Obscene Extreme Fanzine 2018

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Hello everyone and welcome again to the Battlefield!!! What to start with when my beloved Argentina dropped out of the championship at the weekend after an absolutely screwed up championship where the coach is so bad that it hurts incredibly much and someone like me who has for four long years been looking forward to the world championship to see such players like a gallant football dancer Paulo Dybala (who played incredible 20 minutes in 4 matches!!!) or Sergio Aguero or Gonzalo Gerardo Higuain and who does not actually get to see them to play in the end... Terrible disappointment, a huge one... So much talent in Argentina and we can see Sampaoli there running around as a madman who is not able to put together a team to show the heart and the great football Argentina has always played. It’s just the same as driving a Ferrari thirty kilometers per hour without stepping on the throttle... So sorry I’m starting with football but I am still full of it. Anyway, the 20th volume of the Obscene Extreme festival is here. I have said it in many interviews I did not imagine that in my wildest dreams!!! It’s just something amazing, a nice feeling when I recall all the years, all the fantastic concerts, the whole atmosphere we pamper from the first volume till today!!! The selection of the bands for this volume was quite simple inviting as many bands as possible that meant and still mean a lot for OEF... The bands that have played legendary concerts here and that love our “holy” red soil… Those who always like to come back here ... I’m not saying that everything has been a success and that everybody is here but a big percentage surely yes!!! The absolutely craziest story I heard this year is Heather’s story (the wife of Danny Lilker who sweats blood for the OEF and totally loves our festival). She told me that when they flew to Brazil to play with the STORMTROOPERS OF BEER project (you had the opportunity to see it last year at Battlefield, it’s a super all star project that plays S.O.D.’s brilliant album “Speak English Or Die”) where Gordo of RATOS DE PORÃO, our long-time friend and a big character of the Brazilian underground scene (and not only for his mighty

figure), acts as a singer, they were chatting about the OEF of course as well during the gig because both of them love it very much and Gordo told her: “I love it so much over there I said to my wife that when I die I want my ashes to be spread at the Battlefield!!!” It gave me totally the creeps... I hope Gordo will be around for many, many years and we will be enjoying his enthusiasm and friendship. But you can clearly feel from that story what this festival - Obscene Extreme means for many people!!! Once again I would like to thank all those who persistently, loyally and constantly keep supporting us and have openly been expressing their affection over the years!!! Thank you!!! We appreciate that much and will keep trying our best to do for you the best festival in the world!!! With humility and respect,

Čurby / Obscene 3.7.2018


OUR WISH: Obscene Extreme has gained a great reputation for being a freak friendly festival. We have a ZERO TOLERANCE for any violence and trust you will continue respecting that fact and keep an eye on each other. Peace! Trutnov is our home and we would like to keep staying here!!! Obscene Extreme festival has a very good reputation in Trutnov. Let us try to keep this reputation!!! IDENTIFICATION WRISTBANDS: Watch out for your wristbands!!! Only a properly fastened wristband is valid. If you try to remove it or pass it to another person claiming it released itself as it had been the case in the past, you could be denied access into the venue!!!

GRIND MARKET - OEF MERCHANDISE (close to maingate, big building on the left side): Wednesday 18.7.2018 16.00 - 22:00 Thursday 19.7.2018 10.00 - 22.00 Friday 20.7.2018 10.00 - 22.00 Saturday 21.7.2018 10.00 - 22.00 MEALS & DRINKS: All meals and drinks can be bought in the festival area for credit chips (coupons) only. You get them in our exchange offices. The price is 1 CREDIT CHIP = 36 CZK. BARS & BEER TENTS: Wednesday 18.7.2018 10.00 - Sunday 22.7. 2018 00.00 Restaurants and Bars opening: On Wednesday from 12.00 AM. To be valid for the term of the whole festival.

VIP CAMP : Wednesday 18.7.2018 10.00 - Sunday 22.7.2018 Vegan restaurant opening: 10:00 NON-STOP Wednesday 12.00 AM - 00.00 PM Thursday 09.00 AM - 01.00 AM DEPOSITORY: Friday 09.00 AM - 01.00 AM Charging of cameras and mobiles for free Saturday 09.00 AM - 01.00 AM + trash bags for free (please clean the place around your tent/car as it is absolutely natural EXCHANGE OFFICE: not to leave any trash behind you). Situated Kindly change your money into as many next to the VIP camp. chips as you´re expecting to spend!!! Please We ask you strongly to make use of the leftbear in mind that the chips cannot be luggage office and to leave nothing valuable in exchanged back for money! Please do not your tent even when sleeping in it!!! We have to destroy or tear the coupons. There are half oppose all kinds of thieves finally!!! coupons in the circulation you will get when Be on guard!! something is for a coupon and a half. Wednesday 18.7.2018 -10.00 - Sunday Coupons 1 (next to main entrance gate): 22.7.2018 10.00 NON-STOP Wednesday 18.7.2018 10.00 - Sunday 22.7.2018 04.00 TOILETS: Tuesday 17.7.2018 10.00 - Monday 23.7.2018 Coupons 2 (in auditorium): 10.00 Thursday 19.7.2018 10:00 - 00:00 Friday 20.7.2018 10:00 - 00:00 SHOWERS (at festival area): Saturday 21.7.2018 10:00 - 00:00 Wednesday 18.7.2018 10:00 - 18:00 Thursday 19.7.2018 8.00 - 18.00 LOST AND FOUND: Main entrance gate. Friday 20.7.2018 8.00 - 18.00 Saturday 21.7.2018 8.00 - 18.00

PARKING: Tuesday 17.7.2018 13:00 - 21:00 Wednesday 18.7.2018 10:00 - Monday 23.7.2018 10.00 FIRST AID: You will recognise the first-aid workers by their red uniforms. The first-aid station is located in the lower part, next to beer tents. Wednesday 18.7.2018 14.00 - Sunday 22.7.2018 09.00 NON-STOP The emergency phone number: + 420 775 699 155 FIRE DEPARTMENT: 150 POLICE: 158 CZECH EMERGENCY LINE: 112

TROUBLE HOTLINE: If you do not like anything or want to notify us of something, please send an SMS message to this telephone number: + 420 603 926 915 KINDER GRINDER - KIDS on OEF: Kids do belong to OEF – Grind kindergarten, two teepees with a lot of entertainment for the kids. They will for sure not forget new friends and all the adventures from Obscene Extreme for long! Open (Kinder Grinder is sponzored by OEF and is free of charge, there´re 4 cool people that care about your kids):

Thursday 19.7.2018 - 11.00 – 20.00 Friday 20.7.2018 - 11.00 – 20.00 Saturday 21.7. 2018 – 11.00 – 20.00 STAGE DIVING:

We adore that feeling when you are having lots of fun!!! But some rules are to be defined. The first meter (1.10 yd) of the stage is determined for stage diving. Do not stay here longer than 5 seconds or hang about members of the playing bands or behind the monitors!!! So please respect them.


They are here for you and for your safety only. Please respect their instructions!!! If you encounter any problem or you do not like anything, let us know please at the main gate or at the backstage entrance. Each crew member working for OEF has a unique ID number on. So, if you have a doubt, let us know. Thanks for co-operation!!!


Everything dangerous. Glass, bottles, explosives, weapons and animals!!!

PAYMENTS IN EUROPEAN CURRENCY EURO: Payments in European currency Euro: Of course you can make all payments in our national currency Czech koruna. If we can advise, do not exchange bigger amounts in Prague at the airport or in banks. It is just the worst deal you can do. Better to use private exchange offices in the town centers or you can simply pay directly in euro currency at OEF…. DO TAXI GO: Here we go with contact for really fair and affordable taxi. www.dotaxigo.cz Telephone +420 777 00 00 10 In Trutnov city for 79,- Kč (approx. 4 euro), outside of Trutnov 20,-/km (0,78 euro per km) a 10,-/min. waiting (0,39 euro per minute). Indicative prices for trips from surrounding.

WEDNESDAY 18.7.2018 12:00 - 16:00 FREAK FEST

Did you think the absolute bottom of the entertainment is an afternoon tea with Mildred who dresses her poodle in a pink dress? Then we dare to introduce to you a group of people with completely new levels of atrocity you have never dreamed of. A very popular Freak fest is waiting for you to fly your teeth, to let chilli melt your entrails, to let whips work your behinds and the salty water will be saltier than the sweat of your granny. That is why the trajectory of vomit projectiles will reach new records.

BACK TO 1999 OEF PARTY 13:00 - 13:20 BRAINWASH (ITALY) This is no Italian spaghetti western but true and brutal grind/noise core delivered by the veterans of the style, BRAINWASH!!! Founded mainly as a live band as early as in 1992 they however have very few recordings but it is a great and active band live. BRAINWASH on stage means shredding notes and a chaos in the true sense of the word and you will experience this on your own ears and eyes as part of the Wednesday’s programme BACK TO 1999 OEF PARTY where BRAINWASH as an old participant of the first OEF of course belongs to!!! Old school grind/noise core... this is BRAINWASH!!! 13:30 - 13:50 ONANIZER (CZECH REPUBLIC) Who would have said that this year’s performance of this grind hammer at the OEF will be the fourth in a row? Year of foundation: 1996, ie. 22 years of existence!!! Yes, we are speaking about a Czech/Belgian squad ONANIZER!!! The band around the main brain Karel is really a mad phenomenon showing how the grind family is connected all over the world as ONANIZER’s trips around the whole world and really exotic destinations such as Nepal, Thailand, Philippines or South America are legendary!!! It is not only gigging but also many excellent recordings the guys can provide. Their international status is certainly supported by the fact that the guy sitting behind the drums in this band is the most appropriate one for a grindcore butchery as it is Nils from the legendary Agathocles!!! With him ONANIZER is always ready to crush your ear holes!!!


Another Czech legend on the horizon!!! Suffice it to say the name Václav Mrázek and most of you definitely know that we will be dealing with the musical serial killers, the death metal hammer from the North of Moravia called DEFLORACE!!! Formed as early as in 1992 they were among the first to pave the way for a brutal and ultra-fast form of death metal madness with the lyrics about serial killers both from the whole world and the domestic ones. We are pleased to invite them onto the OEF’s boards after 13 long years and to welcome them to play at the Wednesday’s BACK TO 1999 OEF PARTY!!! This time again they will be killing like the mad Václav Mrázek!!!

14:35 - 15:00 TWISTED TRUTH (CZECH REPUBLIC) We are excited to announce one of the special comebacks onto the OEF’s boards!!! The original Czech grindcore veterans TWISTED TRUTH!!! The squad founded on the ruins of the band Century Of Death in 1993 has sworn on a noisy grindcore since its beginnings and has greatly presented it on many stages of the underground map. TWISTED TRUTH have also gone through a variety of line-up changes and break-ups. In their own words this special comeback onto the OEF’s boards, where they will be for the third time in their career, will be their farewell!!! 15:10 - 15:35 MELANCHOLY PESSIMISM (CZECH REPUBLIC) After many years, MELANCHOLY PESSIMISM, the Czech classics of the genre, will come to kick our asses from the Czech death metal town of Uherské Hradiště!!! A band that has been swearing to fast and technical death metal since their beginning in 1992 and has released 6 studio albums to date. At the beginning of their journey we can also trace the members of the legendary Krabathor in their line-up. MELANCHOLY PESSIMISM went through a series of ups and downs and even had to interrupt their activities several times. But death metal is love for the whole life so we have them back again!!! They are the ones to have played over 600 gigs and they do know how to deliver a great show. We will enjoy them together with a typical shot of slivovitz in the Wednesday’s program of the OEF 2018!!! MEL PES is back on track!!! 15:45 - 16:10 TORTHARRY (CZECH REPUBLIC)

There are really few bands that keep doing their music in the same good way for over a quarter of a century and we think that this Czech death metal fixed star band TORTHARRY belongs among them for sure. They have been playing under the name of TORTHARRY since 1991 and have already eight full-length albums under their belt achieving bigger or smaller successes across the world metal scene. Of course, these veterans have played lots of concerts both at home and abroad meaning they are very skilled and their shows are death metal blasts. The boys even helped to organize the first edition of Obscene Extreme Festival in 1999 where they also performed and they will have their honoured place in the Wednesday`s program called BACK TO 1999 OEF PARTY at OEF 2018. TORTHARRY…DEATH METAL…welcome back after 20 years at the OEF boards!!!


It is a pleasure to announce this band! Legendary iconic old school grind core blast from Pardubice. Who would not know NEEDFUL THINGS! The band that was present at the birth of the Obscene Extreme Festival and even played at its first volume in 1999. So, it makes sense to have their set in 2018 at the OEF’s “Back to 1999” again. The formation of NEEDFUL THINGS goes back to 1995 and not only a lot of time has passed since but this squad has still a lot to offer even after more than 20 years. They are still a great inspiration to many beginning grind bands and are still productive as for new and brutal recordings. Their latest plans for a split record with the bands such as Overviolence or Nervegrind be the proof!!!


Next band we are introducing to you is no less than Czech death/grind perennials and actually the veterans of the scene, FLESHLESS. No need for a long introduction as they have been active since as early as 1990 under the name of ZVRATOR and since 1993 of FLESHLESS. The quartet of mates called FLESHLESS have lead so far a very fertile existence releasing eight full-length albums, many split releases and demotapes and done of course tons of shows all around the world. Moreover, these gentlemen don’t intend to stop decidedely as this life style is simply in their DNA. FLESHLESS is one of the bands that took place at the first OEF edition, so we have used the great opportunity to invite them for the Wednesday’s BACK TO 1999 OEF PARTY!!! They will crush your bodies!!!


However, we do not let the grass grow under our feet and have other long-lasting bards for you who were there at the first OEF volume and have, though with little breaks, been playing till today!!! These death metal crushers from Krkonoše mountains have been around since as early as 1991!!! Following a few demos they released their most notorious album “Daymares” in 1996 which received great reviews around the world. Thanks to this fact and the rumour of being a great live band CRUSHER went on several tours alongside such big names as Vader, Krabathor or Dead Infection!!! CRUSHER has gone through relatively big line-up changes but the guys still keep crushing their grind-soaked death metal we can hear on their latest album “From The Core”!!! CRUSHER will show you on the boards of OEF 2018 that Death is not Dead!!!

18:15 - 18:45 ABORTION (SLOVAKIA)

Czechoslovak mince/grind core legend ABORTION was one of those bands to perform at the very first volume of Obscene Extreme Festival in 1999. And it is as clear as day these veterans will not be missing at the 20th anniversary volume. Naturally! Maybe we will also be pleased by a new album that has been already recorded but the release of the physical disc itself is being delayed a bit. The album to follow their well-made next to last album „Konvert“ will be titled „All You Need Is Hate“!!!

18:55 - 19:30 DESECRATION (WALES) Honestly, how many extreme bands from Wales do you know? Not many, huh? We have one of the leaders of Welsh underground, great and perverted DESECRATION!!! Death Metal with high quality grindcore ingredients is served by these gentlemen. Started as early as in 1992 with their first big album titled „Gore and Perversion“ from 1995 to put this band on a black list by the local authorities due to its very scandalous content. The guys, however, go on releasing more and more recordings the latest of which is a great musical effort called „Cemetery Sickness“ from 2014. DESECRATION are very experienced guys as you can find members of Onslaught, Extreme Noise Terror or Hellbastard among the band members!!! DESECRATION at OEF 2018!!! This will not turn out wrong!!! 19:40 - 20:25 ISACAARUM (CZECH REPUBLIC) No one would have expected it but yes it is true. ISACAARUM will be there at OEF 2018!!! Following all their statements about the termination of the band at the end of 2014 we are lucky to put the guys together for a really special show in a bit different line-up but with the band’s ex-members!!! The band had started as a black metal project but in the mid of 90’s with the arrival of a new frontman Chymus they changed the direction towards grind core and also started the cooperation with Obscene Productions which gave birth to four of their full-length albums. Now the gentlemen want to have fun on stage once again with us and prepared a special show for you after years of inactivity. You can see it only there and nowhere else!!! And surely it will be obscene!!! The kings of spermetal at OEF 2018!!! 20:35 - 21:20 MALIGNANT TUMOUR (CZECH REPUBLIC)


Sold-out halls and stadiums, tens of thousands of miles in a van or a plane on tours, highly valued recordings, female fans throwing their underwear away, television, radio, documents, VIP boxes, scandals, luxury hotels, glory, success. Sex, drugs, alcohol and rock’n’roll. All this can be managed in 26 years of existence! Do you want to be like them? Then you have to be there for the anniversary Obscene Extreme Festival 2018 and steal a trick or two from them at an opportune moment. They’re just Metal! King Baník!

INFEST - Chris Dodge

I’ve been playing underground music for over 30 years and OEF is not only one of the best shows I’ve ever played, but the best fest I’ve ever attended. Totally DIY, but well run, and with that many fucking crazed people, I couldn’t believe there were no problems. None. Everyone got along and had fun. No tough guy attitudes, no bullshit. Just thousands of people having an insanely great time together. Camping, drinking, partying, stage diving in chicken suits. I’ve never been to another gathering where I connected with so many like-minded folks from all over the world. Seriously... from EVERY corner of the globe! My only regret is I’m not in enough other bands to get invited back every year. Cheers to Curby and OEF... I hope there’s 20 more!


Hometown of Rostock and the date of birth 1990! And yes, ENTRAILS MASSACRE. These grind veterans are one of the bands that played at the very first volume of the Obscene Extreme Festival. This fact also means of course that they will take part in this year special “Back To 1999” chapter of the OEF 2018. End of January ENTRAILS MASSACRE will attack a studio for a new album to be created which we hope will be presented during their brutal set in Trutnov in July!!!

22:15 - 23:00 SQUASH BOWELS (POLAND) Another special show for the OEF’s 20th anniversary!!! Old friends of the festival, Polish SQUASH BOWELS, who played the first OEF in 1999 got once again together for the Obscene Extreme Festival after their break-up!!! The main brain of the band, Artur, has ordered and found new faces for the band, Nelek and Mlody from the Polish band FAM. Despite all the albums SQUASH BOWELS recorded the boys will play only their material from the years 1994 – 1999. Artur is planning just a single show for now, so don’t hesitate to see SQUASH BOWELS as this could be your last chance!!! 23:10 - 00:00 AGATHOCLES (BELGIUM) We are happy to introduce the headliner of the Wednesday programme or BACK TO 1999 OEF PARTY now!!! If you know the history of the OEF, it is clear that it can not be anything else than the legendary Belgian mince core hammer of AGATHOCLES!!! Any introduction may be redundant as everybody sure knows that the founder of this ensemble, Jan Frederickx, put this band together as early as in 1985 and he is still the uncompromising leader of this squad in spite of many line-up changes!!! Hats off!!! The founders of the style called mince core and probably the world’s leaders as for the number of recordings will as usually provide us with a total anti-musical enema of brain and body!!! There is no other band like this in the world!!! AGATHOCLES are back at the OEF and we are excited!!! 00:15 - 02:00 NASUM – Blasting Shit to Bits - The Final Show (SWEDEN) To celebrate the 20th anniversary of OEF, Nasum will do a special screening of the film at the festival. All members of the band will be at OEF to present the show and honor grindcore super daddy Curby and his bastard child. Blast! During its tenure, Nasum rose to become one of the most influential acts of the extreme underground. When lead singer Mieszko Talarczyk disappeared and died in the devastating and tragic tsunami of 2004, Nasum instantly ceased to exist. When the band’s would-be 20th anniversary came about in 2012, the band conducted a full world tour with the intent of ending Nasum “the way it was supposed to - exploding in a ferocious, blasting frenzy, not wither away at the mercy of tragedy.” The tour included a crazy gig at the fuzzy, scuzzy and oh so beloved grindcore bastion that is Obscene Extreme Festival in Trutnov, Czech Republic. Five years after the tour ended, filmmaker Michael Panduro completed his music film documenting the band’s final, emotionally and sonically pulverizing show in front of 1000 fans at Stockholm’s now defunct Debaser Medis venue. Featuring the full show, interviews and retrospects, the film – titled “Blasting Shit to Bits – The Final Show” – premiered at Copenhagen’s Music Film Festival in 2017, and went on to screens in Mexico, Sweden, Slovenia and more.

THURSDAY 19. 7. 2018

10.00 - 10.20 CONVULSIONS (SPAIN)

A total grind core massacre from Spain brought by a fairly new and young band named CONVULSIONS will properly rock the fans of the anniversary Obscene Extreme Festival next year in July 2018. This grinding machine has been inspired by the finest of the world’s grind scene. So, those who like the squads like Excruciating Terror, Denak or say Insect Warfare should be on red alert at this very moment!!!

10.30 - 10.50 POWERXCHUCK (AUSTRALIA) The Australian power violence commando the domestic grind underground knows well enough. The trace in the form of their debut 7-inch record at the local Psychocontrol Records is indelible as for both the band and our country forever. Mosh tracks alternate with slowing sludge and stop’n’go passages. In short, POWERXCHUCK will not let you pause for a moment. Turbulent harsh grind for the gourmets. Live - Trutnov, 2018, Obscene Extreme Festival!!!

11.00 - 11.25 GOLERS (CANADA) This year’s second representatives of Canada already, the furious metal punkers GOLERS !!! The band that came into being in 1998 after the split-up of Subversion plays a rough mosh based on a fast metal guitar combined with punk and thrash ferocity. They have recorded 4 full-length albums and for 2018 they are preparing a new EP and a re-release of their classic album “Backwoods Messages”. Playing live GOLERS are harder than an NHL player’s shot and we are looking forward to enjoying them at the Bojiště/Battlefield !!! It will be a true GOLER INFERNO!!! 11.35 - 12.00 SHAMPOON KILLER (CZECH REPUBLIC) SHAMPOON KILLER!!! What a self-explanatory name. The enemies of a disco dancing after whose concert there will surely be blood on the dance floor. Old school brutal death metal project that was created in 2007 by the members of Prague bands such as Sarcom, Appalling Spawn, Heaving Earth, Brutally Deceased or Poppy Seed Grinder. It means we’re dealing with the right people in the right place. For all the fans of old school brutal death metal !!! KILL THE SHAMPOON!!! VIOLATOR - Capaca

To play at Obscene Extreme last year was one the greatest experiences I ever have with Violator. We always wanted to attend to the festival someday and we were invited to play it was even better! We traveled all the way from Brazil to Czech Republic and we chose to play only at Obscene Extreme so we could enjoy the whole festival. It was a great pleasure to see and share the stage and some beers with so many bands that we like in only one festival. It was a great experience! Congratulations Curby and Obscene Extreme Crew for the excellent work supporting the underground!!!

12.10 - 12.35 ULTRA-VIOLENCE (ITALY)

These really young guys from Torino, Italy who do look like kids, will deliver a blast mix of violent but still melodic thrash metal at OEF 2018. Despite their young age, the guys have played a lot of shows around Europe and in Japan along with some big names of the genre like Exodus, Testament, Onslaught and others. ULTRA-VIOLENCE are now working hard on a new album which should see the light of day in the beginning of 2018, so they will surely play a couple of new tracks for us at OEF 2018!!! MOSH TILL DEATH!!!

12.45 - 13.10 CHEPANG (NEPAL) Imigrant grindcore! That’s never happened before! This band consisting of Nepalese immigrants who settled in the US because they and the members of their families were sentenced to death was formed in 2016. Some of their relatives are still in Nepal and are in danger of their lives. With their brutal grind destruction they indirectly want to attract attention to their fate and the fate of their families. We will definitely be given a quality harsh production and the band CHEPANG will be for sure given a warm welcome at the OEF 2018 in Trutnov!!! 13.20 - 13.45 DISFIGURED CORPSE (CZECH REPUBLIC)

One of the longest-running grindcore bands in Czech territory is back at OEF!!! DISFIGURED CORPSE was one of the first bands that has been playing a true extreme style of music since 1991 and is still, though not regularly, active. This truly legendary band hailing from the huge musical hatchery of OKR (Ostrava-Karvina coal-mining district) has had their ups and downs but they are still around. Their grindcore heart, however, is beating in the right place and the news that they are working on a new EP has pleasantly surprised us. That is why we are glad to announce them as another great band for OEF 2018!!! Desire hasn’t been broken!!!

13.55 - 14.20 ANTIGOD (CZECH REPUBLIC) We’ll win this war! …the good soldier Svejk would say. But we mean the war in the moshpit where all of you will enjoy the war pandemonium under the command of the Czech band ANTIGOD!!! This thrash/death metal bunch of troublemakers was formed in 2011 but the members are not any newcomers but rather the veterans of the Czech extreme scene who were active in the bands like Disfigured Corpse, Euthanasia or Isacaarum. Though not long in the scene, ANTIGOD already have two full-length albums with especially the latest one called „Wareligion“ being a great piece. Having a new reinforcement behind the micro, vocalist Chymus, well-known from the legendary cunt commando Isacaarum, ANTIGOD are very active live and have really kick-started!!! They will show us all of this at the OEF 2018!!! A bullet straight into your head!!! ANTIGOD!!!

OBSCENE EXTREME 2019 JULY 3-7, 2019 Trutnov - Battlefield Czech Republic

S.D.I. - Reinhard Kruse

Our gig at OEF was awesome. We had a lot of fun on the stage and our gig ran really well (though we had some rain at the end of the show, the people did’nt care and partied on). BIG FUN! I remember, that I was a bit sorry there were only men on stage when we played „Megamosh“. A couple of stagediving boys took off all their clothes and presented themselves on stage in complete nudity with „Flying Penis“. I posted it on facebook right away. It’s quite common to see some weird things going on in the crowd, but this was the first time SDI had people posing their “belongings” naked on the stage. But we had to learn that this was not the strangest thing at this evening, because we were followed by that „Selfie-the-clown-I hurt-myself-until-I-bleed-likea-slaughtered-pig-Show. Uuarrghh!!! Not my case, but really obscene and really extreme! Nevertheless, our trip to Trutnov had a sad aftertaste: For SDI and a lot of SDI-Fans the OEF show will always be reminded also as the festival, when our guitar-player Rage told us, that he has to leave the band because of a serious illness he wants (and has) to take care about. A few hours before the show he told us backstage, that he has decided to leave the band in October after our upcoming gig in Sofia/Bulgaria. Sad, but true! We understand and support him while he has to care about more important things than Speed Metal. Anyway! There was a really cool mood in that whole area: very friendly, very open. I appreciated it very much. We met and talked with a lot of fans from all over the world and I had really good time there. We’d love to come back some day!

14.30 - 14.55 LICH KING (USA) So, we have got here one of the first bands for OEF 2018 and straight away it is an ace up our sleeve. The kings of the new age of thrash metal, LICH KING a band from Greenfield, Massachusetts, US. Founded in 2007 with six full-length albums out already. Not only the latest one called „The Omniclasm“ put them on the map of thrash metal. The boys are also an experienced live band having toured both America and Europe (two long tours) already. We can look forward to a powerful thrash metal in the best tradition of the Bay area bands such as Exodus or Vio-lence with a punk feeling. Their raging music compels you to the moshpit and we are fucking happy to introduce them at OEF 2018!!! 15.05 - 15.30 VULVODYNIA (SOUTH AFRICA)

VULVODYNIA... the nightmare of every woman.. or also one of the most vigorous brutal death metal bands of today. Choose what you would like to have the honour of meeting. If the latter one, do not miss the performance of this pack from South Africa at this year’s OEF! They have been around in the scene for four years only but the base of their devoted fans has been growing thanks to their tireless gigging and travelling around the world. The South Africans actually feel almost at home in the Czech lands but have never before come to visit Trutnov’s boards!!!


If you are the fans of horror themes about gore and zombies, this band will not be unknown to you. The Spanish quintet GRUESOME STUFF RELISH does reincarnate the best years of horror grind when the world was ruled by the mighty Impetigo!!! GRUESOME STUFF RELISH started in 1999 on the ruins of a band called Repugnance with a clear vision to play a mix of old school gore grind in the vein of Impetigo or Necrony with the lyrics full of love to the classical Italian splatter horrors. The band is also active in playing live and it will be their third time at OEF. We just can’t get enough of this great old school gore grind and are happy to welcome them again among the grind zombies at the Battlefield!!! You will be eaten alive!!!

16.20 - 16.50 LOBOTOMIA (BRAZIL)

Hailing from the famous samba town on the river Tiete, Sao Paulo, we can welcome another legendary squad called LOBOTOMIA!!! It’s almost unbelievable but these gentlemen started the band as early as in 1984!!! The music influenced by both American and European hardcore/punk but with the acceleration only Latin American bands can do is what we can look forward to. LOBOTOMIA has not been playing live too often lately and we are more than happy to have been able to win them over to the OEF 2018!!! And we all will get lobotomised by their hellish performance!!!

17.00 - 17.35 FLESHCRAWL (GERMANY) Of course, we have another lethal ace up our sleeve and that’s the legendary Germany’s death metal squad FLESHCRAWL!!! A very old band, founded in 1991, known even since 1987 under other names!!! No need to remind all the death metal maniacs we will have the honor to hear extra European death metal fire of Swedish style!!! To date FLESHCRAWL have eight full-length albums under their belt, several EP`s or split recordings and, of course, a lot of gigs all around the globe and tours with world-class names such as Vader, Six Feet Under, Kataklysm or Hypocrisy. Actually, the devil take it as they themselves are a big name. The best will be to check this quintet out with your own eyes and ears making sausage mince out of you at OEF 2018!!! 17.45 - 18.20 AXIS OF DESPAIR (SWEDEN)

One of the newer Swedish acts but with experienced musicians. AXIS OF DESPAIR!!! Just in these days we recall the death of Mieszko, the grindcore legend and the legendary bandmaster of Nasum. AXIS OF DESPAIR, the band from Sweden, Örebro, continues the legacy of this legendary band. No surprise actually as one of the most appropriate persons, Anders Jakobson, will be there behind the drums!!! He joined forces with the members of the bands Coldworker, Livet som insats, Nervgift, Overtorture and Volturyon. AXIS OF DESPAIR were formed in spring 2014 and since they have released two 7-inch recordings full of total grindcore that does crush everything alive!!! AXIS OF DESPAIR plans to record their full-length album in 2018 and we are happy because having them for the OEF 2018 is a great piece of news for the beginning of the new year!!!

18.30 - 19.10 ACIDEZ (MEXICO) Following years of being on the road all over the world this relatively young but already classical punk beat from Guadalajara, Mexico called ACIDEZ will stop by at OEF 2018!!! They were formed in 2003 and came with pissed off punk which is so typical for Latin America right with their first demotape. Music with punk, thrash metal and d-beat elements is what these youngsters can do best and what they proved on their albums such as „Don’t Ask for Permission“ or on their latest effort „Welcome to the 3D Era“. We are happy to welcome them on the boards of OEF 2018 as this band will be soon spoken about in superlatives only. Put your mohawks up, ACIDEZ are here!!!

19.20 - 20.00 GRUESOME (USA) At a time full of modern shit it is not easy to start a band whose production heads in the direction of old school as a salute to the idols that brought many of us to the music. GRUESOME was created as a tribute to the old production of DEATH and gives the shivers with its convincing execution. There are not many people on our spoilt planet who can convincingly emulate Chuck’s vocal. See this band and judge for yourselves. You will be delighted by them!!! Scream Bloody GRUESOME at OEF 2018!!! 20.10 - 21.00 GUTALAX (CZECH REPUBLIC) Do you like dancing? In that case gore grind GUTALAX are here for you. Come to have a dance in the moshpit, because this Czech band know very well how to pump it up on the stage. Last time you could dance with them at Obscene Extreme in 2016 during their special GUTALAX TOI TOI SHOW. Since then the gentlemen have not departed from their belief that the dance heals and the poo is eternal!!! 21.15 - 22.15 EXHUMED (USA)

The one and only! Introducing another legendary headliner of OEF 2018!!! The headline makes it clear that we’re talking about the American grinding gore act EXHUMED!!! The band, formed around main-brain Matt Harvey has been around since 1991 when Matt (then 15 years-old) founded it. We are excited to welcome them back to OEF for the third time - we remember their first time at the festival at OEF 3 back in 2001 when they leveled the battlefield!!! At this year’s OEF, EXHUMED will crush us all with a special “old-school” set, featuring only material from their essential records “Gore Metal,” “Slaughtercult,” and “In the Name of Gore”!!! No gravestone will remain unturned and no one will leave the battlefield unbloodied!!!

22.30 - 23.30 SUFFOCATION (USA) SUFFOCATION is immortal in its style! They reshaped the history of death metal through and through and still holding their flag proudly in their hands despite constant line-up changes. Their own scars have toughened them and when they start with the hymns which we were building our dreams on only the complete idiots can begin to solve crap such as where this or that member has gone... SUFFOCATION was, is, and always will be a death metal cult for its perverse riffs and for its phrasing through which already a second generation learns how to create and to develop this extreme genre. We will be honoured to welcome them again on the boards of Obscene Extreme. Let yourselves stew in your own juice!!!

VEGAN ZONE AT OBSCENE EXTREME 2018!!! Here we have an innovation for the lovers of good food! Obscene Extreme is a vegetarian / vegan festival right from the beginning. That is why we have prepared VEGAN ALLEY for you this year where you will find plenty of great stalls where you can taste excellent vegan gastronomy !!! Believe us you have something to be looking forward to. We as the lovers of good food want you to enjoy EXTREME culinary experience!

23.40 - 00.30 DAYGLO ABORTIONS (CANADA) There are not many Canadian bands to have played at OEF but a couple of them did perform in front of the insane audience. However, it has never been such a legend having been around in the scene since 1979!!! The veterans DAYGLO ABORTIONS from Victoria in Canada are the band to fulfil the criteria of the term „iconic“!!! Well-known around the world for their controversial attitude to extreme punk rock, the speed pedal pushed to the car floor or for the novel covers of their albums!!! Following numerous flip-flops the line-up of DAYGLO ABORTIONS has recently stabilised as a triplet consisting of The Cretin, Willy Jak and Blarc. They are planning several gigs in Europe after five years and our punk rock heart is full of joy we can welcome them on the boards of the OEF 2018 too!!! DAYGLO ABORTIONS will show you with their typical sense of humour how to survive a punk armageddon!!! 00.40 - 01.00 S&M PROJECT (CZECH REPUBLIC)

Exordium - Evil and Hate † The essence of Evil and a junkie who adores drugs, nordic mythology, and occultism. A transvestite. Hated, repulsive, merciless. Deplorable, primitive and limited. Führer? More like pathetic. With his Lady and accomplice. An ilustration of what wise men of today despise and hate. Evil incarnate. This nineteenth day of July in the year of our Lord, two thousand and eighteen. Second festival day, at Obscene Extreme! † For _S&M Project_ _Sultan Sade_

01.00 - 01.30 FLY HIGH TRIBE SHOW (CZECH REPUBLIC) We will present ourselves in our suspension show in full beauty. This time under the slogan “Happy birthday”. There will be a celebration, a cake, fun and perhaps a surprise. We are looking forward to see you soon.


SAMORA SQUID, the rubber boned, iron stomached idiotic Tasmanian here to perform an explosive act not seen here since 2015, that is sure to be ball blasting! He’ll also bend, twist, manipulate and dislocate his body into fucked up positions for your viewing displeasure, the way you know and love.

Also returning by popular demand is the one and only PRINCESS TWEEDLE NEEDLE, a fearless and ferocious femme fatale! Tweedle combines traditional fakir stunts with outrageous and sideshow acts. She’s charming, comical, and completely fearless, as she lifts strange items with stranger body parts, which some may remember her from last year. She’ll be doing some brand new crazy shit, as well as bringing back some of the crowd’s favourite mayhem. ZORA WAN DER BLAST is a Polish aerialist, contortionist and bonafide heart breaker, with the strongest ass in the universe (no, really)! Joining us for the first time, this is your chance to see her perform some truly twisted, tortureous, terrifying feats of human endurance and physical skill, that most people wouldn’t survive and is sure to shock and amaze!

02.00 - 02.20 SELFIE, THE CLOWN (ISRAEL)

“HELL! HELL! HELLO Everyone! SelfieTheClown here, writing to all of you sick fuckers out there! First thing I have to say is, WOW! Obscene Extreme 20th anniversary is here and I’m so excited to take part at this one. It is gonna be my third time at OEF and I feel that it became a home and a family, a place to unleash my sickness and share it with you all. To this festival I come first of all as a fan! For this year I prepare a concentrate, fast , brutal show! Let’s see how much I can take!?!? Join me for this experiment, come and witness the pain stretched to the limit, then the limits falling down and break, with no time to stop catching the breath, or pushing my prolapse back into place, this show gonna be a sprint run straight into hell! NO REST FOR THE WICKED!” SelfieTheClown

02.30 - 04.10 SLAVE TO THE GRIND - A Film About Grindcore (CANADA) PREMIERE!!! We are absolute delighted to announce that we will be screening Slave To The Grind at Obscene Extreme festival 2018!!! Slave To The Grind is the very first documentary on Grindcore. It tackles its complex history, charting its rise from both punk and metal in the 80s. It was shot over 4 years in 9 countries on 4 continents. It was strictly DIY, with zero funding from studios or any corporate funding. Doug Brown (Producer/Director of the Grindcore movie) says: “This film was done with the support of a community. We had the pleasure of sifting through nearly 1,000 hours of raw fan submitted concert footage. We conducted nearly 100 hours of interviews with 72 subjects from around the globe. A project of this magnitude was made possible because of the support from the bands and fans since day one. We are honored to be making this film along side the heavy music community.”

FRIDAY 20. 7.2018

10.00 - 10.20 TEDDY BEAR AUTOPSY (CZECH REPUBLIC) We often introduce both fresh and original bands apart from the legends and the bands that have been active for many years to you. And this is just the case!!! The new Czech grind act TEDDY BEAR AUTOPSY has been around only since 2015!!! Needless to say, the guys in the band are no newcomers as TEDDY BEAR AUTOPSY was born on the ruins of the famous grinders Negligent Collateral Collapse and Eardelete!!! The guys decided to start with a live performance and we are pleased to invite them to the boards of Obscene Extreme Festival where the boys will play their fourth live performance!!! GHOUL - Digestor

Obscene Extreme has always been a fest that Ghoul has wanted to play, and so when we finally got to do it we were so happy we puked. The crowd is insane, the bands are all amazing, and the goulash is to die for. Or maybe kill for. Either one! It’s hard for me to pinpoint any specific thing that made the day special, but the atmosphere of OE is really very unique, and everyone is just there to have a good time and be who they are. Getting to play alongside bands like Discharge and Brujeria is a huge honor, and it’s hands down one of the most fun fests we’ve ever been a part of. One thing that stood out to me is how nice the crew is, and it made it all the more sad that we had to slaughter so many of them, string them up by their intestines, and play them like a washtub bass. Their families can take some consolation in the fact that Cremator played a stunning rendition of the Manowar version of Flight of the Bumblebee “Sting of the Bumblebee” on the internal organs of their young relatives. I would have videotaped it but I couldn’t figure out the camera. C’est la vie! Anyway, the audience were extremely nice and didn’t deserve any of the horrible stuff we did to them, so I hope the survivors can forgive us.

SYSTEMATIC DEATH - Masaaki ”Captain Koba” Sweden

My first OEF experience was OEF Asia 2014 at Asakusa Kurawood, Tokyo. Actually I had no idea what to expect when I learnt that the festival from Czechia would be held in Asakusa. However, as I got to know the OEF history and the facts about the world tour I was very impressed by Curby’s spirit of challenge and surprised by the OEF activity on a global scale. Then, S.O.B.(2015) and DEATH SIDE (2016) from Japan played at OEF in Czechia and I heard a lot of stories from them. In 2017, fortunately, I had the chance to see OEF with my own eyes. It was one of the biggest festivals in my music career for decades. I was nothing but excited when I saw the bands and the audience hailing from the whole world enjoying extreme music together in the open. And I was very happy to see my old friends again such as DISCHARGE, INFEST, SEE YOU IN HELL etc. It was a great chance for us to gather in one place. (However, I’m very sorry that I couldn’t meet Phillip from SYIH who had passed away in 2016. RIP). During the show of my band we had some troubles because we got carried away a bit. However, that moment is beyond description and engraved in my heart- I could feel the sounds expanding from the open air stage to the forest and the freedom-loving audience. Actually, Czechia is not a top destination for the Japanese travellers, but among Japanese punks like us, Czechia becomes popular for manufacturing high-quality vinyl records and Obscene Extreme Festival! Thank you very much for supporting Japanese Hardcore! I hope more bands and people will visit Czechia due to OEF!

10.30 - 10.50 F.A.M. (POLAND)

Grind from our northern neighbours. This cannot turn out wrong!!! Following the tradition of great and legendary grind acts such as Squash Bowels or Dead Infection we can introduce you a younger though but no less crushing quartet F.A.M. (Furor Arma Ministr)!!! The guys have been crushing their grindcore with a touch of death metal since 2005 when they were formed on the ruins of the band Dissinter. Since they have put out two full-length albums, one mini CD and a 3-Way split record. Although F.A.M. have already played at the OEF, it was at the Svojšice venue in 2009 which means that it will be F.A.M.’s premiere at the Battlefield!!! And we will arrange for a crushing moshpit at the Battlefield!!!


So this is a real grind mosh. If there is anyone around you who has not heard anything about the grind core style (is there anybody like this around you at all?), let them listen to any recording of this band and he or she will immediately understand. And what’s that you will be playing? French hyperactive grind curettage called DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. A band that is going to celebrate its 10th anniversary just next year. And they did manage a lot during that time. This band lives for grind! And you will be able to check it out at the Obscene Extreme Festival 2018!!!


This grind core commando from Australia originated in 2014 and is formed as a duo of maniacs who were previously active in bands such as Powexchuck and Seminal Embalmment. During the past few years they recorded and released a demo and a few 7-inch splits. Having completed a five week USA/CAN tour they will also honour the Trutnov Battlefield with their grind at the Obscene Extreme Festival in 2018. We cannot think of any poor grind core band hailing from Australia. Ladies and Gentlemen - METH LEPPARD’s aussie grind core massacre!!!

12.10 - 12.35 ORGAN DEALER (USA)

Here we have another grinding act. Very young representatives of frenzied American grindcore called ORGAN DEALER. Born in 2013 and inspired by the hostile suburbs of New Jersey they could not choose any other music style than absolutely insane grind core. Since the band’s start they have toured America, Canada several times and also Europe once. They released only a single full-length so far titled „Visceral Infestion“ in 2014 which does sound great however. Their latest effort, a split EP with Swedish Birdflesh, shows a very big potential of this quintet. And we give them the chance to grind you to dust at OEF 2018!!! ORGAN FUCKING DEALER!!!

12.45 - 13.10 EXPURGO (BRAZIL) EXPURGO, another band from an incredible reservoir of insane bands called Brazil!!! These guys stick to an energetic grindcore with some elements of old school death metal and with the unbeliavable rage only the Latin American squads possess. Born in 2003 in the famous City of Belo Horizonte tormented by criminality, dirt and shambles. That is where, most probably, the origin of their with dirt contaminated, sick sound lies. They have been working just right now on their second album named „Deformed By Law“ which they will definitely play a song or two from at OEF 2018!!! Forget the samba, THIS IS GRINDCORE!!!

13.20 - 13.45 OXIDISED RAZOR (MEXICO) Let us introduce to you further Mexican representatives of gore grind, a quartet called OXIDISED RAZOR!!! This name is certainly not unknown to you as they hit the OEF boards in 2009 already having performed a brutal gore show. OXIDISED RAZOR were formed in 1998 meaning they will be celebrating a respectable 20 year anniversary this year and we can actually consider them veterans of the scene!!! OXIDISED RAZOR plays a brutally low tuned gore grind inspired by the classics of the genre such as Carcass, Impetigo, Repulsion, Meat Shits or Gore Beyond Necropsy and that is what we will get into our heads at OEF 2018 in full!!! The razors are sufficiently oxidized to start cutting!!!


13.55 - 14.20 TOOLS OF THE TRADE (MALAYSIA) Once again a hint of the exotic from faraway Asia. This Malaysian grind core blast have once played at the Obscene Extreme Festival and now the time for a revisit has come. Six years older (and more experienced of course…) having an array of successful tours under their belt and even more planned tours (Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia) and a number of planned recordings in front of them. Let us welcome this band named after one of the recordings of the mighty Carcass - TOOLS OF THE


If you have at home any photos, pictures, souvenirs or some other interesting stuff or story from OEF and you think it should be included in the book, feel free to contact us and send us your contribution to E-mail: oefbook@obsceneextreme.cz and participate together with us to create this book about OBSCENE EXTREME FESTIVAL, which will map it´s 20 years existence!!!


When I hear Obscene Extreme my mind immediately fills with the sounds of grindcore, gore and death metal. Drum machines, gutturals, blast beats and grunts. I think of the chaos on stage in Trutnov. Obscene Extreme’s slogan is “freak friendly”. After having the honor of playing the festival, I can confirm that it is truly freak friendly, as in open and welcoming to all kinds of people in the name of extreme art. It’s astounding how welcoming everyone is and what a positive environment it really is. Also, it deserves to be said, Curby is a truly passionate and invested festival organizer. He can be found at all hours helping bands and festival goers, and doing jobs at all levels, from stocking toilet paper to organizing bands onto the stage. A real deal legend! We have wanted to play OEF CZ for many years. My friends and I have always watched videos from the festival and marveled at how insane and over the top it seems. As we drove into Trutnov this year we truly wondered what we were in for, and it was more than we hoped for. A very welcoming environment. It was humbling to see a field full of people that were going crazy and just enjoying what the festival had to offer. We were lucky to play, as it was the only way we could afford to get over to Czech Republic to attend OEF.

14.30 - 14.55 NASHGUL (SPAIN) The Spanish grind band NASHGUL play exactly the style that fits in the OEF production as the well-known butt on the pot. Uncompromising old school grindcore without unnecessary frills. A total tribute to bands such as Napalm Death, Repulsion, Assück or Brutal Truth. Their latest album called “Cárcava” can be listened to over and over and will hardly tire out. One of the best grind squads of today on the Continent. Of course, it must be added that Luis Sendón who has been responsible for a substantial part of OEF’s graphics (posters, etc.) in recent years is there in the line-up!!! 15.05 - 15.30 AFGRUND (SWEDEN) Not every band can describe their production as d-beat grind. One of them, however, is originally a Swedish/Finnish band AFGRUND to which this description fits absolutely perfectly. Anyway, this band that started at a great pace about 11 years ago and then they went to the dogs (no, now we really do not think of their production that was, is and always will be top) but rather we speak about the functioning of the band itself. Now back again in full strength and ready for you with their unique mix delighting both punks and crusters and also the orthodox grindcorists to smash everything that is alive in front of the stage at the Obscene Extreme Festival 2018! All this with the support of a new record that is already out!!! 15.40 - 16.05 WOLFHOUR (SWEDEN)

WOLFHOUR at OEF 2018!!!

What will you get when you join the members of the Swedish squads Anti Cimex, Slaktattack and Blisterhead??? A raw punk ride in a d-beat cadence called WOLFHOUR!!! These gentlemen united in 2013 with a single ambition to play raw punk the way only the Swedish know. Unbelievable energy is what is pouring out of the stage during their live shows. No surprise as the engine behind the drums is the Swedish veteran Charlie from the legendary Anti Cimex!!! Not just him but the whole band will convince you that it’s worth it!!! The punk hour of wolves is here!!!

16.15 - 16.45 INHUMATE (FRANCE) The French band INHUMATE has been serving their 27th season and they are the next blast at the OEF 2018!!! These guys definitely do not need any big introduction as every fan of extreme music and especially the OEF fans know them very well. It will be the sixth time for them to play at the OEF after all. Started as a death metal band but their music moved more into the extreme grind core territory following a line-up change. Since then the band enjoys a great respect from the whole extreme scene for their D.I.Y. attitude.The members of the band keep coming to the OEF for years as the fans of extreme music, so you will not have any trouble meeting them and having a chat. We are proud to have these „workmen“ of grind core back at OEF!!! And we hope you will prepare a very warm welcome to them!!! 16.55 - 17.30 FLAGITIOUS IDIOSYNCRASY IN THE DILAPIDATION (JAPAN)

With pleasure we can introduce a band to you that will be on the boards of the European OEF for the second time. An extreme female quartet with a breakneck name FLAGITIOUS IDIOSYNCRASY IN THE DILAPIDATION returns to the OEF with their hellishly brutal show that would be able to floor even the famous Godzilla. Since their last show in Europe the girls have released another full-length album titled „Wallow“ at the American Six Weeks Records and it’s a fucking blast. The band was founded in 2003 meaning the girls are no novices and are ready to kick your arses at OEF 2018!!! BANZAI!!!

17.40 - 18.15 RECTAL SMEGMA (NETHERLANDS) Following a sad piece of news that Cock and Ball Torture, the classics of the gore genre, have to cancel their OEF show we have a very pleasant message now! We can introduce to you a no less great band of the same extreme rank, namely the Dutch Neanderthals RECTAL SMEGMA!!! They are no great unknown for the OEF`s fans. After all RECTAL SMEGMA have already visited Bojiště with their humoristic gore set four times!!! All this is supported by a great humour and hectoliters of beer!!! WHORES, BOOZE AND SANDWICHES!!! RECTAL SMEGMA coming to the OEF 2018!!! 18.25 - 19.05 MOB 47 (SWEDEN)

It’s just a fact. Everyone loves this Swedish band. From punks to grind heads. MOB 47 in action again! This Swedish punk legend is simply immortal. The current line-up has been oxygenated with new blood represented by a new bass player Christoffer (Korsfäst, Lautstürmer among others) in 2017. The whole trio is now ready to pogo the entire Battlefield away!!! Maybe we could be pleased by a new recording as the last one came out nine years ago. Anyway, this will be the icing on the cake of the entire anniversary Obscene Extreme Festival in 2018! You can bet on it!!!


Not only the OEF celebrates but also this band that is tied to the festival since its inception will be celebrating their unbelievable 30 years in the extreme scene!!! Who else could we be talking about than the Italian mobsters CRIPPLE BASTARDS???!!! A bunch of godfathers around their energetic leader Giulio started on their way in 1988 and they belong to the leading bands in the extreme music scene since. They started with noise core and has evolved into high energetic, hostile grind core machine to blast your head off!!! Their latest album „Nero in Metastasi“ released at Relapse records is a real masterpiece and the Italian quintuplet will easily prove it live at the OEF 2018!!! The slaughter is back!!! CRIPPLE BASTARDS at OEF 2018!!!

20.10 - 20.55 ROTTEN SOUND (FINLAND)

One of the essential bands for the Obscene Extreme fans. ROTTEN SOUND from Finland. One of the top grind core bands of today will honour the visitors of Trutnov’s Battlefield with a visit to celebrate the 20th anniversary of OEF! Their album „Abuse To Suffer“ at Season Of Mist of last year actually defined the style and sound of a new modern grind core wave and this band has thus become a synonym for the term grind! Harsh grind blending the ferocity of Napalm Death or Extreme Noise Terror with the uncompromising fierceness of Nasum. Socio-political lyrics are taken-for-granted. The first performance of this Finnish group in Trutnov took place as early as in 2000 and was the first ever show out of their homeland! Anything else to be added? A must!!!

21.05 - 22.00 ASPHYX (NETHERLANDS)

First of the OEF 2018 headliners. The legendary death/doom squad of ASPHYX from Holland return to Trutnov’s Battlefield to smash you to the smithereens!!! Active since 1987 they were at the birth of European death metal and their albums „The Rack“ or „Last One on Earth“ are the gems of the genre. After disbanding in 2000 ASPHYX returned to the stage in 2007 with a striking frontman and one of the top death metal vocalist Martin Van Drunen who does have a fucking dynamite in his throat. The absolute hits like „Deathhammer“ or „Death…the Brutal Way“ come from this new era. And not only these will be there in the set list of this great band. Death is comming in a brutal way of ASPHYX!!!


“NAPALM DEATH!!! Yes, the only possible headliner of our anniversary festival!!! The band that have personally influenced me in an incredible way and I am extremely glad to this day the immortal albums “Scum” and “From Enslavement …” happened to come my way being still a greenhorn at that time! It was and will be a cult forever!!! That unreal energy, that passion, that fascinating tempo ... Even after so many years (and listenings) one would still break his head by a massive banging to the beat !!! This band just means a lot to me. The boys have my endless respect for keeping it up for an unbelievable 37 years. Though I can say there were times and records that did not smell as sweet as the above-mentioned milestones to me but maybe that is why I appreciate them even more. Always they did what they considered right and what they just wanted which reminds me a lot of my or perhaps our OEF story. Naturally, I never dreamed even in my wildest dreams that I would regard these guys as good friends, go to visit them with the whole family for vacation and look forward to every meeting ... I do not believe they will ever be out of breath as when I saw two concerts during their latest Czechoslovak tour couple of weeks ago it was an unreal stream of pure energy and maybe even some of the best NAPALM DEATHs concerts I have ever seen!!! Yes, I love NAPALM DEATH and I always will. And this year I will definitely stage dive during their concert and enjoy this gig totally! Howgh!” Čurby/Obscene

HOLY MOSES - Sabina Classen

When I think of OEF, I can feel that it was a fucking amazing party! For me it was an unbelievable moment when Danny Lilker came on stage with us to jam „Too Drunk To Fuck“. Together with a lot of fans it was a dream from me, to be back with Danny on stage, since he was my bass player more than 20 years ago. OEF is a great kind of Organisation with a wonderful crew and I loved it to be on a vegan festival. Curby!!!!! - you and your crew and all the fans are wonderful and I hope we can be back with Holy Moses. many thanks for being a part of it in 2017. I will never forget this great festival and I enjoyed each minute at the festival!!!!! Yours Sabina, female voice from hell in old school thrashers Holy Moses.

23.25 - 00.15 WORMROT (SINGAPORE)

The only show in Europe! Ladies and gentlemen, in 2018 meaning at the 20th volume of Obscene Extreme Festival you can look forward to an exclusive show of a top grind band of today which is nobody else than the Singaporean balls-to-the-wall WORMROT. Their latest album „Voices“ released in 2016 at Earache does for sure belong in the top ten grind albums of the last 5 years. Ten years of existence, an array of tours and great guys as a bonus! We will meet in the mosh pit in July!!!

00.25 - 01.10 LE SCRAWL (GERMANY) For the fourth time already the German experimenters called LE SCRAWL will come to dash us to pieces! Grind core charge with the elements of jazz, ska and some other musical subgenres, underlined by great saxophone, is what makes LE SCRAWL well-known all over the world !!! The inception of LE SCRAWL dates back to 1989 when they were, with this style, a true revelation on the scene. Since that time LE SCRAWL have secured an honorable position on the underground map and released further recordings with the latest one being an album titled “Snowblind” at Obscene Productions in 2010. LE SCRAWL are back after a hiatus and we believe you are looking forward to their disparate and tricky melodies just like us!!! 01.20 - 01.50 KRAANIUM (NORWAY) KRAANIUM, the guys who have chosen brutal slam death metal style, are heading our way from Norway, the land of black metal!!! Formed in 2001 they are one of the pioneers of the slam death metal genre. Unfortunately, this year was very ill-fated for the band as their original singer Martin Funderud tragically died at the age of 38. However, the rest of the band keep the machine roaring and they engage a new singer Jack Christensen. With the new frontman and full of self-confidence these Vikings intend to turn their blackened thoughts into a shining monolith on the grounds of Trutnov as a great memento...of one legendary singer...firmly believing that YOU will give them a helping hand!!! KRAANIUM are arriving to demolish the Battlefield!!!

02.00 - 02.25 JACK (HUNGARY) This Hungarian grind/crust ensemble are quite experienced and with countless recordings and tours (not only) across Europe. They played quite a lot in Czech too. Though it does not seem like these guys have been around for 2 decades you can feel they know what they are doing. Also their latest album named “Neurozis” from 2016 has received a positive feedback which is why it is more than clear that this unstoppable machine has received a second invitation to the Obscene Extreme Festival in 2018! Ladies and gentlemen - JACK!!! 02.35 - 03.00 BASEMENT TORTURE KILLINGS

(UNITED KINGDOM) From the UK we welcome for the first time Basement Torture Killings. These purveyors of snuff grind have been active since 2007 and have released 3 full lengths and several split CD’s. In 2017 the band released their latest musical exhibit “There’s Something About Beryl” which was the first to feature new front woman Beryl, this release has seen the band grow in reputation and even saw them make the national papers in the UK. Basement Torture Killings will bring their intoxicating mix of fast and furious death/grind and love of 80’s slasher movies to the stage at OEF, promising to leave a blood soaked crime scene and an exhausted crowd having witnessed “Bloody Basement Torture Killings”.

SATURDAY 21.7.2018

08.00 - 09.40 SLAVE TO THE GRIND - A Film About Grindcore



For all the fans of harsh hardcore blended with dirty crust aka fans of the bands such as Converge, Cursed or Baptists hold tight as DECULTIVATE will erase you from Earth`s surface with their uncompromising mosh. So once again for the slower ones - scandalous hardcore hurricane called Decultivate with the half of Flowers For Whores line-up and a debut album at the iconic label Pushteek - come to Trutnov 18th to 22nd of July as you will “Milovat = Love” this.

for the OEF 2018 in the line-up !!!

10.30 - 10.50 DEEP DIRTY (GERMANY) Introducing Stephan Schäfer to those moving around the death/gore/grind arenas for quite some time is probably rather futile!!! Guitar player and singer of the band Rapemachine who in 2017 started his solo project DEEP DIRTY due to creative overpressure which he released his first full-length album “Brutal Silence” with. Do not expect any silence though!!! As is Stefan’s habit we can await a dense gore grind charge with bubbling vocals and automatic drummer !!! So, we can welcome DEEP DIRTY as the last confirmed band


Obscene Extreme! What can I say, the best DIY professionally run festival on the planet end of, an experience to end all experiences, best atmosphere of anywhere I’ve played, controlled carnage springs to mind which I’m sure all the bands feed off, I know we did. We set out from the UK early on the day we played due to early flights, upon arrival we thought we’d catch a few hours sleep but the hotel was having work done so all we could hear was pneumatic drills all afternoon, when we got to the festival it was as if the drills kicked in again 10 fold Ahhhhhhhhhhh the nightmare continues!!!!!!!! Pardon the pun lol But seriously it’s a credit to Curby and his team, everything felt right from beginning to end, all the best for the future, long may it continue.

11.00 - 11.25 GOD MOTHER (SWEDEN)

The modern mix of metal and hardcore by GOD MOTHER from Sweden will surely delight many fans of bands such as Dillinger Escape Plan, Pig Destroyer or Converge which the band is ranked to due to their unique mix of styles. Frantic math rock passages alternate with sludge/grind positions and all that is wrapped in an intense hardcore expression. And you certainly will not be wrong to hear the infuence of bands such as Nasum, Black Breath or Rotten Sound in their production. This band will be a desired genre diversification at OEF 2018!!!

11.35 - 12.00 CORPSESSED (FINLAND)

Sick death metal through which the dead rise from the graves. This is what CORPSESSED from Finland, the worshippers of Lovecraft and the occult sciences, will bring to Trutnov’s boards. Do not expect some shiny death metal, calm and full of melodies. Death, destruction and a very deadly atmosphere which will give you the creeps spread from the stage of CORPSESSED. They do not only serve pure death metal to their zombie fans but they add various ingredients to it. This is death!!!

12.10 - 12.35 BIO CRISIS (MEXICO) All the fans of Scandinavian crust will be delighted. Though this band comes from Mexico it produces a high octane crust core soaked with the Scandinavian school. So be on the alert – those of you liking the bands such as Wolfbrigade, Skitsystem, Martyrdöd - we have a hot tip for you - BIO CRISIS. They have done loads of concerts in Mexico and the USA and next year they are going to visit Europe for the first time with the Obscene Extreme Festival 2018 being one of the stops!!! 12.45 - 13.10 THANATOLOGY (MEXICO) Another representative of the Latin American fury is named THANATOLOGY!!! It is obvious just by their name that we can expect a rough bad-ass music with lyrics revelling in the dark side of medicine. Founded as early as in 1998 the guys recorded two demos that have never seen the light of day however. In 2006 the band became just a studio project, but still they produced some great recordings. Everything changes in 2014 when the band begins to play live and their line-up swarming with doctors and other medical staff stabilises. Grind core in top quality is what these doctors will deliver to us!!! Expect a live broadcast from the operating theatre with the crushers of THANATOLOGY!!!

13.20 - 13.45 BRUCEXCAMPBELL (USA)

Man! Harshness. This American grind core band will fucking kill it at the coming OEF 2018 apparently. And the squad that is spoken about? BRUCEXCAMPBELL. Fireball sound, grind fury, properly piggish rumble. If you know the bands like In-Disgust, P.L.F. or perhaps Excruciating Terror you’ll surely know what to expect. In recent years they have released their production at Give Praise Records and Grindfather Records. Next year hopefully, we’ll be finally pleased by a new, more complex recording after ten years since their debut!!!

13.55 - 14.20 SELF DECONSTRUCTION (JAPAN) Fast and furious! This is how this Japanese band called SELF DECONSTRUCTION can be described in short. One of the most active grind/power violence bands in the Japanese scene in terms of concerts and recordings. Frantic pace full of changes and twists just as it can be done only in Japan. Next split LP with another Japanese band called Speed!! Noise!! Hell!! will be released in Europe at RSR meaning they will be in the best form for the upcoming anniversary volume of OEF 2018! This will be a gem and delicacy for all the grind core/power violence fans!!! 14.30 - 14.55 ČAD (SLOVAKIA) Someone loves them and someone hates them. But they don’t give a damn. That’s exactly what this long-standing Slovakian squad called ČAD is about!!! A very active band that was formed as early as in 1994 will perform for the second time on the OEF’s stage. The guys around the main brain called Pišta Vandal are recently very much in demand as some of their recent albums such as „Ťažký Kov“, Čertova Kovadlina“ or the latest one titled „Bastard“ are very succesfull. This modest but very popular band which is also well-known for its vigorous performance has found the time and we are pleased to welcome them at OEF 2018!!! We can already hear the rattle of the devil’s anvil!!! BRODEQUIN - Jamie Bailey

In 2017 I had the privilege of performing with BRODEQUIN at Obscene Extreme for the second time, the first was in 2004. Curby truly loves the scene and it shows in the bill he puts together and the entire festival experience. Its more like a family reunion where every one can get together and be themselves while watching some of the best bands in the world. If you have not attended this event you are cheating yourself, this is how open air festivals are supposed to be! Curby and his staff do their absolute best to ensure that the bands and fans have the best possible time and are taken care of. I have nothing but great memories of OEF and hope to make more over the coming years both as a fan and a band. Cheers to my friend Curby for all he has created, heres to many, many more years!! OEF truly is the promised land! Thanks again for everything!!

15.05 - 15.30 DOBYTČÍ MOR (CZECH REPUBLIC) The name of the following catch for the OEF 2018 evokes an open fridge with dead animals impaled on hooks and rotting flesh. DOBYTČÍ MOR in Czech or MURRAIN in English as you want!!! This true legend of the Czechoslovak extreme music will play for us at OEF after years. Attention however!!! They will play their legendary album „The Famine“ released as early as in 1993 and currently being released as a re-edition in its entirety. The duo of Kanec and Rostič have been together right from the beginning and in recent years they hired an old veteran Hary, well-known as a member of the band Pathologist from Ostrava on bass. And these brutes will grind us into bone dust with their time-proven songs from the legendary album!!! Silent pastures will not be silent this time!!! 15.40 - 16.05 BIRDFLESH (SWEDEN)

For the fifth time these furious farmers from Växjö, Sweden will pack their forks, shovels and wellington boots and will be heading for their so to say „home ground“ in Trutnov. No need to tell all the OEF maniacs that it is no one other than BIRDFLESH!!! Let’s just recall this furious trio was formed as early as in 1992 and the guys have been playing shows all around the world since. They have also released many recordings with especially „The Farmer’s Wrath“ branding them into the grind core maniacs` minds. And we do look forward to their „manuring“. The way only Smattro, Achmed and Panda know to do. No one else!!! BIRDFLESH is back at OEF 2018!!!

16.15 - 16.45 FORCA MACABRA (FINLAND) This band will surely wipe the whole Battlefield out!!! FORÇA MACABRA is a long-running Finnish grinder that crushes in thrash core style with infernal speed and quite some dose of punk ferocity. Although all the members are Finnish, FORÇA MACABRA’s lyrics are in Portuguese in the vein of Brazilian acts such as Armagedom, Lobotomia or Olho Seco. Since 1991 when these maniacs started FORÇA MACABRA they have produced many records and last year they released a compilation of their songs titled „25 Anos na Estrada Mas por Favor Não Feche o Túmulo Ainda“ for their 25th anniversary. Furious speed and hellish commitment is the name of the game and we are happy to introduce them to you on the boards of OEF 2018!!! FORÇA FUCKING MACABRA!!! NUCLEAR ASSAULT - John Connelly

A cross-dressing Snow White followed by his kids dressed as the seven dwarves! Oh yeah, and one of the stage crew walking around in zombie shredded my face makeup! And the cool vibe from the “we’re all family” metal heads that I can’t get enough of! OEF is certainly the most unique festival I have ever had the pleasure of playing! I wish I’d been able to spend more time there! Hanging with Tortharry! Jetlagged as a motherfucker, and we’re dropping shots like its the apocalypse! Seriously, everyone involved in the fest was just a pleasure to be around! I hope we can somehow arrange to do it again someday!

16.55 - 17.30 BUTCHER ABC (JAPAN) This year’s first swallow from the land of the rising sun!!! BUTCHER ABC, apocalyptically sounding gore death metal, will cheer you up at the Obscene Extreme festival for the second time. The band was founded as early as in 1994, but they properly started after the split-up of their direct predecessors, well-known as an experimental grind band called C.S.S.O. BUTCHER ABC are fronted by an underground maniac Naru (guitarist of C.S.S.O. and the owner of Obliteration Records) and they are very active making various split records released all around the world. Still waiting for their first full-length album but not wet behind the ears at all. These gentlemen played many shows around the globe and they will prove their mastery at the boards of OEF 2018!!! NIPPON BUTCHER IS HERE!!! 17.40 - 18.15 ASOCIAL (SWEDEN)

And now no eye of a cruster should stay dry! Another Scandinavian punk legend to honour the festival stage of Obscene Extreme with their presence in 2018! This band cannot but be introduced with a banal phrase – Ladies and Gentlemen !!! – ASOCIAL! One of the foundation stones of the Swedish hardcore scene.A band that started as early as in the beginning of 80’s to take several loooooong breaks during its existence returned to the stage that means nothing (well, it depends for whom…) in 2016. In full strength and without a pinch of embarrassment or a touch of expediency these veterans will stuff you with a solid portion of classical käng! A MUST for the fans of Mob 47, Anti-Cimex, Crude S.S.!!!

18.25 - 19.05 BENIGHTED (FRANCE) All the lovers of extreme and furious music must grunt with pleasure!!! These French butchers do not struggle with that much and every show of theirs is a proper slaughter. BENIGHTED is a 100% warranty that their set will eviscerate and overturn your guts as a sharpened butcher’s knife. No deathgrind maniac should miss their show at OEF 2018 as it will be a total massacre!!! Blood will pour out of your ears!!! Uaaaaagggrhhhh!!!!! 19.15 - 20.00 AGROTÓXICO (BRAZIL) This Brazilian hardcore/punk legend will be celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. What can be better than celebrating with us live at this year’s Obscene Extreme Festival 2018?! AGROTÓXICO is one of the most active Brazilian bands as for both the live gigs and recordings. We assume that a lot of you may have met this squad playing live somewhere in Europe. We hope they will arrive to Europe in the best form and will bring their upcoming eighth studio album with them. Ladies and gentlemen - AGROTÓXICO from Brazil!!!

20.10 - 20.55 RATTUS (FINLAND)

This might be the oldest band ever to play at the OEF. The Finnish hardcore punkers called RATTUS mark 1978 as the year of inception!!! And nowadays they are undoubtedly the best-known name of the Scandinavian hardcore punk scene. Indeed, their first big album “Rattus on Rautaa” came out in 1981. After years of success, however, RATTUS broke up and in 1988 they became silent to reunite in 2001. They have been working intensively since, including concerts around the world and production of recordings. All of us certainly know we can expect a raw suomi hardcore punk charge whose members may very likely have got their second wind!!! Let’s bid RATTUS welcome at OEF 2018!!!

21.05 - 22.00 HAEMORRHAGE (SPAIN) No need to introduce this band much. All the OEF maniacs know this squad very well. It is clear as they will play at OEF for the fifth time now. Masters of gore grind from Spain. A band that is one the foundation stones of the genre, HAEMORRHAGE!!! Established in 1990 under the name of Devourment. They changed their name after one year and have been around with no breaks till today and they definitely do not seem to quit any time soon. Out of the deepest underground these four gentlemen and a lady made it to the biggest stages all around the world. Starting with their first full-length classic „Emetic Cult“ to their latest effort „We are the Gore“ which was released in October 2017 by Relapse. This band still keep their unmistakable style of gore grind with a light flavour of punk feeling and attitude. Blood, pus, doctor’s white coats and other instruments at OEF 2018. HAEMORRHAGE to enter the OEF stage!!! 22.15 - 23.15 GRAVE (SWEDEN)

Yes, we are pleased to introduce to you one of the bands that was there at the inception of the European death metal!!! It is no one else than the Swedish, brutally low-tuned machine called GRAVE!!! Surely, there is no need to introduce them as every Death Metal maniac knows them very well. The gems “Into the Grave” or “You’ll Never See” and these albums definitely occupy a place of honour in your collections. The band around the blonde frontman Ola has been playing since 1986, back then still under the name CORPSE, and this year they will be playing at the OEF for the third time bringing us a special set that will be in a very old school spirit playing GRAVE’s production only until 1991. All of us can look forward to and enjoy the ride in a time machine and the live version of their demo songs and of their first album titled GRAVE!!! We will be the witnesses of the beginning of death metal!!! Back into the grave at OEF 2018!!!

RAZOR-Dave Carlo

When I think of the Obscene Extreme Festival, I think of many things and they are all AWESOME! First I think of the great Czech Republic in the summer, a great time to be there! What better place and time for an extreme metal festival. The fans at this event are crazy! Lots of over the top thrashing right on stage, the way it is meant to be! The staff are professional, very organized and make sure everyone involved has a great experience. The line up of bands is always first class. It was a real privilege to be on the same show as our friends in Nuclear Assault as well as the amazing Violator, another band who is relentless, much like Razor. The atmosphere at this event is like no other. You must be there to experience raw appreciation of our favourite music. Make your way there my friends! I hope to bring Razor back some day. All the best!


We where really thrilled when Curby asked us 2016 to play his festival at 2017. Obscene Extreme!?!... the craziest party with the loudest music in Europe!!? How great is that? What we have found when we arrived was the really craziest party with the definitly loudest music PLUS one of the best festival organizations which we ever have seen! During our show, i think it was the second song, our drummer Lacky destroyed his hanging Toms! They hung down sadly! The hero of the day was “Pikachu” because Pokemon Pikachu repaired the drumset in a Minute.. to be honest... It was not a real Pokemon... just a great stagehand in a pikachu costume...! But that´s the way it works at Obscene Extreme! Thanks for that Curby! Silence sucks!!!! Whenever you call we will be back!!


Oh yes, here there is another legend of pathological grindcore/death metal directly from the land of Tre kronor, GENERAL SURGERY!!! There is scarcely anyone who would not know their legendary demo „Erosive Offals“ or an EP „Necrology“ that were really the top works of the genre back then in 1990–1991 and compared to the early Carcass albums by the magazine reviews. The band went through several line-up changes and in 2003 the reformed band rose from the dead and recorded a split EP with an American band called The County Medical Examiners and in the end their debut album „Left Hand Pathology“ for Listenable Records. It’s quite rare to see GENERAL SURGERY live but the band members are also very active in several other bands like Regurgitate, Dismember, Nasum or Birdflesh. However, OEF 2018 will have a great experience for us as GENERAL SURGERY will play their legendary „Necrology“ EP in it’s entirety with the original singer Grant McWilliams. So, with that, let me pass the mic to Dr. McWilliams: “30 years of gore-soaked insanity in the GENERAL SURGERY operating room have passed, and what better way to celebrate than to perform at one of the prime festivals for such noise, OEF. For this anniversary they’ve somehow managed to dust off their old vocalist to once again temporarily join their ranks in order to achieve the proper chaos of the songs that started it all. The surgeons will be bringing their own brand of offal infested metal to the stage and letting my good self, Dr. McWilliams, bring my own peculiar tinge to the sing-along anthems of Necrology. All this in order to properly come to the soul crushing realization of their mortality and the fact that they’re really old.” Prepare yourself orderly and don your protective clothing - get ready for a full performance of the Necrology EP along with choice cuts from the surgery team’s entire putrid discography. If that’s not something to look forward to, we don’t know what is. We are very happy GENERAL SURGERY have found the time and will come to Trutnov for the fifth time to show you a real dissection looks like at OEF!!! Well, let’s hand them the scalpels!!!

00.25 - 01.10 ARMAGEDOM (BRAZIL) A Brazilian hardcore legend that has not surprisingly performed in Trutnov at the Obscene Extreme Festival yet. It will probably be one of the last Brazilian underground legends we can strike from a list with a clear conscience. And who is that you are asking? ARMAGEDOM ALONE! The band which was founded as early as in 1984 and became the inspiration for hundreds of other bands for more than three upcoming decades. Legends of the world’s hardcore/punk/thrash scene! ARMAGEDOM from Brazil!!!

01.20 - 01.50 UNDERGANG (DENMARK)

This time we will have the chance to encounter Danish squad called UNDERGANG who spread the destruction in their mother language will come dashing from Northern Europe. Do not expect a walk through Legoland however but the sickest old school death metal of the coarsest kind. UNDERGANG which means „Downfall” in Danish crawled out of the most reeking corner of Copenhagen’s morgue ten years ago and has since presented with a number of splits and also four regular albums from which the band currently promotes last year’s “Misanthropologi” most. UNDERGANG stinks of sulfur and is dripping with poison in a very otherwordly way. Death is called UNDERGANG!!!

02.00 - 02.25 KOVAA RASVAA (FINLAND) Now, this gang will warm up all the Obscene Extreme Festival’s visitors who love the genre diversity. Punk from Finland! What else we could wish for. These ladies and the gentleman will show you what it means Finnish raw punk live. Hardcore blended with thrash with the drummer Otto Itkonen who went through such bands like Selfish, Forca Macabra or Kuolema. Ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome the Finnish hardcore/ punk band KOVAA RASVAA in the line-up for the OEF 2018!!! 02.35 - 03.00 BUT (CZECH REPUBLIC)

South Bohemian grind core tornado BUT (aka БУТ) is not an unknown name in the Czech scene. The band which dates back to 2009 and was originally formed by the members of ex-Exhale, Den Za Dnem and Ingrowing has been considered a dark horse of the UG scene since its inception. And we can only confirm this label despite band’s line-up changes. So ... An uncompromising grind core fire at the Obscene Extreme 2018! But it was clear to you that the OEF is really not a folk festival, is it?

Sunday 22.7.2018 AFTERSHOW PARTY 18.00 - 18.30 ORGAN DEALER 18.45 - 19.15 NASHGUL 19.30 - 20.00 CHEPANG 20.15 - 20.45 SELF DECONSTRUCTION 21.00 - 21.30 THANATOLOGY 21.45 - 22.15 BUTCHER ABC 22.30 - 23.00 VULVODYNIA 23.00 - 00.00 SURPRISE

Ticket: 200 Czech koruna / 8 euro (Shared between playing bands!) BATTLEFIELD - BEER TENTS

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