft right. You have reached the end of the year and you will look back and be proud! So don’t give up now, keep pushing!

Just like Oprah Winfrey, you are humanitarian and intellectual. You will feel the need to spend your festive holidays giving back to your community. Don’t hold back girl, cos that is a beautiful thing to do. <3

Your compassion and kindness will brighten up your loved ones’ festive season. Don’t forget to take care of yourself while taking care of everyone else! Make time for yourself and think about your wants and needs. The New Year is just around the corner, and you will love writing in your journal to freshen up your Sures and Shapos. Let the twilight set the mood for your day just like Ashley Greene ;)

November 22 - December 21

December 22 - January 19

January 20 - February 18

February 19 - March 20

‘Like’ skygirlsbw on Facebook today for: Advice! Friends! Music! Events! Fashion! Competitions! Words of wisdom!

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