SKY Magazine Issue 9

Page 1

e! ! d i inso Journalogwe’s


w t tha Med Ho n g ama Chan f S n e o e Li f Wh est nt B TheSKYHu #

Re Ka po Sha Th o u g hts

e f ativ yse l g M n i u Va l N ot kin g Sm o

Ne g

KA e r u ke t Li RE S righ B g ! n

s o nd D ia m i g ht IsBr e r u ut #Th e F g D e c i s i o n s in Ma k ing F e e l nt fid e Con



SKY is:

... I Pledgne lieve d what I be

A sisterhood of girls from across BW!

s for: is true to i Y K o S ants irl wh

w eg enag s what she hieve it e t Y ac AN ow lf, kn sets out to e s r e h nd life, a m o r f KY: g us S n i o oxin to j Howedge > by inbirlsbw l skyg MS the p Take acebook – eceiving S t ou on F ll start r o find ’ t u o Y y K Then es from S ening! t upda hat’s happ w

to myself a eone To be true ot who som n , m a I o h . in. To be w I should be else thinks things Yone to the a K e r u S g y I will sa like standin – t u o b a ll ing my that I am a and follow s d n ie fr y up for m dreams.

s to the thing e n o Y a K o hap and I will say S ke smoking li – t u o h it I am good w kstabbing. bac ue to that are tr s e ic o h c e to k I will ma ne. I pledge li y k s y m llow me. I will fo Y. find my SK




ha No


ts rm al ? SKY guys stay being inspired buy girls who are smoke-free. Check what they said!






s ’ t a w ihn s i d e 13

ices! Choices, Cho


editor’s note Mag •A• zine

ue, because each one of This is The Diamond Iss est editor for this issue us is precious <3 Ou r gu , an aspiring writer from la se bi gi Ma ng ga bo Le is ing in Ghetto, who tells us Mahalapye, cu rrently liv earthing her value- and about her journey to un issue ☺ <3 what you can find in this

Hey SKY, I'm independent, strong, outspoken, bubbly, creative... I could go on forever, lol… Flashback to eight years ago and you would never imagine I was the same person. I used to be awkward, reserved, self conscious and timid. Over the years I have blossomed from a scared little girl, to a young woman who knows what she wants and will stop at nothing to get it. I've realised that this transition comes with finding yourself, knowing who you are and knowing what makes you an individual, which is what I think being a SKY girl is about. Valuing yourself begins with knowing yourself and staying true to you. We are each on a personal journey to finding out who we are, and each of our journeys is unique; Samantha Mogwe shares stories of some moments in her life where they decided to

change its course for the better (page 16), while 17-year old Annie Mwape Kalunga tells us her feelings about the choices she makes every day, like the choice of who to hang out with and the choice not to smoke (page 6). Our cover girl, Adriana, won our competition by describing her friendship with her bestie as one where they encourage each other in keeping in tune with their values (page 24) <3 Because I know myself it's easy for me to say "ke sure ka my crew. Ke shapo ka abusive relationships." My advice to all my SKY sisters is keep on pushing on and find your individuality. Surround yourself with positive and like- minded people because friends mold and shape us. And when you find what makes you tick, you'll find your SKY. Much love SKY Nation.

xoxo Lebogang


Here are some of the best pics from around the country!

d e t t Spo

Send us your SKY pics, and you could win a tee ;)

Francistown ladies with Issue 7 of SKY Mag

BISA Junior Basketball’s Most Valuable Player!!

SKY was spotted… in sign language! Gomotsegang Twist Dipuo Guys, that’s how you spell the word #SKY using sign language. Something we can all learn from our peers with special needs!

One of the SKYHunt winners, Aiden Nadia Nadinee Manuel, with her brand new Orange Klif smartphone!


Behind-the-scenes with our *bonus winter issue* cover girls ;)

Mbonise dance crew at the SKY F’town Dance Battle event!

MK Mob are on our radar- too awesome <3


T orn t h h is ro e fe w c l w s i n at u e a a s s a r e t h ic h cl s er a Bo as , m g ir Ye x sy a et st s t s , Br a up k i n s w y l e do g y a r i s bu y l i t he i d s s y , o ou m f a ch n- h. ’r r f r e r nt an es Yo e h un e y . C as ne p e u c e a k e s o r n t ic l i n c ia a n v y it l o r , e g l ly w - b up o k o w s p th i e u w bi s e c a f t at y r t it h g g r e i a ‘ 9 ou t h h e 0s ’r em y’ a e r ve a l l y e r fr :) l as di ro d e o - Ro yo va c o w c o ha c k u r m k ;) i n n p w th o l g e k! e r nu u te m de p, l y i na n a ils h a n ig h d


T ve w h ro ral l e m r w s a a k e r e b ac w g a i i ng a l l k h b o e a r n . L it y p a s t h t h uc i nt op c o - s em k i o ul m Na ty l th a e Ke i l le sh y, th is r in ba c c S bl e p a o h o w r t e y pr t h k , a ue i n nd e l , y o l o n a r e i ng ‘ 9 0 o l ! w l s o na g w y ! u g, co ’s s s, Du c a h it k e i l s it h lik o m ty a n It ’ n c e n e p o a r e t h e! ne f y le n d g a s g o ai n i e ☺ s t a t r t re m n p l t r a n d e n he e s on b s . r , t a y p n a i n e I f y e n h i s te do ver ds o ’re d s b e a ou w s e l t h w s n f a ’ i n , t i ce a e w re t h as em st o or le yl c o fe e g r e n . e , p is lo lin e Lu a h u r g n , c le Su s a p k i a m on dv ale ly, nd m t h e n p yo ba e r e tu i n u b ;) s a r o k a c a y m u n n e n s, d a i y ou l☺

S pi K th ck Y ’s e o se f as o


Sp *y ring ar ay* is th e di and upo t r e a t a f f er t h n u Ta ndi re c ent ere s ke ng om lo a l , ri pl oks oo gh et k : t n el y ) ow .


’ in ur x t ‘ r o l e a c o n e ny ic t h e t . W s - a s as e lis il cl ey’r e’ na :D a s t h a v de ou ay nd st h nu o y e r d w pl n d r al , a mu , o ite o ) a y ou k le s are rock ur ‘ hirt do p c D es e : i f t Ro s t l s to y o e s to a k o ic ’ l l l s e . a x i u r Pa aste tte e on blu ose t m l l v , it r i m y o P a le a v e r ho h a a r e up r e s a a i t s p h wd u c t to p o y o u r h r m tu a n su l o * ( P w a e r a a , k at a ay o h c w w yy s p l t l l o t h a t y y y s o n te m a n a a de e a Y t’s pp se the , m sh I a e s ks e a * h s t h d a k ic o s a o o w ho n . m ello t- c xio y i r ple sk m co


Mag •A• zine


Annie Mwape Kalunga is a 17- year- old SKY girl who wanted to share her thoughts about determination and knowledge of self <3 read on! :D They say life is what you make it. No matter how hard you try to make the right decisions, and do the ‘right thing’, you are going to make mistakes sometimes… This is alright because life is a journey, and at every turn along your life path, it’s very important you know yourself and understand why you made your choices. No one knows you better than yourself :) Knowing who you are involves you staying true to yourself; this is a continuous process of realizing what you like and what you don’t want to be involved in, and also being willing to change your mind, as you go along. Understanding that you are unique, with your unique tastes, is the first step to knowing who you are. Be comfortable with who you are and the choices you make- no-one can be you like YOU can! There are so many places where your choices matterwhere to go, what to read, who to spend your time with and what to study. Even when it comes to choosing which subjects to study in school, you need to be true to yourself- do not choose to study a certain subject because your best friend is taking it, ‘cause at the end of the day, it’s your future! For example one can choose to study humanities if you love social sciences :) Once you know yourself and are comfortable with who you are, you won’t be so easily influenced by others. Like choosing to be smoke-free <3 It’s crazy how few teenagers these days think smoking is cool. Many




Mag •A• zine

teenagers I know don’t smoke at all, and it’s also something that girls all over BW have said over and over again- smoking is our biggest shapo. Smoking is not cool- and I’m a proud member of #TeamIDontSmoke :D Whatever you think or feel about smoking- remember that it’s your choice, and nobody can take it away from you :) People have said that you can only ever be as great as the people you surround yourself with… so we need to be brave enough to let go of those who keep bringing us down- including things that we think to ourselves, sometimes! Your happiness and self-worth shouldn’t be dependent on others. Once you know what motivates you, it will be easier to make choices without feeling like you need to be entirely dependent on others for your joy. #BeTrueToYourself Set your own goals, have ambitions and believe in yourself! Make wise decisions and feel good about it. We need to find happiness in our day- to- day struggles and happiness when we reach our destination. There is no greater reward than being yourself, loving who you are and being comfortable with your decisions :) You can conquer anything if you put your mind to it, you just need to want it badly enough! You’ll never leave where you are until you decide where you would rather be.

Reme hard, mber- wor k s a n d d t a y h u m bl e rea m big…

3 Ways to Value Yourself

Sometimes we have challenges with seeing ourselves as we really are. We have negative thoughts that persist. Here are 3 ways to look past them and see the diamond within!


ghts and egative thou n r u o y fy ll ti Iden constantly te u o y If . m e , change th good enough t o n e ’r u o y t tally yourself tha y, you will to th r o w n u r o or stupid, cus on it. Rather fo e v e li e b at to begin member wh e r s e ti li a u your good q pecial <3 makes you s

, enjoy reading u o y if e v lo orts, Do what you or playing sp ry ia d r u o y focus writing in ill help you to w It ! it f o re be do mo d then it can n a s s e in p p ut :) on you r ha you care abo e s o th h it w shared



you u believe that yo if fel rs u likely Believe in yo g, you are more in h et m so ve ie can ach ith in Have a little fa :) it t a d ee cc l go a to su gs, and you wil in th o d to y it you r abil long way! <3


e b e

f o st Now it’s easy to go online, the new Orange Klif smartphone.

for only


sures of our biggest e n o , ls ir G Y K As S e link And how do w is our friends. e’re not iends when w up with our fr That’s r cellphones! u o n O r? e th e with tog ana partnered w ts o B e g n ra why O Orange give away 20 SKYGirlsbw to s! s over 20 day Klif cellphone ds of erally thousan We received lit Y frenzy! BW was in a SK submissions and here luck y winners, 0 2 e er w e er Th from vourite entries fa ur o of e m are so them out! nges :) Check the daily challe

: #Challenge #2 ledge! p Y K S e th w a r D

Jus Gwen


#8: e g n e l l a h C rue’ t g n i e b ‘ s What doemean to you?



3: Challenge # t <3 ar Embody a he

Mag •A• zine

#7: e g n e l l a h C ost m e h t s i t a hy? Wh w & o p a h common s this because most galsesathyasmt beoinkingg

y f us believ oking! I sa , being self apo ka sm ean most o m sh I e l. o “K and inside hey say co o e h g id w in e ts e b u n f fi o o e y on !T le to d is not a wa ut looking beautiful get to you t being ab als er pressure , we w a n t ab o e is all abou ... setting ur own go rb p ll lf e a e v e v is ti rs ro l a u p o g o is y e co n th , u to g y e rs e b in n e u tt e fi tr th v e le n ot ers d girls li om others “Being lf and o assertive & ya setshaba’. Some t letting oth wo m e n w h c ting urse o , e g n n in e sp d e w n m R o a o n w k re l s… ari ition yo u a ess we all oing… ationa ‘Mosadi th r ow n a m b where u g oman? I gu ing most inspir d v w e n t ro a a th p m th st im o e g n having u fr n b n me gths nt to to be amo out your stren here you co ouldn’t wa views with to! Who w knowing w taining it… knowing r p u u e k ic o o ” lo v l! e v lf !” main able to ach that le g in yourse your SK Y n eaknesses… being want to re h n believin rt o w lf yo u r w se g a ers..havin onty Nley labe hurting oth g Le b o S e ati Thati M n th e n g o o b M le O

#9: Challenge uch the SKY! to Jump and

Kef ilwe Gaol


Noluthando Nay maps Kalulu ka

#12: e g n e l l a h C ut SKY o b a m e o p Write a mselves erstand the

w ho und ticated girls ls who face their is h p so r fo ir S g d n a n e wo m ers • for strong e fierce tig head on lik s ther e o g n n a lle e a n ch hat is after o k o lo o h w h to know w g rs u e o st n e si t r n fo e • end girls, indep s. • for smart eir own live a hand th r fo g n ro w hen to lend r w o t w h o n k rig o h w , rtive girls • for suppo in need rs e to oth eoples put other p o h w ls ir g d-hearted K is for kin ut ow n nges witho efore their s feeling b nock down their challe ho k • for girl w from others and out g in ck a b learn from to n e ke ho are • for girls w s ke ta is m ir the , the history f tomorrow o rs e d a le young morrow Y is for the education angers of to ch d n a rs wledge and o n k r write fo g ls yearnin • for the gir s happiness es as well a liv in their omers. rday- overc • for yeste sha Makay Naledi Nata

#10: e g n e l l a h C your n o o g o l SKY hand!

Lu lu L


Ann ie Mwape Kae

Photography: Uyapo Ketogetswe Makeup: Dudu Tshosa

from left to right: Ipelo, Lentle, Neo, Thato, Lame & Tapiwa



Ipelo Modisaeman, 17 Style: My style is comfortable and chilled SKY: Sure ka life; Shapo ka di fake friends “My most sentimental piece of clothing are my Timberlands. They were bought by the two most important men in my life - my father and brother – as a birthday gift. Instagram: @xx_ippy Lentle Lerothodi, 17 Style: My style is not safe but it is sassy. SKY: Sure ka my studies; Shapo ka smoking and drinking alcohol “My top is sentimental. I got it for my 16th birthday as a gift from my Aunt. This printed top says: travel world. Instagram: @lentlelerothodi Neo Moleta, 16 Style: I would rather be unique than look like the others. My style is crazy and Goth at the same time. It is based on how I feel. SKY: Sure ka education; Shapo ka fake friends “My kimono is sentimental to be because my closest friend gave it to me as a birthday present.” Instagram: @neyoo_kruger

Thato Moleta, 18 Style: I tend to dress according to code. It’s

Who doesn’t own something that’s sentimental to them? Whether it’s your high school certificate opening up a world of possibility, an unforgettable photo filled with laughter or even a piece of clothing in your growing wardrobe, we all have something we love and cherish. These girls determine their own style by simply being themselves. With many layers to personal style taking centre stage, diaparo tsa gago di kgona go reveala a lot about you. Here’s what these girls hold (and wear) close to their hearts.

always safe to follow protocol. SKY: Sure ka good friends and a healthy career; Shapo ka girls doing untamed things “My sentimental piece is my top. A childhood friend got it for me before she left for South Africa a few weeks back. Basically she got us matching tops so it could be a constant reminder that we are still close even if we are apart.” Instagram: @thato_moleta Lame Hengari, 17 Style: My style is chilled and pretty. I personally like looking good. SKY: Sure ka my friends and family; Shapo ka uncoordinated colours and prints “My sentimental piece is my jumpsuit. It’s very important to be because my grandmother bought it for me. I see her once a year and this is a way of me and her connecting.” Facebook: Lame Kandy H

Tapiwa Mutoriti, 14 Style: My style is anything daring yet comfortable. SKY: Sure ka my confidence game; Shapo ka society’s expectations “My shorts are sentimental because I got them as a birthday gift from my late uncle.” Facebook: Tapiwa Mutoriti


Dats Lynch Worthy

Lemonade Mouth_More Than a Band Teen band, Lemonade Mouth, sing a beautiful song about the power of friendship. They are more than a band, they are friends; supportive of one another, no matter what changes may come their way ☺

Nicki Robez

Ed Sheeran _Thinkng Out Loud Ed Sheeran is known for his soulful ballads, and this is one of the sweetest. It’s about the lasting nature of love, even when external beauty fades. It’s got an old school vibe, and poetic lyrics “We’ve found love right where we are…” <3

Rosetta Mia Khaya

Sia_Fire Meet Gasoline Sia broke onto the scene with her amazing songwriting skills and husky voice, and has released banger after banger, since. This is another love song- very passionateand Sia’s voice is flawless on them high notes ☺

Ally La’skybabe Bw

Candy Queen Sara Baraille - Brave If you’re looking for a ‘pick me up’ track, that’s all about being unashamedly yourself- this is the one for you! Sara Bareilles lyrics are so inspirational: “What would happen if you say what you want to say and let the words fall out… I just want to see you be brave…” <3

K.O ft Nandi Mgoma_Skhanda Love This is one of the sweetest love songs on the airwaves, today! K.O raps about the love that he has for his lady, how she holds him down through thick and thin, and nothing can come between them ☺ Awww, cute.

Pepsikao Lantern

Silento_Watch Me Another one for the dancers- this song is so much fun- all Silento does is sing about the different titles of popular USA dances, but yo- it’s one of those where you dance like nobody’s watching :D “Watch me nae nae” <3

Laura M-joe 1.

Kendrick Lamar:_King Kunta Kendrick’s newest album is a deviation from his sound in the past, but *yeah* he still has it. King Kunta has mad attitude- the song of someone who has swag for days- that swag that comes from having a dream, following through with hard work and claiming your throne! (this one is for older SKY girls, tholanguage, language!)

Mokgalagadi Lesego

Beat Movement ft Dj Style: Ungowami


Tumisang Serite

Shura_White light

Shura’s track is dreamy, with a kick of chill dance- so it’s the perfect song to listen to before you go out for a hang with the girls. Her voice wafts along the beat perfectly- makes you wanna *sway*

What time is it? Time to dance. This Afro House beat is off the chains. Beat Movement and Dj Style have no chill on this tune- in a good way. It’s full of positive vibes, and can totally lift your mood when you’re down.



Mag •A• zine

Nathi - Nomvula (joejo mix) *

this song takes me places that i cant even explain the feeling, all house music in “Planki” (leplanka) playlist makes dance all over the place #house_freak

* i listen to it wen im happy nd feel like dancing

We asked SKY Girls what their favourite jams are, and they chose some pretty dope tunes:) Jus Gwen also told us what her fave tracks are, and why they inspire her. Check it ;)



Ciara - Ride it *

i don listen to RnB music but thes song makes me stand up on my feet and do the CICI moves from the video, big fan of Ciara’s moves!

* I listen to it wen im chilled nd staring at the mirror,actin like im performing the song haha

Kendrick Lamar Backstreet freestyle * it takes me back to my hippie ways, and il jump all over the place singing along, Big fan of Kendrick!! * I listen to it when im in my #scheki mode, and feeling happy


h w it d r e fac out ou ous e r ’ b e xi s w ions a el an me. e m eti ecis ht fe to ti s Som king d e mig time famou e, ma and w , from , and Mogw ow is a s, ha live out th , Talit manth bout h men ab girl s, Sa ies a e wo h r SKY gstres ir sto ome t : c e son re th to be today sha chose ey are y th th e

A big disappointment/ lesson

My parents’ divorce was one disappointment that taught me that everything happens for a reason and that some people are better apart than together. I’ve experienced other disappointments too- however, they give you a chance to grow & learn. So when I face disappointment I’ve learnt that deciding to be positive & understanding that everything falls into place gives you the patience to know that disappointment is only one small setback that is pushing you to even greater heights.

Talitha Tim <3 Born: March the 16th 1998

One of my favourite birthday memories has to be my 16th birthday. It made me realize how fast time flies & that it’s important to spend all the special moments with the people you love & care about the most.

Samantha Mogwe ;) **



Born: 1988

All of my birthdays have always been made special by my family. I am one person who is quick to celebrate the gift of life. I am aware of the importance of never taking it for granted that you will live to see another day, let alone another year.



Changed my mind about smoking

I tried smoking with my friends. We were playing when one of us came across an unfinished cigarette. It was still alight. It took one kid to get us all curious; we picked it up, ran off to hide and tried smoking it. I remember wondering what was so special about smoking. I found the smell quite foul. That was enough to put me off trying to smoke ever again.



Mag •A• zine

When I found my passion

I love fashion, art & charity! I believe fashion is art and I love to see how one chooses to express themselves through how they dress. I’m attracted to everything artistic- I love to paint & write poetry. I believe that God has blessed us all differently & there’s no better way to show your appreciation than through giving back to your community. One of my favorite places to volunteer is the BSPCA animal shelter & they could really use your help too !

One time I changed my mind

I’ve tried smoking before, and I must say, I never really had a particular reason for it. As time went on I decided to measure the value of what was more important to me. After this I realized that some things are worth more than others, and change just not worth it.



to follow When I decided passion :D


hen I ust of 2013 w It was in Aug ady re as d that I w finally decide it ue rs pu d ic an to go into mus er th ge to g in tt seriously by pu tic had taken dras a live show. I d ul co I re that steps to ensu tly, in music. Firs er re ca a have e on or ck to Gab I had moved ba or aj m y m d change from Joburg, to d de ci de d ) an (at university espondence so rr co a vi y ud st . cus on music that I could fo a as w ow e sh Thankfully, th s. es cc su

ca m assion p y m n

<3 e alive

e n’, cam nsitio pected a r T ‘ , x single d u ne of my elming an sonal song e s a e r l h e st T he r e h a n o ve r w t r e m e l y p had ju n ex ly. We preted wit i a m s a a f w y I inter e f or m nse. It respo as written r to us and myself to b a g g w e n n t d i o a e s w h t m e on , a l lo g t h is lost so into a song lise how bi es a slow ea os s ea s that l le. I didn’t r w (who rel t was very b o l a s r a nd i u ld as v u l ne e, it w rst single?) d it, and co t: b d l u e fi rn v r wo a o i l e e l e s th o pl s on song a sing. But pe te to it. Les s r e la depre Y

Wh e



On Beauty My mother told me, when I was a little girl, “When you’re happy or you’re kind or you’re giving, your beauty transcends. It just becomes bigger, wider, more tangible, and more evident,”

Alicia Keys is one of the world’s most beautiful and talented women. Shade aside, her skin glows, her voice is on fleek and she’s grounded AND f erce. SKY found out about her beauty regimen- read on! <3

Body Beautiful

FACE “What I do on my face in the morning is pretty simple, nothing too crazy. But I do have a great wash that I use and then a simple lotion—the simpler, the better. I’ll do a scrub on my face once every couple of days, but other than that, not too much.”

SKIN To have beautiful, clear skin, Alicia says we should drink water regularly. “We don’t drink water as much as we should, but it’s good for our skin. I love water with lemon. I forget a lot so I set an alarm on my iPhone for every 2 hours.”

MAKE-UP (lips and eyes) If you don’t like wearing heavy makeup, you can go bold with your lips. “I love a bright lip because I feel like it does a lot and you don’t have to do much else. You don’t have to worry about your eyes or have all this stuff, so I love that. On my days off, especially when I’m not performing, I won’t wear a single bit of make-up, and my hair will be a total mess. I love it.”


In 2008 Alicia Keys found out that an advert for her concert in Indonesia had cigarette advertising on. She immediately asked the company to STOP advertising using her name, because she doesn’t want to be connected with smoking.


As a non-smoker herself, Alicia said: “I do not condone or endorse smoking.” We love Alicia for standing strong and believing in the power of us youth to make our own choices.

Whether on-stage or in the streets, short or long, Alicia’s hair is always on fleek. From her braids, to her curls, she stay fly. “I Love my curls. Sometimes I would iron out my hair, but I love washing it then using my hair curl products and keeping it natural.”

TEETH IDK what to say bout her teeth! :D She has a beautiful smile and very white teeth.


the e u s s i Big

ng stro as s i st od aho f ou r si tion t s i s o a SK Y o ne e he N The enever vice, t wesom d a n h a e :D W some h with ver be s g e need es throu ve you e this? a com ce <3 H tion lik i adv a situa in


Mag •A• zine

Hey sky girls... I need your advice… I’m dating a 20 year old guy and I’m 18. I love him so much, so 2day my mum went through my phone n saw our conversation. She took his number and called him! Embarrassing, right? Now my boyfriend doesn’t talk 2 me. Help a sista in need!

Your mom should apologise

5% 38% Talk to your boyfriend

a Chloe Morfeeok ls- just invite the

I know how it mom... guy to super, and also your h be You know why? They will bot both of together and you can talk to it is them and explain to them how en n list l wil thy e iev and by that I bel to en list o als n y understand... #justr :) d. your heart not your min

58% Talk to your mom and explain how you feel

Lïzzy Gôfâôñè Mompâtï I’ve been there 2… The advice I can give you is talk 2 your mum about the issue and apologise, because you should have told her in the 1st place, eseng go re a bone mo phoning- that is what made her angry. As for the b.f.- try 2 be patient with him because maybe o tshaba your mum. Try 2 talk to him when he is ready.

KellyJada-kiss Letlolee If he really loves you as much as you love him, he wont mind waht your mum said to him. Just talk to him and explain that it’s not your fault, and you didn’t know that your mum took your phone and went through your stuff…




f awesome



Mag •A• zine


Most people our age...


DO want to make our own decisions

Are ALL about success Re sure ka loyalty

We love looking on the bright side There are things that we realize that we love, things we don’t want to get involved in, and things we are still yet to discover :) It’s an exciting time for us to learn about ourselves, and how unique we are. As unique as we each are, there are also things that are similar, that many of us have in common. SKY wanted to find out what those things were, and found this:



e l p o e p t Mos e don’t… our ag

3 22



DON’T like lectures


DON’T feel conf dent all the time

DON’T want to be fake


Don’t smoke



We value those people who are close to us, who support and care for us, and whom we love <3

re. We anymo s we d i k tle or ust f i l t h ’t g n i r We are t feels ut it’s o wha d o ance, b t d t i u g wa n e s and tl rselve te a lit u a i o c e e r b app let us ces! oler to o c y n choi a w w o r u o make let us


We look forward to doing our best; whether we’re competing at sports or studying for an exam, we all want to #WIN.

leaning about c g our w o n k oin We s and d dy ing m o o r stu our ork and homew ams! Gentle Y for ex t is WA gemen oong a r u o c en loo t ha n a ’re better hat we w t u o b a No lecture to do. Really. d e suppos ures, lol :D lect

11 a re ur bodies Because o hings so many t e r a e r e h t , iods, changing h- like per it w l a e d ave to tionsthat we h aster emo o -c r e ll o r nd ke up ing to ma pimples a tt e g o ls a y, we’re e w* thankfull e are *wh w o h w t u abo our minds


tense uite in q h it ance gw dealin nd so any ch t it l l a e a We’r is wha t ions, d emo it iv it ys n ther o a p s e e :) W he som y chang e p v p a a h to pires et h we get or tunit y to g ovel that ins ose n opp , it’s th otes, a is- an mov ie pull the ing qu / d w a o e r h it’s TV s that ur fave irat ion y out of us! us or o ents of insp it posit iv mom


ho we ourselves and w Being real with ary up on the necess are is really high when ts to be a copy, list- nobody wan e originals! we were all mad



Do you remember ‘Most Teens’, the campaign that showed us that even though lots of us know some people who might have tried smoking, most teens don’t smoke and don’t want to? I think that’s pretty cool. We get to decide who WE want to be ;)


The com winner of pe w ro te a tition is our Dia beau mon Ad r dI i t a i f Kefi n lwe’ ul descr a Tlom ssue co v s mo e i st va ption a tsane, w er bo luab h le qu ut her b o aliti e es :) stie,

Its a long journey that we have walked together. My friend and I have been friends since 2004, that is eleven years now. Kefilwe Modise is more like a sister to me, I love her so very much <3 We played mantlwane together, which was one awesome childhood, we always joke about how we used to get ourselves dirty :D

I value a lot of things about Kefilwe. But the one thing I value most about her is that she has dreams. You know, when your friend has dreams, it shows that that person knows what she wants in life and she is determined to achieve the things she has always wanted. Fifi has achieved most of the things she wants in life and she is still to achieve more, her faith in God is the one that drives her and keeps her moving. She never lets any NEGATIVITY get in her way, she has met a lot of people that have always wanted her to fall in a pit of negativity but she managed to escape before it was too late. She knows that wrong doings never help her to achieve her goals in life. Fifi values education; she believes that without it, you are a barren field. So, she uses every opportunity she can to be educated. She also

We d us on’t dow car ea n Ac , as lo bout hie vem ng as what ent we h othe s, R r a e S ve ou s may ha rpo r SKY do to ,R Ka b Fai e Su ring r lur e < e Ka 3


Girls <3

looks at her family background & tries by all means to work hard and change her family background. My best friend also values friendship very much, she knows how to choose friends, she drifts away from people who do not add any value to her life.

I am her only best friend and she’s mine, too. I am the only one she can open up to. She tells me about anything that is bothering her and I give her advice about what to do in terms of avoiding a negative attitude, her education and achievements. This is what has kept us going for so long, because we both know the importance of friendship. I wouldn’t trade my best friend for anything. <3

SKYGuy | /skīɡī/ | [noun, informal] orts his sisters in A SKY Guy is a guy who supp s. He respects all girls who staying true to themselve and he helps grow define their own goals in life, girls’ confidence ever y day!

Moilwa, who : lwe Tapiwa efi R m o nt. She said fr is post the SK Y Hu r fo ko o K Check out th y b er friend Ob speak nominated h tions always e him. His ac but lik e ne lif s eo hi m I met so d most of “Never have has struggle e H e . H ue s… tr e rd o m co his w g his dreams louder than n he up on makin to him. Whe en iv et g g ’t ity sn iv ha at g still ne ledges ’s ow d rl kn o low the w ind and ac eh b e rid p refuses to al aves rgives even wrong he le wrong, he fo m hi o d u does people yo any even when we fought m his mistakes… ways easy for him… Yes were not e w t al ade sure no m s it’ he h n ug ke o ro th eb when we wer d in me.” times - even e and believe m ed at tiv o m defeated… he

ls who s like gir n y u G Y K #S f te Because selves, o to them se e o u o r t h c y o a st irls wh g r fe e g r s t r on & t he y p ke-free, o m s y a to st l :) beautifu y s h a ve #SK YGu r e h t o t ha iating Here’s w g about apprec in b e e n s ay t ladies! confiden


- Ga

r si


o wh e c t irls resp .. g t . I os t d R p ec es . . e t in r e s s e l v t he m e f ac s I u s b i ng e J m a k e n uch of th t smo ey ca mok at’s s e h n h sm “A e car o do ow t ns of ow t r h t a k s e w i ng h t a t i o t o . . . n w s u g up s z o i tho ama temp e not ts sh Y...b need s i It’s h the choo ks... ur SK d and by o t w i s t i l l y b o no w s t a n nc e d u . . . e k t bu l in m you ake a influ te yo t coo ong n You ed or I salu ! to i f u l str girl guid ke... t ke o u mo beau we to to b e o s m s t t to a r e h o w e no one a v y ou h a t s y th an d n one - e . . n t u y o ar an dy A n r e s s ay u ” w p 3 e < i m t t h <3 jus e you lo v S i l ey



Ow Gi r e n G to n l s w h i m m i k p r e o t t u o don B o d a n s s u r r n to ’ t s m o u m e t e d oth life’ we h smok ke ar se sc e r h a v e i ng e q ow s n . S ’ f o o t a l l e n to d a l o o k u ite s tr t a y s t e g e s y f r i ng T r u p s , t . T h o m a t t o ng h e y e y d ou h e e. car on’ r pee v e t f ol r s ou t t h lo w eir

Rickyboi Mohubu I do respect em... smoking ain’t cool... like seriously smoking makes you ugly when really you are not...remember you are a SKY girl! So stay winning #all_non_gal_smokers we love you.

l Ť Mámpane Kélètsö-Gødlétter Émòrta ke.. that really smo dnt o I highly like girls wh what’s good 4 4 dng hea are shows that they ions determine ur them.. remember, ur act at’s best 4 us.. future, so let’s fight 4 wh

Prince Solly Mooki I respect girls who are smokefree because that shows self respect, love and care for their precious bodies. They also value their life, being a non-smoker is a cool thing. And also being a non-smoker shows good qualities, it shows that somewhere you resisted peer pressure and showed good decisionmaking, determination and perseverance.


n s ho w girl lear Ik we y a litt le ates. A ll in the a rt d u y r th e n edo ge m g; e v ho r e he r a Ako Lov breakin ome n w y ool befo ’s hear t s p ec t w e th d n a To me it just so to look c ush to her. I re r e mselves ent c e k r o e th m h e s g lu n to a er att racti t they v are diff name of ke because firs ody else - they o b e m s m . ’t o don lves ke s y to be li true to themse don’t tr a re y e th e becaus


Mag •A• zine

Jayson Paradox Katse A girl that does not smoke won’t be intimidated easily by others. Not smoking increases the chance of them being successful in life!

#SKYguy re gifted with these rad Our celeb SKY guys we t-shirts :D g Tux :) ) Chadhall, Zeus and Kin w Dre t: From left to righ






#INS SKYgi bw


Mag •A• zine


on insta

! am gr

follo w



STA irls w



…Last time, Keletso walked away from the girls who were being unkind to the quiet girl, Tapiwa

She decided to make friends with her, and they went to the mall.

They had fun being silly!

Later, they met up with some of Keletso’s other homies and went to see a movie.


It ’s so late!

It was soon time to go



Mag •A• zine they rushed to the combi stop

Does your new friend want to finish this kwae?

Hey, Kele! What ’s good?

Kele’s old classmate, Thabo was there. He recognized her and called out to the girls

Tapiwa was in a tight spot

Actually, I would rather not smoke, hey

Hectic… what should I do? I really want these girls to like me, but I don’t want to smoke!

We should hang again, soon! Bye! That was cool, Taps! None of us smoke, either.


SKY QUIZ start KNOWING YOUR VALUE! We are all val u ab ways, that’s w le in our own ha u nique! Find o t makes us u most valuable t what your qu this quiz, and ality is with th *every day* - en be proud nurtu natural skill, re that baes!

You’re at a family wedding and you’re…

Leading the serving team!

You study group…

And you’re joking with your fave cousin

you & Is usually just ughing! your friends la

Was set up by you!


and h r u y e yo t awa s i Ra aigh st r

That’s a powerful attribute girl, congrats ;) use your skill wisely, and you will carve your own path as well as supporting your friends in carving theirs <3

You overhear some shade about your b

Say a loud ‘kgm kgm’ and tell a joke to change the subject!


You’re the go-to friend for fun times, and you can brighten any room!! Never be afraid to be serious when you need to be, showing emotion is an important skill too!


Mag •A• zine

You teacher asks a question you know the answer to. You…

Wait to see if anyone else answers first

You’d rather give: …

Your money

Your time

le r litt u o y tting hews i s y p Bab & ne s e c nie

eone throwing bestie. You…

ke her Try to ta it! mind off

Ignore it – you don’t want to start trouble!


You’re always there to extend a helping hand to someone who needs it – that’s what makes you an awesome friend. Just don’t forget to be generous to yourself, too <3

Your bestie’s heart is broken. You…

Console her on the phone (for 4 hours!)


Patience is a virtue ;) we bet you make wise decisions too, because you give them time. Once in a while, don’t be afraid to embrace one of your Sures headfirst!


February 19 - March 20 January 20 - February 18

elebrity horoscopes

Brandy, Actress and Musician World peace is your motto. You are interested in volunteering and giving your time to help out where you can. There is no age limit to giving back! Don’t be discouraged from doing what you believe in! :)

March 21 - April 19

Camila Cabello You will find that one thing that makes you YOU! Something that defines who you are, or who you want to be. Don’t be afraid to explore the possibilities. Just like Camila from Fifth Harmony, Your girls are what keeps you grounded, so don’t let them go <3

Leighton Meester As a talker, you will find a space where you feel more welcome to talk as much as you like :) Don’t hold back, girl, because your words of wisdom can go a long way. Talk that talk just like Blair. Xoxo Gossip Girl.

May 21 - June 20

April 20 - May 20

Lucy Hale Feeling like a princess? Pote. Because sometimes we wanna feel important and spoiled. If someone is offering to do that for you, don’t resist :) Take the time you need from all the hard work you’re doing and pamper yourself <3

Kelly Clackson, Musician Kelly says “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”… Fall 7 times, get up 8. You may be facing some obstacles in your life right now, but you’ll pull through and come out even stronger!

June 21 - July22 Ariana Grande, Musician There may be that one thing you feel is just a heavy weight in your life. Don’t be afraid to let it go and stay fresh. Ariana sang, “I got one less problem without you”, this may be a good way to feel lighter, if you try to let go of the challenging situation.

July 23 - August 22 Charlie XCX, Actress “I’m so Fancy, you already know..” Charlie embraces her style in her hit song, ‘Fancy with Iggy. You will find yourself at a point where you feel low, but your fave outfit will bring you back on top of the world. Put those accessories together because girl, you stay fly. August 23 - September 22 Zendaya As Z sang, “Sh- sh- shake it up!” This is your chance to go out there and shake up your life. You will feel the need to move out of your comfort zone and try some new things. Don’t hold back girl! The SKY is the limit <3

September 23 - October 22 Maddie Ziegler You’re super sweet, and your friends like that about you. You are usually the peacemaker in your circle :) There may come a point where you don’t realize that people take advantage of your kindness, take note and don’t be afraid to voice out your opinion.

December 22 - January 19 October 23 - November 21 Willow Smith Typical Scorpio, Willow, holds so much confidence and her style at 14 is killer! This is your time to figure out what you are good at and perfect it. You will get a more peaceful feeling when you embrace your talent as young as you are.

November 22 - December 21 Sia There is so much that you stand for. Don’t be pulled back by anything - embrace it. Just like what Sia does when performing, value your inner self and let it shine. The outside can be deceiving.

Aaliyah, Singer You stay Fresh! Your friends find you funny and pretty cool. This is absolutely awesome; your presence is felt wherever you go because you light up the room. So embrace what you have to offer the world :D

Tune in to Yarona FM for SKY Live on Saturdays at 2pm with your hosts Minkie, Thabo and Refilwe, for the best music, the latest gossip and the hottest fashion. You can now stream the show on Gaborone: Francistown: Mahalapye: Palapye: Selibe Phikwe: Serowe:

106.6 FM 100.1 FM 99.9 FM 105.1 FM 97.5 FM 102.9 FM

Maun: Orapa Letlhakame: Lobatse:

97.5 105.7 105.7 102.1


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