Mitigating Circumstances 01865 484770
what are they? The University define mitigating circumstances as: Mitigating circumstances are circumstances which are beyond the control of the student and which could not reasonably be accommodated by the student and which seriously impair performance in assessment.
This means that mitigating circumstances (MCs) are factors- normally personal- that have recently arisen and that have had or will have a negative impact on your performance in an assessment. This means that you can only use the MC process if you are due to submit coursework or undergo an examination. Examples of MCs include severe illness or the sudden death of a close family member.
what do i need to prove? The university regulations state that circumstances must fulfil each of the following criteria: ircumstances beyond the control of the C student, and Which could not reasonably accommodated by the student, and Which seriously impair their performance in assessments.
On top of these criteria, if you are submitting after the coursework/exam deadlines, then your MC application will be considered late and you will also need to provide a reason for lateness and provide proof of your reasons. All the information will remain confidential and will only be shown to either a module leader or a mitigating circumstances panel (MCP.)
how do i prove that i have mcs? If you only want to apply for a one week extension on coursework, then you can self certify however it is preferable if you have evidence to submit it. For a longer extension, or for factors relating to examinations, you need to provide evidence of the above three criteria. In these instances you will need to provide a doctor’s certificate, counsellor’s statement, copy of death certificate, or written confirmation of hospital attendance. This list is not exhaustive & other third party evidence will be accepted.
that the circumstances had on you ie a death certificate to prove bereavement as well as a GP/Counsellors letter to prove that you were affected by the death. You must submit evidence as soon as possible to AMO as they will not process your application until they have received it. If you do not have any evidence you must state in the evidence box that you do not have any and why i.e. I have not been to see a GP because….
Your evidence needs to support that your mitigating circumstances exist and the impact
how and when do I need to submit? In all cases you will need to fill out the MC form available on through the link on your Records and Results page on PIP, and then submit your evidence to the Academic Management Office.
you should aim to submit it by the day of the exam.
Extension/Reassessment for coursework: deadline is date the coursework is due.
If you feel that a resit would not be appropriate you can ask in your statement for a disregard – see section below on disregards/deferring the assessment till next academic year.
Exam Reassessment: Deadline is date of Mitigating Circumstances Panel however,
See the flowchart on the next page for further information.
What are the possible outcomes of an accepted MC application? If you have applied for an extension for coursework then it will either be granted or not granted. For MCs in relation to coursework and exams, the options are: llow you to re-sit the exam or resubmit the A coursework
etake the whole module the following R academic year (Disregards) Note: Marks are NEVER amended as a result of mitigating circumstances. You will always need to re-sit or retake the module if the MCP finds that you do have mitigating circumstances.
Disregards/Deferring the assessment until next academic year If you feel that your circumstances will last past the resit period, or that you are not in a position to be able to do a resit, for instance if you did not attend any lectures or tutorials, then you can request a disregard. You will need to tick the option for reassessment and then make it clear in your statement that you are requesting a disregard.
Can I ask for a review of the decision if it’s not what I want? ou can ask for a review if you think that Y The MC panel failed to take account of all evidence or If you think that no ‘fair and reasonable’ person could have arrived at the decision. To request a review you must write/email the Academic Management Office (AMO) outlining why you are submitting your request. A review panel may be convened by
If this is accepted, your mark will be recorded as a disregard for the current academic year and you will be able to retake the module the following academic year. You will need to retake the whole module; you can not just redo part of it.
the Academic Conduct Office and you will be informed of their decision. Please note that they will make their decision based on your original submission which means if you did not provide evidence at the time, you cannot introduce it now. A review is not the same as an appeal. You cannot appeal the decision. See the Advice Centre for more information.
contacts Academic Management Office (AMO) Tel: 01865 483455 Email: Appeals, Complaints, Conduct Office (ACCO) Tel: 01865 484150 Email:
NB: During the 2013/14 academic year, the Academic Management Office, the International Student Advisory Service, the Financial Aid Office, the Graduate Office and the Appeals Complaints & Conduct Office will become part of Student Central which will be based in the John Henry Brookes Building. Information about this will be circulated nearer the time of the move, along with new contact details where appropriate
Module Leader will make a decision and confirm it via letter or email
Submit form and evidence to Module Leader
Gather evidence where possible, self certification will be accepted
Fill out MC form on PIP
1 Week extension on deadline Fill out MC form on PIP
Date of exam or at the latest by the MCP deadline Contact AMO for date
Exam Deadline date of assessment
Fill out MC form on PIP You need to justify why your application is late & supply proof of this
Deadline PASSED:
MCP inform Exam Committee of their decision
Your faculty will notify you of the decision via email
AMO refer matter to MCP Sub Group
AMO refer matter to MCP
If they accept reasons for lateness, ACCO will consider mitigating circumstances & notifcy you of the outcome
AMO reviews reason for lateness & evidence
AMO refer matter to ACCO
Submit form and evidence to AMO If you fail to submit evidence or explain why there is no evidence your form will not be processed
Gather your evidence - this must be from an independent source for example your GP, Hospital, Counsellor or a death certificate. Self certification will not be accepted.
1 to 5 Week extension on deadline
Coursework Deadline date of assessment
Is the assessment coursework or an exam?
Brookes Union Advice
01865 484770