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Chapter 10 Adaptation strategies in the Mekong delta
Quang Chi Truong [ CTU, SU, IRD - UMMISCO ]
Quang Chi Truong [ CTU, SU, IRD - UMMISCO ] Benoît Gaudou [ UT1C-IRIT, CNRS, INP, UT2J, UT3 ] Patrick Taillandier [ SU, IRD - UMMISCO, INRAE - MIAT ] Alexis Drogoul [ IRD - UMMISCO, SU ] Etienne Espagne [ AFD ] Nghi Quang Huynh [ CTU, SU, IRD - UMMISCO ] Trung Hieu Nguyen [ CTU ] Pham Thi Thanh Nga [ INHEM ] Thao Hong Nguyen [ CTEC ]