Notting Hill Housing Trust - Youth Engagement Brochure

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Releasing Young Potential Notting Hill Housing’s Youth Engagement Programme

Gang, gun and knife crime residential

Positive f

sing Trust u o H l il H g in Not t by B r uc e was founded . He was 3 6 19 in k ic r n Ke founded o h w n a m e t h e s am Shelter.

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P 1

Portfolio of projects

P 5

Summary of youth consultation

P 23

Case studies

P 25

Have your say!

P 27

The Youth Engagement Team works with young people living in Notting Hill Housing Trust’s properties and local communities to empower them to realise their potential and make a positive difference to their local communities.


To encourage young people to realise their aspirations by accessing opportunities and making informed choices that will positively shape their futures, and to support young people to have a voice and empower them to influence change in their lives, their communities and the wider world.

The team sits within Notting Hill’s Community Regeneration Department and is based at Notting Hill’s main offices in Hammersmith. The Youth Engagement Team forms part of the larger Community Engagement Team, which includes the Resident Involvement Team. The Department also has the Volunteer Network and the Employment Initiatives Team. The Youth Engagement Team does a lot of work with these teams to maximise resources, share expertise and ensure that young people have the greatest access to positive opportunities that will make a significant long-term impact to their lives.

Our vision is:

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Introducing the team


ent strategy m e g a l’s g n e h n Notting Hil Yout o d se a b is work


’s e gement Team 8-12, which supports th a g n E th u o Y e The Strategy 200 ng the divers t ti n e e e m m e g to a t g n n Youth E mmitme corporate co ’s n o ti a is n a org ts. nd young tenan ial housing a c needs of our so e th in h ents wit portant gnises its im w developm o e c n e re g th n g si n u ti o d c Refle Notting Hill H realise their potential an , rs to c se rk youth wo people to nities. ering young w o p local commu m ir e e in th to role n o ti ve contribu oung make a positi over 4,000 y h it w s, rd lo ss d st social lan s spread acro e e rg rti la e e p th ro f p o g ousin As one ke a Notting Hill H placed to ma in y ll g a in e v li id is le l p il o H g the life pe hs, Notting nd improvin g a u y ro rt o e b v n o o p r. d d 14 Lon ousing secto reducing chil h l n ia o c t c so a p ’s n im o t in Lond significan people living g n u o y f o s e chanc

Urban Arena


What we do:

Where we work:

The Youth Engagement Team offers a range of projects for young people that contribute to the Team’s Strategy to encourage young people to realise their aspirations and empower them to have a voice. The Team delivers projects that cover three main areas: youth engagement, personal development and active citizenship.

While the team does cover all areas in which Notting Hill has properties, our main focus is on the six key boroughs in which we have the highest number of young people living in our properties. These include Barnet, Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham, Hillingdon, Hounslow and Kensington & Chelsea. The team works closely with a range of local partners in these areas to commission and deliver youth projects that are evidence-based and outcome-focused to ensure they meet the needs of a diverse range of young people.

Youth engagement: Notting Hill Housing Trust is now in its sixth year of delivering the Hammersmith and Fulham Positive Futures Programme, with funding from the Home Office. Positive Futures delivers projects that promote healthy lifestyles and offer opportunities for volunteering and work placements. The team also commissions a range of estate-based youth engagement activities with local voluntary and statutory sector providers. This includes theme-based programmes, such as Money Smart, as well as holiday programmes, such as circus skills workshops.


individual ovides support to pr am te e Th t: en of onePersonal developm ns through a range tio ra pi as r ei th e hiev rtunities young people to ac ork placement oppo w d an g rin ee nt lu al to-one support, vo ‘Achieve’ is a person t. en m oy pl em d ng an hich has been and access to traini ople aged 14-21, w pe g un yo r fo t ec ols and development proj t for Children, Scho en tm ar ep D e th om awarded funding fr . Families until 2011 e-to-one support to on es id ov pr t ec oj toring Pr paired up The Business Men e young people are Th s. ol ho sc l ca eir lo ort them to build th young people from pp su ho w , ill H ng Notti eir with volunteers from out the world of work and achieve th ab n ar self-confidence, le goals. ss our young people acro ith w ks or w am te The t involved Active citizenship: ve a voice and to ge ha to ty ci pa ca r ei the areas to build th itted to increasing m m co e ar e W g. r akin services through ou g in local decision-m in ap sh in s nt na active r young te involvement of ou well as through the as , ng pi op sh ry te mys m. service panels and our new Youth Foru in le op pe g un yo participation of





Westminster Ealing Hammersmith & Fulham

Kensington & Chelsea Southwark

Hounslow Lambeth

Wandsworth Richmond Upon Thames Croydon


Aims • Urban Arena aims to promote healthy lifestyles to young people and introduce them to the array of relevant services available in the borough, through a one-day sports and arts festival.

Portfolio of projects


Achievements • In 2008, 20 young volunteers worked with the Positive Futures coordinator to plan and deliver the event and received accredited training. • Each year, over 500 young people attended the event. • 8 partner organisations supported the event. • Urban Arena was unique in its approach in engaging local service providers and the community to promote healthy lifestyles.




HOLISTIC DRUG EDUCATION PROGRAMME Aims • To support Year 6 pupils to make informed choices about their behaviour, through this key transition period, using workshops, filming, small group work, and role plays focusing on self-esteem, peer pressure and coping strategies relating to risky behaviour.

Achievements • The project was delivered in eight different primary schools in the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham. • 70-80 young people participated in the 12-week programme. • Young people who took part stated that they had an increased awareness and knowledge of drug and alcohol issues.


ESTATE-BASED FOOTBALL PROJECTS Aims • To use fo otball a young people nd futsal (Brazilian socce r in three of o ur priority are skills) to engage with Fulham, Ken as: Hammers sington & Ch elsea and Ea mith & li n g . • To provid e new opport unities their football skills, take pa for our young residents to improve rt in local an and pursue sp d national to orts as a care urnaments er option.

Achievemen t


• Over the last two years , more than part in futsa 150 young p l sessions ac eople have ta ross the two & Fulham an ken b o ro d u K g e h n s si of Hammers ngton & Che • Two you m ls ith e a. ng people ha ve been give Club and hav n trials at To e be ttenham Foo with a view to en invited back for a six tball -w jo e ek follow-up ining the Tott • 94 young tr e n ia ham Fo l, people have take part in th otball Academy. in Ealing. e Kickz footb all programm e


GANG, GUN & KNIFE PROGRAMME Aims • In respon se to a fatal in ciden educate you ng people ab t on an estate, this proje ct aimed to out how the impact on th ir potential b emselves, th ehavior can eir peers and the wider co mmunity.

Achievemen t


• 65 young pe • Nine you ople took part in the pro gramme. ng men from four ‘rival’ est camping resi a tes complete dential. d a three-da • The resid y ential encou raged young comfort zon p e o ple to step o e, by taking p utside their art in jet skii terrain board n g, raft buildin in g . g and all • Young pe ople stated th a t th e programm to resolve co e improved th nflict on the ir estates. eir ability

Not ting r a e y t s r fi ’s In it h ve houses wit fi t h g u o b l il H nations and o d le b a it r a h c ople . housed 57 pe




Aims • To empower young people to build skills and strategies that are useful in raising their aspirations, by using interactive learning techniques, covering subjects such as self-esteem, confidence building, sexually transmitted infections, sex and the law, drugs and alcohol.

Achievements • Increased young people’s self-esteem and confidence. • Empowered young people to actively make decisions and to realise they have choices to develop their true potential. • We interacted with 60% of residents at St Stephens Road supported housing scheme. • Challenged their perceptions and increased their knowledge and awareness of sexual health and substance misuse.

ing Trust s u o H l il H g Not tin r s t UK housed t he fi ge . It also womans refu -cost pioneered low hip and s r e n w o e m o h t- rent. part-buy, par







uip fidence and eq n co in ga to le eed to young peop owledge they n kn • To support d an s ill sk e h th ety. themselves wit aspects of soci al ci an n fi e th in fully take part informed d how to make an y e ities, n o m d n r the opportun fo m e th • To understa e ar p ill help pre choices, this w s of life. and experience s e ti ili b si n o sp re

Aims • To offer practical work experience and volunteering opportunities for young people to develop interpersonal skills and set career goals, learn about the world of work and give back to their local communities.

Achievements • Young people learnt how to manage money in preparation for life after school or simple day-to-day financial matters, including bank accounts, credit cards and overdrafts. • The participants were more aware of the impact good money management can have on their lives. • Young people shared their new financial knowledge and skills with family, friends and the community.


Achievements • The Youth Engagement Team has supported over 80 young people into volunteering and work placements over the past six years. • Four young people have been supported to set up their own businesses. • 100 young people have been supported to gain accreditations and employment.




• To give young people the opportunity to write, design and produce an industry-standard magazine that concentrates on youth issues and provides a platform to promote topics that are important to them.


• We have produced three magazines and achieved national recognition for models of good practice. • Some young people included their work in their portfolios, which helped them get a place at university. • Following their experience on Youthanize, more than 10 young people have been referred on to long-term voluntary placements on other Positive Future projects. For more information, please contact the Youth Engagement Team on 020 8357 4639

Housing Not ting Hill h o u s es d il u b t s ju t ’ n does d sustainable il u b to s e iv r t it s . communities








s pment, life skill lo ve e d al ci so young people’s • To improve and fitness.


ave young people h 0 0 4 an th re o t five years, m • Over the pas the project. g skills by participated in lop their boxin ve e d r e h rt fu n lub. le ca swick Boxing C n ru • Young peop B am lh eir Fu to the provement in th im t n being referred ca ifi gn si pline and le have shown ence, and disci d fi n o • Young peop -c lf se , ls ess leve health and fitn s. team-work skill ent Youth Engagem e th ct ta n co e ation, pleas For more inform 639. 357 4 Team on 020 8


• To impact on yo ung people’s person al and social development by pr oviding a commun ity-based boxing club, dedicated to young people. • Providing an ac cessible programm e through the core skills of amateur bo xing, including club competitions, increased fitness an d coaching opport unities.


• Notting Hill’s Po sitive Futures prog ramme runs the on affiliated amateur ly boxing club within the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. • Young people ha ve represented the boxing club at numerous competiti ons. • Six volunteers have gained their Am ateur Boxing Association level 1 coaching qualificatio n, the first steps on the coaching la dder and two volu nteers have passed their ABA level 2 co aching course. For more informati on, please contact the Youth Engagement Team on 020 8357 4639.



21, aged 14le p o e p oung ject for y nd Families. o r p t n e ools a elopm onal dev for Children, Sch s r e p a is Achieve the Department y b ir funded hieve the c a d n a n goals their ow luding: t e s o t Aims hing, c le ng peop nu of options, in toring, life coac u o y r e pow me men rt. • To em ential, through a edited training, nt suppo very stage e r m t c y o c p lo a , p ll fu and em ung people in e support -to-one ce, volunteering e n o of yo lvement erien o p ith v x e in k e r v o ti w ac mmersm a e h H t f e o g s a h cour w, roug • To en roject. m the bo t, Ealing, Hounslo o r f le p o p ng pe Barne of the es to you on and Chelsea, o g y it r ingt • Prio on am, Kens g. lh u ent Team F d m e n g a n a li g a n E E n and outh Hillingdo act the Y t n o c e s . n, plea ormatio f in e r o For m achie 4658 or 7 5 3 8 0 02


The Youth D evelopment Fund is a gra Housing tena nt programm nts, under th e for young N e age of 25. otting Hill Aim


• To suppo rt youn long-term be g people to access oppo rtunities, this nefits for the mselves and will provide offering gran th ts of up to £5 eir commun • To encou iti 0 es, through 0. rage young p e o ple to be pro their goals. active in find ing ways to re • To offer y ach oung people th e opportunit excel in their y to cho pursue their ambitions, develop a pro sen field, receive a reco gnised qualifi ject that will ca benefit them selves and th tion or For more info eir commun rmation or to ity. request an a the Youth En pplication pa gagement Te ck, please co am on 020 8 ntact 357 4752.

t ting Hill o N e h t y a d o T up has more Housing Gro homes for t han 25 ,000 ownership d e r a h s d n a t ren n. across Londo




BUSINESS MENTORING Aims • To support young people through a one-to-tone mentoring relationship to set and achieve personal and academic goals within a business environment, while learning about the world of work.

Achievements Aims • To engage young people across Notting Hill Housing priority areas, by delivering projects that have been influenced by young people through the youth consultation programme.

• More than 55 year 10 pupils have participated from Hammersmith & Fulham secondary schools. • In 2008-09, three young people benefited from work experience placements. For more information, please contact the Youth Engagement Team on 020 8357 4844

• To provide opportunities for young people to achieve long-term benefits through a range of locally- based projects.

Achievements • Engaged 320 young people over the summer on six different estates. • Delivered a vast array of youth activities including basketball, football, circus skills, dance, drama, singing, modeling, t-shirt and trainers customization, music production & DJ skills, fencing, team challenge activities, archery and trampolining. For more information, please contact the Youth Engagement Team on 020 8357 4414/4844.



am un used o gagement Te l 2009. It foc n ri E p A th u d o n Y a e ry aling, h T een Februa hs; Barnet, E g tw u e b ro n o o b ti a ty lt ri consu key prio ngton sidents in six ulham, Kensi F re & g n h u it o m y r rs ng u e o don, Hamm ported housi g p n li su il g H n , si w u o o sl Houn ng Hill H s well as Notti a , a e ls e h C & Engagement schemes. th u o Y e th to nked in on exercise li ti a lt su n o c : is Th and aimed to ng people in the area ) 2 -1 8 0 0 (2 y of you young Strateg e local needs cts would and help them th sh li b a st e • f proje what types o ve • find out rovision e and achie isting local p x people inspir e f ng as a o re tu ic ad p ng Hill Housi ro tti b o a N e sh c li u b d a o • est nd intr ung people a o y e g a g n e • ider e future service prov to help shap le p o e p g n into and u help to feed empower yo ld to u d o w te n h a ic w h We ices, w ture. ion and serv tegy in the fu ra st th u o y youth provis r u delivery of o influence the


Key results: We engaged with a total of 221 young people throughout the consultation period. A large majority of the young people consulted wanted to be kept up-to-date about ongoing activities, and would like to be involved in the delivery and development of pro jects in their area, such as becoming an active member in a Notti ng Hill Housing Youth Forum. Below is a summary of the key results from across the priority boroughs:

Summary of youth consultation

summary e m m a r g o r ltation p e-scale youth Youth consu rg la a k o o rt e d n

Young people are interested in pursuing... Careers & Further Education

Performing arts/ media


Careers advice/Job search



Community Sports

Film & Media


Work Experience

Music making & Production


Sports Accreditation

Singing, Djing


The Youth Engagement Team is committed to continuing to consult with young people, ensuring that they are able to provide input into service design and delivery, as well as Notting Hill governance. We will continue to seek feedback by setting up a youth forum that will meet at Hammersmith, as well as encourage input from young people through our website and through feedback on our range of youth engagement activities. To get involved in either the Youth Forum, other projects or for more information on the results of the consultation from your area, please contact the Youth Engagement on 020 8357 4414.



Rio attended th e Gang, Gun an d Knife Program the Youth Enga me that gement Team ra n on an estate which educate in Ealing, d young people about the dange carrying knives rs of and gang associ ation. He has n in a gang, but u ever been nderstands that young people liv such an estate, ing on with nothing to d o, can get inno caught up in dan cently gerous situatio ns. Rio enjoyed the programme, esp ecially the resid weekend at the en end, which bro ught together yo tial people from th ung ree rival estate s, to talk about issues that affe local cted them and also improved communicatio their n skills and team wo chance for him to enjoy and exp rk skills. It was a rare lore the countr try new activiti yside, and es with other lo cal young peop neighbouring e le from states. ‘’I would like th e same things as anyone else, a house, and girl good job, friend etc, I just d on’t want to be by the area that limited I lives in’’. (Rio, Ealing you ng person)

Sabrina Sabrina was referred to the Youthanize project from a local Pupil Referral Unit, as she had a real interest in journalism. She was quiet at first when she joined the magazine, however she made an instant impact with her great flair for journalism. Through one-to-one support and recognition of her talent, Sabrina was instrumental in the success of the magazine by writing and designing articles, which helped the magazine receive national recognition. Her love and commitment for journalism did not end there, as she was able to put together a portfolio of her work and was offered a place at university, where she has successfully finished her first year.

ll footba , , g n i x bo ion e, be it th such pass s i c r e s x i t in e ne w ve Mab interes eet someo eople impro bs n e e k ng p e to m is, Ma has a Mabs ling. It is rar t to help you ss. To do th Boxing n st t ne or wre d commitme rcise and fit Non Contac Amateur e s n e x drive a s through e sitive Future teer with th o e n o v ,t u P i l l y their on the rked as a vo r, Tony Cesa to young d e r e e o volunt where he w ampion boxe al well-being aining , t c ent e ss tr n ch Proj ociatio hysical and m able to acce ject, by s s A g as ep pro Boxin positiv e years, he w ve Futures YQ Fitness e t o m aC ositi pro thre . After hrough the P ns, including First Aid, FA e l p o e . p o st rd, Sports alificati ’s Awa tunitie oppor g several qu e ABA Tutor Community h in in , achiev or’s course, t a Certificate course ’s r o t c t d y stru Instruc (Level 1) an ness In pport to man t i l F l a Q b Y e su Foot his C assed g one-to-on p w o ivin has n gym, g people. Mabs a n i g ng in is work ncluding you ,i clients 25

Case studies




cher and help other people. Schneill always wanted to be a PE tea ng club when she was 14 She joined the White City Fatima you itive Futures boxing club. and was the only girl attending the Pos support from the Positive Through constant encouragement and qualify as a sports coach, Futures Coordinator, she went on to ns along the way. gaining fitness and coaching qualificatio ment Team and receipt of With support from the Youth Engage neill is now in her second a Youth Development Fund grant, Sch ood, Youth and Sports year at university, studying for a Childh itive role model for other studies degree. She wants to be a pos who have little academic young people, especially from those friends. She is well on her way encouragement from their family or a PE teacher. to achieving her dream of becoming


27 28

Cut me out

Cut me out

To do:

Send us your thoughts and ideas and make your voice be heard loud and clear


m to a e T t n e agem g n E h t u o ts. eY c h e t j t o r c a p t e n • Co out th b a e r o m find out !!! D E V L O V • GET IN

Notting Hill Carniva l






Not t i n t he fi g Hill Hou rs s to set t housing ing was a u Train p a Cons ssociation tr in Progr g Ini tiativ uction e amm e.




using f o H H i l l i c Re lie s g n i t Not and Com chari tie n d t Trus he chose t he worl t y were unded b film f e to be ere for t h i prem ng Hill ’. ti ‘ Not










ung people o y e h t ll a k n e to tha We would lik cipated in our projects. rti who have pa


Recognition of Partners

Key partners and supporters also include: • • • •

Barnet Lone Parent Centre Inglis Barracks Residents’ Association Henry Compton School Hammersmith & Fulham Education Business Partnership

For more information, contact the Youth Engagement Team on: 020 8357 4414

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